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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
If things go well, I should have something to show in a few hours' time.
Any good suggestions that I should be looking for?

That's neat if it's the basis for your chain, but I don't think I want all of my Jumps to be MGE Invasions fics after going to MGE, personally.

>Fiat Protection- Given the high risk for corruption in the jump, your benefactor is going to ensure that no permanent damage or change will be done to your mind or soul. When the jump ends, you will instantly be teleported to a sealed space and purged of all corruption and other things that may be influencing you. The only exception would be if you took the True Corruption drawback, which is something I strongly advise you avoid at all costs.
This doesn't protect anything other than you and doesn't stop you from getting reafflicted with the stuff and lots of stuff you get there is going to have Mamono Mana on/in it.

So, yes?

Another vote for quarantine, but I legitimately cannot due to my concern for my Rollchain secifically.

Sounds about right.

Congrats Anon! I'm happy for ya!
>Sounds about right.
Mamono are simultaneously winning spectacularly, have already won long, long ago and are on the cusp of victory
Well done anon! Be the writefag/jumpmaker you want to see! Preferably both!

I too have something that could be finished in that time but there's no way in hell it actually will be!
>In fact, any powers you have that are linked to demon energy, and any that your companions have, are no longer bound to the corruptive properties of normal demon energy. Unless you want it to be sexually corruptive, you can now safely touch and use demon energy that you have access to, even if you are no longer a Mamono. On
the flipside, your Mamono form and any Mamono companions are protected by jumpchain fiat from reverting to bloodthirsty monsters with the disconnection from the Demon Lord.

I'm sure sure Cataquack has said it covers items you are taking with you as well. It's very much intended to not fuck you over.
Quarantined in my dick.
>Current Disney Star Wars
>Easiest path to being the strongest Jedi is to be a cute girl who has to overcome somekind of established order.
>Easiest path to being the strongest Sith is to be a hot shirtless dude.
So what does one need to be in order to become the strongest Mandalorian?
Still, for now I will have to work under the assumption that I will need to purify my stuff after MGE and prepare accordingly. Besides, relying on Jump fiat to clean up after itself is kind of a meh way to do things in general IMO.

If that's what you want on your Chain, sure, but I don't.
>the strongest Mandalorian?
Jobs to a blind man flailing around. Mandalorians are losers anon.
Be wrong about your entire people's history and honor code and a woman, I think if we're talking Disney Star Wars.
Baby Yoda raise you must.
That only works as long as you keep raising the Baby Yoda sadly, temp boosts won't make you the strongest forever.
All the Beskar? So much that you can pull a Wolverine and graft it to your bones, then replace all keratinous parts like teeth, nails, and hair?
Disney Beskar is kind of crazy, yeah.
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No it is just as plot armor dependant as EU.
Why would you even want to be the strongest Mandalorian, NuWars has driven home that you can either use the Force or you're worthless.
NTA but that wasn't obvious before?
It was, yes. But somehow the marketing machine convinced a vast swathe of the fanbase that Boba Fett was the coolest, honest, and not just a random chump bumped into a giant desert hole monster by Han. By accident.
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Posting this from last thread again for reasons
Genuinely didn't notice; thanks for the jump Ricrod! Congrats on surviving the literal stroke-inducing suffering required to make it!
Giving you a (You) for reasons.
This isn't done. Back to work jumpslave.

Thank you for your work so far, take care of yourself and don't have another stroke.
The idea of strongest, a fleeting one is. Change ever present in life is. Hmmm. Time too its toll takes in us all.
My Reply from Previous Thread:

>Thanks, feel free to tell me what you want in there or modified.

Thanks for the offer. Eeeeh. some sort of Hokaze/Misaki/Oriana Expy? Big Tiddy Esper/Magician Gf that loves you and is supportive of your stuff?

Other than that shameless self-fulfilment fantasy, some sort of missions to help Touma/Accelerator?

Like, get Touma some food and be a bro, actually be nice to Accel and realize that someone is there for him?

Maybe make Mikongto stop being Mikongto and start using her supposed big Level 5 Esper?

Get an actual legit photo of Eihana, make Kekine stop being Keking, get all the level 0's and start a successful youth union, or some sort of actual help for normies and train em up, maybe get a set on the Board.

Or just spite academy city, and make Jumper City, with Blackjack and hookers, where you can either be a mage or nerd, and do it better than anyone.

That sort of stuff. Please let me know which ideas interest you.Sorry if it is too much.

I rename it waifu energy and put out a spin campaign it's a good thing.
Meanwhile I build machines to siphon off the growing corruptive energies and run machines on them. The machines will probably become horny monster girls too but so long as they do whatever purpose they were designed for it's fine. I can toss a human male at them to keep them happy and working.
>That's neat if it's the basis for your chain, but I don't think I want all of my Jumps to be MGE Invasions fics after going to MGE, personally.
I mean you did ask me how I deal with it. I don’t turn every jump into an MGE invasion fic though, usually I keep it controlled and only spread it to those who ask.
>expy begging
>pointless trivial scenario begging (why?? just do it????)
>Any good suggestions that I should be looking for?
Posting the jumps, perk names, and the relevant parts of the perk.
Destiny - the Light
>Jumper's Light: Unnatural darkness seems to be repelled from you. Hostile dark energies and foul magics are easily resisted [...].
>Chosen: No matter how dark it becomes, how the shadow might gnaw at your soul, it will never prevail. You have become slightly more resistant to supernatural abilities concerned with darkness, in the capacity that they affect your soul.
Doom Eternal
>Doom: Your willpower is unbreakable, shrugging off corruption like a shield wards a blade.
Exalted - Infernals
>You Are Not Me: You will be utterly certain what parts of your mind are your own, and which are outside influences.
Exalted - Lunars
>Will of the Leviathan: Your willpower and mental defense shall be such that you may resist the Wyld’s energies better than any other, while any who wish to influence you will likewise run into your unyielding determination.
>Moonsilver Tattoos: The tattoos protect Lunars from any influence that would change their shape other than their inherent abilities. They offer perfect protection from any and all effects that would alter your body, which includes many Shaping effects. (Item)
Faith - Unholy Trinity
>Unsuitable Vessel: Your body, mind, and soul is completely unsuitable for any kind of demonic rites. Your blood might as well be paint, your soul is worthless to demons, and your body repels possessive forces. Additionally, demonic magics are significantly less effective.
>Be Not Afraid: You are no longer affected by fear and your body, mind, and soul are nigh-immutable towards the corrupting influence of the supernatural.
>Fight It John: You are now able to self exorcise yourself even if your mind and body has been completely dominated your soul remains untouched.
Its a fucking ESL from reddit, of course he has nothing of value to say
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Asking again because I'm having trouble: where can I get some ostensibly holy and sanctified looking powers that are actually horrifying under the surface, and stuff like brainwashing people with your "light/radiance".
Basically the jrpg "the church is evil" schtick where I am god and behind the veil is horrific eldritch shit. playing the newest AoW4 expansion and went full Orderfag while being an Eldritch Sovereign and now I've got the brain work for a chain.
Unironically check out We Know The Devil.
>brain work
brain worm*
>Maybe make Mikongto stop being Mikongto and start using her supposed big Level 5 Esper?
That's entirely on the writers. Sometimes she can buff her body with her powers, sometimes she can't. Sometimes she has a passive radar and automated defense, sometimes she doesn't. Sometimes she can hack robots and computers by manipulation electrons, sometimes she doesn't have enough control of her powers to charge a phone without blowing it up.
Yeah, that true, but its a fun little slice of life/possible action hi-jinks kind of thing, you know?
Having Mikongto go gorilla, only for jumper to watch on the side lines, and comment/ maybe help a bit.
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Gimmie those companionable leggy waifus.
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Any jumps where I can pick up companions I can game on? Yes on not just with.
If I recall, you can just purge it with enough spirit energy, it's just that most people run out before then cause they're constantly being "attacked" by Manono at the same time, who drain it from the victim and use it to fuel themselves. But if it's something you ate or it's in the air, you can purge it from your system.

So the answer is Heart of Green Fire from Shin Godzilla or any infinite mana/energy perk.
Not necessarily holy, but if you're looking for evil light powers, Duel Monsters: The Heroes has 'The Brightest Darkness and Darkest Light'. If you're a genuine villain, you get access to the power of the Light of Destruction:
>If you were a villain through and through, then the power you’ve awakened is a blinding light within your soul... scouring from existence everything that displeases you. This light grants you an innate awareness of the psychological state and weaknesses of others, and how to best twist them to your desires. It may cloak you, blinding any who try to gaze upon you, but it may also be turned into other images, allowing you to overlay reality with illusions of your design. By overwhelming the will of someone touched by this light, you may turn them into puppets, inducing fanaticism and obedience to you. You may also imbue this light and your very will into items, allowing them to perform this same effect on anyone touching it. Note that the item’s ability to overwhelm others is tied to how much you put into it, and the sheer mental exertion from placing your willpower into objects might overwhelm you in turn if you are not prepared. Finally, this light can be used as a vector of force, with such strength that you may take apart or hold together a building if it flared bright enough to cover it.
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Taki has some nice legs. I'll always hold the belief that Taki> Ivy and Sophitia
The Carmen capstone from LoR, can't remember the name. You become a new Light.
That sounds right on the money to me.
Spirit energy doesn't purge it outside of extremely minor concentrations, which just tend to fade away on their own if ingested over a long enough period. If you're trying to use spirit energy to purge something like a Demon Realm, you're going to get your shit rocked.
Effectively any AI that comes with a modular chassis - or at least one that can easily be modified.
So look at sci-fi jumps or ones with comics technology.
Maybe be an Angel in Supernatural? Angels there have inhuman mental Attitudes making it hard for them to relate to humans in most cases and not look down on them. Their true forms are also the size of skyscrapers with inhuman features like having several heads and animal body parts. Humans who take even a short glimps at their true forms will cause their eyes to burn out and potentially kill them, same is for hearing the voice of an angeblich which isnt underdtandable for most humans, causes glass to shatter, makes humans who hear it feel enormous pain and potentially die.
To interact with the Human World, angels need go rely on special Human Hosts. People wjo qualify are also the only ones properly capable of seeing/understanding the true angels.
You could have a Rotom in Pokemon combine with a mobile console like a Nintendo DS or a Switch.
You should install Doom on the Toaster from Fallout: New Vegas.

He would love you and the universe might not catch entirely on fire.
I mean couldn't you just give it emulation software or something? Rotom could probably figure out how to run it.
No? Rotom isn't a machine, it's a ghost made of plasma, it can't run anything on itself. It needs to merge with machines to use their capabilities.
Ah, I thought it was like Porygon, a pokemon AI.
Any jumps with fungus based necromancy/circle of spores druid type stuff?
Doesn't exidt explicitly in setting but you could probably figure it out in DC occult
Personally I'd choode to be an Avatar of thr Grey(the elemental plane connrcting all fungi across the univerde) and take the Real Magic perk to give you skill in Necromancy using it.
blade has abandoned us for waifu catalog.
In Monsters – The Heroes read the Evil Hero capstone called The Brightest Darkness and Darkest Light.
Should work quite well for your needs.
JUMP #0168: Van Helsing

Location: Victoria, Canada
Age: rolled 3 +24 =27
Gender: Male
Origin: Mad Doctor (50)
>Infectious Bite (100)
>Crazed Physician (free)
>Lunatic Trickster (free)
>Deranged Alchemist (150)
>Lightning is my Art (300)
>The Laws are Mine (300)
>Weakness Expansion (600)
>Transylvanian Horses (free)
>Research Notes (100)
>Hunted [Hyde, Frankenstein] (+400)
>Hunted Progenitor (+200)
Total: 1600/1600

Commentary: I had forgotten how many fun and weird perks are in this. Weakness Expansion alone is so useful in the long term. And the mad science is certainly quite a potent pickup. Speaking of, Jumper is apparently being hunted by all sorts of mad scientists and experiments. Not hard to deal with really. Jumper is always in need of more test subjects for his latest weapon prototypes.
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Best jump to make a woobie nugget cyborg companion? So far i'm thinking MGRR but i'd love for some more suggestions.
Spirit Energy (Essence in MGE) is able to prevent Mamono Mana from getting into you, if you have a huge amount of it, however MGE native females are just fucked generally though men as long as they aren't raped into an Incubus. Still, Infinite being Infinite that's a way to do it. The only thing you might have trouble with output vs the Mamono Mana's utterly terrifying conversation rate.

I mean, they're going with an Infinite Spirit Energy power so as long as their output can push past the Mamono Mana's conversion rate they might be onto something.
What would be a good jump for my hero Jumper to fall to dark/demonic forces? I wanna set that up so I can take more Jumps fitting the general theme of the chain.
World of Cybersluts.
Kingdom Death.
Black Crusade.
Here is 0.1 of my Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.

Afraid not.
Damn, thanks.
Fair and neat. Also, how do you control the spread of the Mamono Mana?

Thank you very much anon.
>secret base options
Badass, thank you WoL for giving me a ju.p for my favorite gen
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Cyberpunk jumps in general would work well for her, GiTs Standalone Complex would be my suggestion for her.
You're welcome anons.
Looks pretty good! Can pick up a lot of stuff, and the items are neat as well!

Thanks for the work WoL!
I appreciate the kind words, friend.
What jumps do we have with tables for customising (you)r form? Like a racial one or X transformation form.
Dragon Sword has a section like that, which you unlock through certain capstone perks.
>take Glazier options
>got to Morrowind
>open a glassware business
Also, I imagine being a skilled Glazier would be a valuable service in many settings and worlds. Hell, imagine taking that skillset with you to AsoIaF and offering your service to the North men to build more greenhouses
I'm happy you found something you like.
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>Primal Reversion
That's going to pair really well with my Gigantamaxing and Shadow forms. Thanks dude
You're welcome
Hey WoL_anon. This Jump looks pretty solid. Thanks! Maybe I'll use this as a Jumpers intro to the pokemon world before having it roll into the orre games.
World seed
Out of cruel space
The culture
You're welcome. Always happy to see people enjoy my work.
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I absolutely adore XCOM 2, pretty much entirely because it's the best jump to be a big strong mecha girl with a loving tomboy mechanic waifu.
>Fair and neat. Also, how do you control the spread of the Mamono Mana?
I run with the idea that the control I’m given over my own Mamono mana post jump is something I can teach to others, so if someone asks to be converted into a Monstergirl/Monsterboy I show them how to control it and then they can go around without spreading Mamono mana as well. Mind you, given the various benefits Mamono mana has, sometimes I spread it in a controlled fashion and lots of people monsterize and eventually decide to create a Demon Realm.
Can you play Skyrim on him?
You know, I'm not much for Yuri but I gotta respect that pairing. Very peak.
Because I don't like the aesthetic of being a big strong male Mec soldier with a small mechanic.

Totally fine with being a shota robot with an ara ara~ christmas cake scientist mechanic though
Tomboy mechanics are the absolute best. Especially if they're the rather scary kind of tomboy that only shows their tender side while working on your cybernetics.
I have found many things I like, but this was among the more unique options that struck me as fun in the context of the chain
The cyborg mechs are XCOM 1, not 2.
Ah, houserule, fair enough. So normally my Jumper can't rely on that. Thanks for the conversation, anon.
Remind me again, what's the main difference between Companions and Followers? Is it just that one can be imported and the other can't?
Companions get perks but you can only have eight at once. Followers mostly don't get perks, but you don't have a limit to how many you can have out
Companions are unique indivduals that you import, Followers are basically NPCs that don't grow as far as I recall beyond getting training and in-character changes during the narrative of the Jumpchain. Hope this helps.
And which QS supplement was it that capped the Companion limit? I'm having a hard time remembering where the limit was listed
Companions are party memebers. Followers are shopkeepers/background npcs.

Ash is a jumper
Misty and Brock are companions
Nurse Joy is a follower.
To me, followers are groups of people. You buy a megacorp through the jumpdoc? Those guys are followers. The Personal Air Wing in Hearts of Iron. The included crew for a spaceship. Your star nation from Stellaris.
Rules in OP
>You can have up to 8 "Active" Companions at once. Companions are allies granted to you via the CYOA itself. Pokémon, PMD Partner, Sidekicks, these all count as Companions.

People often houserule when it comes to companions though.
I mean, a case could be made that as the strongest Mamono around in future jumps, you’re the demon lord, so you can control how Mamono mana behaves.
And what would his Pokemon be? I'm guessing only Pikachu would a Companion and the rest are followers?
In the OG Pokemon Trainer jump, your starter is the closest to being a companion while the other ones are more like perks.
At some point someone realized that companion limits had become a pointless problem and came up with a half solution to resolve it. It doesn't actually change anything as followers still fall under the companion rules but people act like it does to pretend we aren't all houseruling everything ever since the originals stopped working for what jumpchain turned into.
That sounds reasonable. Pikachu is iconic, while the rest are merely present.
>Vicious Mockery (200cp)
>>weal points
That is not how it works at all. Mamono Mana does it's own thing, no matter what Lilith wants, she could only control how Monsters were formed and tried her way of doing things by shifting the system after taking up the mantle fo the Demon Lord via the same system that the old Chief God set up. Mamono Mana is the issue because it gets everywhere, converts everything, and generally is Energy Kudzu. The only thing the Mamono Lord can influence is how Monsters form, making them into Mamono now. The Mamono Lord has no more control over the Mamono Mana that naturally self-propgates through her race than any of the previous Demon Lords had control over the spread of their Demon Realms.
The chief God who set this shitnup was retarded
You don't need to make a case. The Demon Energy perk says you can learn to control how it changes things.
The author who set this all up is kind of silly, but yeah I agree that the Demon-Hero Antagonist System to tax humans for faithful prayer is utterly mindfuckeringly dumb.
You really think they're not going to keep using that technology just because it's not in the second game?
You can only have eight companions out at once. Other companions are banished from reality until you switch them back in while in your Warehouse. Certain properties allow them to hang out there instead. Companions can be imported, resurrect 24 hours after death at the cost of all memories from 30 minutes before the death onward, and reset their ages to match your age at the start of each jump.

Followers are people who come with you without any of the companion rules applying to them. Sometimes follower options add the ability to use a companion import option to convert them into companions.
Let's be honest, do we really need the ocean?
What is it with Japs and making Gods in their media evil, retarded, or more often both?
It's implied that the events and content of the expansion never happened in the first place, anon.
Do you mean Demon Energy Outlet? It doesn't stop how powerful and invasive Demon Energy is, just makes it so you can convert Spirit Energy into other stuff besides Demon Energy. Unless I'm missing something?
They didn't have it so yeah. They clearly didn't have the facilities or capabilities in the second games timeline where you got your ass beat. First and second are literally different timelines.
How come XCOM lost against the aliens in the first game when they had the support of the UN for personnel, supplies and other stuff but then they managed to turn the situation around and kick the aliens out of the planet as a ragtag group of rebels with one airship to their name fighting what should be a greater alien army that's had two decades to entrench itself on the planet, take control of all the governments in the world and upgraded its soldiers with genetic modifications to make them stronger?
Yes, X-Com 2 takes place in the what if, the Aliens held nothing back and just started attacking with their strongest tech right away instead of slowly ramping up
XCOM 1, canonically, didn't happen
The aliens were fighting to win in one, and fighting to lose in the other
Well that's just stupid.
Hero units vs mooks.
I'd like to know the answer to this too if someone has an educated guess.
>In the current setting the corruption will largely be toward the Demon Lord’s preference for the sexy, but you could potentially manipulate the corruption of targets in other directions with enough work.
I didn't say you could stop it (though a toggle perk probably would), I said you can change how it effects things.
Now you know why I don't like XCOM 2. Nothing else matters, it was all just a dream
Anywhere offer holy fire?
Ghost rider
Ghost Rider.
NTA, but reading the conversation, it looks to be about stopping the spread of the mana. You say that the perk can let you "learn to control how it changes things," implying that you can control it to just not change things.
Destiny - the Light
I mean I'm not the jumpmaker but that makes sense to me.
Probably Gnosticism? Like isn't god from an Gnostic view evil from what I keep hearing about it?
Bible study guys are really obnoxious.
>I didn't say you could stop it (though a toggle perk probably would), I said you can change how it effects things.
Eh, fair interpretation of things, yeah.
They don't have that technology because humanity gets shitstomped turn 1.
Given that there are nations that don’t have to worry about Mamono mana spreading to them because they signed a treaty with the demon lord, she clearly has some control.
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IIRC Yaldabaoth, also known as the Demiurge, is considered more "incompetent" than "malevolent" or vice-versa depending on which Gnostic sect you believe. I think the "malevolent" interpretation is in line with whatever counts as "mainstream" Gnostic thought, but I am not an expert on the subject. Pic related is a summary, but also a parody, so take it with a grain of salt.

Notably, though, they weren't the only sect to think that the Old Testament and the New Testament describe two very different Gods. Consider the position of the Marcionites. Marcion's writings have been lost, but we do have summaries of his doctrine (mostly compiled from the essays of his victorious theological enemies).
They still have to worry about the spread of Mamono Mana, they just got rid of the main production units. Mamono Mana /will/ take over the world eventually, even beyond the because of the cosmic stuff didn't just quarantine the world, and that's just facts. The deal with the Mamono Nations was that they'd live and let live, which is all bonuses to the Mamono Lord. After all, eventually they'll turn too and hopefully it'll be after they've figured out how to balance the breeding issue and completely circumvent the reincarnation cycle of the humans to steal all souls for Monster-kind.
The Demon Lord does in fact have control over how it behaves and can tell all other monsters to control their Mamono Mana output. This is why several human nations have standing treaties that ensure they won't ever be bothered by Mamono or Mamono Mana. Even Druella can do this, since she has similar treaties going on.

The one exception might be servants of the Fallen God and I think even they'd fall in line if the Demon Lord put her foot down.
The goal of the Extremist faction is to eventually convert the whole world, but even they'll live and let live with nations that have signed the "no Mamono" treaties. And whilst it will most likely spread everywhere sooner or later, that's down to Fate and the Demon Lord choosing to let it, which probably won't be much of a thing when every monster and her husband are making new continents to explore and fuck around in.
>but even they'll live and let live with nations that have signed the "no Mamono" treaties
Besides Mortal Kombat, where else can I get the means to conquer or fuse realms and universes together? If no other such options exist, are there at least ways to keep universes I take over chained together with some portals across the Chain? Maybe some manner of Dimensional Nexus point I can acquire to this ends? I'm just trying to think of the best ways to get my multidimensional empire actually working and having some continuity
Yes, this is canon that even the Extremists leave nations alone that are peaceful and don't harm monsters, but also don't want monsters around either.
IIRC there's a perk in Zelda Four Swords Adventures that lets you suck anything you conquer into a pocket dimension you own? I could be wrong, though.
Gods in MGE by all indications don't need or really care about prayers. Most don't even bother to tell the people they bless into heroes that they had their limits removed. The main benefit they get from followers just seems to be having organized people who want to spread their ideals, but that's about it.

Why the gods created the humans and why the original Chief God created the whole system is actually just unknown. We know almost nothing about the OG CG more or less.
>The Demon Lord does in fact have control over how it behaves and can tell all other monsters to control their Mamono Mana output.
Haven't read anything on that, as of right now as far as I can tell various rulers can tell their factions to stop, however it's up to the individual to stop and there are always some who either have bad control or simply don't want to stop like the Extremist Faction.

>This is why several human nations have standing treaties that ensure they won't ever be bothered by Mamono or Mamono Mana. Even Druella can do this, since she has similar treaties going on.
From what I can tell, they're just trying to not get roflstomped into the ground by the fact that Mamono on the march in virtually any capacity utterly fucks everyone in a nation in fairly short order. The Mamono Mana situation is a matter of the creeping Energy Kudzu getting every eventually and isn't well studied in the setting because the Mamono are meant to rule the world by Cross' current written causality.

>The one exception might be servants of the Fallen God and I think even they'd fall in line if the Demon Lord put her foot down.
If they were going to fall in line with the Demon Lord they wouldn't be shaking up with the Previous Chief God, just saying.

>The goal of the Extremist faction is to eventually convert the whole world, but even they'll live and let live with nations that have signed the "no Mamono" treaties.
Perhaps, after all we haven't seen any of the Extremists undermine entire nations who have such deals yet, have we? This is an honest question, not sure if we have seen treaty breakers.

>And whilst it will most likely spread everywhere sooner or later, that's down to Fate and the Demon Lord choosing to let it, which probably won't be much of a thing when every monster and her husband are making new continents to explore and fuck around in.
MGE is being infected, demon energy and thus Mamono Mana are not controlled by the Demon Lord.
I need to play that game at some point.
Just gotta finish the Minish Cap first. Sadly, I'm stuck with a dungeon and have been too stubborn to look up a guide until now. No, I'm not begging for advice, I'll either figure it out or cave in eventually.
Desolate Era Part II has a scenario with a chaosverse as your reward that lets you take away the entire setting of jumps if desired, Stellar Transformations has the option to become a universe creator where you can carry people with your personal cosmos, Avesta/DI has the option for becoming a Hadou God so you could just take away the setting and Zelda Four Swords has Consumed by Darkness where you can slowly infect the surrounding space and add it into one of your pocket dimensions.
>Gods in MGE by all indications don't need or really care about prayers.
That makes them even dumber for setting up the stupid system then.

>Most don't even bother to tell the people they bless into heroes that they had their limits removed. The main benefit they get from followers just seems to be having organized people who want to spread their ideals, but that's about it.
Oh, right someone said the whole Demon-Hero System was because the Gods were feeling threatened by Heroes who broke their limits on their own is that Canon? Others said it was a faith tax thing and from what I can tell that sounds about right from the various bits I've read, but the setting tends to give me a headache after a while because it's like the whole human race are Dense Protagonists.

>Why the gods created the humans and why the original Chief God created the whole system is actually just unknown. We know almost nothing about the OG CG more or less.
Aight then, it's still stupid regardless of the reason why it was set up tho.
>Haven't read anything on that, as of right now as far as I can tell various rulers can tell their factions to stop
Anon, everyone listens to the Demon Lord. The entire point of the treaties would be null and void otherwise. And as the chosen of Fate, the Demon Lord's will is probably enough for it to intervene to just enforce it if it really wants to.

>From what I can tell, they're just trying to not get roflstomped into the ground by the fact that Mamono on the march in virtually any capacity utterly fucks everyone in a nation in fairly short order.
The purpose of the treaties is literally to ensure good will on both sides, that the nation's in question won't harm or antagonize monsters Nad the Demon Lord will respect their wishes to not interact with monsters.

>If they were going to fall in line with the Demon Lord they wouldn't be shaking up with the Previous Chief God, just saying.
The Fallen God is not aligned to the OG Chief God. We know little about them beyond them being more extreme than the other Mamono-aligned factions.
>MGE again
KC was a mistake
>Perhaps, after all we haven't seen any of the Extremists undermine entire nations who have such deals yet, have we? This is an honest question, not sure if we have seen treaty breakers.
Oath breakers probably aren't a thing given Druella has absolute loyalty from her faction and she literally writes to request these types of treaties using a type of magical ink that actively hurts the user if they're not being fully 100% perfectly truthful and honest in their words andi intent.

>MGE is being infected, demon energy and thus Mamono Mana are not controlled by the Demon Lord.
There is more evidence that the Demon Lord can control or direct it than there is of the opposite. If this weren't the case, then she'd have literally never been able to change the rules like she did and her goal of making mamono birth incubi would be impossible.
Fate is a mistake, and I'm not talking about Nasu Fate either, I'm talking that tricky manipulative bitch that thinks she is immune to the giant pilebunker I'm about to ram up her wiggly ass. Doesn't matter the universe. Fuck. Fate.
Shut up faggot. If you aren't complaining when the thread is being filled with people asking for rape perks, jumps with "good waifus to pick up", settings that would be fun to enslave, or other garbage, you have no right to bitch or complain about anything else because you're an even bigger problem.
Please stop entertaining the autists with a stick up their ass about MGE. They can and will whine for entire threads while the argument goes around in circles.
Ric, take your meds, and go to sleep. You need it.
Because religion is just like that. The Japanese are just woke to the evils of Christianity.

>for rape perks, jumps with "good waifus to pick up", settings that would be fun to enslave
I'm not mad because "Oh no QQ jump in my tg discussion!" I'm mad because this shit is gonna go on for the rest of the thread (and was brought in from the last one)
The OG Chief God set the system up to keep humanity from breaking their collective limiters, since that would have allowed them to ascend to the same level of power as it.
>t. Rakan Thulio
>I'm mad because this shit is gonna go on for the rest of the thread
That's every discussion in this general. And every time someone bitches about it or tries to forcibly derail it instead of letting it die down naturally, things either get worse or they replace it with an even worse subject.
That's bullshit, Ivy is much better, her legs are fucking sculpted as you can see because they are bare and she's fucking tall.
>t. on idiot who think the best three are indeed Taki Ivy and Sophitia anyway.
There's also 2B but she's a crossover so she doesn't really count.
>two xianxia novels and an Intimidating VN franchise I've been avoiding.
Oh well, guess I need to bite the bullet at some point. Which of these would be easier to get into?
>Anon, everyone listens to the Demon Lord.
>The purpose of the treaties is literally to ensure good will on both sides, that the nation's in question won't harm or antagonize monsters Nad the Demon Lord will respect their wishes to not interact with monsters.
That sounds like cope, but I guess the MGE is perfectly reliable in all senses... except it isn't. So, it's likely cope then. Damn.

>The Fallen God is not aligned to the OG Chief God. We know little about them beyond them being more extreme than the other Mamono-aligned factions.
Thought the Fallen God was all in on the previous Chief Gods way of things and is just trying to break the system faster? Did I read that wrong?

>Oath breakers probably aren't a thing given Druella has absolute loyalty from her faction and she literally writes to request these types of treaties using a type of magical ink that actively hurts the user if they're not being fully 100% perfectly truthful and honest in their words andi intent.
This too sounds like some kind of lie or propaganda.

>There is more evidence that the Demon Lord can control or direct it than there is of the opposite. If this weren't the case, then she'd have literally never been able to change the rules like she did and her goal of making mamono birth incubi would be impossible.
No it's prefectly possible for her to have control over Monsters who can produce Demon Energy and yet not have perfect control over Demon Energy. Those are not contradictory statements, one is her job as the Mamono Lord the other is an easy way to handwave any issue that comes from the Energy Kudzu being the spiritual equivalent of a Grey Goo Scenario in slow motion. Of the two, the latter seems to be more well evidenced than her being able to control the Mamono Mana.

Again, if true, this is dumb as fuck, but aight that's the setting I guess.
Pathfinder WotR.
I'd like to ask a counterquestion, why do they have a Demon King or whatever that we got to kill to be, why it's so important, and why are they trying to put any weird spin to it.
Let's talk about more things MGE related; What are anon opinions about the newer Monster Girls such as the Kelpie or Cadlegeist?

Also, are there any perks needed to make the Lilith's Panacea mentioned in the second world guide? Jumper loves challenging himself by making things rumored to exist.
>this is dumb as fuck
MGE in a nutshell.
Dragon Quest
>40 minutes of background history, politics, and mythology later. . .
I don't particularly mind one way or the other about the topic of discussion whether it be MGE or Naruto or Exalted or Destiny, but can we please stop replying to retards who can't speak coherent English and never stop arguing? As long as those people aren't involved than the conversation isn't especially unpleasant, but if they are involved than no matter what the topic is, it's make completely intolerable.
>copes, lies, propaganda, and dumb shit
Welcome to KC's magical realm, if you don't understand you're just a filthy gaijin
Why are MGE secondaries so fucking determined to turn it into Warhammer?
Anyone here playing Zenless Zone Zero? I'm trying to figure out whether it counts as urban fantasy or cyberpunk for purposes of visiting it with a generic jump.
Man I remember when trying to talk to anyone here talking about Destiny was nigh impossible if they weren't Battler.
They're all shit, the fire gyaru was the last good one
Why not just make a jump for it?
NTA but it's way too early for that.
I am unironically going to combine the MGE, Pokegirls, and a Warhammer Fantasy jump so I can recreate a QQ quest experience in a chain.
Delicious Candy approach: combine both jumps
There is no MGE "discussion" and there never is. It's just one or two autistic faggots with a seething hatred for it pissing and shitting themselves for 3 hours because retards keep giving them a wall to bounce off of.
Pretty much this.

Because they are literal mindless edgelords.
>In the lewd darkness of the far future, there is only porn.
Way too early even if you were part of the closed beta.
>gacha game
>literally just came out
>make a jump for it
We really do just have an ESL or two that just spend all their time crying about a few settings and literally nothing else huh.
It's far too early for a jump to be made. We haven't even gotten enough details to reliably tell what the fuck is going on over there yet.
I hate this modern culture of releasing games I complete and trickling content slowly. Just release full games you lazy bastards! Why does everyone want to make the next "forever game"?
>We really do just have an ESL or two that just spend all their time crying about a few settings and literally nothing else huh.
Yup. I noticed it a while back with how no matter how many times a setting is explained to them, they just keep bitching because they keep misinterpreting or failing to understand what is being told to them. They make discussion completely impossible because it's like beating your head on a brick wall.
We do. Last thread they were even seething about being called an ESL (while making grammar mistakes).

It's a gacha. If they finish, you stop spending money.
Capitalists see the potential for infinite money. That's it.
More money for less effort = less people needed = even more money = more shareholders = even more money = line definitely goes up forever.
Well, we've had the Fate hating ESL for years, I've just only recently noticed that they (or someone else?) branched out into other stuff too. And also is absolutely desperate for attention from Shard.
I mean fair.

>Welcome to KC's magical realm, if you don't understand you're just a filthy gaijin
Again, fair I guess?

It doesn't seem like I'm having to do much other than just point out how the world works? Everything I've pointed out has been evidenced in the series as-written in parts that aren't litterally Monster Girl Faction Biased segments, and others are just saying that it's not real because they say so, which isn't really a compelling

I will never say that some of the art isn't appealing, just that my Jumper would hate the world because it's so invasively effective at infecting everything.

That sounds crazy, but it might be a funny Jump. Which Warhammer Fantasy Jump do you think would best be the one or are you following the Quest so that's chosen for you?
Yet most of these games are made by Chicoms...
It's a fucking gacha you retard.
Gacha is bad civilization
Live-service games are a plague anywhere you look.
>which isn't really a compelling
It's literally WOG backed truth. You have to straight up ignore canon to paint this grimdark version of the setting.
>It doesn't seem like I'm having to do much other than just point out how the world works? Everything I've pointed out has been evidenced in the series as-written in parts that aren't litterally Monster Girl Faction Biased segments, and others are just saying that it's not real because they say so, which isn't really a compelling
You're just a stupid ESL shitposter who wants the setting to be 40k
Don't bother anon. He's incapable of understanding because he quite simply can't read basic English. He's going to keep shitposting and seething and calling things "cope" because actual coherent posts wash off of him like water off a hippo's back.
Everything you have convinced yourself to be true is only such because you ignore everything other people tell you and insert your own opinions as facts to further validate your opinions you moron
>which isn't really a compelling
It isn't but people WILL pretend that nothing is true, everything is permited, you are a secondary that don't get the setting, end of story, how dare you not see the setting like KC does.
Those people probably don't care about MGE, and are just using it as shitpost material.

Truth is, the game was rigged from the start. Everyone is actually a secondary because KC is a bad writer who write with the wrong head, and some people are in the West are weirdly defensive about that and want to ignore it.
The quest itself was set in Bretonnia in the most cursed region following a half-oni knight who has the blood of Landuin. The QM made Mousilon worse than canon Mousilon and his goal was to just keep throwing shit at the PC till he dies. I'm not exactly sure if I will use the Bretonnia jump for that, doing it with one of the elven jumps might be more fun.
Should I get a QQ account?
You're getting angry over a brainless porn setting. Please kill yourself.
Yes I'm sure the people that listen to the author on how the setting works are the shitposters.

>who write with the wrong head
ESL, as expected.
Fuck that faggot, literally says America is bad
Found the fedoras
If you want access to the smut, then sure.

He blatantly replies to himself all the time. Didn't feel the need to call it out since it's really obvious.
The only reason I'm not calling this a completely transparent Samefag is because there isn't an obvious ESL red flag in your post. All the same, you're a weirdo
>It's literally WOG backed truth. You have to straight up ignore canon to paint this grimdark version of the setting.
What WOG? You haven't even quoted anything of the sort, just stated that the Mamono Lord has the power without saying where that comes from.

>You're just a stupid ESL shitposter who wants the setting to be 40k
Nope, just see something and point it out as I try to figure out how to realistically deal with the Jump coming up in my Rollchain.

>Everything you have convinced yourself to be true is only such because you ignore everything other people tell you and insert your own opinions as facts to further validate your opinions you moron
Has someone quoted a WOG that I didn't see? Or is this conversation just getting you heated? Calm down anon, just take a step back if you need to.

>It isn't but people WILL pretend that nothing is true, everything is permited, you are a secondary that don't get the setting, end of story, how dare you not see the setting like KC does.
>Those people probably don't care about MGE, and are just using it as shitpost material.
>Truth is, the game was rigged from the start. Everyone is actually a secondary because KC is a bad writer who write with the wrong head, and some people are in the West are weirdly defensive about that and want to ignore it.
Ah, well shit.

Sounds like a riot, at least you're not going Beastmen.
>there isn't an obvious ESL red flag in your pos
There is though, ESL-kun consistently messes up whether to put an s at the end of a word, which is where the shitsanon name came from. He did it again in that post.
Some parts of America are bad though.
like California for example. Also, the public restrooms kinda suck. Plus, we really should invest more into bidets
>The quest itself was set in Bretonnia in the most cursed region following a half-oni knight who has the blood of Landuin.
Got a link? I’m curious.

>I'm not exactly sure if I will use the Bretonnia jump for that, doing it with one of the elven jumps might be more fun.
Sounds fun.
When you quote five separate people and all of them are telling you to kill yourself, maybe take a step back and do some self evaluation.
When the veil comes down and the Realm of Shadow is revealed, does it just drop into the middle of the Lands Between like a dumbbell onto an unsuspecting foot?
Is it there when you go back to the lands between? No? Then no.
They havne't told me to kill myself, the only thing I've been acused of is making the MGE world grimdark and 40k. What are you talking about anon? Please quote the entry so I can see.
There were four replies who said hes shitposting and one of them was a troll source: it was me
Well shit indeed, look at all dem lovely ad hominems.

Worst is that if you go far enough, you will see that the setting was retconed, and clearly shit and morally bad from the start, but God forbid you mentioning it.
Ahh, I remember the Fallen Heroines, you are clearly meant to root and be happy for them, except the are all evil at the end.
Take it from me kid, just ignore people who are shitting on you because you dare talk ""bad"" about MGE.
It's better for your sanity.
Stop fucking feeding him already, MGE talk is never in good faith.
Probably just a instant fusion thing. Otherwise, it would be too risky for anyone and Marika while not the Queen of Best Decisions, isn't the Queen of Bad Decisions
But you never know, we don't know everything about Marika so for all we know, she may have fully intended for the Land of Shadows to remains forgotten forever, like many, many things.
>KC is a bad writer who write with the wrong head
The guy just wanted to make a coomer sandbox. It wasn't his fault that somehow manage to attract so many autists trying to psycho-deconstruct it with "facts and logic".

His overreaction and trying to keep "correcting" things digging himself deeper while giving them all the ammunition they needed is totally on him, though.

...why does MGE have that effect anyways? You don't see anyone trying to do deep lore analysis on, say, fucking Shindol.
NTA and not a part of this but I'm interested in this "retconned" setting. Convince me it exists - published material, early entries, whatever. Give me links or names and I'll check it out.
I'd take this over Exalted.
Generally speaking, what would happen if I were to devour whole a Lostbelt tree? Or perhaps instead try to grow one in my Warehouse?
NTA but even if you assume the setting is retconned, it means it isn't like that now. Which means he is just deliberately shitting up the thread talking about something that no longer exists (if it ever existed) so he can be mad at it.
Anon wanted an explanation about the Demiurge, so I did my best.
>if I were to devour whole a Lostbelt tree?
You get a big energy buff.

That's it. Morgan did it and just got buff magic. Douman did with hi fake and just got buff magic. ORT got some more bullshit, but that's because it's motherfucking ORT, not because of the tree.
That fucking sucks. The setting is still one I have to prep my Jumper's Rollchain for so I'll have to keep looking into the setting, but damn it that doesn't muddy the waters a lot.
What have we told you about eating energy fields larger than your head, anon?
I wasn't there for it, but I'm gonna guess that it started off lightly, like some "Hey KC is [insert fucked up thing] intentional?" Then came an overreaction, which led to autism, which led to another overreaction, which led to more autism, and now its a perpetual motion machine
>Generally speaking, what would happen if I were to devour whole a Lostbelt tree?
You become the new “keystone” keeping the land alive unless you turn it into a Lostworld + power boost.
>Or perhaps instead try to grow one in my Warehouse?
Possible new pocked realm?
>...why does MGE have that effect anyways? You don't see anyone trying to do deep lore analysis on, say, fucking Shindol.
If I had to guess, it's probably that the venn diagram between monstergirl fetishists and corruption fetishists is not a perfect circle, so you get lots of people coming in to the setting who like one part of the premise but not the other.
I was going through the mortal hero gauntlet and just thinking more jumps should be made in this style.
Stop replying to yourself, anyone can tell you're the same faggot based on how readily you agree with yourself and only yourself with absolutely no cause
If you are "looking into the setting", why are you ignoring the majority of posters who are telling you the setting is not like the way you are interpreting it? If I posted something about some setting, and four or five anons jumped up and said I was mistaken, I would be inclined to believe them. Even if I went and looked at more stuff to be sure.
That I'm a Jumper and my plans to ascend to godhood will always work?
That's pretty much how it went, plus HFY edgelords and trolls sending him guro fanfic/fanart to rile him up. Which worked like a charm.
Do it quickly so you don't feel full to soon?
Chainbutt it will burn every time you pee and you will never be able to stop it.

Help me.
You might have a UTI or something. If it is really bad, see a doctor.
I am in fact not replying to myself.

I do believe I did ask where the WOG was and if I'd missed something. Like, I'm all for being proven wrong here, it's just I don't believe things outright stated by anons in general.
That's called a kidney stone, anon. Stop with the energy drinks and just take fucking water.
Sure, but how? I haven't done anything unusual to my pecker or placed it in any situation that would expose it to something nasty.
I don't drink energy drinks and water is most of what I have. I also didn't feel anything in any other part of my body, like a stone making its way down the tract.
KC initially replied to them in good faith it should be noted. The overreactions came after people started mass-replying and spamming him with the same shit over and over regardless of how much he answered it, so the dude got sick of it to the point he simply made hard setting declarations that they'd either have to sit down and put up with or fuck off. After that, they started spamming him with guro fanfics/art.
>I do believe I did ask where the WOG was and if I'd missed something. Like, I'm all for being proven wrong here, it's just I don't believe things outright stated by anons in general.
Evidently from the conversation, you also don't believe what the source material has to say about itself, because you actively dismiss evidence that contradicts your preconceived notions but readily accept what shitposters tell you. Almost as if you came into this conversation actively looking to start an argument
Suffer not Chaos to live.
Anon we have pattern recognition, you do this every time you post. And we know when it's you, because you post in a telltale ESL style. Just fuck off already
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Here is just one piece. I'm not getting more for you when you could have just googled.
>I haven't done anything unusual to my pecker or placed it in any situation that would expose it to something nasty.
Sometimes infections just happen
Shit. Well, I'd rather that than a stone, I've heard those things are terrible.
Go see a doctor anon.
I'm not made of money, though I might as well be pissing out dimes. That'll probably be how I'll die, I'll be having a heart attack and refusing to see a doctor because it's just arm pain.
>Evidently from the conversation, you also don't believe what the source material has to say about itself, because you actively dismiss evidence that contradicts your preconceived notions but readily accept what shitposters tell you.
Because canonically the parts they're quoting are biased towards the Mamono? Like in WOG's I have seen KC admits that the Wandering Scholar and many other POV characters are biased and not everything is as it seems. I'll link it: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Wandering_Scholar
>He does not seek to misinform and in general is reliable, but his own biases and tendency toward hyperbole do sometimes affect his writing, making some monsters seem more threatening or deviant than they actually are, or making extreme behavior seem like the norm or equally applicable to the entirety of a particular monster race.

Which is why I was asking after the WOG quotes since that makes more sense to get an solid understanding of things without the Setting in the way seeing as people are stating contrary information.

>Almost as if you came into this conversation actively looking to start an argument
I didn't do that.

So, basically ;fan wank responsibly' but with more words? Okay then, thanks anon. Also, where in the Q&A is that I can't find it on the Link I'm using, https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Kenkou_Cross_Q%26A/BookQnA
If it's just an infection, at most it should just be around $50-75 for the visit, then maybe another $20-50 for a bottle of antibiotics to take for a month. At least that's what it was like for me the last time I had a sinus infection. Though granted that WAS in a pre-covid economy, so your mileage may vary
>Like in WOG's I have seen KC admits that the Wandering Scholar and many other POV characters are biased
He is saying they are biased against the Mamono (but not intentionally). The MGE is harsher against Mamono than reality.
See, that's the problem, people told him of how stupid his coomer sandbox fantasy was and how it wasn't much of a fantasy, he took as a challenge. A challenge he failed and always failed, people continued on, it became a flame war.
And like you said, he just keept digging himself deeper and deeper until he said fuck it, MGE is Japan only.
The Death Threats probably didn't help, but how stupid can you be on the internet to do that?

>...why does MGE have that effect anyways?
I dunno how he was before, but everything point toward KC being an asshole. KC absolutely want, and still want to have the last word, and will lurk on the internet to tell you how to think of his books.
Also, force people to delete their fanfictions when it has guro (that's the excuse he and people are using anyways)
His fans are also bastards.

It's honestly both side, it started small, KC wrote something stupid, people pointed it out, KC wrote something stupider, people kept pointing it out, until it exploded.

See, this >>93408327, this is a trap or at best or something done in perfectly bad faith at worst. The Lore of KC is contradictory all the time, so from a pure technical standpoint, there are retcons everywhere. But if you say that, people like him will just say that you are full of shit. So don't bother answering.
But since I'm a nice guy to you guys, not this kind of fuckers, I'll say one word, Lescathie.
Why are you so fucking psychotic? Stop trying to turn porn into Warhammer. It's porn, either fap or ignore it. You are unambiguously the one in the wrong forever and always
>Because canonically the parts they're quoting are biased towards the Mamono? Like in WOG's I have seen KC admits that the Wandering Scholar and many other POV characters are biased and not everything is as it seems.
None of the info given to you comes from the Wandering Scholar or similar characters. It's either from an omniscient third-person like the guidebooks or literal WOG. You'd know this if you didn't flagrantly disregard anyone trying to correct you on anything.

At the very least you've admitted you're ignoring everyone who isn't a shitposter/yourself, ESL. That makes you even easier to ignore in the future.
I'll probably break down if it's still hurting in another day or two. This is a real-life drawback with no bonus. Came out of nowhere. Cried out "WHY!!!!!" with tears in the corners of my eyes the first time. Kidney stone gijinka girls with barbed nipples.
Please learn proper English.
>People who don't get angry about Monster Girls are bad faith shitposters, anyone honest would wholeheartedly support sending death threats to KC.
He's the same autist who went in and ensured the monstergirl general died, and before that, was starting shit in any of the random MGE threads that popped up here. From what little I got from the monstergirl general, he's some /jc/ psycho with a major fucking grudge against KC and MGE fans so he does his best to shit up any discussion he enters featuring them. Basically, the Gohanposter of monstergirl media.
Listen when spoken too. Stop begging the question and just say 'Yes sir' you fucking moron, that's all you have to do.
Pokemon waifus > boring monster girls
Plus you just KNOW friendship evolutions naturally crave the BHC. They long to be COLLARED
>None of the info given to you comes from the Wandering Scholar or similar characters.
Not that guy but isn't that where the entries come from?
Talk to a therapist.
*Meant /jp/
Pokemon designs have suffered since they stopped largely being Toriyama DQ monster ripoffs with gen 2, and really hit rock bottom in the last few gens.
This IS pokefucker general
At least some of them, yes.
Hey, I like my fire Crocodile.
The main enclyopedia entries come from the Scholar, but everything else we know about the setting comes out of guidebooks not written by him along with spinoffs, world guides and other stuff like the RPG or WOG.
Sell me on your #1 most fuckable Pokemon.
The MGE entries themselves, but not the guidebooks. IIRC Vol.3 is written by someone else because the Scholar went missing.
Is there a Palworld jump?
There are exceptions.
My dick ain't picky. Monster girls are hot, and Pokemon are hot.
Thank you. The other starters are shit
Mew obviously, but for a dark horse try Gothitelle
Good night thread.
Goodnight, Princess Peach.
I like Cinderace though...
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My Queen Tsareena!
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Ferals & girl monsters > anthros & monster girls.
I know and that's wild seeing as he's got a ton of connections and is honestly one of the most isanely connected people in the setting when it comes to Monster Girls, it seems odd that he's on such good standing with all the connections when he's harsh with them. Still, I was more pointing out that the actual writing is biased more than which direction it was biased.

>None of the info given to you comes from the Wandering Scholar or similar characters.
The MGE is canonically written by the Wandering Scholar to my understanding of what was stated. >>93408513

>It's either from an omniscient third-person like the guidebooks or literal WOG. You'd know this if you didn't flagrantly disregard anyone trying to correct you on anything.
I have gotten one quote of WoG from one anon, thanked them for it and asked where its source was because I couldn't find it on the site of WoG Q&A I was using.

>At the very least you've admitted you're ignoring everyone who isn't a shitposter/yourself, ESL.
I've done nothign of the sort.

>That makes you even easier to ignore in the future.
If it's (You) in particular, please ignore me I'll continue to speak with those who are providing information on the setting so I can continue to prepare for my Rollchain hitting this (potential) major hurdle.

This mentality is trash and I request you stop trying to find validation in others and think for yourself. If you need some self-care, take it anon.

Okay, I'll admit to be a bit confused by what >>93408548 said. Are there other POV characters who're biased perspectives or not in the rest of the written work?
Is it possible to make something like this in the Noita Gauntlet?
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Handlebars, strong legs and thighs, will let you ride her, learns Milk Drink so you know she had big ol milky teats, potential for kegels, may or may not have either a horse or similar pussy, can rock the whole range from tomboy to milfy well enough. Also, grass type, which are universally the most wifable type of them all
That movie was one of, if not the thing to introduce me to pokemon iirc
Latios. Three words: Double dragon cock.
Just fucking read the Encyclopedia entries on Danbooru or something you faggot, stop bothering us when you clearly don't want to listen to what we tell you. Make your own fucking conclusions since that's all you seem to care about and not the truth.
What do you think Gogoat milk taste like?
>girl monsters
Now this, this is cooking.
So in other words, when someone is bringing MGE, or worse you want to genuinely bring MGE, here what you should do:
Keep your questions and answers very short and very simple, and go away.
Be very careful, detect the assholes, detect the people who will twist your words, detect those who throw insults those who will defend MGE or KC, and if there's all of that, just go away.because this is just Timmy's (and Friends) Playground and you are either in there or have the patience of a saint.

Look at this cute guy there >>93408518 there. Pretending that I said that death threats are okay.

A lot of them.
A lot of people will use that as an argument to excuse retcons too.
Probably some plant like, like either a kale smoothie, or just nectar.
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DSL, that is all
Like goat milk
As an aside, if you have a chance to try goat milk ice cream, take it.
I'm sold. Gogoat is A-tier fuck material.
Fuck off you insane psychopath, we were fully capable of having a civilized discussion until you started your song and dance
>Just fucking read the Encyclopedia entries on Danbooru or something you faggot, stop bothering us when you clearly don't want to listen to what we tell you.
I mean, stop replying? You're not helping me with the Jumpchain stuff so stop trying to insult me.

>Make your own fucking conclusions since that's all you seem to care about and not the truth.
That is not what I'm after, but it seems that's what at least one anon says is the method KC's Q&A says.

I'm just confused and trying to figure out how things go and how I should react to the stuff during my Jumper's Rollchain.
Good, let your initiation begin
This is the cutest Jynx I've ever seen.
Anons, what's a lesser known jump that you personally like including in chains?
Based and cultured
Ted Lasso
No you're not. You're shitposting. Accept responsibility for your bad behavior or else you are continuing to shitpost. Only a concession to your bad behavior will evidence that you aren't a shitposter. You won't, proving everyone who insulted you right.
>From the very first, monsterization may make women lustful or loyal to their desire, or add the instincts of the Mamono, but it doesn't change personality of women so much.
This is still brainwashing though, ain't it? It's causing a clear change in personality as a result of monsterization.
Homeworld - Deserts of Kharak
Still pissed that game got hit with tencent spyware and is now online-only.
stop trying to weasel your way out of taking WoG at face value
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>Someone not liking media you like is an insane psychopath
NTA but please go outside
Mana Khemia
All it does is make people hornier. It's inherently less invasive than any harem perk. Hell, are the average posters here "brainwashed" when they're so horny the only reason they jump anything is to have an excuse to rape waifus?
Assert how brave you are for wanting to fuck feral animals in a non-anonymous space and see what happens.
You have literally killed generals you diabetes afflicted dog tumor
Just stop if you're not going to help with the Jumpchain stuff.
My friends already know about my desire to fuck Eevee, anon. It's a long-running gag about which I am regularly teased whenever Pokemon comes up.
Anon, he's never going to give in or admit to what he's doing. We've tried to get him to stop and it never fucking worked. The entire reason he got ran out of /jp/ was because literally nobody could reason with him or get him to hop off his MGE hateboner.
>It's inherently less invasive than any harem perk.
That's wrong anon, by almost every margin
Porygon knows your browser history. Not even deleting it or browsing in incognito mode will save you. It has already seen everything.
It is fine to not like MGE. It is insane to ignore Canon so you can be mad at a version of the setting that doesn't exist. And yes, it is mad, because you wouldn't feel the need to make the same dumb posts every single time the setting is mentioned.
NTA, no one is going to help you with your jumpchain stuff because you don't actually want help with your jumpchain stuff, else you'd have actually listened to the posts that had already been made at the start of this shitshow
But I've been wanting to fuck Miltank anon. She was just made to be fucked, cuddled, and headpatted.
Don't bite the obvious bait, anon.
QQ has a jump called Milk Hunters based on a series of Pretty Cure doujins where the MC is a fat greasy otaku shitstain. However it has that one particular kind of drop-in origin where the whole premise is "fuck everything about this story", which in this case means it makes you a nice normal wholesome boyfriend with some power of love and therapy perks and stuff like that. This makes it a really great place to visit right before, say, Madoka Magica.
>Porygon knows about my leg fetish
Well I don't think either of us are going to be able to do anything with that information.
If you admitted to wrongdoing, it would help you with your jumpchain stuff. Recognizing when you've been an asshole opens doors and makes you a better, more productive person.
>You dislike MGE because of bad writing
>I dislike MGE because the author is a fag paetron scammer who C&Ds anything he doesn't like.
We are not the same
I go to Xam'd a lot. I don't even particularly like the setting, it's just that the Mainsoul perks are absolutely amazing when you're doing anything relating to tech
>I'm just confused and trying to figure out how things go and how I should react to the stuff during my Jumper's Rollchain.
Well I just gave you a guide, but if you want a legit answer, there are two.
Fanwank, I'm sorry to say this, it is hurting me to say this, but fanwank. Read pages and stories of MGE, make the thing in your own mind, because neither I, KC, the "fans", or even yourself will give you a good, perfect answer.
KC doesn't know what he is writing, is soft retconing things left and right, and is an asshole. The fans doesn't know anything but are pretending to, are throwing insults to anything that point that things that may make MGE look bad, and are acting like they are God's Messengers when they are just assholes. I dunno what the fuck I'm supposed to understand except that this is supposed to be horniland with plotholes, and that in universe is working on alien morality, every fans are working on alien and Timmy morality, they are all assholes, and I end up being an asshole too.
To quote hiimdaisy's Snake, Find the meaning behind the words, then decide. (except replace meaning by conclusion)

Leave it alone, he's just an idiot.
I'm sorry you had to see that, Porygon
May this be a lesson to not snoop into other people's computers
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I have a small jump, I started this many years ago in large part because I was mad at Reddit's shitty one. But now it is finished™.
NTA but what do you want help with? Ideas or something? A way to stop Dark energy from corrupting?
He's an ESL, he's an ESL, you're an ESL, I'M AN ESL! Are there any other ESLs I should know about?
>copy [leg]
>paste [leg]
>repeat ten times
You underestimate Porygon's power.
O-oh. Hm.
Cool; I remember really enjoying that movie years ago. I should probably rewatch it. Thanks for the jump!
I'm outta here
Serious, honest advice. Ignore anything >>93408780 says, he is a schizophrenic bastard who has spammed Monster Girl threads for literal years, he has a massive hateboner for KC and pretty much lies as he breaths. Do not take anything that even hints at dismissal of KC and his canon as worth listening to.
>ignore the author
>ignore the people that like the thing
>make up what the thing REALLY is in your mind
Wow great advice.
It is primarily based on the cancelled follow up TV series, also I think I may have forgotten to include a toggle to start during the original movies so I should probably add that before calling it a final™ version.
This will not end well.
>acquire too many options and variables for how to depict your jumper
>suffer identity crisis when you can no longer tell what suits them best
>year 6 of identity crisis
How about instead of just saying no one is going to help me you either
A) Give some suggestions from the Jumpchain to help me.
B) Give links to help educate me instead of vague assertions.
C) Stop replying.

My confusion is real, my questions are real, please stay on topic to the Jumpchain if you will.

>Well I just gave you a guide, but if you want a legit answer, there are two.
For which again, I say thank you. Still, where is that Q&A found? I linked the one I found, but it didn't have that particular answer from what I could tell.

>Fanwank, I'm sorry to say this, it is hurting me to say this, but fanwank. Read pages and stories of MGE, make the thing in your own mind, because neither I, KC, the "fans", or even yourself will give you a good, perfect answer.

>KC doesn't know what he is writing, is soft retconing things left and right, and is an asshole. The fans doesn't know anything but are pretending to, are throwing insults to anything that point that things that may make MGE look bad, and are acting like they are God's Messengers when they are just assholes. I dunno what the fuck I'm supposed to understand except that this is supposed to be horniland with plotholes, and that in universe is working on alien morality, every fans are working on alien and Timmy morality, they are all assholes, and I end up being an asshole too.
It sucks when these kinds of things get messy, sorry it got messy while you were replying in good faith.

>To quote hiimdaisy's Snake, Find the meaning behind the words, then decide. (except replace meaning by conclusion)
Nice quote.

Basically the means by which to prevent Mamono Energy from setting off an MGE grey goo scenario in other worlds. Some anons have given me leads on some good anti-corruption Perks but those just protect my Jumper and I'm looking for a way to prevent the energy from getting out of hand in the first place, hopefully.

I have no idea how to take that
Almost certainly not, but I'm in.
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Very based.
He wasn't replying in good faith, he is a known shitposter, and when you respond like that, it is no wonder people think you are a shitposter too.
Do enjoy your new waifu, anon
Porygon worked hard on designing it
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>Basically the means by which to prevent Mamono Energy from setting off an MGE grey goo scenario in other worlds. Some anons have given me leads on some good anti-corruption Perks but those just protect my Jumper and I'm looking for a way to prevent the energy from getting out of hand in the first place, hopefully.
The jump itself has an anti Corruption perk and it gives the ability to teach others how to clean even DE from its surroundings. And even if you don't take it, the Jump offers a free DE purge.
Actual unironic serious advice: just make shit up and /never/ post about MGE here, because shitposters just love to fan the flames.
As one of the guys who posted anti-corruption perks, both Destiny the Light and Faith Unholy Trinity have other perks that let you spread the anti-corruption power and (in the latter case) purify/exorcise objects.
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Just take Maker of Magic or Celestial Kabbalah or even just take the Jagan Eye from YYH for perfect control over your own energy
>"'Don't take you stay you perks.', he said."
>"'Pick up all the appearance perks like the rest of us.', you said."
>"'Just get 72 demon pillar waifus.', they said."
>"Sure, why not get another clone or three?"
>"Who even am I anymore?"
>(Everyone): "Yes."
Embrace the schizo chain.
He already said no to the free purge because it is too fiat for his liking (as if perks from other jumps aren't also fiat). He just wants to pretend things are worse than they really are.
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I keep coming back to Eat-Man & Gungrave, it feels nice to start a new chain & or build in either of those jumps.
I believe in Grass-Type Supremacy.
Just pick up some extra bodies, and do all of your ideas.
Primarily identifying as something copyrighted like a Pokemon is interesting because you always have this thought in the back of your mind that some iteration of the rights holder in some jump is eventually going to sue you for being you.
I guess I should just become a whole world of me.
>>"'Don't take you stay you perks.', he said."
Do people actually say this? What's their reasoning?
Let them know that they exist only at your benevolence
Here >>93406119
honestly i don't know much about MGE but it sounds like the author wasn't really paying attention to what he was actually writing and ended up giving MGE really bad early installment weirdness with implications that he didn't think of at the time but other people did and had to retcon tons of stuff later on.
I dunno, he's the only one that's posted any kind of Q&A that actually gave me any information even if it was 'fanwank it'.

Anti-Corruption is a drop-in Perk so it'll cost me 600 CP because I got Cannot Into Drop, but it might be worth it yeah. The MGE purge only hits the people and from what I understand the Mamono Mana propogates through everything including gear and property.

>Actual unironic serious advice: just make shit up and /never/ post about MGE here, because shitposters just love to fan the flames.
It sucks that it's like that, but it is what it is I guess.

>As one of the guys who posted anti-corruption perks, both Destiny the Light and Faith Unholy Trinity have other perks that let you spread the anti-corruption power and (in the latter case) purify/exorcise objects.
Yep, was just mentioning that recently.

I will be on the lookout for the first two, but the Jagan Eye isn't really going to help post Demon Energy purge.

I did see that and thanked them here >>93406799
>Do people actually say this? What's their reasoning?
Character growth or something
I'm pretty sure nobody actually says that in good faith, and that if anyone did they were just looking at things like a backwards version of the whole non-drop in is identity death meme but instead you stay you means no character arcs because you never change.
>I did see that
So why didn't you stop there instead of dragging this shit out way beyond everyone's patience and good will?
As the one who posted the Q&A picture, no he fucking didn't.
This is pretty accurate. I don't give KC shit over that though because I've done the exact same.
what does ESL even stand for though?
I don't think anyone actually says that, but I'm pretty certain most people here just ignore those kind of perks unless they've got points left over. It's a bit of an underrated power to have.
Ah, he was just claiming that as something he did, that sucks.
English as a second language.
English second language.
English as a Second Language. Don't take anyone who says it seriously.
English as a Second Language. You get hit with it for making a typo, usually. Non-native speakers generally have a better grasp on the language than natives do, and when they don't, it's at least clear what they were trying to communicate to you. When a native speaker fucks up, sometimes you have to sit there and dissect the mess to understand it.
>It sucks that it's like that, but it is what it is I guess.
Why are you replying to the guy literally everyone is telling you is a prolific shitposter as if he's at all worth listening to?
Dunno about goodwill and patience, I was speaking with anons that spoke to me first for the most part. Learning about the setting and trying to figure out which parts weren't just biased guidebooks and encyclopedia entries.
Now it should be finished, as I definitely™ haven't forgotten any other obvious things I knew needed to be there when I first started writing it half a decade ago.
English as a second language.
I cannot tell anons apart.
Pretty much. I like a lot of KC's monstergirl designs, but a good worldbuilder, he is not.
>everyone who says something I don't agree with is a shitposter
Not this again
I know what you forgot: to post it again.
This is not true.

Why the fuck are you trying to learn about the setting from 4chan instead of just looking at the source material? It's all online, just fucking consume it.
If someone consistently makes the same kind of grammar mistakes, especially if it is in relation to something like plurals which have different rules in different languages, it is easy to infer that they are not a native speaker.
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Except the jump, I did apparently forget that.
They're the same guy anon. Same basic grammer mistakes and everything.

It's very, very easy if you aren't intentionally fanning the fla,es yourself.
The guidebooks aren't biased, only the MGE is (and only in a way that means Mamono are BETTER than described).
You're missing Astral Layers for this schizo chain
>biased guidebooks
How is an omniscient third-person POV "biased" you actual subhuman faggot?
Pour one out for all the boys we lost in the Drift Wars.
Ooh a limitless jump that represents the source material and isn't full of conceptual fiat perks.
Thanks for the jump.
>For which again, I say thank you. Still, where is that Q&A found?
The wiki? Last time I checked it was there. Try SB?

>It sucks when these kinds of things get messy, sorry it got messy while you were replying in good faith
I'm not being an asshole to you, in fact I'm trying to not be an asshole to anyone by ignoring the insults, though the frustration can be shown.
You know what they say, once bitten...
The moment someone is throwing an insults like that, you know you should probably ignore them, it's the kind of things you learn in your years in there I guess. Detecting the actual cheap insults from the cheap insults that are there to burn everything down.

>Nice quote
It's hiimdaisy, so obviously.

>I have no idea how to take that
Either he's shitposting, because I have no idea what he is talking about. Years? What the fuck? On top of the fact that the number of time I talked about MGE can be counted on the fingers of a single hand. (which make it the fifth one)
Or trying to save his beloved franchise from criticisms I dunno.

Basically what I said, but shorter and less assholish on my part.

That's is indeed the best advice I can give, especially looking at the current messes.

YES! This is what I'm trying to say. Along with a lot of other things that kind of make me look bad.
>On top of the fact that the number of time I talked about MGE can be counted on the fingers of a single hand. (which make it the fifth one)
Kek, sure.
What am I listening to?
>What if the encyclopedia entries are biased?
Then you have to take them as is anyway because they're you gateway into the setting you asshole. You don't get to ignore the viewpoint through which the setting is communicated to you because you don't feel like the viewpoint is legitimate, because at that point you're actually just making shit up and substituting it for what the author is telling you. This attitude is what everyone is pissed off about, drop it already
Riversong. The title is right there anon.
You've been doing this shit for actual irl years, no one cares about your mental illness, kill yourself already
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So, something I've noticed is that (probably due to Idol Theory bullshit) the actual reality of events/actors in a historic sense can be circumvented by canonicity (and seemingly even secular belief) in regards to the actualization of powers based in Christianity. You know, like when Agnese said the Saint Christopher didn't exist even though artifacts and powers of his are used by the Church. And beyond purposeful invocations there are also cases of random happenstance like people being blessed by Archangels or born as Saints. I'd also like to point out that content from the Book of Revelations was used as early as the Deep Blood arc. Despite this, I can't remember anything from the "antagonist" side of Christian doctrine being used (outside of extra-canonical occult demonology, like Goetic invocation). Bascially, want I want to ask is would it be possible for someone to be born one of the real bad problems in Christian theology like a given denomination's interpretation of the Anti-Christ, or the Beast or Whore of Babylon? Mostly because I love that kind of arc where a creepy ontologically evil abomination has to be raised with love so they turn out alright, and want a companion like that.
>the Beast
I thought of the one with the wounded head that heals and astounds its followers immediately after the ear thing happened.
Not Ricrod obviously, but-
>the actual reality of events/actors in a historic sense can be circumvented by canonicity
This is indeed a function of Idol Theory. A fairly basic one even; belief in a thing is more important than the truth of it.
>would it be possible for someone to be born one of the real bad problems in Christian theology
Almost certainly-but again, not Ric and I can't make rulings. The metaphysics of the setting check out though.
>Actual reality
Nothing that happens in Toaru is actual reality within its own universe. Everything within the setting of Toaru is within the context of a billion billion Phases, the true reality is something completely alien to human conception because of how far we've divorced ourselves from it by stacking Phases.
All Phases are created by human belief, canonicity of Christianity and all other religions and belief systems is just a bunch of Phases, any form of myth or legend or whatever human thoughts accumulate in Phases which distort the original form of the world. This is how Idol Theory ultimately works, you're unknowingly mantling a Phase.
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>Anti-Corruption is a drop-in Perk so it'll cost me 600 CP because I got Cannot Into Drop, but it might be worth it yeah. The MGE purge only hits the people and from what I understand the Mamono Mana propogates through everything including gear and property.
That's why you get the perk, take a few draw backs or scenarios and that will pay for it self, In my chain, I went through as a crusader for the Chief Goddess, I talked with her to keep monsters as girls and to make me her Champion, and city my city I formed into the one Empire and converted monsters and Purged DE and united the lands
>I got Cannot Into Drop
As an eternal Drop-In, I cannot comprehend this.
The true reality was probably beyond understanding even before the Phases started branching away from it anyway given it's implied all the Secret Cheifs hail from there.
In Raildex the universe has been destroyed and replaced countless times by Magic Gods. Nothing you know about history has ever actually happened at all. It's like how the universe in Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was just created within recent memory, the timeline actually starts only a few years ago and nothing before that actually happened regardless of memories or physical records, all of that simply came into existence spontaneously at the whim of an omnipotent god.
Doggo is spooky, going full Crusades is an idea, yeah.

What jumps would be good for bringing /collared/ perks into? What settings have non humans who need to learn their proper place as waifus be it aliens, furries, or fantasy races?
J.C's Avatar
When in doubt; Go to rwby.
Obligatory bat tats answer.
That story discussed here a while back about the man that the cartel forced to fuck his entire family under threat of the ones he didn't finish with being killed was just an urban legend, right? Because let me tell you, that there is one hell of a Chainbutt. Possibly the only Chainbutt with zero takers.
>the actual reality of events/actors in a historic sense can be circumvented by canonicity (and seemingly even secular belief) in regards to the actualization of powers based in Christianity.
Good observation, but its not Idol Theory exactly, its just how Phases work on ToAru. Enough belief can create whole pantheons and let you draw power from it.
Religion and mages that crossed the umbra such as magic gods are capable of creating phases williy nilly.
> And beyond purposeful invocations there are also cases of random happenstance like people being blessed by Archangels or born as Saints.
Technically Saints are born because they share similarities with Jesus thus they're living idol theory tools
>Bascially, want I want to ask is would it be possible for someone to be born one of the real bad problems in Christian theology like a given denomination's interpretation of the Anti-Christ, or the Beast or Whore of Babylon?
There's an option in the power section that makes you a Saint or similar given we have a valkyirie around that works under the same principle. So yes, you can be an avatar of the anti-christ or some such in the same sense a saint is to jesus.
Weal it!
>Big Tiddy Esper/Magician Gf that loves you and is supportive of your stuff?
I'll add it.
>Get an actual legit photo of Eihana
This can work, the others are a no
Thanks for suggestions.
I'll finish this...eventually.
Best places to acquire /collared/ perks?
If you're going through with this, note that Moonphase Aspects (Exalted: the Lunars) gives you five more voices, and the boosted (Elder of the Pact) version lets you add anyone you Sacred Hunt to the voices, too.
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So how are the Jedi Evil now?
Nice. Thanks for the jump.
Neon Dreams of Organic Toys and Erotic Smol Horses are the ones I'm aware of.
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>J.C's Avatar
Agreed. The RDA drones are inhuman monsters who need to be retrained into proper pets by the Na'vi.
Always the quiet ones huh?
The same way they always were, by being overly self righteous regarding their goals and using them to justify dumb shit that they shouldn't be able to get away with.
They're still not evil.
Something, something, kidnapping. Something, something, lying to the government.
My first instinct is Pokemon, but I think they already understand their place.
>yet if someone’s life were to be ended artificially with magic or esper powers, a single touch of Imagine Breaker would bring them back to life.
When Touma do something like that?
May I make a suggestion? Beginner item sets are very much oriented around trainers or pokemon who have a trainer already. For someone playing as a wild pokemon, the extra balls and money isn't terribly useful. So perhaps an alternative option for a Pokemon to have? Perhaps some commonly wild found held items, or a neat bandana or or something else a pokemon may find useful to start with?
I mean, I know I can just not take the free things, so don't feel pressured to add something if you can't figure out a good way to implement it.
Also, for Version Exclusive, have you considered also allowing an option to jump to the Manga version? Or is that a bridge top far?
Anyway, feel free to ignore my nitpicks, in the meantime I'm going to make a build.
I couldn't look at them the same way after they lazily made Old Ben's desert hermit robes the default Jedi uniform while totally missing that point about them. It's like if Raditz, Vegeta, and Nappa wore Turtle School gi.
>When Touma do something like that?
Vol 2 when Himegami dies by Izzard telling her to die.
She can be a very meek girl.
>Always the quiet ones huh?
Where's your glock?
Oh hey, I remember the girl in the middle from the Mage’s Guild Meetings threads.
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Origin: Rookie Trainer
Location: Rustboro City

Perks: Braille on the Brain (free), Bicycle Badass (free), Multi-Discipline Teacher (100), Secret Seeker (200), On the Frontier (300),
Strong Swimmer (100),

Items: Trainer ID and Badge Case (free), Pokedex (free) Beginner's Allowance (free), Beginner's Items Set (free), PokeNav (free),
Best of Both Worlds Bicycle (free),
Sand and Sea Face War (50)

Companions: Import Pokemon [Typlosion, Mewtwo, Noivern, Aggron, Breloom, Swampert] (1 free, 200)
Import [Hex Maniac: Helena] (50)

Drawbacks: Version Exclusive ["Delta Emerald"] (+0), Jumper History (+0), A Fairy Tale (+0)


Origin: Rookie Trainer

Perks: Braille on the Brain (free), Bicycle Badass (free), Master Contestant (100), Multi-Discipline Teacher (100)
Strong Swimmer (100)

Items: Trainer ID and Badge Case (free), Pokedex (free) Beginner's Allowance (free), Beginner's Items Set (free), PokeNav (free),
Best of Both Worlds Bicycle (free),
Potion Set (50), Sand and Sea Face Wear (50), Contest Costumes (100), Devon Scope (100)

The 5 S's: Sun, Sand, Surf, battleS and conteSts.
Huh. I didn't know QQ had that second one.
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Being traumatised and alone helps too.
QQ is a path to many things which some might consider to be. . . unnatural.
Ricrod, A Certain Magical Index does cost effectively 1200, more than imagine breaker, are you sure that making you not gain cp from it is necessary?
*from idle miss, I mean.

I dunno man, some things seems pretty natural to me.
Am I an asshole for taking Medaka Box as a first jump, taking the normal drawback for 300 points, and taking Medaka Sue, effectively frontloading it?
Rolled 6 (1d8)

Don't mind me, just rolling for Jump 3.

>1. Captain Planet
>3. Nausicaa
>4. Mononokehime
>5. Chrono Trigger
>6. Origin: Spirits of the Past
>7. Rebirth of Mothra
>8. Spirit Island
So outside of direct eldritch god curses and effects. Golden Order Incantations should be able to heal wounds and diseases and dispel curses? Like its a good holy cleric set for general usage.
No, you just decided to write a power fantasy.
'Flame Cleanse Me' is unironically better for that. Holy magic in ER is unironically kind of garbo
Mainsteam Golden Order Incantations are mostly about that stuff, yes. Golden Order Fundamentalism can get into wackier stuff though, like resetting even positive changes to a base/natural state, or balancing damage taken by inflicting damage outwards.
Was going more for a healer holy cleric vibe rather than pure efficiency.
Yeah that sounds good so standard paladin/cleric stuff with some debuffing thrown in for good measure.
As long as you're fine being worse at literally everything in your entire kit than everyone else is that's fine, go ahead
Yes. While index herself is fucking useless, her grimoire knowledge is more than enough to warrant the price tag. IB may let you negate shit, but it can be overwhelmed and otherwise worked around. ILP can easily make you a magic god.
Its busy with other stuff.
It's all fun and games until a hyper-autistic math nerd undoes your minute and a half of buffing with one Law of Regression.
As if I'm not schizo enough already
Ok, just wanted to ask, and if you took it as an esper, with something that allow you to survive the damage, like old soldier, true hybrid or dark matter, would there be further complications?
the challenges made me laugh anyway, really notable your preferences.
How do I mentally prepare companions for living a lot longer then they are supposed to.
O Flame kills you in one shot anyway
I guess? More speficitally, the ones that are directly tied to time and causality, aka fundamentalism. Like Law of Regression and Law of Causality.
But yeah here's also >>93409381

Well it's because everyone and their mom resist to the fucking thing, since everything is at least partially made of the fucking thing.
>Ok, just wanted to ask, and if you took it as an esper, with something that allow you to survive the damage, like old soldier, true hybrid or dark matter, would there be further complications?
Using magic as an esper would hurt like shit. Otherwise no. Those perks are perfect for what using both.
Why would I offer them? Cause they're canon abilities.
>the challenges made me laugh anyway, really notable your preferences.
I'm nothing if not honest and plain in my tastes.
I'll try to add anything you want in there too
An [adjective]box, obviously.
ricrod how do angels work?
I think you forgot to change the description of land of sealed powers, it should be enhanced, not enchanted, if I remember well.
That doesn't make any sense.

What exactly do you mean by, "longer than they're supposed to"? Do you mean making them immortal and allowing them to potentially live for hundreds or thousands of years? If so then I'd think that so long as they're still given stuff to do, challenges to overcome, things to be entertained by, and loved ones to interact with they'll be just fine mentally. And I'm also gonna assume you're not keeping them in an immortal body that can still age & decay, so as long as you're using jumper magic to maintain their health they'll be fine in that regard as well.
Tentative build time
>Jump??? (+1000cp)
Male, age is whatever
>Species (-200cp)
Pokemon: Sawsbuck (200)
>Location (-50cp)
Route 115 (50)
>Perks (-900cp)
Strong Swimmer (100)
Multi-faceted Star (free)
Contest Moves (free)
Secret Power (100)
Pokémount (100)
Cosplay Pokémon (200)
Primal Reversion (300)
Hoenn Horns (100)
>Items (-300cp)
Your Poké Ball (free)
Ribbon Case (free)
Jumper's Flute (100)
Berry Collection (200)
Jumper Orb (free)
Beginner's Allowance (free)
Beginner's Item Set (free)
PokéNav (free)
Contest Costumes (free)
>Companions and Followers (-150cp)
Your Starter: Unsure, either OC Aroma girl, other pokemon, or some other Trainer (free)
Create x2: Battle Girl Lana and Hex Maniac Salem (100)
Gift Beldum (free)
Recruit: Zinnia (50)
>Drawbacks (+600cp)
Version Exclusive: Delta Emerald (0)
A Fairy Tale (0)
Sickley (+100)
Team Target (+200)
Delta Disaster (+300)

Not gonna get into Companion builds. I'm tired as is. Basically I'm a special magical Sawsbuck with some weather capabilities that was found and nursed backnto health by my Starter pick friend, which makes me valuable to both Magma and Aqua. Hex Maniac is also in trouble with Magma because her Sableye ate the Meteorite McGuffin, and Battle Girl is an ex-Aqua grunt (and Matt's Sister) with a bone to pick. Together hijinks ensue and he end up running into Brendan and May on occasion and help bumble into saving the world. Oh, and Zinnia is there too, being totally flabbergasted by what's going on. Maybe if I want more stuff I'll replace Sickley with Delta Episode. Or add it. Anyway, it's a tentative build with a tentative plan. May even statt a chain this way
Damn it, I knew I was forgetting something,
The same way they do in the bible. They just fuck around until its the end of times and they get off their asses to kill sinners.
Of course anons would companion Hex Maniacs in the gen that introduced them
If I were to take luck run dry here and Hamazura were to be resurrected would I fail the challenge?
The nice thing about immortality is you get plenty of time to come to terms with it. One literally has as much time as needed for that. Kind of inherent to it.
If I ever got a chain, I'd try everything. Boy, girl, three girls, pokemon, monster girl, skull headed magic demon, sapient plant, all of it. Because, fuck, if you're going to wander so many worlds and not wander outside your comfort zone, what are you even doing jumping? Stick a dick in crazy at least once, even if it's a bad idea. Especially if it's a bad idea. Go for someone boring for a while just to remind yourself life doesn't have to be all gun filled car chases and magic wars. Sure, you're not going to like everything. But at least you'd know instead of wimping out and sticking to the safe paths.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
>least horny pokefucker
Was someone working on Pokemon Legends Arceus?
Do not test the onion.
Yeah that looks about right for how America does the military.
I shudder to consider what we could accomplish if most of that money wasn't being wasted on graft considering what we've managed to accomplish despite it.
Chainbutt: your onion gets constantly pierced all the way to its core each and every jump no matter what you do.
Anon you'd be dead.
Dudes gonna die on jump 1 dont worry about him
No, he'd be healing. Grab Wolverine regen jump 1.
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I fixed a few issues, mostly typos and mild formatting things. Also added the ending bit. Unless someone finds something to point out to me it's actually done now.
Same for Out of Cruel Space. Added the ending bit and a few additions to the notes section. No major changes from the prior version that I can think of.
What plane is the cardboard cutout supposed to be?
Are you still alive BattletechAnon?
It's the Foxbat.
Thanks.If nothing else, the Russians can at least say they have cooler looking planes.
If we go with the politician origin can we be the mayor of a major city? Like mayor of New York, Los Angles and etc?
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What are you smoking?
Personally, I love a plane with a good DSI (Dick Sucking Inlet)
It's actually Diverterless supersonic inlet but that ruin the joke.
NTA but ever since I played AC 0 I considered the Su-47 as one of the coolest things ever made by man
Yes, though that would be the highest end of what it could start you out in.

And since it's almost done and didn't require much more work I'm also posting this update to One Year Lease. A few more drawbacks and two more OC companions that I thought of way back when but never made it into the jump for some reason.
Absolutely nothing.

My brother!
I think it's sitting at a Moscow airport outside in the elements at the moment.
What random Exalted bullshit are we going to talk about today?
With the release of Limitless and these two updates I've got three jumps in what I think are each somewhere between decent and good states respectively.

I now only have three other concurrent projects all distracting me from each other, only two of which are even theoretically possible to finish right now so hopefully I can get another one of them done in the relatively near future.

History says no but perhaps I can surprise myself.
what jump will you do next?
You'll find that out when I have a jumpable WIP to post.
How the fuck are the Demihumans so oppressed when they apparently just have swordsmen so dangerous they can fight the main contender for Elden Lord just hanging around in random caves?
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So what CAN'T Lunars eat to steal the faces of, consistently? AFAIK, Fangs at the Gate ONLY allows for Mortals and animals so far, but ExVsWoD Lunars have Charms that let them add Bygones, Fae/Changelings, Vampires/Risen, and even Garou/Fera to their form libraries. I don't remember what they weren't allowed to eat back in 2E, and things get WEIRD in the Shards, let's not worry about those for now.

I feel like maybe there's no version of Lunars where they get to eat Demons, but I could be wrong?
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No one was really talking about Exalted until you brought it up, but if you insist:
So what'd you guys do in Exalted Mortal Heroes, aside from dealing with that absurd mish-mash of destinies you took for the sake of power?
>Mortal Heroes
I once tried making a build for it that DIDN'T involve injecting Destinies directly into the eyes of a jumper native to Prehistoric Earth and found that even just having him deal with bandit attacks was likely to bump him off on account of the bandits knowing what metal is and him not knowing that.
Only ruin lies at the end of the procession of stars. The greatest of their number knows this.
>Omamori Himari
>Ayakashi Triangle
>Yuragi-sou no yuuna-san
Any other extremely Youkai/Ayakashi/Shinto-centric jumps?
Not sure how to structure my story. Should I be a wanderer getting my adventurer in for a decade and then retire to farm cocaine for fifty years, or spend sixty years turning the area around my cocaine farm into Guerilla Hell to fend off all the bullshit coming my way?
Or should I just drop "A Full Life" destiny entirely? I mean, its 50 points, not exactly super critical for my build.
>DIDN'T involve injecting Destinies directly into the eyes of a jumper
There's your mistake right there, anon, ALWAYS inject the destinies for power.
That caveman should've been the central figure in like, twelve prophecies while simultaneously having no idea what metal or a city is.
>I feel like maybe there's no version of Lunars where they get to eat Demons, but I could be wrong?
>Prerequisites: Essence 4, Intelligence 4
>Creatures from outside Creation are beyond the powers of most Lunars. Some, however, strain to master the unnatural shapes of demonkind, to wear their skins. This was one of the most-used Knacks during the Primordial War, as Lunars strove to infiltrate their enemies. Green Sun Child makes demons valid targets for the sacred hunt, which takes the same default time as the hunt for a human. Demons who do not have blood are still valid targets; the Lunar simply has to consume some part of their vital ichors or insides. Characters do not get any of the demon’s Essence-based powers.
Touhou. Also features Buddhism, Taoism, and the Greek goddess Hekate (for some reason).
I think we have an Okami jump?
Well, that answers that question.
A fun little theory that not many people think about. The "Procession of Stars" could refer to the Primeval Current. Master Lusat, one of the two main proponents of it, was living with his disciples in the Demi-Human Village and teaching them Sorcery. Presumably not the standard Sorcery of Raya Lucaria but the same Primeval Current that they were kicked out of the Academy for practicing. Onze saw "ruin" at the end of the Procession of Stars and imprisoned himself to try and stop it. Onze is visibly changing, with his body turning pale and semi-translucent.

It's possible that Onze, through practicing the swordsmanship he'd mastered, is actually undergoing the same process that Azur and Lusat did. This is the "ruin" he foresaw at the end of his path as a swordsman, ultimately imprisoning himself to try and avoid the same fate. Possibly even from having seen it happen to Lusat himself.
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Protip: Being deadly does not mean you aren't oppressed. The PC Tarnished at the start of the game being an example. If they weren't oppressed, they wouldn't be living in caves wearing rags. Or at least they'd be wearing a higher class of rag.

I think it's funny that at least two examples of Yu-Shan's law enforcement-the Hidden Judges and the Celestial Lions/Lion Dogs-have demonic counterparts (the priests of Cecelyne, who are pointedly noted as identical to the Hidden Judges in every meaningful way except-and I'm not even sure about this-being Creatures of Darkness, and the Teodozjia which are essentially unusually powerful but still lesser 1CD expies of the Lions)

Sure, but apparently according to Miquella the Order itself is apparently a limiter in some sense compared to the pure essence of the Greater Will itself.

Considering what Medaka herself went through and the fact you're skipping out on the MC perk with that alone, not really.

They lazily cover up their mistakes to continue functioning as the galaxy's police.

>You both dislike MGE because of things related to MGE and it's author
>I dislike MGE because while I actually like the idea of atemporal, mindfucking, all-corrupting monstergirls as a plot device I want to play it for horror instead of cute, and now I can't talk about Biblically Accurate Succubi without someone imagining anime succs instead of a HR Giger-style expanse of writhing nightmares
Nor are we. I WANT my loving, ontologically yandere monstergirls to OWN being hedonistic sanity-shattering primeval entities beyond human ken. My jap inspirations are Siren 2 and Silent Hill, NOT generic isekaislop #4979597.

Honestly I love the setting for Fall From Heaven, as weird as the jumps for it are.
Hey OverwhelmingAnon, can you add a perk that'd make other people more willing to pursue a relationship with me on their own initiative, since the most recent pack added that?

... I'd really like the assurance that I'd never get into a relationship where I'm stuck doing literally everything.
>Considering what Medaka herself went through and the fact you're skipping out on the MC perk with that alone, not really.
Taking the MC perk would be pointless as the normal drawback makes you a side character with no powers or special attributes at all. The drawback basically functions to negate the jump, forcing you to go through 10 years as an ordinary person living an ordinary life.
Because you can just stunlock them to death. Which squarely makes them inferior to Misbegotten and their retarded infinite poise headbutt. Or the Leonid's infinite hyper armor, nonstop aggression, ability to cross the whole fucking map with their attacks, and Margit level attack holding.
>I love the setting for Fall From Heaven
I'm still of mixed feelings about how that, of all the various Civ 4 Mods that got official packaged with the game when Beyond The Sword came out, got a jump.
>Tiny Housing Unit
>Unfortunately you don’t have the option of reassessing things into walls
I'm far from an Exalted expert but isn't being a creature of darkness less of a physical/spiritual quality and more just a sort of metaphysical label Yu-Shan's bureaucracy slaps on you when they don't like you?
>a metaphysical label Yu-Shan's bureaucracy slaps on you when they don't like you?
AFAIK it's Conky specifically who slaps that label on things he doesn't like, but not always. He likes Five Days Darkness well enough, but being Conky's own shadow is enough to make him a CoD anyway. IIRC that's specifically a weird edge case, though.
It's both. The decision is arbitrary based on Conky's decision (with some Solar powers being able to apply the status), but once you're on the list you legitimately are innately vulnerable to holy powers.
Which group would be better to form an initial core harem foundation with, Shipgirls, Sekirei, T-Dolls, or humans?
sekirei by far, their natural psychic connection vastly streamlines harem dynamics and they tend to have a variety of supernatural powers, especially if you take the place of the protag and pick up the MC's canon harem. If you also pick up Akitsu you've basically got all of the most powerful sekirei in your harem with the exception of karasuba and the earth dude.
Shard, not a single one of your mosntergirls acts justifiably horrific enough for that to work. They are quite literally just MGE girls but with bigger tits and ass.
Probably shipgirls or sekirei. Mostly because, believe it or not, you're not likely to survive GFL if it is your first jump. Yes, even compared to the other two; that world is not nice, even more so if you're working closely with T-Dolls
Sekirei, harem dynamics come really easy with them.This psychic bond with you and their natural inclinations make them an easy pick

Shipgirls (Azur Lane and Kancolle) have their own personalities and may clash with yours. While their personal quests show that you form a strong bond with them after several battles, and most of them fall for (You) during those, its not a certain thing for all the girls. At the end of the day, aside from a few that are totally for (You) you're just their trusted superior who just happens to be the only man in base. Also you may have to survive the bote wars they have going on, especially kancolle since even in the game you could permalose boats.

GFL2 had some weird NTR drama.
GFL2 happens 12 years after the first, so you'd be out there before that happens. Not disagreeing with Sekirei being the best option mind you, just saying anon wouldn't have to deal with whatever that is.
So Sekirei followed by Shipgirls, alright thanks bros.
Wasn't GFL2's NTR drama literally a nonissue based off one of the girls having a positive interaction with a guy, and Chinese players immediately declaring it NTR?
Or am I just thinking of one of the roughly dozen other times this has happened?
>Wasn't GFL2's NTR drama literally a nonissue based off one of the girls having a positive interaction with a guy, and Chinese players immediately declaring it NTR?
Type 95 talks about Mr. Raymond 66 times in her voice lines. Just saying.
IIRC it was 2-3 separate issues. First was raymond who was some dude one of your dolls was obsessed with, and the devs literally saw nothing wrong with it so they just made raymod a girl. Other issue was that quite a few of your t-dolls didn't give you presents in valentines since they keep a strictly professional distance with you regardless of affection levels, and some have their own love interests (implied from what I remember).
Yeah I was just pointing it out since T-Dolls aren't exactly 'initial harem' material. Also I'm pretty sure the player character is the same, just older.
We kind of need an update.
It's too bad that most of the plot is a joke.

No, literally.
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Oh the /normal/ drawback right, for some reason I immediately jumped to thinking you just didn't take one of the "fight a really strong character" drawback.

Which ones do you wish we got a jump for first, out of curiosity?

It is both as the other guy said. Yes, it is mostly a label Conky/Solars/guys delegated part of Conky's divine authority to some extent slap on others (generally dependent on some kind of condition in accord with Conky's value system). Once it is slapped on something though, it can potentially have various supernatural attacks; the process that rendered the devas and Primordials into demons and Yozis partially incorporated such methods.

The hell? I've gone out of my way to try to allude that no, that is very much not the case. I'm pretty sure I've brought up them assimilating most of the early Nobilis setting (except for the parts embodied by myself, or the parts like Heaven that self-quarantined, or the parts like Town that were spared. Little bits and pieces), or them leading the final strike on Creation in the Age of Sorrows timeline, or them gleefully smashing pantheons in Scion. Or just, generally the fact that the few times I call them up in subsequent jumps they function like living superweapons that just spill out everywhere.

They are irredeemable, or at least I think they are and being thought of as irredeemable is functionally the same thing when the first person an entity has experienced unconditional and reciprocal love for is the one doing the thinking. Despite whatever subtle moments of character development have happened over the eons and despite attempts to spoof being cute and funny by spawning smaller, more ignorant monstergirls from the greater hivemind to form gacha systems.

Anyway if I ever have to do another writeup where an entire setting is deemed worthy of destruction I'll have to make that clearer.
Alternatively (or in addition to that) go to Morrowind and be a chad Telvanni with a harem of female clones of yourself.
Do you intend to motorboad Medaka's boobs Y/N?
Y: No.
N: No too.
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Iirc the whole reason for the Sekirei plan is to get Miya to relinquish her authority as pillar. Mostly because she didn't feel like doing it. Also almost no one died by the end, they even revive Miya dead hubby using the loli powers.
>Which ones do you wish we got a jump for first, out of curiosity?
Afterworld, Next War, Rhye's and Fall.
Also, a Caveman2Cosmos jump would be extremely baller.
They don't leave their caves.

I mean, in Procession of Stars, there is Procession, and it's in one direction, so yeah, probably Primeval Current, assuming the Primeval Current is the final stage. Not that it change much.
It seems like there's more in the Moon and Stars that we thought, and more buddhism too.
ahahahah try MGQ.
I think it was slightly more than that. From what I gather, there was one of those, "I'll X only for you," kind of promises where she said she'd only perform some talent or something of hers (I think it was singing) for you. After the ten years of you being missing, I think she was doing it for the new guy. Also something about a family heirloom. I think what should be the bigger deal is that all the gun waifus seemed to not really care about the PC being a homeless vagabond on the run due to being constantly hunted and almost killed for ten years.
Iirc, the Sekirei plan, including the birdenings, is really just an excuse for the boss man to have fun. On paper it's sp that Sekirei can be integrated Sekirei into society and magic plot device of wish.
For a moment, I had read "Alterworld" instead of Afterworld and got both confused and concerned at the existence of Alterworld D Rus mod.
Iirc you can marry in Kancolle.
It has a sequel?
>had some weird NTR drama.
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You can also marry in azur lane.
>Get in relationship with doll
>She says she will sing only for you
>Go on the run after plot happens
>She doesn't go with you
>She sings for another man while you are a hobo on the verge of death
>When you reunite she can't stop talking about the other man.
I see
>I'm pretty sure I've brought up them assimilating most of the early Nobilis setting (except for the parts embodied by myself, or the parts like Heaven that self-quarantined, or the parts like Town that were spared. Little bits and pieces), or them leading the final strike on Creation in the Age of Sorrows timeline, or them gleefully smashing pantheons in Scion. Or just, generally the fact that the few times I call them up in subsequent jumps they function like living superweapons that just spill out everywhere.
Shard they act like preppy schoolgirls even when they're doing that. I'm not scared of them, I only feel compelled to headpat.

>They are irredeemable, or at least I think they are
You think they're irredeemable because you're an Order-obsessed tyrant and you literally can't understand them beyond them being good terror weapons. Which again, isn't very different from MGE.
MGQ girls actually feel like the monstrosities Shard wants to meme his Lilim to be, so I second this.
Also, Mr Raymond is a terrorist scum.
>You can also marry in azur lane.
Inb4 Last Origin and Blue Archive.

Nlg friend, they all deserve the goblin treatment.
And I feel bad that I know a few of them.
>those Veteran Trainer items
And thus my business empire grows.
I had a look at MGQ ages ago, and while I appreciate they actually are world-destroying horrors I honestly have to just object to the aesthetic bent of it again. I'm talking like, Alma Wade or Eveline-level terrors. I'm talking the Medusa that showed up in the Clash of the Titans movie starring the guy from Avatar everyone has forgotten about being able to go from supermodel to snarling monster at the drop of a hat.

>I'm not scared of them, I only feel compelled to headpat.
Then you have fallen under their spell. If I didn't get more of my Hellraiser exposure from the movies/that one spinoff where it turns out you can use the puzzle box to just nuke the whole Labyrinth rather than the comics where apparently Leviathan is an order autist with a Hell even other demons are afraid of like me and we just shook hands over a trade agreement-

-well I think that would've made the point better if Lilim and Cenobites and Awakened were just getting along all buddy-buddy.
I don't know how good Blue Archive girls would be as a core harem foundation.
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Shard please don't kill my monstergirl wives
Dunno about LO but pretty sure you can't marry the students in BA. Even if they want it. And they want it a lot.
>those two girls at the top
Yeah, checks out that those two are 'Misunderstood Lasses'. If they've both been corrupted by someone else, they're not at all to blame for their actions. Especially that top one if the MC himself is the one corrupting her, even if he's doing it by accident. Hope she didn't get screwed over too badly by the story.
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...I'm confused where you think I alluded to YOUR monstergirl wives specifically, but if Clash of the Titans' Medusa is your waifu then finally, some good fucking taste.

Unrelated but I hate the webm format and hope whoever invented it dies of a painful bowel movement.
Isn't your legal wife already killing your monstergirl waifus?
This is a dumb question. My jumper is Jumping Jojo Part 1 Phantom Blood. She is Johnathan's sister by virtue of the Joestar Background.
Is it too silly to have Dio steal the Jumpers underwear then plant a pair on Johnathan to try and create friction between the two? I am trying to think of dirty shit he can do to destroy their relationship so Johnathan doesn't have her for support.
Damn shame.
>Is it too silly to have Dio steal the Jumpers underwear then plant a pair on Johnathan to try and create friction between the two?
No, that is the exact level of pettiness you should expect from a man whose first reaction to meeting the new kid was bitchslapping him, whose SECOND reaction was kicking his dog and whose third reaction was locking said dog in the furnace.
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Too bad, that kind of Monster Girl has been removed from the gene pool.

You WILL fuck the bimbo in cosplay.
The moment you jump in MGQ, you will go for the nuclear option faster than a baby will do his first poop ever.

...We REALLY need a Queen's Blade jump that actually aknowledge we could be a guy.
desu that's the first character design I ever saw with a womb crest. I wonder if Aoi Nagasa was responsible for kicking off that particular fetish with this character.
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This is the same man who did gif related AFTER becoming an enlightened sage. Nothing is too petty for him.
iirc either reddit or SB made a new queen's blade jump that is both decent and way *way* better than the original jump.
But neither seems to take into account that we could be a guy.
Too bad they didn't revive Yume.
I know I'm talking shit about shit in a pile of multiple shit but... Ankoku Kishi Monogatari look like absolute trash.
You know I feel like this is what an internet troll would be in real life if given super powers. Dio is really just a giant troll isn't he?
>Dio is really just a giant troll isn't he?
Shard, question about the Anthem Anatheme. How many degrees of separation can it work through? Zero degrees of separation (I ask someone "what is your wish, Oh [wisher] mine?" and they answer me directly) clearly works, as well as at least one degree of separation (A wisher inputs their wish on a billboard that I read, which I grant). Would I be able to work through two degrees of separation (A wisher writes their wish down, and it's copied by some other machine, and I read the copy to grant it)? Three degrees? Where's the cutoff in degrees of separation between wisher and granter?
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Anon, this is one of the first things he did with his powers. He's legitimately just fucking around and having a blast.
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Seggs with shard
Yes but only most of them
Yeah, she seemed fun
It is from what I remember
Shard doesn't really jump pure porn settings.
Stellar Transformations. Theoretically you could just take the perk the technique the series is named after and spend the rest of the series in a cave until you reach the final level. The other ones all require getting out and throwing yourself in a battle royal against the strongest people the setting can offer.

I'm reading the pages, and my god, this is genuine trash.
People are trashtalking Redo, when there is this?
Actually, he was testing them.
But MGQ has such an important, great and soulful story!
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I WILL stop my monstergirls from evolving wrong with the Alien perkline from EVO: The Search For Eden.

I don’t use QQ jumps so I will never have to deal with MGQ or MGE, except for the MGQ/MGE at home (which is more like a Generic HR Giger/Kabbalah Bad End Jump-type thing anyway)

It’s genuinely unclear. Most of the time inadvertent wishes happen near Ahamkara bones but Riven’s shown that in their ghostly forms, as long as they’re not tethered by an existing wish Ahamkara can just kind of go wherever they want. Up to and including into the Black Garden or similar places.
It's been a long, long while since I read a bit of the ankoku kishi wn but I'm pretty sure it is trash in a different way than redo is. As in, I remember it being so bland and mediocre it hurt to read.
Hm. I'm gonna mark that down as "probably two or three degrees of separation as long as an Ahamkara is paying attention/is powerful enough to do so". Maybe I could extend that further, but that seems like a safe bet and puts me within reach of what I want to achieve with my Anthem Anatheme. Zero degrees is effortless, one degree is manageable, two degrees if I'm listening for it, three degrees if I'm really powerful/stretching myself. That seems reasonable to me. Thanks Shard.
Literally all female characters are trashfire! Everyine is an idiot! The MC get raped and got to be responsble for the baby! Two times!
Vinum was such bullshit during that crossover.
Collab. Bad.
It's not even the collab itself. It's the insane fucking powerscaling they gave to all of the Succubus Prison girls.
So, the collab.
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I dealt with the absurd mish-mash of destinies I injected directly into my eyes for power. There wasn't really time for anything else.

I mean, technically I was a merchant so I bought and sold a shitton of stuff, accidentally taught my companions star wars memes and 'invented' wheres waldo.

Honestly I feel like wheres waldo would become the realms favorite childrens book. Not only is it probably a good way to get your first dot of investigation, but you can give it to a child when they're really young to get them used to the whole 'can you spot the anathema in the crowd' thing they have going on. Start the indoctrination really young. I probably got at least a couple of Solars killed that way, but it made me a bunch of money and made the realm like me which got them of MY back, so fuck those guys I guess.

...I never thought I'd have to sit down and think through the sociopolitical ramifications of a childrens book.
I don’t understand what this pic is saying.
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You WILL kneel to the Shiki.
NTA but who is that?
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Time to ask for whatever people want in the raildex/Toaru jump.
I already posted the wip
And yes, I already took my meds
Some chick named Shiki, presumably.

She looks stabbable.
I want you to take a week break from tg to replay all of your favorite old games.
Which jump take place and Earth and you can self insert as yourself?
I don't know why blondie is frowning, she's still the sexier and cuter and prettier.
A noname character made by a hack of an artist. Ignore it.
Actually got an answer to that, saw it on a Youtube video. Search Moon Channel "Why do you always kill Gods in JRPGS?"

TLDR: Its a representation of the systems that ruled Japan during WW2 and later. You are not so much killing a God, as a representation of a supressive system with almost absolute power, that normally you'd not even be able to scratch.
Oh yeah, I uh, kind of brought up an idea of sort of plot armor perk that the main characters have, especially Touma, but you already took that into consideration yeah?
And yeah, good to know you take the meds. Important.

>TLDR: Its a representation of the systems that ruled Japan during WW2 and later. You are not so much killing a God, as a representation of a supressive system with almost absolute power, that normally you'd not even be able to scratch.
That's retarded, if that's the case, they are under their own powers and restrictions since before WW2 and pay the price for this to this very day. They are swimming in kegare.
Youtube jump?
>I never thought I'd have to sit down and think through the sociopolitical ramifications of a childrens book.
Welcome to Exalted.
What would you say is the highest "powerlevel" you could reach with this first jump?
I found Waldo.
You may add one dot of investigation to your character sheet.
>A nun convent with all things typical of nun convents in Toaru; overly zealous yet incompetent sisters, questionable nun habits, and almost certainly heretical beliefs and inclinations.
>Touma's absurd cardio stamina, like holy shit do you realize how much running he does? It's fucking insane how long he can run for.
>Perk for smoothing over minor inconveniences (likely through the machinations of external parties) like in that time they went to the beach for the Angel Fall incident and Index's data was already imputed into AC's systems to get them through the gates without incident. Maybe just an entry/gateway clearance/authorization thing specifically. Goddamn I want to go to those pastry shops in the Garden of Learning but the place is gender locked.
>City design skills for making awful places like AC that look and sound pleasant enough to sucker people in.
>Always having time for a slice of life arc even when events should be packed.
>Judgement membership.
>Smol antichrist imouto based on that one post earlier.
What's stopping you from going anyway, Anti-Skill?
Demon: The Fallen has that as a Drawback. I wish it was an Item or something though.
The whole place is walled off with several checkpoints connecting the various areas. There's also a massive amount of security cameras constantly monitoring the place, making it one of the most monitored public locations in AC to my knowledge. Judgement and Anti-Skill would be on your ass in moments. Hell, the restriction is so bad that even Anti-Skill members aren't allowed in if they're male. I think the only time there's an exception is during that one little festival thing Misaka's school does where they open their borders to show themselves off, but that's it.
That's not what happened at all though.
>Scared of a Misaka simp
First of all, take care of yourself Ric.

But if you are asking.....eeeeh, something something Aliester? Or is Spiritual Tripping, Archetype Controller and Blasting Rod stuff we get in NT?

Since I am on an Aliester bit, eeeeeeeh, City Making stuff? Like, how he made Academy City, or stuff that lets us apply magic logic to science, and science to magic, that kinda stuff?
No, I'm scared of getting detention and having my already fleeting free time reduced to mere ashes in the wind.
>Career Model
>Cooking Show
>Gonzo Journalism
>Great Detective
>Nine to Five
>Razzle Dazzle
It's like Blazblue!
Have you considered a revolt and toppling your oppressors.
If I do that then I won't have the time to get any assignments done and then my grades will plummet.
Have you considered toppling the government?
Just bribe or corrupt then bribe the teachers and staff unless the shit they are teaching you can't get elsewhere.
See >>93411231
And even if that wasn't a problem, that's still cutting into my free time.
>That's retarded, if that's the case, they are under their own powers and restrictions since before WW2 and pay the price for this to this very day.
They kept the retarded hyper-hierarchical culture while also inter-mingling with the Western more liberal culture and the unionism and socialism from the Chinese and Ruskies at their doorstep.
Use shadow clones or a hivemind or timefuckery anon. Multitask that bitch.
We could talk about the bombs too.
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>Going to a school to get brainwashed by deep state propaganda
Those are the kaijus.
Motherfucker my Esper power lets me see through glass, I can't do that shit.
This is Academy City, you're going to school to get brainwashed to be more schizophrenic.
Is your actual power just seeing through glass, why would you do that to yourself? Do you hate melted sand that much?
The kaijus were a metaphors iirc.
Mind you, since people really loved them, fucking funny. They wanted it, they got it.
Touma wasn't there to save my parents from getting killed in a theatre's alleyway by a stationary window.
You mean, like every school?
I just can't believe that Science is just a grift propagated by the government to control people.
I can't think of a more useless thing to do with your time on a chain then go to school unless its to learn something new that you are going to use, maybe socialize with people you want to be friends with.
>You get to go into a chain
>But it is only as a small part of an eldritch outer thing that has already visited a hundred worlds and who is now is as alien to your original self as you are to an ant
Would you give yourself as a vessel to (You) Jumper that is 50 o 100 jumps in their chains?
Or fuck some hot JKs or teachers.
You know I'm right.
Yes, just like how gods are often a metaphor for the cultural system.
Haven't you noticed how how many Japanese series refer to gods as 'systems' or 'software', giving them robotic personality traits?
I go to school to fuck the hot teachers
You can do both of those without going to school.
Here's the thing; time is infinite in the context of a Chain, and it's only a story anyways. The school life in this context is what gets people into the most trouble/plot shenanigans, so going that way is a given, especially for the odd and eclectic mix of normal comfy slice of life and utterly insane bullshit that AC students are put through.
But a student/teacher forbidden relationship is way hotter than just going out with a woman that works as a teacher
Come on, being a student and fucking in the classroom is the best part.
Have you never seen Umemaro?

Oh look, the character that died for nothing except for making the characters cry.
And make us feel nothing because the relationship and her screentime was just that. Nothing.
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>The goys are getting uppity again
Get back to eating your bug filled slop.
I mean so are magic system or how autistic characters are. It just feel like a fetish at this point.
Jumper ended up in that one city in the scavenger lands thats basically ruled by gods. And since he had that perk that made his prayers and worship even more valuable then a normal person he kinda sold his faith and prayers to a few different ones to try and get by early jump.
Kinda ended up with a River goddess patron/Pseudo sugar mama for a little while because she took a liking to him.
>time is infinite in the context of a Chain,
Arguable. The one thing you can't get more of post-Chain is an opportunity for an omnipotent being to freeze all your rivals and enemies (even if they would normally be immune to time manipulation) in time while you set up countermeasures to deal with them.
Suggest elf waifu.
Just make a jump for Aesthetics of a Maverick Hero. Dude randomly clowns on most of the Queen's Blade setting as a borderline meta PR stunt before fucking off to presumably finish up the plot they use as pretext for him being so bullshit upon returning to the real world.
What the hell are you talking about bro?
He only furnaced Danny after Jojo beat him up.
By that time you are pretty much omnipotent as well, or as close as you can as far 99,99% of enemies are concerned
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Absolutely, they’ll fulfill my wishes
>Yo, Anon! You wanted to be a mech? I can turn you into one. Can do anything about how the military will be chasing after you, but you can go to space!
Before they aired the anime for Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica, there was a teaser/Episode 0 released that had that series' MC about to leave the Queen's Blade setting through one of the local gate, only to be accosted by some of cast from QB Rebellion. The guy proceeds to 2koma them because his whole gimmick may as well be "Is Jumper", all the way down to a gimmicky power-lock drawback. Kind of hard to track down the footage because not many places bother to keep PVs like that, but it still should be out there somewhere.
And you are telling me no one did perks about it?
>Kind of hard to track down the footage because not many places bother to keep PVs like that, but it still should be out there somewhere.

...How is it? Hagure Yuusha and the PVs I mean.
I dunno, but the one I found on Reddit was massively massive, and uh, not Queen's Blade at all.
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It's unrepentant trash all the way down, but it can be fun if you don't think about it too much.
The PV's a fun little wtf moment if you know Queen's Blade even remotely, but the anime's hit or miss really. Can be fun if you like coolguy MCs with the faintest hint of edge, but trying to tell the Returner intrigue story with a jerk MC they didn't spend any time building up as not a complete jerk hamstrings the whole thing if you don't gel with him immediately. Probably why they try to pivot immediately into another trip to isekailand, but by that point the damage is already done if you weren't going to read the source materials. Does okay on the waifu game at least; nothing standout but not botched either.

If you've ever seen that meme where the character's freaking out about the hydra having more heads than normal, but their count is WAY off, that's where it's from. Said hydra was supposed to be an assassination attempt, but fails miserably because MC-kun finally figured out that his BIG BLACK SWORD was just too GIRTHY for a single one of their piddly little weapon summon armbands to let loose; so he stacks like 7 of them shits before he can finally whip it out. And even then, shit's so thicc it snaps 'em like collars if he actually tries to use skills with that weapon to the point he had to get one custom order and it still needs supplemented with a few bands to the point the season's villain exploits that during a hostage situation.
Sounds like the mindless fun. The best kind of trash is the trash that know it's trash, without trying to be smart or whatever about it.

What the fuck is this.
>What the fuck is this.
's what happens when you have stats jacked af from having to BTFO a demon lord off-screen. Though he doesn't really need that most of the time because he has perhaps the only martial art more bullshit than Hokuto Shinken to just let him do almost whatever the plot demands outside of very specific set piece moments that'd be cooler with an actual weapon.
From what I've seen, his martial arts is basically, "can do whatever", on top of being magic without being called magic, in a world where Anti-Magic is common.

You know, I'd really love it if writers could use the names of the mythos properly, instead of just using them for the cool factor.
I appreciate the feedback, but I don't think I will be changing the beginner item set. A manga toggle is a step too far, yeah.

Thanks for the build!

Sawsbuck would be 300cp not 200cp, but thank you for the build.

Glad you like it.
One Method user in Luther Strode is a former runaway slave who fights Human Trafickers using revolvers, pulling off feats like shooting sniper bullets out of the air and Ricocheting bullets off multiple objects at the same time to hit targets.

What kind modern Firearm would be best to take advantage of that kind of skill? I imaigne revolvers are somwhat suboptimal considering their firepower, limmited ammunition and rate of shots fired, but am not sure if a full on assault rifle would benefit as much from skills like that.

Also less relevant, but what weapons from other settings would benefit from a Method user wielding them?
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>because he has perhaps the only martial art more bullshit than Hokuto Shinken to just let him do almost whatever the plot demands
The Niko Style?
Into stealth? Use a Welrod or Ruger.
Otherwise, probably a DMR.
Vampire or Monster Hunter chain?

I kind of like the idea of being a vampire, but being a badass gunslinging gunsmith is something that sounds fun too (and is also something to get me away from this damn tech chain.) I might go DMC regardless, even if that's more demon than vampire. I figure I could fanwank a more vampiric thing for the devil capstone. Or just head there next after Darkstalkers or something.
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>because he has perhaps the only martial art more bullshit than Hokuto Shinken to just let him do almost whatever the plot demands outside of very specific set piece moments that'd be cooler with an actual weapon
*Laughs in negating the sun*
Why not both? Like make your jumper a proper vampire, who just spends his days hunting other monsters. Be a gunslinger with a bunch of cool vampire powers on the side, like Alucard form Hellsing.
There are also tons of ways to narratively justify why you'd be doing this, regardles of your moral allignment, be it you sticking to your moral code/way of life from before you became a vampire, being sworn into the service of someone who wants to get rid of monsters, just seeing it as a way to stay in good graces with humans, maybe as a way of gaining powers(maybe through power absorbtion or turnign defeated into minions), hell maybe its even just for the thrill of having something stronger to hunt than humans.
>You get a jump but it’s ‘generic 9 to 5’
wyd in this situation?
Vampire fits the Jumper theme better because immortal evil dude with edgy powers, but Hunter is more kino because it makes for a good origin story for a character and provides more writing prompts.
Bro I can't even get a job IRL what the fuck am I going to do?
Use your perks?
enjoy the second chance at life, on easy mode as buisness owner with a penthouse apartment, a hypercompetent hot assistant and a luxury car.
Be happy I'm not a loser anymore? If there was a chance for a larger chain and the benefactor went "but you don't fit" or something I'd probably be an alcoholic too but otherwise okay.
How do you handle your Gardevoir getting the zoomies and running up and down the halls at 3 AM?
Put her back in the ball.
okay so how many of you guys still play Fallen London? thinking of caving in and buying an Exceptional Story. are any of them really good or what
As a hunter you can also go the alchemically enhanced super soldier route
If you want to buy FATE content here's my tierlist. I've used this one before. Those are the ones I tried, just warning you.
>SS-Tier: A Dream of a Thousand Tails; The Bloody Wallpaper; Codename: Sugarplum; The Queen of the Elephants
>S-Tier: The Sunken River; Slobgollion; The Green King; The Stripes of Wrath; The Path of Blood and Smoke; Flame, Lead, Clay, Glass; The Poisoner's Library
>A-Tier: There Is The Richest Juice In Poison Flowers; A Newt By Any Other Name; A Bright Future; The Hollow Triptych; Inheritance; The Icarian Cup; HOJOTOHO! Where You And I Must Go (Lifeberg Route);
>B-Tier: The Tale of Old Fritz; The Mudlarker's Lament; The Laws of the Game; Stolen Stanzas; Paisley; A Devil's Due; The Exile's Chalice; A Columbidaean Commotion; A Stretch in the Sky; Por Una Cabeza; The Twelve-Fifteen from Moloch Street; The Gift
>C-Tier: The Children of the Glow; The Deadly Dapperlings; Salon Scandal; Totentanz; For All the Saints; The Persona Engine; Flint;
>WORST: Deja Vu; The Stolen Song; The Mushroom's Dream; Dernier Cri; The Sinking Synod; The Court of Cats; The Haunting at the Marsh-House
What's it like inside a ball or in box storage, anyway? Keeping pokemon imprisoned whenever you don't have an immediate need for them seems abusive.
Should the ToTK jump still be made now that everyone's realized the game is ass?
In both the games and anime Pokémon can just leave their balls if they want to.
It's not bad, it just has problems.
Caveat Emptor, Paisley, Dream of a Thousand Tails, Bloody Wallpaper. Try those before any others.
Pretty basic but a drawback wich make you be involved in continous random problems, like your father making accidentally fall an angel.
Possibly a perk to be an angel, either artificial, like kazakiri, or magical, like Gabriel, since you already put stronger things in the jump.
The quality of the media has never been a factor for making or not a jump for it.
Shut the fuck up N. They LOVE being slaves.
Jumps with the best cyborg builder? More in terms of granular options than having op tech to be a cyborg, also with some good robot looking aesthetics rather than just prosthetic looking stuff.
How many mundane human women with frying pans would it take to defeat your Jumper?
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>also with some good robot looking aesthetics rather than just prosthetic looking stuff.
Metal Gear Rising (Red’s version) by far then, can even opt for having multiple arms or the lower half of a snake through buying “Chassis Enhancement” which is cheap & can be bought multiple times.
Not really possible unless I fealt sorry for them and just give up. Why?
>granular options
What fo dou mean by that?
If I am not convinced by how I made a build shold I change it?
What's the issue with it?
You get one shot, and if you try to change a build you've already made the jump police will arrest you.
Don't see why not? Just make sure that you take into account the changes down the line.
Whats wrong with it? I have changed builds before. It happens sometimes. Hell I keep moving stargate in my chain.
Desu, ask Blade
I'll look into it since it sounds like what i'm looking for, thanks BatsuAnon,
The more options the better and the more piecemeal/split up those options are, so like buying a cyber arm replacement and then having a shit tonne of further options to customize it with is what i'm looking for.
Man I haven't played for so long. Did the Princess win the election?
>You get a jump
It is still a chain or just a single jump
I am forced into it?
I guess I would take the 800 CP perk and accept that I'm stuck wherever for the next ten years. But at least I will be one of the best in my office job and a paid house, which is pretty crazy in this economy for someone of the age bracket the jump has you start in.
The Contrarian won, sorry.
>The more options the better and the more piecemeal/split up those options are, so like buying a cyber arm replacement and then having a shit tonne of further options to customize it with is what i'm looking for.
I dont think there's much like that. Assuming you want multiple options and not just one option that can be taken several times.
Maybe look into dedicated Cyborg CYOAs? I know there are a few like what you want.

Otherwise, maybe take some cape jumps that allow you to flavour the Source of your powers however yo want like Justice League Unlimited, Megamind or Avengers Earth's Mightiest heroes, and purchase any powers you want, flavoured as being the result of cybernetic enhancement, like buying a flight power as a wing and repulsor system, x-ray through an eye replacement energy beams through hidden laser guns and the like.
thinking about it, the closest thing I can think of is this small section in Generic Post-Apocalypse
>Cybernetics 100cp+ [Scavenger]
>Replaces a single body part with a cybernetic limb or component.
>Mostly it does whatever the thing it’s replacing did – cybernetic leg bends in the right places and has a foot on the end, a cybernetic eye lets you see visible light, a cybernetic head keeps your brain from falling out – with the advantage that you don’t feel pain in that area and most damage to it is repairable.
>+50cp – Enhanced. It has a function superior to the original body part eg: an arm is stronger than human norm, an eye sees thermal infra red, a leg has a hidden storage for a gun or valuables, lungs can extract dissolved oxygen from water when swimming. You can buy multiple upgrades for each part.
>+100cp – Addition. Add a new cybernetic body part you didn’t have before (eg: an extra cybernetic arm to the ones you already have, a single cybernetic wing or tail).
>Abusive Captivity
>a less than ideal partner who take advantage
>unfortunate keeper is instead considers you
Drop the is.

Does this drawback affect companions? Because if so, I can’t help but wonder how it would affect A Very Good Girl.
Fixed for the finalized version.

An ornery sub who insists on being ordered to do what she wanted to do anyway or who 'serves' you in the way she thinks is best, either way pouting and sitting on you if you don't cooperate.
Interesting mental image, though if the drawback affects companions I’ll stick with Royal Bitch and Unfortunate Occupation. Have a build update.

>Origin: ‘Pet’ Shrinkee
>Tiny Husbandry (Free)
>Shrinking Condition (Free)
>Social Endurance (Free)
>Guilt Tripping (100)
>Potent Medicine (200)
>Good Things Come (300)
>Virus Samples (200)
>Regrowth Band (200)
>Controlled Chip (Free)
>Products and Services (300)
>Energizer Tiny (50)
>Not So Hopeless Neet (50)
>Trusted Friend (50)
>The Dungeon Mistress! (50)
>Accommodating Assistants (50)
>A Very Good Girl (50)
>Related Worlds (+0)
>Royal Bitch (+100)
>Unfortunate Occupation (+100)
>Aggressive Hunters (+300)

If my job is going to give me grief, I’ll quit and accept I probably won’t be able to find another. I’ve got several friends, I’m sure one of them will gladly let me live with them.
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I will buy this creature and use it daily. Should I do it after going to Star Wars – Darth Plagueis or before?
Why would going to Darth Plagueis affect this decision?
So kinda want to do something Eldar related in my current chain and I wanted to ask. What are some things that can be done to try and save em long term? The obvious and the non obvious. of course the big thing is... well dealing with slaneesh somehow. Freeing Isha but theres gotta be more practical concerns as well other then the literal Gods of the setting.
(as a side note I'm surprised theres no way to be a Exodite in any of our jumps.)
What was the last build you worked, made or edited?
>(as a side note I'm surprised theres no way to be a Exodite in any of our jumps.)
That’s an option in the Eldar jump.
...I- So it is. I am completely fucking blind. Excuse that I don't know how I missed it.
First, you jump Primarchs and take the early start. Then after unfucking your home planet and going to space, you find the nearest Exodites and tell them "I help you rescue Isha and not go extinct, you help me find my bros. Deal?" and go from there.
It happens to us all.
How good are they at cooking?
Rolled 6 (1d8)

Last build I worked on is just a few posts up from yours. The build I’m currently working on is for Exalted Mortal Heroes.
That Final Fantasy I build from last thread.
That sounds like a semi solid strategy anon but I don't really like to use the primarchs jump. It just hands over to much to you and I don't really want Jumper to be one of Big Es sons. I appreciate the suggestion though.
Fair enough, I don't usually take it in chains either
Bet you can't name a better aesthetic for jumpers than white haired twunk.
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I encountered Opium Loa and did an entire shipment of drugs to commune with them for power.

You’re not going to like this answer, but helping Ruboute Guilliman’s not!girlfriend and leader of the Ynnari to collect 5 magic swords has benefits greater than just potentially killing Slaanesh. Because of her bullshit omni-capable backstory, she is kind of a symbol of breaking away from the old Eldar way of things to the extent that her mere existence set off a cascade of events that led to Vect becoming increasingly desperate to maintain his powerbase and some of his most longstanding supporters abandoning him for her. So like, supporting the Ynnari could potentially be the catalyst for the Eldar pulling their head out of their collective ass and realising their is a middle ground between irredeemable hedonism and ineffectual asceticism.

(Well, it would be if GW didn’t effectively squat the faction in response to backlash)

I still play. Save yourself before it’s too late, you poor soul, lest you too succumb to the siren allure of (not) owning three goat JPEGs.
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Tiny child with a big hammer
>You’re not going to like this answer, but helping Ruboute Guilliman’s not!girlfriend and leader of the Ynnari to collect 5 magic swords has benefits greater than just potentially killing Slaanesh. Because of her bullshit omni-capable backstory, she is kind of a symbol of breaking away from the old Eldar way of things to the extent that her mere existence set off a cascade of events that led to Vect becoming increasingly desperate to maintain his powerbase and some of his most longstanding supporters abandoning him for her. So like, supporting the Ynnari could potentially be the catalyst for the Eldar pulling their head out of their collective ass and realising their is a middle ground between irredeemable hedonism and ineffectual asceticism.
Huh really? I thought the Ynnari were a death cult sorta thing? I know she helped out Guilliman and if they actually have a chance at getting shit done im all for it but wasn't there plan to sorta sacrifice there whole race to birth there God or something?
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Nope. They also call themselves the Openers of the Seventh Way, a path that will allow the Aeldari to kill Slaanesh without total extinction, and even the possibility of returning Eldar souls to their bodies after death thus recreating the old Eldar cycle of reincarnation. To their credit they have some factional practices such as soul-stealing and resurrecting allies that seem to show there are SOME functional applications of their beliefs-apart from summoning the Yncarnae, that is.

(Again we will likely never know how legit their endgame is because GW squatted them)
Damn you. Thanks to you I started this series and am on chapter 660. It hasnt gotten boring yet.
Eh well its a shame they got squatted because that really does sound interesting. Maybe I'll roll with that then. Jumper joining up with them and not let them just get squandered like GW intended.
Though I do kinda wish we got a update or new craftworldl/non dark eldar jump. Our current ones fairly old. Though its admittedly not terrible.
I really need to reread the series, it's gotten a lot longer since I originally read it. I think it was in the mid 500s when I first did the jump and I haven't caught up since.
Blade has betrayed us for waifu catalog.
The biggest issue I have with the series is that most characters share the same 'voice' (they talk the same way, and use the same expressions). It is still a fun read.
If jumper marries a waifu and the waifu has a symbiote, should he marry both at the same time?
Its another case of people trying to make a word mean something it doesn't. Ignore the retard and continue with your life
Thats fair.

It has like over 1000 chaps iirc. I just got past the luck based axiom techniques one guy develops and put simply they are bullshit.
It says "twunk" you illiterate idiots.
Man I despise that shit. Takes me some time to notice, but when multiple different people are all using the same phrase despite, I'm taken right out of the story.
So you just made up a new term for "hunk" to signal how gay you are on the internet, cool
It's not a new term, nor one I made up and it is not analogous to hunk you dip shit.
I know, I think the author reset it back to chapter 1 with a new story that's closing in on 100 chapters already too.

The biggest issue that kept me from catching up has always been the obscene levels of ham and cheese, talking like a particularly indulgent piece of propaganda. To a degree it's fun but with some stories it gets even more absurd that the local breast sizes.

Every other line from the main POV character for Scion of Many Worlds is just so hammy that you could choke on it and it lasts dozens of chapters before moving on to one of the other stories I like better. . .
Man even Ricrod knows these terms and he's old as fuck... Do you need help getting back to the old folks home anon?
Have you guys ever gotten multiple versions of the same waifu?
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Rolled 3 (1d6)


Origin - Cursed Spirit (200)

Jujutsu (400)
My Brothers Are Dead
DL Cursing
Sorcerer Slayer (100)
Cursed Form - Sukuna (100)
Overwhelming Evil (200)
King of Curses (300)

Cursed Technique (+200)
CT - God of Curses (800)
The Disaster Curse representing the negative feelings towards not just jujutsu sorcerers, but cursed energy and curses themselves. The curse god absorbs all nearby ambient cursed energy to empower itself and enhance/restore its reserves (it can also eat cursed spirits, sorcerers and humans to achieve similar effects). Due to it having command over cursed energy itself, it has the ability to temporarily control the cursed techniques of their enemies, for instance sending Sukuna's slashes back at him or turning off Infinity. Much like Mahoraga, this ability works off a sort of "adaptation" process where the more complicated the ability is, the longer it takes to manipulate, though the god of curses cannot use these abilities for itself, merely control them when their enemies use them. Much like Rika, the god of curses can fire beams of curses energy, though afterwards it will be exhausted and immobile for a few seconds. If exorcised, the god of curses will merely return significantly stronger than before, reborn from its own endless hatred and cursing. The only options for defeating the god of curses are sealing or to negate its innate Cursed Technique with something like the Inverted Spear of Heaven.

Early Start - Heian Era
Spicy Cod Roe (+100)
Curse Magnet (+100)
Weak Point (+200)
Star Plasma Vessel (+200)
Full Restriction (+300)

>1. Sukuna kills Jumper
>2-5. Jumper becomes Sukuna's weird pet cursed energy dog
>6. Jumper kills Sukuna
Oh yeah, I like that but it really is much longer than the other povs all in one slab.
It's hard to stay attached to one hobby for years, especially when that hobby does the same thing over and over again. Variety isn't a bad thing.
For me, it's the six scarlet empresses (Infernals, Shards, Creation Jam)
Damn it, the quote missed my post
Do you remember the anon that bought 8 Aquas and changed their elements?
Vaguely, how did he attain 8 aquas
Cowboy with a big mustache
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Hot-Blooded pilot with sideburns…
Had 4 or 5 different versions of Samus who weren't actually Samus. Mostly because I'm pretty sure actual Samus would've nuked jumper and the planet they were standing on with half the shit he got up to in his chain...
>3 variants of Artemis (Greek Myth, Fate, Danmachi)
>4 variants of Circe (Greek Myth, Scion, Fate, Campione)
>4 variants of Hel (Norse Myth, Waltraute, Fire Emblem, Valkyrie Crusade)
I have several more, but these are notable ones
>>4 variants of Circe
Please tell me you have plenty of molly stored up for emergencies
Good. As bae as Circe is, I wouldn't companion her if I didn't have contingencies against pigification.
Always feed her a bite before you have anything she cooks.
Just simply be a pig orc. Pig orc chain married to Circe.
>victim girls
>isekai quartet
>a lot of normal and qq generics to target that world.
They were all named things ending in qua. Such as Aqua, Firequaand so un until you got to the shadow element of Shaniqua
>4 variants of Circe (Greek Myth, Scion, Fate, Campione)
What? No sexy singing Circe from JLU?
Morathi, Morathi, and Morathi. All three in two jumps
How dark was she?
I did in my previous capeshit chain, but so far I'm been trying to avoid cape jumps for now
For me the part that I hated wss the capes and conundrums ark. It goes on for like 50 chapters of people playing superhero acting like gotham characters in a big larp.
Once, as a joke build
What about the same actress but different characters like Milla Jovovich
"Twunk" is probably older than half the people here as a term.
Jump #2: Hellsing

Gender: Male

Location: Brazil

Race: Human (200)

Origin: Hellsing

Hellsing Style (Free)
My Dear (Free)
Only a Man (Free)
Police Girls and Clerical Bears (50)
Control Art Restriction System (50)
Head of the House (100)
Ace Shot (100)
Van Helsing (300)
Holy Warrior (600)

Victorian Fashion (Free)
Hunting Weaponry (Free)

Bound Bird (+200)

"Well, i think this mission ended in complete and utter disaster. Like, forth crusade levels of failure." I said, looking over the ruined, blood-bathed streets of London.

"And i think you should shut your trap before i cut your tongue again" responded Anderson, while cradling the dead body of our steemed megalomaniatic pope "And this mission isn't a failure, not yet. As long as i still have hands to strangle Alucard and the Mayor with, the mission isn't over" he stated, laying Maxwell's remains on stained floor and then grabbing a pair of bayonets from his coat.

Why are you following me?"

"Three reason." I cocked my gun "First: if you go out there without me, you're just going to get yourself shoot dead for real. Second: Alucard has been added to my hit list. Apparently he ate my real objective and turned it into his ghost slave. So if i want to kill IT i have to through HIM." I unsheathed my HeroSword™ and whipped all the semi-vampire blood off of it "Thirdly: Wherever is Alucard, the police girl is close. I cannot let this chance go now that I don't have Maxwell holding my leash!"

"You shouldn't have extramarital relationships with a filthy spawn of Satan"

"You can crucify me after the fact"
She plays the same character every time
Wait I'm confused why is it Maxwell holding your leash if you are origin Hellsing?
A pleasant flashback to her unexpected full frontal nudity in RE1. First eyeful of that sort of thing I got.
This CT is pretty obviously overpowered, it gives unrestricted infinite growth by simply existing, allow you to eat opponent to speed it up, and unlike Yuta's it doesn't have any limit on the use, can neutralize every and all technique and make you litterally immortal and undying, much better than limitless or Idle transfiguration. It's among the most broken techniques people have ever posted here, and that's saying much.
Rolled 6 (1d7)

>Taimanin Gachaverse
>Soul Calibur
>Generic Paranormal Romance
>Metal Gear Rising
>Dead Or Alive
>Werewolf: The Forsaken
The drawback doesn't say that your master has to be related to your origin. I decided to roll for it and landed on Iscariots
Now roll for your martial art.
A very confused and concerned Nepgear to be specific
Hit them with your ass anon.
>Be vampire
>Vampire-hunting Jumper beats you up with his ass
How do you recover from that?
Rolled 1 (1d7)

>Muay Thai
>Pro Wrestling
>jeet kune do
Tell everyone watch out because theres this weird anal fetish superpower dude running around.
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They can't. Vampirecels can only seethe and dilate at the alive human wrestlers.

Not beating demons with my ass it is.
Chainbutt you can only use jumpchain documents you've nutted to. Not the setting, the document itself.
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I don't play games tho?
Its within the luck perk. That one is a combination of plot armor, hamazura's bullshit, and saten's usual lucky calls.
Get the luck perk and the ILP perk, bet for some weird magic ritual and obtain magic god tier.
Or just be a gemstone level 5 esper with luck and enough science and luck perks to get to level 6
>A nun convent with all things typical of nun convents in Toaru
They usually aren't as heretical as you would be led to believe. Most of the nuns come from divisions that are more geared towards combat so they get some leeway
...I could add an expy of that crazy priest from hellsing abridged
>Maybe just an entry/gateway clearance/authorization thing specifically.
It doesn't get mentioned at the time but the reason why that's a thing is because Index was already slotted in AC, as well as Styl and Kanzaki. It had been decided to perform the memory wipe thing in AC. }
>Garden of Learning but the place is gender locked
You can just enter. Either by trickery like Tsuchi, or by getting an invite or permission from a higher up.
Maybe an item for that could be useful tho
>sound pleasant enough to sucker people
That's aleister's magic iirc. But I do see your point
>Smol antichrist imouto
Tsuchimikado, is that you?
Aleister is NT stuff yeah.
>deep state
If by that you mean Lolister's erotic and schizophrenic ramblings.
Any particular preferences?
>Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica
I remember his martial arts taught by totally not isekai sun wukong let him force people into orgasm.
It was dumb fun. Too bad it got dropped by the author to do the sister testament series.
World Of Lewd Elves here i coom!
Tell someone they don’t get a chain without saying they don’t get a chain.

I wonder how she'll explain the fact that her hands are full of saliva.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Trying to redeem a fallen angel. Roll for before I count the perks.
She'll just wipe it off on his dick.
A thoroughly average result.
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>Any particular preferences?
it can be either loli hag that is master of magic or one with huge boobs that is archer but is clumsy during peaceful time.
I don't masturbate to Jumps sorry. I guess I don't get a chain. Do you Masturbate to Jumps Anon? I don't mean to judge but it seems a bit odd. Are you over there going at it saying "Oh God Sword and Sorcery is so well done! Do it again NuBee!"
>Sighs and unzips pants.
alright is there a time limit on this? I think I can get a few jumps into a chain.
Still loses to Comedian (assuming the user finds their enemies instantly exploding funny).
Chainbutt you get the Cosmic Backpack, Cosmic RV, and a Cosmic Warehouse and Body Mod supplements of your choice and have to spend your first jump relaxing, enjoying life, and being maximally comfy.
Rolled 2 (1d5)

1. Gen paranormal romance
2. Naruto (old ver)
3. Invincible
4. Lovecraft
5. Lord of the rings
I dunno anon, that's a hard sell
>Do it again NuBee
S&S was Wormfu
I keep wanting to make a cosmic spaceship supp. But generally can never decide what I would want to put into it, it just seems like it would be a space version of the motor home with variable size options and that seems kind of bullshit
What happens if I fail? I suck at relaxing. I am high strung. I would try, I mean I would hit CATastrophe as a beach bum Fox girl I would give it my all to do absolutely nothing but I don't know how that would work out.
I mean making the warehouse a comfy retreat is basically always my go too.
Why doesn't Sonic just keep the chaos emeralds on him so Eggman doesn't steal them?
That's literally what he does in the movie canon now. It works so well the third one doesn't even have a trailer yet. Guess he's been thwarted for good.
Depends on the continuity, but generally the Chaos Emeralds are fairly unstable and surge in power whenever they're near each other, so keeping them away from each other is generally safer than keeping them close together.
Shit, I am so sorry. I confused the two of them. You are right. Fuck. I was trying to make a joke and screwed up the punchline. That hurts on a personal level.
The movie can always introduce Solaris, Dark Gaia, The End or one of the other eldritch cosmic horrors I guess
>Jumper spends a whole jump relaxing as a neet.
>becomes degenerate fat drug addict who can't leave there comfy room no matter how much they hate themselves.
Doesn't matter. Your consent is not required. You will be comfy.

I actually had a similar idea for a Cosmic Flying Object supplement that went into the idea bin and never got touched. There's several cyoas that do something similar and are a lot of fun so it's a neat idea IMO.

Failure is impossible. Stress levels and natural anxiety are entirely irrelevant so long as you are just doing your own thing and living life and not going out to fist fight mafioso's every weekend. Eat your ice cream, watch your cartoons, and cocoon in bedding and you're overqualified.

I see you are a man of culture as well.

>Not going to CATastrophe and relaxing by spending time with cute literal beach bunnies.
Sounds like a skill issue.
I'll take it. This shall be my greatest challenge yet.
Sure, I can relax on a megayacht with catgirls in CATastrophe for a decade.
I know long chains get kinda fucky but at this point my jumper has literal planets worth of people and monsters in him either as ghost, familiars, or bound spirits. He also has a blackened denarius, a split personality hivemind council, and 3 wives (though they do not live in my head they do have access to the private and direct message features of my hud). I have no real purpose to buy more powers other than them being cool and way too many people in my head already. All this to say, should I get a ninja animal clan or become a jinchuruki in naruto? Or maybe get the dark version of the 9 tails in look to the stars? My jumper being completely sane at this point is already a matter of being a demonic being and also having perks somewhere in all those builds for it.
Other than CATastrophe what jumps are good for ideal levels of comfy?
My first jump usually has a big theft spree. Water, nonperishable food, hygiene stuff, camping supplies (tents, firestarter kits, emergency ponchos, etc.), firearms, ammo, and ending with appliances. I would only use QS's bodymod and the Warehouse's Portal and Link options. Never used Cosmic Backpack or Cosmic RV, but they can only help.
>have no real purpose to buy more powers other than them being cool and way too many people in my head already.
Bruh...in Dresden Files alone a blackened denarius is going to get powercrept so hard, so quickly it's not even funny
>All this to say, should I get a ninja animal clan or become a jinchuruki in naruto?
Might as well get the animal clan, jinchuruki ain't shit in the long run between Uchiha wank and alien cultivators showing up
Did it get more powerful in a later book? Dresden kills a couple like mooks iirc at one point. Mine I never really got into much detail on other than being female and being largely themed on smoke and darkness.
Is there going to be anything stopping us from taking AIM Stalker at Level 5?
Angels get more powerful and important in lore, but Blackened Denarius remain complete fucking jobbers who endlessly fail.
I'll take it, although I don't know which jump would go to in order to be comfy...I guess I can do with Gundam Build Fighters
Ah yes, right pic being peak writing and world.
Yeah that tracks.
What 'minimal plot, explore this place' dungeon crawl focused jumps do we have? I am aware of Generic Dungeon Crawl and GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
To Aru doesn't have any elves.
He's done that in a few of the mainline games, actually. He actually had them during the start of Unleashed, for instance - but Eggman cracking the planet open to resurrect Dark Gaia fucked up the whole transformation sequence. Or how he was using them all in Sonic 3 and Knuckles before the ambush. Though aside from that instance, they're generally treated like Dragon Balls in that they don't like staying in one place after more normal use, so they kind of fuck off to the four winds once shit calms down.
Do people actually talk to gravestones irl?
Some do I would think. It's just a coping mechanism, why are you surprised?
Corrected the typos previously mentioned by anon.
Uhhh, Etrian Odyssey I think?
Sure there's plot and stuff that's going on, and it's fairly important for the town/city you're in, but otherwise it's just you and your homies, killing monsters and grabbing whatever's valuable.

I just don't know if "mostly fucking around in a giant tree" is 1-to-1 to be considered a dungeon crawl.
Fucking around in/on/under "blank" basically describes the whole Etrian Odyssey series. There's story and some of it is pretty far reaching, but there's heroes to take care of that. A vast majority of people just make a living wandering the easiest part of the local dungeon.
It's not uncommon? It's basically a form of calmer venting.
Apply Command T?
>calmer venting
Then they wouldn't have killed them first
>the documents
Anon what the fuck are you smoking?
Nta but basically yeah.
The tree and vegetation is generally the only the first stratum though.

>killing monsters and grabbing whatever's valuable
>me who completed some EOs
if only it were so easy
Some of the qq ones are well written desu
I'm preparing myself visiting one, I don't think I'll speak to the stone but who knows.
Yeah sure but well written in a way you can to fap to it? Your balls must be made out of blue painting.
yep, tons of people do, even I do it when visiting my brother's grave. .
You get a chain, but for your first jump instead of your starting allotment of points you get double points from drawbacks, and any drawback limits are removed. What jump do you go to?
So question about Jujutsu Kaisen. Geto's plan to bring an end to Cursed Spirits was to genocide humanity until only Jujutsu sorcerers were left, right? Since Sorcerers don't release ambient Cursed Energy, so if only Sorcerers exist then there's no more Cursed Spirits being born. Makes some degree of sense...

But what about the next generation? We literally see that even amongst sorcerer clans, it's not guaranteed you're going to be born a sorcerer. It's highly likely, sure, but sometimes people are just born without the capacity to practice Jujutsu. Does Geto expect parents will just immediately murder their infant children if they can't practice Jujutsu?
Mortal Hero gauntlet
Didnt you just do this one?

Fine I guess I would do out of cruel space or forerunner saga since I could either become some form of magic spaceman with 20 wives that love me or a space machine god.

Or trinity wonder and just be bullshit and able to hop worlds.
He literally stopped seeing non sorcerers as human so
I do not know if I can even do that. I have no idea of a place where that would even be possible.
Geto's "plan" has more hole that swiss cheese. This is known
>Last build I had for it left me with 3500 starting CP
yeah this chainbut breaks the mortal hero gauntlet. could literally come out with everything.
Geto is shown to be suicidal/going maniac depressive after the whole Riko affair, that is how much the whole thing scarred him.

If it wasn't for him meeting Yuki and learning about curses in that way, we might very well have killed himself.

The problem is, he prolly knows that, but due to trauma he bottled that shit very, very well. Kinda like Denji from Chainsawman and his Dad.

He is trying, and failing to find a solution/trying to find a decent way to die.
Would still do Danny Phantom. I can handle pissing off ghosts, having a stalker and randomly being moved between dimensions.
>Didnt you just do this one?
If someone did, I didn’t see it.

Depends on whether not you count Destnies as drawbacks.
>needing to explain shit to people
>when you have mind control powers
The duality of man
Nothing, go wild with that
Tsukihime. its one of the jumps I don't mind going heavy on the drawbacks early and I was already planning on going there early.
Alright. Just wanted to be sure this was an intentional oversight instead of a Thanos-esque plothole of "just kill half the universe, this will solve everything!"
>The duality of man
I actually just fucked up my post
Naruto, I typically never do this, but I would max out the bountry drawback for 2k additional points, which would be easy to deal with, since I'd spend 1k of them to be a freak of nature.
Honestly naruto could be really fun with that. Damn now I want to play one of the many naruto fan games I have had in the past.
Impregnate the Moon Princess.
>naruto fan games
That's a thing?
Wait no, I mean, good ones are a thing?
Batman TAS, how much relaxing can someone do with $100 million monthly allowance in 1986? Can I start fund my own Takeshi's Castle for laughs or does that count as working?
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Seconding Mortal Heroes.

That would be a sticking point, wouldn’t it? If it’s just Drawbacks then that would net me an extra 400 cp, which is good on its own but might make throwing one of the other drawbacks in there worthwhile because they’d be 800-1000 in their own right. And on the flip side if it does include Destinies then that’s like an extra 5000 cp right there and I can now afford to buy, like, most of the gauntlet.

Probably best to assume they don’t count, but damn it be fun if they did.
>*get instantly killed by random bullshit that shouldn't work but does anyway*
Yes, this is how you waifu the Moon Princess. Step two is to dick her down. Step three is babies.
There used to be.

Now days all I can remember are the porn ones but I used to have one someone made with rpgmaker where you could choose your village and background and it was really cool. That was decades ago though.
World Seed.
Sounds fun, unironically. But to quote Clattanoia, it's so beautiful, I'm so doubtlful.
So long as you are doing it to have fun.
Not her, the Jumper.
World Sneed.
I mean either way it’s a solid starting choice.

>World Seed.
And feed.
Well I'm sure that she can impregnate your Jumper if you're into that; Marble Phantasm is a pathway to many lewd abilities...
Does it count if the jump is one that would keep me busy, but it’s a setting I like so I’d be happy?
Arc is cute but I don't think I would gel with her well.
God I hate fatefags.
I'd like to watch her methodically undress.
And thus a shitposter is defeated by Arcueid's throbbing girldick.
So long as you're staying true to the spirit of the chain butt and enjoying life/being happy you are free to do what you will. Some people enjoy lots of activity and that's perfectly okay. Comfy does not have to mean N33thood.
Nanoha. Flesh and Beams and Befriended alone make up for the starting budget loss if they give twice the points.

>your first jump instead of your starting allotment of points
What happens to stipends like the DP for the Device builder?
Happens to me with a lot of characters I wanna companion, feels like we're just not compatible most of the time.
A good choice. Stipends remain unchanged.
Exalted Solars for me then. The relaxing and being comfy won’t happen all the time, but enjoying life will.
My problem is I am an anti-social grumpy fuck that would feel miserable being around girls like Arc from being pestered and noise.
Nta but according to Yuki it's possible humanity would evolve forced by the threat, so that the number of sorcerers would grow, but it is to remember thatshe also said she's nowhere near crazy enough to do that.
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I mean. I have written like 40 pages of stuff about it, so you can tell I like it. And that’s about a tenth of what I have planned.
Where I come from we call that a "lack of comprehension", "being unable to read", or "trolling".
If that's what you want to call it, sure go for it, weird fetishes.
So, do you prefer other anti-social jerks as companions, mesugakis, or someone who is social enough to do the social stuff and still talk to you without making you uncomfortable?
dragonlance, I'd end up as something like a level 100+ wizard just starting the jump and gain at least an extra 18 levels just from scenarios. Considering raistlin managed to kill the gods and topple their thrones at iirc around lvl 27 as a wizard I should be sitting pretty.
Name: Kinkaku
Naruto - Val & Bee version jump
Age: 44
Sex: Male
>Human [Free]
>Experience [S-rank] [500]
>Dream Works [Free]
>Willpower [Free]
>Ninja Tool Specialty [Free] Sage Treasures
>Fuinjutsu [200]
>Pseudo Jinchuriki[300] Kurama
>Six Paths Chakra [600]
Custom Clan: [3 00] Kinkaku Force
Items: +400
>Forehead Protector [Free]
>Seal Kit [Free]
>Scrolls [Free]
>Smoke Bombs [50]
>Bingo Book [50]
>Shinobi Drugs [50]
>Chakra Disruption Tools[50]
>Chakra Weapon [100] Sword
>Money [100]
>Sage’s Treasured Tools [300]
>Other Half [200] Ginkaku
>Gaiden[Free] First Shinobi War
>Bounty [200] Kumogakure

Made a build for the Gold and Silver Brothers for Fun, pretty stupidly expensive at 2400NP.
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That's why I'm making an evil jumper instead of a me jumper.
Me Jumper would be unable to take anyone except very few people, and it would very fucking boring. Evil Jumper is a piece of shit who doesn't give a shit, and will take anything and anyone who would give him something, and wouldn't mind brainwashing or corrupting for it.

>Gold and Silver Brothers
Thanks for reminding me of that cringe arc.
... Yeah that's probably like a 6-7 jump chain for me. At least the majority of them are QQ jumps.
I haven’t written as much, but I’ve thought about it plenty. Now if only I could make this new build balance.
I can do social stuff, it's just really outgoing or happy people make me nervous and I don't know how to deal with them and seize up. It's the loud noise that gets me grumpy but socially I'm about as personable as a brick. Can't think of any waifus that'd want to deal with that.
But will you summon a succubus and angel and force them to wear sexy PJ’s?
No, but I will make many other poor and ill-advised life choices that will inevitably bite me in the ass as any proper named character in the Dragonlance setting would do.
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I tried to replay GAIA and found the writing extremely... weird? Its like jarring how some parts seem to be written by a monkey despite having a lot of really good set up - the MC's past is never properly shown aside from the usual 'he had some vaguely sad backstory', there's little corruption in the true sense of it for everyone but maybe the miko (everyone else felt like they were genuinely just mind fucked instead of having being corrupted into choosing degeneracy) and most of the time I can't warp my head around why anyone does what they do - its like their character personalities and their actions are at odd with each other and their general goals. I mean, some of this issues were also present in RAGNAROK but at least that one felt generic but decently shown with only a few glaring dumb parts, while most of it seemed alright.

Just get a quiet one, like Akitsu from sekirei or the hacker from Kurenai (or Yuuno from the same series who is constantly described as naturally making others feel at ease, and its generally a very demure and proper girl)
Wasn't Thanos very obviously fucking insane given by how several of his genocided worlds just fucking died as a result and the immediate result of the snap was mass chaos and panic
You'd think that, but the MCU went out of its way to show that the worlds he visited afterwards ended up becoming verdant paradises and I remember an in-universe news anchor in the Venom movie mentioning how overpopulation was the reason why everything was going to shit and if we just cut our population numbers in half things would be much better. Long story short, MCU went out of its way to try and convince you that his insanity was actually valid and good for the universe as a whole.
>the MCU went out of its way to show that the worlds he visited afterwards ended up becoming verdant paradises
nta, but we dont see that, it's only mentioned by Thanos to convince people of the snap. But there is actually a throway menion in the first Guardians film that Gamora is the last survivor of her race, making it clear that Thanos' claim about her race prospering after his purge is wrong.
There WAS some "the Snap actually made things better" (i feel like there was definitely some way to throw the argument in his face that doesn't involve morality. nobody really just throws out the extremely obvious "what happens once the population grows back up you tard") I feel like the fact that Thanos just fucking throws it all in the garbage and decides to annihilate the cosmos to make it the way HE wants it to work really shows he is just fucking insane
Huh... you know I'm somewhat disappointed theres no toggle/drawback in the imperium nihilus jump to be a acolyte to a inquisitor instead of the inquisitor proper. Dark heresy style.
Wanted to set up a crew of expendable type acolytes for Jumper to roll with Jump 1.
The key here is that yes, Thanos was very clearly insane. You know it, I know it, it was pretty obvious from the outset. But the MCU went out of its way to try and play him up as the Hard Man Making Hard Decisions While Hard for a bit, even playing up how his actions did genuine good really guys believe us. They take the veil off in Endgame and show him for the insane megalomaniac he truly is, but to this day lots of people still fucking simp for him as being a misunderstood bleeding heart who genuinely wanted to help everyone in the only way he knew how.
>the Snap actually made things better
wasn't that mostly survivors coping and then having to deal with the chaos of the Blip?
Like I didn't get any implication that it caused earth or any other planet to thrive.
There was a bit of the environment recovering in the wake of the Snap in Endgame. As I said it was just a bit.
I give it a slight pass, because Thanon is essentially a villain protagonist in infinity War(most obvious in his scenes with Gamora), he's sincere in his convictions and ready to sacrifice whatever it takes for them. If it were a novel, it'd be a perfect case of an unreliable narrator(though not exaclty the case here, since film is not that ambigious).
Like I consider this the same thing as people watching Death Note and simping for Light.
Fair, I mean, we did get that during Covid(in addition to lower crime rates, and many diseases being spread at lower rates) because of preventive measures, so it got some precendent, but it's not exactly something that would convince anyone it was worth it.
Honestly I love the "Death Note with all the mental monologues taken out" memes that have been spread across the internet lately because they really drive the point home that Light was just OBVIOUSLY FUCKING GUILTY lmao
L had Light pegged from the very beginning, but couldn't pin anything on him because Light has a magic notebook and the social manipulation skills to make everyone besides L want to believe he's not Kira. Light's temperament combined with his age make him come across as a chuuni edgelord who doesn't actually know what he's doing but is bluffing and bullshitting his way to success, then believing it was because he was actually that smart when like 5 different plot devices fell into his lap to save him.
Wasn't one of the major plot points that L instantly figured out it was Light but didn't have any proof?
You know, it actually is pretty damn funny.
Ganbatte, anon. I believe you can write!
Thanos is kind of an Armstrong situation where he can see that there is a problem but can't really identify the cause or even how it works because he was an ivory tower asshole, so he arrived at a deranged "solution" that helps absolutely nobody but himself (it's not like HE was bravely nobly sacrifcing anything lol) but it's also a grudge match against the corpses of his planet, I think. His world refused his retarded plan so he wants to prove it would work by forcing it down everyone's gullets. He has basically been living with some dead governors in his head rent free for hundreds of years now.
nta, but kinda yeah, not exactly the beginning, but certainly the moment he met him after the exams.

L would never have thought of meeting Light, if Light didn't kill the FBI agents, which narrowed down the most likely Kira subjects to the people investigated by the 20 FBI agens(which means there were now only like 50 suspects, when it previously could've been anyone in the largest city in the world). But even that could've been recoverable if he didn't make that FBI agent's wife kill herself, something that L knew to be out of character, making him suspect people investigated by that agents specifically, making there only be like 4 kira suspects of which Light is one of them.
Honestly, even without th esus things Light said, L would probably guessed it was him based on that alone, since they already suspected Kira to be a student, and the Genius son of a police chief certainly fits the profile.

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