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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Previous thread: >>93342848
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8
This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven
>TQ: Whatever you do, do it with confidence. What move in a board game do you always perform with a little extra oomph? Has an impossible situation been turned around with good bluffing?
First for TI4 rocks
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Second for Caverna being thinking man's Agricola
>Whatever you do, do it with confidence
whenever i move the king in el grande, i slam it onto the new province.
then i leap onto the table and slam my ass down on the king
those germans knew exactly what they were doing making that component.

Name the best abstract released post 2010
Nth for I don't even care anymore. Gimme more Arkham Horror.
can't wait for Codex 4 and whatever else Dane Beltrami and the team are cooking up
Agricola needs a Norwegians style expansion that rebalances the actions and makes it less about who can rush extra rooms and Wish for Children first
I'm surprised none of the expansion decks make new action spaces, there's like 7 deck boxes and none of them do that.
Although that seems to be an issue every worker placement game has, the get extra worker spaces are just way better than anything else on the board
Linking, in case another anon finds this useful.
i mean, in basically any game, more actions = more stuff. only way to balance that is to force everyone with less actions to get more stuff with their few actions (which some games do, like March of the Ants where passing early and letting others just have a fight somwhere else gives you extra resources). No idea how to do that in a worker placement game without either extra complicated rules for placing workers, or completely ruining balance.
My group is still new to the game, like we're still just playing base. Every game has been so much fun though, can't wait to add the expansion soon, then whatever else they cook up in the new codex.
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How do you guys get over FOMO or skipping out on limited runs (and I don't mean Kickstarter shit). I live in a shithole country and we often get limited prints of whatever games 3-4 publishers deem fit to translate and sell on Spain, and sometimes it fucking kills me to see a game being sold on preorder in just a couple stores that managed to snag a few copies to sell to an entire fucking country and not being able to buy at that moment
I regret so hard not buying games in the past like Elden Sign + expansions (they simply do not exist in stores anymore), worst of all I don't even live in the capital where all the used game sales happen
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Third time playin Fields, first time with proper multiplayer. Good stuff
But it's weird, I always figured we were content with mildly interactive games but both of us would have preferred the cut throat nature of Agricola even though we don't play like dicks. Otherwise the solo mode seems much more preferable for Fields to just zen out to
I'm also surprised the game doesn't rub me the wrong way a lot of point salad games do. I'm guessing it's partly due to the usual Uwe interconnectedness but perhaps its also due to a decent amount of explicit tradeoffs. Having to spend 6 VP to get a building worth 12 VP would seemingly undercut the feeling of a traditional "here's 6 VP champ" but I dunno, it works somehow
>want to play Heroquest
>have no friends and don't want to spend $400 on a board game and expansions
Just play D&D
Just play Savage Pathfinder
D&D is dated boring minutiae filled with too many rules. Heroquest perfected the fantasy miniature game.
Ah, advice from an eternal eight year old. Equal parts enthusiasm and idiocy.

> <insert "I took a calculated risk but I'm bad at math".jpg>
Yeah, that has to suck. I shipped a board game to a Spain-bro back in 2019 and it cost $85 U.S. for postage over-seas. It's insane. Which explains why it isn't always possible to affordably shop from other countries. Have you considered starting your own online 'used game' trade/sales group? I don't know how reliable the postal service generally is in Spain. But it might be an option to gain a shot at used copies of what you're looking for if you missed out originally. Good luck and hope that helps Spain-Anon.
>i mean, in basically any game, more actions = more stuff
That's only in symmetrical games. There are plenty of games where players are working with different resource economies with their own balances.
They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth too.
You should look into printing games for yourself, resellers, and math trades.

I was able to complete an out of print deckbuilder with a ton of expansions just by keeping an eye out for resellers not aware every other copy floating around was going for like x5 retail. Everything was new or like new to boot other than a single card that wasn't that big a deal because it's one of the ones that was in like every version and expansion.

Also some games don't have text on their components so you can potentially get foreign language versions if you can't find one in your language.
Which has nothing to do with you since you're an ungodly idiot.
It's easy for me as I find the blatantly manipulative practices involved revolting on a spiritual level. It's the sort of stuff that diminishes everyone involved.
I also have faith that when a project isn't found to be a cashgrab in retrospect it will return to print and circulation at some stage.
Eh sometimes limited runs are market tests and they end up replaced by cheaper inferior versions that are easier to produce or are expected to reach a wider customer base. They might ship without components, boards, minis, or even rulesets that not everyone wants to pay for.

Waiting can dick you over in that situation.
This isn't universally true but I do agree that almost every good game gets a reprint eventually, which nowadays is sooner rather than later.
The one possible (gotta go by other peoples opinions) exception (other than oop games) is guards of atlantis II which started a second KS at significantly increased prices instead of going to retail.

But in almost all cases where stuff disappears from the market you can assume it's just not particularly good.
I just got my first arcs play of the base game, and I see why people like it. The trick taking was really well thought out and it was fun to see it used in a complex game. There's a Cantonese 52 card trick taking game called big 2 I used to play in high school with my friends, and playing a trick taker in a bigger game was great, you could pretty easily play your hands without kingmaking and negotiating if you felt like it by just trying to maximize your hands. There didn't seem to be any kingmaking central mechanic in arcs that I could tell apart from the usual conflicting interests stuff, but I haven't played the campaign or root/oath to know if the kingmaking is supposed to be more prevalent or if it's just a meme people tweak out about. Fun game, I'd like to try out the expansion stuff, though it is plenty playable just for the base experience.
Cope and seethe faggot
After playing Argent and Three Kingdoms Redux I don't think there is a reason for other worker placement games to exist. Do you have any games that made anything else in their category obsolete?
Mahjong leaves rummy-likes obsolete.
Might be the best abstract ever
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Played this absolute meme of a game twice now. some of the negotiations are a complete riot as people are haggling over 5 ducats, while at other times someone is like "fuck it, ill pay 10 extra". Also, post packages have been the dominant strategy for 2 games now, I think next game the package paranoia will reach its peak.
What is the best mushroom-themed board game?
Unironically, Renature with the expansion (the base game doesn't have mushrooms).
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>July 2024, I am forgotten...
imagine getting exposed by the increased playerbase through BGA
I think we've come to the point where some anons get rather annoyed with pax ren posting for some reason, so I don't do it.

If I would I would tell the anons who successfully pulled a reformist holy victory off that I kneel ever so deeply before them. It has come to the point where I will lose games I most likely would win because there's that sweet opportunity for said holy victory. I MUST HAVE IT
I havent won a single game in 10 plays
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I think I've had more trouble getting Catholic wins over Reformist (despite current stats showing a difference of 1 in between them). Probably because of the 1550 map setup but if I remember correctly I've had more of the Reform wins in 1460.

Lately I've been bringing the game to casual meet ups and teaching it to show them it's not as hard to grok as they think, so far they enjoyed the experience but aren't very clear on what to look for, but it's been a sleeper hit with some of the regulars.
Wtf anon what game are you playing
Even with 1550 and age of reformation, only slightly less reformist victories than globalist ones seems utterly insane to me

Would LOVE bga to share the base game stats for victories
Have you played Russian Railroads?
I go through phases. There's just a lot of good games out there and missing out on one particular game isn't that big of a deal.
Zombicide. It's obviously Cordycepts fungus causing the outbreak...
I don't know about 'best abstract game ever', but Tash-kalar is definitely a solid offering and has been a long term part of my collection.
>Do you have any games that made anything else in their category obsolete?

Odds are good that almost anyone with a game collection with 50+ games in it has been playing and buying new games long enough that some game has come along and replaced an older (and quite possibly less well designed) game in the same general category.
That's some impressive record keeping Anon, not to mention number of repeated plays of one board game. Do you have multiple gaming groups or a large board game 'meetup' type of gathering where you are?
I have come to believe that bg stats H-Index is an utter meme. (Eg H-index of 6 means you own 6 games you've played at least 6 times each)
In theory it's a nice tool to see how much you actually play your games, but in actuality it is more a tool to show you how many lightweight games your group plays.
For the most part I agree with you, but I still like seeing how certain medium-heavy games or dueling games get love.
Not visible in pic are
Pax Ren: 25
Twilight Struggle: 22
Mottainai 21
Hansa 19
And a bunch of other stuff at the 10+ marker
Having been lukewarm on Renature I thought ah maybe the expansion gives the game the bit of bite that I felt was missing, but what the absolute fuck. It gets rid of instant area scoring because of the mushroom tokens and connections they can build? Scoring areas for the token, taking out pieces of scored areas or tainting to-be-scored areas with neutral tokens was most of the fun the game offered, how is this not a bad idea?
I mean, I do love seeing numbers go up, but the index feels somewhat meaningless when ~100h of ti4 make up 14 games and 20 games of mission deep sea are barely 8h.

But honestly bg stats is excellent and this very much is irrelevant. Just a bit of a shame.
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I guess that's what makes Pax Ren so special, there's so many possible outcomes from the deck of cards that you get wildly different experiences, also playstyles will change it deeper, me and my friends haven't gotten Imperial in a while because we just like the other wincons better lol (and we've gotten really good at blocking each other).

>Do you have multiple gaming groups or a large board game 'meetup' type of gathering where you are?
I play a ton on Tabletop Simulator but irl I have a very tight-knit group of 3 which is turning into a group of 5 were we play all the games I have, in regards to meetups I actually only ever go to one that's like 2 hours away from me by subway 2 times a month, lots of casual games there that I'm happy to try but also bring my own to show people, Bullet, Pax Ren and Grand Austria Hotel were very well received last time I went there. BGStats is a godsend, I love it.
Come on dawg this man wouldnt know a good game design if it raped his cat
> I play a ton on Tabletop Simulator
My 'remote gaming' circle of friends mainly use BGA. Which I have no problems with due to their implementations generally being reasonably well polished. (And it's nice to be able to play games I can't really easily get copies of like St. Petersburg now and then.)

> meetups
A good friend of mine started a very successful meetup group in the Boston area and I've picked up some games my group and I have really enjoyed from stuff I got a chance to try while there. Sadly there aren't any close by groups in my area. The closest groups are a 1 hour+ drive away with no public transport options.

Sadly I just haven't had time due to scheduling issues to get in much gaming IRL or online as of late.
I reached top 50 and just got tired. PR is a good game but fuck is it exhausting to play. This game is 30% tactics 10% strategy and 60% of something that feels like work. Checking and rechecking every ability in your opponents possession, every turn, make sure the market didnt suddenly shift to fuck you over, make sure your opponent doesnt have some bullshit powerturn that will delete you off the map, shit is making my brain hurt and not in a good way. And sometimes you're inches away from winning and some shit undoes you completely and you just resign out of sheer asshurt. Agricola never betrays me like this. If I'm doing good I'm doing good.
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We're all blown away by the incredibly astute alternatives you've so brilliantly present.
I think there's a trade-off; areas are simply scored at the end of the game rather than when they're enclosed, and the mushrooms let you combine areas (including areas which already have plants in them), so you can fuck with your opponents that way, and of course the fact that the newly-combined areas can have very different sizes has important implications for which areas you need to control. That said, I do think the mushrooms diminish the value of spending clouds to take two turns in a row, which I explained here: >>93015992.
>dead link
I forgot to mention you might like...


And a simple game selection tool for Anons in general.

I dont know thats why I'm asked my guy. Abstracts are the hardest genre to design in since there's no crutch of a theme to get your through, so we get maybe 4-5 truly great abstracts per decade. In 2000s it was Hive, Kamisado, and DVONN but now we get cringe like Azul and Santorini
How is the Glorantha board game?
his works are anything but slop. at the very least he puts thought to each component, what cost they require to be fair for the function they perform, etc.
This is entirely a bga/turnbased game issue if you ask me. I feel you 100% though. I'll play anything but pax ren at work and fuck playing it on mobile entirely
I thought azul was extremely good for what it tried to archieve, a family friendly game that still has depth. Don't know why tash kalar always gets categorized as abstract; I think there's too much randomness in it for that. Maybe my definition of abstracts is antiquated, but I've always thought there's only very little room for hidden information in abstracts
you play them on TTS and find out it's not worth the hype
90% of the games are just copycat trash
the other 10%, you should try finding telegram PnP copies
This is not a thing, stop trying to fit in.
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lets see em beegeegee-ers
War of the ring A? That game is boring its just risk with cards and takes 4 hours. I like LOTR and I still think this game is shit.
>haven't played but don't want to
Retard mentality.
Your F tier seems very contrarian, care to explain?
Pls anon, just stop
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anon its too early in the thread to launch full scale ragebait campaign but oh well
>S teir - Agricola
>Haven't Played teir - Agricola
someone clearly hasnt played War of the Ring
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>ark nova
2 hour torture session with 15 minutes of actual playtime and 1h45 of sitting around waiting for 3 other morons to make their moves
"mechs!!" "time travel!!!!" somehow shittier than even the most boring euroslop
>sky team
coop for fat chicks
>spirit island
coop for trannies
coop for ipa chuggers
may as well be a coop for moms
euroslop that is 100 dollars for no reason
munchkin for people who get 0 pussy. 1 hour of whining "noooo get him hes gonna win!!!" until someone finally puts you out of your misery. no defensive or counter play just pure bash the leader. ugly art for fags
>planet x
garbage for people who are too dumb to play alchemists
writing that makes neil gaiman look like yeats, gameplay that makes watching paint dry look like WWE
agricola if it was designed by a retard with 2 brain cells (it was)
i havent played the revised edition. im happy with the original
i hate coops, legacy, and euroslop i dont need to play another 50 of them to find out what i already know.
>3 other morons to make their moves
arc is a 2p game.
Shill it to me.
if a game gets worse with more players its invariably shit. all my favourite games (agricola, puerto rico, keyflower, dominant species, age of steam, caylus, tigris & euphrates, through the ages) play well at every player count. why design a 4p game that only plays 2? why design a game that you just sit there miserably and turn your brain off on other peoples turns?
if Ora et Labora counts as worker placement (you make buildings and have workers which you put on buildings to use them but that blocks other workers from using it) then you should try it too before writing all of worker placement off.
that guy is a fucking moron lol. 3kr is one of the best euros ever made, russian railroads is completely forgettable multiplayer solitaire slop
Its ok not every game is for everyone, but I honestly sat down and played this for four hours. The teach is long, at the end of the day I just felt like it was a boring hidden movement game with some dice rolling when taking cities. The game isn't for me, the game demands you understand both decks of cards to really enjoy it, and its incredibly time consuming for what it is. I don't shy away from long games and I genuinely don't understand why this game is so beloved. What is exciting about I'm allocating three dice to searching and rolling dice to hit buildings.
Fucking hell I find myself agreeing with most of this despite how annoyingly edgy you worded it
i think he wants your opinion on it instead, since you're so confident in not needing other worker placement games then surely you must've played them all
Definitely agree with Root. Don't get the hype just try to be 2nd or 3rd place and blaze into first with a big point push.
>you must've played them all
Never said that but I have played plenty to form an opinion.
My last defeat against some Pole has left me mentally scared. I had the West almost on lock and managed a good tradeshift but he clawed back with a two single concessions but at powerful positions and ended with a Renaissance win because I couldn't get that one last Florine to invade his Republic.
I know that a win for me was possible but I just fumbled at some point and I'm just furious.

Talking about Fields..
Playing it solo is pretty comfy but I have a slight issue with it that basically boils down to something what >>93365228 said.
Is there ever a place where I don't upgrade the workbench every time possible? More tools means more actions means way more everything. The only thing is to choose which tools to upgrade but even then it's usually quite clear which ones give the most value long term.
Maybe I'm missing some crucial tech but these must take places seem kinda busted when compared to other spaces. Fighting for them in 2p is all well and good when you can maneuver around it but it solo play it just feels boxed in.
fair, but even then having access to more economy earlier can spiral you in your own minigame more than the opponent in theirs
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Apparently, I haven't played quite a lot of games.

Also where is Quartermaster General for me to put in S tier?
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I hate the majority of euros.
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I'm making an anime mod for Twilight Struggle. Making the cards is easy, but it's hard to find good thematic art.

I'd appreciate suggestions for artwork especially of the more obscure events and leaders. If there's interest I'll make a google doc to collect artwork suggestions.
AI submissions are OK too, once I'm done searching boorus and pixiv I might get a novelai subscription for the most obscure cards.
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I got yer china card right here
Dungeon Petz, Lord of the Ice Garden and Snowdonia shit squarely all over both.
Lol good one. Lord is B tier at best, the other two mediocre tier.
They're some of the most interesting worker placement games on the market.
Some of the ugliest, bland, and uninspired, more like.
The only one I consider noteworthy is Lord but area control plus worker placement has already be done by Dominant Species. The other two I legit cannot find any reason to like. What makes them special in your eyes anon?
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If looks is the only thing you go by, retard.
Petz has a much more interesting worker bidding phase than TKR that has two resources you can bid and various spaces that require a minimum of one or the other resource. On top of that, the resources you bid on actions have other uses outside of the bid phase so you're constantly choosing how much of the resources to spend during bidding/action selection and how much to dedicate to later phases of the turn. There are also spaces that have interesting interactions with your workers like the platform so you are faced with more interesting problems during the bidding/action selection.
Snowdonia has this very clever way of influencing the game speed by the contents of the shared bag. If you sit on a lot of resources then the shared bag has few resources, increasing the chance of drawing event tiles that speed up game end. However, by spending your resources you score extra points so there's this constant feeling of balancing on a tightrope where you try to have the game move at just the right speed for you but then every other player tries to do the same so you have to constantly watch each others' resources and potential for scoring and try to determine if they'll be trying to speed up or slow down the game and adjust accordingly. As a result the game is way more tense than any "haha, take 5 damage to the face" interaction could add.
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What are your favourite cards, and expansions from Talisman?
If I want to play a good fantasy game, I play Lord of the Ice Garden.
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games r pretty good i'd like to play more
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I kneel, based games enjoyer and intrigued enthusiast.
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I added Hansa Teutonica and Ra because it's absolute bullshit they aren't in the top 100 when trash like Spirit Island is.
I want to try most of these games, but the ones I put in "Want to try" are the ones that look the most fun to me
Boop is added because I like it and the name is funny
That does look good.
Added to my list
Oh yeah, I also added Chinatown and Carcassonne
>mage knight enjoyer
Thank fuck i thought I was the only one looking at these lists
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Wasn't expecting you to deliver, much less point by point. I like the cut of your jib
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Anons how do you differentiate C, D, and F tiers
The worst taste in this thread. Congrats.
I like it just fine. Pleasant enough to play if someone wants but not a personal favorite that I want to play often
Game I generally dislike. I can stomach it in small doses but I'd try to avoid it when possible
I despise the game and I will outright refuse to play it.
The most BASED taste in the thread. Congrats!
Fuck off, Cole.
But..I'm Kyle...
You can stay, as long as you draw some memes.
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1989 would be S tier if it was on the list. I consider it the better of the two.
Isn't 1989 wildly unbalanced?
Not at the level of anyone in this thread, I assure you.
>Not at the level of anyone in this thread,
oh no, we cant use that excuse.
then the only criticism against Crokinole goes out the window!
I differentiate between "Puerto Rico broken" and "A Few Acres of Snow broken". The first one matters once you decide to dedicate your life to the game and I don't mind it so much, the other one becomes obvious after a few plays and thus ruins the game.
Fair assessment
Seconding other anon
Reasonable take, I retract my post and hand in my posting privileges.
>Reasonable take, I retract my post and hand in my posting privileges.
I want your other posting privileges and your meme folder too. You're a loose cannon, we do things by the rulebook here.
>A Few Acres of Snow broken
Martin Wallace really did make a shitty wargame and act like it was revolutionary, didn't he?
mastery of any game/field is limited to like a few hundred people in any game, even less so for niche hobbies like this one
if you add that someone in these threads had a mental breakdown over wargames apparently, the odds are low you're talking to anyone of those given masters
Can you name another wargame designer that's made one that cunningly fucked up? It seems like yet another run-of-the-mill historical wargame, and then WHAM! he springs an incredibly broken strategy upon the unsuspecting gamers. And you're going to claim that it's NOT REVOLUTIONARY when compared with the vast majority of wargames that simply punish the gamers with crushing tedium? WTF!
>baiting troll
I fucked your mom
>I fucked your mom
I know Dad. You're in the wedding pictures.
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Wish there were better games in the top 100.
My criticism against crokinole is fuck the you aren't allowed to move in your seat rule. Screw that, I'm ADHD and WILL move around in my chair
>C tier
Fine time waster, not my first pick or something I'm going to get into
>D tier
I'll play it if we can't agree on anything else
>F tier
I'll just watch

S: Love to play
A: Very much enjoy
B: Probably played too much, still enjoy
C: Will play if other people really want to
D: Do I have to?
F: Hard pass
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Oh well, let's go
Also it's amazing how high a response rate you can get when the creation of a tier list is convenient enough
What is the statistical likelihood of winning a game of three card draw solitaire?
I get either 80% or 11% as results when searching.
Probability statistics are fundamentally broken given the chaotic elements of real life.
It's why people who argue 3d6 is a more 'fair' system than a d20 system are retarded. The "math checks out" and spreadsheets and such they pull out their ass doesn't mean shit in practice because some fuck at the table actually rolling bones is gonna come up with results outside the expected array for a given number of rolls routinely enough that the data provided is next to worthless. I have seen people win 20 hands of three card solitaire in a row and others basically never win once despite trying 20 or so times when probability fags would argue both results are statistical anomalies.
Anon ask yourself: are you angry at probabily and statistics because they are fundamentally broken or because you fundamentally do not understand them.
Whats /bg consensus on kickstarter slop? I know there are exceptions, but most popular of crowfunded games are all similar, atmospheric/stylish games with a lot of plastic crack.
Since this trend started (i guess somewhere before scyte was revealed) theres a lot of games that tries to follow, but they re just unimaginative or just boring. On the other hand I feel like theres a certain attitude within /bg towards these games - they automaticly trash just because they can be put on the same shelve. Im curious to hear if any game that fits this description is good and do anyone of you think that stuff like 2nd/3rd editions (for example nemesis retliation or 2nd edition is a better game and not only a model seller.
Im aware of some other smaller and good kickstarter boardgames, but im most curious about the +/-100 pricetag games with models.
Ever since I filtered "slop" on /tg/, this general improved by a leaps and bounds.
Anons should try it!
Analysis on the level of
>it will either happen or not
I don't think there's a real answer because it's apparently insanely hard to define what a winnable game is. The 11% is just the number of won games from some solitaire site that says nothing about how many of these games were even winnable

I've also won my first ever game 3 card solitaire whilst looking this up, so it wasn't all for naught. What a meme of a game.
Absolutely stellar bait, worthy of pasta status
they're not on the level of Argent
I had an opponent quit the game rather than suffer my reformist win. Fuckin bastard
Dude the Poles are horrifying on BGA. What the fuck.

You will never be top 10 with that attitude.
There are *a lot* of trash games out there, and selling through kickstarted doesn't make a game any more or less likely to be trash.

The upsides to kickstarter is it might be a second run coming with a ton of prestige and reliability and you'll tend to get more info about gameplay and the team/company before you buy, vs looking at the back of a box.

The downsides are you *might not ever get your product* you probably can't play it in advance, and shipping costs will be a complete surprise

Caveat emptor. I kickstart shit occasionally, but even if you know what you're doing and are using what the kickstarter system provides to your advantage, you can fuck up or get dicked over by circumstance.
Absolute monster of an opponent.
Bet you he is a lobbyists, working for big-jihad. They dont want folks to find out the truth.
in theory there's a finite amount of klondike solitaire setups (exactly 52!, or slightly more than 8 with 67 zeroes after it), and you can filter out the unwinnable ones by counting how many general patterns there are that make unwinnable games (such as hiding all the 10s under a Jack so you can't move the Jack anywhere and can't solve. there's also a variation of this for every consecutive pair, and probably more other ways for an unwinnable game to be made) then multiplying those setups by the factorial of how many cards are irrelevant to it (so for the all tens under a jack setup, 47! or 2.58e59, a drop in a bucket of 52! but every little bit counts) and by how many relative positions allow for that setup (there's 3 stacks that have 5 or more cards total, and the second to last stack can have the jack in 2 positions, while the last can have it in three, so 6 positions total)
now that kind of math will be very rough because it won't account for how many setups have more than one "unwinnable pattern", but i don't care since i won't do the math here or ever

also wikipedia's 80% statistic is for Thoughtful Klondike where you can see all the cards, and can plan ahead. in normal Klondike you can lose a theoretically winnable setup because of a misplay that seems fine to do in the limited information context of the game, so 80% is just the upper band on how many YOU can win, the actual depends on how good you are at the game, and the 11% stat is from a website where people who arent good at the game play it
I wouldnt back any game that have dont have good reputation and some previous releases.
Ive wanted to back some boardgames before, first run of KDM for example, but i always chicken out of it. Then Ill have some second thoughts because if i wouldnt liked the game i could just sell it.
I asked because in current year theres some better known dev/publishers that do kickstarter yet still ive see that most /bg hate on them as a principle, so im curious about it, are those games only enjoyed by minis collectors? Anyone else supported some larger kickstarter game that he would recommend?
Absolutely sickening, truly a renaissance goym, that one
Nigga went harder on those games that 2Pac on Biggie on Hit 'Em Up
Of course. They're much above that level and shitting down on it.
>coop for moms
meaningless drivel
>writing makes gaiman look like Yeat
>this is a bad thing
>no defensive or counter play
I will say I've played like 3 games of root and the third game definitely involved horrible fucking balance issues for the factions chosen. My faction basically had no interactivity with one faction and countered another faction and it ended up being a bit of a shitshow where the faction I couldn't touch just slowly pulled ahead, while I tried to feed off third place in ways that wouldn't keep them from being able to fight back against first. Whole match was unfun even for the winner and we basically collectively concluded afterwards that those two factions can't both be in the same game together.

Underpowered factions in asymmetrical games are one thing, but balancing games isn't so hard that a fuck up on that level is defensible.
You're wrong and you're fat and ugly.
incorrect again
this stupidity is why you prefer bad games over good ones
Your ADHD is why you prefer overwrought messes over focused, well designed games.
>Argent is not focused or well designed
ah, so you just never played it, i see, next time say that first so we don't have to drag the conversation out like this
what were the factions?
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I've played it 5 times and every time it felt messy with players doing random shit hoping it will score points from the votes they haven't seen yet. I'm sure you're getting a dopamine hit every time you get a new card or resource but the game didn't need so many different resources or components to achieve what it does. By the end of the game, there's more text on the components in play than in the rulebook. I'm happy you're still in the honeymoon phase with the game but leave critical thinking to others whose brains are not wired to need constant immediate gratification bumps.
>Le dopamine cuz new cards
>omg there's a lot of text on these new cards why
Nta, but you sound like an utter brainlet complaining about having to read, you sounded like you had good points when you were shilling and immediately threw your goodwill into the trash, opinion rejected
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>invented by a jew
Um, based? I love Agricola, it's great to see the Jewish community contribute to board games in such a manner
>played by thousands
Popular enough to be able to find other players, but not popular enough to be normalfag material. Perfect.
Neurodivergent acceptance? Hell yeah
>$100 on Amazon
A steal compared to shitty netflix, poisonous fast food, caffeine addictions, etc. A real bargain!
>will be lost in 50 years
This list isn't supposed to be about your virginity status, anon.
Sure thing buddy.
>Le dopamine cuz new cards
Yes, less is more. Especially when cards can be very swingy. Agricola achieves more with just a few cards at the start of the game. >>93378619
>omg there's a lot of text on these new cards why
There's such a thing as too many extra rules on the extra components. I wouldn't want to play the game at 4 or 5 players because of how much there is to track across all players.
>players doing random shit hoping it will score points from the votes they haven't seen yet
so you havent played it, yes thanks for confirming
the game's a bluffing game, you look what the oppoents are doing and use that to make educated conclusions to what objectives they've seen. playing blindly while knowing nothing about the objectives will end up losing you the game, as a jack of all trades is a master of none and all the scoring conditions care about mastery of a certain part of the game
Why is there even a discussion about this, agricola as well as argent are among the best games period.
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Today I will remind them.
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I have this, it's fun
>so you havent played it, yes thanks for confirming
Why do you feel like this is an argument? You're arguing like a woman.
Also, you laid bare other things that are issues with the game. You're supposed to make directed plays towards the scoring goals but at the game start no one knows what the game goals are so there is no way to play meaningfully at the game start, you just stumble randomly until you can get some info on the goals. And don't pretend like the end goals don't make the game end more random where every game that I played, there were some votes that no one checked but one player randomly did better on so I guess you get the points.
In the end, other than the petty stomping on each other's boards, there is nothing that Argent does that Keyflower doesn't do better. It also plays faster, is much leaner and seems more fair during scoring.
Ranking games is easy. Rank these DESIGNERS... or else!
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>Jewish community
I thought it was a known fact that Rosenberg, despite his name, is a devout christian who sneaks references to his religion in the games he designs.
Not that it helps him design games, fuck that guy and his tetris phase.
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>stylish faded parchment look
>hand drawn illustrations
>cool gothic font and ornamentations
>soulless glazed palette, looks like babbys first COIN
>digital photographs to represent the cities
>times new roman font and "lets simplify it" calarts visual design
Oh, I understand probabilities fine. They are just worthless in practice.
If you simulate a process thousands of times you will get certain outcomes a certain percentage of times.
The reason this ISN'T applicable in practice is because IRL each process is a unique event. The best example is a coin flip.
If you flip a coin 99 times and got heads for each of those flips, probability faggots will put getting heads as a result for the 100th flip as some kind of astronomically small percentage. Reality though? 50% chance.
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I think both editions look fine, and as long as both are fun to play, their appearance shouldn't matter too much anyway.
Cute Grande Meeples
Lame King Meeple
Map looks alright
Lovely use of numbers in your score track.

Does it come with all the expansions?
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I ordered the Promo cards for dune imperium and I got the dreadnought upgrade pack instead
I already own the dreadnought upgrade pack
Let's see how customer support goes. Only other time I ever had to use it for a game component was for the Pharoah edition of Ra, and 25th century was great
I barely recognize their names printed on a box, let alone their fucking faces, they're a bunch of math nerds, not stadium band frontmen.
>implying I know any designers by their face

I don't play boardgames based off of who designed them I play them because they seem fun
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Because they're all making games that people of various kinds and interests can enjoy and have a good time playing, and they all have anons out there that like their games/designs
This list sucks. Greatest gane of all time isn't on here (Fury of Dracula). Best game here I've played is Race for the Galaxy, worst is Spirit Island.
Not a tierlist cus I can't be bothered to look up who some of those people are. Off the top of my head and trying to avoid one-hit wonders:

Faves: Feld, Knizia, Chvatil, Lacerda, Tascini/Luciani, Pfister, Chudyk, Eklund, the Splotter team.
Good: Kramer, Wehrle, Rosenberg, Bauza, Petersen, Cathala, Garfield.
Meh: Leacock, Daviau, Alspach.
Punch in the dick: Friese, Stegmeier, Lang.
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Forgot Martin Wallace in faves.
Owari da.
>Punch in the dick: Friese, Stegmeier, Lang.
Soshite.... Cole no pantsu ga ugoki desu.
>If you flip a coin 99 times and got heads for each of those flips, probability faggots will put getting heads as a result for the 100th flip as some kind of astronomically small percentage.
you're describing people who don't understand probability and calling them "probabilityfags" for the sake of being mad about it
I don't think you understand probabilities fine, anon. From what I gather, you have some kind of inner strawman that feeds you wrong facts about probability to get mad about and which you call 'probability faggot'.

Otherwise your post boils down to
>I don't roll the average result everytime, therefore probability is worthless in practice
Lizard Cult, Vagabond, and IIRC the Keepers in Iron.

Match was a complete clusterfuck and the Keepers in Iron player got dicked hard. I was Vagabond. Lizard Cult won easily.

Maybe it might not have been as much of a shitshow with a 4th player to keep the Cult in check, but Vagabond didn't have near enough interaction with them to do jack shit and the third faction was just too slow to do anything especially when being focused by the Cult while I tried to build power to be able to do anything.

It did not help that I got shitty luck for item draws, but the way things went, even if they'd been in an ideal order, shit would have been the same.
Is Agricola a good intro to Rosenberg's games?
Martin Wallace would be the greatest board game designer if it wasn't for his games.
It seems like he needed a hard-ass developer like John Bohrer to constantly beat his ideas into good games.
While I don't think Root is amazingly balanced to begin with, you didn't follow the rules for Reach. With those 3 factions you're only hitting 15 out of the required 18 Reach for 3 players. The game already has rough edges, not following those guidelines really messes it up.
Yeah that's a bad selection of 3. Vagabond should honestly be completely removed from play at 3 players and arguably completely. The rulebook has setup guidelines that you should have looked at when picking factions.
>Has an impossible situation been turned around with good bluffing?
Playing Bohnanza, convinced one guy pushing for the lead that I only had one card he needed the last round even though I had two. Traded one to him, and drew another one. Immediately traded both to the person after him. I won by one point. Sun Tzu was my spirit animal that day.
If you don't like co op or legacy and hate Gloomhaven you definitely won't like KD:M from your want to play list. Even if it is the far superior game of the two.
nta but if Ive wanted to play gloomhaven, should I go play kd:m first, ive heard gloomhaven is good and described as slay the spire meets xcom and I like slay
I don't care for Gloomhaven's lore or art. The "dungeons" are way to short and small to set up any interesting encounters of strategy to your xcom comparison. Every mission is a crowded mess of enemies and players tripping over each other to attack. I don't think it really has anything in common with Slay the Spire. It's very easy to pick up and play a few missions and come back to later. I do like the end game encounters. It's very easy to cheese and the rng and resource management is easily mitigated(Plagueherald curse spam is silly and Quartermaster flat out breaks the game). You kind of need the tablet app for monster and initiative management. Overall I had fun running it with my bros but that's also because I'm playing with my bros. It's good but overrated.

I like KD:M more but I also engage with the hobby side a lot so that's a massive factor. The setting and aesthetic blow Gloom out of the water but it does fall prey to Dark Souls fill in the blanks lore syndrome at times. The game flow doesn't have dungeons but a phase where you build your society and gear up, a random table of events while you hunt a mosnter and finally a boss monster fight. The fights are satisfying and the monster ai is an excellent design choice. There is a lot more rng here as everything is d10 based with some instant death moments. The early game is rather grindy but building up a powerful character feels good and they're releasing an expansion that lets you skip the first 10 years. There is definitely expansion bloat and it is a much more expensive game.
The original looks like horseshit
campaign arcs owns
Don't listen to Agricola haters, it's a magnificent game, clean and transparent. For beginners I recommend just to make as much from your cards as possible while learning how the point system works. It's essential to expand your family as soon as possible, and some Agricola haters stand that this makes the game broken, but it's just a mechanic necessary in a certain point of the game. I love Agricola, I wouldn't mind having it on my table everyday.
What's your advice to expanding family ASAP? I've played four games with my new copy, 3 solo 1 with another player
What is your favorite adventure game, /tg/?
As in dudes on a map doing a bunch of random quests while working to achieve an overall goal in an open world setting.
This is not a full description of what an adventure game is. There are a lot of adventure games that don't fit your criteria.
Having said that, Champions of Hara is probably my favorite.
Don't listen to Agricola glazers, it's an overdesigned mess, fiddly and broken. You know your game is busted when the rulebook suggests the new players not to use the cards.
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I was actually thinking of picking up the base game and running it for my nephews and niece. The older two might dig it but I suspect the niece will probably lose interest if I don't homebrew a unicorn in every few minutes.
Nah, it's a good description. Using that as a criteria you got the following
>Eldritch Horror
>Dungeon Degenerates
>Too Many Bones
>HexPlore It

Probably have to go with HexPlore It series as my favorite because the bonkers amount of content in those games.
Excuse me, could you please explain in detail how agricola is "overdesigned, fiddly and broken".
It excludes Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, which has Adventure Game in its name
How does deb from gmt customer support get praised so much
>3 month since HIS shipping should've started
>Only got the updated tokens (separately shipped)
>Write to gmt explaining in detail which order and if it might've slipped through the cracks
>Deb writes back following up a reply chain with me from 2022
>I, again, state that my question is not with the order in the subject but with Order xyz
>"I'm sorry you haven't heard back, we'll ship Pericles immediately"
>Immediately write back yet again, quoting the original mail
>Get no answer back but a shipping confirmation for pericles
Worse than talking to a chatbot tbqh
You mean the game where you play as dudes on a map (represented by card locations) completing side objectives while working toward accomplishing an overarching goal?
Yes, Pathfinder ACG is an abstract adventure game. Same with Arkham Horror TCG and LOTR LCG and Apocrypha.
Oddly though, Warhammer ACG/Heroes of Terrinoth are more akin to abstract dungeon crawlers given their limited growth and focus on one quest with no side quest per session.
>>Lovely use of numbers in your score track.
Fleur-de-lis pips for points was way more soulful.
>no numbers on the scoretrack
i didnt realize how horrid that is until i played the original instead of my big box edition.
no wonders has a basics video on youtube. basically, getting a 3rd worker is an amazing increase in value, the first year you should get a 3rd room ASAP, so you should get wish for children as soon as it is revealed, to the point you start hogging the first player position to make sure noone can beat you to it.
Why would numbers matter?
moving someone from 84 to 89 if you want to give him 5 points is a lot easier than moving a cube from some unnumbered square 5 squares forward.
What's the consensus on Ankh? I thought it was neat but had some issues and takes too long. Also the the theme and parts are embarrassingly similar to Kemet.
It's fine, but any of his games can be a good intro. A feast for Odin, Ora et Labora, Caverna are all fine too. Glass Road is one i'm not sure about yet but it's not bad either.
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For some reason, most of the top 100 doesn't interest me much.
All the duplicates don't help. Don't like agricola, pandemic, the crew, or the -haven games? Instantly a dozen games off the list despite only being "four" games.
Seems like a you problem if eyeballing 5 squares ahead is a challenge. Are you one of those mentally gifted who tap the token on each space going 1...2...3...?
I just moved every object that was listed on the link.
Didn't care to sort out the duplicates.
I own and enjoy a couple of Wallace's games, and I still find your quote to be hilarious.
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>For some reason, most of the top 100 doesn't interest me much.

That's a perfectly reasonable statement. Unfortunately it's also why you'll never fit in here.
Is Ra even in the top 100 anymore?
/bgg/ is too pretentious for gulag top 100. Favoured games here are eklundslop, splotterslop, 18xxslop, gmtslop, coinslop, l99slop, deadgameslop (like Sakura Arms and Summoner Wars), none of which track in gulagstan
I was going to say something about how the Ian O'Toole version made sure it would be top 100. But it is actually #114
So what kickstarter/FOTM game(s) did you buy that someone here called slop to get your panties so twisted up?
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i could never do my top10 but this was easy
>/bgg/ is too pretentious for gulag top 100.

Pretentious is the wrong word choice. /bgg/'s most frequent complaints with the Gulag are that: One, there are way to many people with little to no knowledge and experience of board gaming and board game design routinely rating games which gives distorted results/emphasis to 'cult of the new' and 'buzz-worthy' games. And two: the Gulag manages to kill effective discussion and debate of games and their overall strengths and weaknesses by insisting nothing is said that could possible offend anyone anywhere ever. The result is discussions that are little more than urine-parades of useless butt-kissing.
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>dat list
This should be right up your alley then.
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>browsing second hand market for cheap pickups
>someone tries to sell seafall for more than 20 bucks
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i need to play more games
Point number one applies to /bgg/ as well.
I remember seeing it years ago at a flgs on sale for 8 loonies.
Still didn't move.
Why Dune Imperium so low?
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That's a serious party foul right there!
I saw it for 15 and maybe thought of picking it up for components. Seeing someone trying to sell it on for 4=0+ is just insanity.
Point number one applies to *some* participants of /bgg/. However it's countered by the fact that people can actually point out merits and weaknesses of various board games without worrying about hurting someone's 'feels' or offending the 'immoral majority'. I'll grant you there's still plenty of useless low-I.Q. "Stop liking what I don't like!" shit-posts, but they're easy to spot and simply skim past.
$40?!? That's just trying to rip-off the ignorant and is definitely not cool. As for 'components' - I'd have to look at what's actually included. I know I can find uses for stuff if I buy $15 worth of items from Meeplesource for example.
/bgg/ also has retards, but /bgg/ both has rootfans and root haters. Cant say the same of BGG or other online communities. Not without people first excusing themselves for not liking [insert popular game].
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Ive had a quick look and it seems MSRP was about 70, although it seems shops are selling them at 40 since its a shit game. Its the typical "new-5 bucks its in shrink i know what i got" BS.
BGG has plenty of unapologetic root haters though
they just can't call anyone fags so they stand out less
>/bgg/ both has rootfans
That is another problem with /bgg/
>every game is slop
Imagine playing board games instead of increasing your knowledge pool and studying philosophy
I cannot fathom anyone who wants to buy board games new
Like, most board games are purchased and never played, just buy them used for 50% or more off because people need more space to consume
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is this game any good?
Unless you live in a large city or find some group system for shipping games you're almost never getting a deal on used games from what ive seen. Best bet for most people is finding really good sales on new games or getting very lucky.
Use facebook, boomer
Join a private buy/sell/trade group for board games and its nonstop
Learn to read. >>93387282 Anon pointed out *VERY CLEARLY* that it's the *SHIPPING COSTS* that routinely invalidate your argument for a great many gamers and not simply 'find it on line hurr-durr!'. Particularly if there are long distances and/or the item is being shipped out of country. I shipped a $50 U.S. game to someone in Spain and the shipping cost $85 U.S. shipping via very slow bulk shipping. (Sending it Fedex with less than a week's delivery time would have cost $225+.) And this was half a decade ago in 2019.
But they don't sell the games I want
This looks very much like a variant of 'The Duke' board game also by Catalyst games.. And like 'The Duke', it already has half a dozen or so add-on / expansion packs or tiles. So you might want to take a look at 'The Duke' which was available as a Print-n-Play game before dropping money on Centurion. There's a high-res version of the rules, but it's a 20 MB file and far to large to load here.
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If you go the PnP route, here's an alternate board I created and printed on paper with a stone color scheme.
Yknow, anon really do spoil us, here.
/bgg/ started it! I've gotten a lot of game suggestions here over the years that I and my gaming group have really enjoyed.
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The nice thing about the PnP version of 'The Duke' is that it lent itself very easily to being made into a 'travel version' of game so one could play as a passenger on a road trip. The pieces each have a small square of sheet-metal in their center, and the map is glued into a piece of foam-core board with a small rare-earth magnet at the center of each map square.
Best suggestions you got for your group?
I've got a crew of shit disturbers looking to rumble
Refer to this anon>>93387794
Who actually has reading comprehension. I live in a smaller city and you'd be lucky to even find a used copy of Catan on facebook marketplace locally.
>I've got a crew of shit disturbers looking to rumble.

51st State - a tableau builder which lets you raze other player's locations to deny them the benefit, or simply fuck with them. "You've got a lot of resources stored on that location. It's a shame about the fire that's about to happen."

Neuroshima Hex - it's primarily a 1v1 game, but it comes with multiple armies, and scanning / printing additional map copies is easy and let's one have multiple games going at once.

Mare Nostrum: Empires - game has multiple win conditions, hidden information, asymmetric powers. I ran one demo turn for my group and asked if they wanted to start over. They said 'No, keeping going from here.' And the back stabbing and shenanigans began almost immediately.

Merchants & Marauders (+ optional expansion) - high-impact sexual contact of the non-consensual kind in the age of pirates and privateers. Game can be swingy as hell and see one well off, only to be ruined by a fellow player, and then turn things around and curb-stomp the one who ruined you in a single game.

Arctic Scavengers (+HQ & Recon) - fight, scavenge, steal, and kill your way to the top of the post apocalyptic tribal survival heap in this drafting / deck building / hand management game.

Cosmic Encounter - depending on if / which expansions are added, this game can either ignore the concept of game balance, or just out-right piss all over it. This game is largely about bullshitting / bluffing your way to victory when you're not just out-right abusing the over-the-top variable player powers. (My group did add a house-rule to prevent 'Turn 1 victories' where some of the players didn't even get a turn before losing the game. Yeah, it's that kind of fucked up.)

Cutthroat Caverns - the 'Fuck you, take that!' game that Munchkin wishes it was. Your goal is to score the killing blow against monsters and claim the most loot. Just like all the other players.
>50% or more off
if youre american, sure. Europeans are all "played only once new price -5% dont haggle I know what I got"
Sorry anon, I hear the euro market is fucking dogshit for board games.

Even with shipping it's cheaper than in store. You're just coping with bad financial choices and you don't need to drop that on me
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I find that the sales on Zatu seems good enough for the more mainstream games. At least in the UK. I don't know whether they do shipping to EU.

thanks pal
I guess i can't win an argument with someone too stupid to even understand it
Well that's just not true. You have to know where to look, of course, and more time spent = better deals, but I buy like 3/4th of my games used nowadays and never looked back.
As a sidenote, I find it super interesting how different countries/language areas have vastly different prices.
>Legends of blue moon spanish/french: can easily get it for 10 euros
>Legends of blue moon german/english: 60 euros starting
>50% off
That's a rarity in europe like the other anon said
Most commonly I see around 20-30% off
But at that point i'm better off waiting for sales at the lgs, because of the risk of getting nearly ruined games
For example I got clank for about 40% off but the cards (unsleeved) were a bit bent and the box looked like it suffered from humidity for a long time, plus was missing one cube for two different colors
In another instance however I got catan + 2 expansions for like 90% off and it was pretty much untouched, even if it's catan and I will never play it, it'll be good trade material for expensive games
Recs for games like Ticket to Ride?
thurn and taxis
Bahama Taxi
This works in places where shipping is cheap, in the US if you buy a game 50% off the shipping still makes it more expensive than buying from Amazon
>Web of Power
>various Ticket to Ride expansions and derivatives
Empyreal is just TtR given the Level 99 treatment
No it doesn't anon, you're just making shit up.

I have a huge collection of used games and even with shipping it's still 30-40% cheaper than in stores at MSRP

You are bad at the art of deal
Negro 60-70% MSRP is Amazon prices. In the UK most of the stuff I got was 30% MSRP including shipping, which was like 7 bucks per game.
i buy games new and crowdfund to support publishers :]
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I hate games that have an overtly stupid fucking premise behind it outside of a theme (muh politikz). I also cannot stand a "hype-train" on a game that seems unnecessary, like wingspan shooting to the top 10 of BGG for no fucking reason (I am enjoying it's slow and degrading slide down the chart).

HOWEVER, I will usually give any game a few tries before shitting on it. This brings me to Spirit Island. This game reeks of both overhype and this over the top "colonizer bad" bullshit. I did get picrel during the Prime Days for $15.

Any Spirit Island fans be honest. Does this game capture the gameplay of Spirit Island without dumbing it down? Is this game just "colonizer bad" meme whack-a-mole? What are your takes on this version of the game?
It's just a dumbed down version of Spirit Island, which just happens to be the blandest and most boring board game in existence.
>a-at least the gameplay is good
"No!" The gameplay is dreadful; the game was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a minor power was played, the player did it for the symbols instead of an interesting effect.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a card was played for symbols only. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Reuss' mind is so governed by bland effects and thinly veiled set collection that he has no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Spirit Island by the same Kenneth Johnson. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these manchildren are playing Spirit Island at 31 or 32, then when they get older they will go on to play Phase 10." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Spirit Island" you are, in fact, trained to play Phase 10.
No way you guys are shopping in France. Everything is on sale here. My city of 120k people has three board game stores and there's so much online merchants it'd blow your mind.
Why would anyone shop in France unless they're fr*nch? And I certainly hope you're not.
>I certainly hope you're not.
Married into it.
But France is in europe, so saying europe has no sales is just wrong. Also the board game scene here is really strong. Probably stronger than anywhere else.
>But France is in europe,
Wrong, it's in Africa Minor.
>Also the board game scene here is really strong. Probably stronger than anywhere else.
I used to live in Troyes which is smaller than where you live and there were almost no gaming places there at the time.
what good worker placement games have released in the past 3 years
Well they have a board game club now
Stratejeux Association Troyenne and a quick google search says three board game stores.
The D&D adventure games series can be solo'd. Heroquest, bizarrely, cannot.
Free Ride if you have 4-5 players that want some easy going route running. Westward Rails if you want a little stock market action in there.
Do you have this saved as a copy pasta bro i swear I've seen this shit like 3 times
Also if you're anal enough to make a pasta and save it, do you have others and what games are they for?
It's a JK Rowling/Harry Potter pasta. The original was a critic saying she always used flowery or bloated language instead of writing simply.
> I've seen this shit like 3 times
Oh my sweet summer child.
>Like, most board games are purchased and never played, just buy them used for 50% or more off because people need more space to consume
Honestly there are game stores that do business through ebay that will sell shit for BEYOND 50% off new just to clear out stock.
Think it was the phrase "stretch their legs" that she did you egregiously in the books to describe someone going for a walk.
Ya, that was the critique, except the phrase only appears one time in seven books.
You should be ashamed for playing fifth edition. Fourth edition is clearly a vastly superior game.
Sunrise lane
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Anyone here have Inhuman Conditions? Are the secondary discussion topics supposed to be cut different from the module intro and primary topics, or should they all be cut the same?
Wait sorry, it's worse. Each category is cut on a different corner, apparently?
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Nevermind, I'm retarded. Looking at the opposite side, if it was cut wrong then the folded text would look wrong. It must be intentional. I was thrown for a loop since the cards are packed with all the cut corners aligned. There's a ton of visual noise that made it hard to see that it was correct at first glance, but I guess that's on me.
Because it's a really slow moving game with boring actions.
I love the Dune theme, but holy shit, this is the one game I have no idea how it became so popular.
race for the galaxy is C tier at best
game has people brainwashed
Race is arguably the greatest filler game (<30 minutes) of all time but no more
>Race is arguably the greatest filler game (<30 minutes) of all time but no more
Dixit's of a comparable length, takes like no setup, accommodates up to 12, has essentially one page of rules, could be understood by a 6 year old, encourages people to indirectly talk about themselves via their choice of clues, and doesn't really allow for easy dogpiling or kingmaking.

I refuse to acknowledge anything else as the greatest filler game of all time.
Dixit is a party game
Games can work for multiple uses.
>A stale turd is better than a steaming turd.
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I, too, am mystified at that games popularity.
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>Fourth edition is clearly a vastly superior game.

2nd Edition is the only 'true' edition. All others are pail imitations.
New thread: >>93393371
Well Friedemann Friese had done it
The Power Grid had won it
I'll bet Tom Vassels review made him quite the pile
Cole Werhles kingmaking had us exiled
While Turczi lay engrossed in a new solo file

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