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Legion 2.0 Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93358543 #

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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TQ: What do you think about the Legion rules changes and new units? What about new Shatterpoint units?
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>OP and TQ actually /tg/ related
Impressive. Most impressive.

And to actually answer the question I'm still thinking it over. I'll make up my mind when I actually get to try the new rules out I suppose.
Yesterday I wrote off the 10 man Corp units as a jewish trick to sell more minis and get people to play corps beyond the bare minimum, but after giving it more thought there are a bunch of units that really benefit from it:
>Melee or short range units like Snowtroopers, B2, Fleet Troopers, Ewoks or Clones with Fives as a leader. With the new Impact grenades it can even make for decent anti-armor
>Shoretroopers, if you are going to spend an aim to shoot at range 4 you might as well shoot 12B2W (though it does look fucking expensive)
>Clone Troopers with Boil with the backup rule and Guardian can shave 3 hits off every shot at your Operative/Commander, might as well give them more HP
It's probably a meme on anything else though, except maybe Stormtroopers with their red saves or B1 who get 7 extra bodies out of it.
Also as a Rebel Player I do like the sound of these new cover rulesto help units with smaller dice pools.
Still bummed that the new objectives look kinda samey.
I think I like the new 1000pts limit, since with the new Detachment rules it means I could take Leia/Lando, Cassian, K2-SO, Boba and Chewie all in one list along with 4 snipers which I've always wanted to do.

But for now that's just theorycrafting. Especially since I don't know what my local community thought of it...

For Shatterpoint, I am excited about Crosshair and Delta Squad.
The point increase made me raise an eyebrow too, but honestly the game at 800pts felt like a strange in-between where there didn't feel like enough models to represent an army but far too many for a skirmish game. Being able to more comfortably fit 2-3 characters has felt nice at least.

They do need to keep in mind the accessibility of the game though. Newer kits have been noticably more expensive, and upping the price to play 25% only makes it a harder sell to Star Wars fans who might not care about miniatures otherwise.
Would be nice to get new battleforce boxes, that's the easiest way to start an army and get new players.
Because prequel era has the best content. What else should he read? What shitty part of the eu should he read?
NJO you fucking pleb.

But actually SWT should just kill himself.
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New cover rules feel fucking great. Had a fight against clankers and the cover kept me alive far longer.
Eat shit you insolent pig.

You first right now before SWT time. Anyway yeah I should read NJO
today. Play the Jedi Knight Academy too I might add.
Acolyte basically has nothing to do with the Sequels nigger, the fuck you are on?
>Because prequel era has the best content.
* As long as you stay away from anything involving the skywalker family
Going to play in an edge of the empire campaign soon, scum and villainy type stuff working under a crime lord. Time period will be the early days after the fall of the republic. I have two character ideas and I would like second opinions on which you'd rather see at your table.
>surgical droid that was reprogrammed to participate in an organ smuggling ring. The ring got busted by the crime lord we'll be working for and the droid gets put to work.
>pyke who grew up on a backwater planet as a kid to parents who fled the syndicate. Curiosity led them off world after their parents died, using the sale of the farm to get off world but got swindled out of their credits after leaving.
What would you like in an imperial starter?
Nice clankas, anon-kun
I feel like the cover changes are a slam dunk.
Yeah yeah.
Is the droid going to be a doctor? The doctor is always the best member of the crew.

The Pyke sounds like a good start, but needs a complete pitch to build off of. Same with the droid, really. Cook'em a bit more.
As long as they include all the peripherals like measuring tools and dice, sure.

That was, in my opinion, the biggest fuck-up of the old battleforces. "Here's a box designed to get you started, but you need to shell out another $40+ to actually be able to use it because we insist on proprietary bullshit in every product."
Droid would be the doctor, just trying to decide which one to finish cooking.
>pyke who grew up on a backwater planet as a kid to parents who fled the syndicate. Curiosity led them off world after their parents died, using the sale of the farm to get off world but got swindled out of their credits after leaving.
Will he be zoinked on spice?
>But I didn't eat breakfast this morning.

Quite apart from the fact that it's spawned by the same creative team that oversaw the Sequels and so manifestly does have something to do with them, the point - obvious to anyone with a primary school reading level that isn't sucking Iger's cock - was to ridicule anon's claim that in a few years people would "reevaluate" ACKolyte and think it's Good Actually by bringing up the equally ridiculous claim that the Sequels will one day have a whole generation of superfans like the Prequels did.

Do try a bit harder next time, it gets tiresome having to spell everything out for you fucking toddlers every thread.
My expectation is that it's going to be like X-Wing: people are going to love the fact that it's a large, high-effort rebalancing of the entire game, addressing many longtime pain points. But eventually new pain points will emerge, and AMG will express no intention to do another sweeping rebalance/redesign to address them, and people will realize this was all a one-off, and any new design problems that arise from here on out will simply be allowed to stagnate indefinitely, just like the old problems had been up until now.

It's like cleaning up a messy room. Feels great, but if there's not also a commitment to actually keep the room clean, it's just gonna end up back how it was. And AMG has even come out and said they don't like devoting resources to updating or balancing old releases.
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Cover changes were actually fun, it's basically rolling for as cover save. The deployment was simply skipping the old deployment face and just going right into a first turn where the first action is a move. Flowed pretty well.
What'd you go up against them as?
...probably those clones.

the turn 0 deploying in rules to me is the best change. The commander range being scrapped is a good change as well. Also the the full armor rule being gone but at the same time vehicles are allowed to capture objectives are also great. Clones being 9 men squad are also lore accurate.

but i still hate the new cover rules (but i get it its to make up for more chances to block since there are more troops on the field now) and the objectives are just hunkering down and scoring points. I hate it. bring back fun objectives like payload, hostage and bombing run
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Cool metallic look on those B2s, anon.
Based, we really need more Pykes that aren’t drug fiends
Where do I find the new Legion rules? Did they just quietly replace the old rules on the same documents page?
Wouldn't say quietly but yeah, they are in the AMG website where the old rules used to be.
No, fuck off. Post-Endor EU is absolutely the best.
Clankers. Obviously.
Yeah no.
>Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie do fucking everything, everywhere, all the time
That was the worst.
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YWN discover the Katana Fleet. Must feel bad anon.
I did reaad most ofo the EU novels. Luke, Leia, Lando, Chewie, Artoo fucking everywhere.
It did get olld, and it resulted in my preference for the Imperial and GCW eras.
No issue with that. My only real problem is they retired and didn't keep doing everything post-Crucible as well.
You keep on talking thinking nobody is gonna notice you aren't saying anything.

In the next 10 years there will be new SW fans, casuals and people just removed from the modern disneywars/sequels context will look at this and will balk at EP3 but conclude the season is good overall, and slowly elevate the ratings you cite for the simple fact it's a decently developed tragedy with elements of romance. By the end of this decade you are gonna get streaming documentaries saying "yep, it was overhated"

No amount pseudo intellectual kvetching and grasping at temporary ratings is gonna change this.
By sheer volume of content post endor has the worst and best stories. But in general, worst outnumbers best.
I like Caedus and Abeloth, but then, I have a taste that isn't the cookie-cutter OT, which is a nice enough beginning, but I see it as the Season 1 of a long-running TV show.
>but i get it its to make up for more chances to block

No, it's to make up for the old cover problem of low dice pool = will never hit, which in turn led to critical on every weapon, etc.
No you fuck off! Prequel & Clone Wars era stuff are gold the fucking best of the best!
Endor und Andor
...of which we already know how it all ends. Aesthetic isn't everything. And even if it is, I can easily bring in Venators again for the post-Endor Empire or NR. Star Trek did the endless refits thing, prior.
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Shitposting possible Unlimited set themes. For reference, set 1 was GCW era; set 2 is Underworld/Paramilitaries (smugglers and bounty hunters, resistance and first order, mandalorians, etc), and set 3 is Clone Wars (releases in november).
>Endor/RotJ/Post-RotJ-Pre-TFA era
>High Republic era
>Planets and spacetrade (merchants, blockades, wildlife, planet-specific defense forces, maybe locations as a new card type or effect?)
>"Mystic" set (anything mystical or forcey)
>Aliens set (groups/organizations of or by aliens, twileks/wookies/bothans/Geonosians etc)

I see we both got struck by simultaneous SWU brain
Has anyone used shore troopers since the update?
Kotor era
>As long as you stay away from anything involving writing of Karen Traviss
>Acolyte has some of the best live-action lightsaber fights since RoTS
>people hate it

i'm convinced we will never have nice things ever again, I want more lightsaber fights like acolyte, not trash in ahsoka
Its just more of the same bat-swinging we've gotten since TFA.
I'm annoyed I just got and built 2 sniper strike teams now i have to build the rest of the rebel commandos and I'm not sure if they will be that good for that many more points. I also hope OpLuke is still good as I built my army around him.
Old republic shit is goat eu
Yeah I agree.
>darth plagueis will end up discovering how to make force jesus from twins and the witches

calling it now. they can't not destroy everything at disney. yoda will also be destroyed.
Qui-Gon Jinn
I like how they tried to make the last fight a little like the Matrix with wire-fu. It's stuff Jedi seem like they've always been capable of doing, but just haven't because no one made the connection. The actual choreography could be better, hopefully they improve on it.
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Greetings, /tg/. I'm a character artist looking to hone my skills. So if you have a character you'd like drawn, leave a description and visual references and I'll see what I can do! The more backstory/description, the better. (BTW I'm doing this to draw new/original characters, not ones which already exist in Star Wars lore). I usually do this on the drawthread, but it rarely gets sci-fi requests.
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could I get a female Taung wearing red KotOR mando armor (minus the hood)? maybe equipped with like a vibro-ax or spear of some kind. no real backstory here, just a random design I thought up
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Hey, it's the drawanon!
I'd like to request a cute female miralian separatist officer in this sort of outfit.
Nice to see you.
What sorta stuff are you willing to draw?
Armors and uniforms only, or do you make some scantily clad sith thots and slave girls too?
Asking for a friends cat.
To be fair, the whole "chosen one" thing was one of the worst additions to canon that the prequels brought, on par with an individual's strength in the force being a biological thing that could be objectively measured.

I much prefer the idea that Anakin was created by a Sith lord doing weird experiments than him being spontaneously created by the will of the force itself to fulfill an ancient prophesy.
You also had Kenobi's fights.
>best live-action lightsaber fights since RoTS
That's a low bar, anon.
>to fulfill an ancient prophesy.
Good because that's not what happened. Anakin was created by the Force as a direct response to Palpatine and Plagueis trying to slant the Force itself towards the dark side.
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oh right I remember you
now you said you dont really wanna draw existing characters, but I might as well try and push my luck

I requested pic related from you ages ago (ventress in ahsoka's outfit)
I was wondering, if possible, if you could do the reverse? (ahsoka in ventress' purple dress)

and thanks again for pic related too!
Justabout anything!
Where is a appropriate board that I can share/discuss/trade my various star wars psa and sgc slabbed trading cards?
Can I have uhhh
A zygerrian scantily clad slave girl?
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Alphonse Elric as a Jedi knight but with long hair and female gender
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Aight. Here are some sith thots for clothing reference.
Blonde human female is what i'd like to see.
For backstory, let's make her come from a noble family, she became a jedi at young age but was seduced by the dark side.

Can you work on this, or should I try coming up with something more specific?
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I think the choreographer cited the Matrix and Kill Bill as inspirations for the fights in Acolyte, but also the prequels obviously, That part of the final duel between Sol and Qimir with them slicing through the gangway was right out of Revenge of the Sith. That's the kind of stuff I want to see from my prequel era Jedi. Or any highly trained Jedi we get on screen desu. I understood some of the clunkiness of the duels in the sequels but Ahsoka's needed a lot more energy.

It's interesting though because the Matrix came out around the same time as the prequels were and people really lauded those fights so I wonder if that pushed George to go as crazy as he did with the duel in ROTS. I know the first Matrix undercut Phantom Menace a little and fuelled some of the fan backlash.

>Lucas said fans who complained wanted him to make a movie like "The Matrix," but he needed to concentrate on furthering the "Star Wars" story line.

>"It wasn't helped by the fact that the movie that they wanted 'Star Wars' to be, which is 'Matrix,' came out two weeks ahead of us," he said. "I love 'Matrix,' but I was telling a story about a nice kid who becomes a Jedi and later falls into the abyss."
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I think OPLuke is better than ever with these new rules, but that remains to be confirmed.
As long as you keep a corp or Chewbacca around he'll block 2 hits with the back up rule on his way to the melee and since most of the new objectives seem to encourage meeting in the middle, mobile melee list should have an edge?
But then again there are more melee threats to watch out for like fleet troopers or ARCs.
For commandos I think 2 full commandos and 2 Strike teams allwith snipers might be the sweet spot even if it does require a bit of proxying and kitbashing. With the Strike teams hanging back while the full commandos stay more mobile.
Why are Boomers unable to grasp the fact that kids don't really like things that are specifically aimed at pandering to kids? Don't they remember wanting to sneak downstairs in the middle of the night and watch the VHS tapes of action/horror movies their parents didn't want them to watch?

The kids who loved the original trilogy loved Darth Vader and starfighters dogfighting over the Death Star trenches, while merely tolerating the droid sidekicks.
Why did their parents have VHS tapes of action/horror movies that they don’t want their kids to watch?
Trigger Guild Target twice with Bossk would be great.
Dealing 12 damage by himself can swing a game.

Maybe use capture, kill your own unit by trading, summon bossk and kill that unit?
9 damage and probably two units removed
What is your opinion on Bossk the Trandoshan bounty hunter
I was messing around with a printed Bossk proxy deck well ahead of the release and it’s a lot of fun. I kinda feel like Jabba is going to be the superior bounty deck however, because aggro is feeling a little suspect to me right now, and he’s pretty aggro. There are a lot of possibilities with him though.

Yellow Bossk:
Has some of the best stuff to work with, the 3 coster that comes in with a shield is rad, as is criminal muscle and the scyk cards for ma klounkee bullshit. And of course, the event that caps something and hides it under a shielded bounty hunter. The yellow bounties are decent, but could be better, combined with the red, they allow for a very draw-heavy aggro play style with some real chunky 3-4 costs. You also get one of the only true tutors in the game, which targets bounties, meaning you can pull whatever you want and combo it with Restock to recur, pull one and reshuffle the rest in.

Hardest to imagine for me, but it can both damage and heal by bounties and The Client, opening up possibly Galactic Ambition shenanigans with Krayt Dragon or Snoke, but I feel iden would do it better, which is the main problem. It does have some potential since the defensive tools can keep Bossk on the board a little longer, but… with Rivals Fall and shit out there now, nothing is reliable.

I really like Yellow but it’s hard to argue that Green seems best, which is why I think Jabba is probably overshadowing him, at least in these colors. The Law upgrade that captures and gives +2 HP is straight up insane, wildly useful for Bossk in every way. The ramping upgrade is insane, you can get Bossk out faster or ramp from 5>7 instantly and be on 8 for your next turn. So then you have access to… Maul, Palp, Palp Returns, Vader, Krayt, whatever. It’s an interesting form of red/green ramp, which I fucked with a lot in set 1, but you’re usually gonna sack your leader to pull it off, and I’m just not sure about that.
One more thing about Bossk is that the bounties SHOULD attract all their anti-upgrade cards. Regular upgrades might be safer to play, up to a point. The new Flamer is my main desire to mess with.
Practically every siingle shot, scene and line are 'inspiired by' something.
By which I mean so cllose to copies that the difference is academic.
But it's all dwarfed by the utterlyy retarded writing.
In that order.
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Any preference for colour of the armour?
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looks amazing anon, I KNEEL
Over Jabba, Bossk has the benefit of running ECL. Benefits a lot of the bounty hunter units, although of course you lose out on the free bounty triggers.

The best counter to bounties is just not playing units, so control is going to be your danger matchup.
This thread is the first time I've heard about there being a Legion 2.0. I've read the thread, seen mentions of changes to cover, squad size, and army point list, but what are the specifics? What's being done differently with cover?
>Summary of changes
>New Rules
Running for a party of 6 with 3 dead past characters to boot, I'm gonna throw the gist of each of em and you tell me which one you'd enjoy drawing more so I can post art
>B-1 battle droid laden with several heavy machine guns, retrofitted to be bulkier and tankier
>Middle aged mandalorian covered in scars wearing tacticool armor
>Phase 1 clone trooper wearing a poncho (like the Genndy series) has a republic tattoo on his head
>Blue twi-lek mechanic/swordswoman/performer
>A blue version of the droid from Solo
>A Balosar that looks like Peter Capaldi
>A chiss clean cut ex-imperial assasin
>A human fresh-out-of-college doctor that always wear a rain coat
>A kel-dor force sensitive mercenary who fights with a vibrosword
Thanks for that. Seems interesting.
'fraid so.
Where is that from, an RPG guide? Any named CIS organic commanders?
Pretty sure it is from a RPG book
I have it saved because an Anon posted the pic ages ago, and because I thought that the design and description were cool
What would be a good alternative to playing a Voss in FFG? SInce they don't exist in the system
As someone who also likes different game, I do recommend checking out your local scene first.
Building a force just to realize the community is next to dead around you is kinda sad.

For Star Wars, I recommend shatterpoint as you can basically play the game with just two squad packs (if someone has terrain).
Legion I can't help.
For Marvel go in soft, start with a affliation pack of your favorite team and stick to it to learn it.
Max team size is 10 anyways but in the beginning you can stay low with 6 models you enjoy.
Batman I would really ask you to check your locallty, else any of the gang set are 350 points. Join at your own risk.
Dredd is best with a dedicated friend group.
Clone Commander Frieza
We really need more Sep officer characters
As opposed to Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, and Orange Buttcheeks doing everything, everywhere, all the time?
Lol, delusional. In the next ten years nobody will even remember ACKolyte, or most of the D+ output for that matter, as anything other than a missed opportunity. And that's assuming it's even available to watch, the only reason it won't be immediately pulled, burned, and written off for tax purposes like similarly flopalicious Willow is Kennedy/Iger couldn't stand the loss of face.
I mean, there are a few, excluding force sensitives and droids. I do agree with the sentiment though.
>Mar Tuuk
Kind of weird that of all the main factions they don't seem to have a unified uniform scheme. The trade federation have their robes, but only neimodians seem to wear those.
We need to take action asap!
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Could you please do a BX commando droid with a poncho similar to pic related, wearing a tool belt and holding a DC-15a blaster rifle?
Are the GAVw and LAAT good now?
>can't carry non-corps and non-sf any more
>open transport is gone so transported units can't shoot while "inside"
>don't have full armour
>can cap objectives
>can fit into more lists because of 1000pt games
>potentially required to counter other vehicles with high Impact weapons

I love both of these models but they've been trash for their entire existence. The only time the LAAT has been "good" was when you could air lift Vader up the board rather than footslogging him.
I'm going to be running a Battle of Geonosis one shot in the FFG system. All the players will be Clone Troopers whose gunship was shot down behind enemy lines.

What would a good XP amount be for this? I was thinking about 100 XP, enough to buy some talents and skills so they're differentiated but not enough that they can just kill everything in their path.
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Just a sketch currently - is there any further cowboy paraphernalia you'd like?
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Riff Tamson and Babwa Venemor had similar colors and the CIS hexagon but yeah. I think the higher ranking officers just wear modified versions of whatever their planetary defense force's uniform is. Again we see the mostly Neimoidians in higher ranking positions so it makes sense they'd all dress similarly. When it comes to CIS worlds with no significant military or you're a lower ranking officer you have to wear picrel. That outfit in and of itself though could be of Serennian or Raxian origin given their worlds influence on the Separatist movement.
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Could you please do a human male Jedi in robes similar to this image but unhooded and holding a cyan double-bladed lightsaber. Only other feature would be having black short slicked back hair.
ty anon!
I'm not even the anon that requested that and I think that's a great filename and drawing.
So we're getting updated phase 2 carbine clones and phase 1 clones with rifles in hard plastic in squads of 10? Wait, what happened?
I’m not requesting anything I just wanna say that you draw some really nice art.
Corps units can now be upgraded to 10 man squads
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*Nothing personal, kid.*
I feel like sabers in contact should interfere with this process. something something kyber interacts with nearby force concentations
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It's complicated.
Phase 1 and Phase 2 no longer exist.
Now it's all "Clone Infantry" for GAR Corps, pic related. You can add 5 minis to this unit with a Personel Upgrade.
In Q3 2024 AMG will re-release Clones Infantry in hard plastic, with a dozen total minis and options for either Phase 1 or Phase 2 heads.
Near the same time they'll release Clone Marksmen as a new GAR Corp Units (also with both P1 and P2 heads). As far as we know they'll have long DC-15, so I suppose they'll shoot better or farther than Clone Infantry, though they might be worse in melee or less mobile.
They'll be better at fighting and contributing that's for sure.
Also keep in mind they changed Transport so that you can no longer really, huh, transport anything, but rather the Transport serves a way to help deploy your unit from the vehicle rather than have to waste an action to deploy.
They both look pretty good especially if you take Veers who can feed them 2 Aims through Spotter+Exemplar and give them Standby token through Guidance for 2 attacks per round which is pretty damn nice.
Im serious when i say that all sounds cool as hell. I am just a collector though and I really like the look of the card. I have been watching people play the game it does look fun.
/swg/ loves/respects Niko Bellic?
Cool style
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I don't know if you're still around, anon, but if you are I'd like to ask for a

> Gunslinger Dug Cowboy.

My group has mostly gotten by on close AI Slop, but for obvious reasons it cannot handle a Dug of any variety. He dual wields pistols, but one of them is a revolver slugthrower and he *must* have a cowboy hat.
>Unironically suggesting Shitterpoint

Go home AMG, don't you have more of FFG's legacy to ruin?
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Just a sketch for now, let me know if you'd like anything added/changed.
Plagueis novel is not canon
Oh so I can actually separate the snipers strike team from the commandos in game? That's good
Unfortunately but it is canon in my heart and soul :)
Yeah, also they changed detachment so you don't even need to deploy the detached unit close to its main unit.
And unlike the Mk2 blaster who gets order from vets or K2-SO who needs to be close to Cassian for Teamwork, the Strike Team has no reason to stay close to the Full Commando.
Just got off work to see this, thank you so much! My group has been running for 3 years now and I haven't had the chance to get art done of B-33
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Dark fleet rising (from the resin vat).
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>Kind of weird that of all the main factions they don't seem to have a unified uniform scheme. The trade federation have their robes, but only neimodians seem to wear those.
A couple of threads ago I was thinking that for a unified military uniform for Sep organic troops they should use a modified version of Jabiimni Nationalist foot soldier uniform. Although the more I thought about it the more I realised that during the war such a program would hit a lot snags: the uniform would work for most Humanoids such as Humans, Umbarans and Neimodians but what about the rest? The Gossam’s are like four feet tall, the Muun’s are eight foot tall (and are lanky fucks), the Kooriva have a 30 inch long horn that’s a important part of their culture and the Skakoan’s have a whole lot of shit going on. And these are just the Humanoid shaped species, factor in the Sy Myrthian’s, Geonosians and that naga-like alien whose name I forget (four arms, bottom half is snek top half humanoid) and there’s just too much shit going on for a standardised foot soldier uniform.
Maybe in a alternate timeline where the CIS won the war then the Separatists will have all the time in the Galaxy to make a standardised uniform but during the war I just don’t see it being fielded in large numbers.

>That outfit in and of itself thought could be of Serennian or Raxian origin given their worlds influence on the Separatist movement.
That seems reasonable, and unlike my initial idea of a standard trooper uniform a (relatively) standard officer’s uniform would be a lot more easier since it can be tailored for the individual rather than mass produced. And I do like that uniform but I feel that it is missing a hat, I don’t have it on me but I like the Sep officers uniform from the 2004 (?) Grievous comic which had a neat looking peak cap. I’ll go looking for it.
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a Chironian (centaur) mandalorian in full armor brandishing a weapon (whatever you feel like)

pic is just inspiration
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>I’ll go looking for it.
And here’s the only picture I can find of it, not particularly great looking but I do like the hat.
Hey! It’s that image where these 2 Jabiimi soldiers were talking rumours about Jedi and their clone soldiers grown in vats.
>To be fair, the whole "chosen one" thing was one of the worst additions to canon that the prequels brought

Yeah it's just completely pointless, nor Anakin or Luke are in any way special, they are not specially powerful, they don't have unique powers, they are not different than other humans. And in the end the prophecy ended up irrelevant with Sidious just casually returning in the sequels, It's just an empty title Lucas wanted to add because it sounds cool.
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How good of a swordsman was Darth Sion?
Imaging surviving the Clone Wars to die in the next era/battle/purge
...because they (the parents) wanted to watch them?
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It happens, hell it’s happened enough times in our history. For example many Entente soldiers at the end of WW1 from Australian troops in the Levant to American doughboys from the western front found themselves up to their knees in the shitshow that was the Russian Civil War fighting communists, bandits and anarchists in Siberia. Likewise in your case of the Clone Wars technically it didn’t end until 17 BBY, with the majority of the organic Separatist army continued fighting until the Empire fully crushed them and even then enough Sep’s survived long enough to join the Rebel Alliance. Or in another example mere hours after the (first) death of the Emperor and victory over Endor the Alliance had to go help out an Imperial world fight off an invasion of soul stealing dinosaurs.
>tldr: The Ride Never Ends.
I feel like the scenario is already commonly prevented by virtue of the enemy blade threatening to pass through the body of the one who would turn off their blade. In order for that trick to work, you have to be in a saber lock where your enemy's saber isn't actually threatening any part of your body. Which raises the question of why you fucking blocked in the first place instead of just stabbing or swinging while your for is vulnerable.
>Umbara was still fighting the Empire by Rogue One
Imagine the POWER of the umbaran to pull that off
But why do the parents want to watch such movies but don’t allow their children to watch the same movies as they do? Hmm?
It makes me sad to be honest. The same thing happens in A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones.
I have a couple that would be cool to see in your style, I'll describe both and you can pick whichever tickles your fancy.

The first is my Old Republic Jedi, Yarad'ua. I wanted a more "Tales of the Jedi" comic vibe but the look I ended up with is just an approximation of what I had in mind given the limits of character customisation in SWTOR(eg, I wouldn't have put a cape on him, alas it's attached to the torso) so consider the garments more a guide than something you have to stick to rigidly - though the armour is something I'd like to keep. The character himself is supposed to be the product of a Romeo & Juliet-style cross-caste forbidden romance between an Echani warrior and a Thyrsian(Echani subspecies), hence dark skin of the latter but the(supposed to be, character creator only had pale blonde) silvery hair and eyes of an Echani. imgur DOT com SLASH a SLASH mqPmkUy for ingame reference.

OR(next post because apparently I type too much)...

Or, one I don't have any specific images for, the commander of my planned "transitional" early-Imperial army, Major Kruge. Kruge was a Fett Clone Commander during the Clone Wars and led Dread Company of the 44th Mobile Recon Corps and had a strained relationship with the Jedi from the beginning. Yanti Vex, the Jedi General assigned to his unit, was a Shadow ostensibly working for the Jedi Council seeking Sith artefacts and knowledge of how they could have survived when the Jedi believed them extinct, which exposed him to both more and more of the history of the long conflict between Sith and Jedi(who he increasingly viewed as two sides of the same coin) and the detached and callous nature of Vex herself which led to many losses in the unit and Kruge himself being injured repeatedly. When Order 66 was issued Kruge managed to wound Vex before she struck him down with her lightsaber and was driven off by the rest of the unit before she could land a killing blow. Despite crippling injuries he survived long enough to make it to a bacta tank and eventually survived with the aid of extensive cybernetics(and his rage towards the Jedi), and was brought into the Inquisitorius Purge Force as an officer during the early years of the Empire. If you decide to draw him, he should be bareheaded, his helmet held in the crook of his arm; he should be in MK1 Purge Commander armour(the red pad and red-trimmed kama version) with extensive cybernetics down the right side of his body; most of the right arm and the lower right leg in fact. His face should also be hideously scarred on the right side; a hint of a saber scar down the cheek and to the jawline, but that's layered over an older burn & shrapnel scar that's chewed up most of the right side including giving him a mutilated ear and milky eye - his close-cropped top & shaved side cut hairstyle doesn't quite hide where the scar eats into his hairline.
Perfect, you are a saint. I wish great fortune to you and your descendants.
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Could I have a image similar to this one. It is a mandalorian male with dark green robes, w/hood, under his metallic armour. He has a half cape and a metal droid arm coming from behind his shoulder. He also has some tribal fetishes on his armour such as red claw marks on his helmet and bones bundles dangling from him. A sort of shaman/druid Mando.
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Could anyone help me with my list, I don't know what I'm doing after the changes.
As usual with this kind of post, it's hard to give advice without knowing what you have.
I understand why you put Gideon on that Shoretrooper, but it would be better on a Stormtrooper.
Likewise the extra trooper without is rarely worth it over what could be an extra activation (like a mortar in this case?)
Also, I like Shores but taking them without a mortar is not exactly good point use.
The Inquisitors would probably like to have someone melee to help them like IRGs.
Finally there is also the issue that your ranks are all over the place without Improvised Order to help mitigate this issue
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Here's a better look at the uniform. This guy always looked borderline Snivvian or Lutrillian to me. Maybe he's a half-human one. Weird face design.
You're the coolest, anon! Thank you so much!
Source on that dread?

From the Collapse of the Republic FFG splatbook.
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Thanks Anon, getting a better look at the uniform I think it would look better in the Separatist blue rather than (confederate?) grey and if it had some buttons & shit on the chest, still like the hat though.
On a related note while going through my pics I found the uniform of the Valahari pilots and think it’s a pretty top notch design.
What's the use case for a lightsaber having an adjustable length? Especially when it's not on-the-fly?
A couple of NJO Jedi use adjustable length sabers. One of Luke's first students, giving him a surprise he could use in a fight by suddenly extending the blade length and his reach.

Corran Horn too, but he fucked up his one because he wasn't as good at making the lightsaber as he thought, and when he activated the extended setting the blade shorted out.
If anything they'll probably try to say Rey is the real Chosen One in her movie, since she actually is "different" (for worse) and has special powers.
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I think Vader's lightsaber was described as adjustable, since in some shots of ANH it was crazy long. Wish they'd kept it that long honestly.
I kinda thought this had already been done. Was I paying too much attention to retards on YouTube again?
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Free on Thingiverse from Onil. Even presupported.
Very cool thank you anon
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remove dreadnoought REMOVE DREADNOUGHT
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Droids are the most interesting characters, in my opinion.

The lightsaber fights were actually pretty solidly done. I think Disney gets that it's the pozz more than anything that turns people off.
Death Star II on the left!
>I think Disney gets that it's the pozz more than anything that turns people off.

>The lightsaber fights were actually pretty solidly done.
Just because tehy were sllightly less abysmal than teh rest of the shitshow does not make them 'solid'.
>I think Disney gets that it's the pozz more than anything that turns people off.
NOt even sure what you're talking about, but Dinsey gets absolutely fucking noothing. Their problem is identity hiring insteal of talent hiring, and they will continue to make bad shows as long as tehy refuse to hire good writers, directors and, this is a new low even for Disoney, good actors.

>i'm convinced we will never have nice things ever again
As long as KK is at the helm, things will only get worse.

The last chance for something decent is Andor S2, but even that is questionable at this point.
Can someone explain to me how I'm meant to issue orders to units turn one if they're not on the battlefield yet?
You can issue orders to undeployed units. There is nothing in the Assign Order part of the rules saying a unit must be on the battlefield to receive an order and no LoS or Range from the commander requirement either.
Speaking of, undeployed units are all considered within range and LoS of each other for the purpose of things like Direct, Coordinate or Teamwork.
Actually I like the change, even though I have too many clones now.
I always felt weird having both as an option and mechanical difference.
Oh true, orders are global now which is why they removed the commanding presence and hq uplink.
>undeployed units are all considered within range and LoS of each other for the purpose of things like Direct, Coordinate or Teamwork.
What page of the rules is that on, and does that also apply to entourage orders?
KK is still ruining SW, and Acolyte's writing was lol so random: the series.
Page 12, top right corner and yes that applies to Entourage.
I'm not sure how to feel about it.
On the one hand yeah the Phase 1 and Phase 2 were very samey but on the other hand it feels awkward to have so little choice for corps in GAR when every other faction has at least 3 fairly different corp units.
Then again that's one of the big issue I have with GAR with most of the commanders/operative mostly serving as supports outside of Anakin and the Bad Batch.

The problems GAR had prior to this change really boiled down to the fact that Phase 1s were bad, and Phase 2s too expensive. Most GAR armies would run three naked Phase 1s, maybe adding some heavies to use them as fire support caddies. This new approach has lots of options to make the Infantry unit very customisable, which is nice, but hopefully the long range unit will help flesh things out further.
That’s nice doomcuck but I didn’t ask
Who's the bigger cuck? The cuck? Or the cuck who follows him?
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>since TFA
Anyone got game?
Because there are adult movies that are inappropriate for children? That's literally why they have ratings. Are you also floored when parents have alcoholic beverages they don't want their kids to consume?
>Because there are adult movies that are inappropriate for children?
Sure but most children can handle such movies.
>That's literally why they have ratings.
I don’t care about the ratings and majority of people neither.
>Are you also floored when parents have alcoholic beverages they don't want their kids to consume?
No but then again alcoholic beverages are a different kind of things compared to movies and way bad for children’s health and wellbeing.
Why do the parents want to watch these kind of movies?
Why are anons so retarded?
>Andor S2
Another yawn-fest, I'm sure.
>Imperial Assault

It hurts
Legion is still going pretty strong, and Armada is starting to see more community support with STLs and such.

Tabletop is as alive as you make it. It doesn't require a billion dollar corporation to run a ttrpg
for your friends, it doesn't take a government subsidized gaming company to host demo games at your lgs.

A single dedicated autist can make his own "perfect" star wars tabletop game and come close to the quality provided by companies, more so than most other mediums.

I run a ttrpg campaign for my friends and have been for some years now. I've gotten a few friends into Legion and plan to host demo games once I get around to learning the new rules and hauling my stuff to my new place. This isn't /v/ or /tv/ where you languish waiting to be fed. Go do something.
Hard to say, but maybe resilient?
I honestly have no idea if anyone plays this, and I mean that thoroughly. It could be either huge or dead for all I know.
Second set just dropped, it's doing well but struggling to grow any further community just due to lack of product. But in a few months, a higher print run of set 3 and the reprint of set 1 should give it a good boost.
I also run a EotE campaign since one year now.
I have to say that the published material is so abundant that I hardly have any need for further publications. Between the three core rulebooks and several career specific books + adventures there is so much material no one could ask for more.

My campaigns twist is that it runs during the Kotor era which means I have to homebrew some stuff but there are so many different adversaries/ships/weapons that I only ever have to simply rename some existing thing and get an almost perfect replacement.
It's so fast actually that everything that is released for genesys is usually just a recolored mechanic stolen from one of the SW books.

My only complaint is the somewhat janky Foundry module for SW but even then, it's updated regularly and has all the needed materials.
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It's interesting because the Hero of the Confederacy comic arc inspired the Heroes on Both Sides episode sort of like the Slaves of the Republic arc was loosely adapted for season 4. Lux Bonteri even had the Baron title like Tofen Vane in the development stage. It's a shame they didn't turn that into a full arc to explore the Separatist POV more but just have it be Raxus instead of Valahari and keep the fighter pilots and stuff. Ultimately it was condensed and simplified for the show. With the way the political arcs became more balanced with action though like the Scipio one I feel like if they'd waited until future seasons when they had more budget they could've done the comic version justice. TCW really lacked a true CIS story arc.
>“It was always the plan to have Osha kill Sol because Luke forgives his father. Luke throws away his lightsaber and embraces the destruction of that generational lineage with forgiveness and compassion. He’s a good and noble character, the epitome of a Star Wars hero, and this is a show about Star Wars villains. She needed to destroy that generational lineage.”

is this a good understanding of luke skywalker?
Because they browse 4chan?
Because 4chan effects their weak feeble mind.
My party in saga edition are about to meet the main OT crew sans Lando in a session post Mindor. Any tips for playing those characters?
I want to include Stannis Baratheon in my playthrough of Star Wars but what kind of role and on which side should I place Stannis Baratheon?
SWT pronounce Doomcuck as DoomCACK.
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>TCW really lacked a true CIS story arc.
TCW’s greatest failing imo, granted there isn’t really that many CIS stories in the first place. When we do get a CIS story it’s usually in the form of a comic that focus on either Dooku, Grievous or a random malfunctioning battle droid, we have never gotten the point of view from a Sep soldier that genuinely believes that they are on the right side of history, which is a genuine shame
Why is that fucker carrying Boba Fett’s weapon rifle? Fuck…
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>Boba Fett’s weapon rifle
I'm so tired of esl
The EE-3 Carbine? It’s been around since the Clone Wars so I’m not surprised seeing it in the hands of a corpo grunt, and it make sense to give the small and stocky Kerkoidens a more compact blaster carbine rather than a full length rifle.
It’s ESL, you actually ESL retard. Also weapon rifle has a nice sound to it, Pedro. Answer my question, bitch!
I always thought the EE-3 Carbine was Boba Fett’s main weapon of choice and a unique one at that. I was wrong although I kinda wish it was a Galactic Civil War era weapon. Sometimes fuck Star Wars and it’s lore und retcon.
Why wouldn't he be carrying it? That's just an EE-3 Carbine, a fairly common commercially produced blaster.

Also, why is that what you noticed, not the ancient Roman "lorica segmentata" armor he's wearing?
>Why wouldn't he be carrying it?
Heh, because only Boba and some bounty hunter I deem worthy are allowed to carry it, heh.
>That's just an EE-3 Carbine, a fairly common commercially produced blaster.
That I didn’t know until know.

>Also, why is that what you noticed, not the ancient Roman "lorica segmentata" armor he's wearing?
Because I didn’t pay too much attention to the guy appearance and I know so little about ancient Roman armor.
*until now
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>unique one at that
I never thought it was unique, we’ve seen it in the hands of many guys during the GCW era (mostly of the criminal sort) and it makes sense that Boba would have a common primary blaster since it would be easy to repair or replace in the event of it being damaged rather than a bespoke custom job.
Also I’m glad that the artist went with a pre-existing blaster since the last time he tried to make a oc weapon it turned out..a bit fucked.
I do believe sith pureblood are an interesting species. Yes I do.
Eh I’ve always been in the “not too keen on the Sith being a species” tribe for as long as I remember, I won’t deny that their women are hot though.
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Well Luke embraces Anakin Skywalker and the man he was not the atrocities of Vader. He chooses to focus on the good. Osha's taking the dark side route so she burns it all down by killing Sol. She's unable to, at least in that moment, separate Sol from his mistakes like Luke was able to see the good in Vader.

But Headland has also said a bunch of things I disagree with in these interviews. She's projected a lot of her feelings about Christianity onto the Jedi. It's very reductive in the same way people call the Jedi "space cops". The anti-jedi people in the audience are frothing at the mouth because she's making all these connotations. I'd be more open to these ideas if she'd written a show about the Jedi in the distant past (Jedi Lords/Jedi Covenant) but we know the prequel Jedi's deal, this is supposed to be them at their greatest, and she's depicting them in a very unflattering light. Given she's a KOTOR fan I think that's probably the era she wanted to make a show in but Disney saddled her with the High Republic where the Jedi are at their zenith and her vision for them just doesn't fit with that.
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I'm hoping at least when the 25th anniversary for Attack of the Clones rolls around we'll get some novel that focuses on the Separatist Crisis like we got that Living Force novel set prior to Phantom Menace about the Jedi Council.

Andor's flashbacks seemed to show early Separatist soldiers on Kenari. Although given Andor was about the rebels in their infancy it's possible those guys were to Dooku what Saw Gerrera's Partisans were to Mon Mothma and the larger legitimate Rebel Alliance. And that would be very interesting to explore in a book. How Dooku took advantage of anti-Republic movements early on in the secessionist crisis only to throw them under the bus later on once he'd secured funding from the corporate leaders on Geonosis. Maybe you do a novel about a soldier who's from a more extreme group who think's Dooku is another corporate puppet and another character who's like a senator or public official who's a true believer in Dooku's movement.
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the galaxy is always better when there isn't one hegemonic political entity that oversees most of the galaxy. The trailers for this shitty game are still the best animations for this cursed franchise.
>star wars thread on /k/ praising karen travis
I should stop taking crazy pills
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On second thought give these "Separatist Partisans" some connection back to Nebula Front. Their logo kind of looks like it could've evolved into the CIS hexagon like the Onderon Rebel logo has part of the Rebel Alliance symbol.

I mean, in hollywood, it used to be James Marsden since he was Supermans Cuckold, surely that makes him the biggest of all cucks?
So what is the best Inferno Squad list?
I want to field the full box so I'll go with Inferno, character, + inferno squad in second team.

So one option is
Inferno Squad
Stormtrooper Captain
Thrawn or Darth Vader Hunter or Darth Vader Servant.

Inferno Squad
Agent Kallus or Death Trooper Escort or Third Sister
Moff Gideo or Grand Inquisator

What is most fun?
I wish this image was filtered. Those fucking P90-MG-34 hybrids are so offensively ugly.
I picked up a bunch of 1st ed xwing ships and tokens/dials, I'm aiming to just have it as a side thing for friends to pick up and play so im wondering what would the ideal edition to play and what I should pick up to do that?
Also what are some good resources
He might make for a good template for a Jedi Lord in the New Sith Wars era, with a lot of tweaks.
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>I'm hoping at least when the 25th anniversary for Attack of the Clones rolls around we'll get some novel that focuses on the Separatist Crisis like we got that Living Force novel set prior to Phantom Menace about the Jedi Council.
That would be too based to happen unfortunately.
>Andor's flashbacks seemed to show early Separatist soldiers on Kenari. Although given Andor was about the rebels in their infancy it's possible those guys were to Dooku what Saw Gerrera's Partisans were to Mon Mothma and the larger legitimate Rebel Alliance. And that would be very interesting to explore in a book. How Dooku took advantage of anti-Republic movements early on in the secessionist crisis only to throw them under the bus later on once he'd secured funding from the corporate leaders on Geonosis.
There’s really a lot of untapped potential in Separatist stories. With how eclectic the Confederacy was you have shit ton of viewpoints for a good story, hell even a story from the pov of a Sep civilian would be cool.
>Maybe you do a novel about a soldier who's from a more extreme group who think's Dooku is another corporate puppet and another character who's like a senator or public official who's a true believer in Dooku's movement.
I tried for a while to write a story before I gave up because I’m a shit writer that was about Sep counter intelligence agents on Raxus trying to foil a coup attempt on Dooku/the council by ultranationalists who realised that certain things don’t add up with the war. Hell the main character was going to be a triple agent that defects from the Republic to the CIS but is actually an extremely deep cover Hutt spook.

As I said it’s best the guy uses pre-existing blasters instead of making his (I mean for Christ’s sake he’s Ukrainian you’d think he’d know what a gun looks like), I like his work since he one of the few artists that I know that draws obscure organic Sep troops.
Doctrine-obsessed Jedi, the Order can do no wrong, the Code is to be obeyed to the letter, and following those ideals means he thinks he's never wrong and only ever fails due to the inadequacies of others.
>separate Sol from his mistakes
What mistakes? The girls suggested to him the witches intended to sacrifice them, then Black Witch starts doing some dark side shit he has no experience with, and to his eyes, Mae starts to literally dissolve. So, he kills Black Witch to save the child. That is an entirely reasonable reaction based on his experiences with the coven, Sol did nothing wrong, his guilt was misplaced.
But that of course will change and stannis the Jedi master will receive character development. Guy has even more humor and willingness to smile and laugh than Mace The Ace Windu.
Sounds cool man.
Got to play in my semi-weekly RPG game last night, boys. Was pretty tight. Got to negotiate a deal with Raith Seinar. He said my ship was slow and that I couldn't handle partying with him. Yeah, well, our pilot shut his stim'd ass up, that's for sure.
There are wikis for 1.0 and 2.0 respectively. I think they're pretty good.
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Really digging the newest special edition releases. Oh yeah.
Sol was well intentioned but he still killed her mother who wasn't going to harm him or Osha. Obviously she shoulders some blame for doing that abruptly, causing Sol to ignore his saber and screwing with Torbin's mind prior which was arguably the first domino to fall which led to the whole mess. Also he kept the truth about this from Osha all those years which only made it worse. It's not unreasonable she'd be angry at him at all accident or no.
I’m drunk goddamnit.
Hi drunk
*waves hand*
>wasn't going to
If I walk up to an American cop and wave a knife in their face, I don't get to play the victim after I get shot by insisting I was actually planning to make him a delicious sandwich. He'd been previously told explicitly by the girl that she was afraid they were going to kill her, then the hag dissolved into an evil smokemonster and, by all appearances, tries to dissolve and absorb the girl.

The only thing he should feel guilty about is not hacking the whole lot of them into chum the moment they mindraped the twink one.
Had Saw survived Rogue One, how would he react to the Death Star being used? Suicidal defiance or would the Partisans bend the knee like everyone else realizing they can't win?
He'd get even more desperate and launch even more daring raids targeting the civilian infrastructure of the Empire in a "two can play at the terror game"
Shoretroopers are complete dogshit now, there's no way to run them now.
And the civilians may be terrified enough into submission that they will gladly shield the stormtroopers knowing Tarkin would kill two birds in one stone with the Death Star the moment he hears the word "Partisans".

Plus the Death Star is self sufficient and can just scoop up the debris of the world to be used for resupplying. Rendering Saw's tactics of killing civilians to send a message moot since Tarkin Doctrine makes it clear, "Someone not the Empire has you hostage. You think I am gonna save you? Save yourself or I will shoot you and the one holding a gun to your head
Just blowing up random cogs in the Imperial war machine wouldn't work. But he'd have the desperation or the insane ambition to go after truly important targets, no matter how well-defended they were. Like Kuat's shipyards or Carida's academy with the ultimate goal of landing on Coruscant itself and hiding in the undercity.
This. Hell, he was already making suicidal attempts at important pieces of the Empire in Bad Bitches, I doubt he moderated much with age.
"Hostages only work of the enemy cares about letting them live."

Guess what kind of person Tarkin becomes once he has a superweapon. The only question is if the headshot takes out both the hostage taker and hostage at once.

Plus it sends message:Deal with the problem yourselves or both of you die.
>who wasn't going to harm him or Osha
He had every reason to believe otherwise. Also who TF told her do to her weird smoke monster magic right then? Sol did nothing wrong, she was a dumbass.

There really wasn't that much time between alderaan getting blowed up and the death star getting blowed up real good. By the time he starting planning how to get suicide bombers into Coruscant's star ports, he'd have gotten word the death star was destroyed.

It is an interesting hypothetical simply because Yavin was the inflection point from which the rebel alliance was fully coalesced into a true military.
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I want to see anon dressed and act as a stormtrooper.
What will be their stats?
It seems like Greg won't be the only driver for the pain wheel.
Nice, very nice. Also surprised that it isn’t only Grievous driving it and that we get both MagnaGuard and Comanndo pilots.
>clones will no longer be divided between phase 1 and 2
Thank God, it was ridiculous. I can finally make a phase 1 Geonosis clone army using the DC-15A.
I feel like we should have gotten dooku and ventress as pilots too

it would be stupid but whatever, they dont have a vehicle like that
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My gf :)
I really wish the Clone Wars had a little more emphasis on the volunteer militia forces that would fight alongside Clones and Droid alike. I remember you sometimes see Pantoran guard, Christophsis militia, and of course the classic CIS stuff like Geonosians. They focussed on it in one arc really, Umbara, and many say that's their favorite arc. They had a lot of room to play around and I'm sad they wasted so much time on Maul.
Threads been really slow. Would anyone mind if I storytimed my campaign when I get home from work later?
Please by all means.
Do it anon; I'm bored
I feel you. I really like a lot of what TCW does to flesh out the conflict but fuck me if I still don't think bringing Darth Maul back was one of the worst decisions in Star Wars history.

I love Umbara and my only complaint is they don't bother to humanize the Umbarans at all, because I really liked the amount of genuine war crimes the clones commit on thinking, breathing people during that arc. Which is good, because I hate over-sanitizing the clones. Hell, take a point from Jabiim and show us human CIS local forces with a legitimate reason to want to secede from the Republic.
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I reckon clones just go murder-hobo when fighting "sentients" that think they have "rights".
>those bug people want to secede?
These clones are cute but what are the clones thinking at the moment?
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I’m right there with you man, while I have been largely bemoaning the lack of organic Sep units it’s just as bad with the non-clone units of the Republic. The Republic did have a large volunteer army during the war made up out of PDF’s, militia’s and mercenary companies such as the Sons & Daughters of Freedom or the Alion Nova Guard (which would be killer in Legion), hell the Republic also had their own mega corporations with their own sercurity forces. But alas all of it is practically forgotten.

>I love Umbara and my only complaint is they don't bother to humanize the Umbarans at all
I agree, however while it’s not overtly stated I think all the Umbarans that we did see during the arc where zoinked on enough combat drugs/stimulants to make the Wehrmacht take pause (the green shit in their pressure suits which they seemed to be hotboxing themselves with)
>because I really liked the amount of genuine war crimes the clones commit on thinking, breathing people during that arc.
Also agree, it’s something that kinda gets forgotten (what with the whole “Clones are wholesome boys who were forced by brain chips to kill the Jedi” school of thought) but the Clones are honest to God killing machines bred and designed to not feel remorse or pity when cracking skulls, granted the influence of the Jedi mellowed out a fair few of them but their should still be a lot mean bastards in the ranks (and that’s before we get into the specialised troopers like Galatic Marines, commandos or God forbid the covert ops shadow troopers)
What does a average Umbaran soldier think and feel? They are violent and angry…
'ate the republic
'ate the clones, not racist, just don't like 'em
'ate the jedi
luv me tentacles
luv me confederacy
simple as
God bless Umbara.
I'm sure when they're sober they may be able to articulate their reasons for seceding from the republic, however they go into battle so high it's probably something like

Alright, I'm home. Gimme a minute to trim it up. The last time I did this I feel like I flooded the thread. Plus, there's a bunch of roleplay shit in the journal I keep that I'm sure no one really cares about.
Take your time anon. We are not in a hurry.
Fuck it, I have decided to post the whole thing. This is the session that directly followed the last time I storytimed the events of our game. So, if this seems familiar that’s why.

It’s been a little while since the end of the last adventure. Maybe, three days? A week? Last session ended with a heavy deal of drama: I lost my lightsaber (the crystal, really), my ex (again) and perhaps even my faith in becoming a Jedi. For others in the party, Cathar Senpai had her past as an Imperial Hand outed to the group and has likely been put on the Empire's radar. Our boss is mad at us, and I want us to pursue goals I don't know if the crew will go with.

The ship, a YT-1000, is mine (though *some* may debate that), so, ostensibly, I am the captain. I doubt the crew sees me that way though, and I can't make them see me that way. But, perhaps I can try to behave that way. If that makes any sense. Like, lead and care for them; earn the respect, somehow. We'll see how that works out.

With that in mind, I try to convince our crew to do what I think we should: investigate a planet called Moraband.

Our Big Bad for the game is a gifted son of Imperial nobility named Clodd Seinar. But, in our first encounter with him, he gave us [me] the name "Synapse."
Because he gave that name personally, and some behavior I witnessed at the academy on Sullust (the one that *he* blew up but people blame me for the destruction thereof) I have tried my best to refer to him by that name instead.
Synapse is probably kind of a dork. He's a little younger than us. He has dark hair, he's pale and he wears plain grey clothes aside from his long, black coat. He's got bright green eyes, but always looks tired. Sometimes he puts on a facetious smirk. Cathar Senpai once described him as "someone I'd shove into a locker."

I've felt a lot of kinship with this kid. The description of him probably rhymes with a description of myself. We're both from the Core Worlds, both of us were kind of loners in our academic careers (I'm assuming here), he is almost certainly Force Sensitive and, most importantly, we both want to make the Galaxy a better place for the people in it. I *want* to respect that.

The problem is his method for making the Galaxy 'better' is by deadening the people in it via mind-controlling biochips. We've seen how effective they can be on Nar Shaddaa.

Part of our payment for the Garm Cruise job was information on Synapse. We learned he's bought out a mercenary group named Black Ace Solutions (BAS) and led them to a remote outpost world called Moraband. We don't know why. Also, I'm pretty sure he had something to do with what happened to the *Subjugator* because of an exchange I had with one of the stormtroopers who happened to have been not only a student at the academy on Sullust, but also directly involved with Synapse during the Big Race:tm:.

The student in question remembered me, and my fake name. He got my attention and seemed to be in disbelief that I *really* am a terrorist. I insisted that it wasn't me. Really, he wanted to thank me. During The Big Race:tm:, he almost got killed, and I had coordinated with our pilot to keep him safe. He said it changed him, made him *less selfish*.
Thing about that, he was on the same team as Synapse, who was mad at his teammates for doing something shortsighted and outside his advice to win. He said that they were *so selfish*... at least, I think. It’s been a while since either session. Only I was in the booth for the race, as coordinator. Only I would have heard that.

In that moment in the prison cell, I assumed the student meant he had gained some Alliance connections and that was our ticket out. Now, with some distance, I'm not so sure.

There is also the *screaming* droid rebellion which is awfully similar to phenomena we ran into in the remains of Stars' End.
First thing I do in the session is try to get into contact with our Rebel Operative friend. Between my escalating resentment for the Empire, and Cathar Senpai's (probable) death mark, we may be spinning into an AoR game.

The guy's in Alliance Intelligence, so of course he can't just leave us a simple phone number. Senpai uses her skills to try to get us through his 7000 proxies, until the trail deadens in a system that contains a planet called Hoth. No response.

Well, that sucks.

Second, I make my pitch to the crew for following Synapse's trail to Moraband. I tell them basically everything I said here. To my surprise, they agree. In fact, our Dug Gunman mentions that the speech shows the most conviction he's seen out of me yet.

The Dug has quickly become the coolest guy on the crew over the course of the last three adventures. When I was at my lowest after leaving the Subjugator, doubting my Jedi quest, doubting if anyone else believed in me, do you know what he said?

"Kid, you think I had to have anybody tell me I'm a cowboy?!"

Absolutely sagacious. In a way, he might be the wisest member of the crew, despite being the most mundane. Or perhaps because of it.
Then, we get a visit from a surprise guest: my Master.

Some of you might remember a storytime post from the end of last year, where a kid got involved with a suspiciously knowledgeable teacher in an Imperial academy and targeted by an Inquisitor, only to end up dueling that teacher after she killed the Inquisitor. Yeah, that was me, and she killed the shit out of that guy. And, though I'm loathe to admit it, she let me get out of that match with a pretty soft 'W'. She taught me (us, I thought) about lightsabering and some bits of the Force. For that reason, I called her my Master, which Cathar Senpai has always been annoyed by. I have the context for why now, at least.

She apparently came as part of the rescue wave along with the Boss, which is odd because the two are something akin to professional rivals. She came personally to chat with Cathar Senpai. The two had some kind of conversation about lightsaber construction, and my Master took some time to impart some duelist’s wisdom for Cathar Senpai.

The lightsaber discussion was tough to be on the sideline for. I've lost my lightsaber's crystal. Although, I had always hesitated to call the artifact lightsaber *really* mine. I found it in a stone box. My mentor intended to pass it on to me, and ISB ex had some familiarity with it as well, saying that there were no records of ownership before its storage (she is my mentor's daughter, but her knowing about the artifact did come as a surprise). Despite that, I had always intended to put it back when I was done. Now that's probably too hard to do.
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We do, however, have another kyber crystal. It’s a golden stone we received from the Duros I saved the life of on Nar Shaddaa. It was part of the trinkets Zarda had collected during her crime spree. Cathar Senpai had gotten to them first and she'd kept it hidden, looking for an appropriate time to show it to me. A time that never really came. The disclosure only occurred after our conflict after the Subjugator escape, our lowest point.

In addition, I've had another lightsaber hilt that was given to me by a strange Jawa girl on Tatooine. It’s a crossguard variant of some kind. The three emitters and the desert wear made it an odd job to get working, so that's been on the shelf, too.

As desperate as I am for external validation, there's a part of me that really doesn't like how much help I get along my path. Would I even be able to walk it if I was truly alone? As alone as I feel sometimes. Ugh...

And something in me snaps. I bolt back to my quarters and grab the crossguard, the artifact, the crystal and the vibrorapier I'd used in the escape of the Subjugator. I throw them onto the table in front of Cathar Senpai and explain an elaborate idea to combine them all together to make a new saber, one I can call my own. But I can't do it alone. I do need help. I need her help.

What came out of my mouth must have been pure gibberish, though, because everyone in the room just deadpanned me. I think my Master chuckled(?). I tried again, more calmly, and Senpai agreed, but not without commentary:

She makes quite clear that she thinks my quest is dumb. She does not have aspirations to become a Jedi. She does not believe in the ideals of the Jedi. And on a fundamental level, she does not think that I have earned the help she's giving. She does, however, respect (perhaps a strong word here) that I have the determination, the power, to chase what I want. And because of that contradictory belief in her friend, she will help.
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We get to work, hands and minds in tandem. The end result of which is a new lightsaber. It’s fucked up strong. Thankfully, we didn’t have to gut the artifact to make it. In gratitude, I throw my arms around Cathar Senpai. I don’t know if I said it out loud, but I meant to say, ‘I won’t let you down.’

She reacts the way you'd expect a cat to react to a sudden, unbidden hug.

So, I have a new lightsaber, and we do get a lead on Moraband. BAS was last spotted visiting a mine on the surface, away from any significant population.

Since they've left, a storm has meandered over the area, with unnatural stamina. Our job, or maybe just goal, is to investigate the mine and see what's going down. Given our last few flakes, the Boss has decided to tag along and keep an eye on us.

We make landfall in a little frontier town outside of the storm's umbra. It’s a dinky, wooden place. While there, we talk up the locals at the saloon, and learn that they think the mine is haunted.

Ludicrous, of course.

While I'm busy learning the intricacies of frontier hospitality (they hate me), the Dug has a strange episode where he draws his pistols on a corner booth. When we asked about it, he claimed there was a half-maimed Rodian calling him out. He drew because the Rodian went for his piece first. And, he worried, the Rodian was just that much faster on the draw. No one else saw this, mind you, so we're just assuming the local hooch was a bit strong.

Later, while prepping the X-34 we had on the ship for the ride into the storm, I see someone lurking in the back of the town. I follow him. He's showing clear signs of distress. He says he was in the desert outside town and followed our ship when it dropped out of the sky. Knowing that BAS is probably planting these biochips into their soldiers, I take him up to the saloon's inn floor and start asking him questions.
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"What happened? How did you get in the desert?"
He complains that his head hurts and says he can't remember anything from before we showed up in the sky. He says his head hurts.

"What is your name?"

He doesn't remember his name. He says his head hurts.

I try mind tricking him into not thinking about the pain. I roll two black pips on two Force dice and have to use them for the first time in the game.

He says his head hurts. He says his head hurts. He says his head hurts.

I place him in a cot and mind trick him into sleep. Before I leave, I give the heads-up to the proprietor to keep an eye on him; for both their sakes'.

I speak to Cathar Senpai, who was strapping our off-again-on-again IG assassin droid (yet another player who can't always make it) to the hood, about the experience and with an exasperated sigh she explains the Force is divided into two sides: Light and Dark. What I must have done was tap into the Dark Side. She warily comments that this world is suffused with the Dark Side. I describe the feeling as yucky, and she rolls her eyes.

We load-up everyone onto the speeder, except Boss who has her own compact swoop. The storm isn’t like a raging typhoon. It’s mostly just black clouds, swirling around themselves. It’s dark, but not punishingly so. There are eyes in the clouds, centers of gyres that open and close and move at irregular intervals. Our destination is a sort-of mesa we plan on straight-lining to.

As we approach, there are scraps of flora left to rot in the darkness. The planet is a desert world, so life was rough for these shrubs even before the storm. One barren tree in particular catches the eye of our Dug. When I comm him to ask why the sudden interest, he responds with his own question.

*Don't you see him? He's there again!*
Before I can remind him to stay focused, the winds pick-up and the speeder is blasted by sand. We fortunately had the tools to keep safe, but we lost the Boss in the sudden pick-up. We get close enough to the mine to make out the silhouettes of buildings, so we head that way. We stop on the main drag and begin to unload.

The sand settles a bit and I try to comm the Boss, but she's not responsive. Bad, but not the end of the world. She's a Powertech, with armor that's borderline a mech suit. She'll be fine. Us on the other hand...

Cathar Senpai gets ahead to scout, once again seeming to know more than she lets on. I called this place a facility, but it’s more like a town of its own. A boom town that once thrived when the mine was once more prosperous. It’s funny, at the saloon, the owner mentioned that people used to visit the mine long after it dried up. There’re tourists for all kinds of places, huh?

Cathar Senpai's in the town's center square when a blaster bolt piths into the ground next to her. The shot came from the highest point of the local place of worship. All at once, we're surrounded by goons, and each of them is wearing a BAS uniform, complete with ballistic mask.

A shootout happens, and, after the hallway in the Subjugator, I've made my peace with my crew doing what they have to do to survive, but *I* have to be practiced enough to keep people alive. So, the one guy who makes it close enough to me and the loose IG gets a lightsaber strike in a nerve that should hurt enough to make him pass out. And, while he is stunned, he strangely doesn't. I know my crew, they have this fight, so it’s time to do some investigating.
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I take the live mook to an unoccupied building and start examining him. I take his mask off. His eyes are twitching wildly. He seems similar to the wanderer from the town, but less cognizant. I try to ask him questions, but he's functionally unable to focus on me. I dig into him with the mind trick and AGAIN get Dark Side pips. For a moment his eyes flicker with intention, focus on mine, and then he... just... dies. With a quiet, relieved sigh.

I'm furious.

After the fight, I enlist the rest of the crew to help me look the victim over. Maybe they'll catch something I missed. They really don't, but the survival droid we have on hand does a scan of the victim's cranium. We expect to find one of these biochips inside the brain. There's a surgical scar on his skull that implies they're [viciously] implanted. But we find nothing. I'm at a loss, until someone suggests the evolution of the biochip is to dissolve into the subject's brain, thus making the condition irrevocable.

Did you know I could have killed Synapse the first time we met? I had his blaster in my hand. He was on the floor, back to a wall in a dead end. It was the edge of charted space, in a dead prison once run by cost-cutting corpos. I could have done it. I could have. But I didn't.

Stress aside, we move into the mouth of the mine, when suddenly a shout tells us to leave. Uncertain of the source, we try to talk back only to be incredulously told it is an offense to bring *him* here. Who that is no one can say, but Cathar Senpai seems to be all up on the Mirialan Shota this adventure.
The darkness of the mine is impenetrable. The glowrods and flashlights don't seem to have enough power, strangely. But the lightsabers do. Everyone seems affected by the mine negatively, too, as everyone except me complains of a headache. I'd say it’s probably just that I'm from a Core World, so I'm more robust against that rugged, polluted air... but I'm from Chandrila, and people who stand close to me [to my new 'saber] get some relief.

We see standard mine stuff as we go deeper: a rail, an overturned cart, some discarded tools, etc... Until we come upon a descending pit, lined with two broad walkways forming a helix coil with each other as they descend into the depths. We of course go down, but we notice it’s not a machined structure. This is clearly hewn with hand tools. It must have been laborious. Why would someone do that for a mining pit?

About halfway down, we find an offshoot tunnel, just barely large enough to walk through. Obviously, we want to be thorough, and after a vote, we head into the offshoot. A few steps in, we realize the floor is covered in caltrops. So, we put the IG in the vanguard. He's got giant, flat, metal soles. He'll be fine.

Not much farther down the tunnel, the voice returns and booms for us to leave! Our presence is offensive! That we are to take the SLAVER away! The Mirialan Shota says something to the effect of ‘the slave should have the strength to throw off the shackles themselves,’ which was confusing to everyone else. Then blaster bolts flung at us from the end of the tunnel, and we just booked it out of there. We ran straight out and straight down to the bottom of the helix. No one questions a thing for a moment.

There are two skeletons at the bottom of the helix. Robed skeletons, with some items that would imply a pilgrimage. Down farther, there's a breach in the rock, leading to another chamber. In there is the facade of an ancient temple.
It’s old, with script of a language I don't recognize. The Mirialan Shota investigates quietly, with enough intensity that I think *he* recognizes it. But it’s all scratched out. Passed the entryway, we learn the temple's purpose. It’s filled with sarcophagi, and rostrums that once held tablets, but now they're all gone. There's some machinery here, too. Machines with the BAS logo on them, with something added...

The voice returns once more shouting that it will not be a slave again! That it has the power to fight! And an army of its own!

And with that, two dozen or so BAS soldiers fall (warp) in from the ceiling. They land in a pile, writhing like infant insects, before rising and pointing blaster rifles at us, the intruders. Cathar Senpai works in tandem with the Mirialan Shota to find the source of this voice, which they both sense is close. The IG starts to blast at the baddies from behind one of the sarcophagi, while the Dug seems to focus on one man in particular in the center of the goon pile. The Nightsister and I are given a task when, after a particularly nasty Despair roll from Cathar Senpai, the Boss shows up in her power armor manipulated by magical green goo.

The Nightsister and I dance around the Boss a bit. We both know that she's covered in expensive tech and is our friend beneath it. We play things cautiously. I try to singe the goo off the suit and deflect weaponry while the Nightsister looks for a weak point in the suit the Boss told her about some time ago. If she can strike it precisely enough, she'll interrupt the flow of power and lock up the suit. A lucky roll and the tip of her rapier pierces deep enough to short the point and lock the suit. But not before the goo tries to fire off a micro rocket at us. I deflect it with the Force into the ceiling, which didn't collapse but brought attention to the next combat set piece.
Breaking from perspective here a bit, but the Dug has been seeing these visions of a Rodian gunslinger just like him the whole time on Moraband. His face is half gored and he speaks like he knows what the Dug is all about, about the life of a shootist, what it means to be the best, the fastest to the kill. Our Dug is, above all other things, dedicated to his skillset, and no man, living or dead, is going to challenge him. So they make for their pieces, and our man comes out on top. The Rodian fades from his mind, satisfied enough to leave with a smile...

Meanwhile, in set piece three, it appears that the voice in the tomb is a mummified Sith of old, the species kind. And he knows what both the Mirialan *and* the Cathar are (but I don’t, just to clarify). The mummy and the Mirialan have a force duel, in which the Mirialan is soundly whipped, but the distraction gives Cathar the chance to find where the mummy is entombed. The two get there and the Shota tries to slam the lid back on the mummy's sarcophagus, but the Sith has the power to hold him at bay. Senpai slices through the mummy's hands, which distracts him enough for the Mirialan the eek out the win.

With all the quiet and people recovering, I investigate the remaining machinery. There's a viewscreen and I start tapping the controls to see if there's anything left on the memory tapes. There is. A holoscan entry. I play it.
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I can understand the criticism that the show opened more cans of worms instead of simply fleshing out what was already there (introducing Ahsoka and then reviving Maul). But then the Genndy series and Republic comics kind of already gave us this. In the end yeah the Maul stuff did really take over the show and it left some other aspects neglected like fleshing out the Separatists more. As for the clones, that's the just the show's angle because George wanted to humanize them more. I don't think it negates other depictions of clones in the EU and stuff but it sucks there wasn't at least one opportunity to show clones that were less amicable towards the Jedi. I'm not anti-inhibitor chip either. But if clones have free will you're going to have some that are more loyal to the Republic and the human officers like Tarkin, who don't think the Jedi should really be leading the war effort.

I think there's a place for that in canon, still we haven't had any deep dives into the clones via publishing like the Republic Commando since. Seeing them depicted in Andor as an oppressive force that presumably oversaw a public execution on Ferrix was something though.
A one-eyed Jawa takes the focus on the screen. We know him as a bounty we first came across on Nar Shaddaa. He's making notes about the status of the biochips. The implanted subjects lack any autonomy, with the only motor functions that remain uncontrolled being the eyes. The subjects are also somewhat aware of their circumstances; the mind isn't so easily shut down, it seems. And, lastly, the feelings of the subjects are entirely deadened though they can feel pain. It is on that last element that the Jawa makes an approving remark of satisfaction and signs off with a farewell. It’s as if he knew someone would see this recording...

I watch the vid over again, watching so closely I must have been pressed onto the screen. There are familiar faces in the background: Zarda, more soldiers, an HK that seems to have autonomy. And then I spot him. Walking like a supervisor at a work site. Synapse. And he looks upset. Good. So am I. We’ll have that in common when we meet again.

That addition to the BAS logo I mentioned earlier is Synapse’s personal sigil. It appears he’s taken a direct, emotional investment in the company. I suppose that means our best bet to find him, is to find their home base.

And that was most of our trip to Moraband. I'm sorry if the spamming was too much, but I figured we'd get a new thread soon. If you liked it let me know. There's been plenty between this session and last.
The thread only ever goes quickly if retards are arguing about the same 5 topics over and over again.
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Post recently painted minis, Anons.
Shut the fuck up, fool.

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