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Ah yes Warhammer™: Age of Sigmar®, The World's Greatest Fantasy Miniatures Game
This is spearhead? Looks pretty fun, it's supposed to take less than an hour to play.
World's strongest Age of Sigmar™ player
Damn painted models in a table? It's already looking better than 40k.
>every model almost fully painted
>almost every model fully based
So close but still better than 90% of wargamers armies for any rules system
Skelebobs on the left got the blues though.
Not that hard when you only have, from the looks of it, only 20~ models per side each person has to paint. But these are GW fans so that's probably more than one can expect
reminds me of Warmachine, except for the plastic terrain
>seething over people having fun with Age of Sigmar
Board could be a bit bigger, maybe nicer with more terrain and an extra unit for each but yeah

I MEAN I don't really dig this game but a lot of stuff is played on kitchen tables bya people passing through and that's ok
Absolutely cold sterile soulless boring aesthetic, wtf happened to warhammer?!
>rightful shaming towards slop-enthusiasts
its not even a specific aesthetic its just random shit mashed together with no clear theme. basically league of legends
What kind of a syndrome makes a man post three at least of these shit threads a day on a Cappadochian flint tool sharpening forum?
It’s the intro point level game mode, like combat patrol. Though didn’t fantasy die because you needed 100+ chaff infantry minimum for a normal game?
That was certainly a major contributing factor. And frankly 28mm is a terrible choice for anything much bigger than platoon level stuff to begin with.
>And frankly 28mm is a terrible choice for anything much bigger than platoon level stuff to begin with.

Not this guy again.

No, you're wrong. 28mm can be easily used to play any action up to company or even battalion level, you just need patience and or space.
>actually playing games is slop enthusiasm
Holy fuck you're retarded.
There's a difference between can and should.
Should you play 10mm skirmish? Probably not but there's a use case for a portable dungeon set there. Your issues around scale are retarded and you're a one trick pony
Is this a 24x18 board or what? It would take like 3 hours to make a nice 3d board that doesnt look like absolute ass. And zoomers will still continue to play on cardboard since the hobby is targeted to consumers and not to wargamers. The grognards are right, gatekeeping is the way.
>about 80% based
>one unpainted dwarf in the back
>barely any terrain
I give this battle a respectable 6.5/10, really losing out on major points for the utterly pathetic board. Still, it's certainly above average for Warhammer on this board though there's clear room for improvement.
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What a minute, I recognize that hand...
>A man
Cool it with the binaryfascist transphobe assumptions.
Yes, if the game in question is slop.
Oh fuck off, the grogs you talk about play on a fucking matt with one house on it, if you are lucky, WHF grogs of tournament minds hate terrain, they hate having it.
The board you are thinking off are ones that actual grogs of WHFB shite will not make or touch, you can get zoomers to do it however, and they will do it.
Meds. Now.
Grog here, I think you're wrong, I have made and continue to make lots of terrain to use. I play 6th fantasy and ensure there are at least 6 decently sized terrain features, if not more. I forget to take pics of a lot of my games but there were 2 hills, 3 ruined ancient structures, a line of fencing stretching diagonally aross the board with several large breaks in it, and a swampy pool in my most recent game.
I also prefer the terrain to not be symmetrical and it should look like a believable location.
Man you can open bottlecaps with your asshole that doesn't mean it's a good idea lol
>nooo don't enjoy the spectacle of wargaming
Probably my biggest issue with Nu40k and Age of Sigmar. Nothing looks like it belongs in the same setting.
>I also prefer the terrain to not be symmetrical and it should look like a believable location.
You sick pervert.
I think even LoL manages to fit its design elements together in more cohesive manner than AoS or nu40k.
You wont get any spectacle when you're shoveling 5 blocks of 20 dudes lol, the mighty battle of "about 7 dozen guys" lmao
No Games WFB tard jealous people are playing a fun game with painter models and terrain.
>I forget to take pics
Suuuure. Totally not a bullshit post rofl
It’s been around longer than your seven years in the hobby.
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Ah yes Warhammer™: Fantasy Battle®, The World's Worst Dead Fantasy Miniatures Game.
I mean you joke but there are historical battles that were only like 7 dozen dudes on both sides
Makes me wonder how big this retard >>93401988 thinks most battles in the ancient world were.
But I thought all the whfb tables were heckin kino and full of sovlfvl historically themed terrain. This isn't based or redpilled at all
Those numbers are perfectly fine. You don't need 100+ models to have a good game. This desu: >>93397847

GW has many problems, games with small sizes for each army ain't them
>the zoomer cannot comprehend not filming every waking moment, he cannot bear to be parted from his phone for even an hour
>so vile a creature is he, he cannot even focus on a wargame or a film without checking his social media
>actual board instead of playmat
>home made terrain
>models are just painted but also based
it is, you're just retarded and enjoy dogshit
>More excuses to hide the fact this anon has no models and has never played again

Ok buddy
If you like that kind of board >>93402026 are you sure you aren't just retarded and enjoy dogshit, anon?
you show me yours and I'll show you mine big boy ;)
I think people here don't have friends
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He may have forgotten, but I didn't.
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And here's one more. Warhammer Fantasy requires larger areas of empty space than 40k because of how movement in rank and flank games works, but terrain is still very nice to have. In the desert game, we fought over the hill and the oasis, and the terrain on both sides of the field were very impactful. During the battle in picrel, those trees to the left massively screwed my knights & mounted sorcerer lord over because they couldn't get through them fast enough to prevent that big sphinx thing from charging them. They got mulched.
>these are considered thrilling boards by fantasy keks

My favorite is the cool castle in the second pic that is so small you're unable to put units in it so nobody has even deployed a unit with the intent of going that direction. Nice system you got there
The games were thrilling, yes. And I loved the boards, too. Fantasy is a fundamentally different game from what I assume you're used to. I highly recommend reading the rulebook, it's a lot of fun.
if people play this they will play anything
Those were more like bar brawls or sheep raiders than battles, tho
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Here you are.
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And you are, again.
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And here's an example of the boards we play. Note the large amounts of terrain, all painted and actually good looking.
>repeated monopose
Admit yourself to rehab.
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Have some more examples of what actual terrain looks like on a board.
>all painted and actually good looking
I mean, it's serviceable, but pretty monotonous, maybe if you used a similiarly colored game mat it would look better.
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And some others.

Not an argument you want to start when you're defending WFB, spaz :)
>pretty monotonous
Not as shit or monotonous as this >>93402261
>I highly recommend reading the rulebook, it's a lot of fun.
Nigga its a mess is what it is. Im not gonna say its absolute dogshit but it can use some more fucking work.
I like the river and the portal lake. That's an appropriate amount of terrain for a skirmish game, which is what AoS is. It'd be entirely too much for a rank and flank game, which is what Fantasy is.
Both tables are good. They were made for different games.
The one for TOW, absolutely. The 3rd and 6th edition rulebooks are great.
R&F boards are just a bit bland. It's armies meeting on the open field like historicals, but without the real-life historical context.
WHFB lore doesn't have these conventions that had been agreed between "civilised" armies in the real world.
Demons/Skaven/Beastmen ranking up still makes me chuckle.
Even that looks miles better despite being far simpler because the colors don't clash. It looks like a cohesive whole.
>it looks monotonous so needs improvement
>the more monotonous board actually looks better because it doesn't clash unlike the less monotonous board
quite the acrobatics there
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Even the smallest ones that were meaningful had a few hundred men on each side.
monotonous yet cohesive > monotonous and clashing

No acrobatics needed.
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You're looking at it from a story perspective, which is fine, but boards are made in that way because the gameplay demands it. Wheels, charges, closing the door, the regiments (which can get quite big) require physical space to perform maneuvers. Unlike skirmish games, where you can break up a regiment and move them about however you please, blocks of ranked up models aren't so flexible.
Beastmen are skirmishers in most editions, by the way. You don't need to rank them up unless you want to. Wood Elves are very similar in that regard, as are chaos marauders.
Essentially, this entire whfb board vs. aos board argument is pointless, because the games are fundamentally different.
It's a desert. It's supposed to be monotonous. What, do you want waterfalls & pits with spikes & magic whirlwinds & crumbling ruins everywhere? It's got an oasis, palm trees, hills and a building. It's thematic.
well in that case I'm glad we continue having these debates every few days on /tg/. It's very productive, I'm sure any day now the one side will convince the other that it's better.
the amount of seethe threads is unreal. Not even TV show folks are this mad about their favourite shows getting cancelled.
These threads aren't being made by aos or fantasy players. They're just trolls.
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You don't need to invest pretty much anything when watching tv shows, it makes sense that miniature game where the entry cost is often in excess of hundred bucks and dozens of hours leave you burned.
Wait until you find out many historical wargamers use terrain from a scale or so below the miniatures used, your tiny mind will explode!
Oh ffs shut up fag
We do this in other genres of wargaming without the table being barren wasteland
Imagine knowing the state of things would be minis are getting closer to 35mm while GW shrinks their play area lol
I would love to read more about the wargames you play and the tables you play them on, along with the models you play them with.
You mean the lazy ones?
Ok, well, go to the DBA 3.0 rulebook (it's online) and read the notes on ground scale. Then read about how battlefields are "generated."
It might seem that way to the uninitiated but I'm sure you can bend your mind to there not always being a direct correlation between Ground Scale, and Figure Scale, and why that might be helpful.
De Bellis Antiquitatis? A historical game. Interesting. I'll give it a read, thank you for the recommendation, anon.
Unfortunately, I like fantasy games, with wizards and monsters and as such have received naught but disregard or vitriol from historical players in the past, but I do also like fun rulesets.
>Even that looks miles better despite being far simpler because the colors don't clash. It looks like a cohesive whole.
I think you're blind but whatever lol
>Even the smallest ones that were meaningful had a few hundred men on each side.
Just say "I've never studied history" and move on, retard.

>What, do you want waterfalls & pits with spikes & magic whirlwinds & crumbling ruins everywhere?
Yes. It's a fantasy setting.
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Also, since you idiots kept saying everything "clashed" here's a pic of that game from a different angle. Doesn't clash and looks far better than the shite WFB players use.
Standing stones/mehnir, magical portals, trees, rivers and so on, this is how you make a board to represent a part of the lore (in this case, a battle taking place in the Realm of Life, Ghyran).
No "here's a single hill made of foam" shit allowed around here.
There is a fantasy variant called Hordes of the Things. In terms of spatial reasoning it may be the perfect wargame. Even the base depths tell a little story as part of a greater whole.

My experience of people who are reticent about historical gamers as a group is that they are usually ignorant, stupid, lazy and afraid of anything not aimed at children. But no need to assume that about you, nes pa?
Having quickly read the rules, you do realize DBA is played at a completely different scale than warhammer fantasy, right? 60x20 represents 4 models in DBA, whereas that would be 2 chaos warriors in width and 2/3 of one warrior in depth in the latest edition of warhammer fantasy. Regiment sizes are completely different, and so is the size of the board. No wonder you think the board is a barren wasteland - You're comparing apples to oranges! A more apt comparison would be warmaster, which I have not played, but have heard nothing but good things about. DBA does look quite interesting, though, but I'm not a fan of 6mm wargames, as I enjoy looking at the models I paint.
Either of you could advance the narrative by speaking in imperatives with supporting examples. Just posting "no u" doesn't tell the rest of us much at all.

Trying to think of battles of great import and their scale. Nothing springs to mind that was less than a few hundred men. I'm sure someone will be along to help.
I wouldn't be reticent to play historicals if every single encounter I'd had with a historical player hadn't been negative. Thank you for the recommendation and have a wonderful day, anon.
Where did you arrive at the understanding that a base in DBA represents 4 models? Or that it's a 6mm game? I fear you are, like most fantasy or GW only gamers, not very patient when you read a densely written text like that.
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Am I reading the wrong document? Look at the entry for spearmen.
I could say much the same for the "I swear I walked into a door" crowd who play GW games. The intellectual curiosity isn't there, the fun, the effort, the discovery. It mostly seems to be about making quirk chungus references to lore, list building, eat hot chip and lie.
My friend, the book is on my nightstand. You aren't reading at all.
Represents may have been the wrong word. Am I correct in reading that a base of spearmen, which is on a 60mmx20mm base, requires 4 models of a large scale? And 8 models on a 60x15-20mm base when using models in a 6mm scale?
8 models on a 60x30mm base, my bad.
More or less.

What they represent could be considerably greater...think 300-1,000 men.

I prefer element based games like this to rank and flank because a lot of the geometry or weirdness is resolved more easily.
I see. My apologies for using the wrong word, anon, it caused unnecessary confusion. The system you recommended does look interesting. I'll continue to read it. I may have been too hasty in judging historical players. I really like the rule about forts & requiring a unit to garrison it.
All of those WHFB tables would look much better with Warmaster minis in the thousands

That's not even a fucking hooligan fight lmao
What am I supposed to seethe about here?
>doesn't clash
Nope. Still looks suboptimal.
You don't seem to know very much about the game you hate.
Obviously. Otherwise he would be playing it instead.
Every single piece of terrain on that board could be used to play warhammer fantasy.
You're playing a skirmish game on a rank and flank game's board.
Keep shifting them goalposts, anon.

I do. I've read and played WFB. It's fun. AoS is better.

>You're playing a skirmish game on a rank and flank game's board.
Then why does no WFB board ever look like that?
I don't believe you.
things all made by different races in different plains of fucking existence by different gods with different tech levels
why thing not look like other thing?
>You're playing a skirmish game on a rank and flank game's board.
nta but aos aint no skirmish game
By definition, it is a skirmish wargame. A large scale one, sure, with oversized armies. Yet a skirmish game it remains.
>All these people eating locally made steaks are just JEALOUS of my 20 dollar Big Mac, fucking chuds just can't handle corporate product.
If it's not rank and flank, it's skirmish. There's no argument to be had here. You are wrong.
>if it's not rank and flank, it's skirmish.
I'm speaking to a literal retard. Noted. Opinion ignored, go back to the basement, adults are talking.
What term would you use to refer to age of sigmar?
Fallout Wasteland Warfare is a skirmish game. Warcry is a skirmish game. Infinity is a skirmish game.
40k, AoS and similar are not.
You'd know that if you weren't a drooling tard.
That means nothing. Wargame is too generic, it describes literally everything from warhammer fantasy to bolt action to napoleonics to, yes, 40k and age of sigmar. 40k and age of sigmar are both skirmish games, because they don't use regiments and every model on the game board is in a skirmishing formation at all times. The amount of models used has absolutely nothing to do with it.
You are a fool, and the time I've spent typing these posts & reading the drivel you managed to type while wearing what I can only assume is a straight jacket, protective headgear and padded gloves has been wasted utterly. Have a nice day.
>That means nothing. Wargame is too generic, it describes literally everything from warhammer fantasy to bolt action to napoleonics to, yes, 40k and age of sigmar. 40k and age of sigmar are both skirmish games, because they don't use regiments and every model on the game board is in a skirmishing formation at all times. The amount of models used has absolutely nothing to do with it.
>You are a fool, and the time I've spent typing these posts & reading the drivel you managed to type while wearing what I can only assume is a straight jacket, protective headgear and padded gloves has been wasted utterly. Have a nice day.
Whatever dude. I didn't read any of that.
AoS is a wargame.
Kill Team is a skirmish game, simple as that.
If you agree with me, great!
If not, you're still wrong.
>ah, I can't wait to play a nice small skirmish of 50-80 people per side
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>Am I so out of touch?
>No. It's the grogs who are wrong.
Dude, that still counts as skirmish.
I refer aos as a game to socialize with my friends. I refer the old world as the game to get my balls tickled by the local qt.314
Have it your way. AoS is not a skirmish game. It's not even a game. It's an abortion.
Friends don't let friends "play" AoS.
>Every single piece of terrain on that board could be used to play warhammer fantasy.
No way. You're saying generic hills and shit can be used to play multiple games? I thought Warhammer Fantasy requires the use of Hopping Hills, Faggoty Forests, and Rapestream Rivers terrain models from Games Workshop. You fucking retard.
>Have it your way. AoS is not a skirmish game. It's not even a game. It's an abortion.
If AoS, an alive game, is an abortion, then WFB is a stillborn fetus laying dead on a bloody mattress.
>Friends don't let friends "play" AoS.
Friends let other friends enjoy shit, rather than force them to enjoy only what they like.
I've played company in 28mm and although it was possible, it was lame. No room to maneuver on a 6x10 table and it felt like playing a Napoleonic because the only thing people could do was move forward, get in range, and then just sit there and shoot the enemy because they couldn't get anywhere else. And you're just retarded if you're gonna play 28mm battalion level. That's almost 1000 figures on the table, it'd be way too cramped
You seem upset.
>>93404431 #

NOOO! People aren’t playing my preferred slop!!
I hope you find a friend.
I'm saying anon is getting too excited about the same kind of terrain he keeps calling shit. His table isn't anywhere near as good as he thinks it is and he should humble himself.
Correct, it is a game! Here's a big A+, anon! Well done :)

It's better than the others in this thread lmfao
It really isn't. Get your eyes checked.
>It really isn't. Get your eyes checked.
It literally is, retard. Get your eyes checked. I know you're trying to troll, but you're failing and just looking fucking stupid.
Much love anon <3
It's worse, tho. Even the garbage board in OP is marginally better.
>It's worse, tho. Even the garbage board in OP is marginally better.
Sure, ok. If this is the sort of taste WFB fans have, no wonder your game died XD
Sir, every single anon itt has called you wrong on this. It's not trolling. Your board looks worse.
>Your board looks worse.
Whatever you say little ToWfag :)
Much love, may you find a better use of your time troll <3
Deep breaths, anon. No reason to get this upset over this. Nobody called it unsalvageable. Just get a grey playmat so it doesn't look as ridiculous.
Looks like shit lol
If gonna play like that just use a printed neoprene mat
You should try fencing as your deflectiongame is prettt advanced. If you don't want your stuff get criticized, don't post it online. I'm sure the yokels in your personal bubble are too polite to call it what it is.
On what basis? We're talking about Skirmish Wargames, not the actual, real-world meaning of "a skirmish"
>actual aos players getting into fights with /v/immigrants who have never played a wargame in their life
Why do we always have 2-3 threads up like this at all times?
Because you're still moving each model individually. Just because it's bloated doesn't mean it's not skirmish.
>people calling AoS shit?!? Must be tourists!
Found the actual tourist.
Not what skirmish means at all, is Alpha Strike a skirmish game despite being at company scale?
There's a reason every single one of these threads uses a handful of the same pics over and over and over again to prove points. Like every picture of a TOW battle in this thread has been reposted in previous thread several times. It's just /v/fags posting images they saved here.
It's what skirmish means in wargaming context. This will endlessly confuse newfags for some reason.
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>There are now THREE threads in the catalog dedicated solely to seething at Age of Sigmar
Can't you just go to /WFBG/ or something? Although I guess they are now talking about Old World and games there now
thats some good sloppa ngl
>it's another "tranny's seethe uncontrollably over AOSChads" thread

You love to see it

Post your board and painted models, troon. Let's see it
anon who posted 2 pictures of my tow battles, would you like me to post my battle report and more pictures of my army?
because only 3 pictures of warhammer fantasy being played have been posted, and 2 of them were mine, you liar
No, it doesn't. It has never meant that
I've seen this image in every single one of these threads, post something new. And even you just come to post pics of TOW battles and your models, the shitflinging is never on your end.
Nice fire on the banner
I'm sorry anon, I may have taken your post the wrong way. Here is an older picture that I haven't posted in any thread like this as proof.
Except it has. Try to define it any other way and a hundred grogs wil crawl from under the woodwork to explain why that definition is wrong. It's objective, easy to understand and has long history. Just because someone wants to play a skirmish game with impractical number of models doesn't suddenly make that its own category.
>Just because someone wants to play a skirmish game with impractical number of models
We already have terms for this
Squad scale
Platoon scale
Company scale
Skirmish was always shorthand for squad scale.
AOS feels different with the wounds rules, it feels too easy compare to 40K.
This image is so blatantly trans-coded
>bolt action isn't a skirmish game because it's a platoon level game

No we don't. Those are loose descriptions of actual real life units sizes, they don't directly translate to wargaming genres.
Actual skirmishes have way more guys than one squad, retard.
Yes, it has a skirmish variant by the way for squad level combat
They very frequently do, they only don't if you're retarded and think skirmish means individual model movement, for example.
Remember /v/edditors, we're talking about skirmish wargaming here, very specifically. Try lurking more, you can pick up the lingo by doing that.
This looks ghastly to play. Do GWfags really do this? How do you even manoeuvre? Might as well smash all the models in the middle and make sounds with your mouth.
It's a learning scenario game mode on a smaller board with a quarter of the standard army size.
Is it also a quarter of the board size?
>hmm, why would anyone call individually based models skirmish, it's just too random and retarded!
TOWtrannies have it worse. Rank and flank wargames are all faggotpilled because all you can do is push models forward.
that is verifiably false, please look at the rules for movement for warhammer fantasy
>posts non-/tg/ related definition
Never change /v/eddit
22"x30", meant purely to be a kitchen table sized game for people who want a quick game or new players
Most games are played on a 44"x60" board, though many still stick with the classic 4'x6'
would "open formation wargame" be acceptable for you?
Shut the fuck up, retard. There's a reason nobody has used the word like that for over a decade now. Turns out just because you play a larger point sized game isn't a reason to call it a whole new genre.
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...so it's just as bad in the full format, just more expensive.
>Rank and flank wargames

Or as we called them before the Current Year, "wargames." You can't even flank an enemy in AOS. It's pointless. Manouvres are third rate
At least you have facing, which adds some tactical complexity.
That anon only accepts his own headcanon.
Yes you can. Less models=more maneuver. Only reason why OP image doesn't depict this is because it's a learning game with less terrain and a smaller board.
No, another term that's never been uttered before
Rank and flank is the commonly used term for games such as TOW, describing something as "not rank and flank" is unnecessary as that describes the majority of wargames
If you lurk more you will see the terms I'm using quite commonly
There's a lot more no man's land an maneuvering with the increased board size, the game in OP has progressed a round in so the armies have closed the gap at that point.
But there are only buffs for fruity shit like crowns of command, not actually surprising an enemy by engaging the rear of a formation etc. It's more like a boss battle board game than a wargame, sorry. Movement should be the most decisive factor, then terrain, then your fluff buffs and magic mcguffs.
>so the armies have closed the gap at that point.
You can literally see where the board ends, maybe 5cm behind the models.
I'm been here longer than you, newfag. Maybe you should think before spouting such nonesense.
As I said, you only accept your own headcanon. Never post again.
>"not rank and flank" is unnecessary as that describes the majority of wargames

Yeah, in 2024. Most wargames prior were if not rank and flank or skirmish, element based with multiple troops per base. On balance with wargames research Group's basing conventuons, this was more common until the rise of tactical skirmish games.
And both armies are outside their deployment
You can keep describing things with the wrong words to appear retarded if you want. It won't make you seem like less of a /v/edditor though
>soulless game may
>thin plastic “official” terrain again utterly soulless
>terrain doesn’t fit the mat aesthetic
>board clearly too small
Why do nu-fans accept playing on such shit tier terrain. It’s really not hard to scratch build your own.
>And both armies are outside their deployment
Their deployment is a 5cm wide strip at the edge of the board? Grim.
>Soulless gameplay

Tranny detected. I've played dozens of wargames and AOS has the best wargame rules I've ever played. It's by far the best thing GW has ever put out. Most AOS players agree. The only ones who don't agree are people whove never played or TOWtrannies
Better than your total lack of definition.
anon, stop
please tell me you aren't serious
this isn't even funny anymore, how can you say that
please tell me you're trolling, you being serious about what you just posted is actually horrible, stop
Prove you've ever even played AOS. Go ahead. post models
>muh TOWtrannies
You realise most troons play AoS, really good projection there
When playing on such a small board a small deployment zone is needed to maintain space within no mans land for maneuver. It's 3" for each side, and that zone increases in size with board size.
Skirmish = Squad level wargame
I gave my definition, your definition is simply incorrect and has never been used outside of /v/fags trying to fit in.
Yeah it's embarrassing. A wargame with no oht manouvreing your opponent except to deliver some stats to fight his stats and stack stats
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>most beautiful GW table
>ugliest Infinity table

Market leader btw.
>Skirmish = Squad level wargame
Lol, swing and miss. There are plenty of games with more or fewer models that still get the label. As such your "definition" doesn't work, it's a rule of thumb at best. Try again, I want to laugh some more.
Flanking in TOW is simply stacking stats though. It's also completely retarded
>my unit charged your side! I get a bonus!
>No your unit can't just turn to face me, even though no other unit is pinning them
Completely wrong. My LGS has groups for 40k, AOS and a small (dying) TOW group, the only one of them that has trannies is the TOW group.
List some of them
Crazy, all the trannies in my LGS play 40k.
>but muh singular LGS only troons play TOW
Funny all the troops at my LGS are 40K or AoS. TOW/WFB are all oldfags and their kids.
>can't into abstraction
>thinks a wargame is 1 figure = 1 soldier
>thinks melee based combat is fought in skirmish formation

No sillybuns, go make some terrains
Eden, for example, has 3-5 models per side, and 3 guys, one of which is a dog, is hardly a squad by military standards.
>thinks melee combat was fought in perfect rectangles that can't turn left or right when being attacked
>abstraction for me but not for thee
TOWfags are something else
A squad is very commonly defined as 4-10 soldiers. What you described is a squad level / skirmish game
You're playing Raid Shadow Legends old chap
What's that?
Can we at least agree that 40k and age of sigmar have skirmishing formations?
Formations are completely freeform for both, you can set up your units into a spaced out skirmish formation, into a shoulder to shoulder regimented formation, a wedge formations, etc. They do not need to solely be in a skirmishing formation.

I will agree that skirmishing formations within both are a common sight though. But they are not skirmish games
AOS but inside the thing you're posting on.
By the measure of you idiots, every single game that isn't a rank-and-file tabletop is a Raid of Legends game. This is why your game failed so utterly.
My game? M8 my game isn't TOW, I just objectively think AOS is a joke
So even worse; you have zero metric, and you seethe anyway. Again; even the best tabletop war games are now MOBA games because of your braindead logic.

I like how they made the blood knights grossly oversized to try to stop people form using them in WHFB/TOW.


Lack of terrain might have been Warmachine's biggest downfall. Sure the autistic competitive players like open fileds in the interest of fairness but they probably could have cultivated a more casual gamer, painter, and RPG Iron Kingdoms fanbase if they really hammed up that WWI Steampunk vibe.
>8,000 Lightly armed rowers.
It's better than TOW purely based off the fact that it isn't aesthetically trans-coded like TOW is
I do wonder what these run-ins entail when 'gold star' historicals players are so few and far between that I don't know anyone under retirement age that's exclusively been a historicals player

I'm not going to link to everybody in this dumb argument but plenty of those platoon size games get described as 'skirmish' or 'large skirmish'
One thing I will give Infinity is that they have their aesthetics and style down with their terrain.
>TOW/WFB are all oldfags
Thats wishful thinking, 99% of TOWfags are Total war trannies
hang on i thought the narrative was they don't buy models
do they need to?
Alright, I'll bite. What?
Warhammer® Age of Sigmar™ and Warhammer® 40,000© are no longer wargames, though? They've removed so much of the abstracted simulation of any combat or movement mechanics, not to rules for artillery, morale, weapon skill vs weapon skill, etc. What made Warhammer a wargame is gone and replaced with video game tier actions, reactions, and the like. There's no granularity. There's no choice. There's no real tactics. I won't even blame "Little Timmy" like most do, because I (and many others) were capable of playing in the early 2000s when the game (not AoS) had depth (yet somehow less complexity and more at the same time). I blame GW for removing anything "difficult" while adding one hundred other difficulties in an effort to simplify to reel in a wider audience and allow "bros" (for lack of a better term) to roll dice, and then reroll those dice because a Stratagem™ says they can, and then another reroll because they're in a 12" Aura™.
Don’t aggravate the mentally ill
>Every single person I meet is the problem
>I lack any and all self-awareness

Very interesting. Genuine question, are you able to have thoughts in your head that you don't vocalize? I'm not even going for the NPC thing but apparently the lack of internal dialogue is a thing.
you type like a woman.
Not everyone, just historical players.
You're proving the point.
What else is there to this thread, man? These threads are like retard bloodsports for me.

If you can't see how contextual my "every single person" was then I would like you to answer the question about internal dialogue too, please. Unless you're the same person in which case answer the question anyway since you didn't.
Yes anon I am capable of having an internal dialogue, I just don't like historicals, and that makes historical players dislike me, which causes me to dislike them.
The aesthetic appeals to transexuals

Very ironic coming from a mentally ill TOWtranny
That looks comfy. That pond looks like it's filled with poop though..
that's a neat portal in the top right
That has nothing to do with anything I said. I think 28mm is a fine scale for mass battles provided you're not playing on a coaster like AOS.

Fictive. Most of you who think we're even "a thing" are unwashed, not very bright and think your Warhammer games are the hobby. They aren't. Read a book and git gud
No, I have a background in wargames, you should try one.
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>28mm is a fine scale for mass battles
I mean it worked for 40k LMAO
See, you're doing it right now. You're all the same. You think you're better than everyone else.
"Worked" in a financial sense, maybe
I'm just saying that Warhammer (AoS and 40k) are no longer wargames. They're basically physical DOTA-likes at this point.
We are, though. Youa guys are lazy and will lap up any oldslop. People who are reticent about reading and don't like military history do not at all belong in wargaming. We shouldn't suffer people dumbing things down and then acting insecure about it. It's a hobby for curious people who don't hate learning.

Correct. Just play Summoner Wars.
Your army, board, and soul are all ugly.
I dislike AOS strongly but you are probably just being a knob. His shit is fine, let him play his high fantasy boss battle game. Like, what is even the intended outcome of that remark? Lol sort yourself out m8
>least delusional AoSlave
flat mate with pre made terrain is literally dogshit
you're not a hobbyist you just pay gw to participate
I don't care if people enjoy AoS. However, only a galactic level dickhead would go to that much effort just to 'get at WHFB players'. His soul is ugly, and yours might be too.
Misters of Battle.
I feel like everyone here is just looking for an excuse to get angry.

Surely there's more productive things one could be doing?
The only conclusion I can draw is that GW attracts mentally ill people I'd rather avoid.
They could use a hobby
>hurr durr reading is gay
>knowing things is gay
>having a deep context for my world is gay

It's never too late to admit you're American
blame TOWtrannies for spamming anti-AOS threads
If you play a GW game you should get your T levels checked stat. It's all the same overpriced undercooked garbage and arguing about it makes you feel better about being a rube.
ironic for a TOWtranny to question the T levels of others.
It would be, yes.
No, that's all great. You're just a faggot. Sorry you had to find out like this.
Then historicals shouldn't be the cognitive load that you clearly find them to be.
historicals are the only miniature """""""""wargame""""""""""" more trans-coded than TOW
>28mm can be easily used to play any action up to company or even battalion level, you just need patience and or space.
Or you can play at a sensible scale and not need a fucking soccer field to play a battle. Imagine playing on a regular 6x4 table, having room to make actual tactical moves and terrain to boot.

Stop buying into/peddling the "28mm is the only scale that should exist" bullshit. Just because you can play a big battle at 28mm doesn't mean it's good, especially when it's exponentially outclassed by using smaller models.
I have no horse in this race but how on earth is the wargame genre that is utterly dominated demographically by men ages 50 and up "trans-coded"?
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>how on earth is the wargame genre that is utterly dominated demographically by men ages 50 and up "trans-coded"?

most of those men trooned out. example, pic related is a notable writer of historical wargame rules
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I love the direction this thread went.

You're all the biggest fucking retarded man-children I could ever hope to see online.

God bless you all and keep it up.
>Painted models
>Painted terrain
>Armies actually on the field instead of hiding inside L shaped ruins
Better than most of my 40k games imo
>most of those men trooned out

Pauli? Pauli appears to be an avid fantasy gamer too. He is also a proud Australian who servied his country...thanks for your one anecdotal example
moot was right, Australians really are the worst
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Cool airship little buddy!
All that effort just to play boring historicuck games. This image in particular reminds me everything I hate about historicuck games. Literally just moving lines of dudes forward to fight another line of exactly identical units. Napoleonics, Ancients and Medieval wargaming is so fucking gay
If the whole premise of the thread was to laugh at the OP image for looking barren, boring and sparse, then this looks even worse. Literally no terrain on the table except for a bunch of flock haphazardly thrown onto the table and one house just thrown down for the fuck of it. But of course we know why, because boring ass rank and flank games can’t have terrain, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to move your blocks of guys around anywhere, not that you could anyways thanks to how fucking crowded that table is

I think you might actually have a brain disorder if you can't see how soulless OP is, plastic terrain rattling about, compared to a decent historical set-up. A critical lack of taste.

Besides, the Battle of Tewkesbury was fought on a meadow, it's called Bloody Meadow now.
Comparing kids playing out-of-the-box beginner sets with pre-built armies to middle-aged men playing on custom boards hah got em
>eating locally made steaks
You collect price scalped out of print geedubs miniatures and fantasize about games you don't have
Well you can continue to be a nogames while I enjoy my slop with my friends then
I think this is a very cool table and lovely armies. BUT
Imagine showing that image and OP to someone and then telling them "you can pick between these two games to start, one requires literal thousands of man hours and enormous amounts of money before you can play, the other requires a single box, a week of pleasant evenings for painting and about exactly your entertainment budget for the month in cost".
It's not really comparable.
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>Pretending your not smaller than this guy
You're skinnier than he is.
>assuming anon is not fat by default
>wrist is bigger than bicep
NGMI little bud
Stalking minors to own AOS trannies
Posting AoS/TOW seethe threads should be banned.
It's called a battlefield, not a battle-random assortment of LOS-blocking walls, cope
Stick to your 50 man skirmish games then hobbylet
sigmarlets play with neoprene mats and try to feel superior because they use prepainted scenery.
At least have some forests or more buildings, why is this pitched battle being fought over a featureless flat plane with a single house?

The armies and board are gorgeous by the way, but please put more man hours into terrain. Most of the fun of historical games come from the maneuvering, it doesn't look like there's much of that in your pic.
>muh flock
you can literally glue whatever flock you want to the plastic buildings
He thinks outmaneuvering your opponent doesn't matter because the game doesn't have a literal built-in flanking mechanic. lmao
>You're all the same.
I posted upthread expressing scepticism about the nature of your interactions with historicals players because of my experience with what people under 60 actually play, and you ignored that and went straight to the replies you could instead use to validate your preconceptions
So while I do absolutely think I'm better than you it's only because you're a nastly little manchild cunt that seeks out and propagates the drama and outgroup sentiment that you claim to be the victim of
this is absolutely a case of "if everyone you meet is an arsehole, you're the arsehole"
>flat paper 2'x2' 'battlefield', random plastic 'terrain', shitty unbased models, retarded blue skeletons
No it looks shit you fucking brainrotted, zoomer retard, if that takes more than ten minutes to get through then it's a bloated mess.
>34 visible models
>14 totally unbased
>3 partially based, maybe 8, so at least hal and maybe more
>almost every model fully based
Even the famished skeleton in that pic isn't having fun and no games are involved here, aids of shitmar is not a game
Perhaps. I tend to respond in kind.
Still don't like historical players, or you, for being arrogant and thinking you're something you're not.
Best we keep apart.
Now go be a geezer somewhere else. And let this garbage thread die.
>I tend to respond in kind.
Already pointed out you respond very selectively, and with this faggy overly dramatic cadence you clearly love being an arsehole as much as you love pretending you're a victim
All these people you have run-ins with are simply treating you like the vile piece of shit you are
>Now go be a geezer somewhere else.
apply to be a janitor if you want to police the board you utter faggot
You're fuming. It's funny.
>no u
>u mad
last refuge of the hopelessly btfo
Whatever makes you happy, anon.
Honestly, I don't even know how this got so heated. Let's find some common ground and put an end to this. Can we at least agree that 40k is a bad game?
Slophammer: Age of the Slop
It literally is the recommended way to play gays of slopmar though that is what every official photo looks like, it is aimed at people incapable of creative thought
You can obviously fit any of those units in that courtyard you fucking sped, and occupying a building means the occupying models are inside
Anon you will never know the thrill the paypig feels when he pretends to buy things and then defends his imaginary purchases online, we can never know this joy. The GW paypig has evolved into the secondary paypig
What is it with you faggots refusing to base your garbage models, you paid enough for them. It takes two minutes. It's like shitmarcucks are fundamentally incapable of any aesthetic sense
Clue is in the name you fucking moron
Ohnonono incelbros, we're signalmaxing that we're virginmaxed because we can't stop retardmaxing while we're threadpilling, it's so over
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>A bunch of men at arms are identical to foot knights
>A bunch of scout riders are identical to shock cavalry
>Fucking cannoneers

"Muh lines" is the shittiest complaint I've seen regarding historical games because A) Warhammer fantasy has exactly this "problem", and B), every game of Warhammer or 40k and it's derivatives that I have seen have devolved into lines and lines of half painted minis marching across the table and meeting in the middle while tanks and laser guns and asteroids called in from orbit by Magus Fuckmastrius barely chip away at the advancing wall of dudes standing in a plain field with absolutely zero cover. Even Smegmar isn't safe from this, I regularly see games of dudes just dog piling each other while the two dinner plate sized centerpiece models have a slapfight on the center objective.

Meanwhile in Bolt Action, my SAS MG teams sitting in houses absolutely mulch every dude who tries to come running into the streets and cross their line of fire while my tanks roam around blowing up the houses on the other side of the street, turning them into ruins that are harder to get through and don't have nearly the protection that whole houses have.

When I drop a fat artillery template on a unit, it either evaporates or gets so many pin markers that it functionally can't do shit for the rest of the game. Fuck, even SNIPERS can hold up forces that FAR outmatch them in numbers and weaponry because you can kill their MGs or NCOs and make the entire unit less responsive and dangerous. There's zero comparison.
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Sold fast
Or formations of any kind
>"Muh lines"

To be fair it's the funniest thing I've read on here in a long time.
Furfag game confirmed.
>Warhammer fantasy has exactly this "problem"

And that's why Warhammer fantasy was killed off, because no one who isn't some boomer grog wants to deal with that boring shit. And judging from the fact that TOW is a massive flop, it's clear that the fan base still feels the same way
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Yeah those dogpiles of two varieties of chaff with dinner plate monsters flaunting around in the middle of the battle is so much better.

Looks like a fistfight in a pub parking lot. Absolute dog shit as far as spectacle goes.
please dont share that site
>retarded blue skeletons
I'm gonna ignore your embarrassing buzzword salad and focus on this bizzare thing you chose to seethe about. Post your fully painted superior non-blue skeletons then faglord, if you own any models at all
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>anti Smegmar makes concise, well reasoned points
>Smegtard wails about some offhand comment and ignores everything else because he has ZERO arguments to defend a shitty game from a shitty company that hates him
Like clockwork
Age of Sigmar: Objective control, screening characters and key units to absorb charges, baiting and redirection, counter screening, using cover, line of sight blocking, managing buff radius from heroes.

WHFB. We spoon-fed you some bonuses for when you push your square into the side of the enemy square.
>Forgetting skirmisher formations
>or units that could charge through them
>he never brought 64 skinks to slap any big monster with 32+ poisoned attacks
>he never used aquatic creatures to keep them safe from charging cavalry by having them sitting in a river
>he doesn't even have multiple Wizards buffing his units or calling in asteroids from a variety of distances

I know you're a shitposter but even you can't be such a zoomer as to not remember the dynamism of the ranko flanko action
The problem with this thread is the nu wargamers trying to dictate how others set up their table and what size it ism if these guys enjoy small tables and light terrain then they're playing how they want. It's none of your concern and GW encouraging you to buy loads of expensive terrain to clutter the table doesn't make it the right way to play, only the right way to sell more plastic.
A skirmish game played on a smaller area should have some cover anon

Board game mechanics are no problem for me but let's not pretend that somehow rank and flank is this clunky, undynamic, lacking verisimilitude way of representing a fantasy extrapolation of ancient and medieval warfare.

As for WHFB I prefer the Kings of war / DBA "element" based way of play where a unit is one base of multiple figures and it's more about the footprint of that base. This feels like an abstraction that works a little better than rank and flank with figure removal which sometimes feels to me like a bigger more realistic skirmish.
You seem upset. Maybe stay in your containment game and let the rank n flank chads enjoy a thinking man’s game.

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