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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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>Humans? Eww
>Dwarves? Eww
>Hobbits? Eww
>Half elves? Eww
>Dark elves? Eww
>Wood elves? Eww
>High elves(from another house)? Eww
Why are these niggers still considered good and loved by everyone? Why arent everyone purging these haters into extinction?
>first two replies
>off topic holier than thou circlejerk
I am so sorry for posting a thread here, eternally basement dwelling sweaty overweight veteran users...
You are not sorry for any threads you make under protection of jannies. Spammers like you don't have shame.
Go back.
What sort of game did this occur in, and what system was the GM running? Be detailed and specific, I'm really interested in your story.
Basic fantasy.
Mentioned in like every fucking phb ever that high elves are cocky,uniformly racist bastards yet they are still the 'good' races
Please provide at least 5 cited examples with a quote and a page number, I don't think you're telling the truth.
Is this a police questioning or what? Read any fucking book about high elves and you will see how they are haughty, xenphobic bastards.
>Inb4 more questioning
I don't have elves in my game. I don't have humans in my game either.
So you can't name a single example? You just make a thread about an assumption and you're not even in a game? Kinda weird.
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>high elf bashing post
>cocky, entitled replies immediately flooded it
Dnd, pf, blah blah blah
High elves being like that had always been a staple in the trad fantasy setting
>Why are these niggers still considered good and loved by everyone? Why arent everyone purging these haters into extinction?
I dunno what about you???
OK but again, where is your evidence?
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Pf 1,2
Warhammer 40k(doesnt count since everyone is a racist)
Read nigga, read!
No, no. Cite a specific book, a specific page, and excerpt lore agreeing with your OP post. I'm not here to do research for you.
Can you stop being a fucking nitpicking elf like piece of shit
I'm confused. Don't you want to have a discussion on this topic? You surely can't expect anon to just agree with your premise with nothing to support it. Or is this just one of those "incendiary, boring question to choke the board with worthless dog shit" threads?
This had to be ai generated
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>be a no-game faggot OP
>decide to direct my impotent rage at a fictional thing
>based on a mix of self-loathing, sexual frustration and envy, it will be elves
>make a thread about the most surface level and easily hate-able traits that everyone knows about, even if their basis for elves is just porn and memes
>don't mention any specific systems, games, campaigns and settings so that everyone can join the hate-train, regardless of how knowledgable they are about the hobby of the respective board
>of course female anime elf as pic
>be fucking surprised when people on the general fantasy shitposting board ask what traditional game I'm talking about
This and the coombrains is what kills discussion about this fictional race.
This is exactly what happened and it's very funny
Its an attempt to kill any meaningful discussions and interactions. Funny!
Ben, why are you like this?
>oy vey they're questioning my premise, shut it down, SHUT IT DOWN
Who would do that? For example, paid malicious actors?
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Because I want to have sex with them.

Kill yourselves.
>Why are these niggers still considered good and loved by everyone?
Because people instinctually know that racial purity is a good thing.
>why are high elves like this?
Pattern recognition.
Theres racial purity and theres hating everyone and wanting to genocide them
High Elves are very rarely portrayed as genocidal, they just don't want niggers in their space.
>and wanting to genocide them
What systems?
They wanna, they just dont do it
Some D&D settings like Eberron or Forgotten Realms. Warhammer Fantasy's a funny one cause all of the elf factions claim they're the true elf successors to an extent, as well as the fact that the only reason the actual High Elf faction isn't currently going to war on everyone is because they're too busy with their own petty squabbles and holding back the end of the world due to their previous genocide attempts never fully succeeding.
>Some D&D settings like Eberron or Forgotten Realms
They don't want to genocide everyone.
>Warhammer Fantasy's
They don't want to genocide everyone.
At least say TES or Warmahordes in order to pretend this thread is actually based on anything.
>Warhammer Fantasy's
>They don't want to genocide everyone.
They kinda do, most are just too focused on matters far higher on their priorities list than killing other races, and even then all that's stopping them is that they've been divided into bdsm elves, hippie elves, and snooty elves and aren't afraid of elf-on-elf crimes. Guys like Teclis and Alarielle are the minority, dude. Tyrion, Eltharion and Alith Anar are more typical.

>At least say TES or Warmahordes in order to pretend this thread is actually based on anything.
I couldn't tho, since I'm told that the nazi elves in TES supposedly don't speak for the rest of them, and the Iosans are now emo soul-eating vampires too focused on being sad to be genocidal
You forgot the fact that they are crazy strong and the other races cant do jack shit to them
Also that they have like a 10k scattered population at best so few people could actually meet and see how douchy they are
>Tyrion, Eltharion and Alith Anar are more typical.
Okay, then cite them.
The half-elves only serve as slaves, they have no human or elven rights.
I don't have a book of quotes, but I take your meaning being to elaborate on how exactly they're genocidal, which is fair.

Well, Eltharion himself has declared a blood feud against every single greenskin in the world thanks to Grom the Paunch invading Ulthuan, to the point he's known universally amongst the greenskins as the most fight-happy pointy-ear there is. Alith Anar is, or was, basically on a one-man campaign to destroy the entire Dark Elf race out of disgust for how far his fellow elves have fallen, and the only children he spares are the ones he brings up and raises as child soldiers to kill even more dark elves. And Tyrion's whole thing is that he's a noble defender of Ulthuan, but that means that whenever he's allowed to be off the leash he feels morally compelled to basically turn every greenskin, beastman, or chaos-affiliated creature within a spitting distance of Ulthuan to the torch. That and the lore keeps stating he inherited his ancestor's homicidal instability that he struggles with holding back during war time.
Anon, what the fuck. Wanting to kill beastmen, greenskins and evil dark elves has nothing to do with being a genocidal villain within the context of warhammer fantasy. That's the right and heroic thing to do. Might as well make a thread about why dwarfs are such evil assholes, because they sure agree with these things.
But dwarves are not the primary shitposting target of the no-games, so here we are.
>Killing beastmen, greenskins, chaos taint is a bad thing.
Look, you asked, I answered. If you wanted to stick solely to elves being assholes to the good races, you should have specified that, cause then you'd be right in that the High elves don't want to muster up the time nor energy to go after races that they either have secret squirrel pacts to give minimal help to or otherwise ignore in favor of their own shit.
You can purge them in your own games, though.
You can make everyone in your own games hate the elves, and you can make your game about genociding them.
You want it so badly? Go and do it, instead of crying, fucking retard.
>They kinda do
No they don't.
>Tyrion, Eltharion and Alith Anar are more typical.
And none of them are interested in genociding everyone else.
>Look, you asked, I answered. If you wanted to stick solely to elves being assholes to the good races, you should have specified that
inb4 not me
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>killing chaos mutants that kill, rape and eat everyone is bad
>killing a race of green gorillas that can only exist in a constant state of warfare and attack everyone for no reason is bad
>killing sadistic slavers that have cults of evil gods is bad
High elves did nothing wrong and are justified in their actions and in reality they have helped to prevent the fucking destruction of the world and helped humanity by teaching them magic.
This is either the worst bait I seen in a long time or you're just retarded maybe both.
>I'm not here to do research for you
Demands someone else cite book, page number.
The simple fact is that Elves are just that good. They're basically objectively better in every way than races that aren't Elves or divine.
It's pretty much why a lot of our media tries to 'cut them down to size', because unnerfed elves hold so many advantages it's obscenely unfair. Even the most shameless power-fantasy isekai story very rarely has the protagonist actually BE an elf, because an elf comes with the preacher's-son expectation of high performance. High performance isn't something to be applauded for an elf, it's bare minimum.
So we get a lot of elven women in stories, because elven women are the hottest ever and readers want to improve their perception of themselves by fucking them. Meanwhile, Elven men are competition.
Meta shitposting is still shitposting.
>They're basically objectively better in every way than races that aren't Elves or divine
Then why do they hide away in the woods like rednecks acting like the whole world is out to get them whenever people stumble across their unmarked villages?
>because elven women are the hottest ever
If they treat everyone in the same way, it it really negative beyond appearance?
Yes, that's tribalism, but do is everything else, elves are just autistically honest about it
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You make a claim, you provide proof. Or admit that this is a spam thread not intended to facilitate discussion, either is fine by me.
>Then why do they hide away in the woods like rednecks acting like the whole world is out to get them whenever people stumble across their unmarked villages?
Why are utopias always about getting 'back to the soil' or whatever? Presumably it's because the perfect people also have inner peace, so they don't feel the need to strive as much any longer.
Yeah, they could build a posthuman, post-scarcity metropolis, but they know they don't need to.
You know, that Zen shit.
Most utopian agrarian societies are specifically that because we all know that's not how nature works, and that living in nature in a harmonious state where one thrives without plundering the lands in some fashion is impossible. Most depictions of elves act like they protect and own the land that by their own belief system can't be owned by any living being, so them being mad at people being ignorant of their existence when they destroy all information that could lead to them and don't even the courtesy of a "Private property, keep off the grass" sign is always eye-rolling to read.

>that Zen shit
Funny thing, zen monastaries started growing their own crops and being self-sufficient while searching for enlightenment was because they were growing big enough that the practice of begging for alms was becoming a burden on the peasant populace. So even zen shit agrees that you can't shut yourself out from the world completely without consequences.
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I agree, for example how do high elves in Warhammer manage to call themselves civilized when they run around in forests bare nake-
Oh wait.
But sure, that's high elves surely other subraces just eschew any civilization and-
Oh wait.
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But sure enough, that's Warhammer, in the work the modern elves originate from they were just some stupid tribals-
Oh wait.
But it's not /tg/, you say, in d&d all elves run around bare naked because they're retarded luddites-
Oh wait.
So you're basically agreeing that they have no reason to hide themselves away from the world at all while pretending to be more "one with nature" beyond unwarranted self-importance and writers jerking them off, yes?
They only do if your only reference to elves are reddit memes, parody/joke settings and a heaping helping of "it occurred to me in a dream".
>So you're basically agreeing that they have no reason to hide themselves away
There IS a good reason, would you want to leave your cushy first world city and go live permanently in some village in Zimbabwe?
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Sure, want to add something?
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What if that village in Zimbabwe is on the exact same level technologically and culturally though? Cause that's usually how it ends up when they actually get to the elven cities in these stories.
Which stories?
Also elven cities are often more overtly magical and probably have more magical advancements. This doesn't usually get elaborated upon because in stories there's no need to explain what do they eat or how an average elven peasant's day goes. On the contrary, we do know how average human peasant's day goes because humans actually exist and we have historical records about, well, us.
You confuse lack of information and deliberate jokes (your pic related) for serious fantasy lore.
The fantasy stories I've read, like from the Dragonlance series. Nothing about the descriptions of the places suggest they're any more advanced than the average human city is beyond their age. Shit like that is what leads to parody pictures like above, since it amounts to sounding like the elves are looking down on humans for having the exact same lifestyle they do but developing it earlier.
Yes, the guys I quoted.
Didn't dragonlance elves have, like, five "fall from grace" events? And don't most dragonlance elves have good diplomatic relations with other races (the only ones that don't are Sylvanesti and they ARE actually magically superior to all other races).
I don't know Dragonlance too well, though, but it seems to me that most elves aren't really that arrogant or that isolationist, and those that are have good reasons to be like that.
Kind of. From what I remember, the Silvanesti weren’t so much magically superior as they had their god’s magical protection to let them hide out as long as they pleased. They got fucked over as hard as everyone else did when magic itself was affected and the gods disappeared. Their whole thing is that they want desperately to preserve the old “elves rule, others drool” dichotomy they had before, but the sheer amount of apocalypses and pride swallowing to beg help from the other races has really pissed half them off and severely depressed the rest even if humbling themselves is their ticket to survival. That and most of their superior magical experience comes from well worn experience and not innate racial properties.
Because elitism and self cultivation is good.
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inter-elf rivalries are going to be mentioned at some point?
A lot of context has been lost over the decades as magic item creation systems became standardized. Prior to 3e, Elven Chain armor allowed superior mobility while still granting the same defensive benefits as Chainmail and even the unenchanted versions were considered standard kit for Elven fighter/magic user soldiers. In the Forgotten Realms, Cormanthyr and other Elven kingdoms protected their cities by raising giant magic wards called mythals using "High Magic" exclusive to the elves. Drow were known to be able to fully outfit even their soldiers in magical equipment (that decayed in the presence of sunlight).

In a lot of setting Elves were more magically advanced than other races with access to more advanced metallurgical techniques but these aspects were lost as magic item creation end up in the hands of pcs as editions progressed.
>Why are utopias always about getting 'back to the soil' or whatever?

Unironically, The Industrial Revolution and it's Consequences were a disaster for some of the human race.

Before big industries, you had to go to markets and small specialised shops to get things you wanted. This created a living for lots of people. With the advent of machinery, coal, mechanised transport and efficient factories, transportation and expansion became far easier and cheaper. Why go the local grocer when the convenience store has more stock and is cheaper? Why have a blacksmith when you can get better and more varieties of metals quicker from factories? Why seek out a talented carpenter to make your chairs and tables when a machine can make them much quicker and more consistently? One of the first things the Jews would be blamed for in Inter-War Germany was their alleged role and/or ownership of "department stores" and big industries that put Germans out of work. As a result, lots of movements preached the 'retvrn to mud' idea as a form of 'pure' work and labour. Combine this with lots of people suddenly finding their livelihoods gone, and you've got a grassroots obsession with the countryside and 'trad' jobs.

TLDR: Society progressed, people were left behind and seethed.
sex sex sex

sex with elf dommy mommys
>Why are utopias always about getting 'back to the soil' or whatever?

Luddite romanticism for pastoralism and subsistence agriculture, combined with that hoary old chestnut that things were better in the past before all of the decadence and vice of current day living.

It's probably also tied in with the underlying sentiment to the hard men/good times meme of 'history.'
The Dragonlance setting's most significant fall from grace event was for the Irda. They were bigger than humans and elves, more magical, stronger, more beautiful and much longer lived than humans and elves. They also enslaved humans and elves until gods cursed them to turn into ogres who are just like other DnD ogres (big, strong, dumb, ugly and bad at magic).
Off the cuff, iirc in pre-3e Elven Chain also didn't count as armour for the purposes of casting spells, in addition to the benefits you mentioned.
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Because elves suck
Add to that
>Redditbuddy/cuckbuddy images spammed or other Reddit porn artists
>Most knowledgeable comes from memes and shitposting not books or games
In Warhammer, the high elves are Good because they oppose chaos and are willing to work with others, even if they're huge dicks about it. Most other groups dislike or even hate them, particularly Dwarfs.
Tolkien's elves are more "holier than thou" rather than outright dicks.
>Ah, poor human! If only you had seen the light of Iluvanuvaranathar when he did pluck the harp of the tree Golreny, but instead thou art curst to suffer the fear of death that leads thee astray. I am superhumanly strong and the greatest warrior in the world, but I must now go into the West rather than help fight Orcs. I'm sure the hobbits can handle this.
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Never like how they align.
Edging handjob from a drow and if you cum she not only ruins your orgasm but sacrifices you.
Excellent. Saved.
This will be most useful.
because they produce good and lovable things.

If they mingled more with the lesser peoples that would do less of that.
Cause they are at least open to diplomacy, even if they have high standards.
>holier than thou
If you don't know what words mean, you don't have to reveal yourself as an imbecile to everyone; you could just say nothing. There's literally ancient proverbs about this, anon.
I reckon that the elves who actually can afford to run around in forests bare naked while calling themselves civilized must be awfully good at magic.
Pure Magic-Users still couldn't wear it but Bards and Elven Fighter/Magic-Users (including Drow) could wear it and still cast spells. Thieves liked it because it interfered with Thieving skills less than any other armor they had access to outside Leather (AC 8) and No armor (AC 10).
They are based isolationists.
What setting are you talking about?
It's weird that the fact that elves are supposed to be good at magic is often overlooked or outright vehemently defied , with "but all the famous mages in [setting] are human" or "elves take 100 years to modify one small spell while humans churn out a whole new school in 20" or even "well elven magic is harmful to everything, dwarven runes do the same and are super reliable, environmentally friendly and suck your cock when you use them".

It's like, when you misinterpret or outright deny race their strengths, amplify their weaknesses tenfold and crank up " world-weary and mistrustful of other races" to "most deranged /pol/tard", sure, race is not gonna look too good.
Top left and bottom left shouldn't be on the same column, row or diagonal, because they make a five-in-a-row impossible.
Yeah, most DnD settings like do that to some degree, FR is obvious but to be fair I'm not sure dragonlance elves are even supposed to be innately better at magic than humans. Warcraft does it with Jaina being the most powerful mage and scaring Thalyssra who's got some 10000 years of training and juicing on magic over her even though Jaina is muh waifu and these are game settings that have to seem attractive to the average joe player. Warhammer lore keeps elves pretty clearly at the top when it comes to magic, mechanically of course it might be that dwarfs or humans get power creep. In 40k lore things are exactly as you describe, Eldar usually end up gawking at how powerful some marine psyker or the emperor are and their divination usually ends up in a self-fulfilling prophecy and Eldar L.

When it comes to non-game settings Tolkien avoids this but the displays of magic on-page are very rare. IIRC Shannara did this weird thing where some elves had magical abilities but they were demonstrated by the mostly-human protagonists whose elf ancestors had long since assimilated, and then there were druids who were a multiracial organization but all the famous and powerful ones were humans. That setting had the smallest differences between elves and humans I can remember, even their lifespans were the same.
Warhammer Elves at least have a pretty logical reason for being that powerful since they outright live next to massive gobs of magic fonts and benefit from being incredibly hard to mutate like the dwarves, which basically puts them in the perfect position to become masters of it. Only the Slaan are consistently above the Elves in terms of magic potential, but almost all of them are dead to a toad as well. And the few human magicians that would be theoretically stronger than an elf have basically soaked in enough corrupting magic radiation that they're now beyond human or well entrenched into the forces of Chaos.
please provide five citations of relevant cases, with statements of intent
Go ask them
At least Forgotten Realms has Gromph- that's pretty much the only elven spellcaster of importance
Oh yeah, I even forgot that he existed. Last I heard Elminster was depowered and Simbul was dead so maybe he's got a shot at being the top wizard in FR?
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Around elves watch yourselves
Either Elminster gets his powers back or Simbul gets resurrected
I know how this shit works
>or they just canonize Gale from BGIII and make him an actual character now
once again Gromph gets cucked out of the spotlight
I also just want to point out that Gromph sounds like an orc-name
Hey OP, just passing by to tell you that you're a fag.
op really is a faggot
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we got a bingo
Congrats anon
>dark elves call themselves high elves
>nobody else, not even their supposed allies, respect this and just call them dark elves, Vells or darkies
>Why are these niggers still considered good and loved by everyone?
They aren't.
But you wouldn't know since you consume shit sources like the one in your OP pic.
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>in-group preference is... LE EVIL!
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Flavor of the month fags like op give proper elf girls a bad name
Being malicious is often the only reward they ask for and recieve. If you cannot incite the change to good, incite the change for bad. Human operation manual page 76.
To be fair, dark elves typically have a darker skin tone than other races, often use dark magic, and have a penchant for living in low-light places.
I think everyone has their reasons for calling them dark elves.
Only elf girls can give elf girls a bad name!
the evil spider god isn't helping their PR much
Deedlit is the worst, because it's "thanks" to her that anime elves are useless sluts.
Don't bother, that anon's likely never actually watched something as old as Lodoss
I think you can thank pirotess for that too, she's a useless uninteresting bitch.
Elves suck
My cock
yeah, but at least she's hotter, not a protagonist (so, less screen time) and she doesn't have the cringy "cutesy" retarded moments that Deedlit has.

nah, I still remember all those drama shots of Karla's face, and characters shouting each other's name over and over.
Animation was fucking gorgeous, at least.
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you will not talk about my wife like that. Read the novels and educate yourself on deeper Piro lore
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This >>93385131

>theres hating everyone and wanting to genocide them
You say that as if genocide hasn't been one of the most popular hobbies of every civilization in human history.
people only like Deedlit and/or Pirotess due to the OVAs, so nothing else really matters since it's not part of why people care about either character.
Plus, Sheru is even uglier than Dungeon Meshi trash.

So when do they fug?
Why must elves fight one another?
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>elf with witch's hat
Why is this so based?
They shouldn't.
Why can't you go back?
Because you post classless shit like this vile garbage. I swear reverence is dead.
because you're looking at shitty porn
appeal to popularity, not an argument.
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Reverence for fictional characters? lol
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Because they're right. Imagine how you would feel if violent, stupid, smelly, ugly, retarded barbarian savages with deranged cultures who only care about their own tribes and have a weird fascination with your women were all over the place. They live for like 15 minutes but they seem to remember every single time any of you have ever done anything they can even construe as being unfair to one of them, and they are oblivious to how much damage they cause to the world around them and to themselves--they simply shift the blame for everything onto you.

Dwarves dug too greedily, found an ancient demon? The Elves should've warned them. You explain that you named the mountain "Dig-Here-Not-Demons" in Elvish for a reason, they accuse you of trickery.

Humans have a race war with orcs? Why aren't you helping? You explain that you DID help them 2000 years ago, and you told them to finish the job and exterminate the piggers then but they didn't listen. They call you fair-weather friends.

Halflings are cool

Dark Elves might have a complaint but you kill any of them that you see before they can profane the Elvish language with their degenerate mouths, those people have sex with spiders and eat each other.

Wood Elves upset that humans cut down their forests. You explain that if they built their forests out of marble they wouldn't have this problem. They call you classists. You call them stick-eating homosexuals.

And House Gweliant IS disgusting, yellow and black? Are they fucking bees? Is that what we are, Eltanil, bees? Do you make honey? Idiots. Fools. Cowards. The Blue and White of House Illundaril is far superior.
Probably because loving one's own nation and culture was universally considered to be morally good until a few decades ago, and the source material for fantasy roleplaying predates that transition.
everything about this post is fucking retarded, especially the girl in the picture

>They live for like 15 minutes
why do people keep exaggerating the lifespan difference to this retarded degree?
say, if humans lived 60 years and elves lived 1200 (ie 20 times as much, with 1200 being pretty high for elves in lots of settings), elves would feel 60 real (human) years as about 3 "elf years" (each of them being =20 real years).
Why would 3 years of life feel like "nothing" (12 minutes) unless they're completely braindead mouthbreathers?
>"hurr hurr their perception of everything is different, they don't stress over things because they have time"
if 60 years is nothing to them, they don't really have time.
Hell, if 60 years feel like 15 minutes, that means 1200 years would feel like 300 minutes. Their whole fucking lives would feel to them like 5 hours lol (this is higher than the d&d elf lifespans, but lower than lifespans of elves from other media, plus they're often at least to some degree warriors or adventurers => more ways to die younger)
might as well just make them cardboard standees if they're going to be so fucking nonsensical and useless.
But I know you love them because they're just cutesy autistic waifus.
You seem upset, which is good, but Elves are immortal, they do not die of age. Moreover I can tell you're young because after 30 time really does start to speed up. If you've known 10 generations of humans to come and go in your lifetime you are going to start perceiving them as only having been around for a little while, and the older you get the briefer of a time it will seem.

Have you considered taking medication for your crippling autism?
>Elves are immortal, they do not die of age
Tjis faggot never touched a traditional game or book.
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>tl;dr: high elves are based
They are just very long lived retard
whatever shithole you crawled out from to make this topic that has nothing to do with traditional games despite 143 posts attempting to inquire as to what game you're referring to, go back there and stay gone.
What is Tolkien and Tolkien derived RPGs
Kniggears gonna Kniggear
>Elves are immortal, they do not die of age.
Depends on setting, it's mostly false.

>Moreover I can tell you're young

>If you've known 10 generations of humans to come and go in your lifetime you are going to start perceiving them as only having been around for a little while, and the older you get the briefer of a time it will seem
imagine being immortal but having a fucking shitty brain that ages way faster than the rest of your body lol

it's ok, just keep enjoying your nonsensical retarded waifus.
Even DnD is Tolkien derived but those elves sure ain't immortal. Also Tolkien elves can even fall in love and enter monogamous Catholic-style marriages with humans. Now tell us about Dungeon Meshi elves.
I guess TES actually does a pretty good job of this since every mage of note is either an Altmer or a Breton(altmer mutt)
>Because they're right. Imagine how you would feel if violent, stupid, smelly, ugly, retarded barbarian savages with deranged cultures who only care about their own tribes and have a weird fascination with your women were all over the place. They live for like 15 minutes but they seem to remember every single time any of you have ever done anything they can even construe as being unfair to one of them, and they are oblivious to how much damage they cause to the world around them and to themselves--they simply shift the blame for everything onto you.
This is probably how the long lived Mediterraneans feel about the Germanic races desu
>Why are these niggers still considered good and loved by everyone?
nobody likes them.
>but muh big titty thick office lady AI wife!!
that's just a hot girl, would be the exact same fapbait without the hairless donkey ears
Depends on the setting. Aging metrics are sometimes introduced because some enemies in D&D used to age you with their attacks and obviously that wouldn't do anything to an immortal, so they're "only" live 1200 years, but the effect would be the same.
>Italians watching as everyone else gets accused of being huge Imperialists while they polish their obelisk collection in peace
>"Kids these days."
Like what? Cite some examples. No-games don't get how much his elves are an exception at this point. Most traditional games related elves are not immortal.
Tolkein elves have somehow wrapped back around from being generic to being unique these days. Most fantasy elves are
>not immortal
>not a race that immigrated from heaven to the world, closer to fallen angels than natural life forms
>not actually superior to humans or dwarves in any discernible way since they're not angelic spirit-like entities
>not reclusive and avoiding contact with outsiders most of the time
>not a dying race forced to confront the end of its days on the material plane
>not humble, virtuous and kind at heart but cruel to outsiders, even viciously egotistical and vain
Tolkein's elves are genuinely good people, even if some are more greedy or proud than others, but he didn't lump the entire species into a single category of "arrogant snobs that deserve to be taken down several pegs" like WHFB and Dragon Age and so on did
Warhammer Fantasy Elves are supposed to have finite but very long lives, but they seem like it because none of them have ever been mentioned as dying of age, they seem to keep going until someone kills them.

That said it's hard to make a blanket statement because there are thousands of published settings.
>Upon attaining this age(read: the elf max age limit in the rulebook), an elf does not die. Rather he feels compelled to migrate to some mysterious, other land, departing the world of men.
That's from a table for building your PC.
Other races can die from old age while being adventurers, elves had mandatory retirement age.
Lore books do give them actual maximum lifespans tho
If warhammer fantasy elves were inmortal, you wouldn't have witch elves using blood magic to rejuvenate themselves.
It's fascinating, isn't it. Whenever someone says "my elves are basically like in Tolkien", you know it's just a superficial reading of his works. Bonus points for taking the keynotes but missing intent and context entirely.
Attitudes like that by LARPers is why most people advocate for elven genocide/sex slavery
>not a race that immigrated from heaven to the world, closer to fallen angels than natural life forms
Thing is, Tolkien's humans are like this too. The only ones who aren't are dwarfs for whom Iluvatar gave wills out of mercy.
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I want you to remember that the Harpers are trying really hard to cover up elven hate-crimes
also elves are pretty
No, humans were created in Middle Earth to be its natural inhabitants. Elves were created in Valinor (Tolkien Heaven) to be its natural inhabitants. They weren't supposed to travel to Middle Earth, but when the silmarils were stolen a number of elven dynasties decided "fuck the rules I want my shiny gems" and sailed across to Middle Earth hoping to find them. And to kill Morgoth too, of course. The supernatural origin of Elves as basically lesser angels is why they're physically superior to the races naturally found on Middle Earth.
>FR lore
What? That's not how it went at all. Both humans and elves were Children of Iluvatar and they were created before the world in the Great Music and sent to the world at the moment of its creat to awake at preset times (for Elves, the creation of stars, for Humans, the creation of the Sun). Valar liked elves enough that they invited them to Valinor but some loved Middle Earth so much that they never undertook the journey.
What the fuck kind of retarded fanfic are you spouting?
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So I guess you didn't read the Silmarillion, AKA, the saga of how the elves left their homeland to chase Morgoth because he stole the silmarils and lost their right to return to Valinor because of it.
Post the edit with autismo trying to research mules.
>When we name you [Humans] "Children of Eru" we do not speak lightly; [...] and we proclaim that ye are our kin, in a kinship far closer (both of hröa and fëa) than that which binds together all other creatures of Arda, and ourselves to them.
- Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth

>The fëar of the Elves and Men (and Dwarves via Aulë, Ents via Yavanna) were intrusions into Eä from outside. As the Valar were sent into Eä.
- The Nature of Middle Earth
The fanfic written by some guy called J.R.R Tolkien.
So I guess your Silmarillion never included Ainulindalë at the beginning?
I've never seen anyone stretch quotes taken out of context quite so far to push some retard headcanon of events, when the Silmarillion is right there showing us precisely what happened and why the elves are on Middle Earth, where they were never meant to be. Seriously, you are a fucking retarded ape. It's not complicated, Morgoth steals silmarils -> elves leave Valinor to chase him -> they make homes for themselves on Middle Earth when they find out they're not allowed to return. The Elves are supernatural beings while humans are grounded in reality. This is why Elves have little need to sleep or rest compared to humans or dwarves, why Elven senses are so sharp, why they're so fast and strong that the Elf King was able to nearly slay Morgoth himself in a 1v1 despite being nothing compared to a Valar in brute power or grace. But here you are, insisting Elves aren't supernatural, humans are supernatural, and that Elves didn't leave Valinor to chase the Silmarils. Guess I'll just toss out the entirety of Tolkien's works because you don't understand a couple sentences that you took out context.
Scurvy and vitamin deficiencies are part of the natural order for humans, desu. We made an exception for sailor prophylactics last century, so we decided to step up our cholera game for the next two centuries. You’re welcome, mayfly-kun! T4XGG2
Ainulindalë is the part of that is relevant regarding the creation and nature of elves and men, namely both are Iluvatar's creations and predate the world, and if you actually had read Silmarillion you would know it is also explicit that Elves and Men were sent to awake at Middle Earth. The Elves awoke on the shores of Cuiviénen, in the FAR EASTERN MIDDLE EARTH, not Valinor.

>It is told that even as Varda ended her labours, and they were long, when first Menelmacar strode up the sky and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Iluvatar. By the starlit mere of Cuivienen, Water of Awakening, they rose from the sleep of Iluvatar; and while they dwelt yet silent by Cuivienen their eyes beheld first of all things the stars of heaven. Therefore they have ever loved the starlight, and have revered Varda Elentari above all the Valar.

>In the changes of the world the shapes of lands and of seas have been broken and remade; rivers have not kept their courses, neither have mountains remained steadfast; and to Cuivienen there is no returning. But it is said among the Elves that it lay far off in the east of Middle-earth, and northward, and it was a bay in the Inland Sea of Helcar; and that sea stood where aforetime the roots of the mountain of Illuin had been before Melkor overthrew it. Many waters flowed down thither from heights in the east, and the first sound that was heard by the Elves was the sound of water flowing, and the sound of water falling over stone.
It's lonely at the top
Why would a perfect elf have a big mole on her cheek? That better be glued on!
and crowded in the bottom?
it's a nipple she stole from a human.
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>My lady Galadriel, is the Round World Silmarillion real?
1) Elves being superior and knowing they are superior is based.

2) You dislike it because 99.99% of elves are written like shit and writers who use them in their works are hacks who can't create something new and interesting or have human characters stand on their own merits.
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>no retards seething about anime on an anime website square
>no retards seething about sexy pictures on an 18+ website square
Gee I wonder why you knuckledraggers left those out.
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You idiots got set off by a completely non-sexual picture of a half-elf from a manga this time. You are spergs irrationally lashing out at the tamest shit, actively making /tg/ worse for everyone. I know you think everyone loves you and your attempts to police the board but you are in truth insufferable twits.
I guess it's because human women like them so much. After all, the most popular fantasy romance novel among human women IRL right now is a five part series exclusively about human women being railed by magical elf men.
Why is it you hate Elves again?
No questions about her apparently being a catholic?
That's not a problem. Tolkien's elves were so Catholic that Finwë's remarriage caused a big debate amongst the Valar and in the end he could only do it since Miriel agreed to stay in Mandos (and thus death do them part). This is the only time an elf has remarried because marriage is a sacrament and they don't have a pope to annull it yo.
>Posting Frieren
>Implying you're not the lowest of the low, alongside the shitters posting dungeon meshi
>that's just a hot girl, would be the exact same fapbait without the hairless donkey ears
no it wouldn't.
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It's frankly astonishing how far you'll go to pretend elves aren't supernatural spirit-beings in Tolkien, ignore all the lore of the Silmarillion, and take quotes out of context just to be a shithead and push your headcanon about why the elves are in Middle Earth when it is clearly outlined in the mythos why they are there. Why are you here? Just to shitpost and try to demean Tolkien's elves with blatant fucking lies?
That's not what was said, I noted that humans are the same. And none of what I said is out of context, you clueless retard who has not even read the silmarillion.
>humans are the same
Oh you stupid fucking ape, you know nothing. Elves are superhuman in almost every way. Why are you even here except to try to shit on Tolkien's lore? Fuck you, HFY faggot.
>The Elves are from Valinor
>The Elves are superhuman spirit-things
Everything you say is either a bullshit lie or as good as one. You're not here to argue facts, you're here to degrade elves purely for the sake of it.
>Tolkien's humans are like this too.
Fuck off lorelet.
Deleted in less than a minute.
The pearlcluncher has conection to a janny or is a janny.
>curate a bingo card to what’s already happening in a thread that’s basically finished
>get a bingo
This doesn't read t he way you think it reads. Your meme elf is still a shit by the way.
Elves are snooty because they have been around to do all the dumb dark shit it is inadvisable to do.

Elven affect is always "yeah so we did some things."
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>>The Elves are from Valinor
No, they were ultimately created in the halls of Iluvatar and awoke on the shores of Cuivienen in northeastern Middle Earth.
Cuivienen was not an island.
They're both embodied spirit beings that were created before the world by Iluvatar and sent to Middle Earth to wait for awakening.
>ITT: asshurt knife-ears
just cooldown, this manga and anime is based, such tidbits are supposed to surface
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Isn't it about food? Do they have barista elves?
>is based
nah, it's utter shit
you guys have the worst taste
The manga was fine but you anime people do the same shit you always did and made it annoying.
nah, the manga was also stupid
They have crackhead elves
What franchise has the biggest asshole elves?
All of them?
Well, actually, depends on whether you're looking for individual or for as a whole, cause guys like Malekith of the Dark Elves from WHF and Rulindil of the Thalmor from Elder Scrolls kind of tip the scales pretty hard by how they present themselves.
>All of them
Stay in your hole, hole-digger.
I meant in general but invidual giga assholes are welcome too
Based loremaster
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Because Proud to the point of Arrogant Elves is objectively fantastic.
Every race needs flaws (and the only people who complain about Elves not being nice to everyone are Dwarfags who base their entire love of the creatures around them being far worse to everyone not a Dwarf).

Thing is, Elves are almost always genuinely better than everyone else in the setting (going by LoTR Elves, as most settings kinda do). Some settings balance them, like DnD (rules) or Torquemada (genuinely worse at some things than average due to physiology), or anime (your big-tittied tree bimbo), but the common modern Elf is a taller, stronger, faster and more alacratic human. They're older, wiser, more educated, disciplined, noble, and more beautiful.
They're like Knights of antiquity, as a whole species.
Making them be proud and noble to the point of arrogance, where they risk overreaching themselves and inviting disaster, and where the average human, dwarf or hobbit feels derided because they don't meet the elves' high personal standards, is genuinely good worldbuilding.
That way you can make elves a friend, and a foe, as well as give them a genuine flaw that adds turmoil to the species, and the setting.

IMO an elf has to be one of the following.
>Proud and arrogant to the point of rudeness and potential self-sabotage.
>Physically weaker or less tough than an average human, and more reliant on nimbleness and brains.
>Naive and innocent.
>Enslaved or otherwise only occurring in single instances.
As a whole, probably the elves from the Tales video game series then, if only cause they helped create an entire apocalypse scenario multiple times by casting out elves and half-elves due to bigotry that went on to cause massive problems for the entire world, and they still act like their shit doesn't stink.

But otherwise, individually I'd go with Malekith the Witch King. Dude is essentially a fantasy Darth Vader with testicles of steel and a heart of coal that might or might not be fucking his own chaos-worshipping mother on the side.
Cause people wanted to copy Tokien but don't know how to match the "Wise Elves who lived for 1000s of years so they know a thing or two." to the "I am so great" High Elves we see now. It kind of like everyone wants to make their comic "Superman" evil to be different. They think that what people want and will set them apart. It's annoying and in my setting High Elves have less of "I am noble and you're just a common race" BS and they are more of a "Fallen empire but still have some form of power in the world." Often running many of the magic universities and controling many international organizations in the world.
in d&d Elves are objectively useless retards.
>needs hundreds of years to maybe achieve shit that humans can do in few years.
not that anon, but the aldmeri dominion from the elderscrolls. You can argue they just don't want humans in their space but considering that "their space" includes the human province of hammerfell, you can imagine how thats going to end. They will probably also expand their space to include all of Tamriel considering that all of Tamriel was once under High Elf rule in some form or another.
They honor the only human who managed to be comparable to an Elf.
all of this seems just so boring.
just make your character a human aristocrat.
>jews were rentseeking property hoarders
>Why are these niggers still considered good and loved by everyone?
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what do you mean?
He means that he wants this retarded thread going with a braindead prompt unrelated to anything game related, that spurs you into bumping it with even more data waste instead of doing something /tg/-related and contribute to the discussion of games.
ty for apologizing, now fuck off pls
I don't care about what a toe sucker thinks is good taste
I'm surprised there isn't more woman writing elven men x human woman porn
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For me, it's Dairy elves. They're nice and down to earth.
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are you even trying to look for any?
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...Anon, i think that was the joke wasn't it? The joke is the name for the mountain is confusing and not helpful while superficially proving the elves' point.
All the examples are the elf saying one thing like it proves them right while being obviously wrong. Like telling the wood elves that building forests out of marble would have solved things.
It feels weird that reading comprehension is a separate skill people actually need to build and not just automatic with the idea of reading, but it is.
do you have the anime elf clipboard?
And notice another one immediately! Why are you people unable to comprehend satire?! Did you think the shit about marble trees or not doing anything about a war because 2000 years ago you did was a serious point?
>>93393656 anon must be fucking headslamming their keyboard.
>Why must elves fight one another?
>elf: there can only be one higher elf, the other elves must kneel before my superiority!
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theyve got the 'tism
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this is as good as any:
should high elves have their cantrips be genetic or something they learn?
I think, considering all the things I've read about DnD, they should be something a high elf is born with but only develops later in life
>because little kids setting things on fire and hurling acid at each other is not a society I want to live in
now that I think about it, imagine the relentless bullying you'll experience when your cantrip is True Strike
bumping just to spite the amateur jannies
Nice, the elf character I played only failed at one of those (mage). Maybe partially the "butt of jokes" too but not to the level of the unfunny cringe weeb elves.
Damn I have anime elves.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
He's just bumping his thread and merely saying "bump" is too lazy.

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