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Previously: >>93393601

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Now that the dust has settled, how did you like MH3?
i dont even remember most of the shit, it was basically Nadu: The Set
I like the flare cards in my karador deck, particularly the white one.
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I have so many upgrades to make but I cant be fucked to rebuild and test my deck so I'm just waiting until I have more money.
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Post your face when your Rhystic Study triggers.
i have
group slug
group hug
battlecruiser dragons
dino timmies
slivers 'n' combos

whats my last deck
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Will people be mad at me if I bring my handdrawn tokens to the table?
selesnya, you sound submissive and breedable
I need some help on pic related, Im debating to switch him off from Terror of the Peaks or something else in red on my Faldorn deck. I don't have haste nor protection if he gets targeted. Are people still finding him to be good? or just win more/do nothing without haste? I seriously hate the lack of trample on it compared to his busted MOM version.
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no im a dom top
ARTIFACTS. Preferably monoblue but monored is also fine.

Why would people be mad? I use tokens my friend made me.
this is my list that I'm trying to change to a more "burn" oriented one. Adding stuff like impact tremors and the new bird dragon:

>have money for my upgrades
>buy them
>realize I have to make cuts
>look at my list for 15 minutes
>can't decide
>leave the upgrades out of the deck
>look at it the next day
>still can't find good cuts
Ojer Axonil
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>friend talks about building Saruman of Many Colors
>fomo increasing since i doubt theyre reprinting lotr cards
I'm trying to find a card I saw some time ago but I can't remember what it was called or does. But it was a rakdos card and the art was like someones pov on a surgery table while a bunch of wackos look at you
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I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised with the new Riku. It’s definitely not high powered by any stretch of the imagination, but you always have something to do. Who woulda thought having like 36-40 modal spells and like 26 instants would give you flexibility.
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I should also mention it's a LGS game and those tend to attract more spergs.
I barely changed any cards in the last five years, at most one or two. This set gave me five and it's activated the fear centers of my brain.
Cute. You're fine anon.
This bitch is weird to play and fun as hell. What are your freaky deaky commanders that you love?
That God looking juicy
ah yes, the good ol' pokemon method
delet group hug & slivers, pick between dinos and dragons, then build a spell slinger, an artifacts, and a gy deck
what a cool go wide commander im looking to play something new i usually play red green godzilla (big mana big bois) and filp Zender/Okem
Is he based?
He was very popular, I dont know anymore.
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Didn't expect to see a hue anon here
Then definitely selesnya
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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I used to play against a guy whos best deck was pic related and it was pretty dope
Anyone have any experience with him lately? I have no idea whats good anymore my decks from 3 years ago keep getting smacked down and Im thinking about building him instead
The white one is real good. I'm digging it in quite a few decks.
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Brazilians are like 50% of edh and mtg, which explains most of the shitty takes.
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Just look at this art
Doesnt it just look awesome?
Lets post some good art from more recent sets so I can convince myself things arent just getting worse
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Anyone know what card I am talking about?
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If Cephalids are octopus and viashino are lizards why aren't humans apes?
Yeah these are fine
Humans aren't animals.
because if theywere, Aragorn card would become racist
>have Aboshan deck
>gain access to like 3 decent low-curve Octopus that draw cards, Lorthos, Spawning Krakens ability, and Octavia
>can finally use Quest for Ula
Feels good man.
Depends, are fish animals? What about insects?
Because the rule applied to fantastical animal people and they were just making it consistent. Leonin and Aven have always been Cat and Bird-typed, respectively, so why should Viashino and Cephalids be distinct types?
I would have built this if it was a hot chick
So why are homarids still homarids? Why aren't phyrexians just artifact zombies?
All cards are improved if a hot lady with massive melons is on it.
Homarids are probably gonna change down the line. Phyrexians are a more distinctly Magic thing, and... Are notably NOT animal people, so why the fuck would it matter.
This but ironically
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Neither are Cephalids and viashino
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>are fish animals?
>What about insects?
also yes
Why not make the other sentient races their own types instead?
This but unironically
Then humans are animals. Dont know what to tell you.
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Why simplify fantasy races into their respective animal counterparts but beasts gets separated into a million different types? Do krakens, and octopus really need to be different creature types? What about serpents and snakes? Dogs and wolves?
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I have these old legendaries from Double Masters and they're just rotting in my rare cards box, which one is the best to make a budget edh deck from my collection of scraps? I don't know any of their playstyles
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Here you go anon. Keep in mind this is a budget, low power casual deck, so it could be made much better.
Saint traft
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>all those old formerly good commanders
Anyways I vote for giest.
I've been brewing a hatebears deck with him and axis of mortality for a while now. Would be cute I think.
this feels like trash. You cast moron's charm and pick 2.

You can:
Impulse draw (yawn)
A single +1/+/1 counter, then trample eot
A 1/1 flyer (the best option)

you can't even select the same mode. There are modal spells where X could be < 3 and all you get is garbage
Geist was never a good commander
Kaalia still is
Because those either don't have clear things to line up with (Vedalken and Kor and whatnot) or are real-world/mythological things people already refer to by that name (Humans and Minotaurs, etc.)
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Sure anon, whatever you say.
Serpent and Snake aren't remotely the same thing in their usage. Snakes are Snakes. Serpents are Sea Serpents.
>Formerly good
She's not MH1 Urza but I assure Breya is still plenty good
But isnt a sea serpent just a water snake?
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booba the boobering game when
>breya is over 5 years old
>its been that long since partners
Eh, she used to be unquestionably the best, so she has fallen off a bit.
Thanks and checked!
The fact that the actual card is such dogshit is unspeakably disappointing to me.
Giest was dope in duel and forever shitty in edh
The only notable thing about Geist was the creep who always used to post his deck alongside human teeth and shit like that
Oh nice, I have a deck that belongs in
Hahaha I remember that teeth guy. Good times, good times. Do you remember Geist sea monster tribal for flavor purposes?
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Gay Bolas
I dont but also dont understand the flavor either
I'm arguing to make races like loxodons and leonin into their own creature type not to retype minotaurs into cows
Someone once wrote an incredibly elaborate thing about geist being a flavourful seamonster tribal commander. I dont remember the details, but something something shadows over innistrad fat pack insert story. Maybe you had to be there.
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A snake
A big water snake
Sounds sick to me
God yugioh's rules are so fucked. Magic may have problems but at least all of them are easy to solve.
Gay merchant of ass fondle
Hilarious. I lol'd.
Kaalia is still good
Lol you never played against a good traft deck it's almost as bad as kaalia
Explain how. Explain a normal game where traft wins on turn 5 utilizing his abilities.
Id love to see your dookie list
>people think kaalia's good
Oh the classic trap, along with rakdos lord of riots.
Shes another if armageddon gg commander and gets going fast
Yeah shes pretty decent
Name a commander in bloomburrow better than Kaalia.
Yes, that's what they all say. There used to be a classic image about the "kaalia guy" at the lgs because the decks were so proliferated.
Bloomburrow is a horribly under powered set and I didnt see a single powerful commander and only a single card I'd maybe play. Neat art when it's not furry baiting, horrible power level.
name a commander in OTJ that is better
name a commander in MKM that is better

Kaalia isn't a top 5 commander but pretending she isn't good is retardation and contrarianism
Thoughts on Bloomkino squirrel support?
>rakdos lord of riots
Significantly worse than kaalia thats even worse than someone claiming Geist is a good commander
Meme tribe that will never be good.
Here, let me look at the sets and I'll get back to you. Why do you think I think it's bad?
Seems like fun for mind games, attack each opponent with a 1/1 squirrel, and make them blow removal on it if they don't want it to get pumped to all hell
I havent played against one recently but with the new printing id be interested to see if she is actually underrated id be willing to bet the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction
Unironically one of the best Magic sets in years
Because it actually has soul.
>Because I like tiny animals
It doesn't have much if you aren't into redwall. Extremely low power set focused on tribes that largely had no support and still won't have enough. "Soul" likely just means "this squirrel reminds me of that squirrel from my 80's kids book"
Yeah so far it looks ok but im not holding my breath
Its been since timespiral remastered that ive been excited for a set, they will fuck it up somehow
>my 80's kids book
Its the best we got
Can't wait to drop a Tragic Arrogance with this out and instakill the Treasurefag at the table. This is the sort of punisher EDH needs.
I fully agree
>looking through the legendary list
>all those unbelievably bad cards
Woof. It's like they were specifically designed to be bad. Anyways: Tinybones, and Bristly Bill. You may have a point and I might just be old and jaded. Anyways, the kaalia trap is that there is minimal colour fixing, your commander doesnt have protection and needs to swing, and the amount of payoffs you need absolutely fucks your curve. Yadda yadda good deck and quantum removal, but seriously kaalia isnt swinging no matter what you do against competent opponents. I would know, I've seen it bounced or dismembered or whatever 42069 times. The rakdos trap, another famous deck building trap, revolves around a bunch of pingers and fat eldrazi with no way to play any of the big boys, yet the small pingers are too small and terrible to actually win the game.
It's pretty bad and low powered. After just looking at the legends from the past two sets, it isnt an abominable singularity, but it is really low powered. At least the names are pronouncable, christ some of that recent garbage was really bad.
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>want to put my collection into moxfield
>realize how long it would take
>low powered
That's not a bad thing, and it is relative.
It is a bad thing, means I wont have any new fun toys. My standards arent high, like 3 cards and maybe one commander would have been nice.
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>edhrec doesnt scrape tapped out anymore
>i cant skew underplayed commanders with my dumpster fire decks without moving to another site
It has been this way for like five years anon.
>means I wont have any new fun toys
>playing a looser deck limits your playable card
You have it all backwards, lower power decks allow you to play with all sorts of shit you normally couldnt get away with
Edh is literally based on the concept of cards that suck too much for other formats
Nobody told me, i just kept plugging away making a dozen new decks a month for 5 years
Because they aren't. Wotc doesn't have to be consistent in the ways you think they need to be.
this has the potential to be completely bananas
Idk, my idea of a low powered deck is shit like Kraj or the mimeoplasm or maelstrom wanderer; something that isnt top tier but has a large deck building space amd a neat effect. I cant do the whole build a bad deck with a bad commander while there are better options available. I like that one frog for a life from the loam legacy lands style stax deck but it's not a great choice and I'd much rather play something better.
I'm just thinking about how this makes it impossible to respond to a Dockside by sacing treasures.
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If you play snowbally lol cmc cards like pic related or Mana crypt/ that lead to random non-games where one player does his thing super early and uninterrupted because of the overwhelming advantage in resources, you are the cancer killing this format and garbage like Nadu was printed specifically for you.
Yes I do think sol ring should be banned, stop deflecting.
>I cant do the whole build a bad deck with a bad commander while there are better options available
I also had a hard time doing that until I committed to a really shitty theme deck
Since winning a few times with a phelddagrif deck that only played cards with non-anthropomorphic animals in the art, suddenly it seemed easier to allow my decks to be worse for the sake of fun
Idk about you but I dont remember the 50th time I killed someone with blasting station but I do remember killing someone with a flying hippo with Colossification on it
It’s all about volume of fire. Picking two is the sweet spot because you want the fliers and impulse draw. It’s until the end of your next turn so you want to cast modals into impulsing modals to cast more modals. Also you can play lands from the impulse draw so you’ll never miss a land drop.
Besides casting Yurlok first you can't really prevent or punish it.
on unrelated, note, while looking for possible split second shenanignas, I came across this... oddity
>That's not a bad thing
Yes, it is.
Why wouldn't they just pop the treasures in response to the Apothecary on the stack?
So did a bunch of people build this lady? I liked her when she came out because I love Opposition, but I hate playing fotm commanders. Would it be gay if I built her?
Bad players?
there should be a way to sneak Apothecary in without giving opponenet a chance to respond - with Morph, Manifest or Disguise, turning Morph is instantenous action that doesn't use stack or pass priority
And how many of those effects would your deck already be running?
20 > 30 > 40 > any life under 20 > any life over 40
Sharai is cooler
Ice queen is pretty based though. Makes me think of ff shiva
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I liked some of the cards and still wanna use them, but I've seen barely any of the cards in any decks I've played against except Nadu.
tfw it's not my Rhystic Study..
Nah, you can throw together like a 50-70 dollar frost themed deck with lots of force-tap effects and 99% of the cards are cheap as shit. It's fun, but people are gonna seethe.
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Tarrian's Soulcleaver or Blade of the Bloodchief in a Bart deck?
how much artifact tokens do u make
Not many, but I run a bunch of artifacts lurrus companion
bart already buffs himself with 1/1 counters so i think the soulcleaver giving more value to your artifacts + opponents using treasures etc is good, also vigilance is really good for a big fat commander
That is true on the opponent's stuff and they both get snagged with saga. I think I might be leaning soulcleaver. Blade is so cute tho
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the nostalgia baiting is gonna make me finally build a Jund themed jund deck. Naturally Kresh will be at the head but how ass is devour as a deck main mechanic?
blade is on theme, put both in bro
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>5 mana 49/49
>no one took the obvious bait
I'm proud of you /edhg/
I like burgeoning with ghost town :)
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I built Will and thought it was going to be a meme deck but its actually starting to piss my friends off
>literally the easiest counter is to remove Will
>they either can't or ignore him
>multiple games where I've won by taking multiple turns and winning through alternate win methods
>have won with Approach multiple times
>made a proxy of Will that's just my waifu
Magic can be fun
Post me some synergies and stuff so I can judge
>plane has some actual thought put into it
>character designs are good
>new mechanics and keywords that aren't pointless or gimmicks
>all the cards/characters are animals so they can't make everyone an ugly PoC
Furries won
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>a legend I actually want to build
Holy fuck that's rare, but I feel like I need ways to generate creatures for my opponents.
No, the mechanics are pretty ass, but no moreso than any other recent set at least.
Forbidden Orchard is a good place to start. Untapped dual that gives them shitty 1/1s you can tap down for funny. Genesis Chamber is also useful for this.
>tfw didnt read the card right
Goddamn you modern wotc, I refuse to pay the one you fucking bastards. Why cant I have nice things?
I guess birds are errataed to Dinosaurs now.
Well other night was
>have 2 sources of "If you would gain life, gain double that amount of life instead" in play
>play Chaplains Blessing gaining 5 aka 20 life
>tap Will
>cast time stretch and angel of destiny
>take next turn attack with angel
>end of phase they lose
>take next turn, do it again
>play Beacon of Immortality doubling my life from 60 to 120
>tap Will
>all my spells cost 60 less and X taps for 60
>play Storm Herd making me 120 Flying 1/1s and cast Finale of Glory making 60 2/2 soldiers and 60 4/4 flying angels
It's all just fish.
Because evolution isn't real. Based on rcd the earth hasn't been around long enough to account for the number of fixed mutations required to result in organisms as complicated as homo sapiens.
neodarwinism in shambles...
What's more likely:
>alien used brain zap to make smart monkeys for lulz
>MILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF YEARS of trial and error resulted in a perfect equillibrium
This card is awesome
I tried building her once but she runs into the issue of being really commander-centric. If she gets removed you just have a bunch of durdly tap effects that don't really do anything.
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People must be on crack for thinking this is bad. In multiplayer you're almost always getting at least 3 modes out of this. Any three modes together makes it a playable 4 drop. I don't even think you're that unhappy with 2 of them. It's main drawback is you can't abuse it with blink but I don't think that kills it.
More advanced forms of life mutate more frequently then less advanced forms of life. We've observed more mutations from Dog genes in the last 1000 years then bacteria in the last 10,000 years based off of DNA evidence
>you can't abuse it with blink
You totally can. You might get diminishing returns but not as diminishing as you'd think.
>white card good
Apologists need to get out. It's yet another ye olde tradition of playing catch up. It's not worth a mythic slot and it would feel trash to pull one.
desu I'm mad if I pull any mythic, price of progress cat and three tree city are what I'm after
>ye olde tradition of playing catch up.
Which is a really cool thing that white should be best at. Reprint Balance.
looks fun how did you build it? is it just good value shit? or asymmetric discard?
I bought a box and I hope I pull it it's a very good card
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Surprised we never got a proper voltron support commander in jeskai. It's the perfect colors for it and helps show off the parts of azorius that aren't stax/control while being complemented by red's aggression.
i really wish they'd print more ways to sandbag your land count while remaining on curve. White can actually be really nice at ramping if you're able to draw a good amount of bounce lands/lotus field etc.
I remember when people were downplaying Smothering Tithe and Akroma's Will too
Stop using dumb names like Jeskai for Raugrin.
tbf Smothering Tithe is actually just barely not good enough to make a large number of cEDH lists but it's still insanely good for anything below that. Besides white has Esper Sentinel and Archivist of Oghma for cEDH.
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Surprised we never got a proper voltron support commander in Raugrin. It's the perfect colors for it and helps show off the parts of azorius that aren't stax/control while being complemented by red's aggression.
>Esper Sentinel
Absolutely seething of my mind there's no alt art for this thing
I hope there never is
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>Orzhov? Oh, you mean "dry Indantha."
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This reminds me of that time JotC printed a 'left-handed' secret lair which was an epic fail cuz your left thumb would cover the statline.
What's the best land destruction legendary in naya? Is it just the plant toddler?
I found a foil 7e dingus egg in a shoebox and it's begging for a home.
Nothing says "clown format" like the fact there are now more cards legal in commander than vintage.
>clown format
The scary part is I don't even know which one you're referring to
Is he worth building if I already have a fairly tuned nekusar deck?
>but muh UB
I don't care, I pulled him and LotR is the only UB that actually fits magic
When will I get to make Luna Lovegood my commander?
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You laugh now, but Harry Potter UB will be real in 2 years, and they will make Hagrid black. Screencap this.
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Decided to fully drop Treasure as a theme with Ob Nixilis. Disassembling the Exile parts of the deck almost entirely and want to do it as a sacrifice focused deck with lots of outlets for pings and stuff like Black Market, K'rrik, and Defiler of Instinct so I can circumvent prices to cast lots of spells.
My only issue if I've actually never really built a sacrifice deck before so I have no idea how to make sure I have enough tokens and mana (I feel my Commander handles a lot of the Card advantage bit) to make sure the boys are recurring often enough to make it worth it.
Are you wanting targeted land destruction or mass land destruction?
i haven't built mono blue before
was considering building Eluge, and was gonna use some combos like
Peregrine Drake + Deadeye
Peregrine Drake + Archaeomancer + Ghostly Flicker
Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter
Snap + High Tide + Archaeomancer

to loop infinite mana, but i'm not sure how to end the game off it. The deck has turn spells so i can take infinite turns with looping Archaeomancer + Thassa Deep Dwelling or something like that, but other than beats, what is a decent infinite outlet i can use to kill the table? Like exsanguinate if i was in black?
Blue Sun and it's variants. Once you draw your whole deck then force them to draw 101 cards.
i need to find a way to convert the infinite mana into infinite draw then right, or just not try the combo until i have a spell in my hand like USZ/Pull from tomorrow i can draw my whole deck with. However once i cast the USZ and it shuffles into my library, dont i need a way to get it back, to kill the next dude?
Yeah you should be running cantrips you can also run a couple etb draws to go off with your deadeye. If you're really worried run think twice.
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Pic rel can be used to deck out your opponents if you have infinite mana and your Archaeomancer combo. Drown in Dreams would probably be safer though cause it targets individual players.
Once you have removed everyone's deck, I will cast this and make you lose first
Cast blue sun for 0, draw blue sun?
Nu!Hazezon benefits from MLD as long as you have ways to play more lands. If you want to shave off colors you have Velomachus Lorehold for Boros and Klothys for Gruul.
If you decide to do reanimator midrange, sure. Assuming your Nekusar is fast with ita damage.
Post list, I'm curious what it looks like
I am somewhat pissed that a Phyrexian mechanic is being used in non-Phyrexian contexts. Could've been a neat opportunity to show that Phyrexia DID invade Bloomburrow but the transformation to being an animal cut off the hivemind, leaving behind a Squirrel with Phyrexia mechanics but none of the Phyrexia left
a zone classic
I just sorta mashed all the stuff I wanna use into it for now, intended to clean it up and figure out what I need more of. Maha is also something I wanna use here for the 1 pings can turn into lethal damage.
We are animals, I don't care what cope reason you'll pull out of your ass to try and dispute that.
Evolution is a dirty, filthy thing, nothing perfect about it, the average living being is made up of "eh, good enough"s and "oh, I forgot that there"s because the only thing that matters from a species perspective is that a living thing lives long enough to fuck before all the shitty, slapdash bioengineering catches up to them.
Nah, none of Magic's problems are easy to solve, because WotC will never solve them.
This only applies to NPCs like you.
>God yugioh's rules are so fucked
What examples you got?
Are retards still trying to claim catchup mechanics are bad, despite W being probably the 3rd best color in the game now from dead last?
My go to when deck building when you need enablers is plugging the numbers, and seeing the odds you'll have the right cards by turn x, it's great for figuring out ratios
>Evolution isn't real because (single conjectural counterpoint)
The worst thing about this is that your single conjectural counterpoint might not be that bad. In which case it will be discredited by you skitzos and your attempts to disprove evolution. We see this all the time in hard science, someone has a good point and it's important to our future understanding of the universe around us but that point gets brushed aside because it's associated with people like you.
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You know, that's actually super cool and I appreciate it anon!
I'm genuinely excited to use this old piece of shit since I've had one since it came out and never knew where to put it.
Same thing for Flat Earth, and the Moon landing being fake which are two very strong ideas.
Both go in pic related and are far worse at the helm. Just know that tapping a si guard creature each turn is enough to apperantly make you public enemy #1 for absolutely no fucking reason, and you'll get hated out of the game through terrible threat assessment.
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How do I play this guy? Is there a combo decklist for him?
Hey, swordbro, do you support proxies or are you a Hasbro cuck? Sorry if this question is uncomfortable but I really need to know. If you're just trying to have fun (and if your fun accidentally supports a failing corporate juggernaut) then you have my respect, but if you're totally in on this corporate pay-to-win scheme then you have my scorn, you can clearly see where this game is going and you are clearly choosing to engage in spite of that and so your position on proxies is extremely important to me.
I’m a cuck in all instances except to WOTC, so use proxies!
I personally don't use proxies whatsoever but I have absolutely no real issue with people doing it provided it isn't part of the obnoxious "i'm gonna bring a super expensive cedh deck i saw online to a low power table" type behavior. Lots of the people I play with at my LGS have a few proxies of stuff they wanna use in their decks and it's never really proven to be an issue.
I always buy my cards if I can though, because I like to just own my stuff in some weird autistic way, but if you prefer to print yours out and aren't a dick then more power to you.
... as opposed to your right thumb covering the stat line?
>"i'm gonna bring a super expensive cedh deck i saw online to a low power table" type behavior.
Why is that a problem? Do you think that low-powered tables are obligated to play with pushed cards? How do you feel about a fully-legal paypig who does the exact same thing with fully-legal versions of the exact same cards?
>I always buy my cards if I can though, because I like to just own my stuff in some weird autistic way
That sounds like a (you) problem, but at least you understand this and aren't trying to blame others.
What a nonsense pseudointellectual post lmao.
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>through terrible threat assessment
>thinking that running Azorius control decks shouldn't make you the first to die
The comedy never stops on this board
Holy faggotry who gives a shit
If you think this dogshit pairing is better than either of the eldraine azorius girls you are fucking delusional holy shit
I think it's more of a player issue, because while I think Rule 0 is a meme and most people don't discuss much, usually if I shitstomp the group I'm in I swap my deck out to a weaker one for the next match. Now if there's a guy with a fully legal, insanely expensive cedh deck, I like to imagine they've had it for longer than a couple hours and have acclimated to where those cards are appropriate. Don't get me wrong, you can use what you want, but usually the idea is to try and have a decent match, which is actually why I find myself very rarely using my Urza deck and almost always using Coram.
In my real life experience, Proxies don't really cause any harm, I'm just more used to the terminally online no-games who talk about proxying uberdecks to shit on newbies so I associate the concept with it.
Looks like a fake swordbro.
Looks like a real swordbro.
What's the archival evidence here? I admit, I never really paid attention to the evidence until now.
This is my actual tripcode, but there's at least one schizo who likes to post with my name for one reason or another.
Usually you can tell it's me because I need to make like 20-40 cuts to a deck and have terrible decision paralysis
what are good cards to put in a low powered deck with picrel as commander?
friend made jank deck from boosters, want to match powerlevel, but dont know what to fit in so we can both have fun
shit doesnt do anything with goblins. just commit to the Barriorker tribal with extra combats, should be jank enough
Well yea, a person paying real godamn money for their cards is less likely to approach the top end of the power curve, whereas a person printing their own cards is more likely to approach the top end of the power curve.
>if there's a guy with a fully legal, insanely expensive cedh deck, I like to imagine they've had it for longer than a couple hours
No they haven't. This is a crock of shit. People who pay real money for this shit are intensely disconnected, if anything a proxyfag pumpstomper has probably owned their (fake) cards for longer.
I'm sorry that you pay real money for your cards, and I'm sorry that you make excuses for doing so, that's really sad. Maybe you should stop and think about who/what you're really supporting here.

keep in mind she grants that buff to your opponents creatures too, but thats just funny
100% schizo post
the main combo i want to jury rig together is commander drop into a token/summon avalanche
or some shit like that, doing it in one turn might be too much
do you have any recommendations for tribals?
otherwise ill put every red with tits into the deck and call it a day

yeah thats the point, gotta have some chaos at the table
Have fun while you can paypig, you'll regret it eventually and that's a fact. The only joy that you'll derive in the long-term is the joy that you could have had by playing any game with your so-called friends. In hindsight you will wish that you had played a less exploitive game.
why are you having a mental breakdown?
Please cease with your lefty drivel anon. No one is being exploited by buying the cards they want lmao. Post your ID please it's very clear you are underaged
>tripfag of all people says proxyfags are crazy
>proxyfag loses his shit
just go to scryfall and look for all creatures that are Barriorkers. A good decent chunk are Goblin Warriors, so it might work as a subtheme. But i dont think there exists Goblin Warrior tokens.
For the sake of Jank, i'd use a lot of rituals and drop buffed creatures to attack right away with and enjoy the aggro.
>if there's a guy with a fully legal, insanely expensive cedh deck, I like to imagine they've had it for longer than a couple hours
>zoomer doesn't realize grown ups have been playing this game for 20-30 years
most people with good cards have owned them for a long long time.
>for the sake of Jank
thats the idea i needed, ill stack up on rituals and throw down big stuff to hit immediately
with enough draw i think i can make that iron-brow zerker pull my entire hand
mono red tribal like this is perfectly janky i'd say, good to play against beginners.
From the mono colours Red has the absolute highest ceilings but the lowest lows too. With your choice the ceiling is already quite limited, i wouldnt bet on winning a a lot, but its about the fun aigt
I'm gonna be honest with you, I ain't even gonna touch that weird explosive response. You take it easy, anon, I'm gonna take a nap before I get back to work on Ob Nixilis.
its been a long time since i've taken apart my shameful Jodah 5c Goodstuff pile, and i've been looking for a commander for a Spirit tribal with all the Myojin, i fucking love the Myojin.
Is there any other commander that is even remotely suitable for this grossly overcosted bunch of legendaries, or am i stuck with infamous Jodah?
lol, thank you for your time, and have fun while you can.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
>t. loved-magic-15-years-ago-and-then-discovered-better-games-and-was-just-wondering-about-what-happened-to-magic
how does he interact with X mana cost spells?
>zoomer larps about being over 18
Post your ID
X would be 0
Chain blocking is really stupid. The chain system in YGO is stupid in general.
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Your wincon is stealing everyone's lands.
I don't have one, you corporate stooge, I only ever played for fun. I'd go to official events and get assigned a new ID and then I'd get assigned a new one 6 months later because I didn't care about official events. I was just wondering of /edhg/ was really playing for fun or if they were all just paypigs, and now I have my answer. EDH is dead.
Why is she not a barb herself? WotC are so lame
because a 5/5 with hase would be totally pushed, duh
>mfw I pull out my squirrel tokens
They literally are. The ice queens draw cards and nothing else. Rhoda is at the very least a wincon.
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I got a shitty decklist if you wanted to look.
Made because of a playgroup I joined said "Tribal only" and their reasoning was "to keep the power level down" so like the complete shitter I am I threw this together. Which usually pulls something like a win or at least an overwhelming boardstate T5. Either that or you get wiped and never recover. It can definitely be improved upon, but you so much as sneeze and you get infinite mana.
You are delusional if you think "man grow big really slowly" is anything resembling a wincon.
Instead of running her as a commander I put her in OG Hazezon's Harem because his tokens are Warriors
>doesn't have an ID
>comes up with some weird larp about tournament IDs
At least you're honest about being underage.
poison counters existed before phyrexians were depicted on cards.

As an abstract game mechanic it was always kinda “deathtouch for players.” It was only ever really a “phyrexian” mechanic because it paralleled the concept of getting corrupted by the oil as an existential loss condition for a conflict with Phyrexian forces.

In all other contexts poison counters still work flavor wise without phyrexians. Poison will kill you on a separate timeframe than gradually getting bludgeoned by goblins.
I'm not talking about Poison Counters, I'm talking about Toxic
The one creates a 4/4, buffs your entire board (which is objectively better on its own than your dogshit partners) and draws cards.
Toxic is just fixed poison and in no way phyrexian exclusive. As anon said... poison predates phyrexja
Toxic is fixed Infect and Infect is ALSO Phyrexian exclusive. I would be just as confused by Infect being given to non-Phyrexians as I am Toxic right now
Toxic is just a vehicle for poison counters. Where is the concept of something being “toxic” exclusively Phyrexian? Toxicity is everywhere.
Toxic is just a coward’s Infect.

Now Infect sounds phyrexian. Creatures using poison or venom isn’t necessarily a pathology, but “infect” implies something contagious. I would believe that flavor wise Infect is a Phyrexian mechanic, combining the loss condition of poison counters with the implication that it’s a spreading contagion. Exactly the whole conflict of the Scars of Mirrodin block.
I'm almost 40, and your corpo cuckoldy is damning to your argument. The only good thing about EDH was that Hasbro didn't support, it, it went to shit as soon as Hasbro started supporting it. I guess there was part of me that kept on hoping that people were playing it just for fun without Hasbro support, and that it might be a hotbed of proxy use, because it used to be all about disregarding official formats and making your own fun. Alas.
Sorry I meant toxic is just fixed poison mechanic :) really anon you are getting caught up on things youre wrong about. Poison predates phyrexia, the mechainc as a concept predates phyrexia and it will continue to make appearances outside of phyrexia because again, they do not have a monopoly on poison counters in MTG and toxic is the fixed avenue for WOTC to use poison counters. Please stop trying to be smart its painful how many of you dumb fucking mouthbreathers in this thread so desperately want to be smart by pointing out irrelevant little consistencies by wotc
>im almost 40
>doesnt have any ID
sure thing pal lmao
Toxicity as a thematic concept isn't inherently Phyrexian but when you have every instance of the keyword be given to Phyrexians and Phyrexia-related cards, and its predecessor Infect also being given to only Phyrexians, then you can understand the irk I get when some random Squirrel from Bloomburrow shows up with a Phyrexia mechanic in a one-off card, breaking all previous precedent.
I'd be fine if there was a bunch of non-Phyrexian Toxic cards but having all Infect+Toxic cards except a random Squirrel from Bloomburrow be Phyrexian rubs me the wrong way.
It's not the existence of Poison Counters on the card that irks me, its the Toxic
Have fun while you can. In the end you'll regret it, because there are cheaper games that you could have had more fun with
>claims to be 40
>cant help but act like a larping 16 year old
No I actually can't udnerstand it cause as has been pointed out to you THREE TIMES NOW. Poison counters predate phyrexia, and toxic is how WOTC uses poison counters in modern magic. Its not phyrexians. Your logic is "well the first creature with trample was a giant so why do any non giant cards have trample"? Youre fucking retarded kill yourself.
>and toxic is how WOTC uses poison counters in modern magic
Except you are wrong? WOTC has applied Poison Counters without using Toxic on non-Phyrexians.
It's almost like literally every single card ever released with Toxic or Infect was Phyrexian or in Phyrexian sets. Bloodroot Apothecary is the one breaking the norm and using a mechanic that has only ever be used with Phyrexian cards.
Again, I don't give a shit about the use of Poison Counters. I wasn't mad when MKM used them but I do give a shit when thematic mechanics are used in one-off gimmicks for no reason.
>Your logic is "well the first creature with trample was a giant so why do any non giant cards have trample"?
If Trample literally never appeared on anything but Giants and suddenly a single non-Giant card in some random set used it I would be confused
That’s how mechanics work. There’s an original implementation when it mechanically fit a set design and characters, but that doesn’t mean anything about potential future usage. Usually naming a mechanic is the only thing that really makes a mechanic setting specific. The mechanics and flavor of Infect has too many loaded concepts to be used outside of Phyrexia, even if it mechanically made sense. Toxic is as setting agnostic as you can get for a poison counter mechanic so it can be used both in Phyrexia and anywhere else the concept of poisons also exists.

Take Morph and Cloak, Morph had some weird flavor baggage from Ixidor and that second Mirari block, and Tarkir had to adapt this concept of some mystical intermediary form creatures with morph could take to make the mechanic make sense outside of Ixidor and those weird dream spider things. Cloak on the other hand does fit in a murder mystery urban setting, but you can literally cloak, conceal, anything regardless of setting. The concept of “wear some sort of concealing garment and lay low” can be done anywhere. “Manifest as some abstract magical/spiritual proxy form until I give the signal” raises questions.

It’s not that complicated. So many mechanics already had nonspecific names and have been used outside their original settings.

Also, this is a commander card, not one in the base set. They have, and will continue to use mechanics as they suit an individual card, without having to devote an entire story and draft archtype to it.
>i would be confused
Okay so you are just retarded and have trouble understanding novel concepts lmao
>the pic
Yeah i knew this existed and even the squirrel gives poisons in a non attacking way and my point still stands. Toxic is how wotc lets creatures apply poison counters. Its not complicated, you are just room temp IQ and have trouble with changing information
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Basically both.
>Put Toluz out
>Discard to transmute, cycle, create value etc.
>Play normally or pop Toluz to get a massive hand
>Keep value going to win with neverending value or voltron Toluz with Righteous Authority

This is also a budget build so it could waaay better lol
>Battle angels of tyr but worse if not played in blink
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Yea it would be wildly pushed. Can't really let the game get too fast.
>People think this is bad
Original thinker choosing to make excuses.
Corpo cuckold without a point.
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>doesn't trigger ETB
meh. good for voltron protection tho.
There is no universe where battle angels are better lmao
recommend me some good flicker targets for a mono white token deck.
I have most of the gnome token creatures/artifacts in the deck, stuff like Myr Battlesphere, Saradoc, Master of Buckland etc, but I feel like I have too much flicker and not enough flicker targets.
What a weird fucking post
>it doesn't do this thing it isn't meant to or designed to do so uhhhh meh!
Genuinely a perfect protection piece you're shit and should be banned from giving opinions
It's amazing and that's why it's more than a dollar. Even though it's an equipment it's really good for aura decks
Don't underestimate card draw
Not what you asked for, but you definitely need this card
what a weird fucking post
>a poster gives his opinion on this thing and it isn't what I expected it to be, so uhhhh ban him!
You are a genuine perfect retard
nice, they're in
Your opinion is absurd! The fact you can't see that is so silly
>hmmmm this card doesn't have or do this thing that isn't even related to the card and I have no idea why I'm bringing it up but it's now a point against the card!
you're convinced phasing out is crazy strong which is why you're so angry but robe of stars is aggressively mediocre. Get a grip
I dont give a fuck about the celestial robes I care about your dumb fucking opinion
How do I use Saprolings?

Lots of myconid penny cards at the shop and the art on this thing in particular really spoke to me. Should I make it a Commander? And if so, how?
I find this art to be particularly uninspired, something about the sweeping crystal-tusks is lazy and stupid to me. I want to say that it doesn't make physical sense, but magic and the fantasy logic of energy-beasts counteracts that point, but they've just counteracted that point too many times and it leaves me wishing for monsters that make more physical sense. I can't picture him closing his mouth, I can't picture him goring an enemy, I can't picture his tusks making sense in any context other than this specific image and that makes the image look bad.
Say something nice about my boi.
retard or genuine mental illness?
>Flat Earth
fake and gay, it's a psy op. earth obviously is not flat.
>Moon landing
also fake and gay, also a psy op. no human ever made it up there.
Personally I think it's some weird moustache.
I generally avoid playing pure protection cards, too passive.
I mean, it's an elemental. Doesn't really need to gore and chew and eat.
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>Doesn't really need to gore and chew and eat.
Must gore. Must chew. Must eat.
Make a good thromok list and sacrifice saprolings for exponential counters
i thought the calamity beasts were more 'animals that did magic shit' than 'elementals shaped like animals'
I always appreciate a nigga that speeds up the game.
They're more living forces of nature. Some are defeatable in the same way a forest fire is defeatable, but some are just kind of 'there'. I guess the boar's an earthquake.
>They're more living forces of nature. Some are defeatable in the same way a forest fire is defeatable, but some are just kind of 'there'
God new magic lore is so fucking gay.
I really hope the new group slug precon from duskmourn gives a solid base for a good accelerate this game deck but it's designed by Annie Sardelis, who was responsible for the insane commander decks from Fallout and Bloomburrow and involved in the inspirational commander decks from March of the Machine , Lord of the Rings and thunder junction.

As in everything she touched was poop
What about this is gay?
So Bloomburrow prerelease is this weekend and Duskmourn releases in the 27th of September, given that prereleases are a week before that and card gallery previews are finished the week before I assume we have a three week period until the next spoiler season. But you know what's baffling? Aside from Foundations there's literally nothing lined up for the rest of the year after that.
If Sardelis was the person responsible for bringing back energy with the fallout set then I'm going to hold on a little bit of hope for Duskmourn.
i doubt any anons care. A few threads back, an anon was complaining about why Eluge was just a fish.

it was confirmed today via wotc.
>Still all animals. Note that while predators feel epic and monstrous, they are still just regular animal creature types. They are Cats, Bears, Wolves, Elk, etc.

Its basically what i said. Its not a leviathan because they wanted it to be a simple animal.
Bad fish is bad.
The only UB that fits magic in D&D. Not even LotR hits right.
What the fuck are you trying to even say here?
>Give Rhoda +3/+3 and protection from every color sans W
>Start plowing people to death with Commander damage
4/4 tokens ain't shit compared to a 16/16 that no one wants to throw creatures at. Rhoda gets fucking huge in no time since the tap enabler sits right there in the Command Zone next to her as opposed to needing to fish it out of the deck.
That if he slams this onto his useless vigilance thing that slowly pumps itself he's got a wincon, which is a stupid statement because literally anything with that thing taped onto itself turns into a clock.
Finally... the final piece for my Karn deck....
One turn cycle alone with the abortion revenge ghost gives Rhoda +4/+4, and that's assuming you didn't set up any other tap engines ahead of time.
Fucking hell you're retarded not only can you put it on the ice queen who buffs the entire board.. but she buffs the entire board... stop your card is not better ESPECIALLY not if it is contingent on another card being present lmfao
>fish it out of the dock
>as he posts a single fucking card that magically makes his commander "good"
>it's still not better
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>*unequips your equipment*
nothing personnel
>protection from every color sans W
You mean aside from white AND BLUE, since the deck has a WU color identity.
>Paying mana to buff your board
I'd rather pay mana to actually progress my board and keep some open for counterspells.
My friend, if you drop that on the table I will touch you in places you wouldn't like being touched.
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>unequips your equipment
its personel
>copies rolling hamsphere

this is my war machine
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Kor Cartographer, Solemn Simulacrum, and Scampering Surveyor to just run away with ramp.
Flickering Oblivion Ring, Leonin Relic Warder, and Journey to Nowhere is permanent exile, while something like Grasp of Fate can really hate out other peoples commanders.
Stonehorn Dignitary can really hose aggressive decks by completely locking down their combat.
Witch Enchanter from MH3 is great too.
One of my favorites is Coveted Jewel for a shitload of draw, you can even get it back with something like grasp of fate if someone manages to steal it. Assuming you're doing Far Traveler/Abdel, lots of vehicles and convoke spells are fun to include to tap him reliably
>Stonehorn Dignitary
I didn't know about him, great card, thanks
>Coveted Jewel
I keep taking it out and putting it back into the deck. Definitely one of my favorites.
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Filigree familiar and circuit mender are staples in my clone deck, I imagine they would work well in a flicker deck
I just cannot make my tameshi deck work the way I want it to. Too many pieces for a reality acid victory without just including Abdel and at that point it just makes more sense for Abdel to be my commander.
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Anons, I am new to Magic and I've been playing commander with a few friends, I picked Saruman, The White Hand as my commander and built it with you guy's help but getting wins has been hard. Saruman usually gets immediately removed and one of my friend who got the Enduring Enchantments precon usually snowballs pretty hard.

Do you guys think it is worth it to keep trying to upgrade the deck or should I try another grixis commander?
How many pieces do you have to protect saruman? They'll help build up your army so no point in not including a bunch
My current abdel deck tends to be very strong even though it's quite budget. I think a big factor is abdel is a feelsbad to remove since you get the value of his LTB anyways so removal tends to get pointed elsewhere
What background?
I am using Lazotep Plating, Mithril Coat and Orcish Medicine. I guess I should include more, sucks to cut more spells from the deck though.
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Far Traveler, I run a good chunk of vehicles (with good etbs like draw a card or rocks that are also vehicles or etb burn) and relic of legends so i get at least one flicker of him every turn. He shits out so many tokens on his own I have a stack of like 40 soldier tokens and I usually run out partway through a game. I think he usually flies under the radar until I'm already out valuing everyone else. When he first enters he only exiles, like a draw card and maybe one more and makes 2 tokens but a few turns later i'm flickering him a few times and refilling my hand and exiling a bunch of stuff and locking down my opponents commanders, all while building a massive token army so swinging in against me is tough. With far traveler his tokens have a pseudo-vigilance too since you can just exile the tokens with abdel and make new untapped tokens.
You're not cutting spells though anon :^) all protection spells will make your army bigger still!
Counterspells are also protection, combat tricks to give your army double strike or trample while also pumping it larger could be good too
I too have an abdel/far traveler deck and I don't think I've ever once cast Abdel. Good winrate too kek
lmao how, he's like the core engine of my deck. I suppose if you're more focused on token synergies instead of etb synergies he can function as a protection for your board before a massive board wipe
It's a hard flicker deck. Never made tokens with him once. He is there as an infinite outlet I guess. Maybe I should cast him more often lol
Abdel basically turns your single target flicker into a mass flicker, since the bodies usually don't really matter the tokens he makes do fine at blocking while you get the value from the flickers
>Counterspells are also protection
True, I usually get greedy and I usually try to make Saruman as soon as I have 4 mana. I am gonna start waiting a bit more to summon him with protection.
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Using redirects in red can be really fun too if someone tries to swords him or otherwise remove him directly once he hits board
>goldfish new deck on moxfield
>constantly mana flooded
>goldfish the deck for real
>all is well
the fuck is up with moxfield, happens way too often that I draw lands in a row
Stubborn denial
If you want to meme hard, include a card like conspiracy or arcane adaptation and make saruman an orc so that he benefits from his own ward
shuffle better
how do you shuffle better, click the shuffle button a lot of times?
If he's all creature types just amass on himself, voltron baybee
Most fun commanders for niggas who love castin spells?
shuffle better irl
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God that set fucking sucks.
>TcgPlayer orders start coming in
>got a wrong card in my order
>literally can't use it in the deck I intended it for or any of my other decks
I let the seller know but man it was an 8 card order and it was halfway in, how did you get everything else before and after right but the $1 foil removal is swapped for a goblin token maker card?
Another question about Saruman, how many lands would you guys recommend running? I've seen a lot of lists running 18 but that seems very very low
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Fourty with ten mana rocks. No lower than 34.
I'm complaining about moxfield, not irl, anon. read my post again.
Start with 36. You will likely never go much lower or higher than +1 in either direction
Might throw that in 5c charms
if Mark hates land destruction so much why doesn't he just have it all banned?
he's actually the only person at the company besides hasbro execs that could even make a call like that
moxfield is fully random. clearly your shuffling irl is not
Because "when used as a win condition" is different than the way they print it now
Land destruction isnt racist enough
Because most of the time you flood so it evens out
Mark is a hypocrite retard
he is single handedly responsible for stax and control being BRUTAL and powerful decks since the inception of magic
>haha but it's not fun if the opponent can't play
>prints 50 more cards making it impossible to play because someone at the table played blue
what a moron if he died tomorrow the game would immediately start to improve
I have my corposhit translator with me, lemme turn it on
>"I hate it but I can't ban it because leftoid trannies haven't complained about it yet!"
Looks like he is retarded. You can easily argue that MLD is racist because it symbolizes the ultimate weapon, the nuke, invented by jewish zionists and german nazis, which is clearly anti-palestine, and therefore it should be banned because muslims = good boys, and people against muslims = evil boys.
>why doesn't he just have it all banned?
because Mark is too busy rabidly defending Nadu and mh3
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if mld bad why does it have kino art
jesus talk about obsessed
I get it, I just think it's funny I've never cast him. Deck still wins
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Erm.... I flash in Terra Eternal
i cast krosan grip
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We need more cards that punish not running basics.
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Why is this bitch so impactful? Very explosive turns, I'm having a blast playing her lately. And if the game goes on for too long I just fucking Obliterate with her on board.
In response I cast an overloaded Cyclonic Rift
I made a flubs the fool deck and it’s too strong. I only have 2 bloomburrow cards in it
it has split second anon
WotC has made it clear that cards that remove all black creatures are racist.
Classifying MLD as racist is not a stretch by any means.
My split second is faster
What does your deck do? Got a list?
I used her in my Zurgo deck and was never disappointed.
My favorite deck is a Zombie Token with tribal buffs. I adore it but it's a slow burn and is absolutely destroyed by fast decks. Any cards you'd recommend to help build up tokens quicker?

Creatures: 36

Instants: 3

Sorcery: 5

Enchantment: 14

Artifact: 11 [3B] [8C]

Land: 30
[Gisa my beloved]
What colors would he be?
Would he have Reach or Fly?
4 mana to make three treasures is pretty good
As a whole character, Sora is predominantly white/red. He has some green and blue in him, and I'd argue zero black (he's just not at all selfish), so you could say he's just WURG, though Naya or Jeskai would fit too.
He'd probably have flying on your turn only, and some sort of anthem effect or a similar ability that cares about having a bunch of other creatures in play, because friendship.
>Activate Rowan, Scion of War for cost reduction

Can I cast anything black/red exiled by this thing for free at that point? Or does the cost reduction applied not help in this case?
So let's see...
for the sake of the discussion, I'm gonna just act as if there are just these three creatures on the field when you do it and you can extrapolate from there.
>Blightsteel Colossus on the field
>Rowan on the field
>Spirit of the Night
>Cost reduction value = 3 for the sake of it
Spirit of the Night and Rowan would be reduced by 3 (3BBB and RB respectively) but Blightsteel would remain 12 cost. The "color" of a spell is checked on the card, and either by the identity marker to the left of the card type on free cards like Rogrokh or by the symbols in the man value (unless it has Devoid, then it's a colorless spell all the time). So despite letting you spend mana as if it were any color, a green or colorless card won't be reduced in price, but any red/black creature spell you're stealing will be.
At least I'm pretty certain that's how this works.
>chef cook deck
>it lacks black, the color of egoistical power seeking, the one thing that every single cook in this world strifes for
flavor fail
>exiling Blightsteel
it shuffles into its owners deck if it gets killed
>Flavor fail
>In a chef deck
>you will see more squirrel decks
>they will win games
Are you prepared to get mogged by rodents?
chatterfang was already a pubstomper at mid-low power tables, nothing has changed
>amazon order came in
>they shipped me the emmara precon instead of atarka
Holy shit I am about to go fucking insane how the fuck are people so bad at their jobs they can't double check what they ship out
You don't even deserve minimum wage if you can't tell they're 2 different pictures
Yeah, I'm aware of the color identity restriction enforced by Rowan, but what I'm asking is if something like Rowan could be recast from exile for free if the cost reduction is high enough.
As in: If enough cost reduction is active, could I theoretically recast my entire board of creatures without paying any mana at all, including colored mana?
Oh, if that's the question then no. She doesn't reduce the colored mana paid to cast the spells, just generic.
Expedition Map and search for a Cabal Coffers or Nykthos to get more available
If you have a reliable source of card draw, then Zombie Infestation to spew out bodies
I have the Map and Coffers but not Nykthos, I'll look into that one. Thanks bud
where are the walkers
where are the battles
Urza's Cave from MH3 lets you search any land too
Thank you kind sir :)
You still have to pay for the colored pips in the cost, but you can use any color mana to pay them.
Chatterfang isn't even squirrel tribal though
And as well, if you don't have it, Urza's Incubator let's you discount Gisa or Zombies for cheaper casting
>90% of the top cards are squirrel tribal, token doublers, and sac outlets
ok kill yourself
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>average EDH discussion page
>Squirrel decks
Lol no. Even the combo deck with chatterfang is pretty low powered. Your dumb tribal deck is just banal and low effort.
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lmao at ur tokens
Oh no! Anyways...
>gandalf deck
>running nonlegends anyways?
... Huh?
I have it
>thinks this card matters when EDH is a singleton format
WHAT WAS HE COOKING????????????????
I hope you're trolling
tokens are permanents newfriend
says who?
Rope yourself.
The rules you day one retard
Yeah okay Maro I totally trust your neo Magic designs after Companions in Ikoria
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I still find it irresistibly hilarious how they looked at a mechanic that ruined every format in Hearthstone and was widely-panned as being a comically stupid idea that was also unfixable, then they said "Yeah bring that to Magic"
It's comparable, to be sure, but Hearthstone's Start of Game effects are just free passive buffs for some deck-building restriction. Companions are a 'free' (less so post-errata) extra card in hand with a deck-building restriction.
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We got those too
I use one golden rule when building decks
>can it reach a threatening board state by t6 when uninterrupted?
Non-combo tribal zombies cannot do this reliably. It's just impossible. And Ghoulcaller Gisa's ability has no synergy with zombies.
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the man in the chair
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You just know they've been looking at the Un'Guro quests that automatically start in your hand for years trying to figure out how to add them to magic.
>built him as my first commander back then because lmao vampires and brought him to friend's game
>learned the meaning of "disgusting" decks that day
jokes on them, my next deck was an angel deck and for the first time in my life I was able to see hope leaving the eyes of a man
>Creature - Idiot the Stupid
>blah blah blah
>Go on a Quest (You can have a Quest as a Second Commander)
Enchantment - Quest
We DO have an emblem that's basically a quest reward.
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Debating using this old piece of shit in Ob Nixilis. It feels utterly and completely not worth it, but it also could be nice to drop a card most people probably have either never bothered with or never seen and actually get some value out of it.
do you think ai could copy Gary's art yet?
Can you reliably cheat it out?
Can you reliably reanimate it?
If "no" to either question, then don't bother.
I hate how correct this answer is, since the only real ways I have of reducing the cost right now are Medallions, Defiler of Instinct, K'rrik, and Rakdos lord of Riots is currently in the list too. If I got it in my hand or early during an attempt to combo off, it'd likely just be a rock. How unfortunate, but understandable. Thank you, anon.
if it can copy [my favorite porn artist here] then it can copy anyone
Any cool or maybe niche tech stuff for this? I'm building her and I am not super familiar with the izzet or simic cool cards for this archetype outside of the obvious. I'm trying to avoid building it heyper edhrec counters stuff, since I think she does that well enough on her own with a little support.
youve gotta remember that the reason people dont see those "weird niche cards" is because they suck so much dick
btw it only says target creature so you cant proc ob nixilis off of it
Surrak and Goreclaw gives her haste and +1/+1 counter whenever she hits the battlefield
Anzrag gives her more combat phases if he gets blocked
Great Train Heist gives you an additional combat phase at instant speed for 2RR
Nesting Grounds let's you give her counters to other creatures
Oh and Agatha's Soul Cauldron let's you give her activated abilities of creatures exiled with it
Of similar synergy, Experiment Kraj
>Nesting Grounds let's you give her counters to other creatures
I thought about this, but I don't think it's actually that good? I'd rather be giving her +1/+1 each combat rather than getting extra keywords to pass around to creatures that exist mostly to serve her, you know? It's a neat idea but seems wasteful. Otherwise, thanks for the ideas, I totally forgot about Train Heist and Anzrag, I've been not paying a lot of attention to new sets, so I'm not too familiar with some good cards out of them
It's more of an edge case use to transfer counters away from her, but also consider transferring things like indestructible counters from other creatures to her
I think there's something to giving her vigilance and swinging with all the extra combat creatures that only untap themselves
Is it worthwhile to include creatures with counters she doesn't give herself just to hope to get them while nesting ground is out? I suppose you could add in Goldberry as well to try and maximize the possibility of having that ability.
Well, yeah. I have most extra combat effects in here that are worth running.

One thing I'm worried about is bounce effects. I'm thinking about putting in some altars just to have the option to sacrifice her to avoid spells like cyc rift or aetherize that don't target. I guess I could run counters instead, but having the option always around seems powerful, compared to hoping I always have a counterspell ready.
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"The Ozolith's first ability doesn't move counters off the creature that's left the battlefield. Rather, you put the same number of each kind of counter the creature had onto The Ozoloith. Notably, if you somehow control a second The Ozolith, each one will receive the same number and kinds of counters that were on the creature that left the battlefield. Similarly, if the creature has an ability that triggers when it leaves the battlefield that refers to the number of counters it had, that ability will use the number of counters that were on the permanent, even if The Ozolith's first ability resolves first. (2020-04-17)"

You can flicker her and double up her counters using the Ozolith over and over, because she keeps her counters in exile and Ozolith still gets them.
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>the ozolith is $80
Yeah I suppose you want to keep focus rather than branch out
Éomer, Marshal of Rohan seems like a good extra combat synergy if you don't have him already
Holy fuck, I specifically thought it worked the opposite way. HUGE intel. Thank you, anon.
I wonder how many legendary creatures I'll have out to abuse that effect. If I prune the deck right, he could be really good, especially if I end up going in the direction of always wanting an altar out. I'll toss him in as a maybe, depending on how the list ends up.
Losing is a heckin feelbad!
All my zombies have an ability of some type, most giving other zombies something, be it +1 or something like Menace. Gisa is irreplaceable, simple as

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