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Does /tg/ like Primaris Reivers?
/tg/ is not a person, but the majority answer is no.
I dont like the execution. I do like scouts tho.
And there are multiple different reasons for their unpopularity
>pretty bad on the tabletop
>emblematic of tacticool marines that a lot of people dislike
>edgy with their skull masks and "terror troops" specialty

I like the idea that recon and infiltration is not a sport for underage, undertrained recruits. The fact that scout are probably better than most imperial alternatives at it doesn't change the fact that they're sub-par by Marines standards.
>Does /tg/ like Primaris...
Tacticool space marine nieceh is taken by the other phobos guys that came out later.
I have no idea why reivers even exist
>Does /tg/ like Primaris
/tg/ likes nothing.
>More specialized and useful than scouts
>CQC specialists, saboteurs
>Tacti-cool ass bullshit
>Edgy skull masks
>Bad on the Tabletop

All in all, a mixed bag, but I won't be putting any in my army.
I like reivers and primaris, /tg/ is not a person and can't like or dislike things.
I only like them for exposing how ridiculous and stupid Primaris concepts are. Up there with "we gave marines a jump pack and dual plasma cannons" in terms of stupid, ugly-looking, actively uncool concepts that spit in the face of 40k's aesthetics.
>hurr durr we created stealth specialists that only use knives and pistols, the two worst weapons in the SM armory
>they're super strong and cool you guys
>wtf they suck both on tabletop and in the lore, they serve no purpose that other specialties can't do already but better because they aren't gimped with horribly shitty weapons, yet they still cost primaris amounts of points
>not cheap
>not troops (not that it matters much in 10th anymore)
>only really able to kill the same shit that every SM troop choice already work against
>not really mobile enough to make up/capitalize on being melee troops
>special rules are battle-shock related and therefore shit
>deep strike still leaves them likely standing around for a turn to get shot at
>nevermind the potential for it to be rendered near useless depending on enemy positioning
I don't hate the concept, but the rules are abysmal.
>> edgy with skulls

Isn't 40k full of both?
Yes, but the reivers are on the wrong side of "edgy tacticool with Skulls"
>masters of terror
>in a setting where 80% of enemy factions are either insane or so alien they don't even possess a concept of fear
I'm sure the Tau are very afraid of random dudes with knives.
95 percent of space marine engagements is them dropping onto a planet to kill unarmed factorum workers because the governor was short three skull-pennies on his latest tax return.
Good for them. 0% of games cover that, which is 95% of what matters for Warhammer 40k.
I mean, not wrong. But you'd think it'd be unnecessary to bother with specialized terror units when normal marines are basically terror units to begin with.
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Today I will remind them.
the other 5 percent of space marine engagements are two groups of space marines in unpainted armor killing each other because they can't tell if the other group is heretical or not because they lack any heraldry
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Hey look it's Ghost!
Then you don’t need a fucking dedicated terror unit, do you? The manifestation of the emperor himself, via 8ft tall armoured killing machines firing high velocity armour piercing grenades at your face is more than terrifying enough.
tell that to roboute and cawl then man
Primaris Battle Brothers of the High Water Chapter! They're fleek as they are fags, holy are their passages!
How the fuck do you even pronounce "Reivers"? Is it literally just a somehow less intimidating way to say "Reavers"?

More importantly, why are their pauldrons so small?
>/tg/ is not a person
And neither are you, soulless corporate golem-kun.
The same way you pronounce Reign:
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Original scouts are better and their removal as a standard troops choice has made Marines unplayable.

and yes, post 5E 40k is very very gay.
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Educate yourself filthy nuhammer kid
>bolt pistol and big knoife
>close combat specialists
>grapnel launcher or grav chute

So they're shittier assault marines?
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Scouts did the job perfectly well and make more sense fluff wise because they're still regular size dudes. Also the helmet sucks. Reminds me of pic related.
The Night Lords are suing for gimmick infringement.
Those are fictional people, schizo-kun
No. I don't play with palitoy ripoffs made by talentless fat green/pink haired uggoes.
Love the sculpture, ish they were better in the table top
Their lieutenant, that can only join them, actually cockblocks them from deep strike

I just wish they were good
There's a valley of overdesigned / underthemed retardation, and primaris helmets in general (but reivers' stolen chaplain helmets in particular) fall right into it.
>Is it literally just a somehow less intimidating way to say "Reavers"?
It's a legally distinct way for GW to slap anyone who tries to infringe.
not as much as I like incursors
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>Reivers are experts in rapid infiltration and lighting assaults
like...all space marines...?
They're going to get dropped like those sigmarine models did. They're an obvious dead end in the space marine line that's not getting any more support.
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The only -real- reason they don't get seen often is because they're dogshit on the tabletop.

The more important question is, how do you fix them mechanically to make them useful?
Give their knives a pip of AP and make it so they pick a unit visible and within 12 inches to trigger battleshock instead of having to charge them. Make them cheaper. They should be 70 pts for 5 at least.
I really hate this aesthetical choice introduced with primaris where they take away the skull cap of helmets and leave the face plate.

It's literally the most retarded thing you could do to protective head gear.
bearers of the emprah's glowsticks?
so I guess they are mixed on opinions.
With everything described about helmet eyepieces being a weakpoint, I would never have thought they'd make helmets weaker.
40k is gothic and brutal. Reivers are Call of Duty: Ghost
The half helmet face masks I think first showed up on sergeants in 4th edition already looking quite skull shaped, but as part of the drive to take away the last vestiges of subtlety from the setting they made them skulls outright and gave them to an entire unit.
I think skull helmets should be for Chaplains only.

The idea is sound, I think. The implementation in terms of stats I hear is bad. Some of the sculpts and designs are kind of a miss. I don't generally dislike the Primaris designs - their dune buggy is poor, and I think they have a walker that live marines pilot that look dumb, their dreads need a bit more of a redesign to not look like they have a pot bell, and one of their models has one like that too. The firebats aren't so great either.
phobos armor is cool
they're just underwhelming on the table, though recent battleshock changes might give them enough of a buff.
They just need their lieutenant to have deepstrike and some AP in their knives to be good

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