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Look how the massacred my boy

Who the fuck greenlit this SHIT lmao. At modern GW, about fifty people will have been involved in this miniature and not a single one went "that looks shit lmao" at any point.
it looks like the standard 40k slop man I dunno what you want me to say.
Woah what forgettable 200 playercount AAA team shooter does the guy on the right belong to?
How the fuck it lacks so much detail and equipment'? it's modern it should have better quality product not worse
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I don't want to hear a fucking word about old models having """bad proportions""" ever again.
well I mean they do
>GW releases an ugly model

That's literally their modus operandi
>it's real
paypigs will still buy it even if it's triple the price.
Pretty cool that they made a model of the Emperor.
Holly shit, that is fuck-ugly, even by nu-GW standards.
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>less detail on the armor
>loincloth is missing entirely
>retarded pose as if he's advertising for a magazine
>the cape is only on one shoulder now for some reason
They butchered everything they could
>new thing is shit
>therefore you can't acknowledge shit old thing is shit
Typical 40k babby logic.
One thing I'd like to note is a subtle thing about the older model is the focal point. It's his head. The eagle looking down, the sweep of the cape, the framing by the fur provides contrast in texture, it draws the eye to the model's head and a clear expression. There's a distinct sense of character through what is quite a simple pose thanks to very simple bits of basic artistry.

On the newer one the focal point? If there is one, it's the big I on the belt buckle level because the haft of the hammer and maybe the left arm draws a line there. The head is not really focused upon, nothing draws your eye to it in the pose. But then nothing else really replaces it. The guy is just kinda standing there, conveying no character other than guy standing there. His expression is flat, like maybe he's thinking about what to have for lunch. His posture conveys nothing, the lines draw your eye to no aspect of the design.

Putting him on a little bit of debris did nothing but slightly elevate and tilt the model, it wasn't even used to create a more interesting pose. No amount of finer detailing would save that model from being boring because it's fundamentally lacking in visual interest.
>sees old model
>adds tactical rocks
God, it's so bad. His armor now looks like a fucking diaper.

The old model already had a tasteful tactical rock.
A point I'd noticed is the total lack of chest. Obscuring the chest with that stupid fucking belt was a retarded decision. He may as well be a head on a crotch with disgusting fat legs. The model is a total mess
The model is actually shit you don't need to use retarded memes.
Looks like they outsourced it to some pajeet.
lmao that awful leg armor looks like he's wearing oversized sweatpants Urkel-style
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This looks like a fucking AI design.
No fucking joke I genuinely think that's what it is!
I wish we had flight sticks back
That's a nice stormcast conversion, I guess.
>"That'll be £32.50 please"
Ah yes. The tactical garbage-pike instead of flying stick. My favourite.
Relax man, he just put down the hammer and let the eagle fly about
The new version is absolute shit, china man is about to have a million new orders
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hows my version?
Be glad he isn't a groid now.
Well they've got to get *some* use out of all those Fatcast assets they sculpted, they certainly didn't make the expected profit on them from AoS.

Seriously though, what did you expect? What did any of you expect? Ten years ago I complained and sulked, and then I got off my arse and started playing the better versions of the game(2nd, 4th 40K; 6th WHFB; original SGs) and non-GW stuff. It's more effort than walking into a store upending your Adeptus Carrycasius(tm) of Primarine Astartians(tm) and having some drooling ball of lard roll up to the table to mash toys together for two turns until all the parts of one army that let it do anything in Aurahammer 40,000: The Keywordening, but it's nowhere near as hard as limpwristed whingers claim it is to find people to play with(the first mistake people make is trying to build a group of all-grogs, this will fail because all grogs are contrarian assholes, yes including me; you find *one or two* other grogs with similar kinds of assholery to yours and then you corrupt the young - catch 9th and 10th Ed-ers just at the point where the novelty has worn off and they're thinking of quitting, once you get past the brainrot slang they're able enough).

And don't "muh models" me, you can buy an ultraHD printer for 200 quid and find endless STLs for free legit and otherwise; you can send STLs to print farms if you're too up yourself to print at home; you can literally just google "warhammer recast" and find websites selling shit that's at least as good quality as the private sellers were a few years ago(of course the newer private sellers sell much better shit, but they're as paranoid as ever). Nevermind the multiple options for 3rd party plastics or the endless waves of cheap 40K stuff being slopped on to ebay as the dwindling audience of tourneyfaggots churn through "meta" armies with every new book release for the game.

If you're still suffering, you're a masochist - hire a dominatrix, she'd be cheaper.
>acknowledge shit old thing is shit
Are we now pretending that the old Coteaz model isn't really good?
>Old model.
>Looks like a fucking pimp. Bald, gold armour, fur coated red cape with gold trim. Hammer, double headed eagle, motherfuckerly expression.

>New model.
>Looks like a down-syndrome fatty in diapers trying to imitate the style.

Holy shit it's a fucking joke.
I refuse to believe these are supposed to be the same guy. He looks nothing like Corteaz.
Worst part is it's the first power armoured model in a while they've made that actually has some proper bulk to it (Primaris are way too skinny around the waist to be super-soldiers), but since the proportions are so fucking wack, and it's so ugly, it's not going to sell at all, and GW will go back to making power armour where the person inside has to be model-tier thin to wear it.
Thin your fucking paints anon.
I paint all my Space Marines as black just because it upsets people like you.
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>that eagle
Must have gotten some help from AoS's sculptors.
Glad to be living in your head rent-free.
>hair helmet because gw doesn't trust you to able to paint stubble anymore because the fans are all retarded
>literally wearing a diaper
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>every palstic inquisitor except for pic rel is fucking trash
Amazing achievement considering that all the metal and resin ones were at least above average miniatures.
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I've seen that look before

>Fyreslayers Vulkite Bindpose
original Coteaz was one of the all-time great classic GW minis, the fact that he gets replaced by this is just... sad. And embarrassing.
difficult to compete with metal/resin models on detail with the way moulds work vs the simple injection moulds GW effectively exclusively uses, that said this doesn't strike me as a particularly good effort at all
>no book
>purity seals stuck to fur somehow
>rosarius an afterthought
>pistol holstered for right hand draw, as opposed to Always Be Hammering draw
>armor smooth and not baroque
>badges of office and inconography tucked away instead of prominent
>cape feels lighter, instead of the weight of the original
>pose garbage instead of standing, feet planted, with his loyal cyber eagle on his wrist which gives a heavy medieval nobility vibe
>generic too-smooth slavoid face instead of the seamed, leathery veteran
Could be worse, could be a black female Seculos Attendous replacement of Fyodor Karamazov in a Primaris sized Dreadthrone.
What happens when you unzip the bird?
>oh man, GW replaced a model, how can I twist this into how I, a straight white male, am the biggest victim of all actually
I don't understand what's wrong with clear acrylic rods. Do they really have to use tactical rocks all the time for flying/hovering models?
he's going to forget about you pretty quick and you'll be left with a bunch of little poop-colored men hehe adeptus ashartes
>make different-looking guy in different-looking armour with different-looking eagle
>call him coteaz anyway
get well soon
>outsourcing our sculptors to China is an excellent id-ACK!
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>Do they really have to use tactical rocks all the time for flying/hovering models?
shut up nigger
The Good
>Cloak looks ok and has bulk to it, plus non-banana fur
>So does the belt
>Head is fine but I hope it comes with a helmet too
>Inquisition symbol belt buckle
>Pose is ok and gives presence but Tactical Rock™ is eh
>Hammer isn't bad
>Cyber Eagle is ok but goddamn fucking bring back flight stands or at least not make the model dependent on its perch without fuckery so it can be replaced by a thin metal rod

The Bad
>Purity Seals are very what in the world
>Too smooth

, and The Ugly
>Very meh overall
>He's for modern 40k

Eh. Might make a decent base of a kitbash for a Solar Auxilia Marshal for HH and I may pick him up for that when he's released separately.

As an aside, I saw a Chimera in one of the images and then the KEYWORD™: REQUISITION text and now I'm wondering if we'll get Inquisitorial Stormtroopers back. Probably not.
>200 players
Lol. Lmao.
Take your meds
>looks like a fucking diaper.
Exactly what I was going to say.
Why are there 60 replies but only 1 that understands the difference between metal and plastic?
Because most of the problems with it are clearly down to just being a really shit sculpt and not technical limitations. It's true that plastic can't match metal models in terms of detail, but modern GW plastic moulding is extremely good and going by stuff like the plastic Sisters of Battle and which have a lot of small details packed onto relatively slim bodies I would be fairly confident that GW's plastic manufacturing could retain something like 75% of the detail of the original model (which isn't really super complex anyway). Plus I bet the new plastic model is going to turn out to be noticeably bigger than the original, which would make it even easier to replicate all of the detail in plastic because the small details aren't so small any more.

The new model doesn't even attempt to resemble the old one in any way beyond "gold power armour with Inquisition symbols on it", absolutely everything is completely different, even down to giving him perfectly smooth Lego hair for some unfathomable reason. His hammer is literally the only part of the design that hasn't been changed somehow.
Is everyone that rightfully shits on this model an AoSfag now? Take your meds, idiot.
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How totally heinous. Wtf happened? How could this have possibly given the OK? Is it just to be more in line with some of the bulbous primaris power armor designs? Sometimes they really surprise me like they did with some of the Inq KT models. I will cherish my cron and DH 3.5 books forever, nu gw really cannot compare.
I dunno what "we" are doing but I'm saying they are both just about equally retarded 40k shit. I guess the new one inches just barely ahead since he doesn't have a curtain to hide his electro-diaper.

Dios mio, mucho Grogtismo.
Your pathetic and petulant response is like poetry. But trite, cliche poetry.
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He went from the setting personified to fat C3P0. I bet they dropped the eagle on arm pose because they'd already wasted it on this eyesore.
All I see are two ugly models. 40k died with Newcrons.
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Holy based objective truth
Ben, he was never your anything. You’re just a newfag who tries too hard to be a grog and you never will.
GW is at the point of quality failure that they can't even make the minis look cool anymore. GW is the home of insanely expensive scifi dudes that look like dogshit.
Chinese would create a more faithful to the original copy tho,just look at joytoy
I would not go that far. There have been good, mediocre and horrible minis all the time. Right now, there seem to be more bad ones, but it's not like there are no good plastic minis in between any longer.
I would not go that far. There have been good, mediocre and horrible minis all the time. Right now, there seem to be more bad ones, but it's not like there are no good plastic minis in between any longer.
I would not go that far. There have been good, mediocre and horrible minis all the time. Right now, there seem to be more bad ones, but it's not like there are no good plastic minis in between any longer.
I would go that far. There have not been good, only mediocre and horrible minis all the time. Right now, there seem to be more bad ones, but it's like there are no good plastic minis in between any longer.
>We need a new sculpt for a group of people known for their brutal, almost sadistic, disciplinary measure and their unending zeal. What have you got Johnson?
>A guy standing around.
That'll be $1300, plus taxes, plus 50% tip.
>warhammer 0k
is this photoshopped?
There is a scale of good to bad reworks of metal models and this is absolutely the worst one. Look at the black templars or dark angels updates. Nearly every single one of them is good with pic related being the worst, because it's limited by the basic primaris design and the predecessor being one of the best models ever made. Also please explain the details on the castellan, if plastic models are so limited. You can't because they aren't anymore. The new coteaz is deliberately made flat and round, like pic rel >>93409058 because GW wants the inquisitors to be this way. It's simply a bad design choice.
Much better, but thin your fucking paints Anon.
I still can't get over the cliff we fell off with this.

People at gw literally had gold. And they chosen shit.
Thats some shit tier stuff
Worse than the initial Stormcasts
This is also still a good model. The choice to strongly mirror the original pose but make it meaningfully different (instead of bearing the sword aloft, 'throwing' it up in a gesture of victory or challenge') works really well and adds a nice sense of motion the original model actually didn't have. Changing the laurels breaks up the silhouette interesting, and you make use of the extra details like the seals etc to augment the implied motion.

The original is an all-timer but this is a great tribute to that model and good work in and of itself. Massive difference from Coteaz above.
I'm not sure how to desccribe it but the left one here feels both less detailed and more cluttered at the same time.
>a gesture of victory or challenge
That is what the original EC was doing, just while striding forward confidently, not trying his best 'anime girl running late to class' impression.
Twist what exactly? The dominant ideology is built entirely on the premise that straight white males are the perpetrators of all ill and can never be the victims of any; that even if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and is literally a fucking duck then if the duck is attacking a straight white male then nope, that's a goose and if you say otherwise you're a bigotistaphobic hatemonger.

Your attitude is literally the reason a whole generation of young men have rejected feminism, so well done I guess you get to be smug while you sabotage your own movement beyond any hope of actually achieving your goals.
jesus fuck man find another place to cry oppression
Dig yourself out of whatever social media feedback loop has rotted your brain before it's too late
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>they are both just about equally retarded 40k shit.
>"Heh, actually, I think ALL 40k stuff is shit!"
Thank you for your insights, Anon. You are clearly very cool.
Greyfax is excellent.
>This is also still a good model.
It absolutely is not. Just because GW somehow continues to find new depths to sink to, it doesn't excuse their previous failures.
It's bizarre. I just feel like there's no anger in the new one. The old one feels absolutely fucking filled with contempt. It looks ready to strike. The new one looks lumbering and slow. Like someone gave a sloth exo armour
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>Pathetically tiny hat
>Another nuGuard model standing there like a retard
>Lifeless expression instead of one of contempt
What the hell happened at GW? Where did the COOL go? The ENERGY? The SOVL?
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How did GW fail at making a skull look cool in a franchise where skulls are absolutely everywhere?
One of the biggest running themes of new GW models is absolutely fucking awful posing. It's some kind of great irony that modern GW plastic models sacrificed their modularity and posability (the things GW was originally celebrated for) for these terrible fixed poses that look like something made by someone who's never actually seen a living breathing creature before. The average modern GW sculpt is like looking through a /toy/ thread at people's pictures and the majority of people have no idea how to make a natural pose. The most sensible explanation is that the novice 3D sculptors GW is hiring just do not have the artistic knowledge required to create properly organic poses. A company that actually cared about quality would have a senior artist actually looking over these things and correcting them but GW obviously does not care and neither do GWdrones.
I think it's because it's a bit too stylised, almost like a mask some military guy who played Modern Warfare 2 when he was younger and thought Ghost was the coolest guy ever might wear, while the original one is modelled much more closely on a real skull and painted to match.
I think you might be right there. There definitely feels like a struggle to make a genuinely menacing pose in the newer sculpts. I mean, it's not like any gw sculptor has ever been an athlete before, but at least when working with green stuff, its real. It's in your hands. You can be tactile with it and see right there if it looks mobile or coiled or whatever

With cad stuff, is it suffering from being one step removed from actual reality?
>With cad stuff, is it suffering from being one step removed from actual reality?
Infinity stuff is CAD sculpted and their poses are fine or even very dynamic. GW simply stopped caring.
Get the fuck out you bugman faggot
I guess what I'm getting at is, well, the Perry twins do reenactment. They've swung a sword, although not in anger. They've been around charging horses and are familiar with how a body has to be oriented to hold a pike or spear. That translates when sculpting a model.

Do the newer cad sculptors have that real world experience? It's almost like they don't know how a body behaves
A proper CAD modeller is going to be making a bunch of iterative prints, I'm guessing GW just has CAD slaves that they demand churn out models, hence the slapdash soulless look to them and now us descending into shitty monopose hell thats the worst of both worlds. You can get CAD to look as soulful as hand sculpts with the right programs and with proper demoing of your work but GW doesn't want to afford that as it would eat into their 35% profit margin.
Fair enough. That's really sad. I suppose that's why all thr heads have that boxy look to them now
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The utter dumbasses decided to copy the much plainer and more boring Rogue Trader design for the Commissar without understanding that back in the day they made up for it by being totally fucking radical. It's easily the worst Commissar model GW has ever made, IMO.
I think it's an uncanny valley thing where the more realistic proportions and almost realistic poses makes you realize how it falls short.

The problem is most of these models are not actually monopose, they're fixed dual poses, and trying to make one pose accommodate both a rifle and a melee weapon, or a pistol/sword and a two handed weapon, ends up looking very awkward because the weight ends up all wrong.

Also many 40k armor doesn't just don't make much physical sense, you can't realistically move your arms around with pauldrons that large.
That Commissar is also shit though. THIS is a good Commissar
Best commissar and it's not even close. He's even got a soulfully illegal loadout for nu40k.
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what's the unluckiest you've ever been on the tabletop?
No the joke was that he came from realms of ruin, except that has a player count of about 57.
Its very nice, disregard meme advice
NuAzrael having an even worse gun when the original had a goofy design only because 1" of pewter made it hard to cradle a bullpup is pretty unforgivable.
Man, combi plasmas always look so bad
Wouldn't the moon being made of cheese have large implications in Warhammer?
>O sole mio...
The Luna Wolves wore white to commemorate their total domination of the dairy plains
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Your pic : "look guys i can make the chad pose !"

Holy shit 40k turn full comical
Have they just been handing all of the Inquisition sculpts to trainees?
Jes Goodwin is still the design lead; any design choices had to have been approved by him.
>conclusion: Jes Goodwin no longer gives a shit
>Pr*maris slop legs
Pick one
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Nu-GW is trash.
to be fair it's only really relevant to some of the minor details, the sculpt is dogshit

>Also please explain the details on the castellan, if plastic models are so limited. You can't because they aren't anymore.
get fucked
you explain to me how you can get undercuts with a two part steel injection mould
there's a reason why the sprue is cut like picrel
surely my post would imply I might have at least a bit of an idea, but nope, your instinctive understanding of things must surely be correct
arrogant ignoramus
Jesus christ.
Yeah, SA are trash and the reason we'll never get proper Imperial Army.
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It's freaky that in art his gun is not as broken, but later artists just drew from the model, giving us the freaky depiction people always make fun of.
I just... I just fucking hate jews, bros.
it's only natural
I used to love 40K, but since 8th edition I have been slowly growing apathetic about it. It's not hate, it is complete apathy. Yeah previous editions had issues but 40K always had a style, a feel, but since 8th and the major influx of digital art in both print and miniatures it just doesn't resonate. I just don't feel anything for it, and this Corteaz miniature is the perfect encapsulation of that complete lack of anything. I know the term soulless gets thrown around a lot, but I think this mini, especially comparing it to the old one, is the perfect example of the soulless people are talking about. It is not that I feel hate, it doesn't stir up any kind feeling, it doesn't stand out, it is perfectly bland. And perfectly bland is what Games Workshop has become.
It's good, but I'm gonna have to ask you to add another seven or eight coats to that boy. He's lookin' a little chilly.
Do you have the original figure? If so, why are you worried about GW selling a shittier version to newbies? Console yourself that your older and better figure will look good on the tiny 2 ft square table you call a battlefield when stood against your opponents version in his identical army.
Minimal basecoat + wash (at least its done kinda well), bases are not done. Soulless playmat and roung ugly plastic objective rings. Even the terrain is unpainted.

Nevermind your triples anon, nuhammer players deserve the rope
Even if not, the original is available as metal recast, resin recast and as very crisp stl. You can get it in any format you like and GW can't do shit about it.
it's so fucking funny that you retards have gone full circle and now do the things you initially bitched about others doing
I don't doubt that Slaanesh Or Nurgle have a Moon sized object made of cheesee in their realms in the warp. Both are worrying wat sort of cheesee that would be.
If the moon was made of cheese then a race of rat-men would try to blow it to smithereens so they fall all across the Earth.
This would trigger some kind of End Times scenario
It'll still do gangbusters
Fags will still defend it.
Nothing new under the sun.
the eagle pisses me off so bad. Looks like its accidentally smashed into a piece of rebar or something
GW gets outdone by a shitton of these fucking STL artists on a daily basis who are selling their 3D models cheaper
>Whole hosts of true scale or at least chunky looking astartes (non-primaris faggotry)
>Brought back a shitload of regiments GW wants us to forget about, including all weapon options for everything
>At the point where people are getting special characters or independent characters straight from the printing board which rival and surpass extensive professional conversions we saw in the 00's & 10's
>GW is recycling old stormcast shit, dumbs down model details, adapts corny looking weapons/configurations and updates model for the sake of updating them
It's fucking pathethic, none of us know exactly whats going on but this shit is just terrible, a bland piece of shit whose power armor does't seem fitting to the setting, the details of character seem to be off and worst of all it doesn't even resemble the old model. It could literally be a different character if you put them side by side, instead of the supposed update/face-lift it is supposed to be.
That 3/stl competition wouldn't be a bad thing, if GW minis would still be 10/10 in quality.
They still release some absolute gorgeous minis from time to time, but often it just shows that they are just as lazy as some of the worse STL-creators, with copy&paste of details, re-using of internal skeletons for poses etc.
A 200-subscriber patreon guy can get away with that, the self-acclaimed "best miniatures"-company that charges 30+ for a single character cant.
>A 200-subscriber patreon guy can get away with that
I expect such dudes to do that stuff, because creating a skeleton and reorienting it you can create a shitload of guardsmen into different poses and add little details yourself. GW seems to not even really bother with that and copy the poses and then change around some details. Them not giving you the files to tinker with for yourself and giving monopose models isn't helping either.
>the self-acclaimed "best miniatures"-company that charges 30+ for a single character cant.
Agreed. It's a fucking shitshow and I am really wondering who keeps buying all of this slop. We've come a long way since early 10's and the over the top expesnive heresy stuff that had tons of detail and cool scenery (zone mortalis) to now having bland looking models for premium prices; all the while people are mixing 3D prints to make their own terrain for pennies on the dollar.
I cannot believe this is real. Not a single one of these poses looks vaguely humanoid
Very true, there's a faction that absolutely did not need any more lore.
They can get away with it as long as people continue buying.
In the end, it comes down to the customer, like with all things.
Dont buy that ugly Inquisitor, or those (>>93430859) disgusting dwarfs. Even without a printer, the money you would spend on either will be more than enough to get a print on something to proxy for those minis, and it will just look better.

I dont know if/how they monitor their sales, and if something does not sell well, they might realize its because it looks like shit (probably they will just buff its stats tho).

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