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Considering their folklore this seems quite obvious still I've never seen anyone do it.
Then do it.
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Exalted kind of has that. Not exactly but close.
>make a fantasy setting
>combine dwarves and elves in folklore into the same thing because they are really similar in.
>spend lots of time deciding what to use and discard, merging them together, worldbuilding how they fit in the world, etc
>finally release it to the public
>retards on forums argue and then eventually just declare that they are either dwarves or elves.
I don't really see the point when people are just gonna call them either dwarves or elves anyway because nobody thinks in anything but modern kitchen sink fantasy.
Because it's only you that thinks this needs to be done. Hey here's a thought: why don't YOU make something original that's not just established fantasy cliches reskinned with a sprinkling of zeitgeist flavoring?
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Genius, no one has ever thought of this.
Have you, perchance, ever heard of something in folklore called Gnomes?
>Considering their folklore
There are no elves or elven-like creature in the folklore from my country or the surrounding ones. Not even fae-like stuff (unless you are desperate enough to throw river mermaids into "elf" category). But there are five different types of dwarves and two kinds of gnomes. So as far as folklore is concerned, elves aren't real and just like orcs, are creatures from foreign fantasy novels.
What now?

t. South Slav
/tg/ already did 'dwarfs and elves are just the two sexes of the same rate, and the race hate is cultural pageantry' idea like a decade ago, probably earlier.
>What now?
Now you try not being pedantic about translations.
A dwarf is a pre-christian Germanic entity. A gnome is a Paracelsian Germanic entity. If you "don't have elves", you certainly don't have dwarves or gnomes either.
Because they're seen as different things in the modern cultural zeitgeist and most people like them like that. Why else you fucking ape?
Do it.
From Norse Myth, Eddas and sagas, "Elf" seems to be the general term for non essentially malicious supernatural entities that are less powerful then Goeds. While Dwarves seem to be a particular sort of non-essentially malicious supernatural entities associated with underground, craftmanship, beards, and shortness.

So its less that they are the same thing as Dwarves are a kind of elf. (Thus we have a named Dwarf named GandALF). Funnily enough Elder scrolls kinda got this right.
Where in the Eddas and sagas do you get the notion that dwarves are short from?
/thread was >>93383450, fag.
They always have been the same, more or less.
Tolkien, in his early drafts, called what would turn into his elves "gnomes".
Well not like THAT
Because dwarves are closer to halflings or humans than they are elves.

Dwarves are short, angry humans.

Halflings are short, retarded humans.

Gnomes are short, retarded elves.

Most of the "core" of fantasy could be axed and nothing of real value would be lost. If you're gonna make a fantasy setting, make it actually fantastical by having a bunch of weird inhuman shit instead of generic "human but X" garbage.
you don't
>dwarves and elves are the exact same thing
>they still absolutely hate each other
That makes no sense
If your dwarfs are just 'short angry humans' then you fucked up. They're at their best when they're presented as an entirely different species.
>weird inhuman shit instead of generic "human but X" garbage
That attracts the worst kind of people. Unless it's 'humans vs the inhumans'.
Name one setting that does this
No dwarves or elves, only fae, divided into Seelie and Unseelie Courts. But that basically just means you're substituting Celtic folklore for Germanic folklore.
Runequest, Gloranthan dwarves are essentially androids and their first generations were literally made of metals or stone. The "undefective" main population considers individualism heresy.
have you tried not playing DnD?

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