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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Lethal Protector Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd: I am the Law, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games and, many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>The Novice Troves; These troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

What film/comic/book/tv show would you like to see get turned into a miniatures game the most?
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Eh, fuck it. David the Gnome.
>What film/comic/book/tv show would you like to see get turned into a miniatures game the most?
SEE; the ways to properly represent total functional blindness among human combatants could be interesting.
How does crisis protocol play? That venom is a sexy sculpt.
Venture brothers.
I would love that. A squad of henchmen vs Brock.

Samurai Jack would be cool if they translated the art style to the minis well. Jack and his numerous allies vs all the Aku goons featured throughout the series.
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There's an expansion for gnomes.
Could do a double blind set up with various tokens representing potential humans, a sensory roll to reveal a token based on range, and various activities making it more or less likely on a roll.
>hearing range close, near, far
>target moved last round, +1
>combat underway, +2
Maybe add some environmental monsters styled after The Quiet Place so the players have to balance achieving objectives, combat with opponents and avoiding much more difficult combats.
Those would be fun paint jobs too.
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Truly. So many great characters and villain designs in there.
Too freaky for me. Only Trolls eat stuff like that.
>he says, posting a comic that got turned into a game
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>uses newfag twitter maymay words
Zero self reflection.
I can imagine a scenario now.
>Dr. Venture has an extremely important shipment he needs to get to his lab ASAP.
>Villains need to hijack said shipment or destroy it.
"Good guys" need to protect it.
>the shipment is something stupid like nock off viagra from south America.
>part way into play both groups discover the shipment got mixed up while it got smuggled across the border and it's actually Kilos of Cocaine.
>Cartel npc Mooks show up and try to kill both sides.
Pikmin. Doesn't even need to be specific to that franchise really, the idea of life sized minion creatures swarming across a table trying to grab whatever they find valuable could be generic enough to support itself with just a wink to the vidya and an ant-like faction.
I play “Doctor’s Note” and you can’t do anything to me for one turn.
Either Warcraft or Resident Evil. I think Wacraft with its classes would make a fantastic skirmish game and if you wanted a larger war game. I'd also love a Resident evil game with all the various characters/biohazards as a skirmish game.
I would love a Resident Evil one. STARS vs Umbrella vs biohazards, would be the best.
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>What film/comic/book/tv show would you like to see get turned into a miniatures game the most?
The gnomes are mechanical abominations (in style of clockworks), not eaters, if that suits you.
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Please… someday be real.
why are blue aliens killing each other? wasn't it them vs humans?
They’re avatars with mercenaries in them. There’s like five or six.
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recoms are lab grown human/na'vi hybrid bodies with the consciousnesses of dead elite human mercenaries uploaded into them
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I feel like Resident Evil would be one of those objective focused co-op games with automated monsters. Most of the monsters have pretty predictable action trees.
PvPvE would work.
Anybody here play conquest? Looking to start city States but it is hard to find battle reports in decent quality on YouTube recently
Are there any good Aliens vs Predator minis games worth looking into aside from just cool models?
Can we get a Gears of War skirmish game please?
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>What film/comic/book/tv show would you like to see get turned into a miniatures game the most?
Armored Core (and I'm working on it)
So many video games are just a little learning a new skill away from printing your own game assets and using those. I can’t wait until they’re a little cheaper and I can start doing it myself.
Is the Batman game or the Marvel one better?
Would have to be a stealth vs listening roll of some kind with no tokens in the board until on player is heard or bumped into.
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>What film/comic/book/tv show would you like to see get turned into a miniatures game the most?
I can't think of any.
Videogames I'd be down for Dominion or Arcanum.
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Man I loved the Quar movie as a kid
Yes, very wargamey. I would not like any more cartoon or "property" based games for a while thanks.
Based. If we believe it it will be real
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Desperate for attention anon, no one cares that you don't like the things they like. Post about the things you like and people will positively engage with you.
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>What film/comic/book/tv show would you like to see get turned into a miniatures game the most?
For me it's always AtLA, but since the official RPG is just PbtA I'm fine with it not existing
M80 I have seen people post that they basically wish wargames were less focussed on violent conflict, and a Venture Bros or other stoner cartoon derivative tabletop game pretty muxh fits that trend.

Not every point of contention is a gambit for replies.
Talk about the things you like anon. Let's discuss them and stop being a poopoo negative Nancy.
No, I think the whole "push wargaming into being about the interpersonal love quest between main characters" is actually a sticking point. I don't actually negativepost very much but that particular thing bothers me.

Reminds me of when the Gaslands writer was talking about wargames as just interacting oblique objects in a set environment, and that they could be extrapolated to anything.

This, for me, is a bad mentality. A thing, as Zizek would say, is defined by what it isn't as much as what it i s
There really isn't any help for the mentally unwell.
There is and there isn't. A lot of it is very procedural before things really "work."

More realistically mentally ill people seem to have trouble admitting they are in deep water, and need help, and fewer still are willing to change negative behaviours they know they are engaging in.
Fuck off to reddit with your positive vibes only requirements.
Ascribing pschobabble pejoratives to whatever you disagree with is an insipid way to live.
Stop being such a passive aggressive bitch you can't even link a post tha gvs you the nonofeels.
What is there to discuss? I like thing, anon dosen't like thing. Instead of clogging the thread with useless shit flinging like this is /v/ why don't we discuss games? You playing anything recently? Bought anything cool for your games?
What's the most recent game you played anon? Been working on anything interesting for those games? I just bought a hot wire cutter and getting pretty pumped to start banging out terrain for oathmark/frostgrave and my own shitbrew TTrpg.
The point I kept recurring to because I feel strongly about it is this recent push I keep seeing for wargames that aren't really about war. I think a non military wargame is just a game. I'm sticking to that point because it's so easy for games companies to raid your nostalgia and load you up with plastic beforre you realise you're playing the Sims, or a Euro game.
What games DO you like anon?
Tough one. I'd say Redwall, but Burrows & Badgers seems to have that down pretty well (minus the racial hate boners and the fact B&B has magic and guns).

I think a Powder Mage skirmish game could be fun. Different types of magic that work in different ways, dudes with muskets and shit fighting wizards high as fuck on black powder and amped up to 11.

Heroes of Might and Magic could also make a good one. Handful of factions, unique units, lends itself to a campaign system. I know they just did the board game for HOMM3, but a legit skirmish game would be fun.

You know what I would play the fuck out of? Skirmish game set in the Ravnica setting from Magic the Gathering. Pick a guild, duke it out in the streets of the city. It'd just have to be set before they buttfucked Ravnica with whatever the hell they did.

It plays pretty well. Feels very comic book with you being able to toss people and terrain around. Very scenario focused, which I appreciate, so just going for kills doesn't always work out. The fact you can mix and match anyone into a team together is fun, and by running themed teams you can get bonuses which is a nice touch. My only real issues are the price and the use of 100% proprietary stuff, so you can't just buy a handful of models and be able to play, you need the measuring tools and the special dice and crisis cards and the 70 different tokens. It does also feel like setting up the table can take way too long sometimes.

It is fun, though, and when my buddy and I get to play we always have a blast.

Warcraft could be cool, especially if they went with old school WC2 styles. But then you only have two factions, which makes it a little tough.

This would be great. I'd say Front Mission, also. I know Eisenfront is a thing (and good!), but I also know that's never going to be easy to get for reasonable costs here in the States.
Depends on what you want. Batman is very subdued, getting shot will fuck guys up bad. Crisis Protocol, on the other hand, leans more into the over the top type action. In Batman you aren't throwing terrain pieces at each other, and everything feels, for lack of a better word, grittier.

But Batman does have the unfortunate pleasure of having had Knight Models randomly invalidate a giant fucking chunk of the pre 3rd edition model line for seemingly no fucking reason.
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I've finally done enough clowning around to field my cannibal clowns for some neighborly This is Not a Test.
Hordes of the Things
Clash of Spears
Sharp Practice
Kings of War
World of Tanks (the tabletop)
Rangers of Shadowdeep

Maybe, maybe BA3 at the end of the year
There was technically a book and some manga, so I want a Shin Megami Tensei game. Specifically in the vein of one of the more cyberpunky versions of the setting where humans are explicitly utilizing portable computers to summon and interact with demons and there's some other technology that integrates with it like Demonica armor. Summoning circles made with vector lines are just as good as anything else and hours of chanting sped up 100x and played through a speaker calls across the netherworld just the same as being done live by a human voice.
I've been looking around and I'd probably use Oathmark for HoMM since you have the "buildings give access to units" thing for campaign play even if they're somewhat limited in unit types to fill the different towns. I'm not sure how easy it would be to homebrew in different buildings/units

I would be interested in recreating the Forge town
where did you get the clowns from?
they looks good
I recognize the clussy, but not the rest of them.
None of them, this shit always comes off as half arsed tie in merch with none of the thought behind making it a good game ever approaching the design process.
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does anyone know if there are any minis that look like this or similar?
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Question for any OPR players here, but I was thinking of using the new orcs from Artisan Guild for Age of Fantasy.

Should these Apefiend Rider models count as Brute Orcs or Great Boar Riders?
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the four armed one is a skylander

Actually know what, Skylanders is my answer for the TQ, that'd be a fun one
Thanks for the rundown. Sounds more like marvel is why I’m looking for.
But the videogame was so brutal, they'd charge you to play the game and then you'd spend all day looking at areas that you can't explore unless you buy a specific skylander toy. If skylanders toys are easy to find now, it's only as a side-effect of the toys-as-microtransaction business model, and a skylanders tabletop game would be even more brutal.
Does anyone have a pdf of Burrows and Badgers they could share? I was thinking of reskinning Arcworlde for some light animal skirmish gaming but I'd like to check out B&B first and don't fancy dropping money on a hardback just to find out its not what I want.
Go Team Venture!
Pokemon, assuming it doesn't already exist. It probably does but I don't feel like searching.
I thought of how it would work a while ago but it was tedious writing everything out so I gave up, but it seems really easy to translate things from the video games into a tabletop game, along with taking some things from the anime.
And seeing people's custom painted pokemon minis would be cool.
I think it’s just cards and board games. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a minis game.
Thank you also for the rundowns. Marvel seems like the way to go, I love objective games.
Where is my Dune skirmish game?
Where is my Conan skirmish game?
Where is my Gears of War skirmish game?
Where is my Friday the 13th board game?
Where is my Army of Darkness skirmish game?
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Don't look back by Black Site Studios is basically a Friday the 13th game. Backed the latest edition and had a lot of fun playing the scenarios. Hoping to make a proper camp board soon.
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The rest are Epic Miniatures files except for the fat one, which is a file from Manuel Boria. Now I just need to wait and see if second edition wipes mutant cannibals off the map before we actually start a campaign.
I will look into this, the aesthetic seems just right at least.

NTA, but thank you for where these came from. I need another gang for Dredd and clowns with weapons might be the way to go.
yeah, I've thought about one too, would work really well as a small skirmish 6v6 game.
There used to be some kind of miniatures game for Pokemon, but more in the vein of heroclix, I believe. Never looked into it much tho
>Conan skirmish game?
Conan board game.
>Where is my Army of Darkness skirmish game
You can do this with any fantasy skirmish game.
Do the have rules for shotguns and chainsaw hands? What about Oldsmobile powered windmill weapons? Rules for swarms of tiny Ash Williams’s? It’s not simply fantasy.
>Do the have rules for shotguns and chainsaw hands? What about Oldsmobile powered windmill weapons? Rules for swarms of tiny Ash Williams’s
Show me.
If you can't figure out how to fit your fluff into any system, I don't know how to help you.
So you can’t show me, figured.
>I can't figure out how to make up rules for melee weapons or swarms, in systems with melee weapons and swarms
Maybe boardgames are more your speed.
>Boardgame as perjorative for dumbed down

You don't understand. I am actually living in a GMT game I set up years ago and cannot finish. It mocks me. Do you rest your troops in Warhammer? Because if I don't rest mine the little counters get angry. So angry
Ntayrt but check out 7tv's pulp alley, fist full of lead, 5core skirmish or advanced song of blades and heros, you can make that with any of those. Probably the newfangled planet28 fantasy bit as well but I'm not very familiar with it. Same for sword weirdos.
Guild Wars?
If you were spoonfed any harder you'd be a tiramisu
Anything to do with Nubians.
Those are some great sculpts. They really do need a minis game.
Glad to help.

That's true. I just wasn't impressed with Oathmark. It's not bad, per se, but it is weird to me some of the decisions made.

Given their size, I'd probably run them as giant boar riders.

I have a pdf of it. I know someone else a few threads back shared a link to a whole Osprey dump, which is where I got it. I'll see if I can find someplace to host it for you.
Found the osprey dump.

Age of mythology, unless you meant there are guild wars minis that fit

Would make sense, does anyone make female nubian minis?
>Age of mythology, unless you meant there are guild wars minis that fit
Nah, I was thinking that was one of the Paragons from GW.
I’ll see if I can find a good price online and grab the starter. I already have a city street terrain that should arrive on Thursday, so good timing.
Do you happen to know if the quality of the models is any good?
*For Marvel Crisis Protocol.
I'm happy to see Mantic copying other kinds of Warhammer lmao. I'm wondering if Epic Warpath will actually be roughly in scale with Battletech's current ~8mm scale. I want to reuse terrain between both games.
Should scale well. They do warhammer better tbqh

Mantic have re-used someone else's terrain for Epic Warpath. Like someone was selling .stl files and Mantic approached them to use the designs in hard plastic. They didn't make their own lel

Same way they've brought that Archon Studios Wolverine tank, and the Beyond the Gates of Antares skimmer into Firefight.

Interesting moves from them
The models are quite nice. Some fiddly bits (I'm terrified of breaking Scarlett Witch anytime I move that model) and lots of scenic bases and the likes.

Does anyone have a pdf of Argatoria they'd be willing to share? Game looks interesting, and I kind of want to take a glance if I could.

Oh wow, that really is just a Warhammer, huh?

Yeah, some interesting moves there. I guess if it works and makes some of those models more easily available, then I'm down for it.
I was looking at the spider-man characters and some of them look quite tiny but in places too. They have a two spider-mans, ghost spider and venom in a bundle for cheap I’ll probably grab too.
I might have to get this. You can play as basically all the major horror movies and scenarios. I might have to get the not Sam and Dean Winchester and do some Supernatural.
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Been brainstorming an alternative take on d20 system for my mecha game.

>3D system is what I call it to sound cool and important

>first die is representative of pilot expertise
>starts at d4 and goes up to d12 based on class passives
>second die is representative of mech parts/customization specialties
>also starts at d4 and goes up to d12
>third die is representative of miscellaneous advantages like surprise and strategic positions
>does not apply if there’s no advantages present but also goes up to d12

>add your d3 together and any +1s you may or may not have gotten to determine success of an action

I really really like the concept of the dice representing the different aspects of your character, and it would be very satisfying for players to roll it, but on the other hand, I worry that there’s too many moving parts with most actions having different dice values. Any opinions?

>i wann shoot a guy and i have X and Y pilot skills, A B and C mech parts that apply, and I’m also stealth and locked on which is counteracted by long range so im throwing d8/10/4
>now I want to dodge out of the way with D pilot skill, E and F mech parts and no advantage so I’m throwing d6/d8

Is it fair to just put the responsibility on tracking their dice values on the players? Is it fine assuming the player isn’t retarded? Because I DO believe that not every system has to be for everyone, as long as it’s ultimately fun.
I really want a clown gang now.
>M80 I have seen people post that they basically wish wargames were less focussed on violent conflict
The situation you're bitching about is a three way gun battle between heroes, villains and cartel mooks
They have sill arbitrary rules to follow though.
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I am digging the vibe.
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This company any good?
Yeah. That's how games work.
>we want the Batman MG audience
I've only bought their terrain, I couldn't say what the minis are like..
Me and a buddy were talking about something like this once. It'd be like how flames of war has early/mid/late war army lists. Like one year war to operation stardust. And then Gryps war to the Laplace incident.
Cool sculpts.
>Laplace incident.
Unicorn is shit and should be removed from Canon. I do like the idea of a historical style eras list. Federation, Titans, Londo Bell would be fun progression.
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Yeah who would just copy someones design wholesale to use in their own game lol
d4-5-8-10-12 is the same amount of steps as 2+ to 6+ on a d6. If players can track d6 mods, tracking step-die steps shouldn't be that hard.

It reminds me a bit of Alternity with its Situation die. I assume you're doing a sum vs TN system.
Ah, but FASA bought the rights to use it... from an importer that misrepresented having the ability to license those designs.
Step die are gay.
Some characters are very lithe and the models can be fragile. Lots of effects parts, too, so you need to be careful with those.

Nah, there's only one obvious Harley Quinn in there. You want the BMG crowd you gotta make a whole box of Harleys!

Who steals a stolen design? Honestly!

I like the idea. Tiered dice syate.s are great. Maybe just cut down how any skills and attributes can be used for any one check to cut down on dice count?
It's a "homage", you philistines!
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>Black Moon Chronicles
Oh fuck yeah. I've been wanting to make a Brotherhood of the Light army since forever.
By the way, they did make a BMC wargame a few decades ago, but sadly it's 28mm, when the whole appeal of this setting are the ridiculously giant armies and would be perfect for 6mm.
Here's one, has anyone done a kind of Godzilla versus Tanks / Monster versus Japanese National Guard type game?
Looks good. Didn’t know cyberpunk had official minis.
Sure, but not the universes they come from. Batman can’t use a doctor’s note to get out of being fucked with that day by a villain, but Doctor Venture does.
I've heard they don't need much in the way of assembling. Maybe need to attach a head or something similar.

It's for Cyberpunk Red Combat Zone. Pretty much a gang vs gang wargame
That's always nice. I prefer to be able to just get it out of the box and paint it.
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Yes, I know it's a pipe dream
We have so many great franchises with minis already, but I would like to see Ninja Turtles quite a bit.
That would be cool. So many characters to potentially use and then so many versions of each character to use as well.
Frostgrave will get a "Cultists III" boxed minis set.
Neat, those are usually good generic bad fantasy guys.
I do wonder what will they be, since the frostgrave base sets are male, the II sets are female, and there hasn't been any III set before.
maybe figures covered in enough robes to work as either gender. Or figures with monstrous features
the original cultist set has some skulls and bone arms, right? Maybe they'll do a box full of undead cultists
I would assume a mix as well. Looking forward to see the aesthetic they have or if they keep the same.
What 28mm undead are the nicest looking you've come across?
how would that work?
However Dragonball Z Smash Battle does it
>Cultist I were male cultists
>Cultist II were female cultists
What will Cultists III be?
That's what I would have loved Monsterpocalypse to be.
Although IIRC, Steve Jackson Games released a mini game about Kaiju vs army. Seems fit, given that Ogre already had this whole asymetry thing going.
But yeah, if there's a cool giant monster game around, I would love to hear about it.
Nonbinary genderfluid demicultists. The wokoids won, Frostgrave is going to turn into Frostgender and be about trans wizards raiding the frozen city of Los Angeles for estrogen or testosterone.
>Avatar wargame
Yes. Yes please. We had a thread going trying to figure that out, a few months (a year?) ago, but it died because apparently it was just me and the nogame OP who just wanted to talk about Avatar.
Too bad, because a game made with asymmetry in mind, with a lot of interactions with the terrain, would be very cool and unique.
It would have some sweet boards.
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compared to first edition, Frostgrave second edition doesn't even bother with addressing gender other than something saying "men and women" when mentioning soldier types (ie "These rough, lawless places teem with men and women hoping to join a wizard and find riches in the ruins.")
1e's gender text from the wizard creation section felt kind of awkward.
I would assume teams.
I just find that you end up severely limited in your granularity of you don't want auto passes or autofails.
Those are cool.
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I think I found my new Dredd gang.
Has anyone played the cyberpunk game? The minis are cool and they have cybercops too.
North star posted today on Facebook that they'll announce pre-orders for orc heavy infantry next week and that elf heavy infantry are "well underway" and that they'll be the next release. I guess next thing I'll chant until others get sick of it is Sipahi cavalry STLs WHEN WGA??
They actually seem reasonably priced for what they are too and you get quite a lot per box. It’s insulting when companies that are only ok at making minis charge GW prices for a vastly inferior product.
The number of mass battle games that do/did 28mm is baffling to me. Smaller models males for bigger battles with the same space.

That'd be dope. Skirmish game, make a gang and go at it? Have the Turtles and their allies, The Foot Clan, Old Tom and his crew, the various aliens. I've been reading the IDW collections and loving them, so this would absolutely get my attention.
Well, why spend time and money on copying something (and potentially make it worse) if you can just license it.
Sexy females? But seriously, I hope they realized that people do want their cultists have peaky hoods and not weird antlers on their heads.
They should have rename their Cultists II into Wild(wo)men or something
dogs in robes.
Dwarf super heavy infantry WHEN Northstar?
TMNT would make a fun game that would probably sell like hotcakes if the models were even half decent. The license is probably astronomically expensive though.
>Cult leadership
>Armoured cultists
At some point during the announcements for Cultists 2 they said that they want to do a "knights"/specialists box for Cultists too.
More like generic cultists for 1, crazy out there cultists for 2. 3 has to be zany.
KKK robed cultists with optional firearms and torches, c'mon don't pussy out
Not two kids sitting on their shoulders.
I'd like it to be a conversion box with a lot of weird shit like hunchback bodies and tentacle limbs and other things a successful cult might have, but I suspect it'll actually be more of a specialist box with things like leadership options and maybe something like an armored cultist body. Maybe some single piece victims and cult themed magical paraphernalia bits.
Dog sitting on kid's shoulders. My final offer.
Yes. Tentacles and weirdness. Like the final tier of a cultist.
or going full >>93411293 . No face, no distinguishable features, just one purpose.
Post apocalypse clowns are a scary concept.
I would love a Monarch and henchman squad of minis.
Is it a bad time to buy the KoW rulebook and clash of kings 2024? Or should I wait for KoW's 4th edition?
>inb4 go to share thread
Already tried and checked the archives the mega with the KoW stuff is dead.
I would just wait and see if the new edition is more what you want.
Faceless dog sitting on kid's shoulders?
>Work lets me go all over the state to do inspection work
>Feel like about 10 years ago it was always a treat checking out gaming stores in different areas
>Fast forward to today
>99% of gaming stores carry only magic and warhammer, maybe the occasional alt CCG but thats it
>Went down to the coast for vacation, swung by a game shop down there. They had a large collection of mothership rpg stuff
>Was refreshing to see something not fucking dnd so I asked how much to buy the entire book rack (It was a bunch of single things, no duplicated)
>"Sorry I cant sell that to you, we just slowly collect the stuff they send us, then when the bookshelf is complete we take a picture and try to sell it to other stores"

I've come to kind of hate going to game stores, and it's quite the big sad. If you have a local store that supports your favorite /awg/, be eternally grateful because the country is a wasteland of normie grade consumer shitholes

In other news,
>3d terrain or card stock?
Now you get it. Real horror.
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Gets worse, might have to convert this into a Great Clown One.
I have to literally travel to different region to even find a single store.
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Aren't any rules for super-fatties in I am the Law as far as I know, but good to know something like this exists.
Ngl, I think nothing is better than everything being lackluster. I'm taking a wild assumption and saying you dont live in the states? Are there any clubs around?
Poland. There is one store in Wrocław I guess.
>>3d terrain or card stock?
Cardstock for modern or futuristic square buildings, 3D printing for other stuff.
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I need a name for my neon themed gang for Dredd.
The Visible Men
What's the best wargame if I primarily care about fielding lots of cool terrain?
Narrative campaigns are cool too but the former is more important.
Mordheim? or something else?

Define cool terrain. Infinity, batman, malifaux, they like terrain because breaking fire lines keeps things from turning into a shooting favored setup.

You can cram a bunch of terrain into a relic blade or bushido game, but those are kind of melee esque games so terrain is nice but its not critical.

Idk I feel like any game can use terrain, just depends on what kind of terrain you want to supply.
Basically all gang level gang can do this more easily than the large scale. GW has several now, sci-fi and fantasy, and basically all the ones listed in the OP. I personally like the I am the Law game as you can field just about any style of terrain and it fits.
>Define cool terrain.
Varied, affects gameplay to a large degree, there's a lot of it.
Basically I don't like bare MDF walls and want to play on a large diorama.

The only game I see where people do this normally is Mordheim so I was hoping for something similar.
>if I primarily care about fielding lots of cool terrain?
Zone Raiders want a lot of terrain, including vertical; in fact, they're the only skirmish game i know that features wallrunning as a defined movement option.
Carnevale has a a lot of neat acrobatic mechanics that allow people to jump around and do some cool stuff. That game would encourage you to not only build vertically, but if you really want to go hardcare you could make a base board using resin and making it look like water, and put terrain on top of it. Could even get creative with a saw and make it look like a bunch of sunken Venetian buildings. Besides jumping around and diving on people, you can use models to drown others, so you've got multiple layers of creativity to work with (water, streets, rooftops).
Carnevale needs high density, climbable urban terrain and a canal water feature on every board. Verticality and swimming are core game features.
Glow boys
Neon Degenerates Revengelion
That sounds pretty cool. I'll look into this one.
Psychic ganger?
No, his shotgun broke off and I haven’t fixed it yet. Getting more super glue tomorrow from the hardware store.
Weird request but does anyone know of an STL of a guy pissing or shitting? Want to use it for a Necromunda diorama
Huh? Do you mean in terms of models or the game itself? Where does Mantic beat GW aside from price?
Get the big red rulebook and the current CoK. I don't think that there will be anything for 4th edition in a while.
We have had this conversation so many times but since Mantic shifted production it's a much better class of mini.
The god thing about KOW is the changes are seldom drastic, just buffs, maybe a few changes in unit types. Current rulebook added sieges and dark elves and haven't seen much new stuff so you're good to go
Don't hang out in the thread often, sorry.. I'll have to check them out and order a box of something.
maybe its time for another avatar thread. The obligatory HFY malding is fun and I think there could be some neat ideas for a skirmish game to talk about

I think greenstuffworld released alien vegitation with an avatar look pretty recently. We're gonna make it na'vibros
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Well, I tried very hard.
(Un)Mercifully TNT gives you access to rules for being large AND obese. Like any normal American.
Come out to Salt Lake City. We've got stores that cover most everything.

Some of their design choices break my brain, though. I have their new Forge Father's and Jesus fuck who designed these? Why it the torso two parts? Why are the arms ball jointed if they can't take advantage of it? Why the fuck are thr tiny ass should pads separate parts?

Shit like this is why I prefer single piece minis and push-fit. Fuckkng hell.

Carnevale is absolutely worth looking into. Solid game and the use of terrain in it is awesome. Plus the rules and everything like that are totally free.
>the Great Unfunny one
I always imagine people in Salt Lake city are very salty.
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I just love cultists so much
That’s cool.
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I really wanted a mounted undead standard bearer for my KoW undead army, but didn't want to buy the big army box just for him nor did I want to start collecting Mantic points.
So I made one out of the FireForge Living Dead knights box.

So how did I do on the Fireforge Living Dead knight conversion?
There is no left handed weapon so I had to improvise with clippers and hobby knife cutting with plastic glue.

It also came with two undead dogs so I might as well make some undead dog handlers too.
And besides the Reaper mini Kromray and the Dogs of War what other skeleton miniatures would work nicely as skeletons managing undead dogs?
Looks pretty good.
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Why are future cops always the coolest models in their settings?
All the plastics are from the Fireforge living dead knights kit.
I had to cut off the sword from a right hand and place it on the left shield holding arm to get it to work.
The pommel of the sword was actually the hardest part. I think I snipped it off a mace, but I do remember wedging it between the horse armor and the hand to make the annoying bit stay in place.
Or maybe it was just that I was using extra thin plastic cement.
Just a head's up if anons want to remake the miniature themselves.
Thank you for this. Very nice work on your model.
Very Army of Darkness. Mission accomplished.
Me too. I like yours. I know these aren’t from them but probably the most interesting models GW does for humans are their cultists.
What's next from North Star?

I know we've been a bit quiet on the news front these past couple of weeks, but just to reassure you we are still working, this is what's planned.
In the next week or so we'll announce the pre-orders for the new Orc Heavy Infantry for Oathmark, both the plastic box set and metal characters. Michael Anderson is also well underway with the Elf Heavy Infantry next.
Frostgrave, Cultists III are on the way to the tool makers, the next plastic box set. We're a way off showing you pictures but we will ASAP.
Stargrave. Bobby Jackson is 1/2 way through a secret plastic box set which we'll release next year with the next supplement from Joseph McCullough.
The Silver Bayonet. Mike Owen has finished a new French and British Unit, this time dressed for Egypt, and we start on the figures for the new Supplement Italy this week.
Muskets & Tomahawks. We're finishing off the Germans for the AWI, and a new set of British Rangers for AWI as well.
We've just received a box of new figures from Bob Murch, so we'll be announcing the new Pulp figures this month.
Crusader Miniatures continue with their Boxer Rebellion range, look out for the Russians next.
Artizan Design has more Renaissance coming, and a new Commando Raid WWII range which has an exciting twist to it, more news later.
Fans of Copplestone Castings 15mm Barbarica range may be cheering loud soon. Mr Copplestone hasn't added to the range, but we'll have something excellent to show you very soon.
S'all right innit?
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Very cool. Thank you for a glimpse into the future.
Everyone seems excited about these new cultists on the horizon.
Why did no one make a plastic kit with characters in two-piece suits?
It could be useful for everything:
>Henchmen for modern action settings
>Corpo henchmen in Cyberpunk settings
>Three letters agents and glowies of all sorts
>VIP that needs to be protected
>Agents of the Matrix
>Vampires in WOD
Each of these is basically just a matter of swapping weapons or heads.
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I've just discovered Silver Bayonet and have many unused Napoleonic troops for kitbashing. Is the game worth it if I'm going to play mostly solo
That's got to be a question best answered by giving it a bash. I like most of Joe's games because they have a generosity of spirit in them that says "I know you probably have bits and pieces from a few different games, let's make a reason for you to use them."

Very nice.

So gentlemen, last call and sorry to repeat the question. Is there a good stompy monster / Godzilla versus tanks game out there?
Being in a cult - you have more fun as a member but you make more money as a leader. Cultists are my favourite baddies lol

In every era in every setting there are hodded whackos in an abandoned castle sacrificing someone.
>3d terrain or card stock?
Plastic trash, obviously
Warsaw has an excellent shop for historicals, it even has Wargame Atlantic stuff.
In Paris I only know one shop that does alternative wargame and besides Victrix they only have a few miniatures from Warlord.
The best shop I have found in Europe is in Madrid (although the sellers are really unethousiastic for some reasons)
Does anyone here play Conquest The Last Argument of Kings? It looks cool as fuck, but how is the game?
There are a couple of solo scenarios, but mainly it's designed for 2 players to raid the table. Much like Frostgrave, and his zombie game.
There's no AI bot to run the other player's gang
These exist. It’s just that generic minis like that don’t stick around for long.
Thank you, future man.
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Let's gooooo

(I MEAN I am probably the only person who cares but you know)
Is this going to be much different from HoTT?
Thank you for the suggestions. Once these are done, I’m gonna order some more judges and maybe kleggs. Clown gang down the road.
>These exist
In plastic kits?
Because in a game full of very cool and diverse looking gangs, no one would play as the cops unless they’re equally cool looking.
Have only done some cursory digging. Dorgive me if I get some details wrong, but:

Armies will be larger with sub commands as standard, like 36 ap
The troop types from dba and hott will both be in place, so you will be able to take Cav, Pikes and Psiloi for example alongside Clerics, Dragons and so on.
I THINK that the clarifications from 10 years of testing DBA 3.0 mean that something akin to the Fast/Solid sub types will be coming over, I think Lurkers they either tried to fix or are just plain out (maybe Aux or Ps have been tweaked).
Generally when there is some overlap like Elephants and Behemoths they are keeping both which is honestly great, it's not like the extra table entries will bloat the game.
Shooters I think will get 2 types, Warbows and Shooters like before for higher points Wunderwaffen Elven bowmen and GIs with Garands.

That's all I can 'member. Thoughts? I hope I can just grab itprint on demand. DbX is vey much my thing
Look around for stuff for Call of Cthulhu. There is almost always university faculty models that are just people in fine clothing.
Let me direct you to this post here. First link looks about right for you.
on a surface level this sounds like it makes sense until you realize that all of the specific use cases you mention already also have specific minis.
Anything from Noir, Gangsters, Wild West and Cyberpunk has models specific for that. Just use those and do your head and weapon swaps on those.
If you need plastic you could look into stuff like the Wargames Atlantic partisan fighers.
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Now we have She-Ra, it might be time to finally dip into this game. All the characters are there, I don’t care if it’s mediocre, but I hope it isn’t bad.
This game looks very silly. I love it
There's the Through the Breach male kit. It's for an RPG so the figures are fairly versatile.
I hear ya. I loved all these as a kid and I still watch the He-Man and She-Ra Christmas special every year, Skeletor learns the true meaning of Christmas.
Depends on the time of year. Peak of summer? Absolutely, but that's because we're all sick of the heat.

But seriously, we have so many game shops. Within 15ish miles of my apartment I can think of Seven off the top of my head that sell wargaming stuff. And we have a pretty good spread of people that play /acg/ stuff, too.

>Elf Heavy Infantry
My Elves for Age of Fantasy may yet become a reality.
Generic with weapons or without?
Could you not take two seconds to copy paste instead of seeing people to Reddit?



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Now it just needs the other three dark judges.
my brother got my nephews the NFC thing when it came out that had all the chips for the statues you could choose from programmed in.
Fun fact: Dredd’s face is the same as his.
Eat a big bag of shit. Unicorn is a love letter to the series. The Torrington battle might be the best mecha combat ever animated. Honestly, only Full Frontal isn't great. And be before you complain about ghosts or anything spiritual, that's been part of Gundam since day 1.
Judge Fire should be good.
Funnily enough they accidentally showed off Judge Fargo without a helmet and then retroactively removed it by giving him the same "never see his face" treatment that Dredd typically gets
I always imagined Dredd would look older than he did just because if his crazy lifestyle of 16 hours in the street, sleep for 10 minutes, repeat.
The timeline of the comic moves in real time, ofc he'd look younger back then.
Torrington is good - the battles in general are superb, but the rest of fanfiction-tier trash writing that tries to retcon Gundam from the very root to make Zeon and the Zabi family not look like genocidal maniacs.
As it should, He-Man and She-Ra are like a lucid dream.
It is better to keep it that way as he is literally the face of justice.

I kinda want to start that game now too…
Unless he's had some reconstruction done, his face should still be all fucked up like a Fallout ghoul from when he fell into a pool of acid in the Cursed Earth.
I love plastic kits for the kitbash potential.
A new game incoming? It's taking place in the Tintin universe? Put a German commando's arm on a Frostgrave cultist's body, like here >>93420774
and you are good to go!
This looks perfect.
>With or without weapons?
Ideally with a wide choice of weapons, so I can use them elsewhere if needed.
No it doesn't? Zeon from the peoples' perspective, has always been sympathetic. The Zabi family was definitely trying to create a proper dictatorship, and definitely needed to be torn down. Even Mineva openly agrees with this. Other people see political power in her, and there's definitely a unifying symbol in her name. This is also how real world politics work. It's messy. Never once is there any real justification for the Zabi family. What they do explore is more of the spacenoids actual situation leading up to the war. Which again, has always been part of Gundam. Honestly, the only sympathetic Zabi from the main family is Dozel, but only really after Origin expanded his character. I suggest watching Unicorn again. It definitely does not paint Zeon, or the Federation in a good light, same as every other UC story. It instead engaged with the people and their motivations.
Colony drop should have killed all of their sympathy the moment it happened. Why the absolute fuck would anyone else in space even let Zeon approach their position if they had any ability to prevent it?
>Zeon from the peoples' perspective, has always been sympathetic.
Zeon attacked, invaded and gassed allied colonies - Sides 1, 2 and 4, before dropping them on Earth. Zeon/Neo Zeon/Neo-Neo Zeon were dropping shit with abandon up to CCA with Axis.. They are well known for the Three-Second Warning in universe and the wanton use of WMDs prior to invading Earth.

The Zabi family are typical nobles who wanted power and used a bullshit cause - in this case "Spacenoid independence" and corrupting the well-meaning ideologies of Contolism, Ereism and Sideism.
Without context this look bad...
There's no context where wantonly gassing the people you claim to be championing and then dropping their corpses onto earth looks good.
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>if they had any ability to prevent it?

Most Sides probably didn't have the ability to stop the Zeeks from approaching if they wanted to. The EFSF was utterly gutted at Loum and Zeon had space supremacy until the Federation counterattack after Operation Odessa.
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying that it's more complicated. Just look at real world examples. I should have passed what I meant better. Not that the people are sympathetic to Zeon, but that of course the rank and file regular citizens of Zeon are sympathetic. They fought for their own rights, in a conflict that had been escalating for decades. Both sides of the war lose half their respective populations before the original series even starts. Also, I openly agrees about the Zabi's in my response, so I'm not sure why that bears repeating. Mineva is seen as a symbol by the people, and basically the only source of how or stability from the section of occupied space furthest from the Earth. For most of the soldiers, they were suffering, found a purpose that might earn them rights, and fought. Some of them have been fighting for the entire time. These are people that feel that they've been pushed to the brink, and are fighting back. Plenty have lost absolutely everything except for the cause. Obviously fuck the Zabi family. No one even attempted to argue against that. Not here, or in Unicorn. But it means something that even toward the end of the original series, the White Base crew has an open conversation about how the EF isn't good.

EVERYBODY invaded and gassed colonies in the opening of that war. You don't kill off what was it? 90% of the human race in a few months when it's only one side. Especially one with the population and manufacturing base of Nigeria but in Space. It's just the Feds won, so nobody talks about all of THEIR warcrimes.

That said, by and large Zeon were the ones taking it to new and hilarious heights with things like Operation British and the Colony Laser.
But it's not like earth did perform it's own colony drop at one point, like when they decided that they could do without Kansas to fulfill a political goal in 83.

Plus, the only Colony Drop to do more than fuck over a small city was the first one, because THAT one they shoves a lot of engines onto and had it take a run up from the moon. Which was one of the reasons why the damn thing fell apart on them over the arabian sea.
Every other colony drop was just sort of flopped unimpressively from low earth orbit.
>EVERYBODY invaded and gassed colonies in the opening of that war.
The Federation never gassed colonies until the Titans did it in Zeta. The Federation was effectively suckerpunched by Zeon and Zeonic warcrimes.

As for 0083, my main argument was the OYW being the main problem. Zeon gave no quarter and half of humanity was wiped out. Ideally every last Zeonic soldier and sympathizer would be rounded up and tried. Atrocities like what happened would make even the staunchest non-Zeonic fenatic second guess Spacenoid "independence".
That’s a lot of commitment from someone. I wish I had a 3d printer.
I would love a little harkonnen gang.
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>90% of the human race in a few months when it's only one side.

Didn't the Colony Drop basically cause an extinction level shockwave that's responsible for the majority of those deaths?
Third, and final, ask

Is there a good stompy monster / Godzilla versus tanks game out there?
Yeah, that makes sense. Found a page that's after the treatment and the Med-Judge is telling him he should be dead and that the Chief Judge requires him to be looking "normal" for "public morale" and his response is "Somebody should tell her to shave."
Holy shit are these separate suspenders bits? What the fuck
>Made by Wyrd games
Oh, makes sense
Check out the World of Tanks (formerly Tanks!) miniature game.
It has pretty basic statlines for tanks, and you should be easily able to make your own tanks/vehicles and monsters if you use a basic M4 Sherman or a Panzer 4 as your reference, balancing the other stuff around it.
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Fuck, well count me in for the hype, too.
Wasn't there a new version of HotT somewhere in the pipes, too? Is it the same thing?
Write out 100 times: Romani ite domum
Speaking on Silver Bayonet, the models northstar put out for it are really good but i really wish they would do atleast a plastic box for british and french since i feel like that could really do well (frankly im hoping that WGA end up releasing more plastic napoleonics since they do VERY good stuff with the types of proportions i like, while also being very customizable)

The Operation British drop did a LOT of things. Firstly it shotgunned most of america and aisa with fragmenting colony parts at high speed, causing large amounts of localised damage across a wide area. The parts that slammed into the ocean caused widespread coastal damage globally resulting in most of the Earth's wet navy being destroyed and New York and California to go underwater (somehow?) then the colony dock, the biggest, heaviest part of the colony hit's Sydney. Not australia in general but literally dead-on bullseye's Sydney. An occurence so statistically unlikely to happen that it could be used as proof of divine providence, and that said divine is as terrified of the australians as the rest of us.

THAT impact was the big one. It created a crater visible from the moon where Sydney used to be. Every volcanic feature from there to the phillipenes erupts like someone prodding the stomach of a man with the shits. Windows as far as fucking Townsville and Brisbane are shattered by the force of the impact, and the resultant dustcloud covers the earth for weeks, causing a very VERY short lived iceage in places.

The damage was incredible, the Feds were THIS close to straight up surrendering after it, until Revil escaped, jacked a TV station, and basically told them "I'm on Side-3, they're bluffing. They've got fucking nothing. Call their fucking bluff guys, they physically CAN'T take the earth, it's too big." and the Feds went for it.

Presumably because most of them were safe and happy three miles underground the Brazilian rainforest at the time, and fuck everyone else on the surface, am I right?
Not aside from reskinning another one unfortunately.
Sadly not even a good Rampage one.

I miss MonPoc...
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Kinda surprised they didn't make a Deadpool & Wolverine pack.
Would probably needed a film licence for that.
I figured since they already have both figures already they might have packed them together.
I doubt corpos would let operations like that fly. They abhor cannibalization.
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Could someone give me the bulletpoint of how Carnevale's parkour system works?
I'm daydreaming about designing a game that's heavily centred around interactions with the terrain, I'm wondering what's the golden standard for that in the /awg/ sphere.
We can have a Skeletor vs Hordak fight now.
anyone here tried playing Deth Wizards?
How does it compare to Frostgrave, gameplay wise?
I can’t say that I know how it plays, but I did just look at the website for it and it seems very cool. A few building and a canal or two per board is dope and the French carnival aesthetic is also dope. It even has werewolves and templars
>French carnival
*cries in italian*
Call it a 'Weapon X' pack, throw in a Sabretooth, Maverick, and the like and you get something marketable without needing a license.
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If memory serves (played demo years ago) it's literally just roll vs target number (Dex) to make succesful aerial movement up to Mov distance. Moving downwards is "free" but you still need Dex check not to wreck yourself on landing. Knocking people off ledge/in water is a thing. And some heroes can double jump (not mid-air, just bounce from wall for immediate second jump).
>Anything over 1" in height needs either a jump action (up to 3") or a climb action.
>Jump lets you move horizontally and vertically up to a certain amount of inches based on the roll result.
>Climb lets you move vertically up depending on the characters move amount.
>If you cannot complete a climb or jump action to a solid surface you fall.
>When falling you measure the distance and make a dex roll. The amount of damage you take depends on the height you've fallen and the result of the dex roll.
Certain characters get bonuses to climbing and jumping, particularly when making attacks from height.
For some reason I kept reading it with an E on the end. I guess the canals should have been the give away.
Carnivale is spelled with the E is Italian, too. He'll, in Italian, it's even pronounced.
Zone Raiders also has some verticality rules, its more cyberpunk/Blame! gang fights but it seemed interesting.
Meant to also say you can chain movement actions to get across multiple obstacles as long as you complete each one successfully. So jump from a building onto a post and then to another building.
That's a pretty good model.
TRIBALS II WHEN, Warlord games?
Either way. I would say jump in, it looks unique if anything.
Any Argatoria bros here? I keep looking at it and have a question. From what I understand the rulebook only has four of the factions in it, but the starter boxes for the other two factions mention nothing of coming with paperwork with unit stats or anything for those factions. Is there a place to actually get the stats for Gaeldor and Sheol-mog stuff somewhere?
Sadly no actual weapon-x model. I would grab that for sure. By far the best character in those comics… and he’s canadian.
AMG has done a couple repacks, but I imagine both the Deadpool and Wolverine models are far too new for Asmodee to give the okay on that.

Plus, most people probably already have those models because those are two of the most popular characters.

I just wish they sold the models individually, especially the supernatural guys. But, I'm happy to buy a couple packs of Perry models and call things good.

Don't forget: you can drop down off buildings and land on dudes for extra damage attacks (assuming you don't slip, fall and promptly brain yourself).

Carnevale really is such an excellent game. I need to try and get people around me playing it. I think the local crowd would like it.
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Coming in Sepember.
Fuck yeah. Thanks for the tip.
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Happy to help. Apparently AMG showed off a ton of new shit in the works.
I got to start this before November. That month has two must buys, maybe three.
>alternative for Mantic exclusive miniature
I got another one that might just work.
>pic related
Ralpartha's Skeleton Beastmaster with Hound
The scale is 25mm but it might be fine enough for Mantic's 28mm scale.
That’s dope. I hope he’s a beast.
>Hello? yeah honey, yeah I'll be late, yeah I'm walking the dog...oh come on I'm not even close to the market...really? ok, what brand? yeah yeah I love you to
>just piss off your licensor, dude
Made me smile. I can't help but see it like that now.

Is RalparthaLegacy legit?
new thread

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Stats for his uninjured side are already up, thanks to a recent Ministravaganza.

He's basically a suicide blender. If he starts a turn on 10 energy, then charges onto a point and over the course of potentially four Uncontrollable Weapon attacks that are rolling 9 dice each and also potentially dealing 4 damage to EVERYONE within range 2 of him as well he will absolutely delete someone.
And then he will die because he has like 1 energy defence and 2's in everything else.

As for how you get him up to 10 energy quickly... well, I'd direct you to a certain tactics card the new 5 threat Loki is getting.

Off the top of my head, I don't think we've gotten an X-Force affiliation pack yet, so you might Cable, Wolverine, Deadpool and Domino in that one.

But I dunno if they're gonna ever do a Weapon-X pack, since their main core characters are Logan and Apex Sabretooth, and AMG have never repackaged any of those "Terrain + 2x Variant Characters" units before.

That said, if you really want a cheap Deadpool without having to buy a chimichanga truck, then Etsy is right there, or 3d Printer can indeed go BRRRRR.

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