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Given the crippling failure of Skaventide and the explosive success of The Old World's orc and dwarf re-releases, this will probably be the last edition of Age of Sigmar. In the end, what do you think the game of Age of Sigmar will be remembered for? What will be its lasting legacy once it is cancelled?
it wont be canceled, they'll either double down or go back to the skirmish route with things like underworlds/warcry.
It's hilarious that gw started to release aos armies based on what sold well and they ended up just selling vampire counts, lizardmen, skaven, and warriors of chaos
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Here's your pity bump, TOWfag.
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You guys should come play Middle Earth Strategy with me instead.
>selling well
4th ed starter sold like shit
it STILL isn't sold out ANYWHERE
Is it more expensive for GW to just kill off Warhammer Age of Sigmar or keep it afloat on life support as bits for Warhammer 40k conversions?
>keep it afloat on life support as bits for Warhammer 40k conversions?
They squatted all the good chaos warbands from their AoS sidegame so it is practically worthless unless you want proxies for sanguinary guard.
Still top 5 best selling wargame, continue seething all you want
how is a conversion a proxy?
There is no need to convert anything, stormcast already look like sanguinary guard.
well how is that a proxy? this isn't MTG and you're not replacing models with tokens
So at it current rate every Old World faction will have a book by AOS 6th edition right?
Without a particular dog in this fight that really depends.

If it goes the way of 40k by oversimplifying and then compensating by dripfeeding clutter and clunk and clagnuts, maybe.

More likely someone gets a clue and they work out the division between how they do things and what people want:

>nothing about the environments presented for the game really communicate much about the setting.
>the models are expensive and fiddly and would benefit from more entry level options akin to a box of Mechs or Reaper Bones Black minis. Every army should have a few of these so a viable game is cheap incrementally.
>paywalling media around the setting was a disgrace, Warhammer Plus...just cut people off from understanding the setting.
>not really sure what squatting Old World units or setting these ranges "against" each other serves, when most people are collecting a broad pool of fantasy and sci fi minis to use for all kinds of games and rpgs. Opportunity to make TOW more Dark Ages and Early Medieval in vibe and AOS late Renaissance seems obvious
wait, jizardmen sell well now
Well for one it will always live on rent free in your head
>nu-warhammer fans are all MTG refugees that don’t even understand what proxy means in the context of miniature wargaming
Embarassing, this anon most likely owns 3 grey tide armies too
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A picture says a thousand words.
How's the older edition of Warhammer Fantasy is compare to AoS? Also the Old World is like the older edition of WF?
I wonder if that means agratoria is about to take off
>How's the older edition of Warhammer Fantasy is compare to AoS?
Utterly different
>Also the Old World is like the older edition of WF?
Around as close to them as newer editions of Warhammer Fantasy
Does he make one thread like this every day?
More often than that, unfortunately.
She looks like she has Down's
Pretty much, yeah. Whatever gets you through the day I guess. He probably could have learned a new language or something with all the time he's spent wrapping his identity of one flavour of fantasy wargame versus the other flavour. I eventually expect him to become a suicide bomber for Pepsi.
Which timeline is this occuring in?
>it STILL isn't sold out ANYWHERE
It's because they print more of it, the reason you couldn't find the old world on release is because each store only gets a tiny amount of the first wave to gage how many need reprints
Yeah they keep saying that but I’m unconvinced. You’re basically proposing the GW marketing team somehow doesn’t know how many AoS kits to make even though they instantly sell out of everything else. It’s pretty obvious AoS is not selling to expectations.
Leviathan also took months to sell out. The new starter is made to last a while to entice people in.
40K is sold out because its the big bucks, Old World itself tho is severely underproduced, mainly because I think GeeWee has decided to place it on the same importance as Horus Heresy, its seen on their website where its lumped under "Other" category outside of the big boy ranges
So AoS is in the awkward middle ground between the two
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>its seen on their website where its lumped under "Other" category outside of the big boy ranges
Fun fact the site actually looked like this for a day before someone got mad
Make of it what you will
GW internal politics seem so totally fucked.
Probably about the same legacy as Diablo 4.
AoS was pretty much made to sell those armies, because noone fucking wanted the rest of fatnasy
it's a game on the way out since GW may lose the rights at any minute so i can see why anons are rather cautious about it
>GW may lose the rights at any minute
they've been going steady for 20 years. Why would they be at risk of "losing the rights at any minute"?
the LOTR/Middle earth game rights were owned(and still are kinda) by Embracer who owned Asmodee which had a general interest of keeping the games in house it's the reason C7 lost the rights to make the One Ring RPG.
of course this might be diffrent now that Embracer split three ways with the Middle Earth rights in a diffrent company than Asmodee is
I don't see what the Embracer Group has to do with the GW game. GW has a contract with New Line Cinema. Nothing to do with Embracer. Completely unrelated.
Embracer own the Middle Earth rights completely wholesale they have the Tolkien Estate, including the film rights so it is relevant to an extent.
it's not like MESBG doesn't use book characters or character that originate in the LOTR appendices so saying nothing will happen because GW contract is with New Line feels like a rather hollow defence
Not defending it. Just pointing out that those two entities GW and Embracer have licenses from the Tolkien estate and they are separate and unrelated.
Unless you know about some clause in their of their contracts it sounds like baseless conjecture to assume anything.
Like I said GW has had the rights for 20 years and they've released new models as recently as last week. The license is supposedly up for renewal in 2025, but it sounds like that is entirely up to GW wether or not they want to continue to pursue that particular IP.
>they've released new models as recently as last week.
did they? they have shown of new models in the last couple of months but the only release I can think of is Terrain pieces months ago the only news on the release of the new models is "later this year"
I don't think GW will lose the rights but it's not a game they are very keen on supporting right now for whatever reason
I guess you are right, I misspoke. The did not release it, they just showed off the new (old) Gondorian King. Cirion I think.

Maybe they were hoping that with the Amazon series and big video game releases like Shadow of Mordor they'd get more attention after the lull surrounding the Hobbit films (They rebranded the LotR game in it's entirety as a The Hobbit game, hoping for similar success as they had with the Jackson trilogy and those films bombed and were a bit of a laughing stock). Either way LotR is pretty much a pillar of fantasy literature, pretty much anyone who could possibly be interested in what they are selling is probably familiar with that as well. I suspect they do not have to do much active marketing for it to remain a steady stream of income.
I do wonder what the player turnover rate for MESBG is especially in comparison to GW other games.
I would guess Gw is putting some hopes into that new WB produced LOTR anime film that's coming out in december since i think legally GW would be allowed to make models of characters from that film and it would line up with what GW has shown off model wise for MESBG this year i.e. historical characters and armies that take place in eailer periods of Middle Earth's history
MESBG basically seems like a historicals now, where it has a small dedicated playerbase and basically no expansion. At least they gave it a shot in the arm with that Pelennor Fields/Osgiliath set.
>I eventually expect him to become a suicide bomber for Pepsi.
And now I'm having flashbacks to the Tome of Sanity Loss, thanks a fucking lot.
Did Dominion finally sell out or get thrown off shelves? Saw boxes at an LGS I visited in 2023
GW probably threw them in a landfill to save face
Oh boy another riveting game of who-rolled-highest
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it's comfy for a player with a regular group, armies are usually finished since no new releases so you avoid drowning in unfinished stuff. And the level of detail is just right, the FW easterlings were exhausting in comparison to my other armies
idk if a traditional game board is for you.
>"Burning Up/Physical Attraction" *(1983)
>"Borderline" (1983)
Daughters of Khaine
>"Lucky Star" (1983)
Gloomspite Gitz
>"Material Girl" (1985)
Kharadron Overlords
>"Gambler" (1985)
Slaves to Darkness
>"Papa Don't Preach" (1986)
Idoneth Deepkin
>"La Isla Bonita" (1986)
Flesh-Eater Courts
>"Open Your Heart" (1986)
Blades of Khorne
>"Causing a Commotion" (1987)
>"Express Yourself" (1989)
Disciples of Tzeentch
>"Rescue Me" (1991)
Stormcast Eternals
>"Deeper and Deeper" (1992)
>"I'll Remember" (1994)
Soulblight Gravelords
>"Take a Bow" (1994)
>"Human Nature" (1995)
Cities of Sigmar
>"Ray of Light" (1998)
Lumineth Realmlords
>"Frozen" (1998)
Ogor Mawtribes
>"Nothing Really Matters" (1999)
Maggotkin of Nurgle
>"Beautiful Stranger" (1999)
Hedonites of Slaanesh
>"Nothing Fails" (2003)
>"Give it 2 Me" (2008
Sons of Behemat
>"Ghosttown" (2015)
>"Bitch I'm Madonna" (2015)
Remembers as a fever dream hopefully.
Though with how things are shaping up for GW, i dont see it being good in the long run.
The old world has been set up to fail. With a trickle of releases, and not making a starter set. The release are coming out as a trickle and they have said they won’t be printing 3 of the most popular armies, skaven, lizardmen and vampire counts. It’s down right evil what gw has done.
>historicals is when there is no meta to chase

Or you could just git gud and scale up, or focus on detail, or just about anything relating to the hobby. The historicals market share is much bigger than that of people playing AOS and TOW combined.
>not making a starter set

Yeah that was weird.
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It did, they just had one faction per and it was pretty fucking sweet.
But I want two. And not Tomb Kings.
And I want GW to sell models from 1988 again. We don't always get what we want. Especially not when inter-department drama and shitflinging causes the game to be re-released under less than optimal conditions.
>And I want GW to sell models from 1988 again.
GW current does do that but it's probably not the models you want top buy
I know.
>TOW selling badly = AoS is succesful
Least retarded AoS shill
always a chance they do a WoC MTO for those models
Yeah they do that, except they figured out the remade Goblins from 1994 were priced too competitively and raised them again lol

Just be real, it's time if you haven't already to seek some kind of tabletop life outside the GW stable.
Probably more likely that both are doing badly. Good. People need to grow balls and demand better from the Gamings Workshoppe.

>more inexpensive entry points
>less with the squatting and the culture war
>play test your shit
I can and I have. Unfortunately, I still really like old chaos warriors. Knightmare makes some good ones, but I'm foolish enough to enjoy specific sculpts from a horrible company.
Why can't people just play something else? Even DnDrones learnt to move on. GW paypiggies are probably the most loyal customers of any franchise out there.
Wargames are different from role-playing games.
Not that different. It's just pure cuckoldry at this point.
>the crippling failure of Skaventide and the explosive success of The Old World's orc and dwarf re-releases
According to who? Source?
They love pain
The overhead on GW means you could try three
Other games for the price of one GW game in most if not all cases, and have enough left for lunch.
This is just sad bro. I felt genuine pity when I read this cope. I hope someday you'll feel confident enough in your game to not be so fucking embarrassing about it
I completely agree, hence why I buy most of my models second-hand.
Because unlike DnD there isn't actually a good competitor. Model and/or gameplay like it or not you're either stuck with GW or you're settling and deluding yourself
oh yeah bro, you printed off some models that don't actually look like dogshit? You playing a bolt action homebrew with elves? The delusion I was talking about. I don't *like* that GW is the only game in town, but it's pretty much the only game in town unless you want to go skrimish
See previous post
The models aren't even that good. The rules suck balls. You just drudge on because of usage.
They were good, once.
In the halcyon days of 3rd edition warhammer, before it was called fantasy...
That was a seriously long fucking time ago. The idea that in 2024 a GW Dwarf or Skeleton is superior to the multitude of alternatives, same with rules, it's just nostalgia - and nostalgia actually rightly used to be viewed as a mental malaise. Because it kills creativity like it has here and permits the same mistakes to be made over and over.
I'd rather use models from 30 yeaes ago than use the more recent GW models and the models of different companies that are in the same style, so I suppose we'll have to agree on some things and disagree on others.
okay man, what are the multitudes of alternatives? Conquest? It's probably the only competitor and it's competing with TOW. Infinity? Decent minis, but skirmish. Warmachine? lmfao
Your scope is already so narrow.

Quite obviously, Oathmark and Frostgrave are excellent alternatives to WHFB and have a miniature line way more tastefully executed than anything Gav Thorpe's spindly fingers touched.

Start there, I have answered this question weekly for years now. Everyone will complain if I mention Warlord or Mantic, even though Mantic have been producing great kirs in recent years.


Ok. But. Does that really say anything about GW? Many of those sculptors like Kev Afams etc produced a lot for other people
As for competitor to AOS. It's basically a Chinese Mobile Phone Game for tabletop. I wouldn't even countenance an alternative because what is there doesn't cohere
You gotta love it when ESLs try using big words they don't understand to try and sound smart.
if you seriously think frostgrave minis are even in the same universe as anything GW makes you're living 30 years in the past, and there is no point talking to you further.

damn why didn't I think of that. Doesn't answer my question though. Because you can't.
noooo bro he's answered this question weekly for YEARS don't you get he knows what he's talking about. Going to go full into old reaper bones tier frostgrave because it...cohere? (read: is boring and all the factions look the same). I have a game for that, it's called fucking bolt action. Better quality minis too. I guess I just don't get it as Chinese Mobile Phone Wargamer.
Damn why do AOSchads make all other wargamers seethe uncontrollably? Is it jealousy? Stay mad, tranny.
It's pity, mostly.
If it's pity why do you seethe so hard?
NTA, but objectively speaking AoS has been doing great right until 2023. Its been the top 5 the entire time amongst LGS sellers. The entire time it has never sold out immediately. So that's not really proof of anything.
Because you deserve better than what you've got and you refuse to see it.
Pity doesn't elicit a response and prompts people to ignore it. Kinda like how they ignore TOW. Seething like this, similar to how people think about 5th ED Forgotten Realms, is impotent bitterness at its continued existence.
>and the explosive success of The Old World's orc and dwarf re-releases
Proof? Because I want it to be true.
Idk about Dwarfs, but the Orc release have been completely anemic. So this is mostly copium.
"It's pity, mostly" he said through clenched teeth and bright red face. This is sad bro, why not just play TOW and pretend sigmar doesn't exist if you actually care so little
So what will GW do with fantasy genre when they retire their fantasy "main" games? Will they just occasionally drop limited edition boardgames for the vidya tourists to dabble with?
They hated him, for he told the truth.
I do, but I also like answering questions.
Nobody's buying that when the grog clearly is seething. People who give actual pity unironically don't give it much attention.
Hopefully nothing. Warhammer Fantasy has been kept alive by the community, not GW. Same thing with Mordheim and Warmaster.
As much as I dislike Age of Sigmar as a ruleset, I fully expect the community, such as it is, to sustain the game if GW stops supporting it too.
It's sad you mix up pity and indifference. Turns out your parents never cared about you after all.
Age of Sigmar will go down in history for causing more secondary seethe than any other /tg/ game
Pity is held in your heart about something, genius. Through pity you express sorrow for someone or something and then move on. This is pure hate and rage at the temerity that it exists. A complete lack of emotional maturity that only speaks of a lack of a father or relationships. So...you know; kinda like you.
Lmao no it's not. Best laugh I've had all day.

Any more pearls of wisdom, Mr. Freud? I better start writing these down!
Merriam Webster definition of "pity": sympathetic sorrow for one suffering, distressed, or unhappy
I'm glad we agree that people who play AoS are suffering.
And where in that it says you need to shut the fuck up to pity someone?
Someone who feels sorrow for someone doesn't scream it to everyone that listens. This is why I said you people aren't pitying shit, you are pitying yourselves and seething about the AoS players having the gall to wipe the floor with game you are emotionally validated by.
The game I'm emotionally validated by doesn't exist anymore.
How I wish it did. But AoS didn't kill it Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition did.
I mostly just feel bad that AoS players recoil in horror whenever someone asks them to try playing Warhammer Fantasy 6th edition.
AoS players shoul learn to wipe their butts first. What stench!
That's clearly not accurate considering the constant seething. You don't have to be honest with me, but you should be honest with yourselves.
>Y-you're the one seething! Stop calling me.. my game bad!
Yeah dude you're seething. You make these threads constantly despite the game doing just fine because you're delusional and you keep being proven wrong.
Rent free.
Sir, in the last ten years I've not made a single thread about AoS. But keep telling me that I'm obsessed for some reason.
40k players stink up more tbf
>I-I'm not seething! This is just me pitying people so much that I rant about it!

>TOW faggot gets the same shit-tier joke thrown at him that every AoSg gets
>makes assumption that person is AoS shill

Wow you're awfully sensitive. Go play a game to cool down if you can find a player within 75 miles of your basement.
do we really need to bump this thread when it should be laid to rest.
I don’t know why you did this, but it oddly fits.
name three alternative that don't look like shit and won't blow up if they tumble onto the table
oof anon. We pity you for not having friends or families or other hobbies besides being obese (which you fucking are) and complaining online due to excess estrogen. Literally every Grog I've met IRL is a sad, lonely man, desperate for attention. Look at this post, so many replies. You're finally getting some acknowledgment!
Who gives a fuck what the dictionary says? Go look up the definition of woman and tell me how smart Webster is.
lol a 3 word post got you and so many other people steaming with anger
Actually all those replies are steaming with pity.

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