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Not the pole weapon. I'm talking something like pic related.
Do you throw it or swing it around?
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I prefer glaives over whatever the fuck that thing is.
You use it like a fidget spinner.
Does it get proficiency bonus if you're under 17?
Why would I have an opinion about this.
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Xena's chakram was cooler, Satan.
They look cool but they look specifically designed to cut the wrist and I don't get how to practically throw one. Maybe if they came with wrist and hand-armor they'd work
As it is in the picture it would probably require some sort slinging mechanism to be thrown. Someone further down recommended a chakram which would be similar.

Otherwise it would have to be way smaller than it is in game if it were to be thrown.

As a melee weapon the blades would have to be reoriented so as not to hurt the wielder while they fight. Elsewise, shrinking the blades and enlarging the buckler could give an okay bladed shield.

All together Maiev's bladed ring is a more practical weapon for melee than the Huntress "glaive." Why they ever gave the Darnassus Sentinels a melee version of a Huntress throwing weapon is beyond me.

WoW ruined all Wc3's lore and aesthetics. WoW was a blight of a game.
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Nothing to see here
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Hurlbats were real enough and german throwing crosses are the only type of star-shaped thrown weapons that ever were used to assassinate somebody.
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That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Glaive" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Glaives deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned twenty genuine glaives from the Black Fortress for 2,400,000 something (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut through slabs of solid steel with my glaives. Krull smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest throwing weapons known to mankind. Glaives are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a glaive can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a glaive could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical throw. Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering the galaxy? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Beasts and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the glaives first because their killing power was feared and respected. So what am I saying? Glaives are simply the best weapon that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Glaives: (Exotic Throwing Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and comes with the ability to throw multiple Glaives at once, up to 5 with no penalty. Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Glaives in real life, don't you think? tl;dr = Glaives need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
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That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Kukri" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Kukris deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned twenty genuine Kukris from Andre of Astora himself for 2,400,000 Souls (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut through slabs of solid steel with my Kukris. Carthuiran smiths spend years working on a single Kukri and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest throwing weapons known to mankind. Kukris are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a Kukri can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a Kukri could easily inflict bleed status on a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical throw. Ever wonder why medieval Europe travelled all the way to the Americas instead of conquering India? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Gurkhas and their Kukris of destruction. Even in World War II, japanese soldiers targeted the Gurkhas with the Kukris first because their killing power was feared and respected. So what am I saying? Kukris are simply the best weapon that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Kukris: (Exotic Throwing Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit, causes bleed and comes with the ability to throw multiple Kukris at once, up to 5 with no penalty. Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Kukris in real life, don't you think? tl;dr = Kukris need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
You fucking newfag plebeian, the point of that pasta is that the weapon is being represented by a “masterwork” SOMETHING ELSE.
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It's fabulous. And so is the crescent.
This seems like a particularly bad example, why is the cutting edge not on the side that would be forward when thrown?
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Thought we called that a triskelion.
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The manual option.
It gives you +5 cringe damage
This, Krull grandfathers all glaives into being both acceptable and cool
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They all pale to Captain America's mighty shield.
What system?
I think it is extremely stupid.
But as someone who enjoys maid rpg I also appreciate that sometimes extremely stupid is part of what you are going for.
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What system?
What system?
Please explain how the actual mechanics of that game work like I'm an idiot, I got so lost in the tables.
How about adding fourth hand?
>WoW was a blight of a game.

Wow ruined Warcraft, MMOs, goblins, elf ears, and a few other things I'm sure.

It also strongly contributed to the ruination of orcs and giant fucking pauldrons, though I don't give it sole responsibility for those.


>As it is in the picture it would probably require some sort slinging mechanism to be thrown.

You could probably hold it by one of the blades to throw it, especially if you were wearing heavy leather gloves. Very few weapons were kept "razor sharp" so you couldn't grip the blade (pretty strongly, even).
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honorable mention to Jain 'Za
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Stupid cool.
Plenty of names for polearms with a long blade at the end. I don't know why the co-opted "glaive"
Well by that logic both weapons have stolen the name glaive

Although I don't think I've ever seen it used to refer to a broadsword now that I think about it.
In French glaive refers to the gladius and not to a polearm.
From the french wikipedia, google translated:
>The term glaive is also used to designate long-edged pole weapons of the vouge or fauchard type, it is sometimes called glaive of arms to distinguish it from the previous one. This use comes from Germanic languages in which the term glaive and its derivatives mainly designate this type of weapon (English: Glaive, German: Glefe). It is possible that the homonymy is only a coincidence, because it seems that the two weapons do not have the same etymological root: the term "glaive", used to designate the short-bladed swords of the Greeks and Romans comes from the Latin "gladius", while the term used to designate the polearm of the Middle Ages, often also used as a synonym for "cavalry lance", comes from the German "gleven", which did not have of common origin with the Latin word.
The instances of "glaive" were translated to "sword" which is funny.
That... actually is kind of funny yes.
Wow goblins and big elf ears are good
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I prefer this one, at least you can fight with this without cutting your palm open.
There is no glaive that's not a pole weapon, no matter how hard your retarded shuriken tries to identify as one.
Not the same thing,
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Spectreman has entered the chat
It's a moonglaive. Get over it.
And you being a bonehead doesn't mean you're the head of anything
Do you even know what a bonehead is?
Isn't that just a shuriken?
That's a big shuriken. I've seem on Naruto.
Fucking KRULL my man.
>No Warframe glaives
Powered by space magic, so all logic is bypassed.
But all of those in the picture got proper handles. Also "Yo Dawg, I heard you like blades so we put some blades on the blades."
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This, the warframe glaives are cool
I just wish they had one that was a proper ranged weapon like the one from Dark Sector rather than just melee weapons that have a bit of extra range as a gimmick
Most people use them as a heavy attack throwing weapon. When you use them like that they can clear most of the shorter sightlines in the game. Then explode for massive AoE damage.
Have you played since they reworked them?
Just like with flails rule of cool proves them right
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It depends
The Throwing Anus is a noble weapon.
If that looks like an anus to you you might want to see a proctologist
It's called a chakram actually. You're welcome. Fucking illiterates.
they look stupid and are just more proof that night elves are for plapping, not fighting
>80 stone
It's retarded. 1 stone = 0.1 pound.
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i always thought these were sick for a foreign race that used these instead of swords or spears
Anybody taht calls throwing blades 'glaives' deserves to get poleaxed.
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You take that back!
>Coomer opinion
If it can return and move as it pleases, why do you need to throw it? in fact, why do you need to do the gesture at all?
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just look at them
kind of lame... it always bugged me because huntresses get utter shit range compared to archers, obviously it's cuz they're meant to soak up some damage but still they don't feel particularly lethal at all. and just thinking about trying to actually throw one of these hurts. it sort of looks aesthetically appealing but it doesn't seem like a useful weapon.

isn't this a chakram, basically? do they call it a glaive? they might I guess, I don't remember. but anyway. this thing at least can be held in a practical way and used in a practical manner... so sure why not. it's cool.

now the warframe glaive on the other hand is basically a flying sawblade that you control with... I dunno... sure, space magic. so you know what I can see why that's a cool weapon.

on the other hand, when launched from a catapult, a device specifically built to throw that thing at a guy at the highest possible velocity over a long range, you know what, that's pretty sweet. it's just a shame that in WC3 with damage types being what they are, this thing wasn't just like general purpose artillery and the destroyer of worlds, it only destroys houses really well...MY
>in WC3 with damage types being what they are, this thing wasn't just like general purpose artillery and the destroyer of worlds, it only destroys houses really well
What do you mean? Siege weapons do so much damage that they still take a chunk out of units. They're just especially good at destroying buildings and tanks, and also squishing unarmored units.
If that's a glaive then what's this?
night elves are retarded satan-shill-san
Got any reasoning on that claim?
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What about this one?
I thought a stone was like 14 lbs
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Not in Arcanum it's not.
It doesn't have a mind of its own anon. You can just make it do circles or boomerang through use of crazy space magic. You've still got to toss it in the right way to get it moving.
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8 pounds is still pretty damn heavy for chakram, I mean, imagine trying to hurl a discus covered in blades, and realize that isn't easy to start with, and then realize this chakram is about double the weight of an olympic discus.

And all of you are damn suckheads, forgetting about one of the most iconic throwing glaives.
>8 pounds is still pretty damn heavy for chakram

The folks at Troika didn't actually know much about weapons. Go figure. I'd say "ancient weapons", but their numbers for guns are also all over the place.
Glaives are sick. Case closed.

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