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Writing General: 'child characters' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)
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What do you have to remember when you're writing a child character? Should you approach them just like any other character, or is there a certain mindset that you have to account for?
I posted this in /lit/'s writing general but I wanted to put it here as well.

I'm deep into this novel project and sometimes it feels like an absolute chore. But today I was writing a few paragraphs over my lunch break and had such a moment of joy in writing. This segment probably has no emotional punch without the 50k words leading up to it, but I'm sharing it because it made me go "wow, I really do love writing".

I hope all of you experience a little spark of that as well. It doesn't have to be good, as long as you're getting something out of it.
Yeah, can feel that.
I just realized that in a few instances, I get the idea to have a scene or even a plot beat, THEN try to figure out what could lead to that.

I'm a hack, aren't I?
Here's a few pages from my novel if anyone is interested. It's still in its first draft.
I've been fascinated with the idea of using Plato's cave as the over-arching theme of the story/setting. Are there any stories that already do this?
the matrix
Like a physical cave/enclosure? Isn't that just gnosticism?
Damn. I see it now but I don't particular care for the matrix, heretical as that may sound.

I admit I'm cribbing an awful lot from Dune, I like the idea that the issue affecting the setting has caused people to become complacent with the force affecting the setting and the complications of someone taking a big risk going above and outside of it that forces Humanity to advance.
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Logan's Run, kind of
The nice way to refer to kids is innocent. The not so nice way is ignorant. Kids don't know a lot. They're naive to the way of the world. Course- they also hate being looked down upon for this, so expect them to get uppity for being treated like they don't know something that they do. Likewise- children tend to lack a lot of preconceived notions about the world, and therefore absorb new information very well. A good example is how the younger generation is always more tech-savvy than the older generation- they tend to thrust themselves at a problem and problem solve and learn. Whereas a LOT of adults become very uncomfortable about having to confront an idea for the first time and often shut down their brain as a result (for instance my mother STILL doesn't know how to operate a DVD player, and I keep telling her if she just messed around with it she'd learn it super easy, but she refuses to and would rather just leave it laying around and not use it because she doesn't want to confront how she doesn't understand it).

Also the other flipside of children being ignorant is often they're little assholes. They may not have always learned social convention, and how to treat people well. Odds are kinda 50-50 if they are petty or such because they just aren't learned enough, or because they are little bullies. Also- expect ANYTHING you say to them or hear to be repeated by them (I did this myself when I was a kid, overhearing my mum complain about my grandmothers drinking and then repeating it word for word to my grandmother).
A lot of lovecraftian fiction. The idea that someone would go mad at the revelation of a wider broader universe outside their understanding. Which personally I feel is a bit reductionist. Like a caveman might not understand the internet, but I think if you showed him 4chan meme's he's not going to be driven insane by the revelation.

I think the Matrix also delved into it a bit. One of the sequels have Humans deciding they'd stay in the Matrix (and to be fair, the machines given them normal mundane lives with average life-expectancy while the real-world is a post-apocalyptic earth with no sunlight).
When you put it that way I know the perfect example. Colonialism/industrialism/westernization.

Now it may have struck you as odd that of all the non-european nations, only Japan really industrialized and succeeded as a nation as a result. Now- many cultures did try to westernize and got strangled in their crib anyway (the Seven Civilized Tribes in the United States for example). But when you dig into a lot of the history you learn an unsettling truth. Most people would prefer to rule a third world country than live in a first world country.

I think China serves as the best example. So China for most of history has been the largest, wealthiest, most technologically advanced country in the world. When the Qing took over, it was a pretty status quo for the first century, with them doing what most chinese dynasties do. Then the British show up. Now at first they want to buy their way into China sending them a bunch of fancy-doodads to show off how beneficial a trade-agreement would be. But the Qing Emperor mistakes this for an attempt at a tribute payment, and fails to see any use in stuff such as, in one example, a clock. As far as the Chinese are concerned if a country isn't one of their tributaries, it's an unimportant land of barbarians that nobody could be arsed about. Hence- the British decided to just smuggle Opium instead.

The Emperor of course isn't a fan, but trying to put a stop to this results in the First Opium War, where a squadron of British ships destroy the Chinese fleet, and go up and down pillaging the Yellow River, forcing them to concede Hong Kong and unlimited opium trade.

Now what do the Chinese do? Well nothing. They assume the British victory was down to a weird once-in-a-millennium fluke. They later try to stop the Opium causing the second Opium War which results in the exact same thing.
Now what do the Chinese do? Well they assume the problem was they weren't Chinese ENOUGH. And that if they just adhere closer to tradition, they'll succeed.

They don't. Chinese history is kind of all downhill from here.

Eventually the Chinese figure they should try at least SOME westernization, you know, the parts that mean they wouldn't have to change all that much. Now these westernizers DO make some progress, though the important parts, like army and naval reform, don't go too far since they're stymied by the classical Chinese exams system (Sun Tzu not really having much to say about what you should do when you fight British Ironclans for example). But what happens? Well- the Qing officials start to worry that westernizing will move to a meritocratic system (which China is already meant to have, but its pretty corrupt) it'll disempower them, and put the westernizers in charge. Mind you- these guys didn't want a Republic. They wanted a system similar to Japan (which gave the Emperor a lot of power). The Chinese Dowager-Empress ends up executing or imprisoning all of them, including her son. Who by the way is meant to be the 'real' Emperor. He lives the rest of his days on an artificial island in the forbidden city making clocks until the Empress-Dowager PROBABLY has him poisoned two days before her own death. We don't know. We DO know he had a thousand times the amount or arsenic in his body that he was supposed to.

By the way- in this time the Japanese who industrialized absolutely kicked the ass of the Chinese forcing them to lose Korea and Taiwan. This combined with western colonialism (direct in the case of Hong-Kong, indirect in stuff like extraterritoriality laws saying white people couldn't be tried by Chinese law) led to the Boxer Rebellion.
>There's a discord for writers here
This link has expired
Why do they call them the Boxers? Good question. Well the answer is because they think Kung-Fu will make them bulletproof. (they 'box'). They then go about trying to kill all white people in China. That sounds like an exaggeration, but it's not. The anti-colonial aspect is admirable, but they really were quite brutal.

They also were, it turns out, not bulletproof. The Empress-Dowager initially backed them thinking it'd increase her power, until they turned on her, and she turned to the Leage of Eight to bail her out (most of the major white countries plus Japan), and probably only the US' open-door policy kept her in power and China intact. The Boxers also ended up destroying most of the little railroads and factories China DID have.

It's finally only after this moment that all of China realizes that it's westernize or die. Half a century after the Opium Wars. The leader of this movement was Sun Yat-Sen, born in Hawaii, and was quite an America-boo. His fthree major policies being Democracy, Socialism/Welfare, Nationalism, and industrialization being a big component as well. Unfortunately Chinese history doesn't get simple for us, he has to try 11 times to succeed in his revolution, and not long after he does China descends into the warlord period, and he dies before seeing the country unified (which would eventually be by the Communists- and this is after Japan invaded them in WW2 while China was in ACTIVE civil-war). But while all that is also fascinating, it's after China decided westernization was finally necessary- though I should note that the Communists didn't manage to industrialize until the 1990's at that...
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history lesson jumpscare in the funni worldbuilding thread
unironically love to see it
Nothing wrong with that assuming you aren't making players jump through hoops that you wanted to happen.
Don't make them a mini adult. Also don't make them brainless. Fanciful, emotional, excitable, and naive, but not brainless.

Funny, this does nothing for my sci-fi concept but is absolutely perfect for the fantasy one.
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Has anyone here got any experience with writing/publishing Light Novels?

I'm burned out on my main project and its lenghty rewrites and wanted to try something else, perhaps an easier project to work with, given the hard limit of 50k words.

Also would this concept be yay or nay, given that it's a relatively niche and cringe subject.

Title "I will remake my fraternity in another world"

Plot centers around a Noveau Riche kid, who keeps having dreams of european fraternity stuff (drinking, fencing etc) and wants to make it happen, however the university where he chooses to study in the Empire, due various obstacles, such as nobility looking down on those without status etc, he has to fight in getting them to allow to form his idealized version of fraternity, which eventually leaves the University setting spirals out to prevent isekai world's WW1 where the protagonist died stepping on a landmine
Also there's a B plot with magic dying as humans enroach too much on nature and such, but that is less important right now.

Onto the subject of fraternity itself- wikipedia has an article under "German Student Corps", but to condense the whole article:
German-culture adjacent frat boys, who instead of just drinking and networking, fence to settle their differences in personal combat. Famous for giving it's members free Bond villain scars.

Pic related.
I imagine the "requirements" would differ depending on audience, tone, and whether or not the child character is just, like, a sidekick or THE main protagonists. There are definitely differences between Evangelion and, say, ET or The Goonies
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>in another world"
Fuck off
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I really like this image for some reason.
the dude on the throne and the panther look shocked yet somehow a little impressed. Like just off frame we're missing some spectacular feet of heroism the kid and his beagle managed and despite it going against his machinations he just can't help but show fascination.
It is indeed moving to see a child's last moments before being eaten by a panther.
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Do people have any thoughts on urban fantasy stuff? I'm doing an ecchi comic-cyoa thing that's urban fantasy, but it's largely because the anime doll-maker I have has most of its propped based around being in modern japan- trying to do something more sci-fi or fantasy would be a lot more effort.
I think urban fantasy is pretty popular right now, maybe even more than traditional fantasy.
Urban fantasy is for nerds trying hard not to look like nerds and coming off as even nerdier.
No one cares about whether they look like a nerd these days.
Pity. Tbh I miss the days when there weren't a bunch of normies in nerd spaces.
>I miss when nerds were treated as societal outcasts who are antisocial weirdos with childish interests
What's a good metaphor for telling someone their mistakes can't be made up for?
>I'm sorry for what I did. What can I do to make it up to you?
>You think it's some debt you can repay with interest? When you swing an axe at a tree, there will always be a scar

I thought of a few others like
>You think it's some chess board you can reset? Once you fold the paper, it's creased forever
>You think it's a wall where you can take a brick out and replace it? Once you write the ink, the paper is stained forever
"burned it to the ground, and now you think doing a little sweeping over the ashes and putting a few flowers on the rubble it can make it better."
Or perhaps more to the point and informal "what're you gonna do, un-fuck my wife?"
Did a write-up of a random WH40K story idea that came to me while half asleep a few days ago.
The night was still and cold as Uldan Peric, the local groxdoc of Hensel's Fall, had made his rounds across the sprawling grox pens. Hensel's Fall was a small farming community in the outbacks on Merellion IV. It was also the site of a recent battle between the Imperium and a marauding Eldar warband. The twin full moons cast an eerie light over the fields, illuminating the metallic wreckage that littered the usually peaceful landscape.
Uldan, like all loyal citizens, had been raised to abhor the xeno. He had never imagined he'd find himself caring for one.
But there she was.

He had found her among the twisted wreckage of a small xeno personal vehicle of some sort, a delicate figure lying unconscious, pieces of her broken armor and some kind of cracked jewels glinting in the moonlight. Whatever that hit her had left her in a broken heap, and with a still-embedded, undetonated bolt shell leaving a thinning trail of smoke from her abdomen. Despite everything he'd been taught, despite the visceral fear of the alien and the sermons of the wandering Ecclesiarchs about how foul their kind was, he couldn't leave her there. Vulnerable, injured, and yet so strangely beautiful. She had awakened something in him - a desire to protect. A feeling he hadn't felt since his wife died and their son went off to take the God-Emperor's coin.

Carefully, he had dragged her on an improvised stretcher to his clinic, a modest building tucked away behind his home and hidden her from prying eyes. Now, as dawn approached, he watched over her, his medical instincts to save a life battling with ingrained prejudices.

The first rays of sunlight filtered through the clinic's windows, casting a warm glow over the Eldar. She stirred, her eyes fluttering open. Uldan froze, unsure of what to expect. Her gaze was disoriented at first, but quickly sharpened into a look of alarm and confusion. She tried to speak, her words an unintelligible flow of musical syllables.
"Calm down, lass" Uldan urged, his voice gruff but not unkind. "You're safe here. Can you understand me?"
The Eldar blinked, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "Low Gothic," she managed after a moment, her voice melodic even though strained from obvious pain. "I speak... Low Gothic."
Uldan nodded, relieved. "Good. You have a bad case of concussion, if I'm any judge. Worse that that, you have a bolt shell lodged in your gut." He took a long sigh and continued. "I've stopped most of the bleeding that I could, but I'm gonna need to operate to remove the bolt shell. The wound is already starting to look bad."
She looked down at her injury, wincing. "Do what you must."
"I can't give you any sedatives or painkillers," Uldan explained, picking up a piece of wood and wrapping it in tough groxhide. "The ones I have at hand are gene-coded for grox and would probably kill a human. I don't even know what they'd do to a xeno like you."
Her eyes flashed with pain and a touch of fear, but she nodded. "I understand."
Uldan handed her the groxhide-wrapped wood. "Bite down on this, lass. Can't have you screaming. It might alert some of the farmhands."
She took it, her hands trembling slightly, and placed it between her teeth. Uldan steeled himself and prepared his instruments. This was not going to be easy.

Uldans heart pounded as he began the delicate procedure, aware of every flinch, every muffled cry from the Eldar. The operation was tense and grueling. Every cut a necessary evil. Uldan worked with a precision honed by years of practice, his hands steady despite the sweat that dripped from his brow. The Eldar's body was delicate, her tissues unfamiliar and yet similar enough to guide his actions. He could feel her pain, each shudder and suppressed scream somehow echoing in his mind.
Finally, he located the bolt shell. With painstaking care he managed to get a grip on the blood-slicked metal with the tongs on the second try. He very slowly extracted the bolt shell and, with utmost care, gently placed it on a tray. The Eldar's eyes were shut tight, her face pale and her entire body drenched with sweat. Uldan finally cleaned and sutured the wound, his mind racing with a mix of relief and concern.
"It's done," he said quietly, removing the wood from her mouth. "You will need rest now, lass."
She nodded weakly, her eyes flickering open. "Thank you," she whispered, her strained voice barely audible, before sinking into unconsciousness.
Uldan sat back on a metal stool, exhaustion washing over him. He had saved her life, but the implications of his actions loomed large in his mind. He had saved the life of a despicable xeno.
If anyone found about they they would surely shoot him as a traitor.

Days passed, and the Eldar's condition improved. She spoke little, but her eyes often followed Uldan as he moved about the clinic, a silent gratitude evident in her gaze. Uldan found himself drawn to her, fascinated by her resilience and grace.
One evening, as he changed the dressing on her wound, she spoke. "Why did you save me?"
Uldan paused, considering his answer. "Frankly, I don't know," he admitted. "I've been taught to hate your kind, but seeing you like that... I couldn't just leave you to die."
She nodded, a small, sad smile playing on her lips. "I am Arathlyn, a Shining Spear of the Biel-Tan craftworld. And you?"
"Uldan Peric," he replied. "Just a simple groxdoc."
Arathlyn's eyes softened. "Not so simple, Uldan. You have a kind heart."
Uldan looked away, feeling a strange warmth in his chest. "Now rest, Arathlyn. You need your strength."
As the days turned into weeks, their bond grew stronger. Uldan taught Arathlyn some basic High Gothic, and she, in turn, shared fragments of her culture and history.

It was a dark, stormy night when Uldan heard the distant hum of anti-grav engines. He had just finished tending to Arathlyn's wounds and was sitting by the fire, lost in thought. The sound grew louder, and soon the sky outside his clinic was illuminated by eerie, otherworldly lights.
Arathlyn, who had been resting in a cot nearby, sat up abruptly. Her eyes widened in alarm. "They're here," she whispered.
Uldan's heart sank. "Who? Who's here?"
"A strike team from my craftworld," Arathlyn replied, her voice trembling with both relief and fear. "They've come to bring me home." She looked at Uldan and spoke with a seriousness he hadn't heard from her earlier. "Be still if you want to live."
Before Uldan could respond, the door to the clinic forcibly swung open, and a group of lithe, armored figures swept in, their sleek, rune-covered armor glinting in the dim light. They moved with an inhuman grace and precision, their weapons held at the ready.

The leader of the strike team stepped forward, his helmet adorned with intricate designs and a crest that marked him to Arathlyn as an Farseer. He surveyed the room, mirror-polished lenses in his helmet reflecting Uldan's wide-eyes stare back at him before settling his gaze on Arathlyn.
"Arathlyn," he said, his voice resonating through the helmet's vocalizers. "I am Farseer Telanor. We've come for you."
Arathlyn nodded, her relief palpable. "Thank you, Farseer."
Telanor turned his attention to Uldan, his expression unreadable behind his helmet. "And who is this?" he asked, his tone icy.
"He saved my life," Arathlyn answered quickly in Eldanesh before switching back to Low Gothic. "This is Uldan Peric, a healer."
Telanor's eyes narrowed. "A mon-keigh." Telanor almost spat the words out. "Why would he save you?"
Uldan stepped forward, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. "I couldn't just let her die," he said simply. "She's more than just a xeno to me now. She's... a friend."
The members of the Eldar strike team exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. Telanor seemed to consider Uldan's words carefully before nodding slightly.
"You have done a great service for one of our own," Telanor said. "But understand this, human; our gratitude does not extend to tolerance for your kind. Arathlyn will come with us, and you will forget this ever happened."
Uldan's heart ached at the thought of losing Arathlyn, but he knew he had no choice. "I understand," he said quietly.

Arathlyn carefully stood up and walked over to Uldan, her movements slow and deliberate. She took his hands in hers, her touch light and warm.
"Thank you, Uldan," she said softly. "I owe you my life. I will not forget you."
Uldan squeezed her hands gently. "And I won't forget you, Arathlyn. Stay safe."
With a final, lingering look, Arathlyn released his hands and turned to join her kin. The strike team surrounded her, and together they moved towards the door, their steps silent and fluid.
As they exited the clinic, Telanor paused and looked back at Uldan. "Know this, human: You have done something honorable. Perhaps, in another time, our peoples could have found common ground."
Uldan nodded, unable to find the words to respond. He watched as the Eldar strike team disappeared into the night, their anti-grav engines humming softly as they took off, leaving him alone in the darkened clinic.

Days turned into weeks, and life in the grox pens slowly returned to normal. But Uldan couldn't shake the memory of Arathlyn and the strange connection they had shared. He often found himself looking up at the stars, wondering where she was and if she was safe.
One evening, as he was tending to a grox that had injured itself on the razorwire fence he noticed something glinting in the dirt. He bent down and picked it up, his breath catching in his throat. It was a small, intricately carved rune, the same triangle-and-lightning-bolts kind that had adorned Arathlyn's broken armor.
A message. A promise. Maybe even a chance to see her again.
Uldan smiled, tucking the rune into his pocket. The universe was vast and full of darkness, but for the first time in a long while, he felt a flicker of hope. In the grim daily drudgery he had found a sliver of light. And he would hold onto it, no matter what.

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>>I miss when nerds were treated as societal outcasts who are antisocial weirdos with childish interests

Yes. This is when the hobby actually brought those friendless nerds together. This is when that "childish" interests had more heart to them. You look now and everything is mass market produced crap meant to appeal to a wide trend chasing makret.
How do i write mexican characters without writing cholos? I dont want to get cancelled bros
The ghost is an evil white guy
Depends on what type of story it is. If it's a Tyler Perry story then the ghost is a black guy, if it's a Jordan Peele story then yeah, the ghost is an evil white guy.
Aren't most ghosts?
Statistically, most ghosts are Chinese. Or at the very least a plurality.
you okay?
Nice story, anon. The only minor note I have is that Biel Tan is a 'shoot first, ask questions later' kind of Craftworld.
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Katelyn “Katy” Parsons was born in the village of Kildenn in the County of Cavelle. She was the daughter of peasant farmer Ernan Parsons and his wife Nora. Katy was an only child. Kildenn, the village in which she was born and grew up, was a quaint and idyllic tight-knit community.

From when she was a babe, Katy would attend the service at the local chapel every week with her parents and other members of the community. As a young child, Katy would often play with the other young children in the village after doing her chores. She was a sweet and outgoing child.

When Katy was seven years old, she saw a group of children huddled around in a circle and joined them. One of the village cats had given birth to a litter of kittens. Katy asked her father Ernan if she could have one of the kittens when it grew old enough. Katy’s father agreed. The time came and she picked out a male kitten, which she named “Binkie”. Binkie was a curious, playful and affectionate cat who brought great comfort to Katy. In the coming years, young Katy was never seen in the village without her beloved cat, Binkie.

Katy Parsons is now fourteen years old. For some reason, she hasn’t seen Binkie all day. Usually Binkie would have appeared beside her by now. His absence is unusual. Katy is starting to worry. For now she is holding onto the hope that Binkie is okay and will simply appear later on tonight. But Katy can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong....
Neat character intro, but you might want to change the filename.
reads like you had the scene playing vividly in your head whilst writing, which is pretty cool
keep on keeping on dude
What would be a good race for humans forced to live underground to mutate into? I would like to make some minis as a mock up too so maybe keep that in mind.

I was thinking lizardmen? Maybe I just like lizardpeople.
Surely some sort of mole people?

Or you could just watch The Descent.
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Given how horrific China's history is, it's say it's likely that an overwhelming majority of ghosts are Chinese.
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Reposting from another thread.

How do you do warfare when you have spellcasters and maybe even wizard kings?
I guess it depends on the abilities of wizards, but would it make sense to have large, organized or semi organized armies? Standing armies as well?
Or maybe have smaller armies but more adept at fighting with magic in mind (enchanted weapons and armor, training to fight in cohesion with spellcasters and so on). Wouldn't make sense to throw lines of spearmen if some wizard king will come, cast mass head explosion spell and fuck off.
How do you do it?
thanks for the perspective - good read
the idea of doubling down on tradition on the face of impending doom is a compelling one; although it seems like no matter what i can't make the China analogue wacky enough compared to the real thing, even after giving them actual magic.
by having both armies field wizards/magicians/etc to try to counter one another.
Basically the army with the lesser magical prowess would try to win the battle in the timespan that their wizards can withstand the opposition, while the side with the strongest magic would try for the exact opposite.
Or simply give charms/talismans/wards etc as protection so that an army cant just be decimated by magic.
Or your wizard king might just not have enough juice to deal with a army. He might explode 100 heads but the rest of the army will butcher him and his retinue if he doesnt field a proper army himself.

There are so many solutions to this that you will have to chose what makes the most sense
Boy I didn't even tell you about characters like 'General Under-the-bed'.
It depends how common wizards are. If they're very rare, then it makes sense to maintain regular armies. Say you've got an army of ten thousand men and maybe a dozen wizards: they can't be everywhere at once, and they'll get tired eventually. There will also be wizards on the opposing side that they have to deal with before they can attack the regular soldiers. They can sway battles in the right circumstances, maybe even take out entire formations with one spell, but there simply aren't enough of them to substitute for a whole army. Even if you could win a battle with a couple of wizards, you couldn't then garrison conquered land.

On the other hand, if being a wizard is like being, say, a priest - i.e. they're not super common but there are enough for most villages to have one - then it would make much more sense to have small armies built around using magic.
So I'm making a Mage-Knight type of NPC character for a 1500ish-inspired setting and I'm scratching my head around giving him a small group of retainers and companions. I have a fuck load of ideas but non-stick to landing save for an obvious Maiden/Witch and a rogue-ish character that would serve as a righthand man tasked with all things requiring more finesse. Any ideas?
Squire, naturally.

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