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File: Suicide Pine.png (208 KB, 400x457)
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How would your party deal with the dreaded Suicide Pines?
70 (20d6) damage seems high for just a falling tree, but I actually like the basic idea here. If running these things I'd probably lower it to 35 (10d6). That's still more than enough to outright kill low-level characters and severely damage even mid-level ones (even a level 10 barbarian with 18 Constitution only has ~115 hp, so this would be 30% of his health) while still having it be survivable by a typical party that isn't stupid.

But anyway, player-side I guess we'd be really leaning on whoever has the best Nature score to try and identify these things as we go. Regardless progress will slow to a crawl as it seems like it would be exceedingly difficult to identify these pine trees as different from any other without actually having them fall.
It's a joke on real-world phenomena.

They're called widow-makers in the PNW. Trees will kill you if you're not careful.
How would your party deal with the Pine Barrens?
What do you mean, deal with it? Just don't go in the forest.
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It's because it adds the additional fall damage of the crown of the tree to the damage calculation of the tree actually hitting you.
No. The fall damage is the tree hitting you. It's either fall damage or it's an attack. Not both.
If it were fall damage, you could negate it with Feather Fall.
And you can.
20d6 is the equivalent of full-body immersion in lava. An anti-tank rocket is 10d6. A siege catapult is 6d6.

A big falling tree should be more like 3d6.
If that's the logic then it's wrong. Pine trees are about 70-80 feet tall on average, so the crown of the tree can't fall more than that distance when the suicide pine falls unless it's exceptionally tall, meaning that the crown could deal at most 8d6 damage, even lower than my 10d6 reduction.

Well sure, I don't doubt that, but I'm a human commoner. I've got like 8 hp max and that's assuming that I rolled max on my hit die, more likely it's 4. A falling tree crushing me doesn't mean that it's dealing 70 (20d6) damage, it just means it's dealing at least 4 damage.
Actually let's get Pythagorean here. If the tree is 75 feet tall and it falls when a humanoid is 60 feet away, then:

c^2 = 75^2 x 60^2
c^2 = 5625 + 3600
c^2 = 9,225
c = 96.05

Okay so it should actually be dealing 9d6 damage since that's the total distance that the crown of the tree falls.
The crown falls in an arc, not a straight line.
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D&D is shit. If it doesn't exceed 100 feet, its attack rank is 10d. End of.
notice it doesn't specify how tall the tree is, just the trigger distance being 60ft, for all you know the tree could be 10000ft tall
True enough but I'm not good enough at math to calculate that. Plus we'd have to factor in the fact that the very tip of a falling pine tree might be moving fast but it also has the thinnest branches and thinnest part of the trunk, plus the speed and thus force of its fall would be cushioned by the rest of the tree beneath it, meaning that the crown might not deal that much damage at all. More like a firm thwack then crushing death.
Have you seen how much damage a mature tree does to things it falls on? We're talking collapsing walls, crushing vehicles, that sort of thing. You really don't want to be under one. Even just a branch falling off can one-hit-kill most anyone.
Your best defence against Suicide Pines is putting someone you all secretly hate 80 feet ahead of you.
You ever work in a lumber yard? Trees are incredibly deadly.
12d then.
>How would your party deal with the dreaded Suicide Pines?
Well they fall in response to literally any creature getting within 60 feet so statistically speaking they should be extinct. And an extinct tree can't fall on you. Problem solved.
>We're talking collapsing walls
I mean, a 10' square section of stone wall in 5e has 27 hit points, so a falling tree dealing 35 (10d6) damage is still enough to destroy that.
>a 10' square section of stone wall in 5e has 27 hit points
that should be relatively easy to break through
Well it also has an AC of 17 and may have a damage threshold, probably 10-15, meaning that it flat ignores any damage unless it takes at least 10-15 damage, which is outside the range of most non-critical hits in 5e for low-level characters.

But yeah, it's actually pretty easy to break through objects in 5e, which is why when someone complains that "martials should be able to destroy castles walls!", I get confused because they very much can.
You make a good point, flavor text mentions only working on humanoids, but the actual mechanics trigger on a creature, so any stray squirrel or nearby flying bird will set it off.
I dunno.
I'd have to figure out how these so-called "suicide pines" would work in my game, and that seems like more trouble than it's worth, especially when people would just cry "sounds fiddly" or "why not just play video games" as a result.
>he was an interior decorator or something
His place looked like shit
Or just tank the hit, or destroy the tree in less time than it takes to fall.
The longest train I ever saw
Went down that Georgia line
The engine passed at six o'clock
And the cab passed by at nine

I asked my captain for the time of day
He said he throwed his watch away
A long steel rail and a short cross tie
I'm on my way back home

Little girl, little girl, what have I done
That makes you treat me so?
You caused me to weep, you caused me to mourn
You caused me to leave my home
>mech game
Probably by not going there first because we're all soft city kids but under the assumption we are stranded there and the usual "radio the adults begging for a ride home" doesn't work
shit, guess jist run in a random direction having a complete meltdown
finally, something to use my unreasonable amounts of HP on
my character just goes on a deforestation spree, tanking every single falling tree while she cuts a path for the poor little squishies

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