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Anime Cunningham edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread

>Thread question:
What's your favourite chromebook?
Chromebook 2. It's KINO
Who is the gayest cyber punk?
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>CLAMP-designed cyberpunk
(You)r pc
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>Be GM
>We've played every 3 months for 2 years
>Getting new games is like pulling teeth
>Prior to first session everyone was up for it with regular sessions
>Took them months to write their characters backstory (I was happy with a couple of lines - 2 did write a full page or two which was nice), 2 of my 5 players didnt write anything so I had to write backstory for them
>Got bored with irregular sessions so paid for Foundry VTT and spent weeks getting that set up
>Still near impossible to get people to play
>Spent weeks writing a real fun/dark campaign, plan numerous NPCs, routes, side gigs etc so I have them on the fly and fleshed out with details rather than improv off my head

Is this fucking normal? It sucks the life out of me especially when I've put so much work into it. My note file is over 200 pages of content for stuff for us to do, NPCs all that shit yet despite all of them telling me they enjoy it and appreciate it, no one discusses anything in the group chat/ in person unless I prompt it and no one is rushing to do games.
I don't play Cyberpunk but I'm the forever DM for my group. Unless you enjoy the process of prepping that much (I do) I don't think it's very worth it if you feel this way. In general DMs obviously have to put in more hours than players per block of gameplay, but it doesn't have to be so lopsided, especially if you're getting frustrated with it.

Also idk how it'll work out but I'm strongly considering running open table games IRL somewhere. It'd be nice to play with people who care as much as I do. Either way, main thing I think is don't feel married to your group if this is a big passion for you and it doesn't feel reciprocal. Shop elsewhere on the side for the experience you want to have.
I know your pain my guy. Sometimes you have to put your foot down and be blunt, make a schedule and stick to it. And say if they can't make it then they might have to drop out.
(Wait, I know her. Wasn’t it AD police or something ?)
>2 of my 5 players didnt write anything so I had to write backstory for them
Save your energy for the players who put it the effort. If they didn't write it themselves, there is even less of a chance they will remember what you wrote. You don't have to ignore them entirely, but it's okay if they don't want whatever plot hooks you make to be about them. They can enjoy themselves just being there while you involve the backstories of characters that wrote theirs.
>Reposting my reply so the anon wouldn’t skip on it.

>>93361523 #
Can you elaborate on what exactly are you looking for? I’m asking because IMO the end line stuff that I put in RED is pretty scary. You’ve got Smasher with two actions, resistant to everything and dealing extreme damage (Killbook), then the high end ACPA easily deal 9d6 headshots, 8d6x2 missile barrage and so on. Granted, euro gear doesn’t have that much deadly weapons, but ROF 3 3d6 mantises and 4d6+5 gorillas are nothing to scoff at. Only drones doesn’t feature wacky damage numbers, but the ability to split action to essentially play two characters is good enough to tip the balance, if you ask me. Well, it isn’t just another corporate gonk, or a lawman summon, but yeah arguably other roles have more damage output.
I mean, all this text above was to prove that my stuff is deadly enough for RED. So I guess I either didn’t understand the question or you’re talking about something entirely different than RED. Please elaborate.
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I've never played a TTRPG before but I'm iching for more Cyberpunk after playing 2077. How do I find people to play with?
how does everyone feel about the latest DLC? Both as the adventure itself and showing that 2077 will be getting DLC attention
was Carebear Eurodyne a big fagola in 2020?
I'd prefer they focus on 2045 material.

I have no idea but if you find out, let me know.
Cyberpunk Red is dead, all hail Cyberpunk 77. Until, of course, the next shiny thing comes along and 77 is dead and all hail Cyberpunk Elflines 2. I'd be happy with any version of Cyberpunk, but I wish they'd make a version of Cyberpunk instead of several with anaemic output for each.
>Go to LGS
>Find chooms
>Simple as
the hair makes me think golden boy
Somebody got the CEMK update with the new maps?
I couldn't find the CEMK in the sharethread.
The original CEMK is in newvola. I don't think any update has been posted.
I see i see, arigato
got it, thanks anon
Reading through the CEMK, I've come to a few conclusions
>Night City '76 is the most boring version of the setting
>the new gun rules are retarded
>quickhacks are retarded
>all of this is a waste of money and effort that should be spent on improving RED
>even more money and effort will be wasted on the further '76 content
>new Humanity rules are retarded too
>I'd prefer they focus on 2045 material.
I'd prefer they didn't since the 2040's kinda suck ass. I'd take 2013 or 2020 material over it. I'd take a 4th Corporate War dlc over it.
Golden Chrome v 4.2D
>Borgware split into Borgware/Linear Frames (Just like in Black Chrome, yay!)
>Hence there are 3 new pieces of Borgware
>Generic plus 1 SP boost to subdermal
>Generic plus 1 initiative boost to Speedware
>Generic plus 1 BODY boost to linear frames
>New Linear Frame, the Gunny Frame - it's a Kota-something Yakuza Frame from Black Chrome BUT with Firearms instead of melee weapons. So 2xHSMG, VHP and GL. All exotic, EQ and concealed.
>Deleted wacky smartlinks, added folding frame for archery weapons instead - you can conceal them now
>RIOT Armour now adds plus 3 SP instead of Plus 2 when hit by melee

I think, I'll add Martial Arts next, not sure where, but I guess Tools of Destruction fit the most.
Also there's plethora of new rules deconstruction, but I didnt had the clear head to write them down properly.

Anyway, KillBook is almost finished, ACPAs are refined for a third time (formatting mostly, but also 4 pages of cyberware, weapons and gear), Drones are currently during playtest, my friend is already at rank 5, all seem to be working smoothly, only problem is introducing drones as enemies, since they are extremely pricey, and simply shooting them down, then repairing them and selling them makes for a really good profit. But so does the cars, so it's not really an issue.
What I meant to say - I'm very close to being all out of homebrew ideas.
Well, not entirely, last shower zinged me with a thought to make a monstrously big stash of random tables for every occasion. Not sure If I'd follow up on that one but still - it's another milestone to reach in this neverending quest to quench my thirst for self productivity before I crumble.
One of the flashbacks has him getting head and one of the possible Johnny dialogues is he'd fuck Kerry so...yeah.
I meant the game not the 2077 flashbacks bruh
Adam Smasher.
I really appreciate you homebrew guys still updating your work.
Morgan Blackhand without a doubt.
This, though tied with Johnny SIlverhand and all the rest of the untouchable SpecialBoy canon characters. Killing off the lot of them at the end of 2020 because even legends die and these guys were just another bunch of powerless idiot assholes no different from your PCs and just a little luckier was a legitimately based decision. Deciding the Blackhand survived his suicide run into Arasaka Tower and was literally untouchable was some stupid bullshit.
Do I need Interface Plugs or a Subdermal Grip to get the Smartgun benefit for a pop-up weapon? Seems kind of ridiculous if so. If it's in my arm, shouldn't I be able to have my doctor wire it into my Neural Link?
Smartgun is a gun with smartlink. Smartlink needs plug or grip. If you want to wire it directly into your neural link, you need to upgrade to smartlink.
This is assuming I've already paid the price to put a Smartlink into the gun. Like, assuming I have a Smartlinked shotgun and get it implanted as a popup weapon in my Cyberarm and have the three option slots open. Like, if a Tech has to make a special upgrade for it, then whatever.
Your players are retarded. 2 pages for backstory are big red flag, the game is the backstory. Your players are playing a game, not writting a fan fiction.
Vidya's canon Anon, deal with it.
you're apparently mortally retarded and illiterate, sorry for your loss.
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Well that was unexpected.
When a piece of popculture gets the equivalent of a McDonalds happy meal tie-in that usually bodes poorly.
>popular thing bad
I really like 2020 but my experience is seriously being damaged by one player being a dumbass and having a dummy spit when his actions have consequences. The GM has the patience of a saint for putting up with this guy's nonsense.

He just keeps doing stuff thinking he can talk his way out of anything. Dude will get horribly injured and still try to walk into a room filled with enemies as a non-combat character and expect to live.

My personal rule for stuff like fast talk etc is that it doesn't matter how good you roll if you try to lie to an NPC's face about something they know for a fact is not true it will get you in trouble. Same goes for you trying to convince a room full of armed thugs to surrender when you're unarmed, on the floor, and injured. Cyberpunk is more grounded in realism and consequence than other ttrpgs, but this guy treats it like DnD where player characters are the Main Characters and rolls are the only thing that matters.

There's been two different arguments/dummy spits and the group is close to breaking point because he just keeps doing this. We're going to show him Edgerunners to see if he gets a better idea for the bleak and brutal nature of the setting, but I don't think it will change his mind.

Am I wrong on my interpretation of this? I'm obviously not running things, but I've tried explaining what kind of game it is and he basically just disagrees and says he may as well run a solo and murder everything, despite the fact that most of our gameplay is not combat and the reason combat goes bad for him is that he's being silly.
I am a dinosaur and have issues with the new slang, Cockney or otherwise, but 'dummy spit' is the same as "throwing a hissy fit", yeah? I've had players like that, I have one right now, and I just move on. The action failed, these are the consequences, now what does X want to do? Arguments are shut down with 'this is what happened' and this is sufficient, because if it isn't sufficient the player is antagonistic and holding up the game to argue, which is grounds for reviewing why we are playing together.

Whether you are in the right or not is impossible to tell, maybe you are just a shit GM making unreasonable things happen, or making reasonable things fail based on you yourself being unreasonable. Or maybe you are being a perfectly adequate GM and he is just being a tool. The solution is of course to talk about it, make your position clear, and hear his side of the story in good faith, and being willing to find a compromise even on things you disagree with.

If he is not willing to do the same then that is grounds for him being told he can't play any longer.
>this guy treats it like DnD where player characters are the Main Characters and rolls are the only thing that matters.
Even D&D's not supposed to work like that, the guy's just being a tard.
It just sounds like he grew playing single player cRPGs or action RPGs. Weak but fast talking characters are popular there as speech checks can get you anywhere and anything inclusing special rewards, while combat can be done just by reloading the game a few times until the RNG goes in your favor, so there's no consequences to being shitty in combat aside from the extra time investment.
Thanks Ginny:)
5e baby here.
How steep is the learning curve for Cyberpunk 2020 if I am making the switch from 5E?
I just want to know to prepare myself.
Canon material ends with 2020
Let me guess, you dislike RED lawman rework?
You have to read literally one book. That book has fewer pages than the 5e PHB and almost half of it is setting material. The real question is whether you're the kind of 5e baby who's at least read the PHB or the kind who's only mechanical engagement is through DnDBeyond and doesn't even know how to read a character sheet.
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exotics be like
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Have you, or anyone you played with, ever had a nugget pc? Also any good cyberpunk systems for some lighter hi-jinks where the PCs won't be dying constantley?
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I have a game plan I've been working on and off for a while involving the players being in Russia/the NUSSR. I have a lot of it worked out but I can't say I'm exactly say I'm culturally in-tune with eastern europe, so what could I do to make it feel like it's actually Russia rather than just any not-night city?
Overall, Cyberpunk's learning curve is very easy. You don't need a lot of books, everything is stat based instead of feats, and almost nothing in expansion books contradicts or overrides the core rules. 5e is a uniquely messy game with a very high level of pointless complexity compared to almost any other system, 2020 included. Unless you are a mouth breathing retard whose never actually read a rulebook before or can't comprehend something not being exactly like DnD, this will be easy.
The books I will recommend are pretty much the same for a player or a GM, with the stipulation that the GM *probably* should read these, while its optional for the player. Most cyberpunk books are 70-90% lore, with a couple of rules thrown in, usually optional, and some items. The only book you absolutely must read is the core rulebook. Outside of that, I would suggest reading all four chromebooks, as they contain a lot of items which can spice up the game, and having a copy of Blackhands Guide, which has every weapon added in every other book in the game for easy reference. Outside of those, read whatever books interest you or are relevant. Home of the Brave is the definitive lorebook, so I'd suggest that. If you are playing a nomad, read Neotribes. If you are playing a Media, read live and direct, ect. That stuff is optional, but it will help you get into the mindset of playing that kind of character. Also Solo of Fortune is very soulful and always a good read.
>Have you, or anyone you played with, ever had a nugget pc?
No, because it's the path of cowards who lack the fortitude to go FBC.
>Also any good cyberpunk systems for some lighter hi-jinks where the PCs won't be dying constantley?
Hard Wired Island
It does not.
2020 Kerry is the same character as 2077 Kerry, so in flashbacks to the 2020 era, that's 2020 Kerry, who's a faggot. Oops, sorry.
You mean someone with implant arms and legs? Yeah, all the time
>cyberpunk systems for some lighter hi-jinks where the PCs won't be dying constantley?
>debt-trapped rape and sexual abuse victims
Well, you won't be dying in the process. Probably.
you are incredibly illiterate and retarded.
solo of fortune 2 has a couple of great sections on the USSR, as does eurosource plus. and there's a bit more in bartmoss guide to the net. probably the three biggest differences are 1 the state has significant power still 2 organised crime has significant power 3 technology, especially cyberware, is cruder and more primitive
Don't do suburbs. Everyone, including gov and SovOil officials live in commeblocks, varying in quality and luxury. Neo-Stalinka for higher-ups, Brezhnevka for regular people, Khrushevka for old industrial districts. Overall, very high urbanisation. I can't really see, how nomads would live here - no car culture, high reliance on gov/SovOil railroads. Don't use them, i guess, give players ride in a train.
A metric shit-ton of military installations, especially in Moscow. Most of the time, you can't even recognize that this is a military installation, if you are not local, and get in trouble.
Ask something more specific, and i'll try to help.
You said "I meant the game not the 2077 flashbacks bruh" but failed to understand that the character in the flashbacks in the same as from the 2020 material. What applies to one applies to the other. It's not a different version of Kerry, it's the same character.
>RED core book states that Ziggurat build entire new city net extremely quick to everyone’s surprise
>almost all net traffic within NC works on Ziggurat lines and servers, they provide folks with affordable access to the net
>between city connections are supported by world-sat once a day
>fast forward a couple of years
>phantom liberty comes out
>ERMK comes out and it nonchalantly states that, as it turned out, ziggurat build their landlines and such on pre-existing old net nodes
>they got fined for days, and then net watch swooped in and saved the day, read: took down these servers, or installed the Blackwall on them
Shit, Orion is going to be about the war with Rogue AIs isn’t it? Despite all this freelance writing looks like they managed to pull the meta plot nicely.
Don’t feed the troll anon
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watch this & rip it off liberally
I've been exposed to furries on the internet for over 20 years but seeing this just caused my brain to react on a primal level and activated some kind of "KILL KILL KILL" chemical reaction. I'm kinda surprised with myself.

The uncanny nature of this is making my mind recoil. Impressive looking though.
Gotta be honest, I don't really like the AI war angle. I guess it's a natural progression and topical but I wish this wasn't the world we have to inhabit in the game. I would rather play a game set in the 2010's or 2020.
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What are some good NPC's I can use to aid players without just giving them shit easy or for free? Feel like some sort of Fixer and Netrunner are a given since my players never go for those roles but I wouldn't mind some more suggestions and ways to implement them.

I'm kind of new at this.
I mean, if you read Guide to the Net, and Starblade Battalion, AI wars were planned for a loooong time.
Yeah it's just so played out. I'd rather it not be the main focus. I do enjoy the spooky conspiracy side of it in 2077, we could use more unsettling MiB stuff like that or something. Some of my favorite parts of the game are related to AI but in the more subtle ways or the creepy stuff like the Maelstrom cult summoning one.
Fuck edition canon. The only canon that matters is what happens at the table.
I was thinking a similar thing when I first saw it. That I get the furry tech tree is about slowly developing an anthro body for themselves and that the way there is paved with weird suits, and while that one in particular is impressive on a technical level... It really triggers my uncanny valley, and I also had a caveman level "I need to find a stick to defend myself with" reaction. I don't really have anything against furries, but I will if they don't move away from this creepy animatronic phase quickly. That suit is disturbing, and that normal human clothes are laid on top of it really adds to the creep-factor. Is this what wild animal see when they spot a human on the trail?
I play a lot of VR and I have cartoony dreams all the times but that thing. That thing freaks me out.
use them as a source of extra complications (content hooks)
>you can get a runner, but they need the PCs to get X/do X before
>you can get a fixer, but they're in trouble/have beef with with some other faction/notable/ect and the PCs have to resolve that first.
and so on
If you're worried about your players dying so much why not just adjust the stats of your enemies to make them stormtroopers with no hp.
>player bought SP13 subdermal
>mantis blades
>shoulder mount and gorilla arms
Now you introduced a subdermal hardener? Shit, I gotta throw in some militech kill squad niggas to pose a challenge for them. Great work with the kill book, very inspirational.
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Nugget assassin daughteru to a corpo.
you're a fucking retard. there is a game called cyberpunk 2020, you fucking retard. fuckwit
Players sold an item that was needed for next session, what should I do? They went treasure hunting salvaging for some mafia goon, and the item is for the boss. I even left them hints that they need it for something and went "are you sure" before they did the deed, and they still did it. They were absolute clueless and went full retard.

I should note that they are doing all this to enter a place for a main gig that a mafia happened to have their territory on, so the side-quest is them trying for an easy way to walk around without the mafia goons on their asses.
Choices and consequences, do whatever makes sense as the NPC response. If the boss explicitly asked for the item and they failed to retrieve it, he will be reasonably dissatisfied, possibly even upset. Now they can make excuses, play dumb, or fess up they've sold it, which will make the responese either less bad, or worse.
>Crew Solo's looking to get a Linear Frame Beta installed
>Wants to hire a Tech third-party style to miniaturize it down to the size of a Linear Frame Sigma
>Out-of-character, he wants the upgrade but doesn't like the idea of his character being the size of a fridge
>In-character, the guy's a kickboxer and doesn't want to have to retrain after his form slips from his body shape changing
The Fixer's willing to cut a deal with whoever they find if the Rockerboy can't Charismatic Impact his way into getting the job done. So, how good a Tech (or, more likely, team of Techs) should be necessary to stuff the power of a Buick into a sleek, athletic frame, and how much does consensus dictate I should charge them?
Selling the Boss' prize macguffin is a story as old as time. Now they must race all around town to find the item before noon tomorrow or he'll have their balls on a platter. Drama! Action! A chance to have a series of mundane obstacles on a strict timer!
When they reach the point they need the item, make sure to make it excruciatingly clear that they HAD it, and got rid of it. Rub it in. Then when the party complains be sure to remind them you tried to get them to keep it.
A beta frame would be DV 29, average roll is 5, so their Upgrade+Cybertech+Tech would have to total around 24 for a decent chance.
I honestly think NightCorp and Mr. Blue Eyes is the saving grace of the coming AI-pocalypse. Simply because of the ingrained notion that this is an ever present, ongoing conspiracy in the world instead of some dumbass Skynet shit.
Sadly nuggeting yourself in 2020 is really not worth the cost in humanity and money.
Right. Think I'll just upsell them and get that shit pre-installed. Or just let them have it. I dunno. It wouldn't change the DV of the check to identify the Frame. On one hand, I care a little bit about following the way things are supposed to work. On the other, the way that Linear Frames affect your appearance in Red is literally a sidebar deemed not important enough to include in the actual text of Black Chrome and treated as DLC. If R Tal didn't care enough about it to put it to print, why should I?
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>second item from the top
Not sure if that’s what you’re after, because it’s an item that bypass the rules they established themselves (no frames inside the ACPA).
Nonetheless it states one cannot spot it. With its pricing that would mean the Beta downsized to Sigma is probably 10K. Not sure if you’d like to follow up on that.
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I mean, this is description of BODY stat, and frames increase it so...
If by Nuggeting one mean QCM for all limbs it might be if you have enough specialty limbs (and a thrall with a suitcase full of them).
This caused some heretofore unknown feeling to rise in the back of my mind, something akin to a blunt and dim sort of terror. It dissipated after the third time it looped. Very well crafted suit.
This is much appreciated, anon, though I'm not sure I know which homebrew document this came from. Nonetheless, I'll use it as reference.
It doesn't help he's moving like a cartoon character. Very controlled movements, feels weird as fuck
>which document
Assisted combat personnel armours

Well, this and the other replies have been quite helpful. But I can't say I really have any questions, maybe more little things. Stuff that would be common there but not anywhere else, cultural stuff like everybody stealing from whichever factory they work at (as I have been told happened), things like that.
Blessings and handjobs upon you and your brethren.
I always thought it was weird that CPR doesn't have any kind of gang-up/threatening/flanking bonus like every other tabletop game I've played. I know that they deal with smaller numbers so any kind of bonus helps a lot but even Savage Worlds has gang-up and they almost never give +1 bonuses. If there was three ganger NPC's vs 1 player (which I think is how it works in Dark Heresy) would it be wrong to say the player is taking -2 complex task penalties during the fight (either to their own attacks or evasion) because they're fighting 3 enemies at once?
Multi action penalties always annoy me, because it pisses on the idea of characters getting better, because all it takes to overcome any defense, any experience, is just add a few more dudes. A fight is not a game of Twister, making one move should not make the next harder, not unless the enemy have some kind of hive mind that would let them coordinate their attacks so you can be forced to dodge INTO harm's way. Yeah, maybe real life sort of works that way, but this isn't real life, the deviance from reality is what makes these games FUN.
Second thread is dying and this choomba still a ghost.
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Good on you for getting out of that Coma, welcome to the New World™
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At what level of the hierachy of working at Arasaka or any of the other corps do you think you'd have to be at to have you bodyguards designed to match your fetish?
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