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Digging Deep edition

Previous >>93288593

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 4 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for July 25th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 2-2! Next set of chapters sometime in August?

EX06 Infernal Ascension is out now everywhere!

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for August 9th

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

What other unique/rarely used effects would you like to see more of?
I fucking hate Ace cards
I fucking love Ace cards
There's no way in hell Digi-Burst is coming back at this point, is there?

Nah, too many ways of just making a big stack if you're looking to abuse a certain digiburst mechanic
So what?

You right. Probably wouldn't be any more degenerate than some of the other current decks.
I'm fucking okay with Ace cards
It's not going to come back because there's so little demand for it, but I sure as shit want it.
you just made an enemy for life
fucking fence sitter
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Do we have inheritable "on digivolving" effects? Or am I misunderstanding the once per turn effect on Diaboromon?
>Do we have inheritable "on digivolving" effects?
What do you mean by that?

It's future proofing incase they do make "when digivolving" inherits.

I think blitz takato is the only way to give Evo effects to a digimon right now.
Future proofing I guess. There are cards like Goldramon X that use its evolution card's When Digivolving
I mean I completely botched my phrasing. It was mean to be, 'do we have "When Digivolving" effects that are inheritable?' The once per turn effect implied there were lower level digimon with them, but I couldn't find any.
Seems like >>93355697 and >>93355708 have it sorted though. I just wanted to clarify if we'd seen something to use that effect on yet or if EX6 Diaboromon was stuck just dropping tokens for now. I'll love seeing what they come up with to make use of that.
>Foiling Demons Lords cuz I am a retard
>No bro, you only need one Lilith, she sucks, you only want her name
>Everyone is playing 2
Why is her art so good... I don't wanna spend more money....
Gammamon level 5s all copy the effects of their sources, and we have one for every color but white.
Ex06 is so fucking expensive, why is not being opened more.

Lillith has some funny interactions with her effects though. She can tell Paildramon to kill himself and partition won't trigger.
I am playing 3, People saying she sucks are just wrong. She's not as good as Beelzemon or Daemon but she's definitely the second best of the lot.
>BT16 still expensive
>EX6 still expensive
I mean, good I guess but I hope to god BT17 will get better
Why is Beelzemon AA 40 dollars above creepy AA. Both are run x4 and neither are run in any other deck.
Popular digimon,t hat's really it.
It's basically waifu tax tier.
just need to pick up an AA Paladin mode, I already have the money for it but hoping it’s not like $80
hes used in the beelze deck iv been told
at least from a guy at my locals who said it was better in beelze and that 7gdl is a bad deck after he got the floor wiped with him by everyone else when he ran it.

he also didn't know a lot of the rulings that imo are very important to piloting the deck so lmao
but it wouldn't surprise me if there are a lot of other people like that, he definitely seems like the "average player" so to speak.

Beelz can be run in a beelz deck and can actually do something if played off baalmon's effect
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>Crimson Ace over Megidra Ace to kill 20k dp worth of shit, i.e their whole board.
It's a shame so many decks just no sell that but this is so funny to nail people with.
I just wish the BT17 stuff didn't have that annoying "if you have 0 or less memory" stuff tagged onto them.
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Im just so fucking tired guys.
sorry anon but should've bought the dip. i got em at 9.99
Why did it become expensive? I got mine for 4 Dollarydoos.
A day ago. I paid 11 for my copies on release but still man.
>$11 on release

For a playset right? What the fuck
>19 United States dollars is seen as prohibitively expensive for a single card
I fucking wish, man
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Prices used to be so much cheaper during the first day/midnight but it hasnt been that great starting from bt16.
its a a good general purpose green/yellow support card. its ex6 premiere ace like Valkyriemon was for bt16

>ACE version of monzae x

I mean, the potential for absurd BS free plays is what's doing it, in addition to removing something off your opponent
I am at 3 of her also. Barbamon is the only demon lord I think is a waste of space and refuse to run. Would rather have Beelz X or 7th Full Cluster, or anything else. BT8 Creepymon feels like a better option
huh maybe I will play this in Etemon and up my EX5 Chuumon to 4
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its funny too cause people in these threads were calling it a do nothing card when it first dropped
>pick up Imperial AAs in prerelease for $35
>release week they go up to $50+
holy fuck, like I already had the money aside for the AAs so I was already expecting like $50 for them since thats what the JP prices where but Im still thankful I got them cheaper
Do you guys think Bandai increasing production of One Piece is what’s cutting into Digimon’s supplies? One Piece was getting reprints and more restocks around the time bt16 dropped.
[Hand] [Counter] [Blast Digivolve]
[When Digivolving] [Opponents turn] Win the Game
Blast Aces without taunt effects are fine cause you are accepting the risk of them possibly blast acing you, plus you may have a way to punish them for it. Taunt effects that force a blast ace are fucking gay.
>option card
>on a digimon
>playable on opponent's turn
Ace was a fucking mistake
You mean like options from security?
Except this time its not random and gives the defending player some control over its activation, giving them possible plays while opponent unga bungas their security 5 to 0 in one go. You know, the thing you people bitched about non stop for years.
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fucking faggot ass card
I'm assuming they want to make some rainbow Liberator deck and that's why it wasn't colour locked
But still deeply stupid card design
Slamming into Gaia Force or something doesn't give the other guy advantage. Meanwhile, playing Valkyriemon ACE produces the same effect (destroys the attacking digimon), except now the defender is left with a strong level 6.
Okay, so what? You have access to the same tools and more options to work around it than you would with security options.
Skill issue
aces are fine
force to attack so you get an ace is annoying but its not the worst but there isn't much you can do and really should be limited to just option cards
hard play digimon that forces you to attack AND goes into a very strong ace on top of that same card is fucking dumb.
aces should have stayed at level 5s only
I shudder to think of what power crept bs they would do to make a blue level 5 ace stronger than Zudomon
aces were the buff black needed, dedigivolve being stronger is great.
Yet the most dominant decks don't rely on either of these for their gameplan.

Yet it still didn't get a single decent generic egg
Wish the resale on these cards were on par with Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. I have an entire set of the first generation cards I can't offload.
bandai’s dumbasses thought making a bunch of uninteractable 15k bodies a good idea

Mother should be limited to 1.

Realistically, D-reaper won't ever have 2 out for 99% of their games and mother has most been an enabler for really niche but interesting combos
The one problem with that would be that it makes any deck that can actually swing into and over Mother even more of an auto-win. Even if D-Reaper isn't seeing any real play it's still shitty game design.
mother really should not have been 15k thats the issue
11 or 12k would have been very reasonable
>opp passes me 3 mana on turn 2 so I slam Dragon Mode Boat and start cranking out anime twinks
when is the sim getting new cards?

If mother gets outed by one of the more uncommon mechanics out there then it's fair. Decks should have a bad matchup every now and then. This would also shake up D-reaper decks by forcing them to run DP boosts and black tai to help keep mother alive.
Maybe but I haven't heard anyone boy being able to get product and we don't have scalpers (But maybe the market is so small some people are just manipulating the market)

I think the game is just a tad more popular than before and card usage has upshifted to higher rarities and boxes have more srs with the same amount of hits.
Whats wrong with Mother now
One of the Liberator Tamers giving it Blocker.
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Anybody else been building fish?

The deck seems surprisingly strong but the sequencing is giving me a bit of a headache. Space also seems super competitive at multiple levels which is annoying. I'm trying something akin to this, but I might get some Vikemon ACEs in instead of Plesio. I love that I have so many options, but it's giving me a bit of a hard time on figuring out what feels best at the same time.



Oh no.
Buyout. Plus this set has been hard as fuck to even find for some reason. I’m glad Diaboro is the only thing I really wanted out of this. Might pick up the fish stuff too if LM has a Seadramon reprint.
Honestly as good as that Seadra is, I feel like between Xique, BT15 Seadra, and Ebidramon, you'd be fine with that for a level 4 slot. Ebidra gives blocker and unsuspends which works well with the deck since it can unsuspend via Huankun's when attacking inherit so if you line things up right you can do 3 jamming swings with Xiangpeng which is crazy to me.
> I'm assuming they want to make some rainbow Liberator deck and that's why it wasn't colour locked
More likely it’s cause Bandai is retarded desu. I’m interested in playing Pteromon deck too so it’s going to suck if it ends up getting limited because they were too stupid to put the word green in there. This is the of the few times I’d be ok with an errata.
Liberators would be real different if he just had Mother D Reaper as an egg and made it a blocker.
Wouldn't the MC just lose the first duel and the story end?
Yes, the first duel was against an iceclad deck.
Heavyleomon deck should be banned. Fortitude can't be dealt with
Have you tried bottomdecking it?
Or source stripping
Man cannot deal with the indomitable symbol of Courage
Just play Tyrant. They can’t touch you unless they use Giant Missile or Boss Punch.
Tyrant is fun, I'm glad bugs got a good deck.
Dedigi, bottom deck, bounce, send to security, blanket dp minus of 15k to field
There are ways
the new promo megakabuterimon with bt17 is going to be a nice addition to the deck
I disliked how bad the level 5's felt as the game progressed and it having solid defense just by existing as well as a good aggressive inheritable is pretty nice imo
not reading all that
Promo MegaKabu is going to be a big boost. Mad we have to wait another 6 months for scrambles and Shiva Ace.
I wouldn't call december 13th 6 months, but yeah, a lot of decks I play really want to run scramble as a 2 of
I need scramble so bdly for shinegrey that this isnt funny.
Why are people seemingly so opposed to rotation?
For this game, it's due to how deck building is designed. Take 2-3 bt sets and 1-2 ex sets and the vast majority of archetypes/decks simply don't have enough cards to work.
Power creep effectively rotates the vast majority of cards anyway. What would it achieve besides killing decks that don't get either a full deck or multiple waves of support in a block?
i never understand the rotation argument.
Why not just organize tier/theme nights at locals?
one anon said they do Pauper nights at his
Personally I just like having access to a full range of cards so I can pick and choose what I like rather than be limited to whatever shit comes out during the season
rotation isn't needed
cards that are problematic can just be banned or restricted, the rest having multiple sets of support for an archetype just adds decisions to deck building rather than auto deciding stuff.

A lot of it also has to do with the design of cards and how the game is archetype focused vs just color focused.
An example of why rotation would just harm the game is look at the upcoming diaboromon support in bt17 (and what ex6 just had), its not going to be a top tier deck, but it synergizes with the old support and the fact that old support ALREADY had a searcher means a new searcher isn't needed, a new searcher that trashes was printed to work with clock of the end but the other keramon added has a unique warp effect when your opponent digivolves, as opposed to archetypes just always having a new searcher printed we can get more unique effects.
Look at bt16 patamon digivolving cheaper from hand at start of main phase instead of just being a new searcher for angel/free types

Rotation is great if deck building a lot looser and cards have less design space to interact with the game mechanics without just outright power creeping out other things, but then you get key word focused deck building and that has its own problems and no rotation is just better
you buy the card, you have the card, it doesn't go away, its going to useful today, tomorrow, in a year, and as long as the game exists, maybe it will be power crept so run 4 of the stronger card and 2 of the older weaker card because the effect is still good, but its still a useful card.
When is the sim gonna update?
Because I want to be able to play with the cards I own, you retard.

>but power creep basically rotates anyway!
No it doesn't. You can still use every old card, even if it's suboptimal. And I ESPECIALLY do not want to rebuy a card I already own with a different block number on it.
tomarrow? Fuck yeah
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>okay we're introducing set rotation ehhhh hey diaboromon player, you're not allowed to use those bt2 kera/kurisari, or your bt5 arata sanada!!!!
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So many decks still use cards from the first few sets of the game, it's idiotic to try to take those away in favor of everyone playing the same 4 decks in a given format.
Jade Memory Boost
This card may also have its color requirements met by blue.
[Main] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 green or blue Digimon card among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of deck. Then, place this card in the battle area.
[Main] <Delay> (After this card is placed, by trashing it the next turn or later, activate the effect below.)
・Gain 2 memory.

There are similar cards for Red (Black), Yellow (Purple), Black (Yellow), Purple (Green) and Blue (Red)
>programed obsolescence

There you have it. Just ban/restrict the trouble card instead of a whole set.
Thanks, anon. I wish we got a Jade Training instead. I have issue with finding cheap ways to pass memory to the enemy. The last few rounds of changes to my decklist have definitly made it worse.
greymon bros where we at?
can actually mix lines now
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This nigga is so cool but holy shit does his deck suck atm.
Its not that he's bad, he just don't have a full deck worth of support around it.
My favorite thing about it is that the new orochi and nidhogg are great belphemon support.
It just feels like you work so hard for a relatively small payoff, the "no hand" thing is a big ask even if Yuki and the Egg let you circumvent it a bit, wish the pay offs were more notable than "cheat out a decent blocker" and passing Sec +1 to the board.
Maybe it does just need a second line for more consistency,
Valk Ace x1
set all aces to one actually
especially zudomon
which of the starter decks, if any, are still decent at this point? in terms of being close to a functional deck
Revert the game to BT5 but ban LordKnightmon
>tfw want to downsize
>none of my decks are likely going to be worth anything
>knowing my luck, the moment I sell, they will get a wave of support.

I genuinely think Ravemon is dead in the water, as sad as that makes me to say.
Ragna is plenty with the EX6 stuff. The promo zubamon is useful but I've seen people run lists without it and do fine.
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Fuck it I bought a mirei since she was my favorite design in redigitized.
Do i really need 3 in mastemon? I feel like the deck already has a shitton of problems with memory so adding more tamers is just hell.

you don't need 3 but it is probably the recommended amount. She's designed to work really well with the other mirei.
>probably the recommended amount.
So basically may as well get 2 more.
Goddammit. I already bought 1 for collection purposes so may as well get the last 2.
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So this was my original liust for this bitch when she was shown. Any recs of what to change/remove for the third mirei?
Ragna uses almost nothing from the starter deck other than the Bryweludramon and the Ludomon but even the Ludomon might not be necessary.
Are you including the advanced starter decks? Beelze is still kind of meta and doesn't require too many cards to make into it's meta build. Bunnies is less meta, but still not a bad deck. Otherwise, I think maste and imperial use the most cards from their starters but require a lot cards that aren't in it

A lot of other players I know playing maste are cutting down on the options cause it's better to find your pieces ASAP. Maste Ace is basically a chaos deg anyways.
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anyone knows a good place to pre-order cards from bt17?
don't buy the presales
Anyone else just do a prerelease or 2 as the only packs you buy from a set? My LGS has had supply issues so a few times it was all I was able to buy
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id cut 1 of the flame hellscythe or chaos deg (probably chaos deg down to 2)

pic related is what I am running
too many options can be very clunky in the deck that wants to find a lot of stuff and multiples of it
I need some rule help
I was playing Phoenixmon X and when my pile died I had several triggers waiting, play an 11k, return 1, return 1 and trash a security. I trashed the security, then returned a phoenixmon, and then when I went to play it by the effect my oponent said that if I did not complete all my on deletion effects before that, that when I played the phoenixmon it's on play would mean that I would "lose the timeing" on my on deletions and I wouldn't be able to complete them. That didn't make sense to me, but it was also relevant later with Sora and Garudamon X, where I wanted to give the digi I played with Sora rush with Garudamon X after playing it.
Is that right, how does that work?Why would an effect I'm forced to make just not happen because another effect went on top of it?
I do pre-release and prize support, but nothing else.
Once in a blue moon I'll get a box.
They are bullshitting you.
Things are still in trash, so any pending on deletions would be still in the queue, heck, playing the phoenixmon is part of an "on deletion" what would happen when you play the Phoenixmon is that its on play would trigger and resolve first before continuing with the rest of the on deletions (If we are talking about BT15, that is).
Garudamon X's rush reads:
"[On Play] [When Digivolving] You may return 1 red Digimon card from your trash to the hand. "
"[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When a red card returns from your trash to the hand, 1 of your Digimon gains <Rush> (This Digimon can attack the turn it comes into play) for the turn."
So you can absofuckinglutly return something with its own on-play and then give himself rush.
Thanks. I'll hesitantly get rid of 1 CD than. God 40 dollars a tamer hurts.
I wanted rapid X but it is the same price too but I can see it dropping unlike waifutax SEC
I don't know the specific interaction you are talking about, but if the top card of your stack left the trash before activating all its on deletions then it will not be able to activate them.
Missing the timing is a Yugioh thing though, Digimon doesn't have that.
This is how it operates on the sim so I assume there's some basis for it.
Okay, In the second scenario I mentioned, I return a card from my trash, and then my Sora and my Garudamon X trigger. First I return Sora to play a phoenixmon, phoenixmon triggers and deletes something, and then Garuda gives it rush. Is that correct? The on play of phoenix would not stop my garuda x trigger, right?
Effects in Digimon have 2 parts: trigger and activation.
Trigger is when the conditions for activation are met (eg. on deletion), activation is when you actually apply the effect.

The only time an effect that meets its trigger won't be able to activate is if the card moved to a location other than where it triggered. In the case of a Digimon's on deletion effect, the top card of the stack has to remain in trash to use the effect.
To use a simple version
BT14 Etemon with BT14 Chuumon as its evolution card is deleted.
Two effects activate and I choose the order
>This card is placed at the bottom of security (Etemon)
>One of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP (Chuumon)
If I activate Etemon first it is no longer in the trash and Chuumon does not activate
>If I activate Etemon first it
By "it" I mean The Digimon
Nah do because half the cards go higher than presale prices and then you miss out on them
From what I've seen, he is less a deck and more a MegidrACE/CrimsonModeACE engine.
Will still build him, with all 4 AAs
Just started playing DCGO and all my opponents are retarded. Is that normal?
Well my friend just sold me the last mirei+3 aces for 55 usd. I can do a ton worse.
Are you playing on Brazil servers?
You're joking right ? Only 1 SR I bought on release is the same price or more compared to prerelease and it's lucemon.
Cherubi ace a nd Ragna are higher
Holy shit this meta is so hostile for 7GDL

>Ukko decks are too fast
>can't even touch Magna X
>the mirror is a nightmare

I want to play the deck but it seems like I'm gonna have a bad time any time I take it to tournament.
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How bout no?
Depends on the set for me bt16 I got 3 boxes cause I wanted to play bunnies and valk and vike ace are good in etemon ex7 I just ordered the 3 angels aces to have options for etemon and the ragnalord stuff cause it's cheap. I've got 2 boxes of 17 preordered already and I'll probably pre order another 2 next locals.
A friend is starting and his favorite mon is shakkoumon.

How competitive can I build his deck? It obviously doesn't need to beat Nume but like 2-2 at locals is fine while he learns.
>>How competitive can I build his deck?
It's pretty damn good
>temporary immunity, Blocker, DNA, Partition, de-digi, and access to black and yellow ACES
It's fine, you can definitely make stuff happen.
Biggest issue is pushing for game
Ragna was 14.99 pre release so it's cheaper now.

Cherubi was 14.99 also so it is more expensive now but it was also 9 dollars a few days ago.
Biggest obstacle will be getting the promo Armadillomon which are essential for the deck to work. Patamon is good too but doesn't need a playset.
Do you know of a website of where I could buy for pre sale?

also I am relatively new on the digimon card game and so far my experience with the community has been quite bitter. Srsly these folks are the greediest shameless starving cunts.

You buy your cute terriermon deck, they hound you for the promos. you act nice with them and they want to trade your 3 usd promo for 2 cards of 15 cents..
Or want to charge you 7 usd for a card that on the shop is for sale at 3. What a way to burn bridges with a newcomer. Not even in yugioh are they this shameless... you give them kindness then they act like greedy skeksis.
Is this the true face of this tcg? I may just burn it or give it for free to an actual friend than sell it to bastards.
Sounds like a bad scene. People at my store just give away their excess cards
Just ignore moochers and slimy types and focus on getting cards you want/like
>>Is this the true face of this tcg?
Thats just tcg in general. Everyone is always a part of """"the hustle"""".
Also your locals sounds like ass.
Did the simulator update?
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so funny that the LM alt arts that we could get are Deathxmon, Shinegreymon RM and then shit like Sistermon (x2) and Rares from BT16
>X-Antibody player inexplicably plays that option and decks out in a game they were probably going to win if my security was bad
Yes. It now mines bitcoin to cover costs.
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What happened to make this card jump up in price? It happened on the 13th/14th, just a sudden spike. I don't see any topping lists with the card in any deck.
Also he's freshly out of HPD in this illustration.
People just realized how strong it was, mostly.
Low supply plus strong generic ability that can be used in multiple decks, as well as a popular casual archetype (bunny alliance).
It's a strong card but it doesn't really have a place in any strong decks right now. Which is what is making me confused.
It's decent in Numemon, though Valk is better. 3GA plays it.
>decent in Numemon
it has like no targets to play in Numemon, it doesn't use yellow level 3's and many don't use either of the yellow level 4's either
You can currently play 8 yellow Numemon, not to mention the Starmon tech.
Again, the normal build is obviously better.
I dont think BT17 Imperial is as good as people think. Alot of cards that seem good in a vacuum but the deck loses to alot of things. Like the deck is good but not as busted as people think
it put up results in japan and in bt16 is already a strong deck thats topped events
so if its only getting more support and more power and other top decks aren't getting anything new then I don't think its unreasonable to consider it quite good.

is it necessarily the best deck? no, I don't think so, maybe i'm wrong, but thats not very relevant as it will still be strong regardless
He actually got a playset of those. He is lacking top end, was thinking of Seraphi for bt14.
seraphi is definitely okay, some venus as well can be solid
magna x is also pretty good in the deck as well as ruin mode, valk ace is also quite powerful in it
>I'll build my own Shakkoumon deck! With Blackjack! And Hookers!
Nume is a lot stronger IMO. Imperial is also a very popular deck, I think more due to the starter and all support since being SR or lower, so it will get more results due to more representation. Although Imperial can just run away with the game off of a good hand, but a lot decks seem to do that.
It's good. The deck is already good and the option is really annoying, plus Paladin Mode ACE can be a blowout.

We can't all be Ukkomon turbo decks.
Yeah, that sounds solid actually. Like make it a tool set deck or something.
I hate ukko. It's defined too much of the game
the Y/B geremon still see's play
even then the decks deal is already setting up the board state for monzaemon X to do the exact same effect anyway, you don't need the free body to get the value
>critical bugs
>on the day of release
Lmao, these losers are so out of their depth its not even funny.
Does Iceclad delete mother d, it should be unaffected? It would need to be 15 to crash or 16 otherwise
With how it's gone so far, it's pretty obvious their experience is mostly from watching tutorials on youtube.
I relooked up Iceclad, I understand now.
Only going to get worse when bt16 is out and now we have to deal with 8 Ukko Blue Hybrid too. They just need to limit the damn things and be done with it.

I bet it's cause of 7GDL. The deck has so many mini interactions that would cause some of the programming to shit the bed.
the shop that I frequent does not have digimon but it will have next year. Until then I only have in the shit shop. Still I am bitter, you offer them kindness and then they act like trash. But next time I will rub it on their face like... dude you acted this way for 3 usd cards. If you where in need of 20 you could had just asked, I would had told you, clean my card and they are yours... rather than burn a bridge that they will regret.

Anyways, what website could I pre order the dukemon stuff from secret crisis? Also SHOULD I wait for a new Offensive training artwork? or should I get them already? Yes I am currently living in mexico so cards here are more expensive and folks are leaving digimon... after going through that experience I cannot blame them. Makes me wish I had spent my money on pokemon instead.
yeah, but here they are greedy cunts. I used to be like what you just mentioned among my group. I was trying to cultivate something like that but... these people are no bueno.
Digimon is a second banana. It's honestly not worth most stores having singles in stock. Yes wait for the reprint in the starters because prices are probably fucked in Mexico as Bandai doesn't see Spanish as a language worth spending the money to translate cards into. No idea for sites unless you've got a friend or family member in the US to order for you and you just pay them. Bandai's distribution system is dicey for even the US. You do you and find what fun you can find
The new 3 muskateer options will wreck the entire client. Imperial fighter ACE doesn't work properly as is. They have no idea how to make those options work and have a terrible frameworks and logic design that they can't really catch up. Partially because a lot of professional coders, like some anons here have said, would see the project and just say that it needs to be built from scratch from the fuck awful job they've done so far. [spoiler}How in the fuck did they think coding each card individually was a good idea? I swear Comp Sci 101 covered basic class structure in a way that no one would be that stupid[/spoiler]
yeah I am sending my cards to an aunt that lives in Murrica. Getting the dukemon deck that way because I dont want to do business in Mexico when it comes to digimon cards anymore. Unless its sealed product which then again is still pricey. I feel a bit bitter but this gave me motivation to get my dukemon deck together and destroy them all with the new expansion of secret crisis. this is why I am looking for where I can purchase singles.
So it's going to go greatly off topic but I can explain a large part of why you are fucked in Mexico. Bad news is I will be using English because my Spanish is just terrible after years of not using it.
>Mega Digimon Assembly not implemented
There goes my whole reason for wanting to play the sim for ex6.
Fuckers admitted they coded bt16 imperial DM's eff by just using an array of card ID's instead of searching the card's name like the eff actually does. They forgot to add bt12 Imperial FM to the list, and that's why he won't evolve with the eff.
Lmao, DCGO devs just admitted blast jogress is broken at launch. Someone please ban these fuckers from touching a computer. Captcha related: GAY0
Blocker mother is going to be pure cancer to play against but a Snowagumon being able run it over is funny.
Go ahead. I know my english well. I may miss type here and then, I could correct but I am lazy about it sometimes. Please tell me what you want to say.
Project Drasil is the better option tbqh
I've been having issues of the ACE not recognizing the dragon mode underneath and not triggering the full <when attacking> effect.

spoilering just in case for mods You guys get a much smaller supply due to price parity. $5USD is way too much in Pesos compared to earnings, but everything in the case of Digimon is made in Japan and at their prices. So they really can't go too low in price to make it more affordable. Also, I think they just don't care or don't understand on a corporate level. Duel links and Master Duel does incredibly well partially due to how affordable it is in Mexico, Central, and South Amreica. Couple that with Bandai as a company not viewing Spanish as something worth spending the money to translate the cards into and then print in that language, vendor s know that the majority of their clientele are going to know English as at worst a second language, which generally, again emphasizing greater patterns here, means you might have more money to spend for how literacy in other languages breaks down. Yes, I'm heavily glossing over functional English and Spanglish, that's related but different. So you are dealing with a much more limited supply and vendors looking to fuck over rich kids and just fucked. There's more I should go into but I would need to call up one of my best friends that is less into TCGs but from Mexico to hash out and I'm fucking exhausted from work
please bring him in when you are not tired. The usd its way cheaper for us now than what it used to be. Back then it was 20 pesos, then dropped to 16.80 but its now roughly around 17.50 "do to the election fraud"
problem is second market is greedy as fuck over here. So 15 cent cards will be going for3.50 usd. Shops sell the product way higher than what they do in the u.s. probably because of import stuff. Our government its dogshit I know. this is why I am looking where to pre order secret crisis on the u.s.

English or spanish has never been an issue. For example players would rather purchase english product rather than spanish product in other card games. This is a fact. We got used to it since the video game console era "first nintendo entertainment system" where you had to play them in english
Still shit bud. That's kind of the underlying value. You have to go from Yen prices to produce to USD dollars for international transportation with paper weight being very heavy. What pesocs trade to USD means a lot less when you realize no one wants Pescos internationally
hmm but then why is yugioh. magic and pokemon way cheaper? also one piece is a success over here.
also where can I pre order my secret crisis box or singles in us?
Give me your best Shakko lists.
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that's mean anon.
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>5 promo cody
I do this at locals a lot
Run Alts of cards alongside regular over the 4 count and don’t say anything because no one ever catches me haha
I’ve won so many boxes off it too
nta but I'm here visiting the folks and they have fucking FOW at card shops, One Piece (though this could likely be chalked up to brand recognition), Pokemon,YGO, and MTG in both languages, but no Digimon, it's pretty crazy. I think the app only lists evens at around a dozen locations in the whole country.
I don't get this deck, your big payoff is killing a lvl 5 (maybe, sometimes not)

Meanwhile I can play Azoonglongmon and do it for free, or play a paildra and clear the board. Whats even the point of this deck.
u keep their board clear over and over until they run out of threats, if they don't keep developing threats u just kill them with ur fat board
its a high tempo control deck
stuff thats able to come out quickly and remove shit is a big swing
>relies on slowly building a board while putting one digimon into your opponent's security at a time
>and they have fucking FOW at card shops
They're still releasing new booster sets so clearly SOMEONE'S buying them. Or was it unsold Millennia of Ages boxes from 2015?
removing ur opponents threat and setting up an immune to digimon effects guy who threatens to blast is quite strong
the entire deck is "you can't play or board and need to directly go to a lvl 6", even if you kill it then its partitions out
the magna x version threatens more but anons version her just destroys any threat you put on board while developing its own board

its a control deck that consistently makes high tempo plays.
i keep telling myself i'll play dcgo again when they fix it i haven't played since they implemented bt16 and i dont think they'll ever catch up
If they ever decide to go open source instead of trying to "hire" do it for free people, I would imagine a large spike in improvement. At least most minor bugs would be knocked out within a week. I am pretty sure they are just embarrassed about how their code looks like.
it is so fun that some decks get tamers that do 10 things and get played for free and others are just like sometimes getting value from analboy
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yeah my old locals for yugioh when i was a kid had this shameless faggot always trying to get free stuff cause he was "poor" always talked about not having money but like some of them would "borrow" decks and say someone stole it the other day, fuck i remember when i had buddyfight locals and after i did a trade w one dude, i bought a box and he got mad at me saying i should have told him i was gonna buy another one like i dont need to tell him i was buying boxes, they hound for the expensive and try to buy for cheap, they are all a bunch of disgusting kikes
Kind of an unfortunate limitation of the source material. Some Digimon species just never got to be partner Digimon. Life isn't fair.
Does anyone have a Vortex Warrior list I can steal.
I was able to tolerate the DCGO bugs, bros... this time I went to test Xiangpengmon because I've been playing this shitty deck for fun since Aegisdramon was first released, watching it get incremental buffs and yet falling further behind. I tried to resolve the birb, ready to stunt on fools. The fucker can return itself to hand. The fucker also cannot play a Digimon when something is added to its sources. What the FUCK?
>ex6 is just as broken as bt16 was
>half of the bt16 bugs are still a thing
Why do people bother with DCGO? The average game is wildly different from a paper/drasil game because of the bugs. Losing/winning because of a bug feels real fucking stupid, and it happens WAY too often.
The worst part is that unlike other autosims, the more popular decks have the most bugs. Other sims test the shit out of the most played decks and jank goes untested. These guys aparently just test that the game doesn't crash and then release.
That's one funky looking SR 2.0 box.
Better than the false advertisement of the 1. 0 box
Depends on if Zeed makes it in.
Hope they have the decency to put both Royal Base lines in this set if it’s taking half of bt19.
I love poroze
Kinda eye-rapey
>Hope they have the decency to put both Royal Base lines in this set if it’s taking half of bt19.
Probably will since it was revealed in english first
dumb question, does DCGO automatically updates?
it's supposed to but they can't even get that right
Lmao even
DCGO is developed by a cs student from Brazil. Don't expect anything like that to work properly.
whatever the latest version they are on, that you had to download, is supposed to have it. They have not done any updates since though, so no idea if it actually works.
I love fish. The hardest part right now is the space. We should probably be playing Ice Wall right now, but the space is so tight it's hard to justify the inclusion. I need to lab with Xiangpeng because before I was using a Plesio X version intending to just be as consistent as possible. Goma X over Goma, then MegaSeadra's inherit to replay Goma S while Plesio X bounced a dude and permanently had Ice Wall up was so much fun. Do you like Penguinmon? I cut it forever ago for floodgates and can't talk myself into using it over BT15 Betamon, EX6 Biyomon, or ye olde Goma. It seems like lots of people like Crabmon too, which I haven't used in quite a while
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How the fuck am I supposed to get the Journey to the West decks to work. I get the whole "DigiXros Sanzomon and pray" then summon Shakamon and fucking explode because of how expensive he is to summon.
Hola Guadalupe o La Chichos
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Should I only buy singles? or pre-order boxes? I got an offer of $60 by a shop. For bt17. I am only trying to get the Dukemon stuff.
Singles is always cheaper.
how much do you think those alternates will go off for?
If you're somehow getting a box for 60$ on release, you are very likely to make the money back.
The good thing is Dukemon stuff is Crimson Mode is SR and the rest is R and lower. The bad news is Crimson Mode slapped into any red deck as a lv7 blast. So for a play set of all you are probably at anywhere from 50-100 dollars.

I am assuming crimson modes will be 20 each. If you are lucky they are 10 for normal alt.
I've read the Xros manga recently because I wanted to see what old digimon would receive support.
DAMN Milleniumon is wild, I totally understand why they started printing half its deck in bt18 and I am really curious to see how DarkKnightmon will work with Nene and Zeed. It will be a mess for sure, the older cards will probably be unplayable.
Also Lilithmon (Hair down) is pure sex.
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well at least that bumps the chance for a SEC up again, even if it's one I wouldn't use
if I get even a single sistermon I will vomit
I wanted to complain "damn, sec again", but realised its the same card. I just want her in my collection, not even necessarily to play her.
I don't understand, how does that "bumps the chance for a SEC up again" and what's up with sistermons? I may be out of the loop on news.
Virgin colors: Blue, Purple, Green
Chad colors: Red, Black, Yellow
Not that anon, but Quantumon is the last of the alt art reprints that we're getting as part of the Special Limited Set in December. Which means 3 out of the 8 reprints are of a SEC card, but also 2 of the reprints are the ST-12 Sistermons. You're guaranteed to pull all of the new LM3 and LM4 cards in the box, but its random which alt art reprints you get.
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I hate this stupid fucking card so much, holy shit. Dedigi -1 and rush wasn't enough, no, lets give it dedigi-2 for shits and giggles.
We're getting the LM 3 & 4 cards in the Special Limited Set in December.
It's a box of 6 packs with 9 cards each, containing 2 copies of 26 new text cards (Scrambles, Aces and Gem Memory Boosts, plus some mystery cards we don't know yet) and then 2 of 8 possible alt arts.
>ST Sistermon Blanc
>ST Sistermon Ciel
>ShineGreymon RM
>Grankuwagamon ACE
>BT16 Imperialdramon
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The last alt art is BT12 Chaosdramon X-antibody
oh yeah
Need. NEED.

Also FUCK I was considering cutting it for Cherubi ACE, but I can't very well now.
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>Also Lilithmon (Hair down) is pure sex.

Would you play four of this?

Nuestro tiempo llegará.
Yeah Dedigi 2 is a bit much.
God I fucking hate that security magnamon
your trash from sec effs?
Both Beelzemon and 7GDL desperately needed some effect other than just deletion to control board.
>beat numemon player with ex6 angels
>fag is mad so he goes afk
Why are all "competitive" players so damn salty?
They were fine with dedigivolve-1. -2 AND rush was excessive.
Lmao, DCGO devs are total hacks. Hoe is an eff as simple as Seraphi ACE's broken?
It's the same reason people get road rage. Something happens that upsets you, but since you aren't face to face you don't get the subtle ways people apologize or lighten the mood, so any way they wrong you feels brazen and disrespectful.
If someone beats you badly IRL and sits there stoneyfaced and stoic, ignoring your emotional reaction (intentional or otherwise), you would probably get pissed too.
>malaysians working as hard as possible to prove they are worse devs than poos
Does alliance stack? If i attack with an alliance digimon, activate it, evolve on attack to another alliance digimon, can I activate it again? If so, that is fucking bonkers
No, because when you evo into the next one it is already attacking, so you can't activate any of its When Attacking effects (which Alliance is)
However, if you have a Digimon with two separate instances of Alliance, those DO stack
Oh I see, that makes sense.
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Is there a reason to run this in tyrant at all?
Dedigi 2 is a pretty big f u. Im fine with 1.
>Regional victory for Ragna
sumimasen nani the fuk
I feel like I am too retarded to play Ragna
Uninteraction in this game is so fucking stupid.
Numemon has been using it, apparently.
>archetype focused vs just color focused.
The way purple tends to eschew that is why it's so hard to balance and why it has the most banned cards among colors.
MiniDavis, nice.
/dcg/ has ot be the most whiny place I have ever seen, Jesus Christ.
Here's a positive take: i respect them for making so many promos available in the new reprint set.
Well yeah. Every other place doesnt allow you to do anything else other than suck franchises cock or risk getting banned for wrong think aw.
There is a difference between sharing your disagreement and talking like an old man at a retirement house.
yeah thats very true and why its been such an issue.
>give alliance Turuiemon alliance with lopmon
>suspend both Lopmon and Terriermon Assist with alliance
>evolve into Antylamon
>14k sec +2
>1st check is Trident Gaia so I lose both my stack and a security
It's not bad to just run over stuff and get memory back off the Tentomon inherit. It's like a side grade to promo Kuwagamon. I personally wouldn't play more than 2 of it
the big problem is that for your digimon to suspend you would need to declare an attack, which means you can't attack the same thing you are suspending.
it requires a much more elaborate setup to use the inheritable.
the when digivolving for the suspend is definitely not bad and its not a bad secondary lvl 4, but there are better lvl 4 insects so its not that great, definitely not unplayable, but id definitely max out bt15 kabuterimon over this so its kind of like... not much space to fit this guy in
Unrestrict GranKuwagamon you fucks
If it had an on play too it might be worth considering, but for the effects it has, Dokugumon is straight better.
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Analboy reprint
This is the best set of LM reprints yet I think
Shame we won't get them lmao
Isn't that just Izzy?
Wow! MetalGreymon and MetalMamemon!
Based DW1 chad
>wont get them
Are you assuming or is that confirmed?
I mean we'll probably "get them" as fuckass distributions that don't help the availability of the promos
We won't get them in the LM box
Hey retard, dedigi-1 is a-tier removal. Dedigi-2 for 6 mem at most is fucking retarded.

Please understand, beelz needs a way to out a machinedramon stack.

-john bandai
Delusional scrub.
anon if this card is so weak why are so many copies of it played in all of these decks?
its almost like dedigivolve is an incredibly strong effect and there is a reason it was limited to black except is scarce quantity

its very strong
Explain how dedigi-2 on a 6 cost or less card is reasonable.
He's an impmon crackhead and is happy that his deck can actually steal wins again once in a while.
I can understand thinking its not OP, busted, imbalanced, or whatever people want to say
but not even being acknowledge its strong is straight up mental
It isn't weak. It's a good card, but it's nothing to cry about.

Because you have to consider the context of the rest of the deck.
It's RKs on steroids. RKs would kill for dedigi-2. They'd be happy with -1.
lol no
I hate playing Beelze, it's too luck reliant and linear.

Noone said that, retard.
RK has much more utility than 7GDL, you have no idea what you're talking about.
I play both decks. RK is a lot more versatile, but 7GDL can setup it's wincon easier. 7GDL is an overall better deck, but ironically RK is better against both Numemon and Magna X.
Penguin's interesting. Some people swear by it, but I'm on the fence myself. I might try new Biyo for a bit, but Crab is solid because he will give a stack jamming when needed AND tuck another source under it.
yeah De-digi 2 is a bit much. I think it'd be fine with de-digi 1 and rush.
Vadermon is de digi 3 for 7,
Yet nobody plays it.
If you were around long enough you would know that what is considered the best removal changes over time. Devolution used to be so bad, it was almost like giving your opponent an advantage. It it were taken away you'd be whining about aces, and if those were taken away you would be whining about mindless rush decks.
If you think its so good then put your money on it and make a deck focused around this effect and win a continental championship.
Nearly every single one of you whiny asses' bitching can be summed up as "i want my deck to be unstoppable and be the only person in the world playing it"
Absolute children
*potentially de-digi 3 for 7

but I agree with the rest of your post. I'm just being a faggot.
No you fucking faggot. Vadermon is AWLAYS dedigi 3 for 7. Beezlemon starts at 6 and goes to 2 from eggs only. If you add enough names, it comes out for free. "X card is better in a vacuum". Yeah and Vadermon isn't part of a current tier 1 deck.
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>play against someone in dcgo running this deck

God I fucking hate this cancer. Yellow Vaccine is so obnoxious
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I can't wait to run Keenan with Duskmon and be a complete nuisance.
Dedigi and/or dp reduction eats him for breakfast. Or just run big bodies. Between his eff and barrier, they run out of sec pretty quickly. Honestly, Angels is incredibly mid because there's so many ways to fuck them over.
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>play against someone in dcgo running this deck

God i fucking hate this cancer. Gracenovamon is so obnoxious.

I don't think anyone should really be losing to gracenova ever.
>losing to gracenova
I'm sorry Millithmon isn't good anymore.
Are you a mastemon player?
If you ignore the abundance of lv6 aces now, de-digi 2 sounds like "a bit much". Swinging into a suspended target that is lv4 is more of a threat against blue and possibly yellow depending on the set up. Since they can bound or DP minus the target. If you de-digi 1, you are basically threatened by every deck with a lv6 ace.

EX6 Leviamon feels like more of an issue than de-digi 2. Since it bottom decks 3 sources, at the cost of trashing 1 card in hand. Even if you don't do that part, it will delete something with no sources still, all turns OPT.
>aces causing game balance issues
Say it ain't so
Its crazy how Apocalymon Belphemon is so consistent in getting apocalymon out. I've never seen them miss it.
These formats have been so boring it’s almost becoming a chore to play this game. We need a new banlist or rotation so badly.
>new banlist

This card is actually BS and deserves some hate

>Zudo lite strip and bounce w/o overflow
>7k DP on a level 4, the highest possible amount right now
>De-digi out of security, even your own mon, meaning you can disrupt even further as a bonus
>Armor purge and blocker
>3 cost on veemon
Not to mention that it can get Magnamon X out as soon as their 2nd turn.

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