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No joke, why does 40k look like THIS now?

Actually think green felt roll and aquarium rock terrain looked so much better.
pathetic bait with a year old picture from an australian blog?
Everything on that board will be dead in 1 round, but that round will take an hour.

I friggin LOVE modern 40k!
Ben, that’s how it’s always looked. You’re just a newfag and think white dwarf magazine battle reports was how games looked and wasn’t just an ad.
Do people actually play 40k?
I thought it was just models people collect and slogans they shout at each other.
Complaining about 40k's gameplay kinda sounds like complaining about the beer in a strip club.
Looks like someone wanted to have a game and did not have terrain up and ready yet. They were eager to play and they played. Look at the minis. They've painted minis. They had the matt. It is clear they had all they could use for game used. What are you complaining about?
>that’s how it’s always looked.


My GW was all green flock mats nailed onto plywood boards, with GW trees and GW foam terrain like this ruined Chimera bunker. Or that other bunker, I'll find a picture.

Or actually some vacuum-formed 4x4' tables from GW HQ
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This one

Before that there was a lot of colourful card terrain and Necromunda bulkheads
Yeah 40k was always heavily biased towards alpha strikes but now it’s just rocket tag with the level of lethality.
literal consoomer cattle slaves who can’t and don’t make their own terrain or craft anything at all because they lack executive function, creativity, or any desire to express themselves. Extremely shallow and soulless personalities, perfect for targeting by corpos and grifters. Lack the self awareness, grace, and humility to tell the actual difference in physiological effect ops example table versus an oldhammer table have on the human psyche. Always eating but never satisfied. Sad.

mass produced consoomer slopterrain can eat a dick.
40k consumers spend shitloads of money on the minis but cheap out on the board and terrain. GW themselves don't offer nearly enough to make a full healthy board and they shriek and cower at buying from anyone else so they play on some paper with three buildings and turn 1 wipe each other, or they grit their teeth and buy a huge set of shitty mdf "ruins" and fill the board with the same pieces repeated.
I still have it, since I'm working in a jungle table with that green grass as base for the table. I wonder what would be the best option to paint said chimera.
That terrain is way too sparse. Have you seen the Pariah setups? It's choc-a-bloc.
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Let's have a healthy terrain thread then.
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At least it's still actual terrain. Typical terrain in Warmahordes tournaments were green paper circles with "forest" written on them.
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Because thats what some random dude had at what is very clearly his house?

The volcano world of Kitchn Ta'able IV it turns out, is a rather barren place.
1000 point battles in warhammer are either 100 minis swarming each other or 3-4 big ones fighting kaiju style.
What if there were game shops that were also cosplay cafes with actual girls paid to work there dressed up as nyaa miko sakura from hororaibu. Hard mode: the girls have to be at least lower than 150 pounds and the men have to have washed and shaved and put on deodorant before coming there. Also the 'ale' as it will be called will be expensive and watered down.
I remember the store at the mall I went to in the early 2000s had an intro table that was basically a hill with trenches and looked amazing because the GW employees actually cared. The intro game was, if I remember right, the new (at the time) Cadians and I want to say Orks. It was a great looking board. Back then though, terrain in 40k actually meant something beyond rerolls and more rerolls.
40k needs to make rules for solid buildings like this again, I'm getting tired of ruins shit, also
>a ruin with open windows blocks line of sight
>a dense forest doesn't
A few minor tweaks to terrain rules could really fix the problem with modern 40k boards
>hysterical screeching
Yeah, couldnt be that they did not yet make new terrain and decided to play first, because its more important to them.
>painted models and terrain
Most games of 40k look much worse than that.
There is nothing stopping you from setting up and running such an establishment.
>year old picture
did things change in a year?
I still write all my 1000 points lists like I was using the force org chart and nobody can convince me to do otherwise
That actually looks dope as fuck.

That always bugged me. I played a couple of local charity tournaments (entry fee was shit like canned food that went to feeding the homeless and the likes) and the tables were always so depressing.
Didn't 4e have good terrain rules? Using area terrain and abstract LOS is already an improvemenet.
Unironcally new fans in the hobby dont understand what warhammer is/was.
Warhammer is not just a table top game like MTG which a lot of new comers seem to think thats what it is meant to be.
Warhammer is meant to be a battle reenactment system. Its meant to be thematic and dramatic in nature. Its more about the fight itself then it is the outcome of the fight. But modern zoomers dont get that, they dont understand the value of setting up fun cool detailed boards and taking actions not because its min max best outcome but because its would be cool as fuck to see happen.
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I like the old style tables and I've tried to capture their feel.
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Also have this table, not the most practical but it works for small games.
Your kitchen table has volcanic lines drawn on it? Fuck off, James
Lovely work, anon
They don't care about well-painted, actually attractive models.
They don't care about creating attractive scenery.
They don't care about interesting scenarios.
They don't care about narratively-appropriate armies.
They only care about competition.

Why are these "people" even playing miniatures wargames? They should be playing chess, or hex-and-chit wargames, or something similar.
>he doesn't heat his meals using molten lava
Because whoever chose to play that game set it up like that. This is as retarded as asking why all computers are RGB nightmares just because you saw a picture of one in an email ad.
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Here’s a game from this week.
My Gsc fought against necrons, lost by 1 point.

I admit setting up a board like this is great fun, generally it will stay up for 3 weeks - and as games keep happening I’ll ‘destroy’ sections, and rejig bits that didn’t work.
Now it would be the new primaris, painted as ultramarines while being salamanders-coded, versus genstealers to move those boxes.
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You're fucking worse for knowing better and still being a pissant. If you put half that bitch energy towards actually setting up cool tables maybe the new crop would be less zoomzoom.
It doesn't help much that GW has simplified and paradoxically made the rules easier (by removing the granularity and basically anything that would make the wargame a wargame) and stupidly difficult (by adding so much bullshit that outweighs the original removals for example wargear being basically a stratagem (since 8th) that you must gotcha at the right time instead of it just being something that can be used because it was +10 points) to the point where it isn't fun. Retards can complain about vehicle facings, templates, WS vs WS, I vs I, etc but that is what made the game what it was: a wargame. Now everything is X with a +1 or -1 modifier sometimes and then I reroll my reroll because I rerolled my previous reroll allowing me to reroll my reroll and yours too. My tank can shoot everyone in your squad with all the weapons even though the left side sponson couldn't even maneuver its firing arc at them. Haha. Enjoy my reroll, bitch. Reroll. Command point reroll. FUCK.
A part of me doesn't mind Primaris, just admittedly the change in general. If they were actually handled correctly with choosing of upgrades, wargear, armour, etc it wouldn't be the clusterfuck of information and stats now that are basically the same but spread out over 20 different DATASHEETS for a space marine captain. Also hey don't forget your indirect fire where you don't need to do anything and you can just measure ok role 4+ so your basilisk can wait no make that 3+ because [special character] is within 24" and taking them is the only way to make your army actually perform like the army should with all those BUFFS of +1 in a radius ok so I rolled a 4 and now let's see I have to roll again to see how many I have hit and since it's the giga-boom shell I get to roll D6 ok I rolled six and the giant explosion took let's see how many ok rolling 6D6 and because [special character] I get to reroll wounds ok looks like I wounded two ok now you roll for saves ok you failed those but you can reroll ok so one dies very cool what the fuck is a template and what the fuck is scatter I don't know what direction the arrow is pointing because I'm so fucking stupid this is much better anyway you win because your stratagem says I lose FUCK cool ok see you next week yeah I know you're practicing for the fucktournament 400 but oh well at least crusade fixes all this shit OH MY GOD IT'S ALL THE SAME BUT THIS TIME MY DUDES CAN GAIN REROLLS AS THEY PROGRESS AHHHH
It's not just "the new crop." It's the standard.

Also, paint your Warp Spiders.
I bought some primaris inflamers to make a salamanders squad and htey're not bad, but I don't like that so many primaris units are like
>Pushfit to assemble
>pauldrons come as part of the armour
Primaris are overwhelmingly the "children's" army in nu-warhammer.
>Warhammer is not just a table top game like MTG which a lot of new comers seem to think thats what it is meant to be.
>Warhammer is meant to be a battle reenactment system.
10 years ago, yes. Maybe even 5 years ago. But now it absolutely is trying to be MtG with plastic toy soldiers.
The question becomes; Is that the standard on the table you play? Also, I keep getting promised that new spiders are around the corner, they can wait.
But seriously, 1K is the only tolerable level for modern 40K (if you are to play at all).
I haven't played 40k in years and I've been interested in seeing what modern games look like. Have any other pictures?
Sure. Here’s a tidal river.
Love terrain risers anon.
Mid stage consumption nid invasipn
Good proof that it isn't an old vs new thing, and the plastic buildings look quite good mixed in with more classic DIY terrain and boards
Paradoxically here’s a game at the lgs a few weeks ago.

I thinks combination of scatter terrain taking more effort for less in game impact, smaller boards and bigger models have contributed to bad generally average boards. That and the rules bloat in terms of combos and wigwams mean the focus is on the units with the battlefields not doing much outside of -1 to hit, armour save increase by +1(but not if you have save 3+ against ap1 or blocking los.
Remember also that infantry functionally ignore walls for movement and you have this super simplified stuff.

Plus leaf through modern gw rules. Youll see suggested terrains layouts which some will never willingly deviate from.
though the focus of the game has shifted it still takes a while. This pic was a 1000 points each 2v2 but had to end early after 4 hours as we just finished round 3. Mainly this is due to larger focus being on rolling 48 dice, reroll hits with 6’s counting as both an auto hit and a extra hit reroll if 1s towounds vs: t6 -1 from wound roll 2+ 4++ half damage characteristics taken with a 5+ fnp.

This sort of shit takes ages to get through and represents 2 stratagemmed up mega units going at it. You could see this twice a turn.
Then add everyone’s primary and secondary random objectives.
And every unit having between
1-3 ‘special’ wigwams they can use at a very specific sub phase such as after shooting.

Don’t get me wrong, 10th isn’t too bad. Interactivity In-opponents turn is novel. But it absolutely makes the meat of the edition more like a video game than a war game.
>a ruin with open windows blocks line of sight
>a dense forest doesn't
This is literally the reverse of how it works in 40k
Jesus I want to vomit. Half painted models, unpainted terrain from multiple different settings, shitty printed-image mat. Why don't they just all take a shit on the table to see who's biggest and stinkiest, it would be a less offensive spectacle than that fucking abomination.
Ancient 2nd Ed designer notes mentioned an entire game is supposed to represent 30 seconds to 3 minutes IRL which makes a lot more things make sense, in my opinion.
>My GW

Why are you comparing a business' set-up to what is clearly a kitchen table?
>Warhammer is meant to be a battle reenactment system

Lol, no it's not. If there's a way to decide a winner/lower than ir's a game.
See >>93361086. OP has clearly never played at a bud's house using books and whatever stuff they had lying around for terrain and instead pretends every single game of 40k was played on studio tables until those horrible zoomers came and ruined the hobby true based individuals such as himself. If he really gave a shit about the state of the hobby he'd spend more time teaching the youngins how its done and making terrain for his local club/shop instead of shitting his pants on /tg/ every day.
Confirmed nogames. I can sit my brick of 10 blightlord terminators on an objective and it takes multiple rounds of shooting to kill them. 10th Ed is far less lethal than 9th.
>I'm going to wait the requisite years it takes to craft and collect bespoke terrain before I even play a game.
>thinking tourney fags are the entire player base
You're not as smart as you think you are faggot and beer can terrain/drop pods have always been a thing.
It's not about the kids though. Obviously they'll play with half strength armies with chunks of raw styrofoam terrain and always will. The average player now buys a bunch of mdf chunks because it's the only viable way to play anymore, and these are typically grown men with multiple armies. You can't pretend that the game and community haven't slowly pushed more into a meta competitive game rather than a simulation or reenactment which has led to things like board theming and crafted objectives being pushed aside.
>I'm going to wait the requisite years it takes to craft and collect bespoke terrain
anon you and your mates can throw together some craft materials and cheap paint into a great board over a weekend it does not take years.
>I'm going to wait the requisite years it takes to craft and collect bespoke terrain before I even play a game
1. You don't have to do that to start playing, but you should be getting a terrain collection ready whilst you play your first few games
2. If it takes you years to craft a couple pieces of terrain you're kind of proving the other anons point about executive dysfunction lol.
>t. Guy who's still "working on" painting his army 3 years after he bought it and ~75% is still just bare plastic or primer
>bigger models have contributed to bad generally average boards
This is a critical problem. You can't have an interesting board when every game has multiple dinner plate sized models that need to fit. Even just changing the average base size from 25mm to 30mm makes a huge difference for usability of terrain.
>or they grit their teeth and buy a huge set of shitty mdf "ruins" and fill the board with the same pieces repeated.
Oh gods, the only other 40k player in my area does this. Shitty MDF ruins and nothing else, insists on tournament rules with the exception of course of the +10 points for being painted that might bring my marines in line with the other armies.
"How did you lose to orks? They only have better toughness, saves, melee, movement and stratagems, but it's okay because they're cheaper. You have longer range."
On a ruin spam board forcing marines into that point blank range band they absolutely hate to be in.
Fuck, I didn't think of that but you're spot on. Allowing apocalypse units was a mistake.

Why the hell don't GW make terrain any more? Feels like they're leaving money on the table.
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Blood angels vs world eater, 2nd ed game with project anvil rules for defiler. Feels great to beat up a squad of khorne berzerkers in melee.
>Why the hell don't GW make terrain any more? Feels like they're leaving money on the table.
It's alot harder to sell a person on buying new terrain over and over again like they do with their figures. So instead of trying to sell and make a measly profit they just cut it out completely.
>dreadnought standing directly on top of lava seam

does dangerous terrain not exist in this edition or something
You can play the game however you wish, nobody is coming into your house with a gun and forcing you to play tournament terrain formats.
To build decent terrain that isn't just painted Styrofoam takes time. Some people have lives outside of warhammer.
It has taken me 1 year to paint 2k points of DG because I have kids. According to fags here I don't get to play.
The post was not smart. He cherry picked an image and extrapolated out to the whole community. I've played games with my kids duplo as terrain and had a blast. That dude is just a no fun fag.
You don't recognize craftworld Zen'Ithel?
Aquarium terrain rules
Play Bolt Action w Army Men
Well yeah but it'd still be a steady revenue stream, put the old ones into production and just restock as needed? Beats letting your MDF competitors gobble it all up
This is Draw The Rest of the Fucking Owl bullshit.
The cost of keeping that going is probably not worth the profit they get out of it. Additionally the resources saved can just be shifted to working on what makes them money.
Me and my kids build cities out of magnetic tiles and use them as destructable environments when we play 40k and Kill Team. Fuck paying for some ugly shit you'll use once.
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>a year old picture from an australian blog

Ok, what about a UK event?
I literally saw a 40k event today that only looked marginally better, I just can't fathom how this terrain killing symmetry autism got into 40k of all games.
GW makes heaps of terrain for their various games.
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I play at my house and I still put effort into my tables
Based and SOVL... Rare enlightened take.
found the yids
Fix your bases you lazy faggot.
>but muh wip
That's what you said last time, I don't see any improvement. Fix your shit.
If only you put effort into your models, rather than dipping them in contrast paint and calling it a day. And fix your fucking basing.
Why didn't they even try to paint the pieces of terrain? They just left them there, naked and alone, never to feel the touch of a brush? That's evil.
except TOW for some reason

Fix your basing and get the fuck out of your house. You are not a gamer, you are a mentally unwell shut-in.
>You are not a gamer, you are a mentally unwell shut-in.

Where do you think you are?
Not only is TOW the game they're spending the least development resources on, it's the one that interacts the worst with terrain. Meanwhile all the classic square-base terrain such as "hills" and "trees" aren't copyrightable; the best they'd be able to do are the likes of Herdstones(TM) (don't they sell these anyway?) and faction-specific buildings (which they did sell back when WHF was a thing).
Speak for yourself you stale cat piss smelling incel. Plenty of us are complete and utter normies in our jobs and social circles but go in all on painting our minis and crafting terrain on the weekends. Only stinky shitwipes think they have a monopoly on the hobby

An overreaction but we have seen the photo of the one wargame you played 373826252849403 times. You're Canadian and you put English Civil War banners on Italian wars troops.

Like just do one more thing ffs
Oh boy it's a dad gamer."hey guys, can I join in? Sure I only have three squads assembled, but it's so hard finding time as a dad gamer! We can play on my sons high chair food tray, and make sure you sand off all your bayonets, gotta watch out for the kids, this is just what you have to deal with as a dad gamer!"
You can't breed
My fanily comes first, then my grad school, then exercise, then minis - so yes, people can like. Tabletop without having tons of time for it.
This guy posts the same image repeatedly in /wfg/ and other threads along side low-effort bait, ignore him.
Shit, is that actually your table Anon? It's great.
Because all the old creators are gone now. It is a new generation of people with no connection to the or knowledge of the original game. It's a different game basically, but labelled as the old, riding on the famous coat tails of the original game to make the current uninspired shit sell.
too complicated for todays audience (according to GW)
>Oldhammer colors
>dawn of war terrain
I don't care. You aren't still owed entry into a hobby just because you used to have the free time and passion to keep up with everyone else.
The hobby aspects are not a competition, Leaf
I wish old farts were not allowed to post here.
Probably because a UK can be quite big.
A bigger tournament has around 128 players in austria/switzerland.
A bigger tournament in the UK has 400 players.

Quality of the terrain will drop off at table 12+ locally
>To build decent terrain that isn't just painted Styrofoam takes time.
not as much as you seem to think.
>Some people have lives outside of warhammer.
Nigger everyone does, if you have time for games you have time to paint models and make half decent terrain with your play group. skip every second game to put in some effort making them look nicer. Take your paints and craft supplies to wherever you play and get them involved between games or instead of one of the games.
Y-you too
Grognards were never a problem.
It was always weird people who painted like one guy and then went mad on the fumes. The guy with the Agincourt armies in his cedar cabinet will not harm you.
Suffah England lmao
Bro I play solos in my bedroom while the kiddos asleep. Take that aggression and go to the gym, you’ll feel better about yourself.
>terrain killing symmetry autism got into 40k
It's the shitty rules. The rules are designed so badly you need to pack tons of large los blockers onto the board otherwise whoever gets first turn wins instantly.
Frankly I think they need to shrink all shooting ranges by about half for most weapons and make it more difficult to shoot targets that aren't the closest.
It's not even the amount that bothers me, it's the insistence that evey table must have identical layout.
Mirrored layout is an inevitable consquence of the game requiring large los blockers and tourneyfags demanding balance in everything
But I don't see that happen in other games with lots of terrain and tournament autism. Infinity tables for example are always different from each others.
Tell me you're over 50 without telling me you're over 50.

I agree there is a bit much terrain in the pariah but I think it's more the concentration into big lumpy LOS blocking ruins. "Just fight at point blank range constantly anon, it's not like your marines instantly fucking die at those ranges."
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Crappy helmets also abound, had to get creative in dealing with it.
Looks nice anon
>Bro I play solos in my bedroom
Very based

Playing with books and coke cans is not the equivalent of this, that was something you did to get you by. For less than one of those buildings you could cover that table in textured battlemats and scenic terrain. These faggots have actually put down a paper mat and are pretending it's sufficient
Yeah I much preferred the models you posted anon, much more detailed
Fun fact, Huke, the artist of Steins;Gate and a vtuber among other things is into 40k
Wow the tankiest infantry in a giant block in the tankiest army in the game can survive some shooting. Amazing insight.
>owed entry into
The hobby isn't a club with membership, he went and bought some warhammer stuff and now he's in the hobby
American group/company Frontline Gaming's International Tournament Circuit.

GW had dogshit terrain rules that made their own terrain a bit fucking useless from 5E 40k I think it was when "true line of sight" was introduced, but a lot of events were happy to house rule terrain so theirs would remain usable.

Wasn't until this international rankings thing came along that brought a lot of problems to modern 40k. FLG are happy to houserule when it suits them but it suits them to not fix terrain because they ended up selling LOS blockers. They also brought the completely symmetrical table autism, because I guess they're "theorycrafters" that want fewer variables when writing lists, and they were definitely responsible for 2k points becoming standard because they wanted fewer hard choices when listbuilding.
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a good terrain makes half the game worth playing in the first place
>No joke, why does 40k look like THIS now?
at this point it is like beating dead horse, just go do something constructive with your time and let it rot in peace
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The autistic/competitive players won control of the hobby and any sort of interesting terrain or special scenario is deemed as unbalanced.
>unpainted 3D-printed models
>featureless grey walls as terrain
You forgot:
>vehicles vs. vehicles
>no items
>fox only
>final destination
Skirmish games generally enjoy shorter weapon ranges and movement rules more appropriate for tighter terrain, so boards can be asymmetrical with less balance ramifications.

Large boards could be made asymmetrical as well with modestly good balance, but as it might effect the match-up in tournaments you would have to have randomly assigned layouts or selected layouts. Battletech resolves this problem in the rules by having the official way of setting up the table be collaborative, either by placing pieces of terrain in AS or by combining two selected boards in CBT.

Generally speaking mirrored layouts wouldn't even have to look bad if people bothered to A: not just make shitty foam Ls and official terrain and B: actually fucking painted them. Even if placement locations were fixed you can make multiple kinds of terrain or building that fit in the same footprint and work similarly without them being exactly the fucking same.
The GW suggested terrain layout is the only thing I see at my lgs. My lgs at least tried to paint those L's to a theme for each of their game mats. Not that the 40k players always pick the matching terrain pieces. It's nice that they're all painted, but games look so lame when the tables all look the same.
Genuinely, did this happen because the rules became too complex? Casual players aren't able to keep up with a new edition every 3 years, so the only people playing are compfags. Casuals still collect and paint their armies, but they aren't the ones playing most games.
Add some stuff to the bases and it's real nice
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These tables came from 3rd party tournament rules like ITC and whatever. The two L's in the center probably means NOVA rules from 9th edition. But now that ITC has been absorbed into GW there are the official tournament terrain layouts. There are ways to make them not shitty, but the cheap economical way to make them is to just glue some foam rectangles together into an L, and have them on clear acrylic rectangles to represent the terrain boundaries.
Dios mio...
Where's the art?
Where's the SOUL?
OP is a faggot
It's like Warhammer got possessed by the ghost of all the shitty parts of Warmachine after 8th. What a fucking joke.
looks ok

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