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By the bloodnames of the founders edition

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Thoughts on Burr’s Black Cobras?
They told me I could leave with my 'mechs. I did. And theirs, strapped to the salvage rack.
will they have balls to make free st. ives real in the ilclan era?
Reminder that you could materially damage CGL by google translating that PDF and uploading it to where the chinks can see it.
Lol. Lmao even. Met one of the devs at an event recently. My read from talking to the guy and watching his reactions? There is no way in hell the Capellans don't go from victory to victory.

Simple but nice paint scheme.
had blake left actual prophecies? or he left some speculations of the future and 'i wonder if~' kind of things in his notebook and the blakists regard those as some kind of divine revelationa?
is there any main blue sub yellow color scheme i can reference to?
The fall of the soviet union blindsided absolutely everyone, even western intelligence agencies. It was not something most reasonable people predicted.
It was even a shock to most people and organizations in the soviet union itself. Pretty much the only people who could even predict something as vague as "something bad is going to happen" were the few people with access to accurate statistics(a lot of the soviets' internal statistics were complete fabrications, made to provide an unrealistically positive image, internally and externally) and the wisdom to see where the statistics would lead the country.
>had blake left actual prophecies? or he left some speculations of the future and 'i wonder if~' kind of things in his notebook and the blakists regard those as some kind of divine revelationa?
Supposedly he dressed the latter up as the former I think...
He left a prediction of the future based on the course civilization was taking during his time, and his vision of ComStar's role in rebuilding humanity once that course reaches its logical conclusion. Toyama amended them and reinforced the mystical aspects, resulting in the Word of Blake (the book).
Pleiades lancers?
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devs suck chicommie dick. this is known since the days of XIN SHENG!
Crescent Hawks are blue and grey with yellow highlights.
Comstar in general is what happens when you have someone read Asimov's Foundation and think "wow, that's cool!"
Who you meet? While Coleman is the owner of CGL, nothing bad will happen to the CC.

That thieving fucker is a huge sinoboo.
Is Ostscout useful at all if youre not using mech quirk rules AND rules where Improved Comms and Improved Sensors would serve you well?
I mean outside of spotting, which you could get a scout car or a heli to do at a fraction of the price.
I feel like there might be an argument for it once you start getting into post-Helm and post-Clan Invasion. I have an Ostscout from the kickstarter and I dont know what to do with him.
The biggest thing that caused the Soviet Union to fall is economic problems that were hidden away by their complete control over on paper inflation and on paper supply of materials.

I for years was puzzled why the economy caught fire the very second the Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact ended. The reality is that inflation was trying to happen as early as four years prior, but legally it couldn't happen. The result of this was increasingly large numbers of transactions involved barter involving smuggled goods or vodka.

Large factories that made one specific thing would barter with other factories in something like a circle.
wait, isn't he the porchfucker too? Davionman didn't go far enough.

I still can't fucking believe that Tops didn't just shitcan him and bring a lawsuit against him for the embezzlement.
Yeap, he is the one that "mistakenly" took money from CGL accounts to reform his house, almost 850k. Lots of freelancers went unpaid, even to this day apparently. The fucker burned a lot of connections that day.
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And yet it deserves to be done again. Homebrew BT space systems may one day deliver us from the evil of SF naval wargames designed by the kind of people who normally design SF naval wargames. Looking at you, Star Fleet Battles/Star Blazers Fleet Battle System/All modules Full Thrust.

Honestly, if you went back over those models a little to clean up the pooling on the "filth" panels they'd look pretty good. A drop of PVA glue mixed with a slightly darker color over top of the laser and PPC mounts would also make them look a lot better.

You're missing hte point that DFA and Charges are funny as fuck and therefore to be pursued with glee.

Hermes 1 is one of several designs intended to move in fast and clear infantry before the main force arrives, scout, and clear out other scouts. It's firmly in the same box as a Fireball, Assassin, or the like where it's not a great skirmisher, just a good heavy scout.
The Hermes 2 is more like a Shadow Hawk, it's a gruntmech that makes multiple design compromises to add an AC/5 and increase its maximum range without adding heat. When you remember that the AC/5 was originally supposed to be compared to an LL or an LRM-10 instead of a PPC, the Hermes 2 mounting it makes a lot more sense.
Sounds like someone needs a visit from Davionman!
Hearing Eastern Europeans talk about the barter economy was nuts.
>the school requires you to have four notebooks, twelve pencils, and a pencil case for your studies
>you go to the store, but today they only have eight notebooks and four pencils.
>you take all of them and a stapler because you don't know what the store will have tomorrow
>I hope an upper classman needed that stapler, that way I'll be able to get a pencil case for sure
Davionman would not survived 5 minutes in my little part of the Deep Periphery....
When I look at the books for Alpha Strike, I notice that they're published by the same company I'm told doesn't pay their artists or writers, consistantly, for Shadowrun.

The Shadowrun people say to pirate everything because of this.

Is the thoughts or feelings different for this community?
Why would you ever pay for anything?
The paint companies and IWM are honest, but everyone else?
Melissa Steiner is built for them.

My man, like a third of the FedSuns is shitty Periphery areas. They breed the subspecies Redneck Davionman there who can survive on basically nothing.
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It's incredibly fast and has hand actuators, despite the original model. It's a scenario machine, and a damned good one. Ostscout can also punch, charge, and push effectively from very far outside the ranges most people would consider it a threat, which means you can trade up pretty damned hard for its 600BV. Outside of that it's just an 8/12 ML, which is fun but the Spider and Mongoose are literally right there.
The TAG version suffers from being introduced before Arrow is widespread, but only a couple of years before the vastly superior Owens and Hitman. It's still a good backup or budget choice when you need insurance on your shots.
There was a semi-common conversion back in the day (I've done one for my pirate force) to replace the arms with Hussar parts. It actually looks pretty good. Pic related.

Read up the page. Suffice it to say, "yes". We hate them only marginally less than you do. Mostly because the absolute dogshit succession of RPG rules they put out for Battletech doesn't fuck up everything for us, it's only a few facets of the game they've completely shit up.
I love the BBC. I'd like to have more of it my life.
About how many map sheets should I be working with before aerospace becomes feasible to actually use?
QRD on Falklands Hazen, her "mongol doctrine" and what the green falcons are doing in the ilclan era?
How often do you guys run 'fun' lists vs good lists?
No, fuck CGL. Pirate the books, avoid the CGL minis (they're of questionable quality at best anyway, and the recent kickstarter ones are a grim joke).
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Here's your starmates bro...

The Falcons are the last real conservative clan left. Clan society does not make any sense, as people are happy to tell you like its a big revelation. Most clans thus cheated the system to make it actually viable. The Falcons were the last clan that didn't do that - and to their credit, they brute forced it for a long time.

But they couldn't keep it up forever, so slowly they began to degrade. The form of this degradation was Malvina, who decided to warcrime planets until they gave up - blowing up hospitals, food, orphanages and the like. She also blew up any Falcon who disagreed with her. All enemies who don't immediately surrender are also blown up.

As for what happens to green bird, they have a big throwdown on Terra with Wolf to decide who gets to be IlClan. Wolf wins, if significantly damaged, because they snuck the Wolfs Dragoons and Wolves in Exile into their bid. Also, the whole "blow up any enemy" means the Wolves are fighting for their lives.

Afterwards Jade Falcon is pretty much dead, and Malvina's child sex slave kills her. Clan Wolf lets the remaining Jade Falcons reform their clan as effectively Blackwatch 2.0, bringing it all full circle. The Jade Falcons who were left behind also managed to not die to the Hell's Horses, meaning there's technically 2 Jade Falcon clans at the moment.
So I was reading the old books, and I saw a mention that the Winson Wolf bloodname is noted for being quick to pick up languages. I thought that was a cute little detail. Are there any other bloodname lineages that are associated with other particular features or quirks?
>As for what happens to green bird, they have a big throwdown on Terra with Wolf to decide who gets to be IlClan. Wolf wins
How many times has this happened? You'd think they'd realize batchalling the wolves only serves to fucked themselves over at this point. Especially after they through their entire clan into such a shitshow that most stars were populated by preteens. Meanwhile Star Adder and Ghost Bear are just laughing on the sidelines.
bet that armor gets hot as fuck in the cockpit.
They are clanners anon, those are fully working coldsuits.
Hmm, this is an intriguing post.
"Rednecks"....again, it would not survived 5 minutes around here.

"Falklands Hazen". Kek, good one butthurt bong-Anon.

Always pirate CGL stuff, or get 2nd hand books, or print 3D minis. No more money to porchman.
Where is here?
Nah, they fucked up the wolves something fierce a couple of times. But that was before the Dark Times. Before the Porch.

I mean, the Wolves are somewhat fucked too. They got what was left of the Republic, but their Empire is basically a write-off. And most critically, by inheriting the Republic they've inherited the Capellan Fiat Doom.

As for the Falcons - yeah, clan society does not make sense and is stupid. For a clan to survive it has to break the rules of clan society in significant ways to inject some feasibility into it.

Like the Ghost Bears basically undid a significant part of Clan culture by keeping families. And while they made a big showing of adopting the honour structures, Star Adder was basically just still the SLDF. Star Adder just realized that LARPing Clanner Culture could be a benefit long term by limiting their material losses and letting them build up. It was as strategic choice.

And hell, Clan Wolf, despite supposedly being the chosen ones of Kerensky, were really the clan of his wife if anything. They basically picked and chose which parts to follow, and how closely.

Falcons should be commended then for being the one clan who stuck to the impossible retardation and made it work as long as possible. All the other clans who tried to really commit to the "Kerensky Vision" (Whatever you call it) either went into neurotic isolation following a non-feasible system (Blood Spirit, Mandrills, Vipers), slowly death spiraled (Coyotes, Ice Hellions) or burnt out (Mongoose, Smoke Jaguars)
WAAAAAYYY down south the Rio Grande....
>Like the Ghost Bears basically undid a significant part of Clan culture by keeping families.
Think this honestly helps them, what with considering the Clan your greater familiar unit and all.
Jade Falcon are dumb. I wish Aiden hadn't saved their ass.
NTA, but their stupidity is why i love them.
The clanniest clanners.
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Yes. Every clan that was successful, barring the Falcons, basically un-clanned themselves to some degree. Because, as mentioned, the Clans make no sense.

Cloud Cobra, Goliath Scorpion and Nova Cat all created new systems for themselves through religion and mysticism. Goliath Scorpion eventually took an even further step and evolved into something much more workable.

Star Adder and to a degree Hell's Horses kept just acting like the SLDF, especially the Star Adders. Hells Horses had a bit of a bumpier ride. Star Adder never fetishized the Kerenskeys. Both these clans treated themselves like an army, where everyone mattered.

Clan Wolf, Snow Raven and Diamond Shark all just LARPed massive parts of being a clan and brutally abused the honor systems and rules as it benefitted them. They realized that all that mattered was putting on the appearance of being clan.

Ghost Bear dumped a huge portion of being clanner and worked more like a small nation, then became a small nation.

The only "Clanning Clans" that survived were Jade Falcon and Coyote. Coyote survived by dumb luck mostly but were still shredded by end of Wars of Reaving. If everyone hadn't wanted to kill the Vipers and Blood Spirits more they easily could have been taken out.

Falcons went so long by just being stupidly stubborn, and not letting the retardation of their society seep too much into how they actually waged war. Until they did.
They aren't though. A dezgra liar saved their whole clan and they don't even pretend to honor him properly. They also cheated to survive Tukayyid.
Hi Brett, you are still mad that the Falcons started responding to your batchalls with massed Arrow IV?
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I'm the GM. It's literally my job.

It depends. If you're going full-bore you need at least 4 mapsheets for the fighters, plus at least a 2x2 for the actual BT game. With abstract aero rules you only need the BT board and maybe a RADAR map. Which is one of the reasons they're popular.

Yes, but it's a long mix of side references in two dozen books. The Bloodhouses also apparently have some cultural quirks but that rarely gets explored.

This, it's less "mongol" doctrine and more "Assyrian" doctrine.

I'm more of a Clan Wolf guy, but even I think the Falcon's are great. This is just Homeworlders seething at their irrelevancy.
You survived thanks to Lyran bux you fucking Spartan LARPers. Worst of the invader clans for sure. You're just contrarians, same as the DEI weirdos who love Kurita and Cappies, the obvious bad guys.
Idk that sounds like the most clanner thing ever to me. Stubborn to a fault to the point that someone else has to save them, and then they won't acknowledge that it happened because it would be an admission of their retardation.
That sound super clanner-like to me. Retarded lifestyle and industrial amounts of denial.
Played my first ever game of battletech (alpha strike) today with my housemate.

He had The king crab, centurion, catapult and locust. I had a black knight, highlander and two urbies. Whole lot of fun, I ended up winning with just the highlander still standing.

Looking forwards to trying it out with more friends in future!
They're not in denial. They're just liars. It's not some grand psychological thing. They just lied.

I like Clan Wolf because of something that sadly doesn't get nearly enough love - their supposedly more developed Watch Program. Wish the Wolves had more of the niche as the "spy" and "commando" clan.

Anyone who is a Drac fan is a friend of mine. And LMAO at either the retardation or willful trolling of presuming that the racist Fu Manchu/Slap-a-Jap portrayals of the Dracs and Cappies are DEI.
>Making a bug hunter mech
>It's just a lighter grasshopper
Not sure if this is a good or bad thing
Personally I love the Jade Falcon Clan because they're kooky little guys, and the cartoon endeared me to their insanity. That and I genuinely like their mech design philosophy in the later eras. Their liberal use of IJJs and partial Wings on mechs that are already fairly fast movers makes them feel like the spiritual successors to LAMs.
I half expect them to design a mech that's basically always in AirMech mode to hover around.

Do other clans have unique design philosophies? I thought the idea of omnis is they could be anything with a variant change.
touch grass or kill yourself schizo your choice
I have two Marauder II plastics sitting around. I think it might be fun to use them as the foundation for a lance of Wolf's Dragoons. What mechs do they have access to that would compliment two Marauder IIs?
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One day...
>And most critically, by inheriting the Republic they've inherited the Capellan Fiat Doom.

God help us, the only thing that may save us from wolf plot armor is cappy plot armor, and the only thing that may save us from Tiennaman Square 3159 is the wolves. Wobbies didn't go far enough, and shoulda nuked the clanners out of existence. Hanse and Janos should have split the capcon like Poland.
Please let the WoB return and drop a nuke on the capellans
It would be based if they pull the cappies do kentares on their own planet tienanmin, new hong kong or tibet for independence/democracy movement but i don't think cgl has the balls
>replace the arms with Hussar parts
Finally, a halfway decent use for that piece of shit ‘mech.
>laughs in Hollander
That'd require coleman to pull the communist dick out of his throat first.
As someone who got into Battle Tech because of Mech Commander, it blows my mind that most people are introduced by having battles with heavy mechs and such.

But I suppose heavy mechs are the draw. Very big and flashy.
Don’t forget, Malvina wasn’t born evil, she was bullied and attacked and abused by her sibko, so that means she’s actually a victim.
We should stop blaming her personally and start casting a very critical eye over the systemically abusive societal structures that turned her into a monster.
No child is born with hate and violence in their heart, it must be taught.
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Facility with language is often an indicator of latent propensity to mild forms of autism.
Ask me how I know.
Well My lance was two assaults and two lights, his was an assault, heavy, medium, light, which seems like a fairly balanced assortment.
>you need to be a DEI nut to honor the dragon
I’ve been a drac player since 1987, long before DEI was a thing, commit sudoku you strange angry little man.
I love the Jade Falcons because they’re the Vegeta of the Clans. They’re unapologetically prideful, but are at least honest and straightforward about why they consider themselves the best. And even though they’re the biggest losers fated only to place second and constantly get one-upped by whoever’s their Goku (Clan Wolf/Adam Steiner), they keep clawing and coming back for more so long as they can still fight.
In my experience mediums are the best mechs to start with. Lights are not very beginner friendly.
If that were true you would know that there were plenty of diversity initiatives in the 1980s, they just called it affirmative action.
plastic savage coyote when
Heavy mechs are easier to use, there’s a bit more room for error. Get out of position with a light mech, and you die.
No, blame both, and we do indeed shit on the Clan system often in these threads.
Beyond a certain age, you have a responsibility to improve as a person. I don't care if Lars Von Trier directed your childhood, you're still accountable for dropping nukes on hospitals.
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>affirmative action
Maybe in America, here in Australia it wasn’t a thing at that time.
Anyway I only picked Dracs because I liked their house logo and I thought all the other ones were dorky, not because of diversity initiatives. Stay mad, mate.
If you look in a mirror in a dark room and chant ‘clans saved the setting’ three times, clanhater anon will appear in the thread and start disgorging WORDS WORDS WORDS
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malvina is the spess jesus who died for all cjf sins
Gotta say guys, as a brit, it's a shame there's not many vendors selling the mech packs.

Yes I know I could 3d print stls etc, but I'd like to buy the packs and get the pilot cards and alpha strike stuff as well as the official minis, but the cost of shipping from catalyst is high and theres not a lot of UK options.
It would be more accurate to say that they are using her as the scapegoat/fall guy. Jesus took the punishment for others sins upon himself despite being innocent. Malvina is of course not innocent. She did commit/cause most of the sins. Comparing her to Jesus is not only blasphemous, it's just a strictly inaccurate comparison. This is basically everything being blamed on her in order to allow her subordinates to get off. Kind of like how post ww2 pretty much all the blame for what Germany did got put on Hitler and a lot of important people and companies in Germany got off.
You're fucking kidding me right?
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Which employer would you work for?
where is that cappie death cult lady
Eh I'd fuck 2nd from the left.
Would most of that apply to the Fireball as well in later eras?
None of these characters look particularly trustworthy. I suppose sweaty asian businessman to the right of skull face woman looks the least untrustworthy
Win her as a bondsman and you can
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Exactly this.

Never give up. Never admit defeat. Never surrender. If your opponent wants a victory, force them to tear it from your bloody fingers.
Can't, Lieutenant said no fucking the clanners or she'll treat it as rape.
>Be Jade Falcon during the Dark Age.
>Do shit tons of amount of War Crimes to prove myself the best.
>Proceed to get my teeth kicked in after taking the majority of my forces to Terra to take over.
>Leave the rest of my holdings defenseless as the Lyrans and Hell's Horses start to snatch out territories and leave no mercy to my Warriors.

I think the Vegeta allegory is especially accurate because Mongul/Malvina JF's are basically the Clan's Majin arc. They sacrifice what little pride and principles you have left in pursuit of the power denied to you.

I'm curious to see where they go from here, I've read Young's books and they're meh schlock but sort of interesting from a 'how do we redeem ourselves' angle (characters however leave a lot to be desired). Curious to see what the surviving Falcon's on Terra get up to and how they, and the growing collective of survivors under Jiyi interact with each other.
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I would beat each of them in honorable combat (katana duel)
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Were Blanc's Coyotes really from Clan Coyote?
killed them in mw4 mercs
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Is getting to be the Blackwatch really such a bad retirement? Basically the Wolfs and Falcons finally hate-fucked, which is what they should have done since Martha and Vlad.

As mentioned, to be true clan is to be doomed. Clans that live are clans that compromised on the retarded impossibility of clan life. The Falcons were those that rode the retardation as far as it would go.
the ilclan bears have some quite sturdy mechs in the rime otter and mastodon

So Bears thing is being big?
Signs point to yes. They appeared out of nowhere with a bottomless supply of pristine star league mechs (exclusively lights, but still) with their original members maintaining a distinction from any members or dependents added later, they had strange religious practices, and they refused to explain anything to anyone, and when they left, they ended up misjumping into the deep periphery, which could easily mean they were trying to go somewhere else in the deep periphery. If the writers just said they were the Coyotes trying to augment the Dragoon mission on their own, nobody would think twice about it. Decades later they come back and are uncharacteristically aggressive in service to WoB, which is speculated to be because of their new home being held hostage.
Dumb question of the day, but Clan weapons are often better. Are battles balanced by just point cost, or do the Inner Sphere factions get some ability or something?
Quotas are literally illegal at the highest levels. All affirmative action is, is that if you have two resumes in front of you and you can't be assed to pick one, check to see if either of them is black. There has already been plenty of studies where real and fake resumes were put out, and regardless of the qualifications, you were better off (In terms of call backs) having once been locked up, than being dark skinned.

To get back on topic, House Kurita is lame and people only find them interesting if they're a weeb. People who like the cappies aren't DEI weirdos, they just see a scrappy underdog that somehow can't be conquered or "liberated".
Absolutely. The Dracs in setting basically are as indistinguishable from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" as the Asians in Ninjas & Superspies (1980s RPG written by a guy with bad boomer energy).
The falcons are just as compromised as the Wolves or Bears, but in the opposite direction. An invasion era khan that bombarded both allies and enemies from orbit and ended a rebellion by poisoning a water table with radioactives would have been shot in the back and the loremaster would have called it a trial of grievance after.
I hate to be the one to tell you this but Marthe Pryde and Vlad Ward DO fuck, and fairly often at that. It's EXPLICITLY STATED in Falcon Rising. It's even hinted at the Vlad is catching those pesky dezgra feelings.
>Are battles balanced by just point cost
clan stuff costs more in BV. points are intended to balance superior clan tech. in practice it doesnt always work.

I'm starting to realize that Battletech is really just a dating sim, but where the consequences are that millions of people die.

>Hanse marries Melissa, millions of Capellans die
>Candace fucks Justin, even more Capellans die
>Kali and St. Jamais do unspeakable things, in between massive murder
>Vlad and Martha fuck then slap the Lyrans around some more.
>The Falcons were those that rode the retardation as far as it would go.
Which means that they were the best of the Clans after all. After everyone else had compromised, they were the last to actually attempt to hold on to tradition. That counts for something.
thought it was wiley's coyotes
>Are battles balanced by just point cost,
Balance is a lie anyway. Don't bother worrying about it. You will never, ever, fight in a battle that is "balanced".
IS will just end up bringing more stuff than BV equivalent Clanners. It's fairly balanced for the most part if you know what you're doing. IS is definitely the easier side to play of the match up because your goal is just to use your cheap armor brick mechs to get as close as possible. You also have more margin of error because each unit is much less of a fraction of your total force. The Clanner player needs to think about optimizing range brackets and each loss, especially one early in the game will hurt a lot more. In my experience, the Clans either royally fuck up IS at range with clever positioning or drown in a steel tide. As far as tech, IS gets a few things that Clans don't, namely early Plasma weapons and C3.
>millions of people die.
>millions of Capellans die
These statements have nothing to do with each other.
>You will never, ever, fight in a battle that is "balanced".
Not true. We pretty much exclusively fight alpha strike mirror matches with identical units and pilots on both sides, and we don't use any terrain because it's expensive so we just fight on a blank table. Those games are perfectly balanced.
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They came back in the Jihad as Blanc's Coyotes.
Probably because Wiley's Coyotes with this logo triggered some flashbacks among whatever passed for the legal team at the time.
Not necessarily wanting to reopen the nature versus nurture debate, but surely you understand that flawed societal structures produce flawed people, right?
>Most clans thus cheated the system to make it actually viable
I don't follow the clans too closely, I prefer madmaxtech. What kind of cheats?
There is no such thing as a social structure which isn't flawed, so your premise is a tautology. Since all social structures are flawed, all social structures will produce flawed people. People cannot exist without social structures. Therefore flawed people are going to be inevitable no matter what you do about it.
Yeah brother unfortunately, your trauma does not justify your behavior, ever.
>How did this war criminal get like this?
>Could it be the war crimes school she grew up in?
>Is the society that created and staffed such a place to blame?
>No, everyone is responsible for their own actions.
That's nice kiddo, but we're talking about Battletech.
>she was bullied and attacked and abused by her sibko
I thought that's what sibkos normally did
>everyone is responsible for their own actions
You’re arguing an absolute whereas I’m arguing degrees. Of course no society other than idealist socialism is perfect, but in Malvina’s case the flaws in her society not only warped and twisted her, but also aided her ascent to a position of unreasonable power, and it was this that allowed her the access to the resources needed to do what she did.
I’m sorry, but not recognising that violent people are the products of inequitable, violent societies flies in the face of the beliefs of CGL’s core staff. And if you don’t like it? You will not be missed.
Fighting and hazing and even the occasional accidental death is normal. Being tied up and gangraped multiple times a week for most of a decade, while the instructors encourage the rapists and offer pointers and feedback, is not. Not even for Clanscum.
>Of course no society other than idealist socialism is perfect,
Amen, fellow traveller. Hurt people, hurt people. Sad but true.
It provides an EXPLANATION for your actions, it does not JUSTIFY them. That being said, the vast majority of people who experience severe childhood trauma do not grow up to be war criminals. Your environment conditions you to certain behavior but human beings are not machines which produce deterministic outputs when fed specific stimulus. Saying anything else is denying the existence of any human agency. If no one is accountable for their actions, then why should we punish anyone? If some one is inherently predisposed to anti-social behavior, why not cull them? You're spitting Sergeant Kruptke from West Side story right now and no one is buying it.

You see how retarded your line of reasoning is?
While it is true that she is in many ways a product of her society that does not absolve her of her sins, but that actually wasn't what I was calling bullshit on.

>No child is born with violence and hate in their heart, they have to be taught

Is absolutely false. Possibly the most absurd statement I have ever heard if I'm quite honest. Children are absolutely born violent and very easily angered. It is neccesary in fact to socialize them out of these behaviors. You have to teach children not to be violent little shits. Claiming otherwise is patently absurd. It betrays a level of ignorance that astounds me.
>well this is gonna keep us at the top of the catalog for a good couple of hours
Statistically speaking the majority of abuse victims do not actually perpetuate abuse. Only about 30 percent of abuse victims actually go on to become abusers.
>violent people are the products of inequitable, violent societies

Flatly no. Violent people CAN be the product of such societies. Such societies produce MORE of those people. But saying that those people exist BECAUSE society is inequitable and violent is fucking lunacy. Violent people will always exist, no matter what sort of society you have, and a society needs to have some sort of way to respond to that. You will never, NEVER, have a society without violent people in it, even if your society is 100% nonviolent and perfectly equitable and fully Harrison Bergeron-approved.

Malvina may not have been a genocidal maniac if CJF society was better. She very way may have been one anyway. Humans are violent and you will never take that from us.
If you guys were going to paint Brone Kotare's unique Stormcrow, would you consider him more appropriate as a member of the Jaguar's Delta Galaxy where his unit was initially a part of, or Epsilon Galaxy where they were transferred to post-Tukkayyid?
>the vast majority of people who experience severe childhood trauma do not grow up to be war criminals
They never get the chance because they don’t grow up in a society where they can murder their way to the top and get their hands on WMD’s, like Malvina did.
A pointless factoid unless you also include data about people who weren’t abused who went on to abuse.
Matter of fact, name one person who ended up a Khan or IlKhan who wasn’t abused as a child. Quod erat demonstratum.
>name one person who
was born before 1990 who wasn't abused by the modern definition of the term.

When everyone is abused it no longer matters. And everyone in Clan society is definitely abused, just like everyone everywhere who is over 30 was abused growing up at some point.
I'm pretty sure almost every single clan warrior would have been abused as a child, since sex between children is common and encouraged in sibkos
i love bpd bitches (baller ass pussy disease)
>No child is born with hate and violence in their heart, it must be taught.
You are actually, verifiably, insane.
There are 19 year olds in sibkos
>Be me, 2008
>Discover that Mechwarrior and Mechassault aren't just standalones. Theres something called Battletech.
>Fall in love with the original TRO: 3025.
>Learn that theres more than just Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon(Had Mechwarrior 2 and 4 Mercs, but never 3 or original 4.)
>Discover a cool Clan called Clan Burrock!
>Oh they got eaten.
>Discover a cool Clan called Clan Widowmaker!
>Oh they got eaten.
>Discover the Inner Sphere and learn of this cool faction called the Free Rasalhague Republic!
>Oh they got eaten.
>Discover the Star League!
>Guess what!
This ever happen to you guys, you find a faction you really like is just - dead before the current point in the timeline?
Who hurt you, anon?
That’s why I like Kurita. As long as there’s a planet where human feet have trodden…
Can someone translate this from retardese clannerspeak into something that a civilized human can understand?
>Me with the RWR
Trucker hat dude looks like he'll knock back a few beers/joints with me and go watch the soccer game, I can roll with that. Not like I haven't worked with vatos before, they'll only fuck you if you fuck them over first.
Sunglasses guy is literally just the bad guy from an 80s movie.
Smilers are hard out, they're lying AND trying to cheat me. Same goes for Capellans and scarface mcHooderson. The Azami dude is probably crazy but he's not like to cheat me, and I do like me some Scarborough sign-on bonuses.
The white chick in gangbanger colors and calavera makeup is a HARD FUCKING NO. I shouldn't have to explain why.
The short story he's featured in has him develop his unique configuration in 3059, after his unit is transferred to Epsilon Galaxy. In the earlier fight in that story, in 3052, it sounds like he's using the A configuration.
I'd go with Epsilon if you've got a mini kitbashed specifically to his configuration, otherwise dealer's choice.
You are astonishingly naive and ignorant if you don't know that children will hate and inflict injury without needing someone to teach them.
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Well of course, the Draconis Combine is the destined rulers of humanity. It's simply inevitable.
>So we’re agreed, we’re the cool kids and everyone else sucks, right?
>Okay, now the clique is established let’s pick on someone inside the clique because we always need an outsider
Clans and clan convocations led by women devolve into high school status fights, news at 11.
And you’re lying to yourself if you don’t recognise that Malvina would likely not have ended up as she did had she not been abused so despicably as a child.
Awesome, thanks.
No, Stormcrow.
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thanks anon
Clan Wolverine, but since the devs are forbidden to touch it I can make up whatever I want about their survivors without fearing the devs invalidating my made up shits (me: they settled in planet x after escaping~, and later the devs saying nope they went this way and whatnot)
Irrelevant to your outrageous and obviously false assertion.
>As long as there’s a planet where human feet have trodden…
Where did it say that the Coordinator owned all land that man has stepped foot on?
Lots of good discussion about Wolverine/Minnesota Tribe in last thread anon, in case you weren’t there for it.
Pretty much have to with Ghosts and sweeping in from Fed space.
NTA but, It's just as likely that she would have done great evil anyways. There are so many choices that she made through out her life which were clearly the result of her individual will. I reject your premise, it's impossible to know with any certainty whether she would or wouldn't've. Humans aren't machines, different people will have wildly different reactions to the same stressors and stimuli. If anything the reaction to supreme abuse being supreme violence inflicted on others is indicative of some essential or natural predisposition to it.
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If Only I could have the Fun of a Hunchback in a Light 'mech!

>The UM-R60L
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die in honor or live long enough to see your clan become dezgra
To be in the wob and get the cool cyber upgrades, did you have to be one of the faithful or would the blakists give a gun to any psycho who played ball with them?
I trust the man in the Pitban hat. Not dressing up to impress, not wearing anything to intimidate. No fake smile. Just an honest man with some honest work.

Love missions with that image (usuallt defense).
I don’t know, I just mindlessly chant what I’m taught. It’s why I’m such a strong supporter of CGL and their vision for a more inclusive Battletech universe.
But the UM-R60L is not fun, so clearly there is more to the hunchback recipe than an AC20 and a go-get-them attitude.
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>Not Fun
>30 ton Mech with an AC20
Come on man, it's tons of fun! 30 tons of fun in fact! HAhahahaha!
I hate to sound like the young folks, but damn that's cringe
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So anon,

What are your genuine thoughts on LAMs?
Do Land-Air-Mechs fit the setting? Do they not? Do they Break Immersion or feel like they add to the lore? Do they break the game or add a new level to AeroTech/BattleTech cross play? Do you use LAMs? Would you use LAMs?
LAMs are good for battletech and they should be the natural evolution of battlemech technology
They gave a gun to anyone who would carry one but to get a cool cyber arm you had to lose your arm and then maybe if the existing guys with cool cyber arms like you you get a replacement. If they don't like you tough luck.
LAMs are fine. The speeds you can get up to in Airmech mode are a little sus, but with all the hit bonuses you can get later on, it's not that big of a deal.
I like that they were attempted in-universe and that its possible to bring them if that's what tickles you pink , but they should stay a dead-end technology.
Yeah, pretty much. Fireball is only 400 BV but it has half the armor so if it gets clipped it's completely fucked. It has no EWAR gear and can't fill the spotter niche nearly as well. Anti-Light measures proliferate hard later on and that lack of armor really starts to tell. With its poor reach in all variants that makes it even harder to make it relevant.
Really, what the Fireball needed after the SRM retcon was to mount two MGs and a regular SRM-2 rack, which would let it keep the original anti-infantry role. Sadly that never happened. Neither did an LPPC variant.

>What kind of cheats?
Leaving information out of challenges. Carefully engineering accidental enemy Zell breaks so they can pounce. Engineering situations where they can't be punished for breaking their bids or Zell, then breaking it at the right moment and screaming that victory is the best justification. Lawyer wording bids to let them shoot down dropships without technically breaking safcon. Issuing a "challenge" from an artillery company to an entire grid square.
Basically being huge weasels but also insufferably smug about it.
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>Do they fit the setting?
Yes, they do.

>Do they Break Immersion or feel like they add to the lore?
Add to. The Star League was insanely advanced and invested in incredibly niche technologies, especially techs that looked great on paper. They definitely funded these.

>Do they break the game or add a new level to AeroTech/BattleTech cross play?
They only break the game if you bring them in Mech on Mech fighting, which ant smart table would realize you shouldn't do, since this is a Mech designed for BattleMech/Aerotech crossplay almost exclusively. When used in this way, it's not broken, just as "broken" as any fighter is, but easily countered by competent fighters or AA 'mechs.

>Do you use LAMs? Would you use LAMs?
Bought some recently. Hope to play them soon
I picked one up in BTA3062 mod for HBS btech and it completely breaks the game so yes.
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>Issuing a "challenge" from an artillery company to an entire grid square.

Okay, the rest was usual clanner waffling and bullshit, but that one was legit pretty funny.
You saw that BigRed40Tech video didn't you?

He really played his hand too hard in that video and showed that he either has never played the Aerospace rules or Quirks (such as Anti-air mechs), has been cheated against by some dickheads, or otherwise refuses to play combined arms enough to see how LAMs are actually pretty bad at anything except niche situations.
Also, his wild attitude of "'Mechs should be lumbering slow war machines and could never be agile enough to make LAMs possible" reeks of someone who has not read the novels, and finally, his insistance that "Anyone who plays LAMS want to be Anime Protagonists" smells like "I hate BadWrongFun"

Heck, in his own example he assumed the typical LAM player would pay the BV cost to bring a 1/2 pilot, which is insane.
They fit in the setting.
They require a rules rewrite performed by people who do not hate the entire concept of LAMs. In particular, dropping the movement bonus from x3 jump to x2 jump, reinstating VTOL movement and the shit-or-get-off-the-pot rule for AirMech mode would go very far to fixing the current mess.
On that note, the Aerospace rules need an overhaul and severe revamp, which TPTB refuse to address because even they know their limits sometime.
Yes, I use LAMs now and have since the Tactical Handbook. They deserve better.

I do love the shrieking cunts, i just play a different clan because I already have one insufferably smug villain faction painted.
Yeah, they're fun and they're own niche. People who have a problem with them existing in the setting are either delusional babies that can't accept the MechWarrior vidya isn't an accurate representation of the setting, or mindbroken grogs who still wake up in a cold sweat over getting destroyed by AirMechs in the pre-nerf days.
They absolutely should have been nerfed, but not to the point that they were, and throwing all the fluff written after the fact to paint LAMs in the worst light possible just reeks of nofun autism.
True, but the systems that made her a vicious maniac also gave her the tools she needed to get her own back on a violent, uncaring world. Once again we come down to means provided by her environment as much as personal inclinations.
> Genuine thoughts on LAMS?
I like em.
>Do LAMs fit in the setting?
I think they do. Hell, they managed to add Quad-Vees without much issue. I think they could make LAMS work.
>Do they not?
>Do they break immersion or feel like they add to the lore?
think they do add to the lore. It proves that the people of the Inner SPhere can actually innovate.
>Do they break the game?
It makes it a bit more complicated but I think it can be done.
>Do you use LAMS?
Not yet.
>Would you use LAMS?
I've been running one in my MM games and when it works it's great fun. I don't know if I'd use them in an actual tabletop game, maybe if all the relevant rules were compiled in a single book.
That was not your original point. You've shifted the goalposts like 3 times.

>Malvina wasn't born evil; she is a product of her environment, all her actions should be viewed as a result of that
>It's more likely than not that she wouldn't have been evil if she had a better upbringing
>her essential character and her upbringing are equally relevant causes of her actions

You can't claim to "agree" with a post which directly rejects your core premise and then make a totally separate argument and claim that's what you originally meant. We were talking about MALVINA, how MALVINA'S experiences shaped her and what impact they had on her character and you accepted the premise that she was an especially violent and callous individual irrespective of her abuse. Now you're talking about totally separate flaws in how power is assigned within a clan, an argument which is about what the political system enables. Furthermore, 'system which enables and empowers singular insane asshole to wreak massive levels of destruction' describes nearly every faction in Battletech.
Speaking of Clans, I need some autist help for lore.

I was looking at the clan home worlds for running a campaign, and thinking what clans could be run into where. I noticed that Jade Falcon supposedly owns a part of the planet Dagda, since a long while back. However, for most of the setting, they don't have any troops there, at all.

So like, what happens if one of the other clans on Dagda bids for the Falcon possessions if there are no troops? Would they have to scrouge together whatever tanks they could find to make an OpFor and get their ass whooped? Would they just call time-out until Falcons can fly in from Eden?
Too old
Assume all clan holdings have at least some warriors hanging around, the info you are looking at probably just doesn't show formations that small. Remember also that trialing too aggressively invites retaliation on similar terms from whoever you are taking under-defended land from.
If there are any Falcons there, which any owned world will be occupied by some one, they would resist. The purpose of bidding is to make it a fair fight. To contest some one on roughly equal terms but there is a fair amount of strategy in bidding some one down to 'roughly equal' that leaves you with some kind of advantage.

If Clan what-have-you shows up to Clan Something-Fuck's place and wants to take it, by zell they have to initiate a trial of possession. First the potential commanders from each side bid against each other, whoever says they can do it with the least then gets their chance to bid against the enemy who will also bid themselves down accordingly. Again the goal is to be somewhat duplicitous and get an enemy to agree to a bid that while roughly equal provides you with some sort of advantage, that's the skill in it. Once everything is agreed to, the bid forces, however paltry they may be, will fight it out. The winner, assuming the loser conducts themselves honorably, then likely grants them Hegira and lets the remainder of their forces withdrawal.

Again, this is assuming pre-clan invasion Zell. The Clans abhor the idea of 'over-match' until they realize in any extended campaign it's incredibly important.
I did research to find a faction that existed in every relevant era before I decided to give a shit about any of them.
Then I found out about the catgirls and space cocaine. At that point I decided that if the writers aren't going to take this shit seriously, neither am I. Catgirls and space cocaine all the way, baby!
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I'm never going to be able to put the big Smoke Jag logo on the CT like the fluff calls for in Epsilon Galaxy, but this was a nice challenging build. Very hard to fit the needed tubes into that packed torso section.

I'm looking forward to painting an orange colored unit, there's really not very many of those.
>a rules rewrite performed by people who do not hate the entire concept of LAMs
Nobody is ever going to do that, because nobody who knows enough about LAMs to rewrite the rules, AND who knows enough about the rules to make them not broken, actually wants them in the game in the first place.
>Furthermore, 'system which enables and empowers singular insane asshole to wreak massive levels of destruction' describes nearly every faction in Battletech.
That's why every faction in Battletech but mine is bad.
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Good luck on your transition, MOCtranny.
You’re replying to multiple different anons as if they were the same person. Develop some social media literacy, please.
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Toothpaste basecoat
is the cappies really femboi faction?
none of them are
Ahh yes Canopus.

Just a reminder its ran by Terfs.
Yeah, it's just a quick and dirty zenithal priming. I don't pretend to be an amazing painter.
all of them are
Is it appropriate to put a Hermione pinup on Lieutenant Rowling's mech?
Nice. Now the really important question - where can I find Hermione pinup decals?
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I think they fit fine fluff wise - a 'Mech is already a fusion-powered war machine that can perform a drop from low orbit and we've already got examples of hundred ton war machines that launch themselves nearly a hundred meters at a time.

The same fusion engines running battlemechs also run aerospace fighters, albeit those're propelled by fuel instead of using air as remass like jumpjets do. Snow Raven mechs allocate fuel space for reaction mass so they can use jumpjets in vacuum, indicates JJs can be fed fuel. That in mind, it doesn't seem inconceivable that a mech could be built to sustain active flight. It also seems reasonable to think that a mech might need to assume some kind of posture or deploy control surfaces if it's going to try to perform sustained flight or reach given speeds - and if not 'need', then it may certainly benefit, especially so that the center of thrust isn't way off the center of mass or something.

It also seems totally believable that trying to make LAMs is incredibly stupid hard. They're a difficult to develop niche that was cut off before they took off, and they help illustrate just how far mech technology fell from the Star League. Not just that, but they're infamous for being nightmarish to maintain.

In exchange they're the one vehicle that can launch from a fighter carrier, transform into a BattleMech, board an enemy spaceship, and kick it's ass internally. LAMs are the underdoggiest type of mech, and they also look funny in airmech mode. I think the thing I find more of an immersion break is how much I've heard about why LAMs have been driven into extinction - that, and how I don't think they've ever quite been represented in 'motion' outside of how stuff goes in Macross. LAMs haven't been able to establish themselves the way conventional mechs could.

That aside I can also see how LAMs would be much more difficult to design than any other type of Mech since you basically need to make a transformer.
>reinstating VTOL movement and the shit-or-get-off-the-pot rule for AirMech mode would go very far to fixing the current mess.
I actually kind of like "improved WiGE" movement for LAMs. The only part that's kind of weird is that they have to spend two MP to move one hex if they're more than one hex above the ground. But that might be for some attempt at balance.
Certainly you have a coherent reason for thinking that, right? You aren't just saying nonsense things to own the libs?
do we know how early clan cultural stuffs like the iron womb, sibko, and etc came to be? iirc the caste pretty much started with the clans itself, but not sure about the others
Kinda with the FRR, but in Rasalhague's case I think it's reasonable to have merc units or something spun off from them that always have a bone to pick with the Dracs or the Clans and such, and who never bought in to the Rasalhague Dominion stuff. It's definitely how I'd justify my dudes, though trickier if I want them to stem from the Age of War and somehow keep the Kurita hateboner going for the better chunk of 5-6 centuries.
They need some rule changes, but nothing about them really strikes me as not fitting in with the setting, Though one must wonder why you would want a mech that cant fly over one that can, so there really does need to be some reason why the LAM didn't end up being the default platform for battlemechs, in much the same way that SLDF mechs like the Nightstar and such make one wonder why they bothered with the Atlas or King Crab.

In my head it would end up being a space issue, like a LAM always has to have weight saving tech in it like Endo and XL engines, making critical slots the real killer for what you want.
New guy here, for the first contract of my campaign I agreed to go pirate hunting in the chaos march in 3060. Specifically in the chunk that was formerly the Capellan march. My GM had a good giggle about that, and implied that I would actually be facing some sort of deniable op pretending to be pirates. Am I probably looking at Liao, or is this gonna be a Steiner or Davion slap fight do you think?
Lots of groups in the setting carry totally nonsense grudges (or territorial claims) from the age of war, and also the Dracs give all right thinking people new reasons to be mad at them like once a decade at the very slowest.
>chaos march
It's literally anybody's game
>so there really does need to be some reason why the LAM didn't end up being the default platform for battlemechs

Take your pick
>They can't be more than 55 tons
>The LAM conversion equipment takes up around 10 tons, so you have to be at least 30 tons
>They have nearly 3 times the moving parts at least compared to a normal 'mech, so they're harder to maintain, have more points of failure and ultimately are more expensive
>They're easy to kill to Other dedicated 'mechs, and A dedicated fighter would obliterate one
>They require a pilot to be skilled in both Mech Piloting and Fighter combat.

They are a multitool, meaning they are not good at either thing, and while they ARE great for scouting, covertly entering and leaving an area, and rapid strike missions, or Deployment in Soace combat... they really are not the best option outside of limited scenarios like this.

They're awesome, they're cool, and in their niche they're amazing, BUT, they would not threaten BattleMechs or Aerospace fighters as a technology due to their inherent weaknesses of trying to do both.
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You are holding the spray can way too close to the model and spraying for way too long.
Multiple light coats from about 18-24 inches away on a cool dry day is best, and don’t skimp on the paint quality.
Pic related is an automotive primer that sticks to everything, has a beautiful smooth matte finish, and is extremely beginner friendly.
I got a bit enthusiastic with it while undercoating some models for a different game and noticed a big droplet of the paint had formed on a plate loincloth and had already started drying so I couldn’t wick it away. Came back 24 hours later, not a trace of the paint drop.
It’s not cheap but it’s a lot cheaper than spending hours stripping and repainting or replacing a model because it looks like ass.
I'll keep that brand in mind. Unfortunately I'm down south and cool/dry is a hell of a ways away.
Use AI to generate the art then laser printer decal sheets to create the decals YOU SICK FUCK
No, but that's cause I'm a winner.
NTA, but I would assume that a matriarchy with a history of treating men as second class citizens wouldn't give them the out of claiming to be female.
Fair enough guess I get to be surprised then. I think I may be very fucked.
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Let us pray Deliverer Anon posts another update of Joana some time soon. The world needs more cockpit-cake.
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Well if any basecoat paint is going to work for you in Swampass, Louisiana, it’ll be that stuff. Amazon sells it I think but good auto supply stores and paint shops should also carry it.
I live in regional Tasmania and found it in a local auto paint place so you shouldn’t have any issues.
It’s a bit of a shame to see all that excellent customisation get blunted by paint that thick, is all.
Speedpaints have been decently effective for me in smoothing things out a bit, so I'm at least somewhat hopeful.

How well does superglue & catalyst plastic hold up to stripping paint though, should I need to try and redo things?
By the succession wars they're exactly as sexist as most other states but with somewhat different gender stereotypes.
NTA but paint usually gives way before glue when I leave things to soak in a Simple Green solution for a while, and the plastic seems to be okay. Not sure how they hold up under other paintstrips, but Catalyst plastic is basically PVC as far as I understand. I've also heard that you can use a wooden toothpick to help scratch out unruly paint and haven't butchered my plastic with it yet. Speedpaint is fine, but I think what the other anons were thinking about was specifically chunks like the rectangled one here it seems like the primer has clogged up the details that should be there.
Nice kitbash anon. No idea where you'd fit the big Jag logo on even a Prime config Stormcrow, so yeah, not much you can do about that.
Catalyst plastic is some kind of butadiene plastic rather than styrene IIRC and I have no idea how it would hold up to stripping. Add to that I don’t know whether you used spray enamel or acrylic so I don’t know which solvent you’d be using.
Same Anon, Same

Nigga, that's the chick from the anime but with long hair and hotter
Cheers, yeah for me it was the cockpit. I tried simple green here once and it did bugger all, maybe we use a different formula down here.
If thicc paint anon has offcuts from the customisation he can use those to test solvents. Also he should tell us what brand of spray paint he used so we can assess correct solvent.
Pretty sure it's acrylic, it's definitely not enamel.

Yeah, that part may just get left out unfortunately. The logo would basically just be covering the cockpit or something on a Stormcrow.

As far as I can tell from another unprimed one of those launchers I have, it's just a flat panel, the texture is from the primer and there wasn't any detail to be obscured there. Might try that toothpick idea though.
Rustoleum 2X Ultra Matte white primer over another Rustoleum black primer.
Yeah, I know nigga, he posted another WIP after he delivered on Kristen Redmon (that I didn't save) from Ganassa, of Joana. The whole original premise was getting cake made of both of unloved JF girlies.
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Me, NEA, and several other people were in the playtest. We pushed multiple rules changes (or in some cases, reversions) that would have kept LAMs within a reasonable power level. Along with play data to support it. Catalyst declared two things untouchable sacred cows (keeping the x3 jump movement speed in AirMech mode, and allowing mechs to stay in AirMech mode permanently) that were and remain hideously broken. Almost all of the subsequent nerfs are because of that demand. The WiGE thing is a matter of personal taste but it needlessly complicates the rules over using VTOL. CGL outright said it was because nothing else used the movement mode yet.
The first point is a blatant retcon and affects one mech. Many of the remaining construction rules issues can be resolved with a paragraph or so of text that does not touch existing record sheets. The doctrinal and training issues can and should remain in place.

It's more that one or both individuals is saying reactionary shit to keep the fight going. It fits the pattern of a known and deeply unloved troll in the thread
>That I didn't save
Well fuck, why must you tell me about something I will probably never get ahold of.
>The first point is a blatant retcon and affects one mech.
My local grog likes to bitch because it invalidated several of his 100 ton LAM designs. I usually just roll my eyes at him.
Why couldn't've AS just used hexes? I understand the more basic 'mech management rules, but isn't hex measuring for weapons faster than using a ruler every time? Also, answer my question without mentioning 40k
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AS does use hexes. You just have the measurements to convert to hex movement.
Unrelated but I painted some toads today for an upcoming campaign mission.
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Oh, found it. He already got and forwarded feedback that she didn't look anywhere near pissed off enough.
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Correction, halve the measurements.
Also I got the new IS battle armor painted up
>the WiGE thing

I'm reading those rules now, and I'm not sure what the point of them is other than to suck. They're like VTOL rules that are worse for no reason, and make 0 sense for gerwalk mode on a LAM.

Also why does it talk about using flanking MP if the only way to use WIGE movement is on a LAM?
The dumbest part is that LAMs don't even use regular WiGE rules. They have several advantages that regular WiGE doesn't have. They can hover in place. They can gain altitude without having to go over a cliff.
I don't think there is a WiGE unit that is NOT complete shit. We've discussed at length in this general before how LAMs, despite having better alternative rules suggested by play testers, were horseshoed into being WiGE's because A) nothing else was using the rules they spent a lot of effort in writing and B) they were never intended to be good

Which really fucking sucks because it means i'll never get to re-enact the LAM trial that happens at the end of Freebirth.
Looking good, how was the model quality over all? I've heard a lot of bitching about mis-castes of that particular mini.
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The ones I got were no worse than the elementals but I have seen some in the wild that were clearly miscasted. If they were able to make these out of same plastic Bandai uses you could get a far higher level of detail.
Jesus, the trannies are even co-opting paint brands now? Is there anything they aren't going to infiltrate and ruin? I'm not going to give up automotive work like I've had to give up RPGs to stay away from their mentally diseased ilk.
Just buy metal, it's worth it, everything else you mentioned is at the top of this thread
CGL models in general leave a lot to be desired. Whish they would up the QC or overall quality just a little bit or at least offer the pre-assembled models as multi-part kits. I'm not fucking buying their 15 smackaroo per model 3d printed 'elite' series when you can go on Etsy and get equivalent quality for a third of the price.
Oof yeah ‘extra matte’ means extra pigment and that means it’s going to clog detail. Strip with acetone (which will also dissolve superglue) but I don’t know how it affects CGL plastic. Styrene plastic like GW uses dissolves in acetone so you’ll want to test some offcuts or do some research first.
>Just buy metal, it's worth it,
Ok boomer
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Forgot pic
How the actual fuck do you load existing mechs in solaris skunk werks?
I would not risk it and start with 90% isopropyl. Acetone will royally fuck a mini you are trying to save.
Having just put together an IWM mini for the first time, they are a HUGE pain in the ass for only a modest benefit in detail and an exponentially higher cost.
You’re not the first person to make that joke when I’ve posted that brand on /tg/ and you’re certainly far from the smartest.
You download the separate zip file that has all the mechs first and unzip it. Then you hit the load button and navigate to the correct folder.
Depends on the plastic. Styrene will absolutely dissolve but CGL models aren’t styrene.
But they also use the otherwise completely optional "turn mode" rules that mean a marginally sharp turn can result in you having to make two separate pilot skill rolls to not crash. One just because of WiGE and one because of turn mode.
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do NOT use the "paint + primer" variant, it's very gloppy and has terrible coverage. You want the "2X Primer". Small amounts of acetone are good in this case because they burn the color into the surface, rather than having enough to start melting the whole model. That's the point of an etching primer.

Again, "solution" in search of a problem created by demanding the WiGE rules label on the unit type.
Huh. Near as I can tell there is exactly one (1) WiGE in the game that exists before the 3050s and it isn't even a combat vehicle. The combat vehicles only barely start appearing in the 50s, you'd have to be playing late dark age or ilclan to have a handful of options you can actually put on the battlefield as anything other than objectives.
Oh, and it's extinct in the inner sphere by the late succession wars. Not even comstar has it, only the clans.
Yes, you're finally getting it. Battletech is literally just Ancient Chinese history in space but the people look different.
How long before another Qin Shi Huang shows up? IMO the setting is sort of due for another golden-age.
Capellans aren't people anon.
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im here just waiting for the colored version now
>First time
Go back to warhammer
You fucking hero you.
things like gw, ak or vallejo cans are not worth it?
GW cans I know for a fact are just rebranded spray paint, only Army Painter makes actually decent color primer and even then it's over priced and of middling quality.
Can't speak to AK since they're airbrush nerds and it'd be weird if they put out a rattlecan that compares poorly to their existing products. Personally I just prime with Tamiya's rattlecans. Only problem I've had is that they're very sensitive to humidity so I can't even attempt to use it during hurricane season.
I haven't used a Vallejo can before, but Vallejo's airbrush primers seem fine if you apply it via normal brushes. Same seems to be said for all the other paints they mark for airbrushes.
If you're going for rattlecans you want to avoid enamels. Automotive primers, general plastic-rated primers, and the like are usually best. Especially when you're not dealing with GW-style styrenes. Tamiya, Army Painter, and Testors have proper primers as well, GW's stuff is just spraypaint. I haven't used Vallejo so I can't speak to theirs. I settled into using Rust-oleum because it's extremely cheap and reliable across a pretty broad range of humidity and temperatures. Plus it's made in the same factory as Testors, their "any angle" clear coat stuff is identical to the old discontinued Testors Ultraflat varnish.
I don’t use either of those. I use the Transtar automotive primer (>>93357926) because it’s fucking amazing.
The Transtar is the ONLY primer I use. I had it recommended to me about 2 years ago and after 40+ years of painting I’ve never found anything better.
I have one of each celestial but i don't really want to paint white again which they all are except Opacus (which is hard). How retarded would it be for the ROTS to have kept a few celestials for R&D or potential falseflag operations?
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You can use this. It's fine.
>unique and strange mechs that no one has ever seen before
>used for falseflag ops

Imagine if an SR-71 Blackbird flew fast and low over your house and blew out all your windows. When you tell your insurance about it and mail a complaint letter to Langley, they just say "lol wasn't us".
That's what you're describing.
shut up and buy the STL or pewter CGL faggot
That's about the level of deception that went into RotS covert ops, yes.
Exactly, who the FUCK is gonna believe anyone who says something that outlandish?
Thirdies who already believe there are active and ongoing NATO operations specifically targeting them using US and British military units on site.
They are unique but extremely well known throughout the IS as Blakist machines.
>They breed the subspecies Redneck Davionman there who can survive on basically nothing.
The Anglo-Saxon's superpower has been its ability to eat dirt all along.

The Bears just consider their Clan as a kinda-sorta extended family, but it means nothing and they don't aknowledge other types. Heck, they put people into Gulags for insisting that freeborn families should be legally recognized and protected.

They also told their sons and daughters to KYS while handing them guns loaded with a single bullet when an issue with their purity was discovered.
If someone who borders the RotS complains to them about a raid conducted by celestials the RotS will respond by talking about how disturbed they are the blakist holdout activity and offer to detail a large number of knights to investigate the attack and restore order. Everyone will know it's bullshit but then everyone knows it's bullshit when some random "grassroots" group does a bunch of terrorist attacks and demands to "rejoin" the Capellan Confederation.
>Issuing a "challenge" from an artillery company to an entire grid square.
>Basically being huge weasels but also insufferably smug about it.
Attacker/defender needs to hold this one vs the arty unit. Completely legit and normal in war.
>cheap and shitty
Minis aren’t cheap and neither should be your undercoat. And gloss? Are you literally fucking retarded?
let's say the trueborn elemental candidate bob failed in his trial of position and became a laborer. when he is called to mate with a freeborn woman, will his mate be chosen within his laborer caste only? or can be with anyone with thr best gene matching?
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>The Anglo-Saxon's superpower has been its ability to eat dirt all along.
No, it's Boggin'.
>On a scale of 1-10, how mad are you about having to siege Crannogs up and down the country?
As someone who wants to get in as a mercenary and fight small battles where light mechs can actually be useful... (Because I am inspired by the first Mech Commander game, but also Mech Assault) I'm considering the Civil War Era, around The CAPELLAN FRONT as the place to be.

This isn't the fastest or best way to learn the rules, as playing with a beginner box and medium mechs is less strain... And also this time period is intermediate... but it is what it is.

I want a narrative where we start with little and work out way up. Naturally I want to start off with a few Federated Commonwealth / whatever the correct versions are of the mechs in Mech Assault. Pad it out with some Urban Mechs, whatever I roll up / buy, whatever we capture or salvage. (Really enjoyed salvaging mechs in Mech Commander...).

I know a guy who plays in the flesh and might try to talk him into trying out Megamek.
Since bob failed out of training, his genes must be bad, so he might not be assigned a mate at all, or if he is it won't be a high status one. Bob will probably settle down with one of his new co-workers, and in most clans his children will be allowed to try to test into the warrior caste.
The 4th edition scenario book "First Strike" is written for almost this exact purpose. Chaos march, rapidly escalating campaign, simple rules that escalate as you play.
Oddly enough that is almost identical to the campaign I just started, which is also my first. 3060 start in the Chaos March with a couple mediums and lights aiming to work my way up. Just rolled for budget, starting force, etc and chose my first contract tonight actually. Gonna be a good time even if I crash and burn. Using a hell of a lot of tac ops rules though. Gonna be confusing as fuck at first.
Would you recommend this over scenario play or the Mega Mek HQ feature thing where you pick a year and pick a star and so on?
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The 52nd Shadow Division is red that fades to black towards the legs. That's fairly simple to accomplish.
>Using a hell of a lot of tac ops rules though
Why is your first involving advanced additional rules for moderately complex tournament play?
Somewhat, but there are celestial-derived designs all over the place in the 3150s, and if you use that era you can just say you're a remnant ala Ghosts of Obeedah and paint them whatever you like.
I have no idea if this is any help but here's a half-assed layout of the stuff from MechAssault. Mostly Clantech and Jihad-era stuff leaves the Owens, Raven, Uziel, and Catapult as likely IS mechs that aren't salvaged from fighting the Clans, and of those the Owens is a relatively young DCMS design.
Makes the gm happy. He really likes additional rules. I've got a good memory so I'm sure I'll pick up on them quickly. It'll work out eventually. Probably. I'm just super excited to get to play a campaign at all honestly.
Just tonight I looked into it and yeah, there was soooooo many clanner mechs!
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So has anyone gotten their Mercenary box yet? Is thee a pdf of the new vehicle rules out? Or if not, how are they looking? I'm expecting them to simplify them to thepoint of no longer being Battletech, but would like to see them myself, since here in Europe we'll be getting our boxes sometimes in 2026, I feel.

Picture unrelated, but Seydlitz goes whoooooooooooooosh
Just because the game is set in a later era doesn't mean you have to involve advanced rules, battle armor or multiple unit types, you know.
First Strike introduced a new lower-overhead campaign system that would eventually become the Chaos Campaign rules. It's much more forgiving for a new player and gives you some wiggle room to switch things up if you make a mistake. MekHQ's campaign kinda assumes you already know what you're doing, and it involves a lot of pre-planning and micromanagement to succeed. In particular, managing your hiring, support personnel, repair times/rolls, parts orders, and command skills is critical. The documentation does not explain how to do any of this very well. The unit organization screen is also downright arcane unless you've seen 1990s-era NATO command management software..
Don't play Alpha Strike.
You can get the Alpha Strike cards off of the Master Unit List so there's really no need for the lance packs. Get whatever stls and IWM minis you want and just print the cards off
>advanced rules, battle armor or multiple unit types
I barely know what these are, but okay.
Roger that, thanks for telling me.

I'll play the tutorial stuff and then transition to Chaos Campaign. Assuming I can figure out how to get that to work with Mek HQ.
>I barely know what these are, but okay.
So you can just ignore their existence and focus on mech versus mech stuff.
>Assuming I can figure out how to get that to work with Mek HQ.
MekHQ does not support chaos campaign, so that's not an option.
I'm sorry; this is off topic as fuck, but I have to bitch about this somewhere, and my co-workers are a pack of illiterate luddites. Some of you people at least manage to successfully share the brain cell allotted to /btg/, a mental feat that puts you well above them.

I spent my downtime at work today painting a special surprise unit to appear at the GenCon Leviathans War College event, while watching The Kings Man film from a few years back. It's the "prequel" to the Kingsman films that spoofed off the James Bond superspy thing. And ..what even the fuck even is this movie?

This film is the tonal equivalent of Homer Simpsons makeup shotgun. We go from a grimly shot Boer concentration camp that recreates Dachau footage, to frankly one of the most *accurate* recreations of Archduke Ferdinand's assassination I've ever seen, to a sword wielding dance-fight against Rasputin set to the 1812 Overture. The film takes a hard left into a 30 minute WW1 trench film with one of the most creative fight setups I've seen in a decade and that makes 1917 and All Quiet on the Western Front seem positively cheery. It then manages a surprise twist that I'm so impressed they had the balls to actually film that I won't even spoil it...and then it's back to saving Woodrow Wilson from being fucked to death by Mata Hari and using a biplane to parachute into Not-Blofelds towering mesa compound, crashing, and using fucking mountain goats as stepping stools to climb a sheer cliff, Mario-style.

I've been in vehicular rollovers with less whiplash than this film. I've been in LAM playtesting groups that had a more cohesive idea of how to progress their project. How on earth did this even get made seemingly totally independent of *any* sort of editorial oversight? I'm half tempted to IMDB the thing and see if CGL was contracted to do the last editing pass on the script. What the actual fuck did I just watch?
>We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread
Can anybody help me find the c-bill hatchet cost? I need it for one of my players in the RPG but can't find it in the books.
5000 c bills per ton of hatchet
Thanks, can you tell me where you found it for future reference?
NTA, but page 292 or so of the latest edition of TechManual under the heavy weapons and equipment costs table.
Can you also explain why Techmanual is so atrociously laid out that nobody can find anything inside it unless they already know where it is?
Oh fuck no, I thank god that I have a PDF for it because then I can just have multiple tabs open to jump between sections, or use the sidebar.
Thanks, I can't believe I missed it. I was looking at the regular weapon table.
Sounds like the script writers had a severe case of indecision and shiny toy syndrome.
WMD aren't war crimes by themselves. And much less is actual war crimes.
They fucked up with the second movie, killing all the Kingsmen. So they leaned too hard into the this is why they're nuts on the prequel.
Not for primer, no.
Anon that's Comstar to a T.
Oh! Alpha strike rules are free on the Master Unit List. Enjoy!
I haven't seen it, but based on your description alone, the writing staff sound like a bunch of filmmakers who were just having an absolute blast together.
It probably made it Janky as all get-out, but honestly? Sounds like something made out of the love of filmmaking rather than a corpo product.
THAT, or 15 writers were told to write scenes and a suit stitched them together.
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>play a game with custom mechs
>Awesome with 2 UAC20 and TSM approaches my Atlas
>double taps me for 60 damage first turn shooting, 80 second
>my Atlas fails pilot check and falls
>Awesome kicks Atlas for 32 damage while he's down
>Awesome shuts down with 31 heat (Atlas him with double plasma for 11 heat)
>next turn get up and execute Awesome with a plasma rifle shot to the head (it was already damaged with SRM)
You fought well, Awesome.
This is what those 3025 introtech only boomers want to take from you.
>How on earth did this even get made seemingly totally independent of *any* sort of editorial oversight?

As best I can determine it was allowed to be made as it is because of the relative success of the other movies in the series. The movies in that series were always absurd. It's basically a large part of their draw that they mix good cinematography with ludicrous campy bullshit.
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At least that Awesome had some time to shine. I misplayed my own custom plasma rifle Awesome and watched it get nailed like Hardcase in the MechCommander intro.
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Here's my custom lance with c3 computer.
>make a really cool ‘mech like the Hellcat
>it has exactly 1 (one, singular) variant

For what purpose? I’m pretty sure there are later timeline mechs that have more variants, why does this one get jack shit and your only choice is between XL or XXL engine?
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>So has anyone gotten their Mercenary box yet?
That is incredibly clean. Very nice.
The Hellcat was the MW4 Hellhound. I think it's only recently been canonzied
Not yet. ExCITED for the vehicles.
Hellcat is the clan conjurer(not!wolverine iic) made in the IS. (It was in mw4 too) now it is canon as a version of the conjurer/hellhound.
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its coming. it has a sculpt and art... we MIGHT be getting it
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After 3 members of a word of blake cell were tracked down by an equal number of Clan Ghost Bear Battlemechs and captured with zero losses, the prisoners were handed over to the GB ally the Republic of the Sphere. Guarding the prisoners was a single locust and a lance of Princeps guards

The ghost bears were followed and a relief mission was launched as the WOB members had valuable intelligence.

On the side of the Republic
Malice (100t) (4/4)
Mad Cat MKII - Enhanced with hardened armor and 2 ER large pulse lasers, but overall quite lightly armed(Commander) (3/4)
Roadrunner (Extremely fast and fragile) 4/6)
Rifleman 8D, Jumpjets, good armor and two RAC5 (4/5)
Locust 1s( Garrison) (3/4)

on the side of the WOB
Two Crab 54 with supercharger and dual plasma rifles
Mercury-105 (very fast)
Mongoose 96 (supercharger)
Locust 7S with clan XL, clan ermedium, two machine guns and a run of 3/4

The Malice and Mad Cat started near the prison and spent the first few turns not moving and firing at long range
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The Republic had the range advantage but only a few LBX pellets and SRMS from the locust hit.

The rifleman took heavy fire from 3 mechs all to the front but it didn't go internal, then wiped out the mongoose in a single turn, firing 6 shots from each RAC and hitting with 7, coring the mech.

It was then wiped out by 2 medium lasers that both hit the left torso and detonated the ammo (and the IS XL).

The unpainted crab took heavy fire, lost an arm and was knocked down.

The mad cat MKII jumped onto the roof and fired some shots.

The roadrunner was hit multiple times and somehow survived but lost an arm.
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The WOB mechs were all more skilled, 3/3 or 3/4 across the board iirc. And it was the mercury that was taken out not the mongoose, and the pilot ejected and fled

By this point the crabs were fairly heavily damaged with some engine hits from a TAC from the malice's lb5xs, but the malice was struggling with a lack of mobility and taking some hits but holding up fine.

The Mad Cat alpha striked the locust and failed to take it down, it took some shots including in the back but the hardened armor meant it didn't care.

With the roadrunner extremely damaged and the malice and republic locust having taking some hits and having lost the rifleman and the WOB being in worse wear and rapidly gaining heat from damage and their XXL engines they withdrew and picked up the ejected pilot with no prisoners saved. The princepes guards would have won if they fought on most likely with the mad cat MKII mostly undamaged and extremely tough but they likely would have lost the locust and roadrunner so they agreed to let the WOB leave to secure the prisoners and their mechs, or simply failed to pursue.

It was a victory for the republic though they lost the rifleman and a defeat but a not a total one for the rescue force.

The prisoners will likely be moved to a more secure location but perhaps an ambush will be made while they are being transported into Prefecture X, maybe even following through the Wall
In the current year of our Lord 3145, what is life like for the average spheroid? Is it anything comparable to the standard of living under star league?
That's the dark age with a lot of conflict, would depend on where they live, hopefully not anywhere near the Jade Falcons
I'm surprised you didn't mention the post-credits stinger which introduces Adolf Hitler like he's the next Marvel supervillain. The number of people who had to read that in the script and say "yeah sure this is a good idea" is staggering.
sounds kino
Neat BatRep!
There's no PDF of the rules. The vehicles follow what we saw in Tukayyid and then the beta, just with more cleanups. So super-simplified. They're mook rules, basically, and so how much you like them is going to come down to how much you like that sort of thing. Really, really easy to track is the big thing: a lot less fiddliness, so a guy can run more of them. But you lose a lot of granularity, and unless you buy the skill upgrade I think they're going to have a hard time hitting anything.
Honestly, I think this sounds pretty good to me, but I've always been a 'mech first kind of player.

Could they still be effective backing up a 'mech or two? Or are they truly shite now?
It's not like the actual total warfare rules change, you can either use those or the new simplified rules
I talked with Randal Bills at an event last week. Vehicles existing to get swept aside by mechs was an intentional design choice.
Oh they should be able to back up a mech just fine. The changes lower the need to track stuff, and in particular make it so that it's possible to destroy things in one shot. On average they're going to be dying faster. But they still have their guns: even if abstracted: if a Behemoth hits you you're taking 3 clusters of 10 damage, and the Demolisher still has its classic dual AC20s.

Yeah, that's the big thing for me. I can use either, dial in just the right amount of detail for me or even that night's scenario. Even if you don't want these things, it's just another tool in the shed.
Yeah, I met him at one of the recent events as well and he said something pretty similar (that they were meant to get that Mechwarrior game feel where if you ignore them you'll pay for it, but if you focus on them they're going to die).
New thread: >>93361917
Typical IS pedophile.
None of the modelling primers are primer, at best they're acrylic paint with a higher pigment density.
Could be good if I find another person to play on Tabletop Simulator or we can half-assedly setup our... I wanna say lances... In kinda resembles the book description for MegaMek
>The Kings Man film
I didn't even know this film was out, and it did way worse with critics than the first one and even worse than the second one. I'm amazed that audiences gave it a 80%.

Just proof that the masses are stupid. Or are you saying the film didn't seem bad, it's just that it's not coherent in tone?
Why do things run with , 3/4? Alpha Strike?
Sounds like reading a Jihad Hotspots book.

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