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What do long lived races see in short lived one that they want to marry them
humans are to elves like dogs are to humans
why does elfs got immunity from paralyzes?
Whoa slow down there Elrond, the line of Elros arent for elf chicks to you just know
It's a temporary, short-term thing but also you don't have to break up with them
I understand your concern, but you should bark up your own family tree, my friend.
They don't have to worry about them being a relative.
Think about it, if no one gets older, and they keep having kids, you quickly end up related to a larger and larger percentage of the population, after a few centuries like you can't bang anyone without checking a long ass family tree. Unless of course you date another race.
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Psychic Energy
Limited-time but still serious commitment. Actually shows up as exactly that in D&D lore with half-Gold Dragons coming from "practice" spouses, basically treating a human lifespan as a test of character for "real" marriage prospects.
Humans live intensely compared to Elves, attracts a certain thrill seeking type.
bigger dick
File deleted.
It's a human fantasy. Oooo I get to marry the 800 year old elf princess that will look 19 my whole life while I get grey and old and sag and become a sad sack.

Because of time dilation, your average long lived race wouldn't even be able to form relationships with anything that didn't live at least a century. It'd be the equivalent of a 30 year old meeting a 5 year old at the start of the week, visiting them on Thursday to see that they were now 50, and going to their funeral on Sunday. Their whole conception of life and existence would be alien to one another and even if they did get together there would be a point where the still youthful and vibrant elf would look across the table at the young heroic human she fell in love with, see pic related, and wonder to herself what the fuck happened to this guy and why did she bother trying to get attached in the first place.
Being among humans causes an elf to feel an overpowering sense of immediacy, that everything around them is temporary and all opportunities will soon be lost, this makes them horny.
Narcissistic self-absorbed power-fantasy where fantasy races suddenly break character to feed our fragile ego and to magically turn one of our flaws into a major strength.
There is a reason everyone here starts to babble about female elves.
We get it anon, you have never been loved.
Humans tell stories about elves falling in love with them, so half-elves in human stories are tragic children of unequal parents.
In elf stories, half-elves are rape babies just like half-orcs are to humans, a warning against interacting with lesser races.
A ''Quickie'' by elven standards.
they don't want to marry them, they want to FUCK them.
It's funny, but I just realised English doesn't have the term to translate certain term from my native. It's about that absolutely obsessive love/passion that people sometimes get when meeting someone new, but the relationship is going to last exactly 5 years (or less) and they will get bored of having sex with each other and realise they have nothing in common.
But that thing is a perfect explaination.
This. They're a window into a world less plagued by ennui.
Gold digging. They want to inherit from their short-lived partner.
lol, thanks for sharing, what's your language and what's the term?
There's a term in English: the "seven year itch" that might be similar to what you mean?
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The spark of energy and excitement they once had which had long since been tempered by longevity and experience. Basically, a rare moment to appreciate the now rather than contemplate the future or past like usual.
>visiting them on Thursday and going to their funeral on Sunday
Bro, I've seen relationships last exactly this long way too many times for it to be unbelievable. It's become almost an expectation for me at this point whenever I hear a friend meet someone new.
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>tfw you just want to have a fun conversation about boardgames with your fellow elves, but then this one motherfucker keeps yelling about his fat human wife
We get it: you fuck humans. Shut up.
Still doesn't change that people get emotionally attached to short lived pets such as Rats, Mice and Hamsters. A human life to an 800 year old elf is roughly the same as a dog or cats is to a human plenty of time for emotional attachments to form.
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>What do long lived races see in short lived one that they want to marry them
you'll notice all of these stories are written by humans hehe
but really, Sesshomaru was drawn and written as a tough, mysterious pretty boy,
And Tolkien absolutely had a fetish for elven women choosing human men, he even had the names Lúthien and Beren incribes in his and his wive's grave because he just couldn't let go that particular fantasy.
>shitty poster has shitty taste (dungeon meshi picture)
disgusting, go away.
besides coming up with something lame like 'love', I'd like to point out that men have way lower standards than women
human women are easy to get into bed, while elven women have way higher standards
They find in a mortal lover ephemeral beauty not present in their own race. It's why theatre and recited poetry is also so powerful to them. The text is the same but the performance is fleeting and immediate to the moment therein. It is a foil to their own everlasting grace. These settings also often have these important races still weak to physical trauma. The divide between immortal and mortal is grestly lessened when either are ended by some rusty orc dagger.
Wow, that takes me back... thanks for the reminder. :)
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Personally I wish more people would explore the creepy abusive potential these relationships have.

Where are the stories of elves seducing humans to breed powerful half-elf kids the elven parent can manipulate into obedient tools, and potentially even breed again & again over the course of a few decades or centuries to create their own small army of half-elven incest baby adventurers? Or even the more obvious one of elves grooming young humans into their ideal mates?

If elves see humans as lovable pets like >>93383588 suggested, then why aren't there any stories of elves domesticating a group of humans, training them to act according to their whims, and performing all manner of inhumane selective breeding experiments on them?
I'm sure the usual cynical man-children are going to just love this one, but...

True love is rare and precious enough that it doesn't matter where you happen to find it. Trading true love with a short-lived human for something lesser but longer-lived isn't a worthy trade. So it's ultimately not even about how long the person an elf loves is going to live; the fact that they're a comparatively short-lived human is just an unfortunate coincidence. What matters is that they love each other more than any two other people ever could, any other pair involving either one of them included. With any luck, the elf will be a different person after their lover dies due to their life experience, having become someone that can now truly love someone else; but luck is what it is, and is sometimes just plain bad.

I may be ready to give up on ever finding love of my own, but that doesn't mean I'm so stupid as to not recognize what it's worth.
A word we often use for that is: "Infatuation". It's not as specific as what you said, but it describes passionate obsession, usually temporary, and typically in regards to romance.
So you’re saying…
White (Elf) Women Fuck Humans?
Just watched three episodes of that with my brother a few days ago, he was excited to show me. Utterly great. Loved every second of it.
Or because theirs was a story about a couple in love despite the odds who death could only separate briefly, and his wife died before him.
That's the backstory for the Breton race in elderscrolls
This being what it is however, usually such children end up to be the mother's race with some traits from the fathers race
>Like a human with slightly pointy ears

But don't give up.
I’m glad we’re finally talking about elf-human bestiality.
A one-night stand. Granted that one night might end up being like fifty years or so, but who cares, it's not that long.
Tolkien never wrote a story involving romance between male elves and female humans.
He absolutely had a kink.
You're on to something.
I can see evil elves trying to make humans into an obedient slave race.
There were only two documented human-elf relationships in Tolkein's mythology, though? The one that spawned Elrond and his brother, and then the one that Aragorn got into. It's not as if these interspecies romances were happening constantly. If it only happened twice, it's not that strange that it was the same gender pairing both times.
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I think family tree leading up to Elrond had two elf-human couples (so total of three including Arwen-Aragorn)
there were at least 4
>Beren and Lúthien
>Aragon and Arwen
>Tuor and Idril
>Imrazôr and Mithrellas

All of them human male, elf female.
Kink, I say.
Same reason humans like fireworks or one-night stands. For the long-lived, it's a bright colorful low-investment novelty that'll vanish before it has time to become tiresome.
I feel like a lot of it has to do with him being catholic and elves being so pure and awesome that they only marry once in their (borderline immortal) life and stay forever true to their one true love uwu
He could have done the exact same thing with male elf x female human couples.
An ancient elf lord was washed up in a land of ugly monkeighs. He took the least ugly human females an impregnated them, then he impregnated his daughters and then his granddaughters. After several hundred generations of inbreeding he finally had a result worthy of being called elves.

And that's how elves came to faerun.

Occasionally some came out weird and embarrassing, so he hid those underground.
>Oooo I get to marry the 800 year old elf princess that will look 19 my whole life while I get grey and old and sag and become a sad sack.
Then you can pass her to your son, who'll pass her to his son. After twenty generations of men that she wetnursed, raised, served and then buried, she'll be as tight and fresh as the day you first fucked her.
There are a fuckload of humans born for every elf and strictly speaking there are more humans of great character than there are elves. If an elven city has 10000 elves born in a thousand years, a human city has 10 million and every 100 years a great hero is born, let alone the artists and thinkers and casanovas. Humanity is innately explosive and if you want to be crass we're a one night stand with chad that she thinks about while married to her stable boring husband for the rest of her life. You guys act like random elf #3758 is more charismatic than Aragorn.
that's a lot of incest
also I'm pretty sure a 1/4 human just is an elf
>pass her to your son, who'll pass her to his son
Imagine being 800 years old but still being as brainless as a silicone sex doll
kill your husband, kill your son, inherit everything and change the kingdom, making humans second class citizens while your people take over
It doesn't need to be incest, she can just be the stupidest slave ever.
The actual mother would be a human (possibly also a slave).
We can add Imrazôr and Mithrellas to this because Imrazôr was also descendent of Elros. In one of two drafts.

And his descendants include Imrahil, Boromir, Faramir, Théoden, and Éomer's wife Lothíriel.
Infatuation. The verb is infatuate, but it's usually only used as a noun "Trapped in bliss and infatuation, he overlooked the daily annoyances gradually pushing them apart," or past participle "She's infatuated with him, but it won't last."
It's well outside the 10,000 most commonly used words in English, so I'm not surprised if it's unfamiliar to many native English speakers, let alone people who grew up speaking something else.
>why does elfs got immunity from paralyzes?
They're like brundleflies.
Chainmail fantasy supplement, the elves were extremely low model count so ghoul paralysis was a horrible blowout. Instead of balancing out a check, they just made it take the more-expensive ghast.
lmao sure
I watched two episodes with my wife and we both hated it.
Swear I read a porn comic like that but with a fox girl
The last descendant was basically destitute, half-insane, and eventually died of an epileptic seizure he inherited from the constant inbreeding, leaving said fox girl with an empty house and a lifetime of bittersweet memories
Would incest even be seen as a problem for elves? I mean, elves typically depicted as being biologically perfect, so there wouldn't be any recessive genes for hereditary disease that would be expressed in inbred offspring.
I miss Mr. Scruffy. He hated when I called him that but I'd long since forgotten what his actual name was, on purpose.

Anyways, I have to start taking them to the crematorium because I don't have enough room in my back yard to keep burying my Humans.
I had forgotten about fat dog wife anon
Thanks for reminding me about that silly retard anon
If you hate Dungeon Meshi, you have bad taste and deserve the life of misery you have chosen for yourself.
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>That family tree
Am I missing something or was Aragorn fucking his first cousin?
Elrond and Elros being brothers, y'know...
I'll take it under advisement... ^_^
I imagine some elves just want to to be or experience a relationship, but not be tied down to it forever, they want something more serious than casual sex, but not too serious either.
The elf age of consent is 100. Most humans are basically children. These Pedo-elves preying on underage humans are a disgrace. Many of them disguise themselves as happy go lucky tree huggers and adventuring companions to lure young human males into abusive relationships.

On tonight's to catch a predator, police elves disguised as 80 year old human granny in a sting operation to catch notorious pedo elf.
>elf age of consent is 100
in Pathfinder it is (or may be, I don't know if they have rules like that)
in DnD (like forgotten realms) elves at 18 have the same maturity level as any other race at 18
like Drow are adults at 26, and there are a couple elves who are well below 100 but are seen as adults by anyone else
>like Dahlia, also technically Drizzt himself, at least until Cattie-Brie dies for the first time
Removed by like 14 times
sex with sesshomaru
It depends on the setting and long and shot lived person. Elves see human as "people" just short lived. So they might love them and are sad but easily to accept their short live. To seeing it as a quick fling and any children are adults by 20 rather than 100. Others might just be also human and looking for someone to be with even if it's "short-lived" especially if others like them are hard to find. Aethyta from Mass Effect 2 talks about this a bit.
how's it feel living in a world where white women fuck animals and other races but not you? that's the point of your meme right
The same fleeting beauty you see in the cherry blossoms in spring. Such a wonderful thing is to be relished while it still exists and remembered fondly when it passes.
The elven age of physical/sexual maturity and the elven age of cultural maturity have varied massively over D&D editions and even within the same edition.
could they have been less obvious?
>sexual maturity
well, Dahlia gave birth to her half-elf-tiefling rape baby when she was like ~12
>I'm not going to check because it was graphic and WTF WotC were your editors high or something?
judging by that, you could argue that elves reach their sexual maturity at the around the same age humans do
Why is that red lizard thing looking at me so smugly. What does he know that I don't?
>Projecting your misery on others
Sure bro, whatever helps you feeling better about your life.
Arwen did not beat the grooming allegations
I'm pretty certain you can blame that on WotC never having the equivalent of Star Wars' Expanded Universe Loremaster. Conflicts between novels, sourcebooks, magazines and adventures were commonplace.
Sesshomaru"s design is the only good thing that Rumiko Takahashi has ever created.
Fuck Urusei Yatsura, Ranma and all her other garbage.
yes fuck ranma, that's a plan boss

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