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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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I bet you guys can't make an RPG in 24 hours.
Rolled 97, 469, 297 = 863 (3d500)

Rolled 19, 15, 4, 81, 57 = 176 (5d100)

Let's roll.
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>Public Transit
>Theoretical Physics

Public Transit + Underground = Subway
Subway + Theoretical Physics = Half-Life?
Rolled 400, 456, 385 = 1241 (3d500)

Fuck wrong roll
Or that movie where the earth is poisoned and there's an elevator everyone rides through the center of the planet between England and Australia.
>gambling forensic evidence in south america
This gives me max payne 3 vibes somehow.
That could be fun, the rail level was kino.
Rolled 441, 80, 300 = 821 (3d500)

show me big money!
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>Isolation, Planets, Nightmares
damn, big money shown. Time to make the RPG of martian gothic.
In 24 hours? Sure as hell cant make a good one
>Southeast US
The world's most boring game concept. It's a game where people play guys playing Fantasy Football.
Doesn't count unless you use the board dice.
It's true. I can't.
>276: Babies
>455: Tactical Shooting
>042: Stand-up Comedy *REROLLED*
>370: Money

Grid based combat where players are parents betting money on their babies who use bottles and baby toys as ranged weapons in a gladiatorial arena. Players roll stats for both the parents and then through their genetics a baby's stats are created. Poorer parents can't bet as much, but have stronger babies due to their dangerous environment in low-income housing; while richer parents can bet a lot of money, but have to spend a decent amount to augment their baby for battle. The system uses a dice pool where upgrading stats can bump them up to the next dice code (ie. d4 into d4+1 into d4+2 into d6 into d6+1 ... etc. Up to d12 max).

Pic rel, AI slop for the book art.
Rolled 37, 236, 302 = 575 (3d500)

>Repossession, Terrorism, Police
So it's Repo Man, but without aliens and instead terrorists. Hmmm....
Rolled 432, 374, 117 = 923 (3d500)

Let us check then
>holiday, fashion, aeroplanes

... Barbie?
Rolled 156, 305, 215 = 676 (3d500)

I definitely can't, but I'll still roll for shits and giggles.
Disgraceful results.
Rolled 227, 134, 383 = 744 (3d500)

Here's hoping for something I can throw together in MS Paint.
Rolled 134, 405, 394 = 933 (3d500)

Rolled 63, 230, 386 = 679 (3d500)

Begin the timer
Rolled 209, 159, 31 = 399 (3d500)

Rolled 30 (1d500)

The 60s

Okay, so, the party are right upstanding Christians in the 1950s fighting the voodoo demons of New Orleans.
Rolled 12, 16, 69, 59, 28 = 184 (5d100)

Rolling all five tables in order. No rerolls
Hex grid

A game about mindjackers stealing corporate secrets with car chases.
Pick literally any cyberpunk RPG and use hex grid for combat. At best could make some Psychonauts style mindscape homebrew, but hardly a system on it's own right.
Rolled 232, 338, 105, 127 = 802 (4d500)

Alright. Lets do this.
Rolled 332, 150, 375 = 857 (3d500)

Well at least I didn't put it in the email field.
>Rap Battles, Vegetables, The 90's
Fucking cursed, if only rerolling wasn't for cowards.
"Vegetables" could mean the condition you leave your opponents in.
>I bet
You win the bet; I got distracted and >>93398666
is a failure. I apologize deeply to Satan
Aren't these just writing prompts more than actual RPG prompts? Whatever, sounds fun.
I am a retard who can't roll. Then again I've been coming to /tg/ for the past 10 years and have never rolled dice. Here are results from random.org instead:
Most people treat it as "here's a funny sentence" and nothing more, but occasionally an actual RPG gets produced.
Don't listen to the kittens. Put the dice command in the Options field and don't put in the noko part.
I'm thinking about actually making something just to see if I'm capable of writing up game rules on the fly. I rerolled Unicorns to Small Scale, I'll probably do this tomorrow since it's late here.
quickly whipped up these rules, a fun way to fill a mostly empty day. I ended up not going with martian gothic, and trying something very different (maybe too different). I based my 24 hours off of when i posted my roll.

I present Somni Mundi, in text form:
Very nice work
Here is your setting, bro
Let's see
Thanks. I ended up writing and scrapping a bunch of ideas relating to the core concept and character creation, which made the other sections lag behind in development. The earliest idea i had was the PCs being members of a coalition of inter-planetary knights who serve their patron world, get powers from its associated deity (almost like paladins), and spend their time fighting against the nightmares of Jupiter. I might continue adjusting it in the future, we'll see.

Don't be discouraged friend, try anyway!
Rolled 165, 129, 116 = 410 (3d500)

Hex grid, Insanity, Industry. So the idea is you're trying to navigate in a major office building, and every hex has a different annoyance you have to overcome, although occasionally you'll run into something good, like coffee or that one friend in the office or PIZZA PARTY. You have a sanity meter instead of a health bar. If you go nuts, you freak out and lose your job.
Rolled 320, 88, 114 = 522 (3d500)

I used random.org first and got the 1970s, spiders, and the 1920s in that order. I'll trust my fate to 4chan instead.
Rolled 167, 431, 352 = 950 (3d500)

let's see
>hair, donuts, outer space
i m struggling bros..
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Rolled 97, 76, 81, 43, 68 = 365 (5d100)

>Make an RPG in 24 hours!
... so where is the challenge?
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>Public Transit, Prehistory, Religion, Badassery, Snipers
Yeah, I just take pic related and make it about that community that deliberately rises children as a Luddite cult of hunter-gatherer savages that snipe people with poisoned darts from blowguns and are in turn responsible for 3/4 of the "supernatural" lore inside the metro system.
Never the job was easier
Rolled 367, 210, 163 = 740 (3d500)

Spreadsheets, Storm Chasers and Umbrellas? So, you play as government agents documenting storms around the country. Maybe some apocalypse in progresss? The storms are supernatural in nature? Maybe slap some cringe -punk on the end of it. Help document the looming apocalypse in this dystopian Beuropunk thriller TTRPG! Don't forget your umbrella, Inspector!
>Rolled 97, 76, 81, 43, 68 = 365 (5d100)
>... so where is the challenge?
Rolling the correct amount of dice, apparently.
Ok, so no badassery and no snipers, which changed absolutely fuck all.
The important thing is that you gave up without accomplishing anything.
I can make an RPG in fifteen minutes
Turns out you couldn't, huh
I could but why share it with you guys, someone here is just gonna rip it off and put it on YouTube. No thanks
Based quitter
I am very based, yes. I'm so based, no one knows I'm based. Not even big bird
Rolled 160, 352, 152 = 664 (3d500)

I will wake up in 7 hours. I'm going to count the time from then. As I drift off to sleep, I will contemplate the results. Who knows what may happen?
Blood bowl team manager already exists
Rolled 428, 305, 376 = 1109 (3d500)

Sure why not

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