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What are your dream settings that you just haven't found a perfect system for yet? and if you are running your dream setting whats the closest system your playing that matches what you want? for me its

Prowlers and Paragons is what im using right now but i honestly thought the new Marvel system would have been great. Really love how powers are based on SKill Tree like system so it's easy to customize powers without having to use a calculator and build them with points like other systems. The combat is tactical which i love but all the other parts of a good RPG are missing. No Skills or RP elements outside of just "Let the GM handle it". Same goes for some missing stuff like vehicle and gadget rules
>Gonzo Space-Fantasy:
Love the Starfinder setting since it's pretty much what i want out of a Space-Fantasy game, but the main problem is i honestly do not think a DnD Framework of level 1-20 works for anything past fantasy. I think it should be more gear based (and not how starfinder handles it via a loot-treadmill) and characters should "level-out" not "level-up" but aside from that it's my go-to. Excited for 2e since i really did love the action economy for Pathfinder 2e and feel like it would fit better for a ranged based game
A system for gay sex.
Closest I got was sexing your mom.
I always had this idea of running a one shot in an urban ninja setting heavily inspired by ninja gaiden, but apart from GURPS with some cherry-picked rules I have no idea what system could render the combat well enough.
Depending on what you want, Fireborn might be a good fit. It has an unnecessarily detailed combat system for melee that is very flexible and has allowances for magical powers/superhuman abilities at baseline.
I will look into that then, thanks anon.
Np. another win for scalies
are you lgbtq?
What system would work well for a setting where the magic is based on the seasons?
>Giants like in an isolated valley
>in the center is a mountain where the cloud and storm giants live
>when a giant chief gets old he climbs the mountain, the number of lightning bolts it takes to kill him determines how long the funeral feast is
>giants are constrained by swamps that surround the mountains around the valley
>swamps are full of hydras, giant vermin and trolls that love the taste of giant flesh
>when the giants find a route through they invade the lowlands
>giants use ogres as soldiers, every ogre carries royal blood from a human family that was kidnapped and interbred with hill giants
>human kingdom broke into dozens of smaller baronies
>barons are big on knightly orders
>dwarves are vikings after giants ejected them from their homeland
>elves are Rome, campaigning for slaves
>humans have a good relationship with trolls, pay trolls in booze to guard bridges from wandering ogre bands
So what exactly is missing from this setting that you can't find a system? Are you playing the giants, or are they background? Seems pretty straightforward shamafamylan
>Nautical / Antarctic Expedition
Where the party travels in and alongside a snowcruiser landship, going between points of interest in a vast, post-apoc landscape.
I'm pretty new to TTRPGs in general, having only run sessions in Nechronica and Across a Thousand Dead Worlds.

Not sure where I can find a system that has solid rules for small-scale mixed vehicle-and-dismount play (both combat and non-combat).
Some form of abstracted logistics tracking system (ie. fuel, food, heat, ammo) would be nice as well, although I'd rather handwave it over something that's excessively time-consuming to track/calculate.
Would appreciate any pointers or recommendations.
I've done something similar in Apocalypse World, with the Hardholder running a giant ship and the Chopper's motorcycle gang as outriders. Depends on how much crunchy combat rules matter to you, AW is a game that works more as an HBO character drama than a simulationist battle system.
Nothing I've tried provides really satisfying combat, both for personal duels and fighting giant monsters, and can do the combination of high magic elves and low magic humans. I want the various human regions to have noble houses that have meaningfully different traits and tendencies, I want it to be possible for nonmagical people to achieve superhuman abilities, a guy can do things like shoulder check a tree and knock it over, or use a wagon as an improvised weapon, catch arrows out of the air, kill a fly at the far end of a feast hall with a thrown knife. So far no system I've seen can do all this.
prowlers and paragons can do all of this easily
Isn't that a cape system?
I'm pretty open in terms of combat systems so long as there's decent space for player buildcrafting, but if it's more character drama my groups might struggle with it. They're mostly newer players without much in way of character or roleplay experience, so they've generally gravitated towards leaning on the crunch of combat more than the fluff.

Not sure how I could help nudge them into roleplay more, or if I should leave them be.
>What are your dream settings that you just haven't found a perfect system for yet?
I'm a MASSIVE Starcraft fan. I've read the novels, comics, manga and played the games to death and I'd absolutely kill to have some sort of in-depth system that'd let me play that universe on the tabletop.
Alas, such a thing shall never exist :(
What you're describing is basically fantasy capeshit, honestly any generic roleplaying system could handle it.
I would love to run a campaign with a Metal Gear Phantom Pain/ Mission Impossible/ The A Team kind of vibe.
>Takes place in the modern world
>Except there's a good 20% more secret wars and glowie operations going on
>with a dash of sci-fi tech sprinkled here and there
>You play an international PMC, who do all sorts of contracts all over the world
The only stuff stopping me is that I'm a bit of a geopolitic autist, so writing the plot would involve a lot of research
I'm also a hardcore tankist and I'm not too sure if I can find players who are ok to have the Russians as the good guys, or at least as a neutral force
Apparently there is http://starcraftd6.tripod.com/
There's also a Genysis mod
I'm going to post the PDF ITT again, that should answer a lot of people's questions.
Generational succession of cave men getting high and hero questing to resolve issues both environmental and adversarial. Creating folklore from their adventures is the focus as much as the communion and adventures themselves. Latter parties should be re-enacting warped misrememberings of their own now-ancestors' feats.

Perhaps Mouse Guard's focus on scale could be leveraged to your ends? Its focus on gear as character advancement might also fit if elves can equip magics which are simply beyond human grasp. Cool setting btw.

Diaspora's a FATE hack which has pretty robust wargame and shipbuilding rules. The latter includes maintenance fees a la traveller and barring waste heat not being a concern in atmosphere could be modified to suit your needs rather easily. It also comes with Cluster generation tools which while not appropriate for wide open frontier exploration could model the ramshackle network of settlements which your cruiser presumably plies its trade between when not traipsing into the back of beyond.
Did a similar thing in a Waterworld sorta way. The Driver took great pleasure describing all the weird shit they pulled with their hydrofoil catamaran.

Gotta similar thing except I'm too smoothbrain to manage althist and to morally blunt to manage the nuance of RL-adjacent ethical conundrums. The solution for me is a Strangereal situation with looking-glass alternate idelogies (with hindsight it's hard to see the USSR ending up anywhere functional imo). More Phantom Doctrine than Jagged Alliance but otherwise identical it seems. How would you make your proclivities palatable to players?
>How would you make your proclivities palatable to players?
There's two easy way out:
1- Yeah, as you mention, making the setting an alternate history of some sort, so the ideologies don't line up 1-1 with the present day
2- Go the James Bond way and have a fictional bad guy, like the SPECTER, who will make everyone look like good guys in comparison.
.. and just like Ian Flemming, use the SPECTER to represent the international Financial-Military-Industrial complex
>Gotta similar thing except I'm too smoothbrain
If you just want to run it the easy way, you can do it like the James Bond movie:
>Missions that run from point A to point B
>Each step is a different exotic location
>Each step has a cool action sequence built-in
>Bad guy is a fictional cardboard cutout of something taken from the news
You don't need any geopolitical intricacy if you railroad the shit out of... I mean... have well defined and concrete objectives for the scenario.
Like "Oh there's this generic warlord in Haiti, you need to steal his golden cockring, it's a USB key which has the plans for a prototype of Spaceship One or some shit. Yeah, by the way, sorry, we can only parachute you 30km away from his HQ, so good luck in the jungle"
>Generational succession of cave men
We just had a thread about Würm, yesterday. Looks like a cool game for that.
Oh! Or option 3:
Go the Black Lagoon/ Far Cry way and have it take place in a fictional failed state, with easily understood factions (warlord A, warlord B, remnant governmental loyalists, pirates, corrupt NGO...)
It's any genre.
Russians are evil.
I mean an official one that isn't ancient and non-canon.
Ya know, if you are that much into it, maybe it's a blessing that there's no official TTRPG adaptation of StarCraft. Especially a recent one.
The author probably wouldn't have been as knowledgeable as you and may even have been forced to cram some pozzed shit in there just for the brownie points.
You are better off picking a neutral-ish sci-fi system and do a quick conversion.
Plus, StarCraft as far as I'm aware is fairly close to very common sci-fi tropes, so it would be easy to find equivalents for everything.
Würm looks good but I don't see it one the share thread, guess I'm shelling out.

As I said Phantom Doctrine's an inspiration, I'd prefer PCs be a blend of washout spooks and MK ultra victims realising there's a larger foe at play than the cold war antagonists their states' propaganda is feeding them. Still probably a lot of Bond shenanigans though as the only way a smooth brain like myself can approximate corkboard-and-red-string conspiracy plotting is to quantum ogre the relationships between a few key events.
Those sorts of places are arenas for proxy war so the big boys' geopolitics and so implicit RL morality seep in. Not undoable but a challenge. Also doing a Strangereal is fun for its own sake.
It isn't about dream setting because settings are irrelevant, there's no setting that can't be simulated using existing systems. It's about a dream system. I want a mech building game with the complexity of something like Armored Core, maybe worse. Problem is, complex games like that are better suited to computer games since most people don't want to crunch numbers to that point. Maybe it's best that it stays that way. Some anons on /mechm/ have tried to bridge the gap between vidya and tabletop but it just doesn't capture that feeling.
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Snowcruiser guy here, is there a difference between Diaspora and this Decode Diaspora pdf I found on 4plebs? Haven't had time to look into it too deeply but I'll be setting aside some time on the weekend to do so.
In any case, thanks for the recommendation.
Dunno if it's in the spirit of what you're looking for but I've had some success speeding up and automating some complex system rules using an Excel/Google Sheets "DM's Console", so maybe that could be a solution? Something that lies somewhere between a tabletop and vidya.
>I'm also a hardcore tankist and I'm not too sure if I can find players who are ok to have the Russians as the good guys
You're right, sounds great and then you murdered it lol
Making one of those was literally the last time /tg/ got shit done, back in '17
There are 3 different systems for Stand Still, Stay Silent.
Then there are: Delta Green, CoC, GURPS, Hollow Earth Expedition, Savage Worlds and fucking Tian Xia, each handling this subject their own way, with plethora of modules in tow.

Next time, just tell us you want to be spoon-fed, you fucking toddler
Decode seems to get the gist but the full book is longer. In post it but the pdf's too large for 4chan, maybe I'll try contributing to the Share thread for the first time over the next few days. Hope the tools prove applicable!
I've tried several, so far anything with detailed combat lacks the higher fantasy elements, or is so fixated on nuanced swordplay there's no rules for fighting giant monsters.
Do you think you'd be better off creating a setting that's just similar to our own world with the names slightly changed? Maybe an alt-hist setting? Could free you up slightly. The most important thing is just knowing who the good guys and bad guys are, and what their opinions of each-other are.
I've got most of one set up for a fantasy system I'm working on (Modern fantasy) but I keep revising the mechanics of the system itself, and so I'm never going to be able to run it at this rate cause' I have other stuff IRL and games to handle.
Are there any good systems for running 30-120ft Giants alongside normal 4-7ft tall humans? The closest thing I can think of to this are mech games.
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Looking forwards to it. Much appreciated.
Mate, I know that /tg/ did a snowcrawler system. I fucking loved those threads.
The reason I'm asking for additional recommendations is because the original /tg/ PDF doesn't have provisions for mixed infantry-and-vehicle combat, such as if members of the party are screening the crawler on foot or are ambushed and need fire support. I don't recall the subsequent follow-up threads ever adding those either, though I might have to check.

I wasn't aware of Stand Still Stay Silent or the associated RPGs, so thanks for bringing that to my attention. Likewise for the others.
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>a setting that's just similar to our own world with the names slightly changed?
There's a niche but very real pleasure in mixing fiction with the real world.
It doesn't feel the same if a scenario takes place "oh yeah, it's in a desert in Irakistan" rather than "It's in the desert of Karakum in Turkmenistan".

Like, there was this episode of the Justice League, which had a typical "bad guys trying to steal a train full of cash" plot, except they mentioned this train was because a (fictional) central European country was adopting the euros as its currency.
Suddenly the plot feels much more grounded and cool.
But I think the easy way out could be:
>It's the real world, except not a single one of the currently running head of state is the same person.
>Biden isn't the president of the US, Putin isn't the president of Russia, Kim Jung Un isn't the head of North Korea etc... it's someone
This way you can avoid grudges because of real-world politics. Maybe (fictional) president of the US is more corrupt, or less corrupt than the real-world one, depending on the needs of the plot.
Throwing a slight alternate history in there, could also help distance the game a bit more from real-world politics.
I'm not sure which event to pick for the point of divergence though.
Well, why wouldn't a mech game work, for that?
You mean fantasy giants?
Which kinds of story would you like to tell?
He means Attack On Titan, bumpfag.
I was genuinely picturing playing giant PCs with... like... tiny humans on their shoulders or something.
I'm not the bumpfag, I'm >>93402323 the guy keeping the list of franchises as rpg, alive. So whenever someone mentions a new genre, I'm trying to see if it's in there.
By the way Attack on Titans in already in there
Prowlers and paragons. Growth, constant.
I'm sure a mech game would work for it, but I was curious if anyone had any other suggestions. Wanted to do some research before I settle on a system.
I don't, actually. >>93421802 is spot on. Players are going to be giant half-kaiju humanoids that are descended from genetically engineered Bio-titans the governments of Earth made in response to a Pacific Rim style alien kaiju invasion. They search the rubble of post-apocalyptic human civilization for any usable technology to bring back to their keep and they have little human companions (also a player option) that help them scout and search tight spaces. Was going for a symbiotic relationship between the giants and humans.
Will look into it, thanks.
I like the idea of Spelljammer as a setting, but I don't really like D&D's execution of it. I'd love to do basically a rip off in a different system. Sailing through space, alien wizards and elves with lazer guns. I'd actually start off with regular Earth at first, maybe WW2 or Colonial era? The players would accidentally shoot down a space boat and need to help the aliens get back into space before the evil empire discovers Earth.

I've thought about Savage Worlds. I do enjoy the super campaign I'm in. I just for the life of me can't figure out wounds and fatigue and it feels like such a clunky system.
>What are your dream settings that you just haven't found a perfect system for yet?
Since my friend introduced me to GURPS I've never had this problem.
Perhaps the space fantasy you'd want could be done by heavily modding Wildsea.
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>I'm also a hardcore tankist and I'm not too sure if I can find players who are ok to have the Russians as the good guys, or at least as a neutral force
I can't believe this is real. even actual modern day wannabe tankies who masturbate to the USSR anthem don't see the modern day russian federation as a true or worthy successor and think they're kleptocratic capitalist pigs just like the west.
I'll check it out, thanks a bunch!
I love GURPS but sometimes the 576 page rulebook scares people.
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Yeah, that’s intimidating. Does it really need to be so huge?
You're not supposed to just throw the rulebook at your players and say "here you go :)" you're supposed to use it as a toolkit to create your own game and give your players the condensed form, or just tell them what you're supposed to use.
As a GM, you only need to read Campaigns to get started, which is half of the Basic Set, and really isn't that much reading. Like it isn't as though you're supposed to memorize and include every rule, just the ones you like and use it as a guideline to modify and make your own rules.
What about some of the supplementary books, like the ones for different kind of magic, anything to keep in mind there?
I don't know. Are you using them? That's up to you :) I run games using the Basic Set and maybe a Mgaic book most of the time. If you really want to dive deep into a certain subject you can check out other supplements. For the most part they're worldbuilding tips and not rules, though.
My point is that GURPS has this reputation of being incredibly heavy and complex, but that's only true if you, as GM, just throw everything into a blender and overwhelm yourself, which is not what the system is intended for. Hell, you can run full campaigns with the GURPS lite supplement
I had this idea, on the back of my mind, of a pre-modern setting with widespread animated statues, giant golems, mobile animated castles... basically: fantasy with mecha, but grittier:
You don't have lasers and energy swords, the giant colossi are fought using siege weapons (and other colossi, obviously).
I'm really not sure which system to use, because Lancer really wouldn't fit the tone if refluffed and the other mecha games I heard of are hardwired to represent "tech mecha" and would need a near-complete rework.
The ideal system would need to be abstract enough to be easily refluffed, while still allowing for stuff like... I don't know... having stats for having your mech being attacked by a full regiment of archebusiers.
I'm also hesitating on which period to pick, for the overall aesthetic. On one hand, early modern is great because you have giant castles, beautiful statues, alchemy and Da Vinci-style clockwork stuff. Plus, gunpowder means infantry can actually damage mechs in a credible way.
On the other hand, the antiquity also have beautiful statues and colossi fits in very well.
TTRPG campaigns are by their nature non-canon.

Dunno how good the Genesys hack for starcraft is, but it's probably worth a look since Genesys was derived from a sci-fi system to start with.
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>Dream setting
Hunter x Hunter would be one. I don't know if there is a system that could handle motherfucking nen and I don't know if my group would be into it. Alas it is not to be.
Arguably I've made it even harder for myself by having "humanity" as a broad smear rather than a simple human or giant dichotomy. I could chicken out and make twice-to-half standard size easily playable with hordes of tinies or lumbering giants as prestige classes, with magic costs and associated mutation there's a built in reason to lock off the craziest stuff as PCs.

Mouse guard might work for its focus on size, natures, circles and gear-based skills (regular dudes are the one-size-fits-all powerhouses). Not sure how applicable any of that would be to you though.

Archimedean contraptions can get pretty crazy and massive armies reshaping the landscape was almost common. Had a dream like the antiquity one, all I remember is that pilots sympathetically guiding the motion of giant statues kept maiming themselves. They got phantom limb effects where their own meat didn't match the marble ideal.

For the ancient stuff maybe look into Agon and refluff Olympian favour/interference with aspects of the mecha's arete?
>maybe look into Agon
Ooooh ! It's funny!
Apparently the system designed for Agon, Paragon, is used for a bunch of other games, including a mech game.
So I guess refluffling wouldn't be so hard.
Yeah, I agree that the ancient greek or roman mechs would be really cool.
Plus, you could also get very a very varied aesthetic, with Egyptian or Persian mechs thrown in.
I like the idea of cyberpunk with fantasy, but hate half of Shadowrun's lore and all of its rules. Specual shout out to a continuing commitment to having to run three separate combats at the same time!
I want to run a Monster Hunter universe game but there is nothing like that. No, the board game doesn't count.
So after not-so-much-thinking I decided on hacking the shit out of the Trudvang Chronicles to suit my needs. That's because Trudvang resolves shit by making the player add all the relevant skillpoints into a resource pool. You take points from that pool to turn them into a roll-under d20 difficulty check.
It's the closest thing I figured out to the stamina bar of the game and the only thing that'll make mastering the weapons fun.
I'm making skill trees. Each for every weapon + crafting, movement, little pal mastery and survival and I WILL balance them "good enough". And once I add that sweet reactive initiative from Nechronica, I WILL have my monhun game.
check out the list >>93402323
, there's plenty of entries for Monster Hunter
But yeah, I agree. What I expect from a MH game:
- Monsters can one-shot PCs. Combat isn't about HP attrition, but clever play between action economy (dodging takes an action), initiative and positioning.
- You can craft stuff out of body parts looted from dead monsters
I'm not aware of any game that does that and getting there isn't just a matter of simple conversion. You would need to design the combat system from the grounds up
If you liked the dice pool with potential horrible consequences aspect of SR, I hear the cyberpunk book for Genesys was solid and you can just sprinkle the fantasy stuff on that.
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I really want a system that's good for multiple levels of transformations that are either for utility or power boosting so I can run an anime Tokusatsu style game with Kamen Rider, Magical Girls, mechs, DBZ style Super Saiyan stuff and all that jazz.

But there's also another level to it. I have seen systems which could handle some of this stuff but maybe but in TTRPG's transformations are usually part of the build from the start or something you level into as you go.

I need a system than can handle brand new transformations or powerups on the fly as if the character suddenly gains this power during a powerful moment like Goku spontaneously going Super Saiyan when he rages out after Krillin dies or a character getting their hands on a mcguffin in the midst of a dire final battle that gives them an insane power boost or new transformation that aids in the final fight or just pure willpower and the power of friendship pushing the player over the edge.

Something that can handle escalating hype fast and on the go like that and makes the players feel like THE protagonists.

There's a pair I've never been able to run

>A superhero game
this is more because I don't really know the pros and cons of each, and because I have a fairly specific idea I want to go for - fairly gritty, with power templates that turn off and on as they're gifted by artifacts

>Legends of the Galactic Heroes Style space opera
I want each player to command a fleet of their own, and the party is a bigger combined fleet. Not even the faintest clue where to start.
I want an Urban Fantasy game that can either fit the feeling of Jujutsu Kaisen or Zenless Zone Zero and Arknights
>>Legends of the Galactic Heroes Style space opera
>I want each player to command a fleet of their own, and the party is a bigger combined fleet. Not even the faintest clue where to start.

LANCER: Battlegroup might be something to consider, although whether it's sufficiently /roleplaying/ (excluding freeform) is debatable.

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