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What would /tg/ think about a campaign set in the Night Land?
Quintessential points of light setting.
>You're not the important metaplot NPC so you just fucking die
It's not that different from Deadlands or World of Darkness I guess
Would you let your PCs be able to smack around their NPC lovers?
As with all things TTRPG related it depends on the system and execution by the GM along with cooperation by the players.
How would you feel about a campaign set in Dayton, Ohio?
Night Land is a cool setting. I'm disappointed that it's been mostly forgotten by modern fantasy audiences.
It's just a rehash of earlier french works in the "last man" subgenre with an unfortunate coating of pseudo-Milton on top, and the reason it's forgotten is because it's terribly written and even the attempts to rewrite it fall apart.

The good news is that there's plenty of other people who've asked "What if Hell?" but actually did it with a degree of competence.
Each session would have to end with a detailed twenty minute description of how many tablets they and Their Own eat, how they are prepared, whether or not they kiss the tablets, and a status report on the state of Their Owns feet.
In the beginning of the next session everyone rolls to see if they caught Their Own kissing them in their sleep.
Also, wifebeating mechanics.
I don't know what that is so I think very little of it.
It's just something some retard makes threads about on /tg/ every so often because his dylexia makes him read "traditional games" as "my personal board for whatever dumb shit I like".
>earlier french works in the "last man" subgenre
Which works?
I do agree the prose is... difficult but it's full of ideas that feel like precursors of much that came later from later dying earth to HPLoveboy to early pop sci-fi
Not OP but I came to know it through these threads and I appreciated.
You're as bad as OP is then, if not worse.
lmao what a miserable faggot
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It's one of those "are your players fine with a one-shot where they most likely die?" scenarios.
I love the guardians. I love how from their point of view they are rushing for destruction but from the human POV they are slow to the point of being immobile
>"What if Hell?"
I think its more dieing earth then hell. Its more about entropy then torture.
Its actually pretty influential and not at all forgotten. Bunch of treck/doctor who episodes about the enevitable heat death of shit. and a good amount of books as well.
This is one of those settings when you die instantly if you get slightly unlucky, so you need to ask GM for high stat bonuses from wifebeating activities to survive.
Probably a reworked AD&D Dark Sun
>Which works?
Le Dernier Homme, literally the Last Man, and many that came after it, a full century before Hodgson. Ironically, the Last Man was one of the very first in what's known in English as the Dying Earth subgenre, retroactively named thanks to Vance and his amazing writing talent.

I really don't understand why anyone would bother with Hodgson when so many other writers did it better AND earlier, as well as better AND later. Hodgson really should be nothing more than a footnote in the works of Lovecraft. Or, better yet, just allowed to fade into obscurity. OP's strange fixation is kind of sad, since he could be spending his time making more generalized Dying Earth threads instead of pursuing this campaign of promoting a hack of a writer who is only about as original as the reader is naive.
>De Grainville was inspired by Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost. Where Milton's work featured the first couple, Adam and Eve, de Grainville writes of the last couple – Omegarus and Syderia

Cool, thanks. Not OP but I think there is some idea to enjoy specific for TNL. On the other hand, I presume a general Dying Earth thread would be amazing.
OP, next time do that, and insert your NL stuff there. Then with a bit of luck people will contribute with "their" own thing.
The problem is that the protag's reason for going outside was pretty singular. You'd be stretching the setting a bit to accommodate adventures.
I don't see why it's the GMs biz to allow or disallow that.
Why are you so assblasted about this? What did Hodgson do to you?

Slept with his mother, probably
Making a dumb, offtopic thread about a bad book once? Who cares.
Repeating that? Over and over again, over the course of years? Like you imagine you've been grandfathered a special license?

Buy an ad. It's really that simple. If you want to advertise something, buy an ad.
Imagine if everyone else felt as entitled as OP did, and just decided to spam any kind of offtopic thread they wanted, shamelessly, by slapping "would this work as a campaign setting" or some other throw-away "I swear this is on-topic" line on it.

Once? No one would care. But, OP has done this so often, I wouldn't be surprised if he legitimately thinks he's irrevocably stapled his gay book to this board, and what's worse is that there might be other people who are convinced they can do the same.

It's a bad book. Hodgson is a terrible writer, and anyone who got any entertainment out of his books did so DESPITE his writing, and not because of it. Even Lovecraft just projected his own imagination onto the book and saw a story that wasn't there.

Why would anyone except some sort of twisted sadomasochist who suffered through the book try to keep it in the public consciousness, if not to try to make people suffer through the same thing they did so they don't feel as foolish and alone? OP is a bad person in many regards, and it's no surprise that someone obsessed with trying to force something onto a board it doesn't belong on is also obsessed with a terrible book.

Do yourself a favor. Go and read other books. The Dying Earth subgenre is huge, and if Hodgson is where you started, you're in luck, because it's almost impossible not to go up from that point.

>buy an ad

Tell that to the 40k General posters while you're at it, too
That happens to be a Traditional Game. Do you really not understand how boards work? You don't just pick a board and decide "All right, I'm making this my personal board where I can discuss whatever suits my personal fancy."

No one would complain about Hodgson discussion over in /lit/. Or, rather, no one would complain about it for being off-topic.
This, there's essentially no reason to go outside unless you add more stuff to the lore, it's that inhospitable of a world
But maybe something could be done as a prequel, as described in the book when people still went outside and explored

You say that like TNL threads have been happening on a daily basis
You're just some autistic fuck like that one who screeches at random posts complaining about some damn barneyfag
>You say that like TNL threads have been happening on a daily basis
I'm saying it like it's happened more than once, and even once was too much.

You like a terrible book. That's not a real crime or even a sin. But, what you're trying to do is advertise a terrible book on a board it doesn't belong, which is two vices in one, if not three or even more.
Just keep your hateboner to yourself, it's annoying and no one cares about your "opinion"
People should be aware that the book is trash and the people who like are really nothing more than barely-human, mishapen morlocks who want to inflict suffering on other people just to try and rationalize their own self-inflicted pain.

It's got no original ideas beyond, perhaps, a joke weapon based on a children's toy. Everything else, including the sad attempt at aping Milton, was done by dozens, if not hundreds of writers before, and done in ways far better and far more accessible than the tedious, garbled prose of Hodgson. And, that's without mentioning what he hopes to pass off as a plot, which would embarrass anyone who'd be forced to try and defend it.

Even though you yourself happen to be mishapen morlock, I'm still giving you some measure of a compliment. You managed to enjoy a book despite Hodgon's ineptitude, which likely points to a fertile imagination that can eke out something entertaining even from a pile of garbage, like a beggar child making paper dolls out of discarded newspapers. If you're that kind of person, you're really wasting your time defending garbage when you could instead be reading and discussing works that actually merit attention.

But, there is a chance you're just an idiot, easily impressed by your first exposure to a genre and imagining originality out of ignorance to its actual origin. Considering how you're hoping that this board runs like Reddit and that no one should be allowed to criticize the topic at hand, it's starting to point that way.

Here's hoping you can move on.

Go call the jannies then lmao
I'm more interested in the House on the Borderland setting, since I've actually read that. (Also because I haven't read 5-6 threads talking about it already).
You are way overreacting anon, holy shit.
Just propose like above a general Dying Earth or even this >>93409521
Or let people enjoy what they enjoy.
>Imagine if everyone else felt as entitled as OP did, and just decided to spam any kind of offtopic thread they wanted
Just imagine.
>"All right, I'm making this my personal board where I can discuss whatever suits my personal fancy
Anons do this all the time 'in ur setan'. How new are you? Also Nightlands is a legitimate TTRPG subject it was given a write up with stats for 3rd edition D&D.
By that same logic, MLP is /tg/.
Hell, Wendy's is /tg/.
Just on principle I'm going to now bring up Night Land wherever I can. What a shiteyed fucking faggot. Hodgson is better than a bunch of Frogs anyway. Cuckold.
I feel like we have this discussion once a year.
Fr fr sounds like a based campaign, no cap

Do us all a favor then and make a MLP thread so we can have a 3-day vacation from your posts.

Do yourself a favor and stop acting like a wanna-be-janny by signing up to be one. It's lucrative at $0/hour.
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The fiction that came later that was based on Hodgson's stuff is a lot better than the original story, so I'd start taking ideas there first. Maybe set a campaign for when the Pyramids were first getting built, before darkness closed about Earth and the Word was an absolute necessity. It'd look like Shadowrun meets the rapture.

And then, I typed more about how the last half of the original story is a slog to read.
And then, I finished posting about The Night Land by saying it's still worth reading just don't force yourself.
Are we forgetting the group of youths that ventured into the Night Lands? Or people from the other tower, whose power source was failing? There's plenty of ways to enable exploration in the world that doesn't "stretch the setting".
Apocthulhu had a few unsatisfying pages about playing a Nightland campaign. Apparently they had planned a full Nightland book but I don't think it was ever made. A couple of years ago I made a Nightland drinking game:
>take a sip for every paragraph that starts with "And"
>take a shot everytime he says "in verity" or uses a phrase similar to "as you may know," "as you may remember," etc.
>take a double shot or chug a beer/cider everytime he justifies whipping his true love as the best thing for her
I haven't tested this since I thought of it near the end of the book. Play responsibly.

I thought of a drinking game that has me chug a whole keg down for every time the letter "e" was mentioned.

Your stupid.
No one else has actually read that book but I have I just want to say this is a top tier post
ive run Night Land games off and on for a little over 5 years using a lot of different systems.

1) be willing to diverge a little from canon. there is a lot of space that needs filling in worldbuildingwise. check out the many short stories written in the universe for inspiration.

2) if your campaign isnt mostly taking place inside The Redoubt itself, assume a baseline of your PC's being as badass/lucky as the protagonist from the original story so they at least stand a chance to not die instantly.
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I actually just finished re-reading an abridged version and found this thread minutes later. Crazy.

While reading I thought a lot about the thread topic, actually. It seemed that the narrator's night-hearing saved his bacon most of the time and aside from ab-humans in one-on-one scenarios it's extremely perilous to fight just about anything. Moreover, the Great Redoubt and its inhabitants are nice and cozy, and most explorers are youths who get restless. A party would have to be comprised basically entirely of that kind of person. We also know very little of the actual culture of the Redoubt, aside from their being generally socially traditionalist, so creating character backstories or plot hooks would be hard, I think.

Overall, a better idea might be to use the dressings of Night Land to generate the baseline for your own setting where you'd have to color in the blanks

It's exactly the kind of work/setting that was designed to get the reader's mind spinning and doing its own creating, as opposed to, say, Middle-Earth.

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Hodgeson does state that each city/floor in the Redoubt has its own culture and that every man who could be Prepared must visit each city for one day, which number over 1000. A player could easily make anything up regarding their city/character and lay their own groundworks for the campaigns history.
Even in the original novel young men have gone out under wanderlust and there are the 500 youths who broke protocol before the inevitable happened in the OG novel.
I only know the fanfaction (Awake in the Nightland) by John Write but that may give options for venturing out. Even if the first and titular story 'Awake in the Night Land's reason is pretty flimsy (his friend is calling him without the Master Word), other include a body of a loved one seen from the Redoubt whom a sibling thinks is not dead. An expedition to the Country of Seas as a new place for humanity (as thought of by X in the novel) may be an idea. Hopefully these might inspire a reason for the adventurers.
What are good books in the Dying Earth genre that I could read? Also, which one of them is good for a campaign? I feel like reading some of them so I can gather ideas for a more unorthodox game.
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Man you are a real cunt.
explain a night land
>Are we forgetting the group of youths that ventured into the Night Lands?
And fucking died horribly within a couple hours?

>Or people from the other tower, whose power source was failing?
And fucking suffered for generations because their tower was shittier?

I get what you're saying, but given how srs bsns stepping foot outside the Tower's earth current field was, I just feel it requires some stretching to make it a more commonplace thing.
I've done it. One of the Riddle-Likes. The real key is that you have to think of the Great Redoubt as most of the world. The place is huge and has millions of people in it. It probably has an underworld and violence, it might even have wars. Who knows if they don't have to fight monsters from time to time even within the place. The protagonist doesn't really talk about life in the Great Redoubt at all, it's unclear what most people do in there. So you need to make up some interesting stuff to have going on in the redoubt, and then get most of the action in there. Actually going out into The Night Land should be the peak of danger, and it shouldn't be the insane quest of the protagonist from the book. Just going out to the House of Silence and back was more than any character besides him managed in the original book.

I had a growing cult forming due to rebellious youths talking to the night voices. This group believed that they could gain power to control people with their brain elements by trafficking with these powers. In truth they were being subverted to sabotage the earth current. So the party, who were members of the watch, had to root out this cult and destroy it. Eventually they had to go out into the night land to destroy The Messenger, which was a snail-monster thing that had been using its antennas to pierce the air-clog and corrupt people into the cult.

If you just start off with them going into the night, they tend to think of it like Dark Sun. You have to spend a lot of time hammering home that they do NOT want to go outside. Then you make them go outside.
Radical. Yeah, I guess outside is like a reverse dungeon.
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So, now we've gone from "it doesn't happen" to "yeah, but..."

We have several canon examples of people venturing outside for various reasons, yet you think it's completely unreasonable to built upon these reasons to enable a campaign of a few individuals venturing out there? Why the fuck does it have to be "common place"? How does having a campaign of a few individuals going out require it to be some fucking D&D adventurer's guild shit? At some point over the last few million years there's a reason why X, Y, Z, and whatever alphabets feel like it, venture out into the Night Land. There's your campaign.
You're tilting at a windmill, bro. I'd be happy for it to work, and I've already said how.

But "SEE, THESE GUYS WENT OUTSIDE" isn't the flex you think it is when they all died right afterwards.
Just hide threads you don’t like, incellington.
/tg/ has always been the fantasy and scifi discussions board as well, newfag. Are you just a pedantic little faggot who likes to argue definitions and semantics rather than the meaning of things or places? (Rhetorical question)
What's terrible about it?
Yes this is correct. If those things are being discussed in the context of a traditional game.
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>start off by saying only the protagonist had a reason to leave
>get presented examples for other reasons to leaving in the very same story
I'd suggest you to seek help, but you're beyond it.
0 to do with this thread but it's depressing as shit that reverse image searching this on Google led me to a flood of AI images and their corresponding pajeet spammers, and I had to use Yandex and play detective in a bunch of Russian gelbooru equivalents to finally arrive at the original artist's ArtStation profile. Really makes me think.


Sign your artwork, people.
NTA but 100% thought that image was AI

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