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Looks Weird, Plays differently, is fun.

Go on about japan-make TRPGs, be-eth Sword World, Nechronica, Kamigakari, and many more.

>Japanese RPG Troves:

>Wanna provide raws so maybe we can get a translation going?
You can find a guide here: https://pastebin.com/t4pnDT4K

>Wanna help get more games translated but you know next to no japanese?
Check this guide: https://pastebin.com/LWnc2tmT

>Want some japanese TRPG Tools? Try these.

>Wanna read some replays?

TQ> while most of these games use either D6s or D10s, why do JTRPGs that use D20s considered a rarity? (can only name Blade of Arcana, Ryuutama and FFXIV off by hand.)
>why do JTRPGs that use D20s considered a rarity?
mainly because the d20 is a horrible die to base a system around.
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yay, JTTRPGs

fucking troll get lost
>cover says it's nothing like Glass Mask

Why would I bother to play if I can't be dramatic and ham it up and if my character's drill hair has no gameplay effect?
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Update on some JTRPGs I'm currently translating:
>Card Ranker
>Embryo Machine Supplement
Rest assured, I'm still working on these, but things have slowed down drastically in real life for me, so please be patient.

Also, there are some games I wish to translate after finishing the aforementioned ones:
>セイクリッド・ドラグーン/Sacred Dragoon
A dungeon crawler game that uses grids for battle. It looks fun and is made by Group SNE.
>タンクライフRPG ダークブレイズ/Tank Life RPG Dark Blaze
A board game-flavored TRPG where you play as a tank crew riding a tank named Sherwood—made from clay, wood, and magic—traveling into the wasteland and exploring ancient ruins. Also made by Group SNE.
>武将バトルRPG 転生三国志/Warlord Battle RPG Reincarnated Three Kingdoms
Qin Shi Huang is reincarnated and conquers the modern world, and the players are the reincarnated warlords taking part in a rebellion.
>ゾンビサバイバルRPG ダイス・オブ・ザ・デッド/Zombie Survival RPG Dice of the Dead
From the Amazon.jp reviews, it's a pretty meh game, but the limited cover art by Shōji Satō convinced me to buy it.

Currently, Reincarnated Three Kingdoms and Dice of the Dead are in transit, estimated to arrive this Sunday.
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I am currently machine translating Elden Ring TRPG for my friends. Will post the character sheet when Im done typesetting.
>why do JTRPGs that use D20s considered a rarity?
Inertia, mostly. D20s were rather rare and difficult to get a hold even in the US, let alone Japan the early days of the RPG hobby - this is a big reason why Tunnels and Trolls got popular there, since you only needed conventional d6s.
Sword World had a conversion chart to turn 3d6 rolls nto a percentile/d20 results matrix, and quite a few early Japanese TRPGs were written with d6s in mind from the outset to dispense with the need for conversion.
D10 emphasis is likely due to the explosion in popularity that Call of Cthulhu had. Designers make games out of the mechanics they know - so while d20-derivatives dominate in North America, Japanese homebrew is most likely going to happen with d6s or d10s. If your audience is already used to playing with 2d10 to approximate a d100 (for Call of Cthulhu) and you can assume d10s are pretty common, why reinvent the wheel? A d20 is just a d100 in 5% increments.
Glad to hear progress is happening, taking time is fine since most of us are probably used to long waits for these sorts of things anyway
Noice. Keep at it, friendo.
Still reading the Core Manual, I got a question.

If a weapon has Power 50 I just need to roll 2d6 and check the chart? There is skills/situations that I need to roll 1d100 and check the whole table in search of my roll?
Aha, I can share the new shit I've got since last time.
I spent a lot of time cleaning page assets and working through some pages I had skipped when doing my initial translation of SMT X; the sample characters. So here's all 12 of them in all of their glory.
I'm thinking about buying a new "zero-edge" scanner to get through the... I dunno 20+ SMT replays and R&R mags I have now. Speaking of, I started translating vol 1 of a replay, and its really good.

I also made some major headway into the Tokyo Oni Exorcists system (Tokyo mono harashi), which is also looking quite fun, but I think I'm going to TRY and keep my focus on SMT X.
Most of the trove is empty folders.
It's only one of the two troves but some of the folders that are now empty are only on that one. Maybe someone went and reported the files out of general faggotry or something? Hopefully people had them saved for a reupload to be possible, though we may need to be more careful in the future for keeping them available.
Wait, which game?
I assume Sword World, since it involves Power Table referencing.
sword world 2.5
>Card Ranker
Looks like a system to play card game animes. Is it focused on a specific pastiche or is it broad enough to run just about anything? Does it involve using real cards in some capacity? (I'd assume not for whatever is written on the cards)
I'm also curious as to what is covered by the system, considering there are three books in the trove.
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Card Ranker is, for all intents and purposes, Yu-Gi-Oh! the RPG. It is built around a singular card game, "Soul Card," and the players are "Card Rankers" who can draw on the power of the cards in high-caliber duels. It's dice-based, but much of the character design space goes into your deck, such as choosing a color your deck is built around, designing original cards like your ace monster, and things like that.
Ah ok, then yes, you roll 2d6 and see the result on the Power Table for your damage (if you do a crit, then you keep rolling and adding damage until you stop critting). Also you can write your weapon stats on the character sheet, including the Power Table, so you don't need to check the long ass table every single time you attack, just your sheet.

Also afaik, there is no case you will have to roll a 1d100 to check on the table (neither for weapons nor spells). There may be a case i don't know of tho, but if there is, its probably something rare to happen in the first place, so don't worry about it.
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Card Ranker 1 is the core game and features all the mechanics you need.

"Card Ranker 2 - Advent of the Six Swords" expands the card pool and adds new mechanics.
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"Card Ranker 3 - Call of the Galaxy" refreshes the core game with a couple additional mechanics.
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As promised, I typset by hand and translated using MTL alonside the Elden Ring wiki to ensure it was as close to good as possible. Let me know if you have questions about the game
Very thank you, i have a quench if you dont mind: how similar would you say the game is to the dark souls one?
Very similar, they dropped dice initiative for card based initiative, added an open world and expanded malice charts, and looks pretty similar to DS3 TRPG. I would say you could consider it a sequel, although I have yet to play a game of ER. Besides that it features a similar dice pool combat heavy system.
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Oh sorry I should mention its a sequel of sorts for the Group SNE Dark Souls TRPG in Japanese/French, not the 5E based Steamforged Games interpretation of the Dark Souls RPG.
Which ones are the highly recommended and/or most unique ones, must plays so to say? Quite new to this. Please no bog standard d20 fodder.
Most Japanese games are not d20. That said, if you have to pick any singular game as your first JTRPG, it's probably Sword World. It is arguably the most iconic domestic TRPG and the standout local alternative to D&D.
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Form fillable
how's the system work & compare to the game. is vig mandatory?
From the onset, I can say that stats will be greatly valued, your chosen mainhand stat will affect your weapon damage directly (there is no to hit, only guard and evade reactions) and vigor directly adds to health as you can tell. There is a hard cap on stat growth, attribute cap is 60.
I'll have to report back on the feel, at a glance Im worried about how swingy the stamina will work round after round, as refreshing 5 dice to roll random facings is not as elegant a solution to the games stamina conservation, and more a nod to how random latency, lag, systems bullshit, and unfairness the originals are known for. Might be interesting to play but Ill report back
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Oh nice, gotta have to look for the pdf somewhere then
I assumed so, but still Thank fucking god
That dnd book was a disaster
>why do JTRPGs that use D20s considered a rarity?
D&D was imported late into the JTRPG scene, so it’s design never really caught on. Considering the design space in America, it’s safe to say that was a boon
That's pretty funny if true, considering Gygax and co. sourced their funny dice originally from a Japanese company making them for mathematics and stuff.
Because of Sword World and economics
According to those in the know getting any kind of die that was not 6-sided in Japan back in the day was really hard, and there were like a small handful of shops in Tokyo that carried them. Magazines were pretty common and Record of Lodoss War became a big hit. When TSR turned down an offer to buy the setting, the creators of Record decided to make their own RPG with blackjack and hookers, and to make it far far FAR easier to get they scrapped all dice by the 6-sided ones. It's been that way ever since, with most JTRPGs leaning on the venerable d6s the most, though you will sometimes find some that use the other dice, especially as they are far easier to get nowadays.
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This is the most commonly cited answer: d6s were just far easier to acquire back in the day. It's why the modern JTRPG design space vastly prefers d6s. The story about Record of Lodoss War and the origin of Sword World is also true.
>an RPG to play a card game
What? Why? How does it work?
Do they have any good sci fi systems besides the hundreds of mecha ttrpgs?
Oh pog, a JTRPG thread!
Anybody got any Card Rankers up in this bitch?
>What? Why?
Have you seen the shit they get up to in Yu-Gi-Oh/MtG?
unless you count Tokyo Nova as sci-fi.
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Cyberpunk is science fiction, so yeah, I'd say Tokyo Nova counts.
The Megaten TRPGs are pretty cool.
>Tank Life RPG Dark Blaze
I am very intrigued, is there anywhere I can find more info or any way I can help you in your efforts to translate it (I know no nipon) Do you need a proof reader?
After you read enough of the setting book for Tenra Bansho Zero you realize it's technically a sci-fi setting even if the characters in it wouldn't be able to realize it.
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is any of the shinobigami extra stuff translated? i dont see it in the trove.
Reup Double Cross plz.
I'm in search of a raw scan or translated version Blue Forest Story. The ttrpg, not the video game.

I can get it through Buyee or whatever, but before I do that, I thought I'd ask around here.
Wait, Icerink loli got a ttrpg? Got scans or translations?
next month Comiket
Admittedly, no.
Dare I ask if any of this is translated and available anywhere? Seems like something my friend group would be into
NTA, the raws for all three books are in one of the OP troves, while the anon you're replying to is presumably the one that is currently translating them.
Alright, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled.
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Sometimes I wonder if weeb as fuck CoC scenarios ever gets translated
I wouldn't put that girl anywhere near tentacles, especially in japan.
No, the main translator is someone else. The last time this thread was up, they said book 1 is just under half done; I imagine it's gone up since then.
Deluxe edition of the FFXIV TTRPG is up for pre-order.


As someone who has played the MMO my favorite of the exclusives is the waymarks. Perhaps the most important part though is that we now know that it now goes up to level 60. That is still covered under the first volume of the full color Encyclopaedia Eorzea lorebooks but level 70 and beyond will demand further volumes for people who want to make a campaign that gets every little detail right.

Oh, right, the standard rulebook has gone up for pre-order too.


The full gamemaster rulebook is still MIA.
I honestly don't have high hope for this overpriced piece of steamy shit.
Medalist has a TRPG?
The edition might be nice for collectors, but honestly it's usually useless shit like the stuff they put in video games "collector's editions", which is all overpriced crap. Granted that the manual would be enough, what is known about the system?
>60 levels
Damn. You get 3 levels per session at the start of the adventure? Either a lot of bookkeeping or a long ass campaign.
Looks more like gloomhaven with a GM than a ttrpg set in the world of xiv to be honest.
The early release killed most of my hype (Dawntrail killed the rest :^) )
See here >>93375760 , trips.
There is no leveling. What is chosen is the level of the campaign and the levels are 30, 40, 50, and 60. There also is no equipment or inventory because it is assumed that everyone has everything they need for the adventure such as basic supplies and suitable equipment. The game has been described by people as being more like a board game than a TTRPG.
The store page description says this:
>The Standard Rulebook builds upon the Starter Set, adding a number of new rules that enhance gameplay and provide fun ways to spice up your game. Items, shopping, augmentation, personal quests, and more all help to make your adventures more exciting than ever before.
So it seems there will be some degree of inventory/equipment depending on what augmentation means.
Huh, sounds pretty interesting. Wonder if one would get chewed out for not bringing pots or food to a fight.

Got a link to this one? Its looks interesting.
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On second thought I suggest anyone who wants to get a complete edition of the FFXIV TTRPG wait for the gamemaster book to show up for preorder. This deluxe edition showed up when the player book showed up, so I can imagine a much bigger $300 complete edition showing up when the gamemaster book shows up. Also, don't worry about missing out on the deluxe edition if it turns out I'm wrong. They would've said somewhere if it was a limited edition thing.

Okay I just checked the free .pdf manuals and I remembered wrong. It does mention a player inventory at one point on page 9 of the gamemaster .pdf manual.

You can read the short .pdf versions of the player and gamemaster manuals here.


Direct links:
Player Book: https://gdl.square-enix.com/ffxivttrpg/EN_PL20240523.pdf
Gamemaster Book: https://gdl.square-enix.com/ffxivttrpg/EN_GM20240523.pdf

The part I mentioned about supplies is on page 19 of the gamemaster one.

>Q. Should I keep track of adventuring supplies—waterskins, rations, torches, rope, lockpicks, and so forth—in my adventurer’s inventory?
>A. You can assume your adventurer keeps any supplies they need on hand, so you don’t need to worry about keeping track of them. More information on this can be found in the Standard Rulebook.
thanks for your work, scanning and cleaning is a lotta work. What's a zero-edge scanner add to the process? I know fuck all and I just assume that if you scan with some extra whitespace you can cut it off.
The thing about scanning books is that you have to press them flat to scan all of the page. For just text this is usually not a problem, but many trpg books have full-page art that goes into the spine where some shadows or warping can occur.
The scanner I'm looking at has one side with only a 2mm edge between the glass and, well, the edge of the device. So I would be able to "hook" the spine of the book on that edge and scan further into the spine.
Of course the alternative is ungluing and unbinding the book, but that takes a lot more time, and mess, not including doing something with the unbound pages afterwards. This scanner should be a higher quality without destroying, while also being less harsh on the spine.
ah, yeah I see how much that would help, thanks for explaining.
>Yellow Submarine
Oh, my beloved
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>Dawntrail killed the rest
>Even on /tg/, we're dunking on dawntrail.
Man I'm glad I held off, didn't preorder.
Not only because the story's bad but I mained black mage, pity me.
How is Nechronica?
I got interested in it because of Hetza's artworks about it.
I heard Black Mage is still fine but I haven't tried it since since getting it to 90 in Endwalker.
It's OK in target dummy conditions and feels objectively worse to play in any kind of real world situation, objectively worse when not at level cap, and this is painful because EW black mage was great.
All the changes seem designed entirely around forcing you to play the rotation exactly as intended, when previously it was a job that allowed for flexibility. The consensus is that the 0.01% of players on The Balance doing nonstandard lines of play and getting 2% improved performance in fights they already knew the timings for totally mindbroke the devs, and the devs fucked black mage to force you to play as rigidly as you would dragoon these days.
Stay on topic...

Tactical combat, part-based health and abilities, grim setting where you seek to find hope in a land without. Also the crazy storytime posts by a guy currently distracted by making his own indie game.
i normally like deluxe editions and i am a total paypiggy, but not even an alternate cover for the core book? fuck that shit
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Dunno if anyone noticed, but the SW2.0 Raxia God Book has been fully translated (for once)
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>solo slice-of-life RPGs
it's almost like i actually have friends
shit this was meant for the solo thread but i guess it fits here somewhat because the game i'm soloing is golden sky stories
How are you coming up with story threads/ideas? I love the game, but it's actually difficult coming up with slice-of-life stuff.
i have to admit i've been winging a lot of it in terms of ideas to get things started, but i'm looking for SoL tables myself. currently skimming Iron Valley, and it seems to have some good bits in it
it has almost an entire page dedicated to "gender identity" though lol
It's one of the most fun combat systems in any system and if you are interested because of the art, you'll enjoy making PCs. It is light on out of combat stuff, so the GM is expected to bullshit/set expectations himself for what can and can be during the adventure phase.

The biggest downside for most people is going to be the lack of translated material (like enemies and scenarios). If you're the sort who makes everything themselves this is pretty much a non-issue as there are enough examples of enemy only parts and such to learn from. It does, however, help if there is an experienced person around.
yeah, there isn't much to go by with what's there, but at least it is playable.
but yeah, it's near the time of the timed sage limit, and here I hope that eventually, we get something new translated.
Elden Ring is actually being worked on extremely slowly by a redditor lol, I played my first game and was a bit unprepared but still had a bunch of fun. Hoping with another week of work I would have a full grasp of the rules on command as DM. Players seem to be able to play fine off of the character sheet but I will also translate the subcharacter sheet because inventory management is bad.
If we can get official translations of goblin slayer and konosuba why cant we get sword world?

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