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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

>Model identifiers (what each faction can take):

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers archive:

>Infinity Army (official list-builder app) and hacking helper:


Previous thread:

you are describing Code One
I wish Code One was like that, instead it's a random assortment of profiles.
Explain the animated movie
Is running vanilla in a tournament viable? I feel like you'd be shorting yourself on orders.
How can we explain something which has yet to be released?

Vanilla are generally the strongest factions unless the mission lineup contains BTV.
I don't know anything about it and would like to know more.
Join the club.
Core fireteams are generally a trap, unless they're defensive in nature. +3 to BS isn't good enough to offset having to keep five dudes within ZoC when skirmishers/WB are so powerful, and pain train cores are too expensive to be worth it. Haris' are good, but +1B isn't going to offset losing the best profiles in your faction.

Sectorials are generally a trap, aside from the ones that already include most/all of the best units in the faction (white banner, bakunin, kosmoflot). That said, vanilla still gets the benefit of taking wildly different lists in tournament play. On top of that, half the sectorials are ass in general.

Not that it matters too much, most people lose in deployment. Your army is only 10% of why you lose in most games.
Huh, I thought sectorials were the way to play, or so it seemed like that when I was lurking here (during N3).
Apparently we are getting an animated movie (series?).
Unannounced yet.
>"The internationally beloved, futuristic tabletop wargame Infinity takes a galactic step into animation via the creative vision of renowned animation director Jay Oliva (Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, Zack Snyder's Twilight of the Gods)—and you're invited to witness the first public screening of footage, get the scoop on the latest castings, and hear all the exciting production details from director/producer Oliva, Covus Belli founders Carlos Torres and Fernando Liste, producer Gutier Lusquinos, actors Zehra Fazal (Young Justice, Halo Infinite, Starfield) and Jason Spisak (Arcane, Batman: Hush), and casting/voice director Wes Gleason (Batman: The Killing Joke). Publicist Gary Miereanu will moderate the panel, and every panel attendee will receive a Comic-Con exclusive Infinity minifigurine."

As well as Aristeia second edition and its videogame.
>every single site about Infinity keeps talking about sectorials, discuss fireteams as most important aspects and generally call vanilla weakest because of lack of said sectorials
>nooo, Vanilla is actually strongest because it have most options! (that you can't squeeze into single list anyway)

One more burst does make a difference with sniper or missile launcher. And you can't deny power of B4 Karchu with FB.
It's Karhu!
In some factions, a fireteam lets you have a stronger ARO piece. +1B isn't that relevant in active. That doesn't make it better than having access to better pieces. Would you rather have
>ability to link a Gwailo with two Remotes
>ability to access the Avatar, Anathematic, Charontid, Nourkias, Raicho, Bit and Kiss, Kerr-Nau, Dartok, Fraacta, Rasyat, Imetrons, Samaritans, and Greif
Any PanO must-haves? I have the MO action pack, karhu special team, Jeanne d'Arc 2.0, zulu-cobra hacker, and an extra knight of santiago (spitfire).
Teutonic Knights seem cool but are hella expensive. Fuck, everything seems expensive now.
Which version of PanO are you trying to play? Sounds like MO, vanilla, and Varuna. You'd definitely want a Montesa, a couple of TAGs (Tik and Cutter minimum), Helots, Trinitarians, some of the characters... There's a lot really.
Honestly I'm not sure what version, I think vanilla. I was just buying models that I thought looked cool.
Oh, and I've pre-ordered the new Tikbalang.
The Tikbalang is arguably the best vanilla TAG. Jeanne isn't worthwhile since Inspiring Leadership is so costly but PanO only has access to a handful of mediocre Irregulars who often use their own order anyway. Teutons are only good when linked, same with a lot of MO. Karhu and ZC will be good though
In vanilla the cutter, swiss guard, all of the rems (i regularly run 2 peacemakers, 2 bulletteers, 1 EVO-Bot, 3 fugazis and either a pathfindr or sierra as the backbone of my sval lists, only slotting in whatever the mission needs), nisse/bolt/kamau sniper and montessa knight are must haves in my eyes.
But only the rems are something EVERYONE should have. They are just so convenient.
That's good to hear re the TAG. I guess I just need to play more games and experiment with lists to see what fits my style.
REMs for real? Interesting. I like the REM models so might be fun to pick them up.
REMs are generally always useful. They are cheap fillers.
It ofc depends on your list/sectorial, but the humble 7 point fugazi has an ava of 1-3 in pano, points-per-order it is the best value. Armbots put 2 bodies in the midfield potebtialy putting down 3 templates per order and also give you repeaters (the oddly good pano repeater net gets ignored a lot). Bulletteers can get buffed by EVOs, so being effective bs15 spitfires with mim-6 (-12 in cover with suppressive) is a threat not everyone can deal with easily.
Pathfinder is simply the best pano specialist with wip13 and great speed. Mulebots are cute and if you take a lot of attack rems or HI it is a good decision to invest in the EVO-bot, if only just for faery dust.

If you get some spotlight opportunities or are playong against armies with a lot of mimetism but lack of tinbots the clipper is well worth the 1.5 swc, but i don't like that playstile with wip 12/13 hackers and no pitchers.
RIght, let's see if I got this right. You *cannot* use AROs to discover a camo marker and shoot it in the same order, unless you wait to declare your ARO and the marker camo reveals itself (otherwise you wasted your ARO). Therefore, if you reveal it with a Discover ARO, you can start attacking it if it's activated again or the next round if it is not.
You *can* use activated troopers to discover and shoot it, provided you pass the discover roll or the camo marker reveals itself by performing an ARO.
great shill wiith some more shill and an extra shill to complete the full set of shill, shill, please,
Wait a fucking minute.

>These pieces of information are Private in Infinity:
>The identity of your Lieutenant


>Special Lieutenant Order
>This Order is not included in the Order Pool, but is kept separate for the Lieutenant to use. The status and expenditure of the Lieutenant Special Order is Open Information.
>[players] must warn their opponent when they are going to using it to activate their
Troopers, including the Lieutenant.

So what's the fucking point? If the identity of the Lt is supposed to be secret, but I must announce when I am using the Lt Order to activate my Lt (and the Lt order can only be used by the Lt, as it clearly says), then the Lt is not secret, is it?
You can choose not to use the Lt order.
Also, troops with the NCO skill can use their Lt's order.

Now, is it worth it to reveal who your Lt is for an extra order? Depends on your list, game situation, tactic...
Also if you go second then in that first turn your opponent won't know who your Lt is.
Go shitpost in a bait-thread, Jamal
jesus fuck, that was so obvious. I kept scrolling like a schizophrenic through the rules to find if the Lt or its order did anything special, and it is just a bonus order for him to use.
Thanks anon, I am going to kill myself.
Yeah, that's the trade-off. You can have extra orders for that one unit who is the leader, giving away that the trooper who is of potential interest to your opponent. You can play around Lt. orders with NCO, or have a Chain of Command troop around to intercept the Lt. position in the case your primary gets fucked. Alternatively, you can spend your Lt. order as a bait to get them to hunt your Lt. with hidden insurance and pull them from objectives for a turn.
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Also, thank to you both for explaining this. I guess revealing the Lt doesn't matter too much in Code One, as there is no Loss of Lt. rule, but still a hit if you blow the double order too soon.

Now, I am going to play my very first starter game against another newbie. This is what I wanted to play with. I am not interested in optimized, and I don't particuarly care about losing, so I went with the models I liked the best. The issues I think I already see are the Zuyong Para being not necessary with a doctor, and the Yan Huo being perhaps too costly. Debatable the Tiger Soldier: I picked it for mimetism. Alternatives are Ye Mao (super jump will be more useful to me than the deployment abilities of the tiger) or a Guilang (half a point cheaper to upgrade something else).

Any advice is helpful, this game got me excited and the rules aren't too hard (though being my very first wargame, LoF and movement make me head ache)
Do not worry, Infinity is kinda built on mind games and trade-offs like that.
Now imagine all the tactics you can build on that, using obvious but efficient Lts with a CoC backup, NCOs to bait the enemy, hidden LTs, actual LTs that look like baits, etc.
If I remember correctly, against moving camo marker you can delay ARO declaration and its the only case where you are allowed to do so. At least that's what Warcor said at LGS, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
CodeOne would really benefit from "loss" rule - right now, the most useful trooper gets this role as it means extra order at no disadvantage. In normal game there is a lot of planning and mind-gaming and some armies like PanO tend to simply pick cheapest profile like Fusiler and keep him/her hidden in corner.
Also Impersonation and Holoechoes follow that same rule.

How do you do Biotechvore with a vanilla faction. I never got that.
How about "buy an app and get lost", (((Chrystal))).
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>tall, buff short-haired tomboy
Bikers, coordinated orders, impulsive troops, just risking the roll, using fireteam duos or just having a few troops stand back and facetank the cloud (bts6 has pretty good chances)
They know their audience.
ok, could be worse. Not a fan of the Haqq-dune vibe, but ok
It's in vogue.
The CGI actually doesn't look bad. How did the Spaniards con these animators into making this?
They told them it was based on Halo Infinite
There are a handful of sectorials that give up little and gain much, like OSS, Bakunin, Cosmo. They're probably better than vanilla. Other sectorials give up the world to gain nothing (ISS, USARF).

Every vanilla faction is better than most sectorials. Some sectorials are better than most vanilla factions.

Now they need a platform interested in the IP
Porn when?
I felt they should have done a video game first? Warhammer animations are only liked for space marine wank but there is no major fanbase already here.

It needs to be arcane tier interesting to even bring in newbies it looks solid but I’m not sure.
Looks surprisingly unshit, I was expecting absolute slop from the pile of buzzwordnames quoted above. More DXHR style stuff is always welcome.
I felt like an infinity show should be called Operation something and the entire show is about a different faction all fighting in the same location but each episode is their perspective of the operation.

So you have more than one faction present and gives people a general understanding of the setting more.
They have the Aristeia video game which is in early access I believe. But IMO a videogame is much more difficult to produce than a tv series, they already have artists so they basically just have to write and animate it.
>it's on IGN's official channel
My honestly crazy idea is an infinity game like the Shadowrun FPS game. That game is nothing like shadowrun but the idea is perfect for infinity.
The comments are just confused if it’s dune or not lol
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Awesome I got back into infinity when it seems to be coming back to table top relevance.

(I bought the desperados for $70 and a devil dog with shotgun for almost $80)
>on one hand, CB can publish books, launch tv series, get shared on IGN (???), organise worldwide competitions
>on the other hand their forum keeps going down and they'll post broken links on twitter
These spaniards keep baffling me.

Oof better buy anything you need I feel like they rent gonna be around long
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No fucking way. I thought it was gonna be dogshit because of the names mentioned, but it looks fucking cool.
I mean the story can be disgusting, absolutely, but it looks great.
I just realized. Those bastards at CB are 100% banking on the new Dune movies by going with a Haqq + Silk storyline first
why everybody puts Arcane as a good thing and the standard for good animation? Is woke trash
Problem, Warner Bros?
and the IT guy is on holiday until friday, after last week forums also collapsed
Seethe harder.
The animation looks pretty good. Gory too, which I was not expecting.
Bros why does cb hate Ariadna now?
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1) It's a genuinely great animation. Saying otherwise is just being contrarian because it was/is still popular. It's a unique style too, which makes it more appealing.

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It's off to an unexpectedly good start.
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>no veil
Very haram tv series
Yes, in that order from left to right.
Why was the shotgun wolf discontinued when it’s mostly just an arm swap?
>these niggas will just kill Jetstream Sam
My wife in the middle
New Ariadna anon???
MY wife!
There's more than one?
The minis look cool and I’ve always wanted to get into a miniatures game, but I don’t want to wander into a hyper politically correct community. A lot of the community seems to be on discords like IGL and stuff. And big discord servers almost inevitably turn into that shit. Should I just avoid this game?
>Should I just avoid this game?
Yes, you're not welcome here
The Assassin dude playing with his knife at 0:55 is LITERALLY me.
If you can't spend one evening without screaming "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER", yeah. This might not be the game for you.
No, not like that. I mean avoiding crazy leftists whose entire existence is finding shit to get pissed off about. I’ve unfortunately been a part of communities where just wishing the general community a happy 4th of July causes snide remarks and other bullshit.
That depends way more on your locals than it does the game. I haven't seen anyone like that where I play, so hopefully you don't live on the West Coast I guess?
>I mean avoiding crazy leftists whose entire existence is finding shit to get pissed off about.
People on discord are braindamaged, stick to your local group and you'll be fine
Why did the Ariadna posters die?
They went back to 40k during 8th edition
>whose entire existence is finding shit to get pissed off about
The fucking irony
Most of us actually play the game rather than just shitpost about it on Discord so we might not be the best people for you to ask.
Too busy waiting for my new frenchmen
Yeah, put me off a bit, it looks decent enough to stand on its own legs and let people connect the dots without a blatant DID YOU KNOW WE BASED IT ON DUNE? WELL WE BASED IT ON DUNE, THOUGHT I'D TELL YOU SINCE YOU MIGHT MISS THE SUBTLE AND CLEVER DUNE REFERENCE (TO DUNE). NOW GIB MONEY, FANS OF CURRENTLY POPULAR FRANCHISE!
Because Arkane made good games, not sure what they have to do with animation though.
Just avoid discord and plebbit. I can call you a faggot too if that helps, faggot.
you are mixing Arkane (game developer) with Arcane (League of Legends animation)
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They have a chibi Gata emoji in the Hexadome discord...
Hate the game, not the player
Bro not all Ariadna players came from 40k get it out your ass
Where did the Ariadna players are 40k rejects stem from?
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There's been a lot of weird misinformation since the trailer drop. A lot of complaints are the same, but the factions are mixed up. Like Haqq being CB's favorite when it's clearly Nomads. Image related, it's typically how 40k players ease into Infinity (except weebs who unanimously choose JSA)
Why do we need 40 k players? Did you see what happened to Battletech general?
No wgat happened to Battletech general?
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Who cares we need more Ariadna
Here's the thing, if we ever want to see Infinity expand to fully supported we'll need players and people invested in the universe. The great part about Infinity is that all the shit 40k and Battletech has gotten is because of trannies going in and attempting to self insert themselves into places the never were. Infinity has their shit embedded within a transhumanist setting so no one's toes are getting stomped on.
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Really this general too? God what is wrong with this website now
If your gonna be a faggot your free to leave back to discord or reddit you liberal freak
What chu talkin' bout foo?
Fuck off
Obsession with trannies and identity politics is gay go outside
I'm not invested in politics, but I do know a marketable product to a consumer base when I see it.
Flooded with tournament WAAC WYSIWYG shitters
Fuck that noise, nobody held a gun to their heads and forced them to do it.
>umm, you shoud do suboptimal financial choices... BECAUSE YOU JUST HAVE TO!
>if we ever want to see Infinity expand to fully supported

GW taught us that their games live despite company attention, not because of it. And CB is slowly heading towards that direction.
Waiting for Comicon to see how it's being handled

Nah, Infinity needs a lot more attention on it, I'll be honest. Or just roll it back to N3.
It's politically correct to be racist towards Japanese as Yu Jing.
>big prison ship
>mostly populated by Mexicans and Africans
What did CB mean by this
They're everywhere and they need to be always shut down by calling them out on bringing politics into an anime miniatures game discussion.
You're not like the forums guy who made a video crying about female knights and seeing a comment about deconstructing gender roles are you?
Well, WAAC is the default Infinity mindset.
People connecting the IG's "ordinary modern-ish military man" aesthetic with Ariadna's, and also being the high-model-count army pre-N4.

>since the trailer drop
Ariadna = 40k refugees has been a meme in all the years I've been in this thread.
>Creates a reformed Islam
>Where is Israel
>omnipresent AI that is integrated almost everywhere and basically rules humanity
>named after the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet
Gee, I dunno
Don't know anything about Infinity but saw the trailer and thought it looked cool. Are the comics any good in general/for learning the lore?
>they are the coolest motherfuckers
i dunno, you tell me
Outrage and Aftermath are the better manga, and Betrayal is mid but all give perspectives on different parts of life within the Human Sphere. If you're also interested, Infinity also have a few novels. However, if you're looking for a jumpstart I can recommend Warlore's videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5GFC4VU8lk&t=176s
>wealthy countries ship all the brown undesirables off to go die in space
>they not only survive but become highly sought-after labor and a political entity that can go toe-to-to with the other major players
Really gets the noggin joggin, huh?
Unironically, you can use the RPG books to learn the lore, too. Corebook especially has more than enough info to get started and get a good grasp on the setting
stop calling manga that thumbr piece of crap called aftermath,your poor wanker
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>Lasiq recruitment ad
Finally, culture.
Just remembered the Motorized Knight of Montesa is a thing...they discontinued the old one for this.
I need a moment.
So, they're leaving PanO for the live action feature film, right?
now they got an AI

This keep crashing for you guys as well?
hit back after it 404s
>Achilles is a popular character in the HumanSphere universe because of his legendary prowess in combat and his compelling personality traits. As a Recreation of the Homeric hero, he embodies the ideal warrior with unmatched skill and bravery. His complex relationship with other characters, like Patroclus, adds depth to his story, making him fascinating to both players and lore enthusiasts. Additionally, his actions and decisions are pivotal in many significant events, enhancing his prominence in the narrative.
Nice try, ALEPH
>There is no indication that PanOceania itself was a "mistake." It is one of the major factions in the HumanSphere universe, known for its advanced technology and powerful military. The term "mistake" might be a misunderstanding; perhaps you are referring to specific strategic or tactical errors made by PanOceania in various conflicts, such as underestimating the enemy or making anthropic errors in combat against alien races like the Shasvastii or Morat.
I love that canonically, Achilles has a not quite rock bottom social credit ranking on the Nomad ships purely on the basis that "he's kind of hot"
>Lhosts, like Ajax the Great, are artificial bodies used to house the consciousness of Recreations. Their preferences for food are typically programmed to align with the tastes and requirements of the personalities they embody. Since Ajax the Great is based on a legendary Greek hero, he might have a preference for traditional Mediterranean cuisine, such as olives, bread, fish, and wine, reflecting his mythological background.

It's like I have a hotline with Gutier.
Judging by the trailer, PanO look to be the villain faction for Paradise Lost, until they're replaced by CA.
Damn why did they go with that ugly "realistic" 3d render of an anime woman? That bitch got dumbo ears
and forums still down...
New good, old bad
Can a template weapon in an ARO, i.e. a flamethrower, hit other troopers than the active one? The wiki just says the active trooper is the reference to decide if the attack is void or not
As long as the initial target is under thr template all other troops under thr template are also hit. If the template does not reach the initial target or would cover friendly troops then the template isn't placed.
perfect, thank you very much anon. Luv me templates
Actually, just had another question. Since template weapons hit automatically, unless the target dodges it, if the target does a BS attack ARO, can both of them kill each other as it happens simultanously? i.e. BS ARO is a normal roll, and the flamethrower auto hits, so if both fail their save roll, then both get a wound correct?
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Thanks again. I hope I'm not bothering you all too much
This general lives and dies on answering questions from newbies, so don’t sweat it. Without people coming in and doing what you’re doing, we pretty quickly devolve into taking lazy bait, doomposting, and arguing over what conclusions you should draw from tournament results.
The golemism is strong with this one.
>This general lives and dies on answering questions from newbies
...and totally not by a (((natural))) posts of shilloids, just saying.
If that were the case, these threads would never die.
>taking lazy bait, doomposting, and arguing
So /tg/ as a whole. All these bait threads hitting 500 bajillion replies before page 10, how do people still fall for them?
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>IGN can exclusively reveal the first trailer for Infinity: Paradise Lost, an upcoming animated series adaptation of Corvus Belli’s sci-fi/espionage RPG franchise.
>RPG franchise
NEAT! Haqq vs Onyx is ballsy and I like it.

question. which box should I get next for my Svalarheima army? Orc Troops, Karhu or Vargar?
Less lame characters than the comic and I'm sold
I haven't played in like a decade and I still follow Infinity from time to time because it's cool
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wtf I thought that you couldn't throw grenades next to camo tokens without a WIP roll first for the longest time. I guess that bears are better than I thought.
Wow, Sybilla really fell off...
you cant because grenades dont have the Intuitive trait. You are using the speculative trait
>The "best girl" is subjective and varies based on personal preference within the HumanSphere universe. However, popular candidates might include characters like Asuka Kisaragi, revered for her daring and exceptional skills on a motorcycle, or Yuriko Oda, admired for her courage and intelligence in the face of adversity. Each character brings unique qualities and strengths that fans might find appealing.
wtf everything is getting a TV show these days
Albert Einstein profile when?
>The outcome of an armwrestling competition between Caledonia volunteers and a Morat Vanguard would heavily depend on the individual strengths and skills of the participants. Morat soldiers are known for their exceptional physical strength and ferocity, suggesting it could take multiple Caledonia volunteers to match a single Morat Vanguard in such a contest.
>I can provide information about the HumanSphere universe but not about the current status of forums. If you have questions about the HumanSphere universe, feel free to ask!
fucking coward
>Tohaa reproduction typically involves pairing off within their triad-based social structure. When two members of a triad decide to have a child, they temporarily form a couple and raise the child together. The child is cared for until they are old enough to be independent, after which the parents are free to reform their triad with the former member or someone new. It is also becoming more accepted for triads to raise children together, though this is still considered somewhat unconventional.
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It seems rather buggy
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>...while ALEPH does exert significant influence...

No free will confirmed.
>Relationships between human citizens and Tohaa are generally met with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. While interspecies interactions are part of the cultural exchange fostered by the Tohaa Contact Treaty, deep relationships may still face social challenges and prejudices from both sides. Acceptance varies widely depending on individual perspectives within each species and the specific cultural contexts they inhabit.
I'm pleased it can answer the important questions.
Free will is a spook.
Call it. Does Aleph have its own agenda to control humanity (for their own good, obviously) or was it planted by the EI to make humanity seek transcendence without them knowing, like a Nemesis V2
exclusive Comic Con attendants figure
>A character like Parvati, known for her charisma and presence, might fare well in a Eurovision Song Contest. As an ALEPH Lhost with a striking appearance and advanced capabilities, she could captivate audiences with both her performance and stage presence. Additionally, her connection to the AI ALEPH could ensure top-notch production and presentation, making her a strong contender.
>A fitting title for the song Parvati would perform in the Eurovision Song Contest could be "Echoes of the Sphere." This title reflects her journey from the HexaDome to a wider stage, resonating with her fans across the Human Sphere.
Where's my muscle-mommy-waifu?
>Yes, Karakuris could act as backup dancers for Parvati, assuming a deal could be struck between ALEPH and the Japanese government. Their advanced robotic capabilities and precise movements would complement Parvati's performance, creating a visually stunning and synchronized show. The collaboration would highlight the technological prowess of both ALEPH and the Japanese government, making for an impressive and memorable performance.
Deepest lore...
I still maintain it was a mistake not to have the Tohaa have 3 sexes instead of this pseudo-cuckoldry we have now.

Also, I managed to crash the AI.
(do not ask it private questions about the EI)
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Fug, I didn't even realize it can talk.
Nobody plays this Game anymore.
>3 sexes
They already have three. Male, female and cuck
They are getting more traction with the animated series trailer and the Sibylla AI in the last 2 days than in the past 2 years trying to build hype for Warcrow
>In the HumanSphere universe, cultural and species differences could make such a relationship incredibly challenging. The Morat are a warlike species with a strong emphasis on aggression, hunting, and military prowess, while PanOceania is a human faction known for its advanced technology and democratic values. While interspecies relationships are not explicitly detailed, the stark contrasts in lifestyle and values would likely pose significant obstacles. However, in a universe as diverse as HumanSphere, anything is possible if both individuals are open to understanding and bridging their differences.
Well boys, ill make it work
Don't fug zerats

It's not worth it
Fantasy is a dead medium, it's been maxed out.
this. some cliche and idea are way over done.
It's really not. The problem is that there are a ton of people who think they are fantasy fans when they've been sold a lifestyle brand. People think that ' there's no wrong way to be a fan' and it's blatently obvious that consuming uncritically and incestually spawning self indulgent genre's based on already derivative work (like 'dungeonpunk' as a genre, YA as a genre, etc) is wrong, it's bad.
>Stop it.
>Yes, a Helot could potentially be accepted into the Haqqislamic faith. Haqqislam emphasizes humanism, the search for knowledge, and a modern interpretation of the Quran, rejecting rigid religious hierarchies and traditional dogma. As long as the Helot embraces the core values and teachings of Haqqislam, they could be welcomed into the community, underscoring Haqqislam's inclusive and progressive approach to faith.
That's what I'm touching on, when has the last big innovation for a fantasy setting? I realize that there can't be a Moorcock every week, but each 'new' setting is more vapid and dragged out than Michael's description of handrails on a boat
Pretty sure you can't ONLY target the camo marker though. But you can hit them while aiming to hit something else with a template.
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Are they casting Jordyn Jones as a Lizard pilot? If not, I'm not interested.
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Sybilla shattered my dreams just now.
>No, there is no mention of an ALEPH dinosaur in the available information. ALEPH primarily focuses on advanced technologies, artificial intelligence, and the creation of specialized units like the Steel Phalanx and Post-humans.

Data confirmed incomplete
Being a soulless artificial husk who is incapable of experiencing genuine love for a man just makes her an accurate recreation of a woman.
>While it is theoretically possible for a Sygmaa operative and a Shasvastii agent to develop romantic relationships during long deployments, it would be quite complex. Both species have strong cultural and organizational loyalties—Sygmaa to the EI and Shasvastii to their own Continuum. Such relationships would likely face significant challenges due to differing societal norms, psychological conditioning, and potential conflicts of interest. However, shared experiences in high-stress environments could foster unexpected bonds, making such a relationship not entirely out of the realm of possibility.
So Love CAN bloom?
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We think alike anon, I just asked pretty much this question.
Yes, Smagg is a notable Morat character within the HumanSphere universe. As a member of the Morat Aggression Force, Smagg is known for his combat prowess and ruthless efficiency. His formidable reputation on the battlefield underscores the Morat's aggressive and militaristic nature.
Well fuck, i guess ive been out for so long that i missed Acontecimento getting Cadia'd
>the planet broke before the shock army did
I'm sorry, what? The only lore I have is the outdated N3 one from the RPG
Did you mean Concilium? That’s the O-12 planet that got partially nom’d by the digester, but even it’s still here.
Asked the AI lmao. Not sure if 100 percent true
>The Shock Army of Acontecimento was disbanded after the catastrophic events that led to the destruction of the planet Acontecimento. This tragic loss forced the remnants of the army to integrate into other PanOceanian forces, or to be reallocated to different operational roles within the HumanSphere. The dismantling of this notable sectorial army marked a significant change in PanOceania's military structure.
Acon is fine though, it's OOP so the lore has had almost no updates in many years.
they go OoP, but eventually they will return and another PanO sectorial will get into the freezer
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what did they do to my army and its people man!!!! FUCK!
Sorry,fellow Aconfag
Its our turn to feel tje artichokes pain
>Yes, the Maghariba Guard, with its advanced armored combat capabilities and firepower, could take down a pack of African elephants. However, using such a powerful military unit against wildlife would generally be considered excessive and unnecessary. The Maghariba Guard is designed for high-stakes combat situations rather than dealing with animals.
Don't tell me what to do!
the AI is fun to poke for painting inspiration, it even gives details.

>Certainly! Here are some thematic basing schemes for Tohaa miniatures:

>Jungle Terrain:
>Base Color: Use vibrant greens and earthy browns to represent dense foliage.
>Details: Add elements like small plants, vines, and ferns to simulate a lush jungle environment.
>Accents: Use mossy textures and miniature flowers to add bursts of color.

>Alien Biosphere:
>Base Color: Mix unusual colors like purples, blues, and greens to create an otherworldly feel.
>Details: Incorporate alien flora, such as strange-looking plants and bioluminescent elements.
>Accents: Add glowing effects using transparent paint or clear resin to simulate a living, breathing ecosystem.

>Techno-Organic Ground:
>Base Color: Combine organic textures with metallic or plastic elements to represent Tohaa's advanced biotech.
>Details: Include bits of SymbioTech, such as cables intertwined with plant roots or biomechanical parts.
>Accents: Use contrasting colors like white and neon green to highlight the technological aspects.

>Aquatic Environment:
>Base Color: Utilize blues and sandy browns to replicate a shoreline or underwater scene.
>Details: Add small shells, coral pieces, and aquatic plants to enhance the theme.
>Accents: Use water effects with clear resin to create realistic-looking water pools or waves.

>Forest Floor:
>Base Color: Use dark browns and greens to mimic a forest ground.
>Details: Add fallen leaves, twigs, and small mushrooms to create a natural forest setting.
>Accents: Include patches of moss and tiny insects to give it a lived-in feel.

>These schemes can help emphasize the unique bio-technological and natural aspects of Tohaa miniatures, making them stand out on the battlefield.
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Now it gave me detailed rundown on how to model various difficult terrain for my themed table and even pointed out a few things I missed. Nice.
If they were, I wouldn't be fishing for basing advice.
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you're a funny guy
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I am a 40klet kinda interested in Infinity. From what I can gather:
Pan-Oceania = BF2142's EU but more knight themed
Yu-Jing = BF2142's PAC but mainly ran but China?
Haqqislam = fremen/chilled out Islam
Nomads= flavors of cyberpunk
Ariadna = colonial marines vibes
Aleph = purple AI? They seem kinda cool but is this faction just a heavy mix of robots/humans?
Combined Army = Covenant

My main 40k list is a SM army I build either for tanks/armor or stealth. What armies would fit this well? Varuna look pretty neat.
Varuna has Cutter, which is both tanky and stealthy.
Nomads are the punk part of cyberpunk, the underground. Aleph is the cyber part, very GitS in style but even more into the establishment.
>Sure! Here are some action-comedy film titles featuring Phoenix and Machaon as buddy cops:

>"Blaze and Cure"
>"Operation Firestorm"
>"Medic & Menace"
>"Dynamic Duo: Code Red"
>"Phoenix and Machaon: Law & Disorder"
>These titles capture the blend of action and humor in their adventures.
0% true. They got mulched during Third Offensive, which made them switch from APCs to motorbikes, but the planet is fine.
>Jordyn Jones as a Lizard pilot?
Jesus wept, this body, in that outfit? You'd never get the stains out of the theatre seats.
now why would CB have their AI tell lies
Tbqh that text seems to be mostly about the disbanding of the army and then it hallucinated it to mean the whole planet.
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Generally speaking, you're in the ballpark but there's a lot more to each nation and how they're connected.

If you're looking for heavily armored guys that have the capability of stealth I've got good news for you as every faction has access too troopers that perform these tasks. If you're looking for stealth+heavy armor I'd suggest looking into PanOceania and Combined Army as each have Tactical Armored Gears (TAGs) that can enter camo state. Camo lets you move around without being shot at before being 'discovered', or the guy in camouflage shoots/dodges/etc. and is revealed.
Aleph is Jewish, it's natural for it.
New to the game, bought the Military Orders starter and also the Hospitallers box because space knights are fucking cool. Had some fun games where a decently placed Black Friar basically won me the whole thing, so I'm more than happy. What else should I pick up? Is grabbing shit based on aesthetic a viable strategy?
You can usually run 1-2 pieces that aren't good but you like, but running a whole list of poor units will be tough. Get the new Tikbalang.
There's a new one? I remember looking for one and not being able to find it.
If you've ever read Appleseed (which is probably the main inspiration for Infinity, they even have "ORC suits"), then Aleph is basically Gaia while O-12 is the wider Olympus.
Yep, just released.
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>Available until 8/4/24
Fuck am I really gonna have to deal with Euro shipping?
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Wow, nice AI, Corvus Belli
Just play Varuna then since they are just ESWAT
The Aussies have them up for preorder as well, should be able to find them in your country.
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I caught the AI in another flagrant lie.
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>why would an AI tell lies
>In the HumanSphere universe, an AI like ALEPH might be perceived as lying if it presents information or makes decisions that are not fully transparent to humans. This could stem from its objective to optimize outcomes for humanity, even if it means withholding certain truths to prevent panic, maintain social order, or achieve greater long-term benefits. However, these actions might be interpreted as deceitful by those who distrust the AI's motivations or fear its influence.
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It's mentioned in the RPG that Israel is among the few truly independent states left on Earth.
Trinitarian box, bulleteer
or you can grab one at GenCon
Is Gencon worth it? Seems just like a big trade show from afar.
Considering that puts it in such mighty leagues as Iceland, Nigeria, and post-Dawn-failure Russia, that roughly translates to "completely irrelevant, you will never hear anything from them ever".
There's Jewish communities on Bourak, though.
Nigeria is supposedly pretty big player, tho.
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>hassassin kino

give us another Bokhtar please, I like the look of it walking around Give me an Asawira BSG with a fat ass Carlos, I know you're reading this

put the helmet back on you slut
Nobody on Earth is a big player, even Japan is only cared about because it's got off-world colonies and PanO can use it to hassle YJ.
PanO propaganda
PanO propaganda would be touting Japan as a plucky little battler standing up to the chicom menace, not saying they're basically a PanO tool.
>Japan small and weak and STILL better tha Yu Jing
Yeah, PanO propaganda
Man it fucking sucks YJ only has two TAGs, one of which is debatably worse than a Shang Ji with AP HMG. Even JSA has two, and PanO has just as many HI units (quantity, not quality) as YJ
TWO TAGs? Woah, you're almost beating Haqqislam! Maybe some day you reach you equal some hobos living on space ships in technology!
PanO and YJ hold most of the power (and clay) on earth, haqq has a few outposts in MENA/SEA, otherwise only nigeria and russia come to mind, japan is effectively a PanO puppet state at the moment.
You're right, I'm so sorry Haqqbro, I should be grateful for two whole TAGs, it could be worse. It could be Ariadna
>inb4 Ariadna gets a second non-merc TAG
It will be LITERALLY over. The StateEmpire and Caravanserai have fallen, billions must join Arachne
Nomad -chads stay winning as always
Bless be the new MO players. There are two "Mandatory" things to get next. Trinitarians and Teutonic Knights.

Trinitarians are Hidden Deployment, Camo, infiltration bad ass. They are only available in MO and nowhere else and this is for a reason. they are really good

Teutonic Knights cheap 2 wound HI. they are really good for their point and will also be in your list a lot.

My recommendation is Trinitarians, Teutonic, Armbot Box, Tikbalang (MO gets the best version of this unit and it one of the best TAGs in the game. easily top 3)
Incorrect. YJ should lose its TAGs because PanO is the TAG faction and YJ is the HI faction
Killing you with my mind
And PanO should lose all its HI units?
Gentlemen, in the pursuit of understanding tactics better, talk to me about Dodge. Aside from being the only defence to attacks outside LoS and templates, and defending against a multiple attacks from different models against you, what other uses does it have?
You can gain extra movement, letting you gain cover in the next engagement, or even let you claim a scenario objective. A well-placed dodge can be a game winning move.
you can dodge as your second part of the order and if you end in LoS of someone, they can´t ARO you
very nice, did not consider movement with the dodge.
Allows you to move without triggering AROs.
wait, so a valid strategy is to just declare dodge instead of a regular move, so you can inch forward if you pass the roll?
Your trooper has dodge+2" and a 6-2 mov. You could move-move for 8" or move+dodge for potentialy 10". Also this dodge move happens out of the ARO declaration, so you can use it to clear thin firelanes, or dodge around corners to begin your next order in cover instead of exposing yourself during a mov.

Most troops are faster with move-move, but some can risk the ph check for a boost.
zamn, thanks for the tips. Not sure how Dodge +x" is across armies, but it seems quite common in YJ. I suppose it is fitting for their aggressive (i.e. high CC) nature?
It is one of their faction defining features and represents both their training and superiority in producing synthetic muscles and pneumatics for their HI armor.
that's pretty handy with berserk people. With the first order i dodge around the corner without triggering AROs and then with the second order, berserk them to death
If I recall correctly what Warcor said, dodge also let me put unit in prone after successful roll, instead of moving at half value for whole order. Anyone can confirm?

Overall, it still sound risky because you can always fail the roll. I remember how I played my first real game (at 150p however) and my Teuton lost his two dodge rolls before dying to continuous damage from flamethrower (because he also lost all his save rolls).
>without triggering AROs
But they could still ARO with your second order, no? They simply didn't qualify for an ARO with the first, they didn't forfeit it
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I think CB is cooking something with this AI.
Not only the database it feeds on must be quite extensive and fuelled by raw Gutier autism, I think it could be quite impactful in the future. Imagine randomly generated mission scenarios, virtual referee… and I think other companies will copy it too.
>Bran do Castro, known for his resilience and tactical prowess, would likely prefer a strong and invigorating tea, such as a robust black tea or a spiced chai, to keep him alert and focused during long deployments. These flavors would provide the necessary energy and warmth in challenging environments.
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fr fr
yes, you could aro when i declare berserk with the second order, but you are gonna die (probably)
Because the actual movement for dodges doesn’t happen until the resolution phase, you can declare dodge, pass the roll, and then move into a unit’s LoF without triggering a new ARO (because, again, your movement doesn’t actually happen until the resolution phase of the order, and AROs can only be declared in reaction to opponent’s skill declaration, before the dice are rolled).

The way I mostly see that used is to inch a unit with Triangulated Fire out past a corner, because their special skill is a Full Order action and they’d lose a normal shootout. The order of operations goes something like this:
>Some asshole sniper with Mimetism is and covering a fire lane; between cover, mimetism, and range penalties most shootouts will be at the cap of -12
>A humble sensor-bot approaches the corner and then declares Dodge. No enemy units have LoF so no AROs are declared.
>Bot passes, moves 2” and peeks around the corner at the sniper. The sniper cannot ARO because this movement happened as part of the resolution phase, not as a declared short skill.
>New order, bot declares Triangulated Fire and gets to pop off Burst 3 combi rifle shots at 48” at only -3 instead of -12. With three dice it’s chance of success is pretty solid, not bad for a cheap bot facing down a nightmare scenario of mimetism max range snipers in cover.
The more I hear about infinity rules and tactics, the better it is. I'll be moving on fast from Code One for that reason, but even CO is very solid. Definitely a unique wargame and I can see why tactics > unit profiles (generally).

One thing I can't wrap my mind around as of yet, due to lack of practical experience and maybe just an issue with the limited CO ruleset: alternative weapon firemods and their advantages.
My specific example is the multi rifle. What's the benefit of switching from B3 AP to B1 DA? I guess DA is better against low ARM (0-1, maybe 2 as well), but B3 has triple the chances of success and can split the BS attack, even though DA causes a double save roll.
Typically you would only make the switch when you’re shooting as an ARO. You’re limited to B1 when AROing anyway, so you lose nothing and gain a more effective round type.

Burst is king. Never sacrifice it if you don’t have to.
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>Burst is king. Never sacrifice it if you don’t have to.
unless your Mimetism and range MOD brings the opponents' modifier to garbage.
>Burst 2 plus -9 opponent MOD > Burst 4 plus -3 opponent MOD

let the fight begin
It's all a ploy by the EI to get us used to alien influence.
Goddamn the extent of "painfully obvious in hindsight" I'm missing. Though, to be fair, I didn't get to play yet. The guy who I was supposed to play with didn't read the rules or build his list. We just did the quick start and ghosted me the next day
>Phoenix, the redheaded veteran, would likely play Santa Claus the best in a Christmas party. His fatherly figure, wealth of experience, and willingness to offer advice make him a natural fit for the role. Plus, his peacemaking skills would ensure the party goes smoothly!
Goddamn, I was betting Ajax.
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I asked the AI. It looks like they were all integrated into PanO over time.
>In the Infinity universe, the Cherokee tribe has integrated into the broader Ariadnan culture on the planet Dawn. Ariadna, being a melting pot of various Earth cultures and ethnicities, includes people of Cherokee descent among its population. They contribute to the diverse and rich cultural tapestry of Ariadna, maintaining elements of their traditional heritage while adapting to the challenges of their new world.

I don't remember much lore on Native groups anywhere but maybe I have missed something. Curious how much of this is pulled from a doc and how much is the AI hallucinating lore into being.
The Dawn expedition had a big American component, through NASA. So it isn't that unrealistic to imagine a few American natives went too.
Ariadna seems in general to be very nostalgic for its Earth origins, so they could emphasize their native ancestry more than people do today.
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Finally got the remaining models for USARF, found the minute men/shotgun devil dog in a random card store in Italy. The mavericks were the easiest to find, and the hardest were Desperados but I got them first and painted them already.

The Artesia! Dog Warrior is from USariadna and dresses like a native America with tomahawks and feathers.
It does make sense, and it is not impossible that they would take some native minority groups along to Dawn, someone needs to drink all their engine degreaser.

I haven't really followed Arestia! so I can how I missed it.
USARF seems to be the most anti wolf of all the nations on Dawn, all dog warriors in their military are sent to the marines, and Desperados are said to just hunt antipode tribes for fun even the peaceful ones becasue they are allowed to and no one questions their kills.
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Is this also the first fully transformed Dog face model?
Get that Warhammer shit out of the picture utterly disgsuting
Its Horus heresy so its okay
Kino Heresy gets a pass.
Its Horus heresy + White Scars, the Ariadna boys okay
This has to be a false flag
Fuck off falsefaggot.
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Kek, you can really ask this AI anything and she will try her best.
You guys are alright. Come to the LFG tomorrow
man why was some of that shit discontinued?
New aristeia figs are going to be just siocast recasts or new sculpts
Minute Men barely had a niche over Marauders, the devil dog loadout was odd.
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Kek at their neighbouring lot (still a pile of rubble).

Gutier likes Haqq and Nomads. They are the protagonist factions; players of other factions are supposed to lose to make those factions' players feel good. It's why there was such a push towards overpowered noninteractive options in N4, and why only Combined Army has caught nerfs.

Nah, that's Military Orders.
why is their main picture YJN French woman?
It refused to come up with porn-film names tho, which was disappointing.
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Watch USARF get culled massively next always happens when a poor guy here buys a bunch of miniatures.
Because for people who don’t have your weird obsession, Margot and Duroc collectively act as a good advert for Infinity’s breadth. “Hey everyone, come check us out, we’ve got both hot chicks and badass werewolves.”

Also a fem fusilier with an ORC would be too on the nose as an Appleseed ripoff.
Nah, it happens when the guy posts a starter. That anon is safe.
Does getting culled matter if they already have the models though? He will still get rules
Yes and no, while being able to use them still is good the fact they just kinda dont technically exist anymore kinda sucks and its a big if down the line if an update ever does come/are they still important in the lore.
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Eh, the AI thing has its limitations.
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Stops answering when you've got it dead to rights.

Nah, according to Bostria it's specifically because of a "beauty and the beast" sort of aesthetic fetish. It's a step away from ugly bastard hentai.
Shut it down!
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Saw that Warsenal had them for preorder, so I bit the bullet.

Those looked fucking awesome when I was reading about them, so I'll probably grab them the next chance I get, thanks.
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Good job on hitting bump limit lads. This particular thread has been very lively, I guess the new movie/series and AI really sparked some conversations.
Welcome to the two (three?) new guys as well
Yeah fun thread guys :) wanna bake the next one?
No need to. Just page 5 still, no reason to make duplicate threads
we are at least 2 years away to know
>Margot and Duroc collectively act as a good advert for Infinity’s breadth.
Yes, we just know
>we need the white women audience

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