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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Stepping up to the plate, it's the Board Games General!

Previous thread:

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

What game did you bring that was an immediate smash hit with your group, to the point they couldn't put it down?

What game was a horrible strike out with them, to the point your credibility was questioned?
actual previous thread, sorry its been a hot minute:
Looks like we both posted a new /bgg/ thread. Trying to delete mine but there may be two threads.
>What game did you bring that was an immediate smash hit with your group, to the point they couldn't put it down?
Heat: Pedal to the Metal.
Pretty much played it everytime I've brought it with me to a games night.

>What game was a horrible strike out with them, to the point your credibility was questioned?
We gave it a red hot shot multiple times but it never NEVER really hit with anyone.
Great components, I liked the idea of it but it never hit.
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>What game did you bring that was an immediate smash hit with your group, to the point they couldn't put it down?
I rarely bring 7 Wonders out any more because almost every time its introduced someone goes out and buys it.

>What game was a horrible strike out with them, to the point your credibility was questioned?
Tellstones. Not that is was awful, but more, "why did you spend 30 bucks on a game this shallow?"
>What game did you bring that was an immediate smash hit with your group, to the point they couldn't put it down?
Age of Steam.

>What game was a horrible strike out with them, to the point your credibility was questioned?
Tokyo Metro. Some how the sole concept of "you just need to run trains through your stations" was too opaque.
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can I have some recommendations? I don't play many board games
I'm looking for more ''skilled'' games as opposed to pure luck/random games. two games I have as examples are overbooked and cluedo. I don't mean games like monopoly and life's way (just pure random). I play with good company so those games are fine but we all noticed it's not fun in the end.
I'm not talking about full blown strategy games either. ''simpler'' and shorter games are preferred, but if something takes 2 hours or so that's about the max it should go
thanks in advance, if there are any questions I'd gladly answer them
my friend got this
i'll update you when we play it
did he bought it because of IP or did some actuall research?
I remember watching gameplay like a year ago and it was super dull.
How many players do you usually get to the table?
Do you have a theme (space, history, mystery, sci-fi) that you all enjoy?
Do you like planning things out or smash and crash?
>What game did you bring that was an immediate smash hit with your group, to the point they couldn't put it down?
Spirit Island. That summer was a blast. Friends and wife trying out all the spirit comps and bag guys, finding out our mains, played base enough I quickly went out and got branch and claw and the promo spirits, which they also gobbled up.
6 years later, we still have nights where some of the crew go off to a 2 or 3 p SI match, while the rest of us play some knives in backs skullduggery.
The next summers 20+ matches hit was Pax Pamir 2, for which I take no credit. Wasn't even on my radar when my bud brought it over.
>What game was a horrible strike out with them, to the point your credibility was questioned?
Different group, Mare Nostrum. Now, they did go through 4 games, but their end take was: fighting is the worst choice you could ever make, it hurts you and your opponent which makes the other 3 players stronger. They concluded whoever got dealt rome or greece gets gimped, and if the game is all about trading and building 5 gods/ pyramids why bother keep playing.
I tried to tenaciously argue they were all full of crap, hell i even win twice controlling 4 capitals/legendary cities. They wouldn't budge on their collective position.
bought it because of Too Many Bones and Cloudspire being favorites
doubt there was much research involved, it was new and shiny and huge
Splotter games are all about that skill based, player driven action, with RNG being reduced to a setup only thing or a minor part of one action/phase of the game. They are, however, very strategic.
For something more party oriented but also less RNG, try Codenames/Decrypto/So Clover (word games for different kinds of groups, random setup but after that its all skill) and Captain Sonar (real time team vs team submarine battle of there being too much shit to coordinate but none of it is random, all player driven)
I'm somewhere in the middle when it comes to how much I like CTG games
Cloudspire is amazing, TMB suck dick.
since elder scrolls is basically TMB 2.0 i'm reluctant to pull a trigger.
i still haven't tried TMB myself, but I agree Cloudspire is excellent
i'll try to give them all some plays to compare
>How many players
most of the time 3 but could go to 8. three people is what I would stick to if you were to recommend something.
>Do you have a theme
nah if it's fun, it's fun
>Do you like planning things out or smash and crash?
smash and crash. we just play to pass the time and have fun, nothing more than that. it would also be very bad to try to plan things with my group when almost nobody cares
I played codenames before and the things is, it's a lot more fun with more people. the problem is that the people I would play with don't understand the game.....
I'll check out the others thanks

I should add, ''competitive'' games are preferred. a dumb but great example of a game we love is uno.
What do you dislike with TMB?
What other boss fighters do you like?

I personally rate TMB a 8/10 as I find it pretty tight, but I feel the game can be very swingy sometimes and each gearlock often has a specific upgrade path to be able to have a chance at winning at all unless you play the Bow & Trap boy.
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Here are some games I like and that are simple enough to play with normies (some require more thought than others, though):
>up to seven players
Between Two Cities, 7 Wonders, Mysterium, No Thanks!
>up to six players
Carcassonne, Wandering Towers
>up to five players
Ticket to Ride, Bites, Web of Power, Coloretto, Cat in the Box
>up to four players
Dominion, Azul, Renature, Blokus, Ingenious
>What do you dislike with TMB?
80% of characters straight up suck dick and have no customization. You either pick the correct skill tree with objectively good abilites, or you lose because lol, lmao.
Duster, Gasket and Nugget are the only fun ones.
Tantrum is ok.
>boss fighters
only played KDM (are boss battlers and boss fighters the same thing?)
I loved it for the first ~25 hours, but then I saw that what you do doesn't matter because at the end of the day, no matter how prepared you are, rng will give you aids
I also played KF and i like it enough to preorder base pledge.
Good recs, overall.
I'll add Qwirkle, Saboteur, Avalon, Beastly Bar, Set, Quacks of Quedlinburg.
Ghillie is no fun?
Because he's OP?

Guess I'll go for Elder Scrolls then.
>Ghillie is no fun?
>Because he's OP?
Yep, ending most of boss fights in turn 1 is not fun.
How do you cunts not coordinate enough to avoid having 2 threads AGAIN?
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Has any anon played pic related? Been kinda looking for a realtime partyesque game that is stupid fun; but I'm a bit hesitant about it because it seems like SUCH a basic bitch betting game.
I went to a meetup yesterday, a guy had it set up with a speaker and the app, and literally every single person playing it were ladies above the age of 70 lmao, they were fucking INTO it.
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Just a reminder that if you are "Hyped" about a game that is a part of pick related, you are the target market for advertisers.
that's a big list, thanks for that. gives us plenty to choose from
thank you too

I'll check them out, discuss it and I'm sure we will get one or more if it suits our tastes
If you write
>that is a part of *pick* related
you are the target audience for Grammar Nazis, and the reason why your parents both suffer from chronic embarrassment.
I have. It hardly classifies as a game, it is more of a fun activity to pass time.
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>It hardly classifies as a game, it is more of a fun activity to pass time.
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Say hello to your Spiel winner
>old people like gambling
It checks out
This looks like something you'd only ever buy to play with your wife
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When they didn't give Dune Imperium Spiel de Jahre you knew it was over
Spiel des Jahres is the Oscars of boardgaming, in a sense that the winners are guaranteed to be utter shit
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from what I hear, it plays just like that too
>Dune Imperium
Too complex for SdJ, it's meant for family games
it's pretty fun
like the crew by way of Castles of Burgundy
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>like the crew by way of Castles of Burgundy
there have read and heard worse descriptions of a game but this single handedly stopped any desire of even trying this game.
Go waddle in whatever trash you enjoy then. CoB and Crew are both tight.
>filtered by Castles of Burgundy
Bros I fucking love board games
No you don't
Then why won't you marry them?
The real question is: "Do board games love you?"
>tfw no qt board game enthusiast gf/wife
Also checked
checked, but state doesnt allow for bigamy.
However handsome your husband is, he's not more handsome than Eclipse
>married pax pamir
>verification not required
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Eclipse's gameplay may not be perfect, but the production value basically is. The counters are THICC and the sorting trays are really, really nice.
The coalition blocks smell like medicine and flake paint sometimes
>Eclipse's gameplay may not be perfect
It needs a ninth round like first edition because round 8 is where everybody gets their big-dick weaponry and fights to the death. One more round would give more opportunity for counterplay, I just feel like it ends a little too soon.
>The coalition blocks smell like medicine and flake paint sometimes
if you want to really get a buzz from a box, order anything form hollanspiele.
one title should last you weeks.
what do they publish?
Troon-core (wargames, leftoid screeds masquerading as games, cube rails, etc).
>new box smell
I actually wouldn't be surprised if people consume just for shit like that
HSpieke does not have a "new box smell" like you are imagining.
less shiny new car, more potent paint huffing.
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Dune Imperium still has that new box smell 7+ months later. The paper stock that they used is really nice, not sure what it is but I always love to sniff it. Oath smells fantastic, the playmat makes it smell like a new pair of shoes
>new box smell 7+ months later
>not sure what it is but I always love to sniff it
That's the dirt and oil from your group's stinky fingers you cretin
What board game features muscular women in art and/or minis? Yes, this is for fetish reasons, I ain’t hiding shit.
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No it's not, because I play Dune Imperium solo
There's a lot of talk over which games are gateways. What games do you think are gatekeeper-ish? The two ones that come to mind are
>High Frontier 4 All
>The Campaign for North Africa: The Desert War 1940-43
Campaign for North Africa is a meme game that no one actually plays.
Molly House
Then it's Cheetos dust
I don't like Cheetos and I wash my hands before playing a game
played Root for the first time today with my group, we all loved it. first game was a bit rough with lots of rule checking for everyone but 2nd one was much smoother with still a few hiccups with matching suits and cards. ended up winning as vagabond in the 2nd game, seems like he can just snowball out of control if you build up quests and items.

As for the TQ, my group seems to really love Heat as well. Always gets played when I bring it.
I haven't brought any duds to game nights yet but I also don't own that many games (slowly getting more)
It's perfect tho, the game runs faster thanks to the mixed technologies that accelerate the power curve and the last round was usually more of the same, everyone is grown into the maximum size of the empire so it just becomes a reshuffling of sectors. Also, it would overvalue research by making it easier to score off of techs given the wildcard tech. It's good where it is.
The Unmatched set with She-Hulk. I saw it at the local board game bar today.
Huh. Based first edition player.
Alright then, good way to speed up combat? It feels like everybody else like to turtle and wait until round 6 minimum to start actually fighting.
High Frontier is not that complicated, its just too random to be fun.
Forgive me, /bgg/, for I have consumed.
Went to a couple lgs today, bought some games purely on impulse.
Your smegma then.
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A game where every single thing is random
>It's perfect tho
You just won this years retard price
At least put SOME effort into it anon
You mean gatekeepers?
As anon said, noone actually plays campaign for north africa. At some point in the near future someone will realize campaign for north africa actually sold some copies when people wanted to get it for the memes and an even more unplayably long game will be designed
Imperium is not even best Dune. Mid tier at best.
Did you look at the cover and went "this looks fun"?
I stop researching games and just went with my guts once
I was so wrong
I've done that with a few games. Did get a couple duds, but I managed to resell them for a minimal loss. I learned my lesson. Mostly. Last impulse buy because it was a pretty box was Mille Fiori, but that had Knizia printed on the box and heard someone here say it was fun, so I assumed it was inoffensive at worst, so that was all I did for research. Turned out to be fine, a feldian point salad with card play.
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Taste issue. All games with tasteful box covers are good, there are no exceptions.
>browse second hand boardgames
>one guy sells a ton of boardgames
>read the description
>"I am culling my (too) large game collection. From the money I earn from this I will obviously buy more. Will you help me maintain this hobby?"
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Sometimes its the best way to shit you'd never touch otherwise. I'm fortunate that mine is run by people who consistently throw things up for 70+% so I can see it as a way to learn different design principals
Like picrel being not very good and then finding out the guy remade his own game and removed all the fun from it
Kamigami Battles has one, I think the Norse themed set. Probably more if you dig through the cards.
In your experience is Unfathomable skewed to end with the cultist/hybrid victory?
Well which one is it? It's not 2019, with that abysmal rulebook that makes Oath look like a dictionary. It's War for Arrakis, right?
> and then finding out the guy remade his own game and removed all the fun from it.
How so? While there are multiple games with the name 'Rapa Nui' - this seems like the only edition by the designers in question.
Anyone here played Castle Panic? Is it fun?
Ok gonna go back on that a bit, they just realized their mistake and gave me pericles for free.
Pretty based ngl
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It was originally called Giants and its hard not thinking it fixes the problems with the remake
>Worker placement is boring with obvious choices and mitigation?
Screw that, bid on actions with 2 different forms of currency
>Hard to distinguish the various statue heights?
No problem, they're different shades and still high quality
>Taking the time to build up a statue network and put hats on them all so you can get resources you track on a board that will eventually get you VP?
What? No. You get VP for building shit. Keep it simple.
The core of the game is still kind of neat, like an 18XX where there's no actual ownership of the network, just the nodes, and you have to piggyback off each other is cool. It's not R&B levels but to see it just get so sanded down, I would be offended if I payed full price for it, let alone if I played the original
I found the main issue with Giants was that it didn't matter who transported the statue, only who put a hat on it. So you could do all the hard work and someone else would just jump in, put a hat and get all your points. Such a shitty design. Also, there was not enough wood on the island to have multiple paths to the outskirts so statues close to the center were highly favored.
None of us like co-op games.
That can't it either, my Root pieces don't have that smell
Hansa Teutonica was a gamę that I have really feared that will click due to theme. I had put additional effort by reading the rulebook a few extra times, watch reviews and playthroughs. My group was at first really hesitant, but at the third turn everyone was hooked like a quiet teen on fentanyl.

The game that was a total failure was and still is Ark Nova. It's just too boring for people with contemporary attention span ability.

My fellow cardboard crackheads, I recently came to conclusion that I want to jump once on the kikestarter/gamefound fix, I have never backed a thing in my life, but now I have some spare buckaroos to give it a try. I kindly aks for recommendations on ongoing projects and why in your opinion its worth it.
>a gamę
Addiction is a hell of a drug.
It's okay if you have kids. It's a simple tower defense game that throws monsters at you til you kill them all or your tower falls. It's fun, but it's easy once you figure the system out and the novelty wears off rather quickly. I haven't played the expansions but I've heard they extend its shelf life and spices things up a bit.
hop on that late pledge for GoAII
or if you want a tight little Euro to go down easy, Stupor Mundi has a very pretty historical theme and can be tested on BGA
Getting HT to the table was really difficult for me too. It has a really dry look and basic gameplay which scares a lot of people. Then the game has a ton of little rules that can overload people even if the basic turns are just putting down some cubes. Recently someone else brought it and of course I was eager to play. Ive played it 8 times in 5 weeks now and won 7 times out of 8 because one time I went easy, and then suddenly some retard started upgrading his actions near the end of the game, feeding one guy 2 points a pop. He got his 5th action the round before the game ended
> >>93396172 Anon not realizing that /bgg/ thread posting is a war game.

It's not your fault the other Anon is a moron.
Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like the designer over-compensated.
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any wargamefags here? Is suez 1918 good?
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>Go to indie designer meetup to see what people are cooking
>"It's a card shedding game"
>"It's (famous game but worse)" (claims not to know of the famous game and gets defensive when asked)
>"It's [Game] but with [X]"
>Ask a guy that has like 5 different designs he's showing off if he has approached any publishers
Holy shit, now that's what I call going above and beyond the call of duty. Hope the original order gets to you soon, and you don't have to wait another full season in Motel p500.
You'll have more luck in /bwg/.
It's actually Rex.
>>"It's a card shedding game"

Should just be a small box with a tiny rule book and a refillable lighter so that the players can simply burn paper currency straight from their own wallets.

>>"It's (famous game but worse)" (claims not to know of the famous game and gets defensive when asked)

Next up, his latest invention. He calls it the 'HuWheel. It'll revolutionize the transportation industry!

>>"It's [Game] but with [X]"

Doubtless, X does NOT mark the sweet spot.

>>Ask a guy that has like 5 different designs he's showing off if he has approached any publishers

show us your game anon
if you were at an indie designer meetup you should be an indie designer yourself too
>if you were at an indie designer meetup you should be an indie designer yourself too
Not how it works you retard. Swear to god this place is getting dumber by the hour.
>Swear to god this place is getting dumber by the hour.
New here?
Thanks anon. I am now left to wonder what to do with my two copies of Pericles
Do most indie developers even make board games with the intention of finding a publisher, I thought it was like music where you can just make your own stuff for fun and never try to sell it properly
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Been brainstormingan alternative take on d20 system for my mecha game.

>3D system is what I call it to sound cool and important

>first die is representative of pilot expertise
>starts at d4 and goes up to d12 based on class passives
>second die is representative of mech parts/customization specialties
>also starts at d4 and goes up to d12
>third die is representative of miscellaneous advantages like surprise and strategic positions
>does not apply if there’s no advantages present but also goes up to d12

>add your d3 together and any +1s you may or may not have gotten to determine success of an action

I really really like the concept of the dice representing the different aspects of your character, and it would be very satisfying for players to roll it, but on the other hand, I worry that there’s too many moving parts with most actions having different dice values. Any opinions?

>i wann shoot a guy and i have X and Y pilot skills, A B and C mech parts that apply, and I’m also stealth and locked on which is counteracted by long range so im throwing d8/10/4
>now I want to dodge out of the way with D pilot skill, E and F mech parts and no advantage so I’m throwing d6/d8

Is it fair to just put the responsibility on tracking their dice values on the players? Is it fine assuming the player isn’t retarded? Because I DO believe that not every system has to be for everyone, as long as it’s ultimately fun.
>"It's (famous game but worse)" (claims not to know of the famous game and gets defensive when asked)
Why people are so afraid of admitting they just want to do a homebrew out of their favourite game? There's nothing wrong with it. Pathfinder is basicaly that.
I imagine that they would considering they ask people to test it constantly and change rules every 5 or so plays. I figure an artist would just leave it at that and let players play their version 1.0, terrible or not, for their artistic integrity.
>Is it fun?
Not the most complex game ever, but I had fun the one time I tried it.
wat people edit the stuff they make all the time, and you playtest to figure out what you want to do better, do you think people playtest stuff for kicks and giggles and don't do feedback at all?
I think as long as it's clear how the dice upgrades and which dice you throw in scenarios it shouldn't be that bad for a player to figure out, sounds pretty similar to dnd and they don't mind diff dice values on everything
>add your d3 together
So, whats the point of them being separate dice, then? 3 dice seems like chaos galore when one could serve just fine unless you're going for utter shitfest to begin with.
For example, pilot expertise could be the DR modifier, mech parts could be better result charts, strategic advantages could be, say, rerolls, or double rolls.
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Decided to make a variant of tic tac toe.

Hopefully now is a better game.
Same rules, but in a 9x9 board, and there's a comodin piece both players can use every 2 turns.
The English term is "joker" or "wild card."
So, what's the best Agricola deck for the revised edition? I've heard people say the Ephipparius deck takes the best stuff from the older decks, I already have the complete A and B decks.
no fucking way
it's the /agdg/ retard
he's come to be a dumbfuck ESL here now
What's the rules that make it different, I can't figure it out by the gameplay

Here's me playing a game.

Basically, each 2 moves, both players have to put a joker that both can use to score lines.
Besides that, most of the same rules of tic tac toe works the same, but on a 9x9 grid.
My boyfriend and I are long-distance. Are there any games you guys could recommend on Tabletop Simulator in particular? We bulldozed the whole Frosthaven campaign together, so we like long-haul style games.
Undaunted Stalingrad
I've been playing mage knight and dmc board game on tts lately, don't have any long campaign games tho other than like slay the spire if you wanna grind something, ive heard its good in bg form
Mage Knight
>do you think people playtest stuff for kicks and giggles and don't do feedback at all?

Hello friendo! Let me introduce you to the grand grift that is "Games Workshop" where playtest feedback is routinely mocked and then ignored.
You might check out Board Game Arena. They've got a wide variety of games and their web implementation is generally quite good.
I like the comodin piece, good idea keep it up anon it looks fun
not all feedback and criticism is created equally and should be considered as such
though i'm not familiar with the games workshop situation
A refined take on Too Many Bones from what I have seen.
If you didn’t like TMB at all, best avoid it by most metrics.
Looks like they did balancing better, don’t require an hour to learn a character, and are showing the IP some love. They also stated that they doubt they will do any other IP because their design philosophy is to not use assets ripped from the game and expand and fleshed out lore so much that they basically created a brand new game with some Elder Scrolls naming conventions so having access to the IP did not make creating the game easier, cheaper, or any other pluses that usually come with such things and instead it is just gonna cost them royalties for what amounts to something that is 95% built by them in terms of content and such. In short, they didn’t half-ass, cash grab it and that’s what you need to do for an IP based game to make economic sense.
Arkham Horror LCG
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Any games like Catan where you build the board as you go? Or just any cool hex based 4X board games with interesting resource gathering mechanics.
>someone remembers Minus
Unfathomably based.
>Any games like Catan where you build the board as you go?
Eclipse, Maglev Metro, The Great Zimbabwe, Vast the crystal cavern and vast the mysterious mansion, Sprawlopolis are all I can think of.
Now destroying the board as you go, there's a great game arc.
>Now destroying the board as you go, there's a great game arc.
fuck, forgot the name but that atlantis game in which you have to save your meeples and can move sharks and sea monsters around to destroy boats and eat meeples.
Could also be cool for an economic game in whcih you exhaust the map of resources.
Carcassone, Dominant Species, Ginkgopolis (kind of), Inis, the entire mask trilogy (Tikal, Mexica and Cuzco), train games if building tracks/roads counts (Age of Steam, Canal King Brugge, Magna Grecia).
>Now destroying the board as you go, there's a great game arc.
Not a board game, but on Steam there's Greed Corp. The map is made from hex stacks that you mine and every time you do, it takes one tile away from the stack. Eventually the board is destroyed. It's a neat mechanic I'd like to see in a board game.
>Could also be cool for an economic game in whcih you exhaust the map of resources.
That's Antiquity. Which is awesome. Mines and Forests become permanently exhausted, everything you do spreads pollution, choking out the land making it unusable. Eventually you build cities not for more building unlocks or to house more meeple workers, but just to have room for the graves.
The choose your own win con is also one of my favorite aspects.
Though you can always surround a neighbor, dump all your waste on them, and they lose from being unable to place any more pollution.
>Eventually the board is destroyed.
It doesn't happen to 100%, but Cosmic Frog has the majority of the board blown up by asteroids, players harvesting the habitable environments, or from combat/abilities
>Catan where you build the board as you go
But in Catan the board is set once you start playing. What do you mean "build as you go"
>Steam there's Greed Corp
You can't buy it anymore, which is a shame since the game looks real neat.
While I think dismantling the board is a cool mechanic and sometimes works (Blakc Rose wars) and sometimes not (Space station phoenix) most of that coolness is mere novelty. I do believe that boardgames are more interesting when they get more open with time. Or rather, I think it's better when there are more possible decisions the longer the game goes, not less. Though I might just be scarred by Space station phoenix, really didn't like that one.
Yeah that's what I'm basing my current game off of.
Draw a new hextile every turn.
Place it.
Rivers must match up or touch a mountain.
If one end of a river is already touching a mountain then you can only place a lake tile there. Or vice versa.
If there's a forest on the outside you can only have two separate forests on the edge of less than 5 tiles. So basically you have to get a forest to 5 tiles, or enclose it fully with other tiles, before you can start a new one.

For the resource gather mechanic I had a dice pool based on town population that could be spent to gather from either the tile you were on or one of the adjacent tiles. BUT that meant a lot of rolling. I considered stealing the Catan method and writing a number 2 to 12 on each tile. But that'd be a lot to a dd up and doesn't take population size into account (unless you get resources equal to your population which for each city is 1 to 6 so thats kinda spiky and you'll suddenly have 6 wood after getting no wood for seversl turns.

Alternatively I considered rolling 1d6 and "activating" each city with a population greater than or equal to the roll. When it's activated, they can pick 2 of the resource the tile is on, or one of an adjacent tile. This keeps a lot of the aspects of the game I want and keeps that Catan feel but it loses tile variation. That said it's my favorite resource gather mechanic so far.
I assume he means "like Catan, except you build the board as you go."
>Now destroying the board as you go, there's a great game arc.
Finally i get to say that I liked Meltwater
Meltwater is indeed a good time.
A brutal and at times miserable experience, but oddly gleeful when I force refugees onto your camp and the starvation sets in.
Or causing a fight to cut off survivors with the new fallout placed front and center of the map, way before the encroaching radiation should normally get there.
Meant to say "except where you build the board as you go". Hadn't had muh HECKIN coffee yet when I typed that. But I am designing a game similar to Catan and wanted to try some other games that fit my vision of "Carcassonne mixed with Catan" that might help me with my design.
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Oh mama jama!
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Possum faction when?
There's a mage knight videogame ripoff called paladins oath that has a multiplayer mod.
Never, hopefully.
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What are some mechanics or things we haven't really seen in worker placement games that you would like to see implemented in the future? Can be regular worker placement or dice worker placement.
Maybe these already exist and I just haven't seen them:
>dexterity game where you have to throw/roll/flick your workers onto the space you want
>worker placement where you can only place your opponents' workers
>worker placement with dice but they're not d6s
>worker placement where you can only place your opponents' workers
That sounds fun
We will have pepe in root cards, someone print this pot.
>hidden traitor worker placement
Tile placement leading into worker placement.
Kniziabros, we are FEASTING
I did not know how much I wanted this until now.
Someone kidnap Argents designer.
Lock him in a room with a metric ton of 1970s era coke and instructions.
And fucking fund the results.
I love how Dune Imperium combines worker placement with combat. Are there other games that do that? Maybe even better?
Mine was supposed to come tomorrow but the delivery got pushed back.
Are you referring to the game or my toes?
MLEMpill me
It's a push your luck dice game where you're pushing everyone's luck. Same general idea as Deep Sea Adventure.
But there's less opportunity to screw everyone. If you sabotage the round and bail out other people can safely choose to bail out with you.
I will report back after I play it tonight :)
It's a knizia game which means that nobody above the age of 3 should play it
worker placement auto battler
push your luck area control
great gamba feel and high interaction
sabotage a mission all your friends bought big on to have alien sexxo
Worker placement with cube tower. Or meeple tower. Or something. I just want the tower.
The Lord of the Ice Garden
Why did Knizia become a furry?
Money. I fully expect the next printing of Samurai to be illustrated by the Usagi Yojimbo guy.
There should be more money in "not being a disgusting, filthy degenerate" business.
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That'd be fucking awesome to be honest. I wish for a good UY game that isn't a TTRPG or Arcadia Quest promos
Interesting axis but holy shit the positioning of the games is bad. Bad enough to entertain the possibility of bait
I wanna know what was in v1
Had a light kek at men at work, good job
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Such a good concept in Asara that I've been banging my head against the wall trying to repurpose it.
>Start making civ game
>Its the same gather wood/stone/(culture food) loop as before
I know 4x's don't have to be revolutionary, and that slapping some other theme wouldn't change the fundamentals, but trying to convince myself "don't worry its all in the execution" seems like cope
but I guess I'll make the system first then find the fun next
How about you figure out how it plays and then find the most appropriate theme?
That's Carcassonne.
why bother when TTA exists? you think you're better than Vlaada Chvatil himself?
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what are the victory conditions on board games?

So far I know:

>Territory conquest
>Capture the king
>Coronation of a piece / Reaching first a spot
>Trading points
>Collecting a treasure
What an exceedingly weird question. There's too many of the to count. But I suppose most games can be encompassed in:
>Have the most X
>Be the first to X
>Defeat X
When did this become amateur game dev general?

As an aside, how shit is ST:Ascendancy for non-trekkies? I think they did a decent job but holy shit playing out a full turn seems like a recipe for desaster/downtime
Player elimination
Holy kek i would try this
>this should only be a thread on playing bgs not designing them
That kind of attitude drove away our harmless wargamers, everyone related to board games is welcome here
Defeat a boss
Complete an objective
Defeat a team of players
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1. Push your luck is one of the worst mechanics.

2. Never back a 1st edition on crowdfunding. It may not deliver at all, and if it does AND if it is good, it will spawn a 2nd print/edition with most flaws and rulebook errors fixed.

3. Never have FOMO. You can always get that rare special retard edition dragon dildo from someone on BGG Market or eBay afterwards. The money you save from point #2 more than makes up for the small extra amount of $ you have to pay up.

4. Eclipse is a shitty design no matter what aspect you look at.

5. Never trust BGG ratings as they are mostly from people who rate their hype instead of the game, OR they rate something by 1 partial play without understanding shit. BGG often feel like people with severe visual handicaps that are trying to judge renaissance paintings, they can see something, but they dont know what.

6. Everyone who publishes bad rulebooks deserve all the hate coming their way. It's unacceptable in 2024 to not have an index and glossary for a 20+ pages rulebook.
The game. The art makes me want to gag.
Your toes are fine. Someone would probably suck them.
No need to get so weirdly defensive anon. I merely wondered aloud because it's been quite some time /bgg/ talked about anons game design projects.

If you want my two cents, I like daydreaming about mechanics and new ways to tackle [genre] but I am quite confident given enough playtesting I would start to utterly fucking hate my own designs. Exploring a design and what paths work/don't is fascinating, but the thought of designing and balancing these seems like purgatory.
where does Galaxy Trucker fit in this chart?
Extremely based take except point 4 but you knew that already you cheeky bastard
why bother when Clash of Cultures exists?
if you're looking for playtesters that like to talk a lot of smack about everything they play, come to /vm/ and host your game via Tabletop Simulator
Point 4 is the most important take on the list. Eclipse is an exceedingly mediocre game just like every other 4X
>why bother when Clash of Cultures exists?
To achieve the easy goal of making something better.
STA is fine if your players are fast: upkeep is a set of four yes/no choices, in actions phase each action is fast unless someone decides to start fighting then its still reasonable as you just precalculate odds so you dont do it every roll, roll dice then look what's happening and choose retreat or fight on then roll dice again, the biggest hurdle is remembering the rules on your first few turns, and reminding everyone why i'm not a threat so they have no need to fight me, i just park my ships in your space and you get cash money for that, really you're the one making mad profits since your fleets are better so your assload of resources is worth more than my three assloads of resources.
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Push your luck works in short & solo games or as a way to give players alternatives
Port Royal is almost a full push you luck game and it has remained popular for a decade
Robinson Crusoe allows you to strech your workers thin in exchange to getting more things done at possible great cost

Also lol
That's kind of a big one for me to forget about.
>Do a job for free and use the little power you have to police speech in accordance with globohomo values
Stay classy jannies. Also the seperating wargames into their own thread was fucking retarded. The threads never moved fast enough for it to be a necessity and their is so much overlap between peripheral wargames and boardgames in general it doesnt make sense. I say this as someone who's only played one wargame in my life (Maria) but has interest in a lot of wargame and wargame adjacent stuff like Here I Stand, COIN games and the like. I just like games and interesting designs and I know a lot of people here feel the same.
You the ideas are the easy part, making it work well and be fun is the hard part I'd imagine, I've got a lot of respect for big game designers that can put together whole experiences for people to play
>I say this as someone who's only played one wargame in my life (Maria) but has interest in a lot of wargame and wargame adjacent stuff like Here I Stand, COIN games and the like
Once again people who complain about the split unintentionally demonstrate why the split wasn’t a bad idea.
I also haven't played eclipse or half of the board games here, 4x,worker placements, tile placement, should we split this board too, what is this take
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Any other board games were you take the easy way out?
The point is that whenever people talk about wargames on /bgg/ it’s only ever the most popular, front facing games that are semi-widely known.
Everything else gets drowned out.
>4. Eclipse is a shitty design no matter what aspect you look at.
eh the ship blueprint building could've been fun if the upgrades were any good, but the upgrades are random and you only get like one or two outside of the baselines that people've had time to math out the best setups
That's completely wrong. With the new wildcard techs in second edition you get a lot more ship upgrades because you can draw multiples per round. They're also better than regular upgrades and easier to score off.
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A decade later im still seething about the group I taught shadow hunters to, the only character still secret at the end if game was Daniel.
Mother fucker didn't even understand how her card works.
The host was a gamer, he told everyone to bring board games. I made the mistake expecting the rest of his guests to have any semblance of intelligence or literacy skills.
Fair enough, I don't play enough Eclipse to know exactly how it sucks. I just wish a similar blueprint system was in a better game.
It's already in an excellent game you just haven't played it enough to figure that out.
what are some good solo board games?
Really depends what you want.
I like single session puzzles. From quick Sprawlopolis to brain burning two handed Spirit Island. I also enjoy rolling a bunch of dice and seeing what happens, so Bios Genesis amd Assault on Doomrock fit the bill.
I ignore a whole swath of solo offerings so for the more lauded dedicated solo games I have no insight.
Street Masters
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island
Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020
Fields of Fire Series
Mage Knight Board Game
Halls of Hegra
Nemo's War
Sleeping Gods
Storm Above the Reich
Under Falling Skies
Pavlov's House
Arkham Noir
Legacy of Yu
Mini Rogue
>Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020
>Fields of Fire Series
>Halls of Hegra
>Storm Above the Reich
>Pavlov's House
Added the solo war games to my list of solo tts to try, ty anon
>Street Masters
>Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island
>Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020
>Nemo's War
>Sleeping Gods

I will look into these. thanks
Shut in here. Post moving do I bother sending my cardboard to new owners? 3-4 years as paperweight and going strong right now. Talk me out of binning like half of it with complete disrespect.
Yes I already checked the LGS, they don't take used. Same for game bar/cafe/club-thing.
>dexterity game where you have to throw/roll/flick your workers onto the space you want
Halls of Hegra is not really a wargame but more like Robinson Crusoe
a thematic euro worker placement with a high difficulty
Still pretty fun though
Hell yeah
They better make a big box to store this shit, it's an absolute nightmare to setup
Just sell it on ebay or Facebook or the like? I'm sure people will buy some of it
I'll play them with you. Where do you live?
You can't just donate it to a thrift store? It's a nice occasion when they have a game where half the pieces aren't missing
I couldn't find any. Plus what kind of thrift shop take donations of COIN games?
I'd have better luck touring unis for game clubs but they probably have their shelves full if they have any.
he's been leading up to it for quite a while, mlem is just the sequel to cat blues which is the sequel to cat ass trophy, and it's the prequel to galaxy cat extension
You're just giving away COIN games? Shit, what do you have you want to get rid of? I've been wanting to try out Cuba Libre, myself.
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Giving away coins? Which ones? You in NA?
I could always use more Coin goodness.
TS and FITL left. I handed distant plain to a friend already. I'm really just being too lazy to send them through the same platforms I got them.

>You in NA?
No. EU.
Drat, I'm an American. Twilight Struggle also looked really good.
Never checked an old people haven like a coin show (the pieces of metal, not the game genre) to see if you can meet any wargamers?
>buy a COIN
>expect anyone will want to play it with you
Well, you brought this on you.
Sorry your group is full of fags anon. I've played about 8 games of Fire in the Lake with my group over the last year and a half.
Thats fair for having a seperate thread for better discussions on more niche wargame titles but I guess I'm more annoyed with retards like this >>93417107 who try to derail the conversation anytime those games get mentioned here
I had players until we split to literally five different countries. And COIN I can probably find takers just by low-balling and being a little patient, but for old things like Bridges of Shangri La or plentiful stuff like evolution climate, castles or burgundy, or god forbid ks like stronghold undead I have more doubts.
>I had players until we split to literally five different countries
An extreme way of getting out of a game of COIN but not the farthest I've seen people go.
Just ignore them anon. They will go away eventually.
not our fault baiting cunts fill the threads with discussion of youtube faggots. I wish we had Wargame discussion here, this general is too slow.
Boy, do I have a thread for you
Its got all of your autism simulators and none of the people who don't give a shit about them.
There's been no discussion of Youtube fags ever since the /bwg/ separated. Call it a coincidence if you will.
Also, 2-3 days per general is a great speed. /bgg/ doesn't need to be the speed of 40kg where you're away for a day and you miss two threads.
Favorite time periods or fictional settings in war games anons?
Cold war - modern era, low intensity conflicts.
>none of the people who don't give a shit about them
>barely over 100 posts after 5 days
Seems like it doesn't have anyone at all frankly
Addendum to point 6
Flow charts for games with several multi-step phases should be mandatory. The additional learn to play rulebooks are only acceptable if no information in them is left out of the main rulebook.
I like anything urban regardless of the time period
I get tired of the jungles, open fields and bridges of WW2 and the civil war
20th century onwards, though I am developing an affection for the gunpowder era.
Not necessarily wargames, but the settings I enjoy the most are swashbuckler/pirate fantasy, post apocalyptic wasteland (with mutants, ideally), and historically accurate 1700s. Also Planescape, top tier worldbuilding for a DnD setting.
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All right, I've confirmed that it's LVDVS. Knizia-hakase... I kneel.
It might be the greatest human invention since anatomically correct fleshlights, but I feel no desire to play spacecats.
>I had players until we split to literally five different countries.
sounds good, ill try it on BGA
Is it? I found it very run-of-the-mill, but I only played it with friends on bga, and I suspect this is one of the games where playing it not in person robs the game of most of its charme.

I just found it strangely un-kniziaesque, eg, getting to the next galaxy (or whatever the finish thematically is) seems exceedingly unlikely to happen. His irrational hatred for depicting sixes on dice is still strong, though.
>do you think people playtest stuff for kicks and giggles and don't do feedback at all?
Some do that. I playtested few games before for some indie people and game design students. I like doing what I do, but sometimes people simply do not respect you.
Last indie game I playtested felt like they didn't want a sincere opinion: They wanted validation for their "minimalist and narrative-oriented" game to the point they wanted to argue why my reviews were "wrong" and that I "didn't get the spirit of the game".
I'm sorry, man, but your game is doing a bait-and-switch approach on dice rolling, letting players "creatively" choosing their skills is too overpower and choosing an armor as your first equipment is mandatory for not taking lethal damage. I do not care for the generic horror setting (which I only complained once 'cause there was some issues it could backfire later, but they ditched my words on that as well), I care on how the system can converse with players and how smooth and challenging this can be for everyone involved.
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Third gamenight of playing bloodstones.
Three players again and this time with the Corsairs as new faction next to Dragon riders and Necromancers.
Closest game yet with the necros just winning with one point ahead and the other two tied for second place.

Game is a real banger for us. But that leads us with one little problem. We usually play TTS but now we kinda want to play in person and every fag that sells wants double the retail money.
>>No. EU.
who do I need to stab to get you to send it over
He's making a list. He's checking it twice...
>getting to the next galaxy (or whatever the finish thematically is) seems exceedingly unlikely
It's much easier to do with the advanced game. Many of the exploration tokens and most of the expedition tokens provide extra movement.
The only other comment I can make if you want to go to the end is don't expend low rolling dice when you don't have to. Rerolling them on later turns is usually better.
Be patient, they're gonna do a reprint campaign on gamefound soon with some rules revisions and two new factions. Which sounds perfect, I wanted it too but didn't want to pay scalper price.

Oh its going to be bats and frogs after all. neat.
Probably just life with various successful autists that don't violate the masquerade. My group has completely splintered over the last two years.
it seems shit though
A lot of good games seem shit too though
not an argument
it's not shit
A lot of arguments seem like non-arguments too though

>>93423032 is not an argument either.
Not an argument
Correct, that's an observation.
Local libraries sometimes keep/rent out board games. You should try there.
Of course it is, it’s a Martin Wallace game. It’ll hold up for about 5-8 plays and then capsize.
>5-8 games
Doesn't sound too bad to be honest. Our games took 2 hours and no one has played a faction twice yet.
It was a relatively easy teach too which is nice.

I'm not a wargamer and I can see that it may be underwhelming for seasoned players in that genre but for its seemingly low complexity it offers some very decent replay-ability.
>Doesn't sound too bad to be honest
You are why board games are dogshit now
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How is this faggot still here? Kill yourself.
You can like whatever you want. Doesn’t mean Martin Wallace is a good game designer or a game getting worse after 5 plays is acceptable
You can claim whatever you like, it doesn't make it a valid argument that holds up to examination.
Alright my dude.
Give me an actual reply as to why Bloodstones in particular is bad gameplay wise and why it will be bad after 7~ plays.
If it's just "well I didn't like one of his other games" with no actual points that refer to specific ingame mechanics then don't bother replying, I'll just take your concession.
Shut the fuck up
t. played Wildlands 11 times
Shut the fuck up
t. played Wildlands 11 times
Real talk, as much as I like to shit on ks slop and games that lose its lustre after the second play, I don't think games necessarily need to be infinitely replayable. This does not mean I like the replaceable euros that are churned out or love legacy games. Just that I am able to look at the games I own and see that I've only played less than a quarter of them than 10 times (not counting meme game counts like the crew where you play 10 games in 2h). Infinite replayability is a great selling point, not not strictly necessary. Now, I, hypocrite that I am, would really be disincentivised to get a game that "only has 6 good sessions in it" but I realistically won't play the game that often in years or ever. So what's the problem.

Point being that I think there is some merit in games not being made to be played for eternity. I recently played my 7th or so game of roll for the galaxy and realized I wasn't really enjoying the game that much. So I'll sell it on the secondary market and get another second hand game for it. Not defending consoomerism, but not every game needs to be an evergreen we'll talk about in 30 years
Love me some mlem
Village scoring is completely retarded and ruins the game
There’s a lot of middle ground between “endlessly replayable” and “it gets exceedingly mediocre after 5 plays”.
>I'm not a wargamer and I can see that it may be underwhelming for seasoned players in that genre but for its seemingly low complexity it offers some very decent replay-ability.
To avoid the shitpost-y parts of this discussion, I can see why someone not well versed in wargames would like it. It’s an incredibly slick design that even with a few oversights is a very smooth playing experience. However, I also agree with that one anon who wrote that diatribe comparing it to Burning Banners a few weeks ago. Bloodstones is so slick and smooth that it ends up being almost frictionless. There’s just not enough crunch there for me to find it enjoyable over the long term
Do you pronounce this even? MELEM? Emele-em
For me the whole idea of maybe getting bloodstones at some point died when I saw how the cloth maps crumple together and the stones are far too big for the map.
As is written? M as in "hMM, thats night", and then LEM. As in "LEMme see those tiddies"
I don't have an opinion about Bloodstones but I'm glad other people enjoy it.
Anyone had a chance to play Pax Illuminaten? Watched the rules video the designer made and it looked intriguing
I've played it on Tabletopia a couple times. It's not bad - it definitely plays different than Pam and Ren so being a fan or hater of those doesn't mean anything around you maybe liking it. I really liked the scheme mechanic where spinning up a good hand of cards you can chain together helps you out but leaves you weak in later turns. The market is mostly an afterthought unless Aces or Crowns come out.

I'm still not sold on the plot mechanic, though - it really favors people that memorized all of the potential plots so you can see what your opponent is trying to do. The ending to each game was just kind of sprung on you because someone had a hidden plot that was triggered.

I pre-ordered it after playing a bit - it's small footprint and it's relatively inexpensive. It feels like a Pax game if Carl Chudyk made one.
>It feels like a Pax game if Carl Chudyk made one.
anon are you trying to kill me through sustained erection?
because its working.
>boardgamegeek lists perplexus as a board game
If that's the case, why not just have every single fucking puzzle box listed on bgg?
Way to expensive for what it is. Even factoring in the component quality, the asking price is close to triple what would be considered acceptable for what amounts to a double set of unique dominoes and cloth maps with simplistic materials.
I could see the asking price if the pieces were made of machined steel with painted inlays and the maps were tooled leather made by hand with an aluminum attaché case with foam inserts separating components cleanly.
Totally reasonable complaint
it should fall under
But why? I can't just take your word for it, you know. To me it seemed fine, and it played fine too. If you disagree you'll have to make a case for it.
You are probably right anon. I wanted to argue this point because I was somewhat shocked at myself, how deeply important replayability is to me compared to how important it actually is. Because it does hurt admitting that it is less important than my utter hatred for play two times and sell it slop would imply
Sometimes I forget it first came out as a boardgame and then someone made a TTRPG about it.
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Played village yesterday. Was excited but after playing it I wasnt too impressed. I like worker placement, I dont even mind the point salad euro stuff either, but it just didnt work for me. Ironically enough I felt that the book of the dead made the time mechanic a lot less interesting. If you had no reward for killing your meeples you would be more pressured to get the cubes you need to work the jobs without having to pay time. Instead I was bribing the church to get my gen 1 dude into the church just so i could murder him and get him written up the church book. I guess the drawback is that you have to spend a turn making a new baby, but you both speed up the end of the game, and you score of people being dead. So that didnt feel too bad. Besides, the cubes you save can be spent on extra actions at the well.

Even if there was more strategy in there I was missing, I didnt feel interested in finding it at all. Maybe it needed some kind of engine building (apart from getting an ox+plough to farm more efficiently). Maybe focus it around training your workers, so the difference between a green worker and a trained up worker is big. And it is a tradeoff how much and how many workers you train, and where you send them. (instead of generation numbers the numbers would symbolize how much they're trained. a 5 being a god amongst meeples. a 1 being a basic worker)
I'm so glad retards like you are not designing board games
sorry markus, your game is mid
Ah, I get it. Not enough fortnite references for you.
I do see your criticisms but wtf is the second paragraph. You'd have an entirely different game.
I thought the balance of using the workers in professions for their more efficient skills and killing them off for maximum points sweet. Also the inn expansion really makes the game sing.

But yeah it definitely is a ok-good midweight game depending on who you ask, not more. I thought it was pretty comfy a game and for some strange reason I really want to like it more than I actually do.
>You'd have an entirely different game.
You'd have to make pretty big changes to make it good. The price for training is minimal (you want to advance time anyway to be able to kill your people) so replacing a worker is barely worth anything. Might as well run them into the ground to get them into the book slots first.
A lesser change would be to just make dying bad. That would make picking black cubes/spending time for resources more interesting.
I do not care about the game nor your opinions because you posted a young anime girl which makes you a pedo

An author, who was recognized by the association, wore a sticker in the Palestinian national colors on stage, depicted as a watermelon. By showing the outline of a „ Greater Palestine “ that denies the existence of the State of Israel, the sticker has exceeded the limits of what must be accepted as a legitimate political expression.
great, cant wait for the next thread to melt down
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> Anon's face when posting pointlessly retarded shit...
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> Dat Pic
I surprised that's still floating around. I had to have made that more than half a decade ago.

> Village
Every time someone talks about Village, I get hyped for a moment thinking people are talking about 'Villagers'. Villagers is a decent drafting / tableau building game.
The guy in question is Matteo Menapace, the co-designer of E-Mission.
He is "no longer welcome at spiel des jahres events'.

If you ask me, we should boycott all Leecock products and purge Pandemic from all databases; he willingly collaborates with vile antisemites.
New bread
All Fluff
No filling
Is the Root TTRPG good? Does it use new mechanics, or is it just a reskin of some other system and the only 'new' is a fleshed out setting of animal violence?
I played my first game last night. I was Marquise and my wife played Eyrie.
I didn't think through where I was putting building, so I put myself in a bad spot where I couldn't craft many cards. She was having trouble filling in the decrees and kept falling into termoil, so we had a large gap in VP.
I was at 29 VP when she played a Dominance card which she already filled the condition for. So all all I had to do was score 1 VP before her next turn, but I couldn't build anything and didn't have many warriors. It all came down to one dice roll where I needed to hit 3 to destroy one of her roosts. I rolled double 3.
Was really fun, but it was a bit of a slog for my wife until that last part.

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