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Mean Green Gene Edition

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What army has your favourite aesthetic and why?
Feral Orks
Apart from the goff rocker, are there many "goth" themed ork minis out there? I haven't looked through all of the 3rd party models yet but was looking for ork parodies of musicians like Robert Smith or even Ian Curtis. One of those sites does sell a few of them but it's mostly rock stars like the members of GnR, etc

I mean given its an ork themed thread, it really goes without saying doesn't it. Was almost tempted to make an entire freebootas themed army but it would cost a fortune getting all of the pirate heads from 3rd party sellers, along with all the other shit like replacing choppas with sabres and sluggas with flintlock pistols
Ad Mech followed by whichever ork clan is the space pirate ones. Kaptin Bludflagg is best boy.
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Genestealer Cults. Still can't wrap my head around them, but they're beauties.
Admech their disregard for their flesh is inspiring
So lore about the Malstrain from Warcom.
-The Malstrain was corrupted by the weapons used on them, whatever the admech guy did to them, and generations of inbreeding. It's not related to Chaos.
-Malstrain genestealers are way weaker than purestrain genestealers. In a fight between them, it would not be close.
-The floaty things are infected native insect lifeforms. Normal GSC don't fall so low to harness literal insects but the Malstrain cult is desperate
-If the Hivemind ore other GSCs found out about the Malstrain cult they would be horrified. The Hivemind would steer clear of the world they were on. In a way, the Admech guy resolved the GSC problem.
-Normal Genestealers and their cultists would see the Malstrain as anathema. Both groups will fight each other should they ever encounter one and another.
-The Malstrain cult has the gene code of the Admech guy and has been recreating him but for what purpose it's unknown. Maybe to cure the Malstrain or to spread it?

Honestly, this made the Tyranids come off as pussies. A little genetic mutation caused by radiation horrifies the Hivemind?
Night lords, you aint makin it if you aint covered in flesh homes.
I thought the hivemind just wouldn't recognize the signal put out by the malstrain cult, so they can't call a hivefleet, not that hivefleets are scared of them.
>If the Malstrain managed to establish a psychic beacon, the Hive Mind would be horrified. Bizarrely, that means that Hermiatus actually succeeded in his task – he found a way to save a planet from the Genestealer curse.

Yeah that's pretty dumb. I mean, it makes sense they wouldn't integrate the cult into the hive or anything, they would just eradicate them.
But being scared of them is silly.
It opens the room for rogue Tyranid factions so it's welcome. The Tyranids have been monolithic for too long.
>Entire premise of your faction is genetic control and re-purposing biomass
>Why would they be concerned or not want anything to do with the tyranid equivalent of cancer?
Well you don't need that part to have a rogue Tyrranid/Cult faction.
Just say that they can't properly signal a Tyrranid fleet and that they realized if they got their attention they would just be eradicated.
Dios mio,mucho texto autismo
But don't Tyranids already have an unstable form of Genestealers? Ymgarl Genestealers. They don't avoid them. They just don't eat them.
What makes the Malstrain different that the Hivemind would forgo a feast of biomass to avoid them?
Also, as masters of bioengineering wouldn't the Tyranids be able to fix the Malstrain?
Alex: The signal is so twisted that the Hive Mind is simply like ‘nope’.
That's funny.
Serious question:
What exactly was the Dark Angels' selling point?
Like, if you wanna be a generalist, you pick Ultras or Black Legion. If you want to GO FAST you pick White Scars or, I guess, Emperor's Children. If you liked to be the heavy weapons guy you picked Iron Hands or Iron Warriors.
If you like sabotage you pick Raven Guard or Night Lords.
What exactly do Dark Angels do? I cannot wrap my head around it. People say "Fast attack" but is that really their specialty when it's all concentrated in a single company?
Somebody with more rules or lore knowledge than me please explain it to me.
They are Monk Knights
Cool robes and terminators.
DA are medieval monk aesthetics mixed with brutal application of plasma, and lorewise have a dark secret that could undo them, so the will kill anyone in their way to keep it under wraps. I’m aware that there is some new lore that changed this a bit, but I’ve decided to ignore all nulore in favor of focussing on little homebrew stories to keep the setting interesting.
I was really into 40k when I was in highschool/college and amassed a fairly large army. I haven't played 40k since then, and I'm not really interested in getting back into it so I'm looking to sell off my models. I don't want to deal with shipping stuff on ebay, and I've already given away a good chunk to friends who are still playing, so I think I'm going to list them on Craigslist. Has anyone here had any experience with selling minis on Craigslist and what's a fair price for models? They're a mix of unprimed, primed, and poorly painted. Off the top of my head there's about 100ish infantry, 3-6 sentinels, same number of heavy weapons teams, 4x LRs, 4.5x chimera, a manticore, macharius, valkyrie, Thunderbolt, and two baneblade variants.
Fuck off and list them at a price YOU think is fair. No one wants to hear about this gay shit every thread.
>tyranid equivalent of cancer
Nowhere does it say that Malstrain can somehow corrupt nids. While it's been said that they're weaker than purestrains & regular GSC.
All of that is simply reflective of the overall Necromunda vibe of "everything is shitty for everyone, everyone is basically a dirtfarmer".
>The Tyranids have been monolithic for too long.
I am not sure what that means, at least on some levels. It's like, they're not inherently monolithic aside from having one guiding sentience, which is kind of the main point. But then again they do still self-compete.
gay men.
>What makes the Malstrain different that the Hivemind would forgo a feast of biomass to avoid them?
necromunda is important and gw wanted a reason why a hive fleet wasn't specifically coming that way
>Honestly, this made the Tyranids come off as pussies.
You wish, carnac.
Where is the 40k news?
This still does not explain what their stratagem is. I wanna know what they *do*.
They look cool
Lion told them to chillax but to keep doing what they are doing even if it doesn't make sense with his new outlook.
It's boarding actions shit, disregard.
They're the first legion, that means that at one point they were meant to do everything apparently, so they have wings specialised in all sorts of things and a cache of ancient advanced superweapons

They're not generalists in the same a swiss army knife isn't one generalist tool but all specialised tools crammed into a small package
They’re overall generalists like UM. They don’t have a hook like the more codex noncompliant Chapters outside an unusually high saturation of plasma weapons and terminator armor.
What do Lamenters get?
Gaped by fate.
>his new outlook
Which is?
And fast attack because unlike the WS DA actually get models.
I ignore fast
Wish for pussies? Yes please.
Ork Tankbustas. Can they throw the 2 bomb squigs at the same time?
RAW it looks like yes to me
Guess it gives a reason why the magos’ work is actually impressive if it permanently alters genestealers. Of course, if it’s constantly used by every faction against tyranids, then the trope becomes a problem.
Insider here.
>No roadmap is coming
>Deathwatch are getting a substantial release, reveal is soon. Incorporates more Xenotech, highly customizable squads. Big focus in Chalnath.
>Aeldari are getting a token generic Character who can lead Rangers and Corsairs. No new developments for them.
>Blood Angels getting new Sanguinary Guard, Sanguinor, and Death Company intercessors.
>Imperial Knights are getting a new Armiger kit.
Look at msrp and adjust your pricing from there. If the paint job is good, charge a little extra. If it’s shit, give a discount.
Oh, we’re back to writing leak fanfiction?
Orkbros, I will have some extra Feral Ork bodies, what should I make them? Tankbustas, Lootas or??
Best use would probably be for the sprue goo jar
Boarding actions was actually fun though, for the brief while it lasted before 10th anyways. Honestly a shame that they half-assed it so hard in 10th until now. Doubt they’ll make additional boarding action boxes, the updated combat patrol stuff is already anemic as is.
No. Any suggestions that aren’t retarded?
Basing material
Tankbustas if you can do it. I always liked the idea of ork infantry hunting big vehicles like squads of large beast hunters.
Actually not a bad idea for my Crimson Fists bases.
Weirdboy shamans maybe?
>"why only the best from the deepest cavernous ANALS of my arse"

piss off you impatient nonce
I could, actually. “Rokkit launcha” bows with rocket arrows, or javelins with missiles on the end. Could use one of the unexplained giant bombs I have on a stick as a tankhamma.
I hadn't thought of making them characters, actually. I’m going to want a weirdboy, mekboy and bad dok eventually.
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>Boarding Actions will get a book that combines the Arks of Omen missions
>It will be overpriced, as usual
Well if you'd have a spare model I feel like that'd be one of the easier ones to do compared to mekboys/doks, altho that somewhat depends on the bits you have
For a weirdboy, I feel like maybe a pelt, some reposing and maybe some light waaagh energy mutations (kinda like FB spider shamans but not explicitly spider? You get the idea) could work. Maybe some tech gubbins on the belt. Maybe a staff.
Interesting ideas, thanks anon.
Don't forget
>includes NONE of the lore because fuck you

Where is my actual good Warhammer slop I'm tired of AoS
What are you working on? I'm painting some more Kommandos.
>Wanting the Arks of Omen lore
The fuck are you doing?
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And I'm dumb and forgot my pic
That’s a smug lad
You kind of have to realize a lot of “specialties” have their roots back in 2nd and 3rd editions before factions were developed into their modern forms and lost the sense of exclusiveness. DA specifically were the faction with special weapons, deathwing, and ravenwing. That let them put extra heavy weapons in terminator squads, while also having plasma on fast attack options.
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Godspeed anon
TQ - Pirate Orks are pretty awesome.
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I like blue & gold.
no they don't
deathwing terms only look good after you scrape off all the dangel iconography
I had never seen this picture, got any more like it? Orks v. Nids is one of the best matchups.
Thank you for being a bro and balancing out me being right all the time by being just horrifically wrong all the time. Like Yin and Yang.
That VA who played a Freeboota Warboss did a godly job of combining a Ork hooligan and pirate.

>Supporting BA 2 YEARS after they basically abandoned it.
Fucking pathetic and typical Gw. BA was actually pretty fun to play the few game so got of it before everyone gave up.
Nothing. They have the generic Blood Angel successor specialties, but also an affliction called the Melancholia that makes them sad all of the time instead of angry.
listen you want to like the guys with the ugly flat forest green armor and poofter emblem based on a poem about being a faggot, that's your prerogative
don't try to claim you have good taste for it though
>Actual good
I'll let you know when I have a time machine
The city slicker struts past your dudes in his fancy archaeotech suit of armor. What do they say to him?
Naw, they still get the black rage.
you did a good job but don't expect to be paid your pennies twice for the same thing
Like I said, generic Blood Angel stuff. Nothing really specific to them.
>”Citizen, that armour is an archaeotech relic, doff it immediately and turn it over so it may be properly curated. Failure to comply will be met with Melta fire, because if we can’t have it, then fuck you no one can”
why does this look like what a space marine would look like in Infinity
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dead game
Infinity is in the golden age of technology, same as that armor originates from.
>How the fuck did you get on our Craftworld?
Probably beast snaggas, or use them as extra models on a hunter rig or something. Definitely suited for snaggas
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>”Orks in the perimeter! To the assault! We stir the embers of His wrath!”
>*Sounds of bolter fire, flamers and semi hysterical laughter mixed with chainsword engines*
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Sadly only got the old one like this saved
As good as it was when I saw it in the old Planetstrike book.
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Very WIP Terminator, I'm not really liking how the black is turning out, it's such a pain in the ass.
I'm going to try to emulate Onion Knights method with the next one.
The red and black colour scheme looks amazing, feel like too many goff bros go too hard into the black and white and tend to ignore the red scheme
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kitbashed myself a Malignant Plaguecaster for my DG.
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Very true. Most goffbros are afraid of making their goffs look like evil sunz by adding too much red.
Is that crusty jizz? Impressive, committing to the bit.
I hate painting black for some reason. What do you use for the brighter tones on the raised black areas?
milliput with vaseline unfortunately, I'm not that committed.
Or blood axes as well, feel like red and orks go so well together

Inb4 blue orks are best orks
crossover game when oh wait never since BRING IT HOME got blown the fuck out tee hee
Any animal will actively avoid something that it knows is dangerous, it's really not that far-fetched. Especially when there's already been anti-Tyranid bioweapons made that can kill a Norn Queen, it makes more sense to not even risk the possibility of breaking the hivemind.
But they are, anon.
red is good for orks as a secondary color
>Any animal will actively avoid something that it knows is dangerous
Tyrranids are not animals and they constantly go towards danger, this comparison makes no sense.
>Any animal will actively avoid something that it knows is dangerous
Except malstrains themselves aren't mentioned to be dangerous to tyranids?
>Especially when there's already been anti-Tyranid bioweapons made that can kill a Norn Queen
Yeah and Imperium has to engineer a new one each time its used, its also gotta be injected basically directly into a Norn Queen for it to work.
What other anon said also stands, nids dont really operate on animal logic at all, thats why Kronos exists.
just mixing the black with white. and some dark sea grey I think
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Genestealer have some of favorite aesthetics
>using mining gear as weapons
>secret human cult with a non human at the top
>human hybridization
It's all nicely mixed together in a pot making one of my favorite and in my opinion best factions of 40k
I know nothing about gsc, what's the go with all of the mining gear?
ppl sz
They really like minecraft
You guys think GW is gonna do another run of Boarding Patrol boxes to go along with this release?
How do you function on ac daily basis if you can’t pay attention a two paragraph summary of information that is ostensibly of interest to your hobby?
That poster probably doesn't care for the lore
The cults usually take root in the dregs of Imperial society so they have this labor uprising/blue collar theme, so GW went with miners repurposing their tools. They can really infect anything though, I'd really like to see ecclesiarchal GSC infecting a shrine world.
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Dark Eldar are the last bastion of midhammer aesthetics mostly untouched by modern sculptors.
GSC like to live in the low ends of of hive cities and such and also have a general "they came from below" theming with their uprisings.
What if humans could gene edit themselves into eldar
Shut your Emperor damned whore mouth you filthy radical.
Even as a genestealer hybrid man is still yearning for the mines.
In reality it's just that genestealer cults often work in mines probably because it let's them avoid most people while also collecting good boy points with the authorities for doing a dangerous job and they also get access to mining gear, vehicles and explosives that they can slowly stash aside.
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>perpetuals can't le die
>most of them die
Discuss 1st person open world 40k mmofps with realistic physics
I fucking hope not Jesus Christ. I still see boarding action boxes in some stores.
What is the best 40k audiobook
I have a pet theory that the Old Ones took the DNA of random shit on Terra that would become humans, and hyper-evolved it into the Eldar, that Eldar and Humans are the same species separated by obscene amounts of time and a few extra genetic tweaks. The Imperium hating itself in secret would be the kind of thing that fits the setting.

Obviously I have no real proof of this.
>it came to me in a sweat lodge vision
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What >>93363578 said and it's also part of the model line, which has to be some y'know platonic average GSC. But there are many others ofc
There is that one butcher/meat industry genestealer cult that was infected when facility worker operating meat saw was butchering a space whale and a purestrain from inside infected him. Logically such cult would use chainweapons and employ some sort of Necromunda Corpsegrinder kitbashes
Tainted Helix also wouldn't really have mining equipment
Bladed Cog (almost fucking said Rusted Claw lol) is Admech-influenced
Vorgani are a DEldar tiktok fashion trend of grafting genestealer limbs that has gone viral (heh)
etc. etc.
>They're a mix of unprimed, primed, and poorly painted.

>unprimed (but badly built)
At most 70% of MSRP


>poorly painted
30-50%, depending on how poor (if its meme-bad, maybe a bit more since it will be "rescue"-material)

Old cadian infantry is basically worthless now, maybe 50 pence per trooper, same with the weapon teams.

The tanks are still sold, the Baneblades (depending on their state) might earn you the closest to MSRP, because lets face it, everyone has a number of LRs and chimeras.

>3-6 Sentinels

They look different from the new ones, and some people might still prefer the old look.
I think these might even earn you more than MSRP IF they are not broken or horrible built.
>Local Nightlard fan runs a bunch of HH models
>Not as proxies, as the fucking Legends ruleset units
>Refuses to play HH, where they're legal
How do I politely break his fingers so he understands not to use shitty bandaid rules for shitty bandaid units?
>runs a bunch of HH models
>Refuses to play HH
What kind of derangement is this?
Technically yes but feels like you shouldn't. Same for an 8-man block of squighogs
why do you care if he's playing something with actual rules
are you autistic?
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This picture goes very hard
Does anyone have any good guesses about what the Alpha Asset is that the Inquisition doesn't want falling in T'au's hands and is sending the Deathwatch to secure?
I know plenty of peeps who run the HH models while playing them in 40k (legends, proxies, actually legal, etc.), so why not? It's just Marine Hammer 30k anyways.
You start by unfucking yourself. Legends units are kino. By continuing to run them he tells GW’s writers to go fuck themselves for pulling their stupid little rug pull. Practice for your gay competitions elsewhere
bruh cmon now

its obviously an intact STC
He's entirely in the right. Legends rules are fully legal already in Matched play, just not in tourneyplay
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That guy sounds kino
Then there would be Admech involvement but there doesn't seem to be.
on the waaagh turn can stormboyz deep strike, then advance then charge?
Yes. It's not an ability that triggers for models on the field as you call it, it's an ability that is active for the round.
Datasheet abilities that are triggered by the waagh have been FAQd to not trigger like this though, like the warboss +4 attacks. Which is stupid, but this is GW.
Oh fuck I'm retarded. No, you cannot advance after deep striking.
I just read some expanded lore from Fire Warrior Rail rifle.
The T'au are innovating and planning to make the rail rifle the fire warriors' mainstay weapon to replace the pulse rifle. This will be done whenever the misfire chance of rail rifles, which is 1/10K chance, is fixed.
The next goal is to make the stopping power of the rail rifle equivalent to the railgun of broadsides.

How much of a game-changer would that be in TT and lore?
>How do I politely break his fingers so he understands not to use shitty bandaid rules for shitty bandaid units?
You break your own fingers in front of him.
Inquisition want it just for themselves, no admech reeing and/or meddling
They could probably do a lot with an intact stc maybe even challenge the mechanicus' tech monopoly

Alright, thanks. I've been looking at GW website prices and wow, glad I'm not trying to get into it now.
Mr modulork has a line of rocker orcs. Even got a big guy with a guitargun and speakers on his back.
>How much of a game-changer would that be in TT and lore?
Would never happen for the former and therefore the latter. Either that or it results in overpriced for their points glass cannon Fire Warriors that die to a single sneeze.
The setting would be better off without Tau, Orks, and all of the Eldar factions.
You know it to be true.
So, just go play Horus Heresy then?
but I want to fight tyranids daemons and necrons
So just war against chaos, nids and necrons?
All 3 of those are the same thing.
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too retarded
Why does he look like he has spider-man webbing
I feel like this man is up to no good
the necromundian spider is a common heraldic motif
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He must have had the spiderweb tattoo removed from his face
Why do people say the Imperium is dumb for fighting the Tau when a solid 80% of Imperial-Tau conflict is started by the Tau trying to take over Imperial planets and not the other way around. Do they forget that the Tau are even more expansionist than the imperium is, but just without a means of actually acting out on it?
>What army has your favourite aesthetic and why?
Big bugs are cool
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that's old lore and since then the setting has moved forward and the thing hasn't come to pass
reading about it in retrospective, the thing about fixing the 1/10k misfire chance being the reason for the lack of mass production sounds like the kind of propaganda a government might cook up to justify relying on relatively inferior standard issue equipment to save costs
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Can I get some input on my list?

Children 2k (2000 points)
Children of Thrembo
Strike Force (2000 points)
Salacious Hive

Farticulus the Wise (400 points)
• 1x Gesticulating Hands

Cumhive Champion (130 points)
• 1x Cumhive weapons
1x Brapply Gun
• Enhancement: Big Glove

Arch-Sleebus (65 points)
• 1x Rending Bullwhip
1x Throbbing Tentacles
• Enhancement: Grippy Socks

Slime Pit Gladiator (65 points)
• 1x Slapula
1x Barbed Net

Hive Children (140 points)
• 10x Hive Child
• 10x Turgid Rod

Hive Children (140 points)
• 10x Hive Child
• 10x Turgid Rod

Hive Children (140 points)
• 10x Hive Child
• 10x Turgid Rod

Blessed F'nagn (250 points)
• 1x Festering Toes

Glootus on Scum-Chariot (115 points)
• 1x Cream Slinger
1x Nipplansus
1x Spiked Scum-Chariot Wheels

Squelcher Squad (70 points)
• 1x Veteran Squelcher
• 1x Coils of Sloon
1x Pustule Pistol
1x Greased knuckles
• 4x Apprentice Squelcher
• 4x Pustule Pistol
4x Greased knuckles

Squelcher Squad (70 points)
• 1x Veteran Squelcher
• 1x Coils of Sloon
1x Pustule Pistol
1x Greased knuckles
• 4x Apprentice Squelcher
• 4x Pustule Pistol
4x Greased knuckles

Meatpounder (200 points)
• 1x Crack cannon
1x Mallet of Flesh

Meatpounder (200 points)
• 1x Crack cannon
1x Mallet of Flesh

Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v434
Obviously too many characters
is that a real list
needs more characters obviously
>that's old lore and since then the setting has moved forward and the thing hasn't come to pass
It moved forward by a decade and so so not by much.
Remember that the Tau are very protective of their troopers' lives.
sorry for being a guardfag with next to zero knowledge about chaos terminology but are hive children what I think they are?
Yeah they're all bees
>Big bugs
They are dinosaurs.
Tankbustas more than pay for it in their points and locked loadout. I'll take what I can get
The Orks call them bugs.
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Played a game against Sisters last night, my first game against Sisters since starting Warhammer. Wrote up a battle report because it was one hell of a story.
For ease of storytelling, here are my Ork Boyz unit setups
>Boyz 1: 20+Weirdboy
>Boyz 2: 20+Warboss+Painboy
>Boyz 3: 20+Painboy
>Boyz 4: No character (painted like Blood Axes)

Sisters defend and Orks go first. Primary mission is Terraform, meaning we do actions on objectives that haven’t been terraformed by either army yet to score extra points each turn. Starting turn 1, Orks have a mostly quiet turn, drawing Recover Assets and Area Denial. Everything moves up, Boyz 1 pops Da Jump and lands in the Sisters’ deployment zone, starting Recover Assets back there.
Boyz 3 and 4 have bad advance rolls and fail to get onto the conter objective for Area Denial, and Boyz 2 gets onto a corner objective with an advance. A Trukk does Recover Assets in No Man’s Land and my Grots do the same in my deployment zone, attempting the full 3 action completions.
that too, yes
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On the Sisters’ turn, they draw Establish Locus and Behind Enemy Lines, meaning they have to match me in the center to both stop me from scoring Area Denial next turn and score Locus. Sisters drop Dominions out of the rhino they were in, embark some Battle Sisters into it instead, and it moves up onto the center objective and starts Locus. Elsewhere, another rhino moves up and drops off some Battle Sisters, a Cannoness, and a Hospitaller onto an objective, who start Terraform.
The Paragon Warsuits with Vahl turn around and go right for Boyz 1, hoping to stop them from finishing their action. They shoot, charge, and fight the unit but Boyz 1 remains alive with 6 Boyz and the Weirdboy left, finishing Recover Assets. Thanks to low movement this turn they don’t have range on anything else to shoot effectively and I finish all 3 actions for Recover Assets before moving into the next turn. The Sisters discard Behind Enemy Lines.
another day another table with unfinished models
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We start turn 2 by the Orks calling the Waaaaaghh!!. I draw No Prisoners, a perfect secondary draw for Waaagh! turn, and start advancing my Boyz up the board. My Nobz+Warboss hop out of the Trukk and go for the sisters performing Terraform, and 2 Nobz die in an overwatch. The Trukk and Boyz 4 both start attempting Terraform on the center objective, while Boyz 3 readies a charge against the nearby rhino.
Meanwhile, Boyz 2 stickies their NML objective and move towards a Penitent Engine next to an Immolator, hoping to charge both. All of the Ork charges are made, and all 4 vehicles (2 rhinos, the Immolator, and the PE) are killed in glorious melee combat. The Battle sisters remain alive with 1 model left after the Nobz onslaught thanks to some good stratagem use, and finish the action at the end of the turn. Boyz 1 dies to Nundam fighting and I score max points on Area Denial and No Prisoners. An absolutely huge turn for the Orks and the sisters are looking quite damaged by the end of it.
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The Sisters are not happy and start shooting the Orks to high hell after drawing No Prisoners and Engage on All Fronts. The newly freed Nundams move towards the Nobz and shoot into them, killing both the Nobz and Warboss after the sisters move back and revive some models. Boyz 3 is then shot by Battle Sisters, Dominions, and some Retributors which leave them at 10+Painboy left alive (lucky blue rolls, baby!). These 3 squads then successfully charge Boyz 3, hoping to finish them off and contest the center.
The Palatine, with the Retributors, uses Heroic Challenge and another ability to expend 3 miracle dice to add attacks and push damage onto the Painboy. He can’t take the heat and dies alongside 3 more Boyz. However, The remaining Boyz then interrupt into the Battle Sisters and wipe the squad to stop them from contesting the center, and the Dominions do nothing in melee and look pretty. Near my home objective, some Jump Pack Sisters with a JP Cannoness descend from Deep Strike and gun the grots on my home objective, but the grots miraculously survive! The Trukk finishes Terraform on the center objective and Sisters score big points on No Prisoners and Engage.
A tragedy, but I've grown to accept it at this point.
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We move into turn 3 and I draw Sabotage and Storm Hostile Objective. Boyz 4, being Blood Axes, decides to perform Sabotage while within the terrain that surrounds the center objective. With the Warboss+Nobz dead the sisters have that objective but are barely clinging to life, so my Deffkoptas swoop in to steal it for Storm, but lose 1 Kopta to overwatch. Across the board, Boyz 2 pulls their heads out of their asses and rushes for the center to provide help, ignoring the easy Terraform they could’ve completed if they’d stayed on that side of the board. If they were Blood Axes they might’ve been Kunnin’ and stayed, but these Deffskullz could not resist a good scrap.
My Trukk turns around and goes for the Jump Pack Sisters, but ultimately does nothing for now. After charging, the Koptas wipe the Sisters squad, leaving the Hospitaller and the Cannoness left alive and separated, and also steal the objective. Boyz 2 also makes their big charge and wipes the Dominions. However, the Retributers end up in combat after the Orks pile in, and the Palatine goes for the big heroic challenge/miracle dice combo to absolutely crush Boyz 2’s Painboy, just like the last one. My turn ends with me scoring Storm Hostile.
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Board state during turn 3. Only unit you can’t see is a Sisters squad on his home objective, behind the pipes. The sisters are trailing behind in points by quite a bit now and are fighting an uphill battle. However, they’re not out of this yet.
The Sisters draw Defend Stronghold and Overwhelming Force. The Hospitaller falls back (Cannoness wasn’t engaged after being separated) from the Koptas and the Nundams open fire upon them after moving up, blowing my poor Koptas out of the sky in true Orky fashion. However, before the Koptas die I spend one of my many CP to fire overwatch and the Koptas take out 1 Nundam from the unit. The Jump Pack Sisters open fire, finally killing the Grots, and now sit on my home objective. They’ll need to be taken care of soon. The Sisters end their turn by scoring high points on Overwhelming force, and I finish Sabotage.
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We’re now into turn 4. I draw Containment and Bring it Down, both difficult secondaries to get at this point. Where was Bring it Down when I killed 3 rhinos? No matter. Boyz 4 decides to be kunnin’ again and goes for the last objective in NML that hasn’t been terraformed. Boyz 2 goes right back into the Retributors, who had fallen back last turn, and this time wiped the squad with the Palatine. Boyz 3, barely left alive, rushes towards the Nundams to try and get some BiD points (they were the only ones close enough), but fail a 6” charge and are stranded. Back home, my Trukk charges the Jump Pack Sisters and kills 2 in Tank Shock and 1 in melee, taking 4 wounds in retaliation. The Sisters now score Defend Stronghold and I discard Containment.
Despite being on their last legs, the Sisters score some decent points on primaries this turn and draw Sabotage and Recover Assets. The Nundams have no trouble wiping out the remainder of Boyz 3. Thanks to his Hospitaller and Cannoness now being separated, they’re able to start different actions alongside a Sisters Squad in his deployment zone for some crucial secondary points on both of his draws, granted they stay alive next turn.
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It’s now turn 5 and the final chance for the Orks to finish off some sisters and secure the victory after leading the whole time. I draw Secure No Man’s Land, which I already have secured thanks to Sticky Objectives. Boyz 4 then realizes that I cannot score any points on Terraform if they keep going for that objective (end of game), so they turn around and try to help Boyz 2 finish off the Nundams and Vahl for Bring it Down.
Boyz 2 makes their charge, but thanks to Base-to-Base rules they prevent Boyz 4 from being able to charge! Those “kunnin’” Blood Axes end up being useless gits in the end. Boyz 2 is able to take out the Nundam squad, but Vahl is left alive. She retaliates and leaves the Boyz with 7+Warboss left. Back home, my Trukk is still dealing with the Jump Pack Sisters and leaves them with just the JP Cannoness left alive. The split Sisters characters now finish their actions.
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Do or die time for the sisters. They draw Cull the Horde and Extend Battle Lines, an absolutely incredible draw for the board state. They’ve already got Extend secured, and just need Vahl to wipe out that squad of 7 Boyz for Cull the Horde. To secure their execution, the Cannoness leaves the objective and guns for Boyz 2. The Cannoness doesn’t kill the squad, but Boyz 2 and their Warboss aren’t able to take out Vahl with their now pitiful numbers. Vahl finishes the job, leaving the Warboss alive with 1 wound. Elsewhere, the Trukk finally kills the JP Cannoness.
But it’s all over for the Orks. Cull the Horde being scored gave the Sisters enough VP to pull out the victory by 1 point after their primary scoring. We end the game at 82-83 in favor of the Sisters of Battle, something I didn’t see coming by a mile. The Green Tide put up one hell of a fight and was leading in VP all game, but the Sisters’ faith held true to the very end.
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Here’s the scoring for the game and the last picture I’ll post for a while.
Sisters seem very fun to fight against. One of those armies where you can pick up lots of models each turn, just like Orks. Nundams absolutely put in lots of work so I can see why people are taking lots of them.
Love playing against this guy, every game we get ends up in a super close ending.
Nah only dinosaurs.
Orks are canonically retarded. Taking them at their word is like trusting 60 IQ retard.
Anyone got a pdf for the 6th edition sentinels of Terra? Every time I look for it, all I find are copies with broken format's in them.
I don't remember dinosaurs with 6 limbs
Vahl and 3 Warsuits kill 14 boyz?

From a BS2+ S6 heavy bolter + 2d6+4 frag launcher, 8 melta shots, 3 krak grenade launcher shots + 26 melee attacks (most of which you get no save from) with full rerolls to hit and wound, no invul or FNP? The melee alone does more than that. Add the shooting in and they kill it twice over.
Greentide so i had the 5+ invul. Also I roll hot as fuck because blue
Take away 10VP from your opponent, those sisters clearly aren't battle ready.
>Walk into LGS
>Ask if anyone wants to play a quick 1k points game
>Ork player says sure
>Ask what his list is
>More boyz
>Literally just boyz and grots
>Agree to play with him because I haven’t got the chance in a while
>Ffw to match, deployment ends
>”Oh hey hang on I’ve gotta get something out of my bag”
>He reaches in
>unironically has a Tupperware container full of d6s

I just can’t with ork players. He fucking wrecked me on objective play
>ask for game
>get game
>I just can't bro wtf
You love to see it. Greentide is fun as hell, man.
Would the setting lose anything of value if they got rid of the Votann tomorrow?
I wanted to play a fun game, I didn’t want to get embarrassed

Yeah, it’s fun for them but you look like a fucking retard when they pile in and wreck all your terminators! I constantly felt on the back foot
Perpetuals is the most pointless and retarded addition to warhammer lore.
Some people just want to throw lotsa dice and push lotsa models.
Blow it out your ass.
He's got a little one under his left eye.
Hey guys, could you help me out here? Have any recipes for brass? I have retributor armor, balthasar gold, those seem like decent starting points.
What kind of basing should I do for inquisition themed models? I am thinking chapel tiles or a ruin castle

its a bunch of different factions from Grey Knights, to Imperial Knights to Imperial Agents and others with classic Inquisition colors
Just grab some Scale75 Victorian Brass. That whole copper metallic series is amazing
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Ork player sounds based ngl
I know I shouldn’t complain as a space marine player but it feels like so many of our models are just redundant, like someone else can do their job better. So yeah, we have a ton of models but they’re not really a different set of models because one clearly outclasses the others. You know what I mean?
What model are we getting for the Imperial Agents codex?
Eisenhorn's ghost.
>when both of you come to the party in the same outfit
That guy actually ended up going home with my techmarine. He noticed the next day and sent a pic talking about his new big mek.
this, no quarter
thats funny. I assume you guys traded back
you mean the daemonhost he kept in the closet?
What an asshole. Did you eventually get it back?
New stormtroopers, rhino with inquisition upgrade sprue, daemonhost, monke, multipart plastic inquisitor, new plastic sculpts of the named inquisitors, all four assassins in a box together for $170, and a combat patrol thats just the old boarding action agents box
Also releasing an Inquisitor on throne of judgement / Karamazov character model dual plastic kit.
Oh yeah. He’s a good dude. He fucking hates 10th though so I haven’t played against him a ton. He’s deep in MCP now.
It’s only fair, I’ve painted some nid bits in his colours and used them on my bases in the past. Need to do a new bigger one soon.
theyre just going to make scions an imperial agent box too
custodes 975/1000 pts
blade champion 110
1 x 5 wardens 250
3 x 2 terminators (spears) 390 pts
sagittarum squad 225
god i wish i was that player
army painter fanatic true brass
amazing coverage and actually looks like brass and not just gold or copper or bronze
This is a bit ironic to ask but... How do you deal with Fights First as Custodes now?
Does the invader ATV get to use its outrider escort ability while embedded in a outrider unit?
what's the context here? fights first doesnt exist in a vacuum. sometimes shooting might be the better option, sometimes you might have to pop some defensive strats and just whether the storm to fight back
What detachment?
genuinely havent decided yet. im just brainstorming because a buddy wanted to offload some old kill team 1 models onto me. he had like 4 different custodes kill teams for some reason
WHY the fuck am I allowed to take a glorified fucking pipe section for 145 points but NOT an L shaped Ruin?
With your army wide 2+/4++? Like just pass saves lmao?
Auric Champions is doing better now that everything Character Unit now just incase you didn't check.
I agree the way they blend tyranid and human forms is the right kind of repulsive
Had my first game playing my Votann today. 1000 points vs Black Templars. Having an entire army that's T5 minimum is honestly hilarious. I ended up losing just barely on points (28 to 32), but I learned a lot about how the army works and what mistakes I made. Key mistake was disembarking my terminators away from the action on turn one to handle an objective action - I had other units I could've done that with and it made it really easy for my opponent to just kite them out to where they couldn't contribute. Second mistake was the obvious "don't let the melee army charge you", but that's just going to happen eventually. Overall, very fun army, probably not gonna replace my CSM any time soon but a fun palette cleanser.
>unironically has a Tupperware container full of d6s


I wonder who the Lords Pacificus, Tempestus, Ultima, and Obscurus are
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>-Normal Genestealers and their cultists would see the Malstrain as anathema. Both groups will fight each other should they ever encounter one and another.
so are the regular GSC cults on necromunda offshoots of the secundus malstrain, or are there other patriarchs that haven't been detected yet?
This guy sounds better and better.
Got some slightly-more wysiwyg sergeants done today. Pretty happy with them, time for a tank next.
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According to the article, other cults on Necromunda are offshoots of the Secundus Hive Cult created by other genestealers. But that was before the bombing.
The cults outside Secundus are hostile to the Malstrain.
Okay, guys. Just finished The End and the Death trilogy.
It has Malcador saying that the Emperor stole his power from the Chaos and he took amusement from turning it against them. He said the Chaos Gods thrown back by their own power turned against them.
Isn't this a smoking gun that shows the hypocrisy of the Emperor particularly when it comes to his treatment of Magnus?
delicious infighting, thank you anon
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He’s the best. He helped me a lot to get back into the hobby.
this emperor fellow sounds dangerously based
doesnt apply to the emperor because hes powerful enough for it not to matter. magnus meanwhile is an incompetent bumbling fool and a retard
skill issue
The emperor is doing it because he wants to kill the chaos gods and subvert their will. They jumped him, 4 on 1 and turned his own kids against him, and even then he pulled out a W. Magnus is a gibbering idiot who deserves to be curb stomped.

Kill TSons. Murder Tsons. Slam dunk a TSons baby in the trash can. Roundhouse kick a TSon.
anyone have advice for making flayed flesh? bonus points if have examples.
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How do the 2nd company get involved in so many conflicts and not run out of members?
They poach the other companies.
I made it a part of /mydudes/ that the second company gets all the shittiest most dangerous tasks. Any who survive long enough to have most of their body replaced by augmetic prosthesis eventually move to the 1st company where they’re more or less directly wired into Terminator armour.
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Promoting marines from lower companies, the same way marines go from scout to reserve companies, then to battle companies.
>calgar not in his cuck chair
not canon
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you're gonna need functional lathe and at least one, preferably two, bottles of hard liquor
Just google flayed human skin, many real world examples.
This doesn't make sense going by the timeline. Abaddon killed Calgar on Vigillus and then he became a saint.
I thought calgar got his dick circumcised by Abbadon wtf
He got better.
abaddon can't kill anything lmao
Wait a fucking second.
Abaddon in a literal singular moment one shot a Custodes by beheading him mid-charge toward the Cadian lines.
Fucking Calgar is better than a Custodes? He lasted a decent while vs Abaddon and even landed some good hits on the guy.
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>thinking anyone can keep an ULTRAMARINE down
abaddon is the embodiment of failure in 40k
anything he claims as a kill was done by somebody else and he just stole the credit
And how did he get out of Vigilus when it's under blockade by the Black Legion and both exits of the Nachmund Gauntlet are controlled by Chaos?
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some say his dakka is choppy AND shooty
some say he's the fastest git ever to wheel into the warp
he only knows two facts about the emperor and they're both wrong

all we know is he's called, the Squig
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Chaos forgor.
Anon is wrong, it's set pre Vigilus clearly since Acheran was the one who set all of that in motion and he disappared at the opening stage of it. Yet here he is leading the 2nd.
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Do you put decals on your larger vehicles?
I want to spice up some deff dreads with cool cats and frogs
world eaters
reminder that the minotaurs chapter did nothing wrong ever and that they are the best space marines to ever exist
>IW descendants
can't imagine anything worse
>IW derived
>so you don't even get the cool daemon engines n shit
lmfao couldn't be me
Silver Skulls did it better
They did something wrong! They bullied the Lamenters!
of course
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People don't like slap chop because you get results just as good as other methods with less effort. It's as stupid as saying you hate washes. Saying you hate slap chop is just self snitching that you're a mid as fuck painter.
Pic unrelated
I don't know what slap chop is but it sounds stupid.
You are putting paint on a model why do you need a fancy name for it?
Anyone else print their dudes? I’ve started and I love the models but holy shit the process is a pain in the ass and it’s so easy to fuck up this expensive equipment
there is a whole 3d printing thread anon, take it there.

its a method like any other, when people get preachy and start trying to "convert" people to slapchop it gets retarded and frankly pathetic. if that is all you want to do with a model then fine, but don't act like there isn't a ceiling to the method if you limit yourself to it. same can be said for eavy metal etc.
3D thread gets like 3 posts a day
Post your models
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sure, I do that plenty. I'm hardly the best painter in these threads but I'm starting to get into a groove of my own style and enjoying it.
Berzerker surgeon and red butchers doko
Cause the technique was popularized by a youtuber who needed a clickbaity name to get views. Its just value sketching, which granted in the hobby space was pretty much unheard of until contrast paints became available.
Its honestly mind blowing that GW didnt advertise the slapchop method with their contrast paints. The beginner friendly drybrush step before contrast paints is a night and day difference compared to just applying contrast to a solid base coat.
they'd have to produce a decent white paint to do that though
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I magnetized my Haruspex/Exocrine
that's some serious throbbing girth
>minotaurs chapter did nothing wrong ever
My anon in autism.
They literally confirmed that there are loyalist chapters of traitor legion geneseed and thus the floodgates of homebrewing edgy the edgehog donut steel loyalist chapters of traitor geneseed were opened.
What happens to a perpetual when they die? Does their body come back or does their soul just get reincarnated as someone else?
I'm pretty sure it's been depicted as both them standing back up, and also them just "showing up" from somewhere indeterminate when their body is destroyed.
he's a grower not a shower
I'm amazed at how bad it is
I never bothered to magnetize mine, no matter the rules or meta I'll always bring at least one exocrine, may consider it for the second one though
slap chop looks like shit
slap chop fucked my mom
skill issue
my eyes dont need skills to see piss
Tough brake b. If it makes you feel better, the last time my orks fought sisters my mega boss and kill saw gang cut vahl to pieces. My WAAAGH!!! hit across the board (blessed dawn of war) like a ton of brick. No comeback for them on that day.
Nope, they just can't make primaris look cool.
Why are his pauldrons so flattened? Awful silhouette. Looks like shit.
sounds like you've got retard eyes
>but don't act like there isn't a ceiling to the method if you limit yourself to it.
Nobody said that
Nobody is doing that
You just can't help but instantly react with negative comments. The self snitching is real .
Throwing several handfuls of dice is one of the few reasons I would play orks, let him have his fun
My flgs banned dice. Everyone has to use an approved dice app. It's saves time and arguing.
I get it but at the same time that feels extremely boring. There's just something about the sound of dice clattering.
Try it, you'll love it.
There are several apps that use a physics engine to simulate dice rolling, some of them have sound too.
>Everyone getting mad over 10th edition.
>Me and my friends still play 6th.
Is it worth trying to get into 10th?
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yes, its better than all previous editions
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The noisy chad dice dumper vs the bugman dice app™ enjoyer
Dice apps really?
Ok boomer
Skill issue
Subtle, very nice.
>slather on unthinned base coats
>dunk model in streaking grime
>there is no step 3
it's nurglin' time
Fairly new to painting, doing Invocatus' Juggernaut to look like it's made of bone plates, does it read okay?
>there is no step 3
Didn't even remove the excess streaking grime?
And didn't the AK streaking grime radically change colour?
People who claim any technique/tool is for bad painters are usually some of the worst painters you'll ever meet. By claiming superiority because they don't use X technique or tool they can claim that they are doing things the hard way instead of "cheating"
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Glued plasticard straps to the shoulder slung bolter on my MK4 marine conversion
Reads as yellow to me
Captcha related
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>my second one went to the dentist
>look at his big ole smile
>7 extra teeth for granddaddy Nurgle
Old dirty bones tend to be yellowed
What happens to followers of T. after death?
Looks like a skin lampshade
I guess that isn't so bad, works for chaos
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Sup bros
Probably drybrush with a lighter tan.
Looks a bit too yellowish to read as bone, i think
(yes, i realize bones can be pretty yellowed, brownish and even greenish depending on conditions but that doesn't mean it'll read as bone if you paint something that isn't a literal skeleton using those colors)
probably needs some ivory highlights

not much, nearly done painting my second blight-hauler. love these little guys, probably buying a third tomorrow.
Any kind of advice for doing so while avoiding the already done leadbelcher, etc?
Where would you recommend them? I've been nervous to do highlights because my hands aren't very steady. I would think the edges at least.
think about where light would be hitting the object, take your phone out and turn the flash on and use it as a light source if you need to visualize it. highlighting those areas is generally a good place to start.
I'm a lazy low-effort fuck, so i'd probably just drybrush over everything and then just go back over with leadbelcher where i hit the trim
>Any kind of advice for doing so while avoiding the already done leadbelcher
Don't worry about hitting the leadbelcher. You can go back and put more leadbelcher over anything, it has some of the best coverage in the gw metallic line
Am I wrong for not caring much for OSL painting?
I'm too meticulous for my own good
Worth a shot I guess
>not caring much for OSL painting
OSL is overrated, i think.
Looks great in all the fancy pictures, but IRL it just kinda reads as paint
sorry wasn't trying to describe OSL, meant more think about where the sun/overhead light would be applied to a model, generally top down etc
Ah, I gotcha. I'll see what I can do. Appreciate the help.
Seriously leadbelcher will cover any colour in like one coat. It's better to spend the time and effort fussing over your bone which is more of a hassle to get right
>meant more think about where the sun/overhead light would be applied to a model, generally top down etc
What did you use for that rust effect on the teeth?
NTA but looks kinda like some oranges/tans over typhus corrosion
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Uh yeah, I'm thinking he's /ourguy/
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Typhus corrosion would do the same I think.

But I used rust pigments from Vallejo with a small amount of very fine sand in it. Added some airbrush thinner (I think water works as well) so it became a wash, then painted it over a base coat of metal (army painters platemail with a pinch of black in it)
Thin layers until I was happy with it.

And here's som stealers.... Because why not?
Is that a Tau Genestealer?
love this, what's it from
I know it saves time, but it just feels empty to me. If I can't talk to my dice as I roll them I don't know if I want to play.
My local store recently banned printed armies. Owner didn't care about people printing a few pieces, terrain even center pieces. He understood that the pricing was a deterrent to a lot of people, but he was tired of people coming in never supporting the store except to play running his electric bill up and eating the food he provided.
I cheat in friendly games
Nobody here believes you play games to begin with.
I really dislike the 3d facial models of this game. All look like strange baby-grandpa faces
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>space marine 2 uses the previous Cadian designs
Oh man when the game comes out and the models get ported out to SFM or GMOD or basically anything I will be pretty happy.
It will mean that the 3D shape files can be converted into STLs and we will have the upscaled Cadians that should have been released.
>Today I will remind them
Not this anon but the kneepads are an abomination, even if they're easy to remove, they are a design fail.
For me the problem are the heads, the faces are really fucked up.
Cadians will always be the most lame of all regiments design and model wise.
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I haven't been here in a long time so I don't know this kneepads meme.
I can't find a picture of the new Cadians with their kneepads shaved off so I don't know what they look like with their kneepads shaved off.

I don't really like how the Cadians got wholly changed for the sake of it instead of just getting updated and upscaled sculpts the Thousand Sons Rubric marines got.
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>Cadians will always be the most lame of all regiments design and model wise.
>tfw Cadian enjoyer
I get the hate for Cadians because they are too pushed as the front and centre of the guard and that GW dropped model support for other guard factions with Krieg being the exception. "Cadian fatigue" really set in and probably wouldn't exist if the other guard regiments like the Steel Legion, Vostroyans, and others I can't be bothered to name were still being available to get by GW.

Maybe this is the same pain Ultramarine fanboys feel.
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I love how autistic people get over the Cadian kneepads when some of the old Cadians did have kneepads
Orks hands down. I paint them like gangs like the warriors. So any clan coming to da warboss is ready for da biggest krumping dat da galaxy az ever seen! KAN ya diggitz
I will say it's time consuming though
I don't recognize that model.
What's the ID on it?
Rubrics are so fucking KINO
I'd love to collect them, but the trim takes too much effort lol
Also, too many tzaangors.
I'm convinced at this point it's just people screeching over it just because they're new models and new must be bad. Granted I'm not autistic enough to play guard but it's literally some fucking kneepads, get over it for Christ's sake.
It's one of the cadian guys from the Valkyrie (that are not the pilots)
Thanks, anon!
I actually prefer the Cadians before the new ones because they are more heroic scaled. This means that my "scratch company" inspired guard regiment is more "scale-homogeneous" with each other.
>what is a scratch company?
This is cherry picking/10
This could be an imperial navy guy and I wouldn't be surprised
>why would the hivemind not want to eat tainted garbage which might as well be poison for it
I asked in WIP and figured I better ask here as well.
Lads in your opinions is it better to paint miniatures in bright colours so they can be visible in tabletop distance or is it alright to paint the models with muted drab colours?
>Nowhere does it say that Malstrain can somehow corrupt nids. While it's been said that they're weaker than purestrains & regular GSC.
Both can be true at the same time. Neither are mutually exclusive.
What is the faction?
>I'm convinced at this point it's just people screeching over it just because they're new models and new must be bad.
It has always been just that ever since the begining with Primaris.
It's just retards screeching and throwing a bitch fit over a game they don't play and over models they don't own.
Like the retards here that instantly started to fellate the ever living hell out of that one BA tacticals kit and when quostioned as if they have it without skipping a beat none of the faggots owned it.
Being a textbook example of the forbidden fruit effect.

When people say that there are tons of fakegrogs and hipsters on /tg/ it's a for a reason, reason being that it is true.
This is how me and many others responded with new Cadians. There's a lot of even older shit which has what people complained about.
>Old good
>New bad
>Older than old extra bad
Now that enough time has passed what are anons thoughts on Death Worlder?
They look bad in old models too.
Going to start assembling my Retributors today. What should be next on my list of my martired lady footslog? Repentia, Dominion or the jetpack bitches?
This art style is terrible.
It has its place, having so many varied and unique artstyles for everything is what helps makes 40k really unqiue imo
Guard should be worn and drab.
This is mostly correct. You can do guard a bit brighter but generally they are using only earth tones.
>It has its place
It doesn't, it looks like shit.
Being unique doesn't mean it's good or even useful.
You are a joyless twat with shitty opinions.
I think it looks good? maybe you're just a faggot?
Armies should be naked
You should be naked
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The guard should lean more into the 'beloved teenager quarterback got conscripted and is entirely expendable' aesthetic.You could be the pinnacle of strength and health and popularity in your social circle and you're still nothing
>you can't call this hecking shitty art shitty
>you're a joyless fag reeeeeee
Go back to r*ddit if you want a softer forum.
>hurr i like it durr
Only meaning you have a taste in shit.
so you are just a faggot
I'm taking a shower right now so I am.
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If the Emperor got bit by a genestealer, would he hijack the broodmind?
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Sisters of Snu-Snu should be naked.
More armies should know how to fight naked in case they're attacked in the bath.
He'd hijackoff of the broodmind's cockussy.
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Nids are naked. Necrons besides flayed ones are naked. Most daemons are naked.
Do guardsmen shower or just spongebath?
Man GWIDF out in force today
>new always good
>any criticisms of new designs are just shitposting!
Boy that sure would be convenient
Where can I find the homebrew rules for that 4th ed with later stuff retroactively added in?
They Spongebob
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According to the uplifting primer, guardsmen should bathe as often as possible, at least once a week.
Then shave it off.
They're plastic not metal, converting stuff like knee pads whether its Space marines or the Guard is fucking easy and takes no time whatsoever
>guardsmen should bathe as often as possible, at least once a week.
So never.
>Then shave it off.
>They're plastic not metal, converting stuff like knee pads whether its Space marines or the Guard is fucking easy and takes no time whatsoever
Don't say that, you'll just anger the hobbylets who have no skills and want to be spoonfed by GW while also hating GW all the while.
Rather be a cherrypicker than a nitpicker
You prefer to be disingenious than caring about details?
My dude, this is not the own you think it is.
Cherries are delicious.
Also it's spelled "disingenuous".
Honestly, seeing how so many people are unable to do the most basic of converting/kitbashing/reposing, it kinda makes sense why there's so many of the godawful monopose ETB kits being released.
It's not my job to fix your bad models. I'd rather just complain and spend my money on something I do like.
>y-you can't just complain about an army you don't own!
Watch me, faggot
If it sucks, it sucks
>fix bad models
Very subjective.
NuCadians look great and i like the kneepads
"Slapchop" is objectively shittier than just applying over a flat bright basecoat and both are worse for beginners than just basecoating and washing normally.
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porbably because he beat up hoker and was arrest.
Do what you like. Bright colours will impress normalfags but well done grimdark will impress trve hobby chads
Both have their place.
If you're gonna go with drab colours, i would recommend at least making the base in a different contrasting color than the mini itself.
A green soldierman in a green field will kinda disappear, but on reddish martian/desert sand, he will pop, despite a drab paintjob
which faction is best for a femboy?
any space marines chapter
Create a new unit for your army, in keeping with its themes

I would create a Sisters of Battle unit with sonic weapons shaped a bit like like trumpets that cause especial damage to units near terrain and leadership issues to enemies

Call them Vocifers or Choirians something similar
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>tfw none of my orks are going to look the same by the time im finished painting this army
That's not an argument against bad design, even if it's easy to eliminate they look bad and models are better without them and it's an ugly addition from GW in anyway.
Yes, that's a good thing for orks.
>they look bad and models are better without them
Thanks for telling me that tastes are subjective, einstein-anon.
You are very welcome, retard-kun
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>daydream about painting while at work
>too tired to paint when i get home
Im going to varnish your models in piss and cum if you don't paint them you bastard
You know what is the most funny thing about kneepads? They are SO easy to remove with a hobby knife if you dont like them or want your models to fit better with older cadians.
Personally i like removing it from some, keeping it on others, just to have more variety in the soldiers' kits.
Honestly, if the kit didn't have kneepads, i might be added them with greenstuff
>have more variety in the soldiers' kits.
Not bad, didnt think about it,
Guess I'll just stick with the pva method.
I like to add some kneepads over the kneepads with greenstuff and sometimes I remove the kneepads and then I add some kneepads, even, sometimes, I remove the kneepads that I added before over the removed ones.
Anyone owns Lelith book in hardback? Is it in smaller format than usual hardbacks, since it's only 200 pages?
Just get a blob of greenstuff, squish it flat (use baking sheets on bothsides to prevent it from sticking to whatever you use to squish it) and then cut out desired raggedy skinflap shape and drape it on the model.
I've not done flayed skin specifically, but it works fine for capes and shit and i assume skin is pretty much the same, just painted differently.
Unless you want to have some faces stretched in the flesh, you could achieve it by making shallow bluestuff molds of various faces, then squishing greenstuff into them and pulling them out before they're fully cured so you can still squish and stretch them into shape a bit
Are you having a stroke? Do we need to call an ambulance?
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Whenever I do get time to paint I always mess up my coats. Everytime I thin the paint down I get glazes, and when I don't thin I get lumpy coats.
>t. newcomer to the hobby
buff Ork shooting NOW
>It's not my job to fix your bad models.
It's your job to customize to your liking.
If you incapable or unwilling to pick up a hobby knife and shave some bits off it means you don't deserve the army you want.
maybe what orks need is better recursion. Lets make ork games more boring, thats what 40k is about.
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For the Greater Good!
buff Tau melee NOW
I will be very upset if the killteam box for nightlords cost more than $60
>200 page hardback for $65
What in the actual fuck are they smoking?
Is the Eldar tax actually for real?
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based and woad warrior pilled

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