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Stompy Edition


▶Official News:
MagicCon: Las Vegas Badges On-Sale Now!

The Release Notes include information concerning the release of Bloomburrow, as well as a collection of clarifications and rulings involving that set's cards.

"Brian Boss packed his bags, gathered his cards, and took off for the airport. His final destination? Amsterdam. He sat on a crowded plane for eight hours as he traveled across the world with one goal in mind: To qualify for Magic World Championship 30."

▶Something that happened over a year ago that people still put in the OP for some reason(?):
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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Are you brewing Green decks? Are you preping for rotation?
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Are you brewing Green decks? Are you preping for rotation?
I like this little frog.
I've been playing BG mid since eldraine dropped and it's going to be my main deck after rotation, I'm interested in how standard BG food is going to look like
Lmao even
Braindead is a fitting name for that.
Only braindead subhumans will lower themselves enough to be part of a "subculture" created by the talmudians at the CIA to better control cattle.
>my international card kingdom order arrived
>The really expensive 'EX' card looks NM
Wtf, I thought all these places were scammers
CK is the only online retailer I order cards from unless I have no other option. Sometimes they charge a bit more than market value but I don't mind, I have never once had a bad experience with them.
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I have a selesnya aggro +1 counters deck that’s gonna lose hopeful initiate. I don’t really play it often since it’s worse than mono red tho
so, did the new secret lair already ship? I'm not seeing any OMG LOOK AT THIS $$$ MIKU posts.
It's a fitting name for AI generated collective pretending to be human(s).
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Hey, if you're good at magic you can get two in-real-life booster boxes for $30

Of course you do have to win 6 games of best-of-one sealed format, but that's just a formality.

You ARE good at this game, right?
Not real Magic.
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>set sold so badly wotc needs to clear their warehouses
As a burn player I say best of 1 is the truest most pure format and sideboards are aids
nu-MTG is selling better than ever
buy more Universes Beyond
wasting space in distributor warehouses you mean
KGC agrees with this poster.
Maro posted the Vision Design Handoff article for Bloomburrow, and apparently they had this idea to do a "mega-batch" of "animals" which would've included basically all creature types that're just real-world animals, which sounds fucking stupid I have no idea why they considered that.
>a "mega-batch" of "animals" which would've included all real-world animals
He thinks he is Moses or something lol fitting for a manlet.
For reference, what the batch would've contained.
>tfw no mtg playing friends
i'll never get the chance to play mtg irl
The main reason they didn't use it seems to be that it'd require constant updating, unlike other batches. It still seems like a silly idea, just far too much to track, and intuitiveness isn't a GREAT way to make a big batch like that.
>flash in bowmasters
There's too many subtypes in this game, we should probably have another tier of categories to organize them better, subtype subtypes or something

Creature - Animal - Mouse
Creature - Fae - Unicorn
Creature - Monster - Vampire
Didn't read, but I'm guessing it'd be annoying to figure out what exactly is in it, since they can't put everything into reminder text. Having to look up if animals include Beasts or Dragons or Eggs is an animal is not where you want to be. Not to mention that they've had a bunch of errata to types which further confuses things. Also did they just forget coyote? It's not on the list.
Coyote might have been created during proper Set Design for OTJ, and Vision Design for Bloomburrow was probably just wrapping up when Set Design for OTJ was going on.
Also, with the whole "humanoid animal-people have animal types", it just feels odd to have elephant-people be animals, but minotaurs aren't? And Unicorn is definitely something that'd start arguments, as would Dinosaur.
>is that you viashino? is that me?
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Anon they say right in the article why they wanted to create the animal batch type
>Typal sets can be insular, often working only with other cards in the same set. We tried to set up deck building in competitive and casual Constructed by one, seeding the "Rugby" animal types in the preceding NOPQ year so that Standard players would have deck-building hooks for "Rugby" animal decks already in hand, and two, creating the "animal" batch, which would let players benefit from any of over 50 creature types from any Magic set.

It's so they could allow a bunch of stuff from older sets to count for bloomburrow tribal stuff. But I guess they decided it's good enough to just have spells that reference 4 animal types in them. Like Valley Flamecaller here works with Laughing Jasper Flint from OTJ, that's the kind of interaction they were trying to go for

Now let's be honest, this solution they went with results in clunky-as-hell card text. It would look much nicer if this card just said "animal", but yeah I guess in practice the confusion over what counts as an animal was just too much of a problem for them to overcome.
Yeah, I get why, but trusting 'intuitiveness' for a mega-batch like that was never gonna work.
true, they were underestimating how stupid their players can be. but they realized it eventually before it went to print at least
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The brew never ends.
Numbers adjusted. Many options tested.
Bloodline Culling proved to be the best solution to token spam, as it doubled as targeted removal against decks it wasn't meant to counter. It isn't in the list now as tokens aren't the biggest problem in Pioneer, but it's a worthy option.
Blot Out and Debt to the Kami flicker between each other. Kami wins out because of the Niv matchup.
Candy Trail is ridiculous. A conveyor belt of Healing Salves plus fast hand fixing solves way many problems to list.

This deck is brutal. Its ability to stabilize is out of this world. Once stabilized, it's even more unbreakable than AZC. The tutors and filtering give it crazy consistency.

If that anon who said he might try it is still around, hope it performed. Some updates since last time.
Better scooze for pioneer mono g stompy but that deck basically didn't exist.
I didn't manage to get my cards from a friend so maybe later this week, keep up the brewing chef.
>I didn't manage to get my cards from a friend so maybe later this week, keep up the brewing chef.
I will. Performance is good, reason I'm focusing on this one so much is that it's actually nutting on everything with consistency.
Powerful White Cards was a fun meta buster but wasn't actually a good deck in and of itself. This one, though, it's clean.
Candy Trail looks like a good addition, I'm still high on the Stone 'em to death plan so maybe my list ends up a little different, but the deck is already in a good spot since Phoenix is the most popular deck over here.
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The issue you run into is most creatures have a 'race' and a 'class' so something like Sygg could plausibly be Legendary Creature - Oceanic Fae Outlaw - Merfolk Rogue

Something's got to give.
This game requires mass errata and extensive reprints
I've always been surprised that they haven't done a card with two lines for name or type.
Stomp this stomp that. Maybe this one will find a place in my pioneer hydra deck.
Friendly reminder the only way can be competitive is with unfair cards and cheat bullshit like Karn or Nykthos
>Such as?
>how has that changed in the last few years?
Modern White Weenies is good because it has so much more game in grindy matchups now. The fact of the matter is it's simply not fast enough to get the aggro win against a lot of decks so it needs to be able to grind. By skipping on on modern cards you miss out on most of the decks card advantage engines; no Militia Bugler, no Raffine's Informant, no Novice Inspector, no Lunarch Veteran. You also miss out on the newly printed Thraben Charm which is an insanely strong piece of maindeckable interaction and the reason WW has catapulted itself from tier 2 to tier 1 recently.
>That 3/1 from Rohan who can die to naturalize is pretty good, but what else?
I'm no sure where you're looking but that card see's 0 play.
It's close enough to the white Case to see standard play.
I wish this dude was 1UB so fucking bad
rakdos already has enough good cards, fuck
They gave so little new tools to the actual Rogue deck in a supposed Rogues set is insane.
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Speaking of Rakdos, lizard tribal looking fun.

Turn 1: Ravine Raider
Turn 2: Swing and play four Flamecache Geckos
It's an Outlaw first and rogue incidentally and Rakdos was the primary outlaw colour pairs. Also they were likely thinking ahead to BLB which had lizards as the Rakdos animal
We've effectively had that before.
Case in point, nearly every Lizard in BLB seems to be an outlaw (which means we tragically don't get any Lizard Wizards, only Lizard Warlocks).
Which Color Players stink the most?
Actually I just checked and apart from the duos (which are just the 'race' types with no class types) and Frilled Sharpshooter and Reptilian Recruiter, every Lizard is an outlaw. There are Lizards for every outlaw type except Pirate.
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revenge for that one wotc employee putting rogue support into multiple sets until finally making rogues the best deck in standard during rise of zendikar
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Alternative one-drop lizards that guarantee damage to the opponent on turn 2 for free geckos, there's lots of options
blue is the color of sweaty tryhards.
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Sorry for the lizard enjoyers but Mice and Bats will be the powerhouses tribal of Standard.
food bros...
i hate that pedantic faggot.
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so was this card ever released or was everything destroyed?
God... How I miss 2007-2008, I still remember seeing those in spoiler. It was not the first time we saw alternate forms of characters but it was done right after lorwyn.
Pure Kino.

Also cudos to Rhys for being a good guy in both Lorwyn and Shadowmoor.
Rules question:
Are tokens owned by players? I remember that before 2014 you used to own all tokens created by card you control/own but I think the rule was changed at some point
(If Im not misremembering it [Varchild's War-Riders] used to see play with things that returned the control of creatures to their owners)
I forget when the rules changed, but tokens are now considered to be owned by the player under whose control those tokens are created. You can no longer do funny shit like Hunted Horror + Brand.
lmao your game just keeps getting worse and worse. i told u fags years ago.

I love the prof.
Sometimes a thing you love lives for a few decades and declines in a way that shows the rot is terminal, and you have to decide if you continue to love it or let it die. Your mother hasn't taken you behind the shed like old yeller, so you should respect that some people make the choice to delude themselves that things can be salvaged.
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>birds of paradise and Jace the mind sculpted on arena
>makes no difference mh3 boros will still be top dog
Lmao the power creep is honestly nuts. I’ll give wotc credit for taking this long to power creep and not doing it from the jump like yugioh did
>Are you brewing Green decks? Are you preping for rotation
Beanstalk control in the blue/white shell.
>pretend I don’t know what Dismember does
>ask my opponent if it hits cards in the GY, or only in the deck
>they say “only the deck”
>I keep the one in my hand
>I use it three turns later and swing for game
>judge rules in my favor since opponent didn’t check my hand
new 'ids just dropped
But dismember gives a creature -5/-5?
Lets make some brainstorm: Which reprint you think will be 100% added to Foundations?
Will you be attending your local Bloomburrow pre-release?
brother you forgot the aids link
Is there any reason why, with your rules question, you didn't just CHECK THE RULES?
Literally the second rule in the Token section answers your question.
Llanowar Elves.
Yes but only because it's the only non-coommander event my lgs has ran on a weekend since the last pre-release.
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Is it just me or is this card super overpowered with stuff like Timewalk that gives extra turns? The extra cards will not help your opponent if she doesn't get to play.
it's 5 mana
if you manage to resolve it + a timewalk, you deserve to win the game
>Candy Trail looks like a good addition,
The difference between having four free maindeck Healing Salves and not against burn is very noticeable.

>'m still high on the Stone 'em to death plan so maybe my list ends up a little different
Hell yeah, would love to see you not just copy mine. Bring in different pieces for your meta, compare etc.

In my experience G1 against phoenix is a cakewalk, but post-sideboard it gets a little more tough to slap away the cantripping Drake threats. Still manageable, but it's more of a real game than pre-sideboard where 20% of their cards are dead.

If you do tune it to troll Phoenix even more, would love to hear what works best there. I'm in a soup of rakdos mid + vampires + Niv, so my list might not be exactly what you need.
Also noteworthy that the filtering from Candy Trail lets us drop a few of the pieces we don't want extras of. Much scrying means going -1 copy still equals similar chances to see it.

As far as the Stone'em plan means, I feel that The End picks up most of the extract slack while doubling as removal. Stone slips past Spell Pierce better though, it's give and take. Still not fully settled on the numbers.
Memory Deluge.
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It's not exactly a new thing.
Chemister's Insight
Lightning strike
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You can't fix her, /tg/.

Apologies for the "late" delivery, this one took forever to show up in high res to start working with. Although, it isn't like Bloomburrow has anything to work with anyway...
Cool to see some fellow The End'ers here, I've been playing something similar since Cover-Up got printed but in standard. I have high hopes for Candy Trail replacing March of Wretched Sorrow in my list post-rotation, but I do wish there was more black lifegain in the format right now.
I like the Ends but that's the one card I don't have a playset of, and I'm pretty sure that my friend doesn't have it either. I'm fixed on getting them anyway as the combination of Stone, End and Cover Up are what interests me the most.
>5 mana
>0 protection
>Doesnt win the game on the spot
>Not even a good tribal for such expensive card
Is shit anon.
You are never going to pull off this + extra turn card in any format outside of edh
This feels like an easy one to stick in there.
Would be crazy to add birds of paradise?
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She looks like a crazy lady. I like crazy ladies.
Why do you assume we know what you're talking about?
I feel like they wouldn't with Llaowar Elves.
Also they GENERALLY try to keep Standard fitting with the colour pie these days, and BoP is... They've gone back and forth on it being a pie-break or not because it's not really a flier you attack with, but still, Green doesn't usually get fliers.
>I'm fixed on getting them anyway as the combination of Stone, End and Cover Up are what interests me the most.
Deck had no problems running 4 of each. I feel like 4 Ends is the best place to be, but 3 of Cover/Brain is probably healthier than 4.
I'm down to 2 each since including Candy Trails, hand fixing noted from the scries. Having more did not prove to be a problem, I just think it's more optimal for those slots to be faster interaction,, as speed is how we lose most often.

More maindeck Brains mkaes you more resistant to combo decks though, so that's a big note.
>I don't want 3-toughness creatures to exist in Standard for 5 years.
Unironically, yes.
I play Nulldrifter on T3, response?
>Sheoldred in Standard until 2029
Fuck it reprint the shocklands into Foundations.
Imagine for a moment any Eldrazi playable card reprinted into Fundations
There's a zero percent change they reprint Cyclonic Rift because they are greedy mfs.
People are not like you. I don't have the rules document easy to open and I would not open it to look shit.
Get a life, fag.
you could use google. only a helpless retard asks questions that would take less than 10 seconds to answer themselves.
Say the retard that looks everything on google.
I don't give a fuck about the game anymore, I won't actively look for rules.
Fuck off.
Just... bookmark it? It's not that hard.
Remember to pump Amalia Benavidez Agüirre around the 17th trigger. That hits the right spot.
Did they pushed KCI over the edge?
Death's Shadow was peak MTG.
Prove me wrong.
that would be mardu pyromancer thoughever
My friend built affinity. Its actually very good if it never runs into a wrath of the skies. It just didnt get fancy mew toys so no ones on it
Giant Spider
CoCo but 2RG and it gives the creatures haste.
I love his voice.
The best I have to offer.
Counterspell. They’ll haul it as a huge change to the Modern format and a revolutionary reprinting that will shake up the game.
do you mean pioneer? because counterspell is literally in modern and not even particularly playable rn
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But... Death's Shadow still exists...??
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I love Mousepeth and Bunnyo. Wizards is getting me with this shit
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Not viashinos, that's for sure.
I WILL make Massacre Girl work in Bloomburrow Standard.
That's it goy, consume the hecking wholesome chonkerinos
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tasty chonkers
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Bloomburrow Draft archetypes
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i used this card to copy garruk and kill my opponent's creature, and it proceeded to keep triggering the flip ability infinitely
you don't see that very often
do you go to your lgs on your own or with friends?
I can see just two of this archetypes working in post rotation Standard and ONLY until new sets like Duskmourn or Death Race drops
Copies can't transform since they don't have a back side. So once a copy of Garruk Relentless has <3 loyalty counters, it continuously tries to transform and leads to a draw.
I go with a friend. First he and I go to the LGS (he drives), and we have a good time. We try to stay close together, you know, sealed or Commander, so neither of us feels left out. Then we go somewhere to eat and I pay for the meal, since he drove, so it balances out. Usually we'll find a quiet place to help calm down and relax, you know, share a glass of wine or two with something light to eat. Then he'll drop me off at my place and we have hot, steamy bro-sex to burn off the calories from snacks at the LGS and over dinner until I pass out. He's always gone in the morning (he wakes up before me), but he always leaves me a note that says "no homo" on it. Then I text him just to let him know I'm alright, usually a "heyyy" or a "what's up? ;)"
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>WU fliers again
>UB graveyard again
>BR aggro again
>RG creatures again
>GW tokens again
>BW Life gain again
>UR instant and sorcery again
>Boros Attacks... again
>BG food....... AGAIN
Keen-Eyed Curator mogs Tarmogoyf and probably still won't see play outside of draft or filling some commander deck's obligatory graveyard hate slot
It was nice and wholesome until you decided to meme it up.
Stop playing with fake cards
If you are not into those you are out.
Problem is there's likely to be minimal extra support for it in those sets (Rats might get something in Death Race, Kamigawa's nezumi are probably gonna be involved), so Bloomburrow-based tribe decks are gonna basically only have Bloomburrow and the few things that were seeded for Bloomburrow in the year prior.
One thing they said about 3-year standard is that they finally have enough time to actually insert cards for archetypes based on player feedback.
Bloomburrow was the first set made entirely with the 3-year Standard in mind, however, so... We're not likely to see much in that regard.
They take feedback during the first year and insert cards during the 3rd year based on player feedback.
Maro's really fucking proud of the batching idea, which he unironically refers to as batching "technology" like it's some type of mechanical marvel rather than more aptly comparable to a paperwork sorting system. But it should be obvious that if you can't fit it in reminder text it's not going to work.
Batching is good, but I don't know how you'd go from "we generally try to keep batches to 5 or less" to "we're gonna have a batch that's basically a category of 'thing' that isn't strictly defined and is gonna get people arguing".
This. None of those tribals will actually survive past the two or three sets that come in 2024-2025 and deliver actual stupid bullshit
Unironically, outlaw decks are more likely to get consistent support because there's almost always a few Rogues in every set.
They'll get by on the mechanical synergies. A mouse aggro deck will lean into the mouse theme for now, but a few sets down the line they'll probably dump the lords and mouse-specific payoffs in favor or just having the good Valiant creatures that happen to all be mice. Lizard aggro already looks like it'll be half outlaw aggro anyway.
Birds are pretty common. Rats will be fine, as you said. Lizards already have a lot of cards in standard thanks to the viashino change. There's like four cards in the entire set that actually care about Rabbits, most of it is generic token and go wide synergy. The list goes on. It helps that a lot of stuff synergizes with mechanics, not type. BLB is the first set in a while where we don't have the same mechanic spread out over a couple pairs (member MKM with three archetypes being different flavors of disguise?), which makes it easier to add support in other sets.
Warlocks tend to get printed pretty randomly into stuff too for outlaws. A lot of the bats and squirrels happen to be warlocks in bloomburrow.
lots of longtime wizards were made into warlocks in OTJ for outlaw purposes
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Warlock is what MTG calls all witches and people who gain power from dark beings so there should be some in duskmourn, Tarkir has the Sultai, Lorwyn had many witches typed as shaman back then and the return to strixhaven will focus on the 5 spellcaster types.
Warlock really shouldn't be a creature type, most "evil" mages are just wizards and they refuse to errata any of them. It's very inconsistent.
>return to strixhaven will focus on the 5 spellcaster types.
That sounds like it could be interesting, but Wizards has been fucking up recently
ok but soaring thought thief WAS complete bullshit because he had both of those keywords
all the more reason to give druids, clerics, warlocks, and shamans an equal chance to fuck up
Dies to removal.
It's almost certainly made for EDH
Even if MH3 wasn't an all-around mistake of a set injecting a Modern power level set into Arena was obviously going to warp Historic and Timeless around those cards and it should never have happened. They already got a taste of that when they stuck LotR on there.
Genuinely wonder if they'll batch the spellcasters into an outlaw-style thing. It makes sense, at least, though it might be 'too ubiquitous' in Return to Arcavios. Then again, like less than half of OTJ was outlaws, so.
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Real talk?
I don't mind historic but outlaw just feels arbitrary.
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Some more "wincon" options for Black Hole.
Painful Quandary is a disgusting little card, almost entirely shutting the game down if it lands. Virtue, meanwhile, doubles as removal and a fast late game wincon, and we're certainly a deck that can abuse both sides of it.
Testing to continue.
That card was half the reason why I thought they might do it.
isn't Shaman getting removed as creature type?
No, that was mostly just kerfuffle. It was vaguely discussed but nothing came of it.
It not getting removed it's getting renamed.
Chthonian Nightmare and Bowmasters.
Is this fucking ai?
Why is there still no witch type?
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They'd be too powerful. Simple ass.
Use the MTG wiki. It's always got the relevant rules at the bottom of the page.
Why would I plot Slickshot Show-off?
I still get the same mana this turn and next turn.
I would understand if the plot itself was a sorcery, turning slickshot into a pump for another slickshot but I don't get it.
I get plotting other cards though.
>run it out on turn two
>do one damage then they kill it
>wait a turn
>all your mana up to protect it
Slayers' design has never been topped, for any media, change my mind.
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I can't, and I'm so glad that Hasbro will never get their filthy fucking hands on the property.
You cast it without it having any risk of removal, meaning once you've burned (heh) out your other options, and your opponent has no more outs, you can chain-cast SSS's. It's not meant for going off T1, it's meant for going off T3 by abusing excess mana or energy counters.
Ugin's Labyrinth can be imprinted with creatures affinity is already running and Kappa Canonneer is insane for Affinity in Legacy, so I imagine its also pretty good in modern and those cards came out recently
Do prowess triggers go on top of the stack? Wait his doesn't give health anyway...
It's been so long since I played that I'm wondering what you would need to protect it from, instants sure, but they can cast that instant on their turn or mine anyway... and his prowess doesn't give toughness, unless that's where I'm just supposed to have monstrous rage protect him from a 3 damage instant. Exiles on my turn aren't happening. I can't stop black from killing him with whatever murder affects they have...

You've already made your point though. It is only 1 damage so I concede that any things I fail to see to protect him from are worth not playing him for 1 damage on turn 2
RDW/Gruul Aggro is playing from the perspective that you don't give two shits what your opponent is doing. You only care about the hypothetical Magical Christmas Land. For decks running SSS (in Modern), it looks like this:

T1: Swiftspear, attack for 1 (19)
T2: Amped Raptor into SSS, attack for 1 (18)
T3: Freecast SSS. You now only need to cast up to 5 noncreature spells to win the game. Since the deck looks for free spells (Mutagenic Growth, Mishra's Bauble) and Bolts, it's very easy to swing for game with your opponent unable to respond. Even if they do, plotting allows for setting up for the mid-game, meaning RDW/Gruul Aggro can survive and win on T5, when before T3 was the make-or-break clock for these decks.
>regular idiot
>play bell, resolve trigger, sac bell, get land
>genius player
>play bell, sac in response to the trigger, if you drew a land decline the search
SSS was a mistake.
It's not even run in Standard anymore, why are you acting like it's game-breaking when it's easy to remove and easier to predict?
Do you think after Bloomburrows initial release they're just gonna drop it? Or do you think they'll come back after 10 years and release a new set?
This set will sell really well which basically guarantees a return in the next 5-7 years.
We will never see Thunder Junction again.
yeah, going twice at two different LGS
They're fishing about for new antagonists, and in the lore various characters who could become antagonists were made to converge there, so we'll get references if not a new set.
they are already foreshadowing Bloomburrow getting Eldrazi treatment, so there will be at least one more set soon-ish
Oh boy I can't wait for Duskmourn 2: Found Footage Edition
Remember when they released the map of Ravnica, a plane covered entirely in cityscape, and the entire map covered about the scale of a single city block?
Remember when an entire plane was inside of a Manor?
the house was coming from inside the houe
And im ok with it.
This is a commander card
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>storm hasn't been good in like 10 years and people already asking for pyretic and desperate ritual to be banned
Give it to me straight
Is it FUN to play? Do I have to deal with MH3 bullshit when I do it? I want an excuse to go to modern but playing on Mtgo is making me want to kill myself because 80% of people are playing RW(b) energy
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>No sign of Loot or the Gitrog monster in Bloomburrow
And that's an specially good thing.
What are talking he's here
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>not Elspeth Knight-Errant
>Giant frog horror doesn't change at all when it travels to bloomburrow
Not cannon
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I decided to play one more game of vintage before bed and it was over very quickly; it's not my lotus.
based MWI chad
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>mono black superfriends wins a pioneer challenge
black truly is the best color in the game
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Wish me luck for the trophy
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This format is miles better than modern
>My opening hand comparison format is better than your opening hand comparison format
A plotted Slickshot basically taxes your opponent for 2 mana. They can never tap out again or they lose. All the whole you get to establish cheap aggressive threats that require answers, the same answers your opponent NEEDS to hold back for Slickshot. And then if you get your pieces together, you can protect it with something that gives hexproof and swing for a billion.
>anointed peacekeeper
what the fuck is with mtgo, I'm infinite in challenges and prelims (55%+ GWP) but lose money in leagues while playing the same deck. are leagues just wotc employees with godmode on? they're supposed to be easier
It has the stompy mana cost and hits everything from Oko to the mirror to being a flagbearer
im scared to start playing physical mtg because of the cost.
Really did not expect to trophy with this one
Now do that with semen and post results.
Nobody cares about your rng paypig format.
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>play box
there's just something so odious and cynical about the corporatespeak of having to specify the word 'play' to denote product. simply saying you can win a box isn't enough -- there are so many fucking striations with mtg's packaging you need to constantly look up what previously innocuous terms mean because obfuscation of value is the new norm.
>tfw I find Standard to be the most interesting format
>tfw it costs a billion to get into it
the cost of entry isn't actually high, you can play mono red or mono white for less than $50
the cost of buying and maintaining your favorite pet deck with all the necessary mythics and rares is the actual problem
>the cost of buying and maintaining your favorite pet deck with all the necessary mythics and rares is the actual problem
This is it. I really enjoy experimenting with different decks too, so it means I'm playing more and more Arena and less and less paper.
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>MFW someone buys a box of value boosters instead of play boosters
Arena is great and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. Because of the cost of the format there's a lot of kitchen magic to be had, you can draft a lot too
The problem with Arena is two-fold. BO1 is the default and there's no means of talking to your opponent, removing the "The Gathering" part of the game.
>No Vintage
>No Legacy
>No Pioneer
>No Modern
>Fake shitty cards
Yeah no, Arena is trash and no real Magic anon, that's the reality.
If they lean more into Thunder Junction as, well, a junction and not just as the "yeehaw" plane I'd be okay with a revisit.
Standard should be the only format that exists.
>No Vintage
>No Legacy
>No Pioneer
>No Modern
Modern and the rest are MH3 block formats, resolve around a couple of powerful cards that have been ported into Arena as singletons or otherwise rely on the most recent sets. Arena fulfills 90% of meta decks just fine, too fucking bad for your merfolk yank though
>Fake shitty cards
That's like a choice
It's rare, but sometimes you can have a nice "conversation" through emotes.
I suppose this was inevitable as Secret Lairs went.
I like that Tim is Tim, at least.
Sorry for the stupid question, but can any leafs weigh in on this
Want to pick up a bloomburrow bundle but my LGS pre-order is $10 above market and with shipping other pre-orders are about the same. Do these usually go up on amazon for market rate after pre-orders end?
I haven't played let alone bought anything magic related in a decade
>no holy hand grenade
>no killer rabbit
>no white/black knight
>bridge of death is not a bridge
10-20% above market is typical regardless of whether it’s a pre-order or not, but the market value almost always drops post-release. Wait.
Not that anon, but I prefer to know what cards I have from bundles and displays BEFORE drafts start so I can minimize 5+ copies in my collection.
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Your endgame is fucking oppressive, I'm not surprised at all.
>10-20% above market is typical regardless of whether it’s a pre-order or not, but the market value almost always drops post-release. Wait.
Alright, will wait. Cheers.
As much as I despise Secret Lairs, the art here is 10/10 at least.
>/mtg/ praises generic western european normative artwork
meanwhile REAL artists know how to make GOOD artwork
Im tired of bops now.

Also nobe of that makes me want these "2" lairs one being 3 cards wide
The swallows are the same card, its a flip card

The second lair is 3 cards and a token
reddit is two blocks down
Dismember is the Black Knight seen, though Oathsworn Knight should've just been the Black Knight, it's literally just based on that.
Holy Hand Grenade (Ratchet Bomb maybe?) and the Rabbit (no idea, Bloomburrow has some that might 'work' like Baylen, but they might go Zodiac Rabbit or Vizzerdrix just for the meme of it) might be bonus cards.
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I'm sorry that I'm several hours late, but Storm is good now. It's not as consistent as Energy decks, but it can still pop off regularly enough to work.
Painlands or BFZ tango lands plus the missing 5 enemy ones to complete the cycle, and with picrel promo art to finally destroy the value of these lands.
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>these many "godzila" alter-name promo
So, what stops me from coming down to my LGS, play monored prison with pic related, pull out my binder and show to my opponent my four Planar Chaos's Magus of the Moon.
Dignity and self-respect, I would hope.
You need the alter little frame thing to say "Magus of the Moon" and then Mio Akiyama or whoever as the name
I don't even remember the film but pretty sure the knight didn't bled
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>Dignity and self-respect
Anon, you are playing the singlemost kiked and pozzed tcg in existence. Don't talk to me about dignity, much less self-respect. Might as well enjoy the degenerancy WotC has not only allowed, but celebrated.
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WotC confirmed on Weekly MtG that there will be no emergency Nadu ban and that the next ban announcement is August 26th as planned.

So much for this RCQ season.
And limited.
I sold all of my cards back in Return to Zendikar and have been playing with proxies against players who have lost at our LGS and on the kitchen table ever since. You don't know me, homberto.
Not /tg/.
Translation? I don't speak orc.
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>there will be no emergency Nadu ban
Your dubs are as much as you need to enter the format.
The digits are talking to you.
Saludadores de la Gala.
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And tell me. Do you expressivelly tell your opponents that you are using proxies? Or do you still try to pretend to take part on mtg while coping by not expending money on new cards?
Content Creators TM in shambles.
cute mouse, I wan to kiss it
of a deck? sleeves? gas for the ride?
I print out proxies from Goldfish, and play against opponents offering to use the deck they lost against (so they can figure out what went wrong beyond “skill issue”) or play against something different so they can pop off and have a good time. The point of a card game is to have fun, isn’t it?
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Can't do that on old frames, ie. the only frames that all MTG should be printed and played with.
Seems that the idea was to just go full cooontrol, leaving the worst part of Waste Not out for individually stronger cards.
MBC looking good.
Indeed, that's why I print proxies of the cards I already own with art I like to play with people I get along with. Moreso, some people have even asked me to print their own custom proxies so I manage to make some cents on the side.
Fuck WotC art.
Someone got Mind's Desire out of the ban cage, but I suspect t wasn't the community.
>It's just a bad version of my deck

Mirrex is a cool include though.

I am confident I would beat this without much of an issue at all. Their only answers to our 'walkers are 2x Sheo's Edict and one Blot Out, while we have 11 answers to 'walkers in our main deck, plus four tutors for them, plus multiple Extraction effects including The End which doubles as removal.
The Mirrexes could be a problem though. I'll have a big think about that. Might even bring them into my list, seems like good backup tech.

This really just looks like an easier to disrupt version of what I'm running. Likely just won many games on the back of Thoughtseize, which is a seriously trash card in the mid-to-late game where we are strongest.

Cool to see a similar list perform, at any rate. I think mine is considerably better in all aspects.
Age +18 secret lairs when. SAW, The Exorcist, Suspiria, Midsommar... those are the ones we want.
Not some 30 year old movie everyone that watched it is dead, 80s Bad Boys shit and le hecking monty python xd, noone with a cell phone knows what the fuck monty python even is.
Stop sniffing your own farts R&D.
>Can't do that on old frames
then make your own version
>Slayers' design has never been topped
>when Street Fighters is around
You would be mistaken to even put SSS in a standad deck lol

>WotC: Creatures aren't strong enough compared to other spells. Let's buff them immensely.
>also WotC: Creatures are pretty strong. We need unconditional removal with no downsides at CMC 2.
Check'd, also no.
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>be me, gone from magic for a while, lured back by bloomburrow
>"mardu pyromancer" eh? that sounds interesting, I like mardu colors, wonder what's in it
>80% of the cost of the deck is the lands
>the fucking lands
>of course it is

I hate this game so much.
Just a bit
just proxy bro
>what stops me
those proxies are not perfect copies of real cards, therefore you are playing with marked cards.
you can tell by feel what is on top of your deck
teferi s Protection
hardened scale
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Just did some test games.
I was right that Mirrex is a minor problem but we had only slight issues dealing with it. Might want to include more striplands for weird shit like that though, just to be safe.

Nothing else was an issue. They had basically no win chances whatsoever in any of the games. We have so much life gain a Prof Onyx ult wasn't even close to lethal (Ours was for them though!) plus, them +1ing Onyx mills them closer to death while our Elixir means our self-mills are irrelevant.
Ashiok and Sorin, Mirthless can make tokens but we bitch slap those with ease. Us having Elixir of Immortality vs them not having Elixir means we win every game on topdecks.
Feels good, man. Might be worth making some adjustments to my list to better deal with Mirrexes. Maybe just bumping up to 8 copies of Field instead of 5, who knows. We crush this shit though, no problem at all other than maybe a Mirrex mite slipping through our removal ten times in a row.
They did printed unconditional removal at 1 mana even before creatures where good.
My dad works next to R&D's office and he says Gilded Goose is in Foundations.
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Let the monitoring resume.
>Gilded Goose
>With all the food support in BLB
>But no Cat or Oven
I would be happy but extremely angry at the same time.
Make your bets
I saw the talk and i seriously started to think they will actually will NOT BAN shit. What you think?
You can still do catnanigans in Pioqueer and there's that pseudo familiar in Foundtions.
they'll ban like, one card in each format and call it a day
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Yeah but in Standard you don't have to deal with the birds, the ripper, the lotus, the uw tirone control... Food in Standard will have a chance to be tp 3 with the right tools starting with pic related
>can't ban Nadu because the set just came out
>can't ban anything else because players would riot if anything but Nadu got touched and he didn't
Holding pattern time!
>she's not wearing shuko
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Now for some fun...
>Elixir of Immortality becomes "Draw 5 cards"
>Candy Trail becomes "Scry 2, draw 4 cards"
>March of Wretched Sorrow becomes "Draw X cards"
>Turns Meathook Massacre into "Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies, draw a card."
I am unironically considering Lich's Mastery in Black Hole, and it looks seriously insane. We can tutor it with Avarice, so it doesn't need to be more of a 1-of. While its out, it turns our deck from an endgame grind machine into an unstoppable juggernaut of infinite card advantage. We possibly kill ourselves by decking via Elixir now, so that's problem. But if you're dying because you have everything, is that really a bad thing?
It's about to rotate so Golgari food decks are going to be one of the first things to be tried.
Ripper can still have an impact in 'long standard', and UW will get something else printed into it eventually (inb4 they just reprint Deluge lol).
a) yeah, thats just the nature of how its gonna be. red black land can be in every red black deck ever, but not ever red black card is gonna be in every red black. the lands are more versatile therefor more in demand and more important
just the way it is
b) those cards are all worthless now beacuse theyre unplayable and old and powercrept
They are grappling her with the hand where the shuko is equipped.
>We possibly kill ourselves by decking via Elixir now, so that's problem.
read lich's mastery
1. You can't lose the game from decking with this out
2. Mastery seems really risky unless you immediately have a way to gain life. If not, you've paid 6 mana to gain no advantage, but also make the next hit you take come with Annihilator X tacked on. If you have a way to immediately gain life, you'll at least have drawn some cards to absorb the blow.

So when are you playing this? When you have 8-10 mana to protect yourself? Are there really no better ways to spend all that dosh?

I like what you're cooking but this seems like an incredible risk
>We possibly kill ourselves by decking via Elixir now, so that's problem.
>read lich's mastery

>You can't lose the game.
Oh... right... uh... wait a second...
>Reads Prof Onyx again...
>"Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, draw two cards."

We honestly probably downgrade the deck including Mastery, as it's a slow-1of that does nothing to interact in the early game.
But holy shit does it rip. It draws like 5-10 cards every turn lmfao.
all of the above.
Does the deck currently struggle from not drawing enough cards? You only need to win the game once, and the drawback is nontrivial even before considering something like Pick Your Poison now reading "destroy target player"
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>2. Mastery seems really risky unless you immediately have a way to gain life.
Oh yes it is risky.

I'm going to put it in the sideboard for slow matchups probably. It has no place in the main deck, being a dead brick against aggro and combo. But the prospect of drawing and looping my entire library every single damn turn is just too insane not to include.
>Does the deck currently struggle from not drawing enough cards?
lmao no we have tons of filtering with the Candy Trails, 4 copies of Insatiable Avarice and multiple Locthwains as backup.

>considering something like Pick Your Poison now reading "destroy target player"
Some sacrifices have to be made on the road to omnipotence.
This remains my favourite card of all time.
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Moreover, against slow decks the Lich's Mastery is an even better draw-death security tool than Elixir. Elixir can be removed in response to its activation, but Mastery is much harder to interact with and simply blanket states we can't die.

I think a 1-of in the Sideboard is a solid place for it. Its power ceiling in this list approaches infinity, there's no reason not to go a little insane and burn a single SB slot on it, for decks that can't do a damn thing about it like

Maybe other brews of this decklist don't have to include it. But me? I'm a chef, it's just too spicy not to sprinkle into the recipe.

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Plus, guess what
The secret sauce
we can just extract the ways they can get rid of Mastery lmao
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>we can just extract the ways they can get rid of Mastery lmao
gotta admit
the man can cook
name suggestion; Prion Black
The trend with this deck has been its name changing all the time so fuck it, I like it.

It's Prion Black now.
If you don't want the lands to make 80% of the price I've got a list for you:
It's the same but add 4 sheoldred and 4 one ring so now the lands are only half the price of the deck!
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A theme song for Prion Black, in case anybody wants to rock out to appropriate deathpunk insanity while playing it.
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He won.
>80% of the cost is in the base building blocks of all decks and the pieces that can most easily be transferred between decks
What's the issue? And how is this a new development, is been like this since i started playing in RTR.
This is two different lairs btw. Not one. The bottom four are their own lair (so, one of the lairs gets 3 cards and a token while the other gets 5 actual cards
>destroy entire format over a 3 dollar rare that zero people are cracking packs for
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>State the Rabbit was from bloomburrow
>Make an in Univerve version of him

>Prodigal Sorcerer is Tim
>destroy entire format
How so?
>How broken card destroyed the entire format
I recommend you to look at the last PT
My bad, misread your post as "banning Nadu would destroy for the format". Too tired to be posting.
but banning Nadu would destroy for the format! it would destroy this iteration of it
trust the monitoring
I am telling you this with 100% honesty, Nadu isn't as much of a problem as you and other doomposters think it is, because it dies to removal. There is only one (1) card in Modern that's bullshit, and that's Grief.
I would said the ring is the cancerous cell but I'll take your word for it.
erm actually Maro, Humans are animals too
topkek if you actually get the hand to do this, I’m now going to try this just for the 4x2/2s on 2 flex
isnt this just Gala Greeters?
A card that generates net positive value only when the person playing it already has an advantage is not cancer. If you're playing a Nadu deck and your opponent's deck was unable to deal with Shuko, Halfling, Ring, or Nadu (when it was in the hand), you were going to win regardless of Nadu popping off. The same can be said of One Ring. Meanwhile, in Pioneer, cards like Bloodtithe and Vein Ripper generate so much value on their own, and require relatively little investment (due to how poorly the format is constructed), that their runaway effects are nearly impossible to deal with unless your opponent has a perfect hand.

In Modern, the reason I say Grief is the biggest problem child is because of how easy it is to flicker, reanimate, and recycle with what options are available in that format's card pool.
It's a Russian Gala Greeters box topper that never got officially released because of the war/sanctions but there's a few copies floating around.
it’s a Sorcery dumbass
Just have an artist alter them, retard.
too bad he's an insufferable prick
Where do you think control lands post-rotation in Standard? They lose so much of their good shit and don't appeaer to be getting any real replacements in Bloomburrow.
>Where do you think control lands post-rotation in Standard?
For UW? Dead until Memory Deluge in Foundations.
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Alright, Prion Black is in a great place right now and I"m happy with it.

For my next brew... I swear to fuck there's a good mono-red control deck waiting to be brewed in Pioneer.

Just kidding, Heartfire Hero (Why the fuck is this a Soldier and not a Warrior, WotC!?) gives some juice back to the old BR exploding warriors brew. We'll have to drop the Cavern of Souls now since we lose Warrior tribal, but hey, the extra juice might get it kicking. I'll see what I can tune up.

THEN it's onto mono-red control.
Control in general. I could definitely see UB taking over UW's place, but I've been toying about with a UW Flash deck at the minute and it's felt pretty nice, but definitely less controlly than the Deluge, Emperor, Jace version.
control usually doesn't show its face until there's a stablished meta to construct the deck around
I don't think control will be unplayable but it should take a while before people find a reasonable list
>UW Flash deck
Are you sure it's not a midrange deck?
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And by going to tune it up, I mean I already did.
Needs a name and a sideboard though. And actual tests. And some tuning. Whatever, it's a shit deck in the face of Temp Lockdown existing so likely won't spend too much time on it.
Hate that Heartfire is not a Warrior. Still cool to see this build get more support. And actually solid support, too.
Yeah I suppose it probably would be, but it does feature a lot of the usual control suspects like No More Lies, Phantom Interference, Aven Interrupter, Sunfall etc. Even if it's wincon is actually beating the opponent to death, rather than boring them to death.
Throw in Tidebinders and Sneedsharks, that's what UW is going to look like, probably.
Already got 3 Tidebinders in the main, cuz flash. Shark's too proactive for my liking, but always goes in the sideboard.
i'm sick of being optimistic when is this shit game going to start healing
As soon as they hire me as the MtG Autocrat. I could heal this game within one Standard rotation, purify Pioneer, Modern, and Legacy, and let Commander burn itself out by never giving it attention ever again.
Tell me how you would cure Standard and I will decide if you will be hired as the MtG Autocrat.
>no new loot card
What the fuck are they doing?
late august
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New brew has a lot of support.
Whether it's good remains to be seen, but it has a lot of support in Pioneer.
Loot was only implicitly mentioned in the story.
I'm not letting you read my ideas MaRo.
That’s not jank enough. Play Boros and cast Righteousness on the Hero with a sacrifice outlet for 9 damage by blocking.
Yeah problem is that plan sucks ass.
That why it’s jank. And you attack with Brash Taunter to give their creatures the Righteousness for a surprise block smack lol
6 mana to deal 7 damage, very impressive
Their creature would have more than zero power dumbass
Where are the Bloomburrow cards?
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If you're looking for some Heartfire Hero jank...
Wouldn't the black knight with the red fling adventure just be better than Thrillseeker?
Is Call of the Death-Dweller too expensive for this?
>Useless card if you don't have a creature out
It's a brick in 80% of situations. Thrillseeker is an on-curve creature and overcosted Bolt in a pinch.
good art, for fucking once
Thrillseeker can sac itself with the enchantment. It's redundancy.
Likely not, will consider.
Dewdrop Cure will also probably spike it up a little.
Unfortunately, Vein Ripper existing means decks like this aren't allowed to exist.
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>Hexproof: Green and blue.
>>Ward that is basically just hexproof: Mono-black.
I lost because when I had lethal my opponent wiped my board and summoned a 40/40 before the damage step on my turn.
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New ruling based on second main phase rulings.
God i miss fucking Storm Herald decks like you wouldnt believe but now with Pioneer full of bullshit even that deck is too honest
Unfortunate. I never personally had any cheese with multiple combat steps but it's sad to see a cool interaction go away.
Is Neheb the only one affected? Can't be more than like 15 cards where it's relevant, right?
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Cards that no longer go infinite.
Clocknapper is silverboarder and world at war won't be changed so 10 errata cards.
>First main phase
>second main phase
they do realise this wording already has a use, and it is used to count main phases over the course of the entire game, right?
Sorin also doesn't care much about the change.
>they do realise
Why do you think this game is so shit now?
It feels like the idea was conjured up by a suit and the designers were forced to justify it any way possible.
Literally no issues will arise from this apart from some retards trying to claim this obviously-one-time-effect is somehow unbounded and they should now be allowed to get free mana every turn for the rest of the game, at which point the judges will slap them so hard they'll go from 80iq to 30.
nta but standard is about to rotate
Aren't they going to change the wording on those?
>Literally no issues will arise from this apart from some retards trying to claim this obviously-one-time-effect is somehow unbounded
It says First Main Phase.
It triggers on your first main phase for the rest of the game. It is, in fact, a broken and unbounded ability now.
Rotation won't cure standard. Meta decks will still cost $3-500 and the format will remain dead because of it.
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I counter your post, though it's clearly already a reach.
I think Jeskai control might have a place taking advantage of High Noon, but it's going to be very dependent on where the rest of the meta is.
Two words meaning different things doesn't work in the context of them referring to exactly the same thing, within exactly the same phrasing.
This "First main phase" thing isn't just "they can change the old wording."
They're changing it to something that already exists.

It's like if they added a new keyword called "Trample" that made creatures get +1/+1 whenever it becomes blocked. Like how are you supposed to know which one is which?
Sure it's like that if Trample had only ever appeared on one card printed over a decade ago.
>Sure it's like that if Trample had only ever appeared on one card printed over a decade ago.
How many printings an effect has is completely irrelevant. Why would you even bring it up?
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Remember when they just took a card with janky but totally workable functionality, then reprinted it and said "lol this is just phasing now"? Nobody cares.
>Nobody cares.
Not an argument.
Isn't "first main phase" just "your main phase before combat"? This is how the reminder text of sagas are, right?
No Sagas say "After your draw step"
sorry, it is: "precombat main phase". And this phrasing always had the ambiguity when multiple combat phases happened. (But it always meant "first main phase")
Isn't this just the rule text for phasing what changed?
The very same thread actually addresses this very thing as the very first tweet. It's almost like wording changes are done over many things.
It comes back into play tapped rather than being tapped when it phases back in, and originally Oubliette didn't effect equipment. The auras would also need to re-attach, they didn't stay attached while in exile.
>The very same thread actually addresses this very thing as the very first tweet. It's almost like wording changes are done over many things.
The points is that arbitrary wording changes should not be done, as splitting real card text from oracle text is ALWAYS bad.
If that's your argument, that ship sailed AGES ago.
"It's already shit so we should let it be more shit"
Silence yourself you braindead fuck.
>Noooo they used "first main phase" on an existing card once so they can NEVER USE IT AGAIN
Yes. When you establish rules, you don't break those rules. That is one of the literal basic root fundamental foundations of good design.
People were already calling them "first/second main phase". It's a wording change to be more understandable and in-line with how people already talk about things. A single card needing to be errata'd for clarity is a VERY acceptable casualty.
>People were already calling them "first/second main phase"
Irrelevant to whether or not it is good design.
People call walker big minus abilities "Ultimates", should we make cards that say "Whenever you ultimate a Planeswalker..."?
Change "Destroy target..." to "Kill target..."?
Fuck off.

>It's a wording change to be more understandable
Going from explicitly stating something, to something which has potential other meanings and introduces vagueness because of it, is a REDUCTION of understandability. Precombat/Postcombat has higher both higher clarity and specificity than First/Second.

>A single card needing to be errata'd for clarity is a VERY acceptable casualty.
It is not. Upending current wording to achieve nothing is stupid. Playing an arbitrary shell game with the words your game uses is stupid. Wording changes should only ever be done in extreme circumstances, and needing to do a word change to facilitate a new idea means your idea is probably bad, not that you should change the game's wording to shoehorn it in.

Competent people would have renamed them to something like Primary + Secondary main phases, to avoid confusion with the already--in-use ordinal numbers in MTG.
why don't you go whine about all the cards from the 90s that have different oracle text than printed text
It was done to nerf EDH Neheb decks.
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Maybe because they're not being printed today you fucking retard.

The rules changes bricking a ton of decks is just a side effect of incompetence.
I don't mind plugging a few combo loopholes, mind you. Just not like this.
>bricking a ton of decks
What decks outside of edh are using these guys? >>93417312
>What decks outside of edh are using these guys?
Probably quite a few kitchen table ones.
This will no doubt lead to rather unpleasant arguments between people who just want to have fun.
>kitchen table
lmao, you couldn't even find one?
they have the same solution that any casual players of any game have, they can look up the official rulings online
hell, they could just ignore the errata and keep playing like they always have, who's going to stop them?
>lmao, you couldn't even find one?
Yes, I could.
Kitchen table, the most widely played format by orders of magnitude. It's like 80% of all played Magic games.
>Are you brewing Green decks? Are you preping for rotation?
Jund lands needs just a little more love, kind of hoping that Vinelasher pushes it over the edge.
>Are you preping for rotation?
I will miss Kumano dearly, going T1 Kumano, T2 Charming Scoundrel into another Kumano is cool as fuck and buckbreaking more often than not.
Kumano mogs Questing Beast hard.
This one I'm fine with, still won't buy it, but it's fine.
So it, uhh... makes your deck 56 cards?
It's an advantage, sure, but man.
Yes, all 3
This is why I don't watch sports.
Cheating literally ruins everything you can cheat in or on.
Do people even try to cheat in magic tournaments? Other than that mana weaving nigger shit where they shuffle a certain gay way.

I haven't come across a single situation where knowing the top card of my deck would have saved the run.
"Name a card" is the worst mechanic ever.
No, I don't want to memorize your tens of thousands of cards and possible hundreds of meta decks they're in.
I play lanowar elves, pass.
I play something bigger next turn.
Fuck off.

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