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Hyper-boar-ea edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93384540

>TQ: Tell us about /your BSB dude/
why would a skeleton need a banner
if this counts as a flail, from the Grail Knight Command, currently out of stock on the GW website
What is the gayest spell?
Any critique on my first Tomb Kings list?


King Thutep [1992 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Tomb Kings of Khemri

++ Characters [856 pts] ++

Tomb King [417 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Heavy armour
- Shield
- Necrolith Bone Dragon
- Healing Potion
- Shield of Ptra

High Priest [230 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- On foot
- Warding Splint
- Hieratic Jar
- Illusion

Tomb Prince [112 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Light armour
- Shield
- On foot
- Berserker Blade

Mortuary Priest [97 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 2 Wizard
- Skeletal Steed
- Necromancy

++ Core Units [633 pts] ++

20 Skeleton Warriors [130 pts]
- Thrusting spears
- Light armour
- Shields
- Master of Arms (Champion)
- Standard bearer

20 Skeleton Warriors [130 pts]
- Thrusting spears
- Light armour
- Shields
- Master of Arms (Champion)
- Standard bearer

15 Tomb Guard [162 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Light armour
- Shields
- Tomb Captain (champion)
- Standard bearer

5 Skeleton Horse Archers [55 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows

15 Tomb Guard [156 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Light armour
- Shields
- Standard bearer

++ Special Units [503 pts] ++

3 Ushabti [154 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Greatbows
- Heavy armour
- Ancient (champion)

Khemrian Warsphinx [195 pts]
- Wicked Claws (Warsphinx)
- Hand weapons (Tomb Guard Crew Only)
- Cavalry spears (Tomb Guard Crew Only)
- Shortbows (Tomb Guard Crew Only)
- Fiery Roar

3 Ushabti [154 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Ritual Blade
- Heavy armour
- Ancient (champion)
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>Hawk Tuah
>6+/9+ to cast
>Combat, Hex
>+1/+2S to friendly units OR
>-2/-3 initiative to enemy units

what school would this be in?
You really still rolling with your shitty zoomer blacked meme?
>what school would this be in?
whatever this dude plays>>93394024
They should scrap all plastic minis and make fantasy resin only.
what? dude someone's living rent free in your head just having a jest ya wanker
Forgeworld is a shell of its former self though.
are you the stone and stick guy
Forgeworld doesn't even exist anymore.
>stop noticing that some loser keeps bringing up his retarded meme that has absolutely nothing to do with warhammer or even /tg/
Yeah ok
To uplift the spirit and keep up the molare
>stop noticing that some loser keeps bringing up his retarded meme that has absolutely nothing to do with warhammer or even /tg/
do you have any idea how little that narrows it down
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I recently rediscovered my Empire's BSB from the 6/7th editions
A reminder of simpler, more joyful times, even if the painting level is crap
>Nooooo meta internet memes can't leak into my grog echo chamber
delusional, you'd be happier if you just laughed once in a while mate.
thought this was a dorrito for a second, now im hungry.
40k has Kill Team, and AoS has Warcry.
Do you think Fantasy should have a skirmish game of its own? (or at least a Warhammer Quest game, like Blackstone Fortress and Cursed City)
>what is Mordheim/WF Skirmish
>What is original Warhammer Quest
these already existed anon
Horus heresy doesn't have a skirmish game, it has a low scale game.
If titanicus/epic/whatever was successful then a remake of warmaster could have been on the table, but it's evidently not.
V soulful banner!
No, they don't currently exist.
They exist as much as the old Spacehulk.
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Sorcerer basecoated (except for little details like candle flames that I'll do after washes and highlights). Not sure whether to do a command group or aspiring champ next, but that's a decision for future me to make after a brew.
anon people would be VERY upset if GW grabbed and tried to fuck with mordheim.There are probably more people playing that than they ever will play TOW.
Mordheim is still played a lot anon i would hardly call that a dead game.

And thank fuck for it.
The best time to play Epic was 6-12 months before LI dropped because that's when GW came after the fanmade scene.
WMR is a better game than anything modern GW will produce and I don't want to see my scene destroyed to accommodate new players too lazy to start playing under their own initiative.
>There are probably more people playing that than they ever will play TOW.

Now Anon you know that's not true
6th edition is not TOW
It would probably be the same specialist team that's handling blood bowl, so it would be a reprint of the old rules plus the most popular fanmades erratas and some plastic kits
hardly something community breaking

I can also see GW pushing for the attempt given the modicum of attention moving towards the trench crusade project that inglobated both thoumas and blanche
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Did anyone notice that it's now listed as 'Old World' rather than 'The Old World'?
Surely we should be using the acronym OW instead of TOW.
True, it's much better; and by the end of its first year it's going to have as many players as it did two decades ago.
they still called The Old World if you click on that link though, GW probably just thought Old World sounded better next to Horus Heresy and Middle-Earth™
better tow than owo
>Surely we should be using the acronym OW
I reserve that for when my modelling knife slips
No, my autism demands all warhammer games be a 3 charcter acronym
What about the Horus Heresy. It's acronym is HH.
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I know this is the fantasy general but do keep your fantasies in check.
I doubt Gw will do anything with Mordheim if there not going to do anything for it's 25th anniversary there not going to anything in near future tro screw over Trench Crusade for petty reasons
You think it's better than 6th? What army do you play out of interest?
Personally I think it makes some improvements (e.g. give ground, fbigo) but 6th does other things better (base sizes, template lethality, 'silly crunch' like animosity)
they announced TOW early on the same day as the launch of KoW's new edition for petty reasons.
>there not going to anything in near future tro screw over Trench Crusade for petty reasons
Didn't they formally announce TOW right in the launch window of Kings of War 3e?
Thinking GW cares about KoW at all is just arrogance lol.
2fast4me >>93394549
and how long did it take for TOW to finally be released?
if GW was going to be petty they would have done so I think
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They have a way better mascot
That's the point, they announced it years in advance of its launch for market competition reasons.
I thought the same until that point.
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>What about the Horus Heresy.
It is a bit crappy, but when I unpacked it from the foam, I was surprised I was able to to do those things freehand twenty years ago
its acronym is 30K
It's not fantasy if it ends up happening, and TOW has the potential.
>What armies do you play, out of interest?
I'll be completely honest, I don't play :) And I very likely won't in the near future; just want to stir up conversation
6th was also the last edition that supported Dogs of War.
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Surely that's on purpose
it was
>make marine statue
>make primaris and squat marines
>make stormcast statue
>make primaris stormcast and squat the fat ones
What's next for the GW mascot?
toilet bretonian statute.
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A true GW icon
(cont) won't play because interest in tabletop gaming is almost nonexistent where I live.
so much so that he's the icon they use on the GW store for the Shop by Setting list
female knight
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Holy shit why would you do that
Bretonians are the space marines of fantasy after all.
but then why wouldn't you choose the Knight on a horse as an icon?

Because as the
> only
> singular
> lone
> sole
new regiment produced for OW, it likely represents the single greatest investment in the entire project.
You sure the dragon didn't cost more?
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For me it's the Order of the Fiery Heart.
Just got the Breakers, an Engineer, Runesmith anda Gyro to get done. Should be doable.
Quick and dirty.
order of the panther or I'm not busting
purple lad looking majestic
We only got TOW, because GW shat its pants about Mantic's KoW.
What would you lot hope for in a GW liquidation scenario?
>Pimp Hat rocking ZZ Top reject
Pretty cool.
That WAP gets to reupload his stuff, most of the alternative companies are awful at handling their games. A good scanner scans all their models
I bought out by Disney Right after they acquire Hasbro.

Some suit decides to sell all the old metal molds to Reaper and the plastic ones to WGA.

Next quarter they announce AoS: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k: Return of the Jedi.
isn't Disney in some years-long downturn right now? I doubt they would buy out Hasbro alone GW in the near future
Mantic doesn't even make on the map for miniature sales. Haven't seen anything that would put them near the top ten in terms of sales for any of their game systems
GW will stay solvent and you'll liquify your grey matter all over your wall.
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why would I hope for anything in this scenario? it's like enjoying your legs but having some issues with your knee and instantly imagining how nice it would be to become paraplegic or outright die.

as soon as I get a second ToW army, collect most of the books and my boys do the same they can literally write in obese troons as mandatory character and get bought out by my local synagogue it literally wont matter as this isnt a live service video game.
If it got so bad the GW declared bankruptcy and had to liquidate their assets I'd imagine the IP would have to get tarnished to the point I wouldn't care about it anymore.
It's a goofy hypothetical. GW is not on its last legs.

Even if Disney was doing badly, scooping up GW at less than 4 billion would not be a huge strain for a $200 billion company.
Mantic is the reason GW killed WHFB.
Mantic is the reason GW brought TOW back.
I got some question for any dwarf bros itt.

I'm planning on buying the battalion box and using some of the warriors as longbeards. Would simply painting them more fancy and doing some minor conversion enough to sell them being longbeards? Or should I just run them as warriors?

I've noticed in the general that the general consensus for gyrocopters is to run the clattergun but the brimstone seems like a better points value to me. Worse AP, S and losing flaming attacks in exchange for paying 5 more points for a chance to get a two more shots, range, and speed doesn't really seem worth it to me.
Again, there's no evidence of this beyond pure guesswork
I'm far from knowledgable about dwarfs but these are my two cent:
>Would simply painting them more fancy and doing some minor conversion enough to sell them being longbeards?
That would be more than enought. In all honesty you wouldn't even have to do anything extra with them. What's important is that your opponent can readily identify them for which it's usually enough to say what they are. Granted going the extra mile is always encouraged and converting your models is a splendid way of making them your own.
clattergun vs brimstone
The former has move & shoot which is a really useful rule for a flying shooter.
Paint all the longbeards with gray or white beards and the younger bets with brown, blonde or black beards
I don't play dwarfs but if a dwarf player rocked up with this >>93395589 I'd be absolutely fine with it. As long as it's clear to me which of my opponent's units is which and they generally fit the WHF aesthetic then we're all good
>giant steel bib (is that supposed to be a gorget?)
>knee-pad worn over regular pants
>metal shield-rim
>ill-fitting helmet

I like how nu-GW doesn't even bother doing research.
Nice! Definitely doable. Painting looks good too. Have fun anon
Anyone know of a place that has the Chaos dwarf mortar? Recast or a proxy? My usual caster doesnt have it
Blazing Sun or bust
Please Mr. GW let me see the sprues for the new dwarf lord
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Not as creative as my scraplauncher but still enjoyable to do over a day
Panthers or White Wolves, you Estalian weirdo.
I can certainly dig it!
I am literally Estalian irl
Thank you anons!
Almost done with the army now
Total war is why they brought back TOW, they cancelled warhammer fantasy because they've hated it for years and years and wanted to cancel it since at least 2004
Battle for Skull Pass reprint when
as a full box?
Damn... I want those slightly different Spider Riders for variety
I’m convinced the macragge reprint did not sell well so probably not
Looking forward to seeing the full army shot! How many points is it gonna be?
Including magic items and equipment think it’s just over 2K, I only play 2K and below though so it gives me options
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In my country exists popular game called Warheim https://warheim.blogspot.com/
Which is Mordheim, but reworked to not be centered around Mordheim only. It's essentially more like Kill Team where you can play as any bighammer faction, with tons of unique minor factions like Nippon, Amazons or Undead of every Bloodline, in any part of the world
It's homebrew of some guy and he is organizing tournaments since like 2008. I swear there was meant to be English translation of ruleset somewhere, but maybe they deemed it not worth supporting anymore.
why do people from poland have a confederate flag?
Now it's iconic instead of potatosack
They announced TOW 3 Years after TWW. 2 years after TWW:2. A year before TWW:3

And the same day as KOW 3.
Total War's success definitely contributed, but Mantic was the reason.
They know your rightful place.
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Second manticore. I may grow the pride to four if they scale as well as Im guessing.
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Painted my green bro. Time to slaughter some backlines
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Are there any good campaigns available for The Old World
They play historicals too? Otherwise something funny, probably
It's this another scrap launcher or an iron blaster.
Make one
Everyone should have confederate flags.
Ironblaster so I can have one of each at 2K
Hes not going to do shit
Not having one is a big red flag
Poles are Ameriboos.
Anon you can't just point to a correlation as your only evidence when nothing else about it adds up. Not to mention these decisions aren't made the day they're day they're announced. TOW was likely discussed since HH proved specialist games of the same size as the flagship games was lucrative.
Warhammer is still better off with GW than anyone else.
Got the image anyways.
It's astounding how the little bit of gobbos we see still mog the shit out of the dwarves.
And then for the next thread.
How do you shade greens?
I like burgundy for the bottom shadows. It looks nice from below.
How'd you get it? Couldn't make sense of inspect element
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oh nvm found this hidden under picture
Anon it quite literally is a big red flag
I don't think GW has even published Campaign rules for TOW yet
Musk buys it
We have fuck all scenarios as well so you aren’t getting a campaign any time soon unless you write one
at least GW publishes a new Scenario in every Arcane journal.
I've been skimming through the synopsis of Gotrek & Felix's next three books, after Zombies. I mean wtf?
Will the series get back on track, and show them getting to Karak Kadrin in order to heal Snorri? And what of Cat?
lol, lmao
after Zombieslayer*
Just get the 6e generals compendium and adapt it
Just join Custodios de Morr, bro.
Looks freakin amazing, 10/10
The fact that there isnt an online/digital equivalent to the tile based campaign stuff from blood in the badlands is a crime.
In fact disregard me here >>93397412, I didn't realise what it sells for now lmao whoops. I got one 2 years ago at like 1/3 the price!
i wouldn't be surprised if GW used that sort of thing for Campaign material later on but right now they are focused on releasing all the factions
Bah, the GW one would be a proprietary app and probably cost money.
it would probably just be a rerelease of Mighty Empire and required people to use the plastic tiles for "official" Campaigns.
Can't decide if I want to build dwarves or chaos dwarves. Mostly going to be doing a narrative campaign vs wood elves with them.
>dwarves have fun arcane journal rules
>chaos dwarves get monsters, cav, chaff, and wizards
>dwarves would be easier to build
>chaos dwarfs have more interesting conversion potential to me
>dwarves can ally in to my empire
>chorfs give me an excuse to grab some black orcs for an o&g project I sidelined
Try thinking of which one you can write a more interesting story for? Which one gets you more invested character wise?
chorfs are probably going to get AoS models during 4e, in case that influences your decision one way or the other. Personally I'd do dwarfs, they're the current "new thing" and I wouldn't want collectors remorse if I committed to a full chorf army and then they get some nice new sculpts in the next year or so
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Kino 1.25k point of Nomadic Waagh vs Lizardmen, the Lizardmen were expelled from Orc Hyperborea in a very close game.

>Fury of Kaine blow pipe skinks hawk tuah'd two chariots to death, almost instantly, so many attacks w poison
>LVL4 Shaman with Mob Rule having +5 to magic w/ anti wizz item was cucking the slann 24/7/365 only a handful of buffs went out
>I rolled hand of gork as my spell, slinging the orc warboss on chariot across map away from skinks and carnasaur
>Wolf riders with spider banner on a hill killed all of the skinks at one point as well as majority of his saurus on the north side.
>Epic Croxigore and Saurus clash over the river, about 4-6 models lost total to the dangerous terrain across both sides but eventually leading to an orc victory
>Saurus got to fight the shaman and orc boys blob but missed 80% of his attacks only to get smoked by assailment spells
>Game ended turn 5 on a roll off into 6 with a 265 to 345 victory for defending orcs.
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Orc bros, I am curious as a situation came up where I wanted to use hand of gork to pull my shaman out of the unit he is in, but because it ended being a rule lawyer type bullshit we just said nah fuck it and didn't act on it. would I have been able to do so?

I will probably split my blob of wolf riders into two 10x1 lines though for more map coverage as those skinks are fucked deadly.
At a glance, chorfs leveling forests for resources or for factory space and dwarves settling grudges would be the most basic reasons for wanting to fight wood elves. I don't have much narrative thought committed yet.
>Fury of khaine blowpipes
FoK, or extra attacks more generally, don't effect rangers.
There's a pretty barebones set in the core book.
You can cast it from out of combat into combat, but you cannot cast spells while the wizard is combat unless it is an assailment, or self range spell.
dwarfs would more likely get into conflict with wood elves due simply to geography if nothing else
(Or otherwise states you can in the spell)
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I guess I should have specified directly that I wanted to balkanize the unit by having the shaman cast that on himself, "disappearing from the battlefield" and then reappearing 2D6 away effectively leaving the unit he joined.
Good to know, I'd love a source page (insert basedjack here kek) just so going forward I don't have to use hearsay / my own learning sake. But that did seem fucking busted, at least he used the -1 from multiple attacks and -1 from move and shoot so only the leader was hitting on 5's.
>found a couple of loose sprues of 12 goblins in another moving box
I dont really need more infantry, recommend me some wolf models for these gitz. Normally id just print avatars of war stuff but for some reason I just dont like the look of their wolves
I don't see an issue with that as long as the shaman isn't already in combat.

I'd recommend the Fenrisian Wolves like the Hyperboarera anon has, but looking at their price… I don't know.
Will they look like real Chorfs though?
Or will they look like "Hashutt Fyre Midg'ts™"?
It's in the basic shooting rules for extra attacks, and the rules for extra attacks, dumb nigger.
We'll just have to wait and see. Sometimes they make good stuff like night gobbos
No way of knowing. New skaven look like skaven. But dwarves got turned into diaperlords and blimp enthusiasts.
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Watch your profanity, call people who don't post games niggers instead how bout that fren.
Nah if you can't be bothered to read the rules you deserve it.
Page 137:
How Many Shots?
A unit can shoot only once per Shooting phase, and most models can make only one shooting attack (the number of Attacks a model has does not affect the number of shots it can make).

Don't be a dick about it. We all read over something simple at least once. And a page in the rulebook is always better than "B…but that hick anon said…"
I dont like the Ogre iron blaster, was thinking about cutting the kit up and bashing it into a gun carraige with the rhinox pulling.
So you think it's just a coincidence that the clearly premature TOW announcement coincided with KOW 3rd edition release?
Bought by Tim Martin who converts all Weatherspoons into pub/hobby store hybrids, laces all AoS minis with anthrax to cull the population.
Iirc they said the book after all AJ is gonna be a Border Princes campaign supplement. I imagine that it's basically gonna end up like Horus Heresy, a few pity models every 6 months with a new campaign supplement.
The project has expanded from the start.
>Which is Mordheim, but reworked to not be centered around Mordheim only. It's essentially more like Kill Team where you can play as any >bighammer faction, with tons of unique minor factions like Nippon, Amazons or Undead of every Bloodline, in any part of the world.

Doesnt Broheim already have a bunch of factions and other campaigns in other parts of the warhammer world?
This will be TOW time period if nothing else. I know very little about the map in normal times much less in TOW.
Yes, fucking Mordheim released an official Lustria supplement lmao. It's just Poles being retarded as per usual
>they said the book after all AJ is gonna be a Border Princes campaign supplement.
when did they say that?
it would still be dwarfs in the TOW time period, since the Chorfs are rather isolated in the northern Darklands at this point which is rather far away from any Wood elves
>town cryer
There is literally nothing that points to it not being a coincidence
What do you think the WoC arcane journal armies are gonna be? I was expecting god-armies, but it looks like they're set on only 2 variant lists per AJ. Super interested in what they're gonna come up with for the High Elf one too. Wood Elfs seem obvious for a forest spirit army, not sure what the 2nd could be.
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thanks anon, king shit, I really appreciate it. I don't have any army rules that interact with it so I totally missed it and couldn't point out mid game.

Overall how would anons rate my list? I've only played against lizards but I have Bretonnia/Khemri/Dark Elves and High Elves games in my future as those are respective armies of my friends who have picked up ToW from release.

1.25K O&G nomads [1249 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Orc & Goblin Tribes, Nomadic Waaagh!

++ Characters [505 pts] ++

Orc Warboss [279 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Heavy armour
- Shield
- General
- Boar Chariot [Frenzy (if 2 crew members)]
- Trollhide Trousers (3+ sv & 5+ regen)
- Giant Blade

Orc Weirdnob [226 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Frenzy (no armour)
- Warpaint (if frenzied)
- War Boar
- Sparkly Wizard Finda
- Berserker Blade (for anti slann bs)
- Waaagh! Magic

++ Core Units [542 pts] ++

20 Goblin Wolf Rider Mob [292 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Shortbows
- Feigned Flight (0-1 unit per 1,000 points may)
- Boss (champion)
- Standard bearer [Da Spider Banner] , poisonous hits
- Musician

9 Orc Boar Boy Mob [250 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Cavalry spears
- Heavy armour
- Shields
- Big 'Uns
- Boss (champion) [Biting Blade] (anti slann bs)
- Standard bearer [Da Angry Ladz Flag]
- Musician

++ Special Units [202 pts] ++

Orc Boar Chariot [101 pts] x2
- Hand weapons
- Cavalry spears
- Third Orc crew member
- Frenzy (if 3 crew members)
>What do you think the WoC arcane journal armies are gonna be?
current rumor is a Nurgle army list probably so GW can reuse the old Tarmukhan sculpts they and a Norseca list
Does Kislev still occupy more or less the same area? Also, would that northern section of the world's edge be mostly greenskins or dwarves?
going by the TOW Core book Kislev has control of the region and much of the Eastern steppes which aren't controlled by the Hobgoblin Khanate
That's the gamble anon takes if he builds and paints an army of chorfs now
Got the aspiring champion basecoated and tidied up too, really happy with how he looks. It's late and lighting is bad so I'll get a picture of all the lads together tomorrow. Then just 2 command groups and a giant and then everything in the list will have at least some paint on it.
Hmmm. The first thing that comes to mind to make chorfs and wood elves work together would be the chaos dwarves being on an expedition to seek out the skaven, as a seemingly superior slave race to the hobgoblins. Their route could well pass through Athel Loren, causing an initial conflict.
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No. Praise Myrmidia.
It's his own vision
Fair, Wish the rules were in english id love to check it out. Whats the biggest difference?
Thinking more on building this army, this justification would create reason to run clanrats as hobgoblins.

Why wouldn't you give your tomb king a magic weapon?

Huh? Legions Imperialis was pretty successful, not as much as TOW though. More people will play it than ever played old epic. And frankly the community deserves it, because they rejected a better game in the form of Epic '97.

Nah, Chaos Warriors are but the suits hate that they're the iconic design of the setting. They were mad that Chaos was the most popular faction back when WHF was a thing.
It's very bad. Copying and pasting lists is obnoxious to post, handwriting is a lot better. For example, just write the unit and actual choices:
Tomb King, Shield, Dragon, Healing Potion, Shield of Ptra
To critique this particular character, you have it equipped with two shields, ptra being not worth the points as well. Talisman of Protection for a ward would be much better. Would also swap the normal shield for a great weapon, your dragon already has a good armour save.
Ideally when 30K gets to the scouring and they make a new MkVII kit, they'll get a classic marine again
Thank you anon. Im blending army painter speed paints and opaques from GW. Im really pleased with the results.

Why to which part?
I feel like WoC is obviously going to be norsca + mono God (nurgle most likely)

What I wanna is what are the Beastmen ones going to be, none come to mind
For High Elfs I'd expect a sea elf army with the merwyrm to go with all their enclaves off the coast in TOW. Other than that, probably also some kind of royal host like the dwarfs and tomb kings got. Can any anons think of older unique lists they could bring back, like the orcs got with their nomad list?
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My biggest (somewhat) longshot hope for Arcane Journal units is the war wagon for Empire. It looks fun and fits the time period as an earlier technology.
>What I wanna is what are the Beastmen ones going to be
If I had to guess, probably a dragon ogre troll horde copy paste with shaggoth as a char option and 1 mandatory ogre group per 1000, and maybe a mutant rabble list
I can see them doing a list based on Morghur's chaos weirdos with some sort of random mutation table
Why did they hate chaos
If a list is under 1k, say a 750pt list, does that bar you from "per 1000pts" options, like Skink Priests for Lizardmen? I've got my first game coming up on Friday, and wanna make sure the list I'm planning is actually legal.

So far I have:
Scar-Veteran w/ Enchanted Shield & Sword of Might
Skink Priest
10x Saurus Warriors w/ Spawn Leader & Standard Bearer
10x Saurus Warriors w/ Spawn Leader & Standard Bearer
18x Skink Skirmishers w/ Blowpipe & Hand Weapon
3x Kroxigors w/ Ancient
>tfw bought Deathrattles to use in VC
>they're awful to rank up
>spindly limbs that break easily
Fuck, man. Anyone have skeletons they could recommend? These are a wash.
I believe it's per 1000pt band, i.e. you get 1 from 0-1000 points, another from 1001-2000 points.
And the points goes off the games points limit btw, not your list, so if you're playing a 1000 point game with a 997 point list you still get one.
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These are highlands miniatures skeletons printed at 87.5% next to the old gw ones. The spears are a little small but the hand weapon ones are great, I just don't have a photo of them to hand
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I'm happy GW decided to support only half of the previously existing factions. There was too much bloat.
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big chungus reporting in
Don't worry by the time the 5th faction actually drops, a year or so from now they might have announced more
I like the concept of war wagons, but id use a proxy simply because i think the proportions are a bit off, I know its old but still.
look at these beauties
>a proxy
like a cardboard box with "wagon" written on it? why wouldn't you just get an alternate model?
an alternate model is a proxy
I can vouch for most Highland stuff as being preferable to practically everything else.
The only thing I really feel they fucked up are horse poses where they went for legs that are impossible to glue rigidly without greenstuff or using their custom bases.
proxy doesn't have the same meaning in wargaming as it does in mtg
He's wrong. It does bar you. If you play 999 points or less you get nothing of the 1000 point selections, which is why people were trying that 1999+1 fornat for a while.
If multiverse theory is correct, somewhere out there is a reality where despicable faggots weren't in charge of TWW and Kislev got this instead of the MAGICAL ICEBEAR SLED OF BEARS AND ICE.
3rd party or alternative models are not proxies
>proxy doesn't have the same meaning in wargaming as it does in mtg
coulda fooled me, you seem to think anything but GW plastic with the right name on the box is a proxy.
sounds just like how MTG people use it.
Don't engage the term'tist please.
nobody cares about kislev
>I c-care
you're nobody
If that were the case why did they keep trying to hand chaos wins even when they lost?
GW cared enough to make weird demands about what could and could not be put into the game.
you know I'm right
Apologies, you are correct, I looked it up. >>93400901 rulebook p278.
Now those are horrors.
Cope, seethe, mald, etc. Kislev(real Kislev, not Ilsa's Magical Fairyland of Bears) was always cool and appreciated by Chadly gamers. You either a bootyblasted Chaosfag or a seething tiny-peepee floppy-hatted Sigmarcuck upset someone other than your "protagonist" faction is the *real* bulkward against Chaos.
Post your kislev army.
Looking to get some 3rd party dwarves, but for ones that'll feel the same scale as the newer plastics like hammerers / the aos blimp dwarves. Any dwarf anons have a range that does stack well?

I've been looking for similar. MoM miniatures seems the closest I've found so far.


For my part, I'm looking for a good proxy for Ungrim, anyone got any ideas or links?
I don't think gw has been consistent with its dwarfs ever, not even with the most recent hammerers, fyreslayers, kharadron, votann and squats

maybe avatars of war?
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Honestly this. I made my Longbeards from the Warrior sprue, and the only identifier I did was give them all the weird domino mask option they get in the sprue.

Did the exact same thing for my Ironbreakers, but I kitbashed them into having swords and then did their armour in high-gloss GSW Chrome paint.
Is MOM all 3d prints / single piece? I see some dwarves on the website just labelled hard resin. Hoping to get multipart cast resin / plastic / metal.
Assuming I know someone who is selling pic related for a third of the price, do I get two boxes, or is one enough?
How would you convert the chaos dwarf equivalent of this (practically)? The I am struggling to find a suitable skull or face of the right shape/size
The spear horsemen are one of the worst units in the game. One box should be more than enough. Could probably make a quick buck on the second box though if it's 1/3rd msrp.
Counting it as a magma cannon? Bottom would take your pick of chariot hacked apart. The air pump shouldn't be horribly hard to make out of greenstuff. Same with the spikes. Depending on exactly what size you want to make it, and how particular you are about that particular skull, I'd maybe look at AoS endless spells. Might be able to find something in a random kid's toy as well. Also, look at 3d prints, since you can scale those to fit.
>The spear horsemen are one of the worst units in the game.
It will never not be funny how a unit of heavy cav costs 11ppm and has to have light armor purchased. I might build 10 archers and use the rest for other stuff.
what about the skulls from the AoS khorne incantations?

the bleeding eyes one etc
Genuinely excellent shout, I might go with this option
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print the thing, replace the wheels, add a tall hat and a proper gunner

shameless, but it's the thing
Using anything but the offical model is proxying anon I don't know where you got the idea that it wasn't
I keep hearing what people don't want from kislev, but what _do_ people want from kislev? Just an empire mirror that's eastern europe themed instead of central Europe themed?
that's retarded and so are you if you genuinely think that way.
there have been extended periods where gw had rules for units they did not produce.
they have made models without rules, expecting you to use them as something else.
a model skeleton is a model skeleton, it does not matter who makes it.
mtg consoomer mindset demands only first party "official" models count though, and this mindset is a cancerous blight on hobbying.
GW themselves are partially to blame by ceasing to produce rules they don't sell a kit for anymore, but people like you are responsible for perpetuating it.
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So are yall just painting ugly models poorly on purpose for some reason, or is this some kind of contagious mental illness yall are spreading
>GW themselves are partially to blame by ceasing to produce rules they don't sell a kit for anymore, but people like you are responsible for perpetuating it.
Do you even play these games?
Anon calling it a proxy isn't a value judgement, it's just what the word literally means. The intent by GW is for people to use the offical models, using anything else is meant is a proxy for the offical model. Otherwise proxy means literally nothing.
Heavy cav? it's literally nothing but bones, nevermind skin!
i think most people want muscovite infantry polish cavalry and cossack historical models with some light fantasy elements like the Ice Witches, bears, slavic pagan shamans ect.
the TWW Kislev just went to far in top the fantasy Bear and Ice on low grade units
Then its off to the Caballeros del Sol Llameante for you
So empire but eastern europe themed then? I fail to see how it could differentiate itself mechanically then.
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>I am struggling to find a suitable skull or face of the right shape/size
You're so blinkered by the gw ecosystem, man.
A model of a dwarf with a crossbow beinng used ffor a unit in any wargame as a dwarf with a crossbow is not, cannot be a proxy. Countless wargames without model lines and model lines without wargames exist outside the GW ecosystem and nobody on earth calls a model used in one of those games to represent the thing that it is a proxy. I have only seen this in the big wargames with "official" model lines as a way to subtly convince people those are the only models that should be used for those games. It is inherently a value judgement, you might not think using alternative models a bad thing but you are implying it is lesser than using the "official" ones by your language.
A proxy is a stand-in, an alternative token that does not sufficiently resemble the original idea, like a slip of paper with "xbow dworf" written on it or a cola can as a drop pod.
Any figure of approximately the right size and appearance is what I say it is in my army list.
>Countless wargames without model lines
>how it could differentiate itself mechanically then
How is this my problem? I'll play empire proxies for all I care
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>Timeline is moved to "modern day WHFB", an excuse to encompass every period of time you would want
>62 Warbands
>Original Warbands are strongly altered, with different gimmicks and troops
>Larger Warbands up to 20 units
>Mounted units
>Flying units
>Bannermen and musicians
>Warmachines, usually chariots or war wagons and larger units like monsters
>Artillery too
>31 magical lores
>Those 5 Dwarf warbands get runic magic and technological tinkering instead
>Prayers for other gods like Ursun, Myrmidia, Manann and more
>Mutations from every chaos god in addition to generic undivided mutations
>Additional terrain rules for mountains, forests, marshes, "mystic monuments" (like elvish guarding stones or gork and mork totems) and "mysterious buildings" (like haunted house)
>Other specialist rules for tons of other gimmicks like weather, swimming, more psychological effects, Greenskins believing that different paints give them different powers, Dwarfen Brewmaster team can brew different beers that give them different effects etc
Rulebook is around 600 pages. It's updated often, probably why they never finished translating it. Probably wouldn't get popular outside Poland anyway.
>A proxy is a stand-in
>an alternative token that does not sufficiently resemble the original idea
You're so blinkered by the mtg ecosystem, man.
Much too big I'm afraid.
you are the one treating a wargame like it's MTG by calling alternative figures proxies, retard.
Somewhere similar to the WAP and Warmaster lists would be great. Hybrid infantry, shock cavalry and massed horse archers are enough of an identity to stand apart from Empire. Kislev have an army in Warmaster which plays totally differently and doesn't sell out the faction.
> Core of Kossars, Armoured Kossars and Streltsi provide mixed shooting/melee infantry
> Winged Lancers favouring speed and charge boosts over armour. Gryphon Legion are a +1 version.
> Horse Archers available at low cost and in unlimited numbers, with elite variants
> War Wagons provide mobile strongpoints
> Ice Witches favour slowing, disrupting and breaking up lines so your cavalry can engage piecemeal while your infantry shoot
> Couple of cheesy flavour pieces like armoured bears or the Kreml Guard
It's because the models are naked and don't actually have any armour unless they are converted.
Which itself is caused by the Tomb Kings 6E models being complete shit not fit for purpose 15 years ago.
They were always shit.
Gonna cry that somebody calls your Perry proxy army for what it is?
So wait, if I converted an army to be something else, is that still a proxy
No, it's a conversion. Are you retarded?
Sorry bro, if your model isn't built exactly according to the included instructions in the Citadel™ box it's a Partial Proxy and will need to be confiscated. For only £40.00 we'll let you swap it in for some Primaris™ Intercessors™ though!

What % of a model needs to be Offficial Citadel™ Miniature components to not be a proxy?
>What % of a model needs to be Offficial Citadel™ Miniature components to not be a proxy?
The important percentage
>What % of a model needs to be Offficial Citadel™ Miniature components to not be a proxy?
It doesn't matter. As long as it represents the unit it's supposed to.
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my guess is a cavalry/movement focused list with centigors, and then an "exotic" army with unique units along the lines of the bretonnian exiles

either that or a monster mash list for the second option. most likely the latter.
Seek help.

Minotaur Tribe, in a similar vein to the Troll Mob. Lots of Bulls, Minotaurs and Ghorgons. Maybe throw in a Herdstone.
Second is Morghur's horde. Lots of Spawn and random mutations.

I'd also expect to see the Incarnate Elemental of Beasts and Preyton to put them back into production.
Thanks, man. These look like they'd be much better to paint and play with.
I'd really like to play against an all giants list, maybe with unique types of giant. But I wouldn't like that to be one of my 2 AoI options if I was the beastman player, so I hope they get some cool lists like other anons have said.
Post your HQs. Gonna print and paint some snotlings this weekend I reckon lads
Trying to decide how I want to hack together some chaos dwarves. For counts as fireglaives + shield, axes and pistol with an arm mounted shield, pistols with an axe head on the underside of the pistol, or an axe with a rifle stock grafted onto the bottom of the haft?
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lol ok amerimutt troon, don't forget to post on pic rel with your minis and dilation schedule.
I think that Bretonnia dancing unwittingly to the tune of Lileath is fitting for in a world of either uncaring, duplicitous or distant gods.
>A proxy is a stand-in, an alternative token that does not sufficiently resemble the original idea, like a slip of paper with "xbow dworf" written on it or a cola can as a drop pod.

You're the one adding the
>not sufficently resemble
Part in, literally no one uses the term proxy this way. Proxy has always been used to differentiate offical models and unofficial models. If you would need permission to use it in place of the offical model at a tournament, it's a proxy, end of discussion.
Anon you are the only one attaching a negative connotation to proxying.
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Anybody got a good source of 3rd party gyrocopters and miners? The expeditionary list looks fun.

Pic related, it'll be one of my mining carts.
He's projecting. Deep down he's insecure because he plays using only Perry miniatures.
I like that cart!
I'd go with highlands miniatures for both copters and miners. I'm particularly partial to their balloon variant lol. I'm sure the tilean dwarf anon has a few of these too.
I'm no expert in physics but something seems seriously wrong with the propeller setup here
Ngl I kinda hate the way these look like a drooping sack

I like the mining cart, but the booze cart seems WAY more vital. Dwarves are balanced a lot around absolutely NOT having normal movement values. A Doomseeker get's a 13" max charge distance because of that thing, and an average of about 11"? Which is a very very mean threat range for somethng that you DNGAF if it dies.
The distinction is official and third party.
A Dwarf with a crossbow is not a proxy for a Dwarf with a crossbow.
In that case I'll have to drop the Priest, which frees up 60 points
I've got four options I can think of to refill that then:
1) 12x Skinks w/ Javelins & Shields
2) Bump both units of Saurus up to 12 models
3) Bump one of the Saurus up to 12 models and mount the Scar-Vet, maybe give him the Horned One upgrade
4) Add a fourth Kroxigor and give the Scar-Vet another magic item
A third party dwarf with a crossbow is a proxy for a GW dwarf Ranger.
Nothing wrong with that, as long as they're nicely painted, coherent, and look like whatever they're representing in WH.

unless he's the faggot posting the shitty round unfinished bases and refusing to fix them, fuck that guy
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Painting desk's closed.
That's the guy we're talking with.
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Time to play a game, it'll make the chaos spawn migrate to the game table and free up the painting station.
I'm not that guy you schizo, I think he should rebase his models to squares.
Nobody is forcing you to play using official GW miniatures. Just stop being in denial.
You aren proxying a dwarf with a crossbow, you proxying a GW quarreller model for a third-party dwarf with crossbow.
I finally decided to bite the bullet and satisfy my undying craving to paint some living dead.
What do I need for VC except the usual shitload of skeletons/zombies/ghouls?
I have the GW vampire knights, wolves and ghosts, plus a zombie dragon and some vamps/necros for the characters. Any staples I'm missing, or is it a case of "paint your shit, then figure it out as you play"?
So true friend, his crossbow dwarf will never be a TRVUE Citadel™ Quarreller™
Yes? That is literally true. Otherwise it would be IP theft.
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what the fuck is a quarreller
they're crossbowmen
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Why are people so autistic about the semantics of "proxy"? Anything you're substituting for the official kit is a proxy. You're acting like it's a dirty word or something.
They're dwarfs, not men.
dwarf men
>Why are people so autistic about the semantics of "proxy"?
We've got one anon that uses any excuse possible to shit up the thread, ignore the literal fag.
It's a crossbowdwarf who quarrels a lot.
It's autism all around. People are saying it as a dirty word and that everything but entirely gw models is proxying, and people are saying it's a dirty word but anything with similar equipment isn't a proxy.
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Besides the buttloads of chaff you already mentioned needing id add some fell bats for some additional artillery harrasment. Otherwise id say youve got the necessities covered, from their its more just figuring out what other toys you like to use like crypt horrors, black coaches, vargheists n other such stuff
All dwarfs quarrel a lot
It isn't a proxy though.
A proxy is when you don't have that model so you use something else, like skeleton horsemen for knights or a soda can for a drop pod. It's something you have to clear up with your opponent to make sure there isn't confusion.

Using a knight model to represent a knight isn't a proxy. It's WYSIWYG.
>Using a knight model to represent a knight isn't a proxy. It's WYSIWYG.
You don't even know what this means
no, he's right, it's WYSIWYG
what you see is literally what you get
if it's a medieval knight, painted in the colours of brettonnia, equipped with a lance, armor, and a shield, it is a knight errant in his brettonian army and not a proxy, no explanation has to be offered to an opponent to clarify what it represents.
WYSIWYG pertains to models using the equipment they are using being represented on the model. Stop doing this BS revisionism.
but these ones do it even more so than others, why do you think they still use crossbows instead of gunpowder weapons?
I have a question
words and terms exist as a function of their usefulness as a tool to describe things
what use does "proxy" have to describe 3rd party models that isn't better fulfilled by "3rd party" or "alternative models", and why would you use the same word to describe models that look like what they represent (3rd party) and tokens or coke can proxies that don't look like what they represent in game. Shouldn't these things have different terms to describe them?
The chief rat-catcher has done a good day's work from the looks of it!
Because the people arguing about this have been baited in to having a stupid, pointless argument in order to derail the thread.
that doesn't really answer my question and I already knew they were all autists, where do you think we are
If I use a knight with a great weapon as a knight with a lance then it is not WYSIWYG. But it's still not a proxy.
Like the other anon said you have pretty much an army covered there and anything more is really just expanding on the basics. You could argue that grave guard/black knights are missing from your list of classics, but you already have blood knights which kind of do the same job
>But it's still not a proxy.
It is if you use a third party model.
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Proxy is a better term because it has a connotation of being lesser or cheap.
That way I can still look down my nose at the pro painted 3D printed army, with my superior grey tide skaven.
that's an AOS army, wrong thread pal
>Proxy is a better term because it has a connotation of being lesser or cheap.
Literally never happened.
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Anything that isnt strictly the official version of a given model or unit is a proxy or a counts as by definition. Conversions, third parties, kitbashes, hand sculpted models, It doesent matter.
Being a proxy or a counts as is not a dirty thing.
Someone converting up models or using a third party or whatever else have you is fine, but it will require clearing up with your opponent in any case because you are using something other than the exact "proper" models.

I might think my chariot is very clearly a gorebeast chariot, but I will still clarify it with my opponent because they might think its meant to be a chaos chariot or whatever else. I am not using the designated "official" model for a gorebeast chariot so it is only natural I take this step.
What's your quarrel here?
That's silly. A elf doesn't count as an elf. It is a elf.
Man, you're retarded.
An elf with an axe may well count as an elf with a sword, just as a dwarf with a gun may count as a dwarf with a crossbow.
>clarify it with my opponent because they might think its meant to be a chaos chariot or whatever else.
Then this is the reason why it is a proxy. Not because it isn't the official model.

Proxy because you have to clarify or your opponent has the potential to misunderstand.
but how is proxy a more useful term and what do we then call coke can drop pods to differentiate them from 3rd party models as a proxy?

Stay mad.
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Top 3 times this general gets busy:
1) Relaunch of the game after a 9 year hiatus
2) Launch of a new army for the relaunched game, with new rules and models
3) An anon uses the Wrong Word when talking about model choice
Its a proxy because it is a model that is standing in as a proxy of something, which is where the misunderstanding might come from. Any conversion or third party or "unofficial" model does that.

Theyre both proxies, its a very broad spectrum. Some people use "counts as" for some of it.
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all this autism about a term
Perryfags are seething.
but it isn't standing in for something else, it's a dwarf with a crossbow being used as a dwarf with a crossbow
>I am not using the designated "official" model
What model are you using there anon? The only thing stopping me from putting a BSB on a gorebeast chariot is how ugly the gorebeast is. I like your choice of model a lot.
he's using a "Proxy"
just search the gw webstore for them
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why cant people just have fun playing games
it also gets busy when we have a new RPG book to talk about
i think we got through 2-3 threads when the Lustria book was first released for 4e
Proxyfags like to think they're superior because they're not giving money to GW. Seemingly forgetting you can buy recasts and second hand.
Given that you've brought up Perry Miniatures three times in this conversation, it sounds like you're the one who seething.
His definition is kind of bad, because it means that some official models like Empire Knights and Knights Errant are proxies for themselves, because your opponent will need you to clarify to avoid confusing them with Inner Circle Nights or Knights of the Realm.
Everyone here knows perryfags are the most obnoxious out of proxyfags and it's not even close.
I've heard that TOW started as a passion project by a bunch of old hands who really liked WHFB and managed to convince enough higher ups to get it signed off as a "new" game system. If that's true (which it might not be) then Total War's success was probably something that this group could point to as evidence that there would be a market for a WHFB relaunch rather than a driving factor behind bringing the game back.
3rd party chads are superior because they get better minis for cheaper prices.
GW fags have to cope because they don't want to face that they paid a premium for an inferior product.
Thanks for proving my point.
I'm sure your constant responses really prove that you're not seething. Lol
Those look cool, thanks!

I haven't got the journal yet and haven't seen a pdf, but booze cart sounds good too. I mostly just like the idea of a more mobile/weird deployment army rather than your typical static gunline.

I don't know the points of the new stuff, but I'm thinking something like this:

-Shooty Engineer general with some Thunderers or Rangers
-BSB with Longbeards as an anchor
-Doomseekers/Slayers, maybe with a hero
-Dispel Caddy Runesmith
-Rangers/Thunderers to fill out
-Tunneling miners with blasting charges
-Goblin Hewer

Pretty shooty and hopefully a bit more mobile than your typical Dwarf list. I like the fluff of a motley bunch of Dwarfs poking around troll country searching for lost holds. You've got your obligatory dour prince looking to reclaim his family's place, an eager slayer trying to find a good death, and a crackpot engineer testing his latest contraption.
>A proxy is when you don't have that model so you use something else,

Yeah and you don't have the model, you're using something else
I'm sure your constant responses really prove that you're not the one seething.
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>1.6k votes
>literally 50:50
quite nice to see such support for square bases in the wild
>no explanation has to be offered to an opponent to clarify what it represents.

Anon there's like 3 different kinds of knights in the brettonian list that it could be.
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Any ideas if these rules could still work in TOW?
Going to have a small event in my group where we bring in old special characters with updated rules, and it's either this or Greasus for me.
Thinking of repainting my white dwarf 25th anniversary model for my friend to use. It could make for a great boss fight battle at the end since it looks nigh unkillable. Everyone else vs a massive throng of dwarfs led by Grombrindal, Gotrek and Bugman.
You do have that model though. You have a knight so it's not a proxy.
>No u
It is standing for something else, GW games aren't intended to be mini-agnostic.
It's like saying that using coins to play checkers isn't proxying because they're the same shape as a game piece lol
and Duncan is only putting likes on the comments that say old world lmao
Also any suggestions on how much Braugh should cost with the modern rules?
Warhammer fantasy battles is meant to be mini agnostic. Citadel miniatures were all originally just D&D and generic miniatures.
Maybe AoS is pressing for copyrightable stuff, but there's no reason to apply that corporate mindset to Warhammer.
>Any ideas if these rules could still work in TOW?
Not as is.
The charge part needs to change the most.
Also 20 mm bases aren't a thing anymore, so you would have to rebase Braugh too if you want him to rank up with the slaves.
I agree with that anon. Only official models aren't proxies. Then you can use unofficial models (or 3D prints) that are meant for WFB - they technically are proxies, but not really, lol. I'm totally OK with the second instance, as long as there are some original models mixed in it - and the army is well painted. And then there are some random shit like generic fantasy models etc.
>Citadel miniatures were all originally just D&D and generic miniatures.
That was 40 years ago.

>Only official models aren't proxies.
Official models can also be proxies, if you use them to stand in as something else.
meant to reply to >>93404088 as well
Skinks with javelins are one of the best units in the whole game for the points so take that for what it's worth.
Anyone know if there's been a pdf put together for the Dwarf journal yet?
>as there are some original models mixed in
not that I have seen the only youtube video that has decent quality pic of the journal was this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbLdTMtg3eg
Found that one, was wondering if someone put together a pdf for easier reference. I might throw one together with screenshots of it
>Official models can also be proxies, if you use them to stand in as something else.

Like I said - "some random shit".
I field my CITADEL army - and I want to play against another CITADEL army. What's wrong in that attitude?
Sorry, didn't read till the end.
What're you watching, anon?
I'll have to rebase obviously, and I figured the charge rule would just be updated to mean
>Charge as if the slaves have M6
Same for anything else that doesn't match with modern rules. I'm still playing my first games since 6th edition.
Were going to be figuring this >>93404009 out in our group, but I figured I'd ask here from people who know the game better.
Never rebase, anon. Keep them on 20s, just make a movement tray. That way you can use them for older editions too.
Definitely not
I mean the rest of my ogres keep their 40x40 bases. But yeah good point.
Does anyone have a comparison guide between 6th Ed and tow bases?
Imperial industry in the nutshell:
Subtract 5mm from everything and you'll be right back to the correct bases.
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What's better, metal models with today's prices or finecast with these?
Thanks. Is 3 fellbats enough, or shouls I plan for more?

Yeah wights are planned for the future, but they're low-priority until I paint my basic shit. Certainly lower than edgy vamps straight out of the Requiem comic.
Always metal, no matter the prices.
Metal is the best option, always. The only reason you'd ever want to tolerate finecast is if a model was never produced in metal.
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What would you rather play against:
>8.5-10/10 paint job on every model including troop but 50% grey tide as it takes 2-3 days turnaround per guy. (would finish at one point in the future)
>3-5/10 slapchop 4 feet to look good table "standard but all painted, never to be improved.
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Where is he? WHERE?!
Those prices, adjusted for inflation, are berely any higher, where I live.
he's dead anon
Slapchop all day.

So many dudes are "going to finish when they get the time"
But when those models hit the table and start getting played they never do. If you're fully painted you're just better, even if it is 1/10.
Option number B, because it's more respectful to finish an army before playing than it is to play with an unfinished army, no matter how good or bad the models look. To an extent. Option number A might one day be a great opponent, but he should be spending his time painting instead of playing.
Wait a minute
> a vulture, a jackal and an asp
Does this mean they're currently using the failcast molds again since the metal croc is still missing?
>t. talentless painters
>it's a dwarf with a crossbow being used as a dwarf with a crossbow
Its one kind of dwarf with crossbow used as a stand in for a different kind of dwarf with a crossbow.

Its a mournfang I converted to pull the chariot because the base gorebeast is hideous imo, the gorebeasts face-mask fits surprisingly well. The riders are the Unmade warband.

That was Evangelion IIRC.
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Dedication > talent. Finish painting your army.
Not that I put any special meaning in running proxies but recasts almost cost as much as the real thing nowadays, barring some really overpriced GW models, if they're not 3D printed scans. It's nuts how much people are forking out to so-so quality recasts.
You can have both.
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Post your grey army fag.
Wrong general bucko, /alternative wargames/ is two blocks down.
I agree, which is why I'd love to play opponent A when his army is finished and I love to play opponent B as well, because his army is already finished.
The 8.5/10 army but fully painted. If it will definitely be finished one day like the post says, I can wait. I'm doing this with my own army too (to the best of my ability but definitely not a quick slapchop rush job), so it has taken time and I feel like I'm missing out by being sat at home at the painting desk during all my hobby time, but it'll be worth it at the end.
This anon gets it. Thank you for putting in the effort, anon. Please post pictures when your army is ready.
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Here you go.
Now we're talking.
There's like on AoS comments too.
Although I did laugh when I saw they had like a comment that said "Age of shitmar".
Will do. It's getting there, probably 1-2 more weeks to get everything up to a standard I'd be happy to put on the table!
I understand this is a 'bro trust me thing' but I'm the one who first posted that on here and it was really just a wishlist/educated guess.
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>Skinks with javelins are one of the best units in the whole game for the points so take that for what it's worth.
When will we recover, Saurusbros
Its more a surprise AoS is even keeping up at all. Duncan's fanbase is mostly made up of Oldhammer fans. I guess AoS really is starting to spread.
I'll probably build my own carts. I have two skull pass horses, but their carts have already been cut apart for bits.
I tried, I tried so hard to make saurus work. You'd think 2 attacks would make them usable but initiative 1 with hand weapons kills it. They lost to almost everything, and cost so fucking much.

At this point I just take 10 with no upgrades and just eat the tax, any further investment isn't worth it. Sorry.
Front line: difficult terrain.
2nd line: linear obstacles.
3rd line: terrain, terrain, rock thrower proxy (without crew).
4th line: terrain, wizard.
the fey looks kinda retarded here ngl.
Slay queen.
who catapulted the heroes off their steeds?
>the failcast molds
the point of failcast was to keep using the metal molds just with a different thing poured in (resin)
Yeah but how does that work with those failcast sprues they're in and stuff?
Also I doubt all those triangles are just there by themselves
At the very least they were retooled
The lady of the lake, duh
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The mold lines on those ribbed bodies are insane. And down the line I want more of them. It hurts.
I reconned getting a thin file
>I was expecting god-armies, but it looks like they're set on only 2 variant lists per AJ.
I'd be extremely surprised if one of the lists isn't mono-god. Rather than make four different lists which imo seems a bit silly the obvious approach would be to make one list with generic rules for running a mono-army. The fundament could be something as simple as requiring your general to have a mark which locks you into only taking units with the same mark and markless units. The list would then be seasoned by the addition of mark specific items, gifts, upgrades aswell as maybe the odd mark-specific unit such as Hellstriders.
By doing such things as granting unit champions access to marks within a certain point-limit and letting marks determine availible magic lores you would have plenty of thematic difference between them, which could be further bolstered by a reintroduced Warshrine that serves different purposes depending on what mark it has. Likely that would take the form of differenr bound spells. The tzeentchian one could be either a battery of sorts for your wizards or a magical artillery piece (through bound spells), the Khornate one a Dispell-aide and/or dmg buffer, the Slaanesh one could play around with movement while the one for Nurgle would nerf the enemy's combat capacity.

As for a second list my money's on a monstrous horde. I for one would certainly not mind a monstrous infantry-sized chaos champion that dangles precariously close to ascension aswell as spawndom. Having a Chaos Ogre Character would also be dope.
>I feel like WoC is obviously going to be norsca
God I hope not.
>what are the Beastmen ones going to be
I'd honestly wouldn't be surprised if we'd saw mono-god there aswell. Way more likely is probably what >>93402431 said though, which I wouldn't be against.
>I can see new models painted with every battle
Keep em painting at your pace pal, I'll even latch onto you for my own motivation.
>"I'll totally get them painted, honest, just *insert excuse for not having time atm*"
Slapchop all day.
Love that model. Need to finish my own one of these days.
If they wanted an eternal mascot, it would be a warp spider
Horribly magnificent that is!
Looks good.
What about maybe a small cheap doll for the head?
That's a pig.
That's what you get for keeping a nice comfy desk, son.
That's an adorable army.
>Finish painting your army.
Nah, constantly hopping between projects and thus making sure you never actually finish one is my jam.
I guess I didn't think of that because I'm just so used to doing everything with my knife now. It does make it slightly less painful, thanks.
What should your core units look like in a 2k Mortuary Cult list? Obviously at least 1 big block of skeletons, and then I think at least 1 unit of skeleton horse archers to put a mounted Liche Priest in, but what else? Skirmishers? Ushabti?
Skeleton horse archers are really strong and useful, you're going to want more than one regiment of them. Don't forget regular infantry skeleton archers too, you want a couple regiments of those too
You can and should have two Caskets of Souls

++ Characters [867 pts] ++

High Priest [247 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- General
- Skeletal Steed
- Warding Splint
- Ruby Ring of Ruin
- Elementalism

High Priest [455 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- Necrolith Bone Dragon
- Talisman of Protection
- Staff Of Aeons
- Lore Familiar
- Illusion

Mortuary Priest [165 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 2 Wizard
- Battle Standard Bearer (Mortuary Cult Only) [War Banner]
- On foot
- Amulet Of The Serpent
- Necromancy

++ Core Units [729 pts] ++

28 Skeleton Warriors [193 pts]
- Thrusting spears
- Light armour
- Shields
- Nehekharan Phalanx (one per 1000pts)
- Master of Arms (Champion)
- Standard bearer
- Musician

8 Skeleton Skirmishers [48 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows
- Ambushers

8 Skeleton Skirmishers [40 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows

8 Skeleton Skirmishers [40 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows

8 Skeleton Skirmishers [40 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows

8 Skeleton Horse Archers [106 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows
- Master of Horse (champion)
- Standard bearer
- Musician

8 Skeleton Horse Archers [106 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Warbows
- Master of Horse (champion)
- Standard bearer
- Musician

4 Tomb Swarms [156 pts]
- Hand weapons (Venemous Bites and Stings)
- Ambushers

++ Special Units [379 pts] ++

Tomb Scorpion [77 pts]
- Decapitating Claws
- Envenomed Sting
- Heavy armour (Bone Carapace)
- Ambushers
- (Mortuary Cult Only) The Terrors Below

Tomb Scorpion [77 pts]
- Decapitating Claws
- Envenomed Sting
- Heavy armour (Bone Carapace)
- Ambushers
- (Mortuary Cult Only) The Terrors Below

Tomb Scorpion [77 pts]
- Decapitating Claws
- Envenomed Sting
- Heavy armour (Bone Carapace)
- Ambushers
- (Mortuary Cult Only) The Terrors Below

4 Tomb Swarms [148 pts]
- Hand weapons (Venemous Bites and Stings)

Not sure how to spend the last 25 points.
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Is this droop because the chariot actually wasn't meant to stand on a base?
You'd be getting those sprues with metal as well, only GW was cutting them off to save on materials, since they could be re-melted and used again.
Almost certainly.
chariots aren't always level to the ground in real life either, it's only got 2 wheels
Sure, but in this case the model was made in a time when the chariot bit of the model just stayed on the ground and only the horses had bases, which is what would have caused this weird angle (as the kit was made in a time when the horses would have been higher up relative to the chariot)
I havent seen a single bretonian army get posted here, is there a place where I can see a gallery of them somewhere?
Have the chorfs been given much lore outside what's in Tamurkhan and very early days?
not really any newer mentions just reiterate on what older editions seid
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Here's my casket of souls WYSIWYG.
You really love browsing threads of games you don't even care for.
It was a breath of fresh air to paint after 20 warriors, and almost no small or hard to reach areas either, very easy going. Looking forward to shading & highlighting him, but a couple of command groups and a giant are in front of him in the line.
Chorfs are about to get more fluff in AoS than they ever did in WFB, which is a strange thought.
wouldn't entertain for a second, that's a tomb king
If only it were good fluff...

So, has anyone done any theorycrafting on Doomseekers yet? It feels like there's probably a sweetspot for points where it's not such a big deal if they survive the entire game. I'm thinking off the top of my head 100pts is a good place.

So, you could go +1Str Rune +1AP rune for Str6 Ap1 attacks and then the 15pt Rune of +1 Attack. That'd be a pretty tasty 100pt suicide missile.
Or, you could lean entirely into the Runic Tattoos and go Tatt of Frenzy and +1 to/be hit, Tatt of +1 Attack for 2D3+2 attacks, relying on Gromril Weapons and base Str5 to carry the day.

I feel like the Runic Tattoo of The Dishonoured is a trap option for Daemonslayers, as that might just make them tanky enough to survive, and Daemonslayers aren't that cheap, if fully kitted, they clock out at 255pts before you starting getting Tattoos. T5 with 3 wounds is fairly tanky already.
Dragonslayers? Go nuts. Slap it on, give him +3 Attacks and have him throw out challenges against foot characters and unit champions, his sole job being to fish for Killing Blows, and if he dies he dies. Also have the guy large and proud walking directly in front of units, baiting your opponent to charge him. It's not like your opponent is going to shoot him now that he gives no points out, is it?

Daemonslayers though? Dunno. T6 sounds cool, but against the sort of things Daemonslayers want to be rocking against, it might not cut it. Rune of Endless Battle requires unsaved wounds, so that basically mandates Rune of Blackhammer so at least that's one less layer of protection to worry against. +1WS would be a good Budget Tattoo choice. WS8 is pretty high, and could be buffed further with weapon runes. But would it be better than rerolls in challenges or rerolls from Hate (EVERYTHING)? I dunno about the math on that one.

Was there any discussion or consensus when the previews started to drop?
>Was there any discussion or consensus when the previews started to drop?
Nope, nothing. I'm guessing people nowadays are just waiting for some streamer to do everything for them.
Me? I'm just bad at theorycrafting.
What was it about

Mountain Miniatures should not have a fanbase, that guy is braindead.

He just gives actively stupid takes while reading stuff out loud.
I think "suicide heroes" is probably a trap. Because sure, its good at the end of the day from a VP perspective, but weakened yourself in game might get you swept hard.

Doomseekers should probably be used as a normal hero would, except you dont invest as much in defense. You dont suicide them, you dont put them in positions where the opponent can shoot them to death for free. You let them get value from a position where the opponnent is discouraged from killing them.
Basically: Thinking about the VP early into a game might be short sighted imo, because its missing the wood for the trees.

An opponent giving you(?) 100VP/not getting 100VP for killing the doomseeker is nice, but its still taking 100 points worth of stuff off the table, its still leaving you with a hole in your force that could have been an organ gun or like two gyrocopters or whatever.

On a cheap enough hero it might not matter much, but when you start kitting out those characters/taking lots of shit for them you put yourself in a situation where them simply not being there is already doing a lot for the enemy even if they deny themselves VP by killing them. It might suddenly mean rather than a 2000pts vs 2000pts army you have closer to 1500pts going into 2000pts and subsequently end up losing by quite a lot despite the opponent being "down 500vp"
Alternatively take 1k points of doomseekers and try and cheese it, the max VP your opponent can get at that point can be reduced to some rather small number so you could try and put them in situations where they just cant win.
If only heroes could still charge out of units.
They cant?

I mean, a basic 50pt Doomseeker isn't all that bad, statwise as is. St5, Impact Hits, +D3 Charge range, 2D3 attacks, and can challenge since they're a character.
We don't have it yet but AoS is getting chorfs soon™
We'll see if it's decent enough to use for TOW instead of recasts
Ive been simping on highlands patreon since the beginning, only model creator I think that comes close to capturing the look of GW kits consistently. my only complaint is that their orcs and goblins look not nearly as good as their other ranges. good think im not a greenskin player, well doesnt matter really since I have access to most of the old greenskin scans.
I thought Kislev had their own version of a war wagon.
Same to everything you said, luckily monstrous encounters scratches the old school O&G itch for me, along with the fabelzel black orcs.
I bought the MoM dwarf rune golems for warhammer armies project and I love them, I also bought a few cannons from them as well.

decided to drop those 3d printed warriors in the pic in favor of the highlands ones.
Thank you for this, sounds awesome.
Look aside what I really like is that they're clearly made for tabletop unlike a lot of other modelers. (even Monstrous Encounters has issues on some thinner stuff like some of their skeleton models)
>found STLs for imperial dwarfs with spears

At last... dwarfs in landsknecht clothes
As the anon that used the word wrong, I am so sorry.

Based on Gorthor's behavior we may get a "death race 2000 IR" AoI that focused on chariots. Apparently he wiped out multiple greenskin tribes this way.
somebody bake a new bread, if you dont ill make one again with a shtitty tq.
It's fine to have a shitty tq now and then
Thats fine just as long as the op pic isnt shitty
new thread, I said it would be shitty.

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