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admit it
I find it funny that both warcraft and warhammer have branched out to have takes on elves that are much better than the usual "tree hippies" or "effeminate fading empire that does nothing all day every day", but they are still reviled for being mainstream.
>much better
You are cancer and should never speak again.
WoW and Warhammer both have the absolute worst takes on "fantasy", with ugly designs and cringe-inducing concepts that showcase how limited their imaginations are, since most of their ideas are just taking the laziest, surface-level understanding of fantasy tropes and somehow managing to make them the worst versions of themselves.Their designers should be dragged into the street and shot.

It's not a question of how bad they are, that's a borderline objective truth, with the only fans of either series being gross, misshapen trogolodytes who are willing to put mediocre games up on a pedestal thanks to a disgusting mix of sunk-cost fallacies and brand=religion indoctrination. The only question left is which of the two is worse.
How can you say so little while using so many words.
>what if we take generic wood elves
>but we make them purple and have them like the night
>everything else remains the same
Woah! Mind blown.
I find even more funny that you are implying that eragon elves are better than anything. You're all edge and no point, take a stroll and vent before posting.
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Yea they really nailed the "cow-titted fat ass elf amazon" look spectacularly.
>i literally can't even see anything i disagree with
The mark of a cult-brained retard.
What is this from? Not a huge fan of the artstyle.
>A challenger appears
Are you actually trying to pull up some fifteen year-old's book that only got published because his parents were publishers as a mark of comparison?

Damn son, you really trying to set the bar low.
>"this is the worst take!"
>"no, this is worse"
>"It doesn't count!"
Now that we determined that you are not to be taken seriously, we can resume.
Elric go home.
I spent most of the movie rooting for him honestly.
>baby gets mad his religion is being called out as shit
>"But what about [Fanfiction-tier crap]?"
You gonna go through every teenagers's self-published novels just to try to find examples of something worse?

And, you know what? For some retarded kid's fantasy world, Eragon's elves ARE better than the crap in WoW and Warhammer. Even at bare minimum, they at least don't look as fucking stupid, because they're just boring and entirely unoriginal, and not gay as shit like WoW/Warhammer elves.

Actaully, I think I'm going to have to call it. WoW takes the crown. Warhammer elves are terrible and their fashion/armor is an outright visual abomination, but at least they're not as awful as the try-hard aliens WoW has, with they're stupid ears and even dumber eyebrows.
You still have to provide any argument that is not "NU-UH IT'S SHIT". Surely you must realize that you look like this?
Are you actually blind?
No, you're just really fucking desperate.

Hell, there's even a specific example. Literally calling out the retarded eyebrow/ear design of the WoW elves, and you're hoping to pretend there's nothing there because you're a little bitch.

The fuck is wrong with you.
So let me get this straight: you barge in a thread with an OP pic of something you don't like. That makes you retarded enough. You see a post saying a couple of settings go against some common ideas associated with elves, and you start screeching about eyebrows as if that disproves anything? And you keep trying to say the other guy is mad or desperate? Get a grip anon, really.
Sometimes simple is better.
The term 'nightelf' implies the existence of dayelves
Aren't those the normal elves?
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The chubbyfication is just zeitgeist.
The orginal nightelves weren't fat.
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Some may find it boring but I'm partial to the high elf, wood elf, dark elf trifecta
>So let me get this straight: you barge in a thread with an OP pic of something you don't like. That makes you retarded enough.
You belong on Reddit if you imagine that you can just make a thread claiming something is the best and that means the thread is only allowed to praise that topic.

Seriously. Fuck off.

You've been trying your best to go "NO! YOUR MEANY POSTS ARE NOTHING BECAUSE I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT THEM STOP STOP BEING SO MEAN!!!", and you're still pretending you're on some kind of high horse.

Return to Reddit with your shit taste and soft skin, you dumb fag.
It's hilarious that you've been sperging out non stop and you still ramble about soft skin lmao.
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I for one am excited for our new racing overlords


just kidding it's fan-made
I'm not the one getting so upset about someone's posts that I have to pretend nothing was said in them.
You're really just a basic bitch.
Do go on.
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>with they're stupid ears and even dumber eyebrows.
What's so stupid about them? Which number do you prefer?
>What's so stupid about them
A lot of things. Shape and design I could say a lot about, and everyone can comment about the obvious failure of the silly length, but the very worst thing about them is their floppiness.

When a WoW elf runs, their ears flop up and down. When they change direction, their ears twist and bend and look terrible. It could work on small, cute elves, but WoW elves are not cute and are almost aggressively uncute, and yet they have these giant floppy ears.
OP pic isn't a wow elf though
>hurf durf um ackshully the devs drew that BEFORE they put it in their MMO so it's different
Warcraft and WoW are not entirely the same thing, since there are non-WoW warcraft games. >>93373440 is splitting hairs though, because there's clear throughlines of design in the series, despite different artists rotating in and out and concept designs evolving.
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Correct. You're comparing apples and oranges.
No, it's more like comparing apples with apples. We're talking about things coming not even just from the same tree, but the same branch.
You're basically saying that Elves in The Hobbit have nothing to do with Elves in The Lord of the Rings.
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Mirkwood elves are in fact quite different from Ñoldor or Galadhrim
Yeah, duh. But there are Mirkwood Elves in LotR too. What kind of Elf actually accompanies the Fellowship?
The point still stands
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Warcraft elves are pure shit.

The best elves are unironically Eldar.
Yeah, this one is too perfect.
No it doesn't. There are Noldor in the Hobbit too. They and the Quenya are the same as they are in LotR. The Warcraft III night elves are WoW night Elves.
This is fantastic but let's admit it - if a random anon came up with something similar, it would be called out for redundancy and turbo-autism
WIII night elves would have never joined the alliance
every other modern fantasy incarnation is an alteration of this.
Wow elves are High + Drow (the shit horde ones) and Wood + Pleasant parts of the Drow (the ally ones).
>High + Drow = Blood
Doesn't compute
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Not even wow night elves are wow night elves
High elf general aesthetics, Drow aspects of being complete dicks. They are drow inside.

NE have some of the Drow "outside" so to speak, in the skin and occasionally hair color even if the build is different.
Sure they'd have just let the Horde cut down all of Ashenvale to keep their neutrality.
Nice strawman but I'm not going to bite
Bro the Night Elves and the Forsaken only joined their respective factions out of convenience and it was entirely logical for them to do so. The enemy of your enemy is your friend.
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Tell me about the last game session you played in.
You first.
NTA nor OP, but w/e.

>Most recent session of 5e Tyranny of Dragons w/ college buddies last week, nearing the end of it and trying to get the Giants to back us up as we go fuck up Tiamat's crew.

>Most recent game I've DM'd; 3.PF combo game heavily inspired by The Magnus Archives, with the setting put together via a round of The Quiet Year. Likewise approaching its likely conclusion, though not as fast as the above, and a hell of a lot longer than I'd originally meant it to be but it's been fun along the way.

>Last Warcraft-based game.
Ran in the WOTLK erra, party worked to make Garrosh's impulsive conduct look better to the Horde and get him promoted faster, eventually made friends with the Scarlet Crusade, and handed them the keys to Naxxramas and were going to try to do the same with Ulduar. If I ever go back to that time-line it'd probably be starting in Outland, the safest haven from the demon-infested xenophobic humans who got a hold of the Titanic Kill-Sats and scourged the world better than the faction literally named The Scourge.
>WIII night elves would have never joined the alliance
I don't know, Humans and Night Elves had a lot in common, namely FUCKING OVER THE SIN'DOREI, they could join hands and dance around how much they hated Kael'thas, match made in goddamn heaven.

teldrassil was deserved
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We have a board for video games newfriend.
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Naturally, nothing mommy does is wrong!
The NElves actively helped the sindorei not die out. Then as thanks they started consorting with demons and allyong with the people who not 30 years prior rampaged through Quel'thalas and almost destroyed their home, AGAINST the NElves. If anything was deserved, it was the Scourge invasion of the HElves. Flakey cunts.
ah yes, the misunderstood anti-heroes
Not OP.
You are the retard. There is plenty of /tg/ warcraft material, from the mere concepts to the RPG version of that world.
Two, actually.
Misunderstood my ear. In this house Sylvanas is a HERO.
Did your fedora fall off as you typed that?
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Forsaken scum
i loved the warcraft 3 night elf aesthetic.

it got diluted in wow once they joined the alliance, like a finally contacted tribe they started to lose their culture and adopt the populous trends

but since the burning of teldrassil they have been making steps to bring back night elf racial identity both thematically and visually, giving them a new world tree along with a racial armor and weapon set that is closer to their warcraft 3 vibes, as well as a warden armor set, illidan style demon hunter class, and several zones dedicated to night elf storylines like azuna/val'shara and the emerald dream, the burning of teldrasil and darkshore storylines and new nightsaber models, and so on.
i did find it a bit sus that basically the whole modern horde and alliance just kind of look the other way after the bombing and gassing of gilneas. almost like they wanted to memoryhole that whole plot. cant have factions in your WARcraft game committing war crimes
>17 players
>Group came upon a great big fuck off group of monsters in a cave, lead by a Pit Fiend who claims he's been ordered to kill us all
>Party's Human Wizard believes it's because this Pit Fiend has signed on with Vecna in his bid to kill the universe and remake it in his own image
>My Halfling Ranger, who specializes in hunting Friends, thinks Asmodeus is trying to ratfuck us
>Our argument on the matter lasts until I get charmed and ordered to murder the wizard.
>With a stupid fuck off high stealth score due to Hide in Plain Sight, Pass Without Trace and Canny granting expertise, my Renger fades from view and proceeds to pincushion the Wizard until someone kills the guy charming me.
>The following silence between us was long awkward and completly ignored by the sixteen other participants.
Fiends. Fiends. You stupid prescient autocorrect!
>cant have factions in your WARcraft game committing war crimes

I stopped playing WoW during Wrath but the Forsaken were already doing that by then lol. Why can't nu-Blizz just let the Forsaken and Blood Elves just be straight bad guys with tragic backstories? Like the rest of the Horde barely tolerates them as is and Thrall had stepped down as Warchief by then, he's not going to be stop being green Jesus on account of their actions.
I think elves are generally agreed to be mammals so this statement doesn't really make any sense.
What's so bad about long eyebrows?
Milk giving as in currently lactating, because as you pointed out, just being able to lactate goes without saying.
They might have few cool design ideas, but beyond that like most of the elves they are empty and soulless, humans but retarded. Even their schtick with loosing immortality was done poorly (see Last Unicorn for comparison)

Why can't ESL's spell this word right? "Loser" either. I see them spelled wrong all the time.
>they are empty and soulless
What exactly made you come to this conclusion?
>I'm not the one getting so upset about someone's posts that I have to pretend nothing was said in them.
Yeah you're the one getting so mad that you're typing like an edgy 13-year old.
>Kill this, kill that, fuck, retarded, shit shit shit shit.
Compose yourself and type out your opinion in a thoughtful way.
I agree 100% with this nigger
So can you guys do some actual criticism and explain what exactly makes them bad design or "soulless" in your opinion?
If that random Anon came up with nothing but this graph, yeah. If he came up with histories for each of these tribes, it would be a different matter. (I think. Maybe it would still be called redundant autism.)
Is that Elf Abby Sharpio?
Do dairy elves work like dairy cows, in the sense they need to get repeatedly koncked up to keep producing milk, or does it just flow on its own because magic?
Because no matter how catchy was wc3 campaigns RTS is not a good genre for complicated/nuanced stories (hell even turn-based strategies or RPG usually fails at this task) and WoW is much worse. So at the end you have barebone writing (it is extremely good shows with how NE represented in WoW) and some cool visual decisions (like Wardens)
m8 it's fantasy just say the elves are blessed or conceived by the goddess of motherhood herself or something, so they have permanently milk-filled udders.
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>dark elf
>the palest
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Aen Elle is pretty good
I always wanted to find out that there were like 12 hostes of night elves, with the sentinels, the druids and the watchers accounting for 3. The other 9 would all be various flavors of pulpy mesoamerican. but leaning in the direction of failed-empire-turns-bloodthirsty because they all just lost their immortality
>Link but with WoW-like armor and weapon
Samwise Didier, the creator fo the warcraft aesthetic. He is to warcraft as Blanche was to warhammer
Finished our short L5R campaign arc, now it's on hold, we're meeting up at the end of the month to try another system. What about you?
Tell that to the retard sperging out over elf ears animations.
God they're so stupid looking. Everything past the bloody baron except for the DLC with Satan is fucking garbage. Most overrated game of all time hands down.
>WoW and Warhammer both have the absolute worst takes on "fantasy", with ugly designs and cringe-inducing concepts that showcase how limited their imaginations are, since most of their ideas are just taking the laziest, surface-level understanding of fantasy tropes and somehow managing to make them the worst versions of themselves.Their designers should be dragged into the street and shot.
Let's not pretend that rest of traditional games (eat shit faggot mod genres discussions are also /tg/) doing their elves any better, especially retarded tradition of making them midgets.
At least WoW just followed the rule of cool, but Warhammer is yeah, just disgraceful
Autistic worldbuilding and good worldbuilding is one and the same
Seems to me you killed your friend just fine, Anon.
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>The best elves are unironically Eldar.
LMAO even
Do you have any documentation you wouldn't mind sharing about the Archives inspired game? I can't really wrap my head around how 3.pf would handle something that I would assume to be more investigation intensive, or at least why you wouldn't default to Cthulu or Delta Green.
We've had male banshees mentioned decades ago and dark eldar are the body surgery faction, who cares?
>Xurzuli herself had only taken on a female form in the last few decades since ascending to the rank of succubus, IN THE SAME WAY AS EVERY ASURYANI WARRIOR WHO EXPLORED THE WARRIOR ASPECT OF THE HOWLING BANSHEES WAS FEMALE
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night elves are surprisingly competitive in the white collar work market considering very few of them have formal educations, they often have large gaps in the resume's and few applicable skills
Yes, every howling banshee is a female. Even the male ones.
Nta but it did strike me as odd he's presented that way, all he did was say maybe his race shouldn't go extinct and that MAYBE humans shouldn't have their egos go unchecked with how many magic creatures they've already driven to near extinction
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>op has never heard of christmas elves
Everything about him was presented as a tragedy. His thirst for revenge at the cost of his loved ones, losing his friend, having to use a creature last of its kind to stop his pursuers, te fact that by risking his life he risked his sister's as well, even if she didn't try to oppose him. It wasn't going to end well for him in any way.
>There will never be another visionary in the realm of fantasy worldbuilding
Not from California that's for sure.
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Add me to the cap
You're gonna have fun when you find out where the concept of "dark elves" comes from and what the actual myths and legends about them describe them as looking like.
Congrats, this post is gayer than Richard Simmons.
dark elf just means they're edgy
Well said
But wot if Elves, BUT EVIL? Metal innit? Screw Tolkien!

t. Michael Morecock (in my mouth)
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Sex with Molag Bal
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Killed this literal fag and stuffed him into mommy Azura's star.
>Tyrande and Malfurion are the immortal rulers of their race
>lived for over ten-thousand years
>even if we are generous and say the average length of a Nightelf Generation is 100 years, that's still 100 Generations between the youngest Elves and Tyrande & Furion
>some rulers get the title "Father of the Nation", this should be literally true in their case
>instead all of the male Nightelves are Druids and sleep during all of this time
>they don't even get woken up for some kind of fertility ritual or certain important religious holidays, they literally just slept through ten-thousand years and waited for the next Invasion of the Burning Legion
>Blizzard later even retconned the marriage of Tyrande and Malfurion

They are only great, if you have a lot of imagination and your own head canon and exclude everything from World of Warcraft. Blizzard doesn't know how to write immortal characters and they also have problem with characters being parents, so many important characters are childless. Tyrande should be related to literally every single Nightelf, who is less than a thousand years old. Everywhere she goes her descendants should go as wild as Elves can go wild and flock to see her. Because she would not just be the immortal Priestess, basically the Avatar of Elune in the real world, but also their mother, if you go far enough back. Same with Malfurion.

Imagine how interesting it would be for Illidan to be freed (he was literally imprisoned for so long, both Malfurion and Tyrande forgot about him) and see the imprint of his brother and his ex-love-interest everywhere. To maybe even encounter a young elf woman, who reminds him of Tyrande, who maybe contrary to her look-alike has a very different edgy, the ends justify the means personality. That would be interesting. But no.
I bet there are fuckers around these parts that actually believe this shit
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>There has never been a better take on elves
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This scares the tolkienfag
i really wish you didnt have to have the stupid vine garbage on the only remotely full beard available to nelf males in the game. you can toggle it off on the hair but not the beard? come on.
not really
>the usual "tree hippies" or "effeminate fading empire that does nothing all day every day"
This was a subversion back in the day and I'm surprised /tg/ has forgotten its hate of subversion.
>polytheistic elves
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Who would win though?
You had to replace left side with actual image
That's so fucking retarded holy cow
They look exactly like rest Warhammer elves
whats the difference?
>This scares the tolkienfag
Literally an epitome of all show and no go.
Cut off the ridiculous head piece and shape the helm smooth and they'd be okay.
>and they'd be okay.
Yeah except the ridiculous hammers they wield.
At that point just make new minis altogether.
>Trolls (who are just pre-nelfs)
I'll never accept this as canon
Nelfs are mutated trolls.
They don't need to be woken up for any "ritual", as long as they have a boner while they sleep.
It was always about the execution, not the subversion per se. People hated the GMs feeling witty about their takes, not the concept as a whole.
No, I'm not implying any of the stuff discussed here is good or bad, that's entirely subjective.
Lots of elves-orcs hybrids
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The only reason Warcraft Night Elves were good was because they combined Wood Elves and Dark Elves that they simultaneously represented they were overpowered and that's the reason why the horrible Battle for Azeroth storyline was necessary Warhammer Fantasy is infinitely better Stormwind's an Empire of Sigmar not a pathetic city-state with a boy-king Tirion Fordring's neutral Argent Crusade faction is the awesome Bretonnia and ridiculous Tauren are badass Beastmen who united with Satyrs and Centaurs against elves the Lich King Arthas character was ripped off Witch King Malekith hence the disaster seen in regions like Felwood and Mount Hyjal which indirectly led to Teldrassil's fall that forced Varok Saurfang to pull off a Grimgor Ironhide being much bigger than Lordaeron's which slightly affected Gilneas Danath Trollbane and Dalaran but not Stormwind proving that Arthas and Kel'Thuzad weren't capable of recreating the Mannfred von Carstein Heinrich Kemmler storyline and that's what forced Blizzard's retarded writers to downgrade Sylvanas turning Warcraft's most popular characters into an abomination sidekick of whatever villain that comes up with their storylines Varimathras Putress Val'kyr Garrosh Jailer. Everyone's praising troll characters for supposedly being better than Lizardmen only the Zandalari tribe has a similar role as an independent faction the rest are visually altered clones of awesome Orc and Goblin characters hence their close connection to the Horde while being unable to keep the Warchief position under Vol'jin for anything longer than a temporary rule proving that Warcraft's most popular race is just a good art design that was used for rebranding old greenskin characters that already existed in Warhammer also the ridiculous Pandaren couldn't be a normal race because they're nothing more than a toon version of the Brewmaster Dwarf that's the reason why this was their only class for 10 years from WC3 to Mists of Pandaria where they fused with Cathay
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Night Elves are awesome but I hate how little art represents them properly, even at Blizzard themselves. Sometimes they're giant amazonian purple women, sometimes they're just hot purple women. It's all over the place.
I think it's pretty cool. The trolls being one of the "original" races to populate the world instead of the usual elves. Trolls already have this sort of advanced biology thing going on in usual fantasy tropes with their high regenerative ability so them being a pre-historic seed lifeform is a fun addition.
>all he did was say maybe his race shouldn't go extinct
Sorry sweetie, that's a White supremacisms.
9, If your elf's ears don't stab you then he's not a real elf.
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There is only one good elf, everyone else can go to hell.
Here is an elf girl who has not prayed or paid proper tribute to the mother goddess.
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A very good point btw. WC and WH elves looks like they were written by contrarian teenagers passing through their edgy-phase. "Fuck Tolkien" is their only cultural message, but beyond they are empty, no interesting lore, no cool characters, only a pityful niche of glorified sidekicks (usually useless) or coombait

Not sure that Vallejo-like style really suits Tolkien aesthetic.
You literally just said “they are bad because they are lazy and bad”, not a single criticism
That's not a wood elf from warhammer. That's not even from the same game. That's a stoneguard from Age of Sigmar. Age of Sigmar doesn't even have wood elves, they wrote them out of the game.
Well he is a supremacist and he IS literally white, so this cannot be denied.
>That's not a wood elf from warhammer.
That's elves from Warhammer
Elf girls' breasts store magic, sometimes the magic goes to the butt.
It's not even that. They don't call them elves in Age of Sigmar
>uses "literally" wrong
>tries to reduce the criticism by pretending he can just ignore its core
You're aware that a post sticks around even when you try to reinterpret it, right?
Dark magic goes in the butt, high and light magic goes in the tits.
>They don't call them elves in Age of Sigmar
And they don't call them "zombies" in Walking Dead, doesn't mean it's not a zombie series
Blizzard already did it better with Azeroth Grand Prix
Sure they'd have just let the Horde cut down all of Ashenvale to keep their neutrality.
They fought the only Horde members who did that.

>the Night Elves and the Forsaken only joined their respective factions out of convenience and it was entirely logical for them to do so. The enemy of your enemy is your friend.
It was not. They had bigger factions and more land already by themselves. The Horde and the Alliance aren't even enemies after Hyjal.

>I don't know, Humans and Night Elves had a lot in common, namely FUCKING OVER THE SIN'DOREI
The night elves are very amicable with the high elves in Lordaeron, and the humans with the ones in Kalimdor
Nelves can become futa while bathing in moonwells, so the males, being druids, are only needed for war.
go to therapy
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This. It's weird how such a big franchise has inspired so little good art.
>huge, retardedly capitalized schizo rant with no punctuation
Nobody's reading this shit, try again.
You're the faggot here
They were massively wide in WC3 because you had to be able to see the tits and hips from the RTS camera distance.

WoW's closer camera let them slim down.
y'all are just out here saying anything, huh
Wow this is massive cringe. And people look at me fun as I show up for playing Kill Team having never read a single line of lore. At least I read good literature, not this shit.
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Wouldn't push them as the go-to every setting should feature but I really dig Nonmen from the Second Apocalypse series.
>Sat right in the uncanny valley of alien beauty, they look like marble statues come to life.
>Grand and tragic, once they hollowed out mountains into Mansions; now they carve their memories onto any surface available.
>Immortal sterile trauma addicts. An unwise bargain has left them cursed to the marrow. As their skulls overflow with memory the only moments that stick are those limned in PTSD.
Excellent choice.
5 seems to work for me
Wow. I'm not reading that.
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For a moment I thought you were posting wood elves.

Add some fucking paragraph breaks. And also recognize that nobody really cares what El Plagiarismo De Plagerismo did.
I don't get the appeal for elves, then again I'm a fan of all things that involve the undead, so what do I know?
They’re a fun one.
I don't get it.
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Warcraft has a really fun (and my personal favorite) take on
Just a really fun setting, I hope it survives and returns to its glory days (WC3 - Vanilla WoW) and what made it appeal to so many.
>these elves are badly designed because wc3 and wow are bad games and rts a bad genre to tell stories

Verification not required.
>Because no matter how catchy was wc3 campaigns RTS is not a good genre for complicated/nuanced stories
What kind of midwitted mental masturbatory take is this? First off, Warcraft III never presented itself as complicated/nuanced. It's actually very clear-cut who is bad and who is good and why they are that way, so I have no idea why you're holding it to a standard it never tried to reach. Besides, since when did complex = better? Do you really think something like ASOIAF is better than LotR on the basis that ASOIAF is more "nuanced" or something? You know, plenty of people enjoy simple stories where the simplicity of the story is part of the charm.

What an utterly confusing and nonsensical criticism, ESPECIALLY for the fantasy genre. Imagine seeking for high art in video or tabletop games.
There are times were I feel like I want to get back into WoW, reminisce about just exploring the world like I did...so soooooooo many years ago but I just... can't. I can't do the MMO grind. I can't do the whole... rotation thing... and it's lame now right?
The settings truly are very different in many occasions but many of Blizzard's supposedly "original" ideas are constantly getting dumped. Vol'jin leading the Horde Tirion Fordring being independent from the Alliance Varian Wrynn being badass Thrall being green Jesus Night Elves being superior to Blood Elves Garrosh being unpopular among redeemed Orcs Baine Bloodhoof and Jaina Proudmoore ending racism Blood Elves reclaiming their glory as members of the Horde Sylvanas not being Lich Queen Balnazzar/Putress/Nathanos not being Kel'Thuzad all these seemingly great ideas aren't leading anywheare before getting completely removed because they aren't making any sense despite being interesting at first glance only Warhammer's ideas are consistent and capable of creating an epic setting that isn't cartoonish the worldbuilding was amazing despite the recent failure of Age of Sigmar
That's the point. Long floppy ears is one of the many feral and bestial traits night elves have. In Warcraft 3's manual and concept art, they were more like Native American shifters from Eberron, than elves.
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>tfw no night elf gf who takes me when she wants
Chris Metzen clearly was the only great writer of Warcraft lore everything good and original came from him everything else was either cartoonish and inconsistent or directly stolen from Warhammer Fantasy
for me, it's the queen of the night elves.
I think the ancient night elf empire would make a good setting for a RPG campaign if you could find players willing to play night elves. Have them be provincials that start to uncover the demon infiltration of the local nobility and have the story be finding out how deep it goes and hopefully try and prevent everything exploding
>I think the ancient night elf empire would make a good setting for a RPG campaign if you could find players willing to play night elves. Have them be provincials that start to uncover the demon infiltration of the local nobility and have the story be finding out how deep it goes and hopefully try and prevent everything exploding
The only thing you can find from old elf empires is Warhammer Fantasy's War of the Beard
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They took Warhammer Elves and re-imagined their looks along the lines of capeshit industry standards.
The queen appears to be overdressed.
>directly stolen from Warhammer Fantasy
Like reading the lengthy comments that were deleted and can only be found in the 4plebs archive page many original ideas got sidelined and replaced with Warhammer Fantasy ripoff storylines
Okay, such as? If you're going to make a claim, you need to back them up. Use punctuation and formatting while you backup your claims, too.
or just fucking grok setting correctly
>Tolkien elfs
Galadriela basically remembers last glacial era; keeping with human fruit fly live longspan sheninghans must be super fucking annoying; plus IIRC they had to clear memory every millenium or so to keep mind healthy
>more "nuanced" than LoTR

>You know, plenty of people enjoy simple stories where the simplicity of the story is part of the charm.
MCU awais these brave men
I don't actually think ASOIAF is more nuanced than LotR, btw. I could see how an idiot who thinks he's smarter than he really is would think that, though. Which is why I put nuanced in quotation marks. The story of LotR is, however, much more straight-forward than ASOIAF's. There is nothing wrong with that.

>MCU awais these brave men
You immediately equate "simple story" with some capeshit baseddrama. Tarzan is simple. John Carter of Mars is simple. Conan the Barbarian is simple. These are great stories with simple, straight-forward plots. None of the "complication/nuance" that the anon I quoted was waxing lyrical about, yet all-time greats despite that.
Balnazzar's an obvious reference to Warhammer's Balthasar that's the reason why they had him involved in the Scarlet Crusade storyline you can have Stiches the abomination as Konrad and Baron Rivendare or Nathanos as Vlad obviously Sylvanas was Isabella von Carstein but since as I said Arthas couldn't be Mannfred due to his role as a Lich King who ripped off Witch King Malekith who was leading the Dark Elves they got another elf as Mannfred's replacement that's the reason why she continued Garrosh's wars of course the gay writers of Blizzard's lore couldn't even use their best expansion World of Warcraft: Legion as an introduction of a terrifying character like Archaon the Everchosen so since Dreadlord Jaina didn't become anything more than a fanction meme despite the fact that Theramore's queen is too much of a Mary Sue in an otherwise dark setting that's inevitably turning even darker due to it's origins in Warhammer Fantasy (green Jesus Thrall should've died but they couldn't handle any more deaths after Tirion Fordring who couldn't create a Bretonnia faction that would've been equal to boy-king Anduin's failed Stormwind Empire and Vol'jin who couldn't make Trolls anything better than greenskin ripoffs who became the Darkspear tribe or Lizardmen ripoffs who became neutral dungeon bosses) they decided again in ruining Sylvanas by having her grant Varok Saurfang a heroic death that was stolen from Grimgor Ironhide's End Times storyline. Of course killing Arthas in Wrath of the Lich King just because of the fact that they couldn't handle a nonlinear storyline staple for RPGs like Skyrim and D&D forced them to turn one of their most popular characters into a Lich Queen by genociding overpowered Night Elves she did to them what Arthas did to Blood Elves in order to restore balance Tauren can't be powerful because in that case they'd need to betray the Cenarion Circle and join Satyrs and Centaurs they couldn't shine without returning to their Warhammer Beastmen origins
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>Do you really think something like ASOIAF is better than LotR on the basis that ASOIAF is more "nuanced" or something?
>Tarzan is simple. John Carter of Mars is simple.
And neither of them left any significant cultural impact, although Tarzan was eventually picked up by Disney
>Conan the Barbarian is simple.
Geee I wonder why it wasn't Howard, but Tolkien who shaped future development of Fantasy genre. And why Tolkien (inderectly) easily deposed Howard's style of writting in one of the letters
Oh, you're just retarded. Pity.
I think that LoTR has a stronger artistic vision, and it's wrong to present this as a downside, ASoIaF is aimless by comparison. But in a lot of ways I think that modern fantasy would be better of if it had been based on JRRM and not JRRT. Tolkien's artistic/spiritual conceits have grown into writing crutches/shortcuts of the worst kind, and ASoIaF is an effective antidote to lazy tolkienesque storytelling.
Howard also was a good friend of Lovecraft they both failed just like Game of Thrones and Warcraft the only worthy successor of Tolkien is Warhammer Fantasy it has great worldbuilding that's not inconsistent like Dungeons & Dragons
Nobody is going to read this unformatted slop
Only an illiterate retard who hasn't read more than a few books would believe Howard and Lovecraft failed to make an impact.
its a good way to show off your wealth. Of course she doesn't need to wear clothes, her magic is so powerful she can be comfortable completely naked, but she does have a reason to show off her expensive clothes and jewelry
>its a good way to show off your wealth. Of course she doesn't need to wear clothes, her magic is so powerful she can be comfortable completely naked, but she does have a reason to show off her expensive clothes and jewelry
I didn't say Howard and Lovecraft failed to make an impact they did earn a huge cult following they just failed to become a billion dollar franchise like Warhammer Fantasy that's getting revived despite it's recent decline while Warcraft's getting bought by Microsoft due to it's bankruptcy it isn't the most popular MMORPG anymore we have Final Fantasy Old Republic Star Wars Guild Wars Everquest Elder Scrolls Online Grand Theft Auto V endless mobile games while tabletop strategy wargames are clearly dominated by Games Workshop and they're a unique brand despite the fact that it hasn't yet expanded into anything apart from the Total War games
Hilarious post, thank you for trolling, you brightened my day.
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I read it, and I didn't get around to reading the archived posts that were deleted, but I assume they were similar and I can see why they were deleted.
He kind of has a point, about how WoW lore keeps sabotaging itself and choosing not to be great, there's no confidence and no integrity in it and that's why it fails to resonate with fans. But still, sadly, when you post with such concentrated skitzo energy most people aren't going to take you seriously. and the ones who do probably won't be jannnies.
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>Getting bought by Microsoft means you failed
failure of character is still a failure
What's the challenge?
Actually saw this in the theater way back. Haven't seen it since then and I only remember his sister being hot.
Yeah I haven't watched it in a while either. Which is weird because I watch the first one at least every year almost. I should really queue it up.
Yu-Gi-Oh! creator Kazuki Takahashi revealed he's a Dragon Ball and Hellboy fan all 3 franchises are better than Warcraft/Hearthstone
Nah, Yugioh is lame.
Space elves though?
I really don't like the schizo that's shitting up this thread with his incoherent rants.
I'll take a gross.
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The only any good space elves are Eldar, and even those, written by GW and not spehs muhreens, have many problems.
But they are the only ones that show some elf- and fey-like qualities.
No, an anime girl with pointy ears is not a counter-argument and Abh were never elves.
-> >>93376447
What part of "written by GW" did you net get?
>But they are the only ones that show some elf- and fey-like qualities.
would that be because they are just copy pastes of the GW fantasy elves which are just copy pastes of Tolkien elves?
>which are just copy pastes of Tolkien elves
Blood elves in the horde? Are you fucking kidding me? WHFB mogs WoW's elves. Wow does however have good dwarves.
Feanor would have joined the Horde if the Horde has opposed Morgoth. That's the point. A vengeful elf is unstoppable and will stoop to any means. Blood elves disappoint me only in the sense that they ultimately failed to channel that feanorian crack-head energy and follow it to its natural conclusion.
Somewhat, but not entirely. The CWE are not direct high elves analogues, the DEldar not direct dark elf copies, Exobites far less relevant than Asrai, Corsairs and Harlequins are their own thing.
CWE are far more hostile towards humans than high elves (despite what the other retarded thread argues about high elves, and despite the occasional alliance with the Imperium in 40k) and they fight far less with the dark eldar, compared to the Asur and Druchii rivalry. Eldar are technically immortal, warhammer elves are not, the relationship between eldar and Slaanesh is a lot more pronounced than the fantasy counterpart. The gap between regular humans and eldar is also wider than with warhammer elves and humans (although GW will always find ways to jerk off humans harder).
There are some shared elements (like the pantheon), but the more I think about it, the more differences emerges.
best female eldar minis?
Eldar Ork Stompas and Space Marines are improved versions of elves goblins and Bretonnia from Warhammer Fantasy but 40K almost serves as a perfect evil ending for Star Wars it's storyline is basically a dark alternative sequel where Palpatine beats Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker of course it's so epic that we get Dark Age of Technology Fall of the Eldar and War of the Great Beast (Orks) even before the amazing Horus Heresy saga which is basically an extended version of the Clone Wars that ended with the deaths of Dooku and Grievous at a time when we should see these villains ally with Jabba the Hut and Darth Maul imagine if Jar Jar Binks killed Yoda who despite his popularity didn't serve any particular role in the story apart from training Luke in a way where he could easily be replaced by Obi-Wan who shouldn't die he could survive like Gandalf while becoming the biggest enemy of an the prequel trilogy's failed comic relief also Darth Maul should meet video game character Galen Marek voiced by the same Sam Witwer Warhammer surpassed both Star Wars and LOTR that's why you see Christopher Lee having a similar role in both franchises
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>and ASoIaF is an effective antidote to lazy tolkienesque storytelling.
The post-ASoIaF fantasy literature story structure of fantasy will be: "eat - rape - take a number two - repeate".

Time stamp this post.
>antidote to lazy tolkienesque storytelling.
Are we surely talking about the same book series where dragons downgraded to the glorified pet-dogs/battle elephants?
I was under the impression that dragons literally control the global climate in that universe.
That looks really difficult to paint. Banshees have a nice paintjob as long as you do it the sane way (rattlecan off-white)
Post-ASoIaF literature is mostly about brave stunning women and colored people upsetting the social order, but that's hardly GRRM's fault, that would have happened either way. It would be even worse (more didactic, more idealized, less human) if not for GRRM.
Yea, dragons represent power and power is a means to an end, that's the point. Back in Tolkienverse dragons were platonic embodiments of greed and evil, and overall I prefer that to GRRM dragons, but I also appreciate how GRRM dragons bring things back down to a human level. Like I said, it's an effective antidote to lazy tolkienseque fantasy.
If every tolkien-fanboy had the creative energy and moral vison of professor Tolkien then that would be ideal, but they don't, they didn't, they had decades to play without being subverted and they accomplished nothing of worth. They needed JRRM to show them how wrong they were.
>but I also appreciate how GRRM dragons bring things back down to a XXI century urbanite activist level
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In a sense, sure, if you think that weird context-free supervillains placed in distant caves are a universal feature of non-21st-century-urbanite storytelling, and if you think that 21st century urbanites are the only people capable of framing an army-fragging superweapon as a tool of the ruling elite. But then your opinion is nothing but praise for the 21st-century urbanite.
I don't personally see it that way, and it's not just because I grew up in the country, it's because you're a buffoon and your opinions are childish.
Tolkien's story was perfectly fine by itself, the internal logic is sincere and beautiful, but it doesn't work as a justification for anything else. You're just a brainless conformist without a point.
>, but it doesn't work as a justification for anything else.
Because 90% of the fantasy after him was objectively worse, not because Tolkien approach was more flawed by it's design than GRRM
Ancient enigmatic villains that operate on strange rules and desires is infinitely more interesting than dumb monster used as a superweapon
Fiction can't be objectively better or worse, dumbass, look up what "objective" means.
Tolkien-inspired fiction is worse, sure, because it takes the wrong lessons from Tolkien. All of his aesthetic conceits are treated as blank-check excuses to tell a dumbed-down story of good vs evil, but you go back to Tolkien and it wasn't dumbed-down at all, he thought hard about his worldbuilding choices and how they were related to the question of good vs evil. But his successors didn't, that's the problem, GRRM is a good antidote to the bad habits developed by Tolkien's successors.
Not really, no. Fantastical evil is good only if and when it says something about humanity, otherwise it's a lazy paper-target for the goodguys to aim at, lazy evil robs the heroic narrative of all meaning. Sauron was deeply human, yet also larger-than-human, that was what made him good. A lot of people read LoTR without reading any of the background material and they got the wrong idea and went on to make paper-target villains.
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Jain Zar booty
>Fiction can't be objectively better or worse, dumbass, look up what "objective" means.
But it can be, This is why Superman isn't included into literature studies, even in the basic school.
>Tolkien-inspired fiction is worse
I really hope you don't include DnD/PF/Warhammer into Tolkien-inspired fiction.
>All of his aesthetic conceits are treated as blank-check excuses to tell a dumbed-down story of good vs evil, but you go back to Tolkien
As opposed to Conan vs Seth
Or First Men vs White Walkers
Your inability to found races cool, unless they're heavy on the muscles is on you
I prefer between 3 and 4 myself, but anything beyond five, possibly including 5 is too much. the ears can't leave the skull's width
>Fantastical evil is good only if and when it says something about humanity
Dragons enbody greed, ambition, might and ruthlessness in a powerful merciless package. These are obviously human qualities and are intended as allegorical.
The heroes opposed to the dragon are also fighting against those negative qualities and this also says something about their humanity as they often have to go out of their way to fight an incredibly powerful opponent.
>GRRM is a good antidote
That's one of the biggest forced memes to present Martin as some-kind of game-changing writters/creators in the genre.
He wasn't even the one of the first writters who created Dark Fantasy (in fact he was one of the last writters, since after him genre was overwhelmed by normalfags)
His "antidote" is just adding more and more pointless PoVs with no real hope to gather them together for the climatic resolution
an overlord fan? nice
Wish more games catered to this specific niche
I just want to be tall dark and evilsome, get rich and powerful and pick a hot waifu
>But it can be,
Look up what "objective" means, dumbass.
>I really hope you don't include DnD/PF/Warhammer into Tolkien-inspired fiction.
You hold strange hopes my friend.
>Conan vs Seth
A great hero story but with little moral element, it's really about mortal men vs ancient and terrible things, you can call it a dumbed-down story of good vs evil but it's really more-and-less than that, it's more like man vs nature because it lacks the shallow santimonious elements which characterize tolkien-inspired fantasy schlock.
I like REH a lot, but if you put me on the spot I'll say that Tolkien's greedy hyper-human monsters are more interesting that Howard's inhuman eldritch gods, because Tolkien's monsters point back towards the subject of human evil (and modern fantasy, GOOD modern fantasy, goes even further and just embraces the idea that humans are the root of all evil).
>First Men vs White Walkers
The point in this story is that humans are (naturally and realistically) at each others throats', just as they were in the past, but they have to set that aside if they want to save themselves from an outside threat. This element is largely absent from Tolkien. It exists in the deep lore (in Gondor vs Rohan or elf vs dwarf), but that element is largely absent from the actual Lord of the Rings trilogy (which is the problem).
Spoiler warning:
[spoiler[Climate change, deforestation, reduced biodiversity, proliferation of microplastics and other novel elements, atmospheric damage, ocean acidification and nuclear proliferation are the outside element that we have to unite against.
All of us.
Or else we die. All of us.
Tolkien's fantasy didn't deal with this shit, nor should it, but that's just one more reason why GRRM is a good antidote to tolkien-inspired fantasy.
I know exactly how I feel. Playable dark lords are so rare
The "meme" is "forced" by his enormous popularity. People were telling me to read ASoIaF back in '98, and I wish I'd listened, I would have gotten more out of it than what I got out of Wheel of Time, which was what I was reading at the time. That doesn't mean he was the first author to ever be inspired by Tolkien (or the first author to try to do Tolkien-but-different), he certainly wasn't and he knows that.
>Dragons enbody greed, ambition, might and ruthlessness in a powerful merciless package.
In ASoIaF, yes, that's exactly what they are. Traditional depictions contain some element of that, but lets be honest, that was always a post-hoc justification for a vague foreign enemy hiding in a cave. Traditional dragons embody the idea of an enemy that you will be celebrated for killing, they're close to the idea of an embodiment of evil but they're two or three shades removed from that idea, if they really embodied human evil then they would be created and/or controlled by humans. Which is what ASoIaF moves towards.
>A great hero story but with little moral element
Yeah except across all tales of Conan Howard kept wanking how Cimmerian laws and tradition were embodiment of justice and fair.
>The point in this story is that humans are (naturally and realistically) at each others throats',
Tolkien had it too.
>, but they have to set that aside if they want to save themselves from an outside threat.
That's from TV series, not from the books
>[spoiler[Climate change, deforestation, reduced biodiversity, proliferation of microplastics and other novel elements, atmospheric damage, ocean acidification and nuclear proliferation are the outside element that we have to unite against.
Yeah I am pretty sure that extending of agricultural areas (in order to compensate ban of meat) and agressive mining of lithium for all fancy Iphones, Tesla or environment-friendly Ford F-150 would save us from global warming.
>Tolkien's fantasy didn't deal with this shit,
little history time
the OG warcraft game was supposed to be warhammer branded, but they couldnt get the deal for the brand name. instead of dumping the work they put in to it, blizzard sold it under its own ip, what we know as warcraft.
and a dumb little thought in my head is that you tend to use a hammer to craft
>Traditional depictions contain some element of that, but lets be honest, that was always a post-hoc justification for a vague foreign enemy hiding in a cave.
This just sounds like your own take that grossly simplifies and generalize millenia of literature and myth to fit your own headcanon.
You're just describing what Christians did to pre-christian hero stories. First was the monstrous other (the adversary), then there was the scapegoat who dies for your sins, then much later there was the christian paper-target who embodies both of those things while also embodying your own sin (i.e. the dragon who embodies the sin of the-very-guy-who-invades-the-dragon's-home-to-kill-the-dragon). None of this is necessarily wrong, a story is just a story, but I won't apologize on behalf of those who cut out mythological evil and replace it with human evil, they're just bringing it back to reality.

Additionally, generalization doesn't mean simplification, and your own position is entirely untenable unless you concede this point. Please apologize for your oversight in this matter.
They likely also pulled an "Acclaim", where they chose a name that would be alphabetically above their competitor (Activision).
>the ears can't leave the skull's width
Says who?
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what the fuck are you trying to say
>wahhhh they're cancer
>but I won't explain how
That's a whole lotta fuckin' words just to say you don't like 'em.
the greatest contribution of eldom to the setting
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Reminder that Sylvanas attempted a peace summit with Anduin, promised no funny business, then Anduin SMUGGLED CALIA FUCKING MENETHIL INTO IT WITHOUT TELLING HER AND SHE TRIED TO INCITE A MASS DESERTION OF HER PEOPLE MID-NEGOTIATION

This led her to question if the Alliance decided to blindside the Horde would they win, and decided that yes, they would, so she would need to handicap them in some way leading to her surprise attack on the elflands. Anduin made it clear that between Genn going out of his way to use unified anti-Legion resources to hunt Sylvanas down and now Calia's stunt Anduin could not reign his faction in from their bloodlust.
Many such cases
What about the Elder Scrolls elves?
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What about them?
I generally like them, but maybe I am just biased because Elderscrolls: Skyrim was the first fantasy CRPG I've played
>fuck the Thalmor
Then talk about your games.
humans with pointy ears
They suck.
Now that's the worst take.
Not only do mere have a different physiognomy compared to humans (including weird rib-cages that most people don't notice), they are also spiritually and ideologically on a different line compared to humans.
You could rightfully dislike TES elves for being subversive for subversiveness-sake, but their antagonistic role (from the humans perspective) actually ingrained into their settings very fabric puts them far above actual humans with pointy ears (most anime elves).
dunmer are alright blue middle easterners I guess
You shouldn't, nothing of that reads like they'd fit there. You can't just throw random fantasy people into whatever game and expect it to work. Night elves have their roots within Warcrafts lore and without that you are just doing the lazily copying Tolkien thing without his context, but worse, since it's Warcraft lore.
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Me too.
Juno best girl
Nah, Warhammer elves are perfect.
that artist's version of Azura has a big cock
>polytheistic elves
The worst part of Tolkien's legacy is the Abrahamism. Once that was removed, elves were truly unlocked.
You first need to define what night elves are. You just can't rip them out of warcraft, as that leaves a context-wide how in their non-existing hole.
Eh, you just want to slop. Slop pictures, slop posts, waste of time.
They're big purple and pink amazon elves that live out in nature (especially forests) and worship the moon. They have small villages and need moonwells to survive. They can make themselves invisible at night and are very good at hit and run attacks. They once had a powerful empire they have since rejected completely, the ruins are still around.
I see three main ways to explain why they are
1. They've always lived in north america. Big issue for both the native americans and eventual european colonists
2. They're also from the old world and some have come over as colonists
3. There are portals deep in the forests and mountains where they slip through from another world and thus inhabit some rural areas on earth

Needless to say their services are very useful if they can be convinced to fight, but they're not going to stand in a firing line
>Fighting a demon while falling down a mountain.
Pathetic high fantasy slop.
Wood elves and it's not even close
actually, they deliberately chose not to pursue the warhammer license of their own free will because they wanted to control their own world and not be constrained by what GW wants. this is the official narrative blizzard execs have put forward in interviews and nobody from GW has ever contradicted it.
I aggressively want to breed with these illustrations.
Nuada is basically Elric, but I still love him.
Well sounds like one of you is lying
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This is the coolest elf
Only if you have the shittest taste
I looked into it and it seems both anons are each telling a portion of the truth.
>"[Blizzard co-founder] Allen Adham hoped to obtain a license to the Warhammer universe to try to increase sales by brand recognition", Wyatt says. "Warhammer was a huge inspiration for the art-style of Warcraft, but a combination of factors, including a lack of traction on business terms and a fervent desire on the part of virtually everyone else on the development team (myself included) to control our own universe nixed any potential for a deal. We had already had terrible experiences working with DC Comics on "Death and Return of Superman" and "Justice League Task Force", and wanted no similar issues for our new game."
In any case, Warcraft is not a "ripoff" of Warhammer. The settings are VASTLY different with almost no overlap. Besides, if you're going to accuse Warcraft of ripping off Warhammer, I'd hope you are ready to also accuse Warhammer of ripping off about 50 other IPs that predate it.
Ripping off 50 ips is a non-issue while ripping off a singular ip is theft.
Good thing Warcraft didn't rip off Warhammer, then
Yeah right. It's really a difference like night and day.
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What a bizarre notion.
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Do you think GW owns the copyright on muscular, green-skinned humanoids or something? Or that they invented such a concept?
Furthermore, Tolkien himself had big green humanoids in LotR - trolls!
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oh boy is it funny how it is literally always the same thing with warhammer fanboys thinking GW invented every fantasy and scifi trope
Talk about a stretch
They were the first to make orcs into stocky, green skinned, muscular barbarians with prominent lower jaws and large tusks. I know Warcraft orcs are extremely different lore-wise, but you can't deny they lifted the aesthetic.
>Edgar Rice Burroughs: Big green monstrous humanoids (1912)
>J.R.R. Tolkien: Big green monstrous humanoids (1954)
>Poul Anderson: Big green monstrous humanoids (1954)
>Marvel Comics: Big green monstrous humanoid (1962)
>Warhammer Fantasy Battle 1st Edition (1983)
Big green monstrous humanoids were already invented by the time WFB was released and GW is clearly ripping off Marvel Comics!
You're being willfully dense. Have fun, we both know you're wrong.
Not at all. The Incredible Hulk is big, muscular, green, and angry. GW made their orcs just like that. GW ripped off Marvel's Hulk to create their orcs.
Games Workshop orcs even get bigger the more fights they win while the Hulk gets bigger the angrier he gets! They even ripped THIS aspect of the Hulk off. Marvel should sue Games Workshop for this.
This is genuinely pathetic. We know how warcraft started, you're just embarrassing yourself.
Cope harder. GW ripped off Marvel.
NTA you're both fags.
GW ripped off a lot of popular media, including Middle Earth and Dune and Judge Dredd, among others. You've focused on Marvel to try to prove that musclebound green folk came before Warhammer Fantasy, and you aren't wrong, but I wouldn't put Marvel near the top of the list of GW-influencing stories (actual mythology and classic hero stories and pulpy scifi authors would all come earlier imo, most of the similarities between GW and Marvel are based on convergent evolution towards the most common basic- bitch western power fantasy).
Blizzard also ripped off a lot of popular media, probably less (than GW) in the long run, but one of the media that they ripped of was GW and there's no denying that (as anon said, and as better-anons have explained up-thread, Warcraft is derived from Warhammer).
>Warhammer Orks ripped off Marvel comics Hulk
Although it's very obvious that they drew heavy inspiration, Orks aren't actual Marvel comics Hulk ripoffs if they were then their scientists would've been able to replace Warbosses by activating their Hulk mode despite their success at creating Squiggoths and performing amazing surgeries they aren't able of increasing their own strength like Bruce Banner when transforming into the Hulk and the strength that all Orcs alongside their Squiggoth mounts are always having isn't enough to make teir advanced technology redundant instead they're still using it on many occasions where they're building Stompas and Deffkoptas invented by Orkimedes as well as speed freak motorcycles and kustom versions of human engineering Looted Leman Russ Tanks Skullhamma Baneblades and Pirate Plasma Guns. If you really want to accuse Warhammer of ripping off someone and specifically Marvel there's another example which is much more obvious the awesome Dark Elf Malekith. As for Warcraft it did try to deviate for Warhammer with it's Orc lore after ripping off everything it failed miserably with green Jesus Thrall the Iron Horde that suddenly disappeared after Warlords of Draenor the deaths of Varok Saurfang who never became a Warchief and Nazgrim who ended up being a Death Knight the role that many evil Orcs had as mere pawns for either Nefarian or Burning Legion invaders and of course the story of Garrosh Hellscream which had literally every aspect of Warhammer Orcs apart from the lack of humour. And greenskin muscular humanoids are a great concept regardless of whether they're accused of ripping off other franchises since their strength is very closely connected to nature rather than some form of energy like Hulk's gamma energy
Still a stretch
>One guy is objectively right but you're both fags because I want to seem like the smart guy in the room
Good thread

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