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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

There are plenty of us, I'm on here all the time. I just do what I'm good at and keep it low-profile, baby.
Might I suggest a thread question before making another one?

Here's one, Ventrue need ot apply if you don't want to make your weakness public: What is your favourite prey/meal? What would you recommend others?
So, we've got two established parties that know about his leaving and that you and your boss keep on good terms with the local powers that be. Makes sense for Tzimisce.
What's your Sire's take on "tough love?"
I feed via breath, walk into a crowded bar or night club take one or two big breathes and your topped off, nobody even notices.
Huh, sounds boring but also interesting?
Well you answered my question, so I can't judge much.
its true use comes from use on other supernaturals. its a good way to re-bolster your mind and learn out of clan disciplines from clans that might not be so friendly.
Wait... so you don't get blood bonded when taking their vitae?

But, we don't need to breath though? How's that work?
no i don't, as for breathing well, vampires still talk and to talk they need to breath so air can pass through the larynx to form sounds.
That's why I love undeath so much, always cool shit happening around! New things to learn and taste!

Mind teaching it to me?
unless you are willing to go into hiding from other kindred or be generally sneaky and hide the third eye constantly, you dont want to learn Valeren. people will see the third eye and think you a salubri and try to kill you, the tremere would probably try to flush you out of the water with lightning. also its a high level ability, it would take years to learn.
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>unless you are willing to go into hiding from other kindred or be generally sneaky and hide the third eye constantly, you dont want to learn Valeren. people will see the third eye and think you a salubri and try to kill you
I welcome a challenge! But I can use Obfuscate when needed... or call my nossie clansmates. Also, I'm already a slenderman with the face of a shark. Having a third eye won't make me look that much monstruous.

>the tremere would probably try to flush you out of the water with lightning
If they start shit, they'll get more than they can handle!

>also its a high level ability, it would take years to learn
Hahaha, shame that we aren't near immortal monsters. Am I right? I already have lived for nearly 90 years, better hope I won't keel over and die!
Are we allowed in Japan? I want to go there.
>What's your Sire's take on "tough love?"
Could you elaborate, I'm not quite sure I catch your drift?
its more so i just don't want to teach it to you. ask another salubri if ever meet one.
To be blunt, would your sire put you in harm's way to illustrate a point or test how you act under pressure?
Ah, you think he set the whole thing up? Honestly, wouldn't put it past him. Interesting line of thought, I'll have to gauge his reaction when he gets back.
In theory, you can go there to see the sights and taste the foreign flavors. In practice, the kuei jin have a notable presence there and you're unlikely to have a good time.
That really sucks. Don't we have an embassy? Maybe a local contact who can help me around?
It's worthy of consideration. Play this cautiously. Your sire might be the type to congratulate you for suspecting them, or they might decide to destroy you for impudence in the old way.
Lock in on your reaction. Glad to be alive and very interested in getting a war ghoul after watching his at work.
I'd bet even vitae this was his way of getting you interested in the subject.
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Fair. You win some you lose some

You're free like the wind brother, just announce yourself before going into a town

Went there during summer 1999. Learned to make sashimis. Hardly anything beats authentic Japanese cuisine if you catch my drift lol
>Helps he's not a lobotomite like the other one too
A common, yet grave error all too many make. If you could not trust it as a man, you should not dare make it a szlachta.
I certainly hope for your sake that this was an intentional lesson your sire wanted you to learn.
You know there's probably a reason why all the other vampires hate your kind.
I can definitely say animals AREN'T my favorite. It's like drinking watered down beer compared to whatever wine you could stereotypically compare human blood to. I've noticed differences in people's blood, but I admittedly haven't had the most high-quality picks. I did drink from some rich influencers who had come to the town I was passing through for some festival. Their blood tasted really good, but it may have been in part due to any drugs they were on.

This may make me sound like a pussy, but does anyone else get weirded out by the whole "humans are prey, humans are meat, etc" rhetoric? Like, yeah we feed from them but you LITERALLY used to be one. I feel like even those of you who are way older than me can't be that divorced from it.
what Triclops means about hiding is that the Tremere clan will collectively try to kill you alongside the Baali clan trying to kill you, because both clans have a special hate for the Salubri. Learning the breath feeding would give you a third eye and that would make you a target, I know you think you are hot shit but the Tremere have blood-magic and Baali can summon demons. Also don't think the Nossies will protect you since we don't even know if you are one
more that the Tremere and Baali are bastards.
Tremere hate the Salubri because they diablerized Saulot and don't want anyone trying to punish them for it
Baali hate Salubri because the Salubri used to kill an Baali they could find because Baali are infernalists. That about right Triclops?
yeah yeah whatever tremere. You will hold this supposed moral victory over your head like a fool and then in a few weeks or months you'll come crawling towards me begging me to heal someone you care about. no matter how much you try to cloak your politics and bitterness in a veil of morality, people will always come to us for help, and while you dont deserve it, we will heal you nonetheless. but remember this it takes only a single moment to become hated, the clans who seem friendly today can and will turn on yours the moment it becomes convenient. Meanwhile we will be here watching, and waiting.
thats about right but add setites to the list of "KILL ON SIGHT"
what did the setites do besides being shitheads?
or are they trying to kill you?
they are just morally corrupting shitheads.
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The rest of cainite society hates and fears the Salubri because the Salubri are the sacrificial lambs.

Also, he's not a shark. He is boneless, but not a shark. Not a bone in his body, that one.
The Setites are a cult devoted to being as evil as possible, while the Salubri are like the Abel of the Cainite race.
The Setites cannot abide something that might contradict their entire belief system in such a way.
Been hanging with my nossie brethren for 80+ years. I didn't start as the shark face bon vivant that I am today! Though I had rows upon rows of pointy teeth, though I was told that it happens. At that point, I'm part of the family, by blood or adoption.

But yeah, if they're such a bother I won't put my lads in that much trouble.

Shame with animals is that compared to humans I can't eat their flesh. Total BS if you ask me. I should have the whole package deal! Also, I've been doing some training those last two years to digest human bones since I heard Nagarajas can do it. So far, no success.

>This may make me sound like a pussy, but does anyone else get weirded out by the whole "humans are prey, humans are meat, etc" rhetoric? Like, yeah we feed from them but you LITERALLY used to be one. I feel like even those of you who are way older than me can't be that divorced from it.

Hey, I might be a bloodthirsty completely mental bastard, but I don't judge others! We're all different! But also we're all monsters! It's an idea you have to get around to. Either you accept what you are, or struggle to change your nature. Worse thing you could be is someone who does nothing but complains. As for me, well... huh... I can't remember my embrace, and much of my life before it. So I guess I find it easier to let go of such thoughts. Perhaps I was always a crazy fucker. Don't know, and I doubt it matters. I look like a monster, and I am one. Though my pals are cool and we do some normal stuff sometimes.
You're not the only one. It is a poor excuse given by those of us who want to use their newfound thirst for blood as a justification for why they indulge their most base urges. Disciplines are something of a Ring of Gyges, as loathe as I am to reference Plato. They allow us to indulge in a wide variety of actions forbidden to even the most powerful of us in life. Those of us without any principles or self control use them to indulge their desires, and then justify it to themselves by declaring that mortals are not people. It is a lie.

I would go so far as to say that we are still human. We still think with the same intellectual capacity we had as mortals, our only real advantage intellectually is having centuries to hone our minds. We still love. We still have hopes, goals. You are still human, you simply have a change in material circumstances. Do not think of yourself as anything different, to give any credence to the idea your embrace changed who you are as a person is to give "The Beast" power. Now this doesn't mean you have to be a moral busybody or cry over every little bad thing. Mortals are rarely saints either. You can acknowledge someone's person-hood and also acknowledge that they need to be killed. Or that you may need to alter memories, or take some of their blood. Being human makes someone worthy of consideration, but it is just that, consideration.

They're a cult that worships an evil chaos snake. If they ever "help" you, it's just so they can find a way to make you their indoctrinated slave. Kill on sight.
Those who see humans as nothing more than cattle are fools. A cainite did not invent the first mobile telephone. A cainite did not set foot on the moon. A cainite did not discover the electron.
Great and unique minds permeate mortal society and elevate not only themselves, but the the kindred who live outside of it.
Indeed, it is not our vampiric nature that drives us to excellence, but our human creativity. Without it, it is we who are the animals.
>This may make me sound like a pussy, but does anyone else get weirded out by the whole "humans are prey, humans are meat, etc" rhetoric?
Not quite as much as I used to be, it's one of those little annoyances that fades with the years. It's not entirely gone though, I still get annoyed hearing others call them "kine" or "canaille" especially if the conversation is about someone's erstwhile family. Chalk it up to old wounds.
>I can't remember my embrace, and much of my life before it. So I guess I find it easier to let go of such thoughts. Perhaps I was always a crazy fucker. Don't know, and I doubt it matters. I look like a monster, and I am one.

Sorry to hear that, bro. I'm a Gangrel so I (mostly) look like a normal human, plus I was only embraced a month ago, so I guess I've got it easier to relate to mortals than you do there. I agree about the worst option being doing nothing but complaining about it, though. I'm trying to hold onto normalcy as best I can, it helps that I wasn't very tied down in the first place. I feel like whether or not that Golconda thing that girl was talking about last thread is real or not, I can at least do what I can to remain a decent person despite the need to drink blood. After all, I don't think the embrace has made me a worse person.

>Being human makes someone worthy of consideration, but it is just that, consideration.
Right, like I didn't feel bad at all about killing that sabbat girl who was trying to do the same to me. The only thing I felt really was just shock that I actually did it. I don't think it'd be the same if I killed some random while feeding, for instance.

>Without it, it is we who are the animals.
Sort of related question on that topic. I've only met three other Gangrel: one was a sabbat, one was the weird cave-dweller who embraced me, and the third was the nearly-feral Scourge of a town I passed through. Given those guys, plus my clan's disciplines and our curse, are we more prone to falling to the Beast than others? I can't imagine that being me, but then again I could barely imagine that being anyone else either.
>I'm trying to hold onto normalcy as best I can
Just realized I should clarify this. I don't entirely mean that I'm pretending nothing has changed and I'm still a normal, living guy. More that I don't want this to change who I am fundamentally just because I have power.
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Problem is that we're not the only ones who see the kine as cattle. The awakened mages who are half-spirit by nature of their Avatars see the common kine as either minds to be molded into shape or as a mistake to be erased with the rest of reality (source: communication with a wizard who congratulated me on indirectly killing an entire family of nephandi ten years before said meeting while waiting to get my car gassed up at a Buc-ee's in El Paso).
Same can be said amongst the shifters, many of whom would like to return to the days when they could control the numbers of kine with rampant murder (source: communication on the astral plane of the internet with a Rat Shifter who claimed to be responsible for the SARS outbreak).
Then there is the case of the restless dead who will gladly turn each other into inanimate objects (source: I had a pleasant conversation with an 'artificer' about material scarcity and the possibility for a proletarian revolution in the shadowlands in an AOL chatroom in 1997).
its a stupid concept, humans multiple times have shown that they have the ability to beat us. to see them as nothing but cattle is exactly what the beast wants, also the beast acts like it isn't human when it is probably the reptilian brain given more power, humans have these thoughts same as us they simply suppress it better, (except when they don't look at the Nephandi for proof).

oh lord dont remind me of plato, the only good thing he did was teach Aristotle, who saw his metaphysic BS for what it was and made his own philosophy.
What's a nephandi?
No I just mean it's fucking triggering
>Oh yeah we're tortured souls feeding on the pain and suffering of others
Oh no I just walk into a bar and give them a good sniffa
And You're good?
You want to teach that to the rest of us So we can stop murdering thousand of people a year?
I swear to god, I bet those smug sons of bitches sparkle at night.

I'm not a tremere, I'm just a vampire. You may have heard of those before. I know it's completely unrelated to your bullshit but maybe just shut the fuck up about it.
shit i should go to buc-ee's with my childe and sire it'll be like a family road trip (granted its only like 5 miles away but still) also yeah fuck all those beings, especially red talons and black spiral dancers.
Yeah Plato is pretty bad, but I felt the Ring of Gyges was the correct comparison to make.

Accidentally killing while feeding is rough, and sadly in the theoretical eternity of unlife, an inevitability due to the curse of frenzy. Fight it with all that you have, it is a prime example as to why we can not allow the beast to rule us.

Devil wizard. Some posters here are going to go on and on about awakened souls and avatars and whatnot, but practically, all you need to know is evil demonic wizard.
imagine if you gave a school shooter/serial killer true-magic

see ya in two weeks when you want healing
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They are evil mages who want to destroy reality itself and suck demon cock all day and night.
Most of them are like abused children who are having decades if not centuries of memories from past lives ruined by that same Avatar (the spirit that contains the powers of a Mage).
Then there are those who will decide that having the power to shape reality just isn't good enough for them and decide to also suck demon cock (somehow these infernalists are considered the saner members of this sect of mages).
Then there are the ones who want to return everything to null.

If any of you know what it is like to look into a nihil in the shadowlands or be deep inside of a cloud of darkness created by obtenebration, I want you to think about that but that's the whole world.
That's the vision that those nihilist nephandi have for the world.

The Nephandi can be summed up like this:
>I've been getting really into 'hell'.
>Both as a mindset and as something to strive for, in an organizational sense.
>are we more prone to falling to the Beast than others?
It's difficult to put it into words, exactly. You are not more prone to lapsing, rather, you are closer to the beast than other clans, that is, your being is more bestial by nature.
Oh sorry, here decode this.
Gross. I'll do what I always do and try not to run into one.
sorry I don't speak dog
No dog is
I hear Ventrue can confirm.

Go on Sniff the rainbrow you totally a vampire and not some bad joke from the ancient masters or whatever.
I will have you know that they're not a bad joke.
In fact, the Salubri are the best joke that Caine ever devised!
Show some damned respect!
>Verification not required.
No worry man, I am a night to night kind of guy. I am the purest me that there is, and stay true to myself. I'm comfy in my own skin, and I don't make delusions about how others perceive it.

Look, I like'tcha, so I'll give a bit of advice. Well, it ain't much, but whatev'.

Golconda, that's no easy shit. Met some fellow who went on pilgrimage and never came back. Assuming how that stuff ain't common place, I can guess they died horribly by people ambushing suckers like them. Also real REAL advice I wanted to give... I've heard you can fail it. Failing that ain't pretty, and it's permanent. Don't know how. Just what I've heard.

I don't view them as cattle, but they're still under me in the food pyramid, and I got to eat. Also I reaaaaaally love to eat, and I'm a vicious glutton.

Well I love to use my disciplines and spend blood, and what's the big fuss? I get fun, some meal, and compared to others I clean after myself lol

Btw I consider myself Human+... nah, I can't say that with a straight face. I'm just a fun guy!

they are bastards that you can't bloodhunt and feed on most of the time

See, we're all baby sharks in mother shark's womb. Given the chance, we'd all eat each other


high gen's got twilight jokes wow.
You must be new here Kindred. Take everything, and I mean everything you read here with a pound of salt. Do not misunderstand me, I like most of you. But I have seen statements posted here that are ludicrously far-fetched and some that outright contradict that which I have seen with my own eyes.

Triclops may just be lying about feeding from breath. He may even be lying about his clan. He may truly be a Salubri, and putting falsehoods out onto the internet to make it harder for the Tremere to find him and his kin. Maybe he does eat souls, and is trying to spread sympathy for his lineage online, or maybe everything he says is true and he really is a breath-drinking wandering vampire knight. You can't know. If you take everything you read here seriously, you'll drive yourself mad.
out of all the clans we are the best joke. the other just cant match in terms of schadenfreude.
well except maybe for tremere, imagine thinking you could avoid the downsides of vampirism with a silly ritual or downgrading yourself from true magic to blood magic, or eating saulot to become a powerful third gen and immediately going into torpor, immortality is a bitch aint it.
all we need is a third and we can be a vampiric 3 stooges
Heheheh, don't tempt me! I'm pretty bad at this!
I can confirm there was a Cowboy raising a ruckus in Berlin for a minute after Triclops and Stripesy had their chat.
Knock it off Steve, you have Ghoodles to wrangle.
It went better than expected.
He returned not too long after I posted and we had a pleasant little tête-à-tête.
The whole thing was staged, his way of bringing a small piece of this new world to me in a semi-controlled environment.
I learned the lessons he wanted me to learn, especially about the value of a single good ghoul, but also about fighting other kindred. He was pretty harsh on my use of Vicissitude though, but I agree that it was hardly elegant.

We're going to look for a suitable ghoul candidate soon.

Slightly related, is it hard to learn disciplines from outside your bloodline? After last night I think I'd like a little more base combat prowess.
can a man not poke fun at himself without being called a steve? you need to laugh at yourself and the world every now and then in these trying nights especially if you are salubri.
I'm just saying if we embrace those kids ghouls from before we bombed the orphanage we could lock them in the kill dozers with like a funnel or somethinjg to feed them (we'll put a divot in the gravity drip so they don'ty shoot down there). And that would basically be animate killdozers and no fucking thaumaturgy required.
>Plus if we convince a nossy to embrace them and that the kill dozer is clothes then it would be invisible vampire blood powered killdozers.
And fuck the weaper has started crying again, and its not steve's turn anymore.
It's more difficult to learn the disciplines that don't come naturally to your bloodline, but not exceptionally so. Since you're a fresh neonate, you may be unaware, but the biggest barrier to learning new disciplines is the instructor, not the instruction. A lot of kindred that are willing to offer tutelage will want a bloodbond, and if they're training you in Presence or Dominate they're almost guaranteed to use it on you during that process.

A good way to get by that, if you've got any out-of-clan friends or acquaintances, is to cultivate discipline trading within your close contacts; "I get you started with Auspex, you do the same with me for Potency" etc. Just make sure you've got assurances that can be backed up, to prevent funny business. Trust is hard to come by these nights.
Respectfully, your confirmation does not do much to legitimize any claim here. You could also be lying for any number of reasons. I could be lying as well. The point is not to disbelieve everything you read here, simply to be skeptical, as I am of pretty much everything I read here.
Camarilla is scum, man. Everybody I know is making money by smash and grabbing Apple stores, stealing expensive equipment from restaurants, but I knock over ONE jewelry store and it's a "masquerade violation". BULL. SHIT. The camera footage was on the news, there's nothing supernatural about it.
Well, come to find out, the fucking shitwad PRINCE OWNED THE STORE.
There's gotta be a clause about this, right? Some kind of conflict of interest? He can't get me for this, it's criminal!
Even if there was nothing supernatural on the footage, you could be identified by hunters as someone who is legally dead. Or, if you are still on the papers, you could be found and arrested rather easily, which endangers the masquerade more. It costs the Prince and his court resources to cover up your incompetence. Mortal criminals get away with their crimes all the time, and they don't have supernatural powers. This is entirely your fault, so take the punishment with some dignity.

To say nothing of the fact you didn't check to see if the store was owned by a fellow vampire, which does make it a crime by our laws. There is no conflict of interest. If you rob the government, the government still gets to prosecute you. If you beg, perhaps you'll get off with only a blood bond.
of course the prince is gonna be mad at you, its HIS store. where you expecting him to give you a pat on the back and a thumbs up for robbing him?
wrong reply sorry
Son, you fucked up
Well, good luck in your next life! (either your ass is getting fried, or you get blood bonded 'till death lol)
The dogs Steve, go round up the Caine damned dogs!
Can Do Boss
is the Week of Nightmares canon in this rp?
How exactly did your sire procure the vampires that were killed in this little test and how were they made to play their part so well?


Nothing is 100% canon, V20 is a guideline but as is commonly the case in many groups, your table may have diverged radically from the default metaplot. For example, at my table, the Week of Nightmares did not occur, so LadyBlueBlood will not take the claim seriously. But by that same measure, anyone else is free to ignore things that are canon at my table that do not exist in the default metaplot, and even V5 guys should feel free to post, just with the understanding that IC they will probably get mostly confused responses. See earlier in the thread, how few people responded to the Japan thing, I assume for fear of the contentious subject that is the Kuei-Jin. It is vampires on the internet after all, expect half truths at best. Just remember that Kindred, especially neonates and ancilla generally don't know many details about big metaplot things like the Week of Nightmares.
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I'm working on a new zulo form and I'm looking for feedback. Be forewarned, the sight of my enlightened flesh may be too magnificent for some of you to appreciate.

I believe this one will be quite effective, the perfect blend of elegance and lethality. The other Ancilla will be so jealous!
Turns out Frankfurt is having some issues with the Sabbat, someone's been mass embracing recently. He promised a boon to a pack of shovelheads if they raided a rival's barely guarded haven for him. Eager to prove themselves, they came running. Once they arrived I think it was sunken cost fallacy for them, the seemed very hellbent.

I'll keep this in mind, mayhaps there's a market for trading vicissitude services for knowledge.
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A question for any tzimisce in the thread, should they wish to discuss their craft.

I understand from past conversations that vozhd are traditionally a number of ghouls merge together, resulting in a creature roughly the size of an elephant; provided access to one wasn't a barrier, would it not be more effective to make a szlachta out of an actual ghouled elephant? They inherently understand how to use their natural weapons (tusks, stomping, leveraging their size), already have thick durable skin as a base for more natural armor, and they're one of the smartest creatures in the natural world and extensively trainable, while I'm given to understand that all vozhd are both insane and unable to follow anything but the most basic commands.

Is it simply a matter of easy access, or is there a genuine barrier to making warbeasts out of animals that isn't present when adding the same with humans?
Exquisite, is it not? I have become War incarnate, Master of Death
Elephants are indeed an excellent source of material for fleshcraft. The issue with turning such a creature into szlachta is a logistical one. Apart from the difficulty in acquiring, transporting, and concealing the elephant szlachta, you would also have to feed it. Such a large creature would be more akin to a Vozhd both in terms of its costs of maintenance and its utility on the battlefield. Perhaps it would be easier to command, as you have suggested.

Were I to invest so much power into a single creature, I would graft a loyal ghoul or two into the elephant szlachta. This would create a quasi-vozhd capable of performing complex combat maneuvers, a necessary measure against the armaments of this age.

My gratitude, you have given me inspiration for a new project.

Interesting, I have never seen a Zulo so... invested in the wielding of firearms.
Have you considered replacing the elephant's tusks with guns?

Not just any firearm. Those are the greatest handguns ever made: the Colt Single Action Army.

Ten revolvers, six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves.
How're you going to reload after firing all 60 shots? Ghoul in a backpack?

From what little I've gleaned, it'd probably be easier to ghoul an elephant, considering the ridiculous level of mastery over koldunic sorcery is needed to even consider making a vozhd.
Other than that, something that big just isn't very practical in the current day and age.
lol that’s fucking funny! You Tzimisce always come out with wild ideas

I wonder, do your creations taste the same as regular humans?
It's also pretty good revenge
Shit. You got to tell me more about that!
60 shots, more than enough to kill anything that moves.

My ghoul follows me around with a sack full of revolvers and ammunition, I just toss the empty revolvers at him and he throws loaded revolvers back at me. It's a very good system. We practice every fortnight
I have never, and will never involve animals in my craft.
Animals are a product and denizen of the natural world. We vampires are supernatural beings, in a world of our own, where extraordinary creatures habitate their own paranormal ecosystems. I shall not becloud the boundaries between our existences.

My Zulo is no laughing matter! I am offended by this slander and I demand satisfaction!
Your zulo got ten hands, find satisfaction yourself
I reached out to a former packmate of mine regarding your image (a Tzimisce on the Path of Metamorphosis). He told me to stop contacting him over stupid Malkavian business. However, he did also say that the cognitive strain of controlling so many disparate limbs at once would be too much given that you are ultimately still working with a human brain. He also noted that unless one has celerity, the mental processing to get such a set-up to work would be less effective than just carrying multiple revolvers in pockets (of flesh or fabric).
He did have some positive feedback on the snake-like torso, though he had concerns that the loss of speed would be too great compared to any potential benefits from being able to slither.
He also said that the Setites might try to sue you for copyright infringment.
Is that... revolver ocelot? Also personally im more a 45.acp or 5.7 guy, mag fed pistols are just better.
Good taste is not a weakness.
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reminds me of this
lmk how that immortality thing goes for you in the Final Nights.

Which is now, btw.
People can trap you using your preferred meal as bait as LadyBlueBlood said in a earlier thread

You drama queen
Thank you. The bony shell behind my head will contain additional brains and spinal tissue to address the neurological load. I've gradually been expanding my nervous system and can now juggle with all ten arms and my eyes closed.
>Loss of speed from the snakeform
Yes I see that now, I will take it into consideration. The slithering is quite enjoyable as it were. I'll see about adding some spider-like legs in case I need to move faster. I'll probably need more brain and spinal matter for that as well.

I do not know who this Revolver Ocelot is but in my youth, I was known and feared as Shakshuka!

The angles of my Zulo arms lend themselves naturally to a grip suited for shooting revolvers. All other revolvers pale in comparison to the sublime perfection of the Colt Single Action Army.

I could use a ghoul like that to watch my bach.
lmao thanks for that, I spilled milk all over my desk
Are unsolicited zulo pics the Tzimisce equivalent of dick pics?
Most would read it, often correctly, as a threat. There are, however, the many perverts who are aroused by the exposure of their terrible sexbeast form.
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All im gonna say is i think the video game metal gear solid, stole your likeness.
>tzimisce sexbeasts
I thought you guys were beyond that sort of thing. How does the "equipment" even work? Is it like Hellraiser?

Oh god, do I have to worry about literal rapemonsters hiding among the Sabbat?
What a fetching young man! He looks like he's pretty good.
>Oh god, do I have to worry about literal rapemonsters hiding among the Sabbat?
They don't do much in the way of hiding.
Some of the most prominent Tzimisce warlords have been monstrous debauchees.
>How does the "equipment" even work?
Pray you never find out.
>Oh god, do I have to worry about literal rapemonsters hiding among the Sabbat?
You could not imagine the extent of the torture and mutilation these beasts will employ.
The equipment works all too well. Both male and female organs are augmented for their pleasure which usually involves the displeasure of their "lovers"

This is without even mentioning those who use vicissitude while performing the act. The less said about that the better.
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Malkavian War Journal: Last Stand

There's a lot of things you want to do with a Sabbat warcamp, ignore it is rarely the correct opion. By some unknown schreck based signal the warparty has been released. While the warcamp has only existed for a few weeks, a bit more then a month, if you go there now you see that it's merely an abandoned construction sight, with little more then sink holes and bulldozer treadmarks leading away.

It takes a few days (and some dedicated ghouls in the 'Road-Ghoul' team as the forces move up. Any probing hits heave to deal wiht the Road Ghouls (taken from German dildo sales men so good charisma and persuasion scores (Roll 4 Dice vs Normies, 3 Successes, Roll 4 Dice vs Cammie Agents 4 successes). We stay disguised as Roadwork just outside of Charlottenburg until the night of the attack

As we approach Berlin's frankly odd multiple elysiums, we divide into two groups the majority rolling onto the Europa Center and the smaller higher generation strike force to hit the Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church. As the attack begins, The majority of the steves start the last bit of the Tv room (in a secondary location) to warn Malkavians and in general abuse the MMN as much as they can. It may or may not have any effect on anyone who is not malkavian (Manipulation, Empathy, Steves are 4 dice plus a Dice from the support of massed steves Only two successes, Malkavians warned presumably).
The Attack on the Europa consists of (roughly in the same facing and order of attack)

Two Functional Killdozers
Screening Shovelheads (Freshly extracted, all former gang members, armed with knives, about 100, high gen, roll 4 dice on dodge and 5 on attack, example roll is 2 successes on either)
A dozen or so drilled flamewerfen ghouls, who know hte importance of keeping the shovel heads going into the Europa). They are well versed on the ranges of the gear (150-200 feet or more), the use of the gear. It all seems to be repurposed scoba gear, connected by hand but well made. They are all wearing mirrored goggles (like tiny parascopes preventing eye to eye, 5 dice on werfen flames, 3 dice on dodge, 3 successes each for example).
A safe distance behind that are steve's bodyguards, Two lower gen vampires on loan from other sources (A 9th gen Lasombra and Tzimscie who heavily are there to report, defend yes but not to a suicidal extent) , a dozen newly embraced malkavians each with a fuse coming out of their back from their surgically installed bombs (while they were dead) who are utterly loyal who only approach when instructed to. Keeping at safe distance (~30 feet) otherwise.
Steve (Now 9th Generation, with his 4th Dementation Dot, Obfuscation, increase Manipulation and Empathy and Diablary marks)
The most common powers used in the back line for defense
Voice of Madness (3 Successes)
Arms of the Abyss (3 Successes)
Shroud of Night (to maintain the Masquerade)
Fleshcraft/Bonecraft (used on allies, notably the Weaper, giving rather effective claws and extra soak, vampires affected have had time to feed/heal afterwards)
Ghoodle Brigade (consisting of dozens of Ghouled Poodles as well as about half a dozen High Gen Handlers).
The attack on the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial consists entirely of the Weaper (9th gen, Fleshcrafted for additional soak and claws demented with the psychosis that everyone that they don't know is their abusive-ex-murderer which causes them to go into murderous frenzy at the sight of them) and the New and Improved Steve. There is a second follow up team of a few ghouls who are basically throwing Incidenary Satchel Bombs into the building a few minutes after we enter which are set to ignite only a minute or two after that (two successes on homemade craft: demolitions).

As the attack start, anyone on the perimeter who gets hit by the voice of madness hears a rather audible TV controller click and then the opening of the



Also the mod warned me for sniffa posting, I blame you triclops
now you just made that even funnier
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i may need your help anons. i think i deeply care for another vampire because seeing her in danger literally made me frenzied and i feel happy talking to her instead of thinking her as another threat. did she put spell on me or something? i don't know if Toreadors can even do something like that
lol no sniffing allowed
I think you are in love neonate.
Yeah, talk to Azr43l about it, he's got a-
No, this is not real love, best forget about it.
That's my biggest concern, how the fuck can i feel love when i am a fucking cursed bloodsucking undead? I've never felt lust for a women after i got embraced and even if did it's mostly on kine because i was trying to feed on them.
The toreador might have used pressence on you some how. Otherwise maybe just avoid her, for your own saftey but hey if she isnt using pressence on you then maybe its real.
You don't, toreador have powers that do this. What's more likely that a dead thing found love or that a vampire with known emotional manipulation powers used said powers on you.
So it's all just presence isn't it? weird isn't it, i use presence to instill fear into kine and kindred alike while she manipulates them using careful words. anyway to remove her curse? i can't even call her names because i feel hurt inside when i do that
Because you can feel love. We all can. It is an emotion that goes well beyond carnal lust.

That being said if she's a Toreador there is a very good chance you are under the power of Presence. Check by asking a trustworthy vampire familiar with the discipline, such as a Ventrue or Brujah to assess you. You will probably end up owing a minor boon, but it is better than becoming enthralled.
The fact there's an Inquisitor Sandoval here and my family came from Sandoval de la Reina is actually hilarious. Tell me, my friend, are you still in contact with our family? I visited there couple of years ago to bury my werewolf companion. Their species nowadays command the city, but I don't mind. They protect Sandoval Family and the Fianna genes still grow strong in the family's blood.
I wasn't blessed with that, tho, but my Sire was, apparently. Dealing with wolves can be a double-edge sword, but sometimes it worth it.
Five hundred years from now you fools will still be screeching about how imminent Gehenna is.

Most Tzimisce I have encountered have been perverts and vulgar freaks. Though such degenerate behavior is common among the Sabbat in general. I once beheaded a Lasombra would-be rapist. As a rule, if you can imagine a behavior, however vile, someone in the Sabbat is engaging in it.
For once I'm actually kind of ok with Sewer Dutyjtsdgb
Well let's seeI nominate you as our Sabbat calculator and
You as an Camarilla calculator

Please give me what you would expect out for casualties on both factions/fronts. I'll average them.
You okay? Did the sewer monster get ya?
If you want to use this as some sort of way to resolve an actual outcome, please pass it off to Triclops or someone else, I have been disinterested in this Berlin thing for a very long time now and besides that, I have guests coming over in like an hour.
im not storytelling that, there is way too much information to process especially when im at work, i kinda see the berlin plot as over especially since the op poster of it "isawthewolf" hasnt posted in a while. If steve wants to write about stuff hes doing there go ahead. We are free to doubt or believe the events he says are happening.
I was just trying to get some feedback, I was considering that more or less done.
Ooc: uh idk i guess its a slaughter for both sides involved. Mass combat calculations are difficult to solve.
Ahh well, sorry for taking a gimmick past when it's fun. Onto something else
Good to see I'm not losing my edge. The attack was textbook Sabbat. Though sending a pack to their final deaths while aiding the Ventrue may well be perceived as a declaration of war by the Sabbat of your area. Prepare for the distinct possibility of future "sieges".

Understandible. If anyone has the right to declare an outcome, it'd be him. And even then we can keep doubtposting about it.

I understand. I could maybe give you an estimate in a day or so, just keep in mind I am working from a fairly limited pool of data so any other Camarilla poster can feel free to do their own breakdown.
Ooc: no you did nothing wrong there is a lot of heart and creativity in the posts the main issue is we are on 4 chan. I would recomend joining a play by post discord there is plenty of them if you join the cwod discord there is a section of living world and play by post games to sink your fangs into.
I kinda feel bad when I see interactive events and scenarios like that. I'd participate, but I'm really new to RPing online in general.
Well, cut your teeth on the more basic stuff first. Make a character, reply and talk to people, build those rp chops up. This can be an excellent place to find your footing just chatting in character. I mostly avoid the scenario stuff just because I am playing an existing character from my actual tabletop group irl. Honestly I'm curious, am I the only one reprising a PC here?
I swear I haven’t done anything!… yet
Unless Colma boy was dressed as a biker, my bad I took your leg
Maybe, I unfortunately haven't played in a tabletop yet, although I have my own game planned to run at some point. I just thought of a character motivation I thought was kind of interesting, but I didn't realize how many Tzimisceposters there are. Oh well, not my fault they're interesting.
[/spoiler] generally speaking this is the childe of my character from the Princes of Darkness mod for ck3 who herself is the childe of the lioness of jerusalem, but honestly continuity for me in here is loosey goosey, its like a partially cannon side story. When i put him in a campaign im planning on running later, that will be cannon for me. [/spoiler]
Salubri are also infernalists and worship the same powers as the Baali.

They were hunted to near extinction for good reason.
Didnt know God was an infernal power. Of course im sure you know a lot about us and the baali. Say how many baali have you killed mr expert.
Try it.
If you know the word "zulo," you're a Tzimisce. So why don't you tell us?
Tell that to the Ravnos.

Have you seen any Ravnos, lately? I haven't.
Triclops, how do you tell if a vamp is a baali?
If they recoil at religious iconography holy water or holy ground they are baali. The baali have a double masquerade as they try to blend in with normal kindred. The only Baali worth letting live is the order of inner light a group trying to repent for their sins and trying to uncorrupt the baali, think reverse setitites, they are trying to make the baali good people.
Grin's an NPC, a Sabbat contact and former packmate of my chronicle's Malkavian ex-antitribu.
Hi, everyone. It's been an incredibly intense and difficult week. I previously mentioned that I was attacked by my Loyalist clanmates. It was obviously a probing attack, but my months' long dangerous gamble finally paid off. We long suspected that Assamites loyal to Ur-Shulgi infiltrated the domain, so I intentionally provided a lot of personal information to goad them into attacking me to get closer to my sire, as he is a very high-profile target after he defected to Camarilla 25 years ago along with many Viziers and Sorcerers. This ruse worked, and the current Amr of Alamut, my grandsire Amaravati, authorized my capture. Fortunately, I was able to decieve them in some small, but crucial ways concerning my abilities.
We conducted a major operation and managed to bust most of their safehouses and personnel, not only in Prague, but in the entire country. We've got several neonates and even one ancilla. Most of them obviously retreated, but their ability to conduct operations is now crippled for a long time. We've lost only two neonates, a dozen of ghouls and a number of disposable kine.
I know that I've just became a much more important target but it reinforced my standing within Camarilla even more.
Damn, I need some rest. I've lost an arm and a leg in this ordeal. It's going to take some time before I regrow them.
I'm also using my old PC, I've even posted my charsheet several threads before
>de la Reina
Curious. I've heard the story of a certain Fallen kabblistic Archmage rabbi Joseph de la Reina who was (or is) one of the worst Nephandi to ever thread the Earth.
For risk of revealing too much of my mortal lineage, my paternal line is followed from as far as anyone from my village knew from Gonzalo de Sandoval, the conquistador who was with Hernán Cortés during the conquest of Mexico.
My mortal family lived in Sonora, so there was a lot of distance between us and that village in Borgos that you speak of.
We'd probably have to deal with it eventually anyway, but now that I can actually prepare for the next, I feel a little more confident.

I've been wanting to play for ages, but there aren't any local groups near me. Any attempts to get one started have been unsuccesful as well. These threads are a very fun alternative however.
There might be a lot of physical distance between Sonora and Sandoval de la Reina, but Gonzalo de Sandoval was part of my family, and for all intents you as well. Everyone with the surname Sandoval from Spain is direct descendant from all Sandoval from "that village in Borgos". Gonzalo may be born in Medellín, but his roots does not lie.
Welcome back again to the family, Inquisitor!

Indeed, a weird man and an interesting legend. Thank you for showing me this curious piece of information.
whelp, the ritual worked and now I can see the memories of the vamp I ate, not sure how to handle this. The Elder responsible for the ritual looked like he shit himself, I am not sure what to do... fuck.
You should be able to remember a name then?
more than a name, apparently the bastard diablerized a bit, I can feel the emotions of every victim both kine and kindred, it's like a bad acid trip multiplied by a lot, barely holding on. if I could i'd throw up right now.
do you know what clan and generation he was?
5th gen nossie I think, hard to tell with all the different memories. Sweet Christ is this what all diablery is like? how can anyone stand it?
Been there, it's not great. Just focus. Alternatively if you want to be the brave psychonaut we all know you can be, tell me if you're ahhh beast is any different. I'm not sure how most people (ha) can almost hear their beast, like a song or a voice. Is it your beast? In which case you are there and just need to cope.
Diablerie is the poison pill, a siren beckoning you to your doom with a promise of power. All because Caine doesn't think things through. Golconda is so much better anyways. as for your issues with diablerie there... ways to fix that.
I currently have a number of weapons pointed at me should I get taken over. Triclops, it might interest you to know that apparently this bastard ate one of your clanmates. I need sleep, I'll let you know if I survive.
okay maybe that one can help you. again if you need help with the effects of diablerie please contact me privately.
EAT HIM! >:3

Eat! Eat! Eat!

Same way you do with coffee. When you start as a kid it’s so bitter and tastes like dirt water, but growing up you acquire the taste. It always starts foul, but you’ll see… you’ll like!

Mine is pretty tame, though I guess it’s because I’m spoiling it like a rich girl’s poodle lol

Boooo! I like ya, but your takes are lame. Plus like I said, Golconda’s a trap, and you can fail it forever. It’s just the biggest sunk cost fallacy there is

But yeah, like every good thing it’s to be consumed in moderation. I indulge only when Sabbat open season is approved by the prince. I even think I rose in generation that way, after getting my hands on the lads making the shovelheads that is. They were delicious!
Don't ever wonder why you can't remember who you are.
I knew a Ravnos personally until he went feral less than a decade ago.
diablerie bumps you up to the generation you eat. it comes with inherent downsides and the issue having to beat a low gen kindred. Golconda is all upsides and lets you in time become an equal to antediluvian
The Sabbat are no army to be proud of. I would be far more content in my position were they civilized, disciplined warriors who fought for a noble cause. If I had another way of obtaining specimens, I would live far away from Cainite squabbling.
Some of the clan is okay, like most people you have to judge them. I'm not sure how to make more honorable combatants from the starting material we have but I'm open to suggestions.
Pretty sure the memory loss came before the diablerie… I think? I’ll admit, if I don’t remember I can’t really refute those claims. Huh. Whatever. What’s lost is lost. It’s not like I can get those back again.

And a clan that all managed to get Golconda, equating the mighty antideluvians in strength, got their teeth kicked in by nerds until their mighty nirvana is reduced to mere rumours?

Look I’m a simple guy, doing simple things and not planning much. But even I think your words are BS Triclops
most salubri never reached Golconda, im not saying its easy, nothing worth it ever is. But think of it this way, we all walk a path the path of golconda might be one of the hardest but it is also one of the most rewarding, other paths might look easier and quicker but they too have difficulties that might kill you for lesser reward, ask lord Tremere if he got to enjoy being a 3rd generation vampire, for about 2 seconds before going into torpor as the tzimice and saulot fought for control against him. But in the end the path you walk is your own choice i cant stop you i can only speak my piece and keep on walking my path.
if red errand girl could do it i think most people here could, or atleast give it some effort.
Is Golconda even real? What does it do?
Golconda the place is a real place in India
Golconda the state of being is also real
most realistically speaking and viewing it in the most non-mystical way possible. i personally think its a type of true-magic that allows you to alter the vampiric condition to your whims.
Maybe the real Golconda was the friends we made along the way
There is no way to know for sure if it is real, save achieving it yourself. As for what it does, it has been said to be anything from becoming human again to some sort of "best of both worlds" between being mortal and a vampire. I find the latter claim to be incredibly suspect. Your saintly reward for achieving this mystical enlightenment... is more power? And I have to give Shark some credit, if it does even exist, the powers it grants can't be that impressive if the claimed golcondite antediluvian Saulot was destroyed, at least in physical form, by an upstart like Lord Tremere, to say nothing of their lineage. Which are either undead saints or soul-eating infernalists.

Never be convinced by something you can't observe yourself, Kindred. We're all liars here.
Most of my kin myself included belive that the torporing saulot let himself get diablerized i dont wish to say why, it would spoil the fun. As for the reward being more power yes, this aligns a lot of with various religious beliefs of saints and moral paragons recieving power from spiritual enlightment, its not some crazy wholly unique idea almost every religion belives in some variation of it.
GsRbriel's temptaTion to Caine. The nly offe h did no t reject. I likke t o thiiink t was becuesE iT ws for Us, bcause we dint kll Abel. Prlby bullshit, tho.
You okay?

Also can we please stop talking about golconda now, everytime i mention it becomes a whole song and dance of someone saying its fake and another person asking if its real.
I'm sorry but that sounds like a form of rationalization. Even if Saulot "allowed" himself to be diablerized, his clan was still butchered and driven to the hinterlands, and the Tremere remain strong.

Yes most mortal religions belief piety and virtue reward you with incredible power. It's a lie there, too. One need only look at the world, natural or supernatural to see it for the lie it is. This is not a world ruled by a just god that rewards the noble. Golconda as this perfect state of superior vampirism is exactly what it sounds like, a fairy tale. If it exists, it isn't this perfect state. If nothing else, how disgusting would it be to reward only the virtuous among the undead, and not the many virtuous mortals?

I agree though that this Golconda discussion is a dead end.
I say we capture Red and have her spill the beans
If she truly reached Golconda we’ll know for sure

Plus I bet with her new wings she tastes like chicken now heheheheheh

Ain’t got a path. I’m just having fun and I unlive my night to night unlife

Then call me new Saulot

It’s fun when people consider you a dumbass but you’re still in the right

Hope I get to see the fun

Are you speaking like that because you lost a leg? I want to know if it was my fault
>You okay?
S'Reds a lir?
I wouldn't call you a dumbass, you possess a certain low cunning.
Well considering that i a ... nevermind i need to let this go, believe whatever you wish, i know what i know and others opinions wont change that.
Did the berlin sewer monster get ya
Well that’s a great compliment if I’ve ever heard one

Well she said she would visit her friends in these threads before leaving this universe or whatever. I figure we probably ain’t all neighbours and she claimed her powers grew stronger with Golconda. Anyone can confirm a visit from Red in a ridiculously short period of time between two kindred?
dint see. gnna hide. slepp.
Sleep well fren
See the passage from the Book of Nod that I posted prior. >>934086581

This is correct, per scripture. It's not bullshit, either. It's the written word of Caine, so that's even worse. It's not a fabrication, but it is an obfuscation of the fact that this is all his fault for not seeking reconciliation with God and allowing this wound on reality (our shared curse) to fester for so long.
No, it is here
>captcha: sage
I can see ALL your conspiratorial conversations behind the black bars ofnwg4r obfuscation.
prove it
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>my grandsire decides to send me into space so he can test the viability of escaping there if the masquerade fails
>get on the rocket
>fly up
>in space
>literal first thing I see is a fucking UFO
>get boarded by ayylmaos
>last thing I see is them bringing out a bunch of needles
>wake up on Earth
>literally no one knows how I got down
I swear this is fucking real but no one will believe me because I'm Malkavian
So a update on this situation. she did confess she charmed me using presence. but she says she did it because she wanted me to have the same feelings she has for me. even suggest that she wants a relationship with me no matter how short it may be. I accepted it even tho i should have killed or maimed her because it..... feels nice
I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but space is fake.
It's all a part of the greater realm of spirits.
Those greys are spirits trying to keep corporeal beings out of their realm (especially ones that they might suspect of being related to the Wyrm).

I believe you.
What'd they look like?
Aliens are absolutely real. I've never encountered them directly, but I've observed them through disciplines and blood magic. They are a subtype of spirits. >>93424181 is completely right in this regard.
Can we go one thread without the mystical woowoo brigade saying the most absurd thing possible on any given topic?
On the note of the last few post I think I have something to say:
Don't know how many of you remeber but a couple weeks ago I asked about something called "Soverigns" that me and my buds kept encountering online. Well we figured it put what they were. Don't really know how to best put this so all I've got to say is: Turns out SkyNet is real.
One tried to turn me into a chair after I called him a mage slur. Ate him.
They tast kinda like those candies that can change flavor as you chew them
With all due respect, your knowledge of such matters is limited.
We exist. Shapechangers, Mages, Ghosts, Fae, Demons exist, as well as much weirder beings.
Spirits also exist as well as an entire magical path dedicated to percieving, communicating and commanding them. My own investigation of at least one place associated with alien activity revealed their temporarily materialized presence. I used Auspex to directly read some objects in the area, glimpsing the stereotypical Greys, as well as Path of Elemental Mastery and Path of Spirit Manipulation to compel the local spirits to reveal what they've observed. All of them said the same thing - they saw the Greys and reported that they were the beings of similar nature.
I have some doubts about your claim. A mage powerful enough to turn a Kindred into a chair is a dangerous opponent even for an elder.
My tastes are rather simple. I prefer to feed on pretty young women and have a moderately-sized herd of them.
I said he tried to. My legs turned into legs but I still beat that nerd and got his blood.
LadyBlueBlood, question for you, do you know of a guy called Dylan Bruce? was reading through some camarilla documents and the name came up...
I have encountered many supernatural beings beyond Kindred, but the claim of "space isn't real" is too absurd for me to even humor. If I took every claim I read here about the "nature of the universe" seriously, then we are living in a piece of bad pulp fiction. I can entertain the esoteric, but this is too much.

Take no personal offense when I say this, but I do not believe your claims. After all, apparently half of the people here are 8th generation ancillae, and even the neonates rarely dip beneath the 10th. I will believe in spirit aliens and fake space when I can observe it myself.
I know of him, he is an Anathema. A member of the Red List.
Kinda surprised to see a Venture infernalist, always thought your clan was like the tremere in that you didn't let people leave.
It's impossible to stop everyone from leaving, and we Ventrue give our own far more autonomy than the Tremere do. Nonetheless, both clans do have defectors. The only way to stop all treason would be to completely enslave the minds of all members, which would destroy our peerage in soul and functionality. We seek to only embrace leaders, rulers, the elite so to speak. To exercise too much control over our own defeats the purpose of embracing them.

So that people don't take me for a Ventrue propagandist, I am not surprised that at least one of our noble lineage fell to the temptation of infernalism. We are as a rule, power hungry. Our drive is half of the reason for our success. This can lead to arrogance, which leads one to believe they can beat Mephistopheles at his own game. So one would begin to see infernalism as free power. Thus, a Ventrue Infernalist is born.
It still sounds like a trick. Even if she's being honest, sometimes Toreadors even trick themselves with their own passions.
>8th generation ancillae
Just the dudes with usernames lol. I guess they think they got something to say
>8th generation
what are you then, if you don't mind me asking Lady
Red flag. Presence is my best discipline, though I am quite proficient with all three of my clan's disciplines. Even if she genuinely holds these feelings for you, and that is a very large if, you do not want to be in a relationship with someone who would use Presence on someone they love. Presence is powerful yet subtle, it can make an enemy treat you like a treasured friend. Any love that comes out of Presence is no true love, I would never think of using it on someone I harbored romantic feelings for. It doesn't matter how lonely you are, get away from her as soon as possible.

Perhaps. They may even be telling the truth, but we must be skeptical. I bear no ill will towards them, but it must not be ignored that we are habitual liars. The internet makes mortals lie more than usual, imagine what it does to us? I do not expect Kindred to take my word alone for any claims I make, merely to weigh what I say and the arguments I make.

12th, as I have stated previously.
Kinda stable atm so can talk
so many red flags I had to check I wasn't in Communist Russia for a sec, but there's a chance it could be genuine, sometimes it happens, but be wary at first until you figure out if she's telling the truth.
Ventrue are nearly as bad about shedding licks as Toreadors. Though I'll give them credit, just about every Antitribu Ventrue I met left of their own accord, compared to nearly every Toreador, some poor kid who got dumped by their sire when they got bored of them.
>After all, apparently half of the people here are 8th generation ancillae
We are the middle children of the kindred. Sired too late to rule the earth, embraced too early to do the shitty grunt work.
Born just in time to shitpost on the web
So uhm, my sire has just barged in a told me that later tonight I will be joining a coterie. Any advice for a thinblood? I've never spent time with other vampires (apart from you guys and my Sire) before.
Rip off your dick and throw it at them.
Read the room. Figure out your coterie members and find yourself a niche. Understand some coteries remain strictly for mutual benefit, and some become more like a friend group. If there is a designated leader, follow their orders. Trust everyone in their own specialty, so they will trust you in yours. But if someone screws up horribly, do not continue to associate them, lest you be dragged down with them.
That sounds painful. Is that really a thing we do when joining a coterie?
No. He's messing with you. It's a historical joke. During the Convention of Thorns, the conclave that led to the creation of the Camarilla, the Tzimisce pervert-in-chief Sascha Vykos threw its gentials at Hardestadt the Younger, holding a grudge from a debate they had had earlier in the night.
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Is there a way to tell if someone is the leader? Also, I was told to make myself useful to the rest of the coterie but I don't know what vampires typically do for a living. I've basically been a live-in lab assistant for my sire for the last five or so years

Do they expect me to know Thaumaturgy? I'm not very good at it. I can only cast a few spells. OR should I keep the fact that I can use Thaumaturgy to myself?
Only if you have a natural poison sack. Thin blooded can abstain. As for the cotorie it just means a group of vampires in a close working relationship, think of it like a vampire internship and you'll do fine.

Have I told you about a pet theory of mine
>Dead Elder Society
Most of vampire societies work on the implied threat from elders, but most elders are fucking absent. The fact that neonates are finding the number of middle generation ancillae unbelievable is sort of telling. What if generation isn't really a thing and the reason there are no elders is because it's an elaborate ruse allowing a bunch of trash vampires to claim imaginary made up pedigrees and then play politics again with their nonexistant (or currently dead) elders.
Oh I get it. hahaha thanks. I was scared there for a bit
Some coteries have a formal leader, otherwise, just read the room. You had friends in life, right? Or worked in an office perhaps? Even without a formal hierarchy, people develop unspoken hierarchies with a de-facto leader. Sometimes different de-facto leaders for different purposes, ie a warleader and a spiritual leader.

Assuming there is a Ventrue, they will almost certainly be the leader of the coterie. Rulership is in our blood. If there is not a Ventrue, look to other "social" clans such as Toreador or Brujah. As our clans grant us special affinity with specific disciplines, we tend to embrace "to type". That isn't a perfect rule though, so just use your head.

Frankly it's rare for a sire to simply tell you that you are joining a coterie, most neonates make one or seek one out on their own. So I imagine you may be essentially rented out to them. Even rudimentary Thaumaturgy is useful to a coterie of rank neonates, and since you are a Tremere, they will expect you to have blood magic.
You guys have poison sacks? Does the poison come out of your fangs?
Oh I get it, so it's like a crew. Yeah ok I can roll with that. I can do fire, telekinesis, and a bit of alchemy. Hopefully that'll be enough to impress them.
they are taking the piss, some of us might have poison sacs but that depends on a variety of factors, don't think I've spoken to you before. I'm Azr43l, Nosferatu and currently in a LOT of pain and typing/posting to take my mind off of it.
I think it would be enough. Generally I imagine you will be doing jobs for the Prince, Sheriff, and various Primogen. Some consider it pointless gruntwork, but it is a good way to establish a rapport with the major players of your city, and to gain some real experience in how to survive and thrive within the Jyhad. Know your strengths, know your weaknesses, and only do something daring if you are confident in the outcome.
Ahhh just remember that Lady Blueblood lives in like a fantasy circle of ventrue land and for the rest of it , it's going to act like like your fucking mangas, you read those right nerdboy?

>Who's the boss
It won't be the ventrue, occassionally the ventrue may think they are the boss, but unless they are actually paying for everything they're not in charge. Don't let those cheap asses act like they are better then you.

>Who do I identify the leader
The leader will tell you they're the leader. The guy fighting everyone, flicking the switchblade, anger issues, and probably compensating for something?
>They're the boss
Yes it's exactly as cringe and gay as it sounds. Try not to fight too much (a LITTLE is okay and may even be expected). Do what they say if it makes sense. Brujah are about 50/50 on leadership, Nossies more often are the 2ic, Toreadors and ventrue are money and fags, If there's an angry dog there the gangrel is probably in charge.

>How do I make myself useful
Do things competantly. Can you drive, throw hands, are you practiced at anything but thaumaturgy? Is it all nerd shit? Expect to do that for the group. If you have some ghouls, money, resources expect to spend some of those (within reason).

If they know you are tremere, they're going to expect some magic. Do as little as possible, and do not do it in front of them. Vampires are fucking predators of opportunity, you can't trust cammie fucks so keep your head on a swivel.
>So put that nerdboy thincel fucking cope behind you. Go kill someone that looks fucking hard and take their clothes, get used to having to adopt different personalities, It's not acting, it's one of the basic elements of personal protection. Think of it like poker you have to bluff. The gear, hide your face (as much as you can) stay quiet when you can, be generous when it doesn't hurt you, keep your eyes open, note the other jerk offs likes and dislikes. Are they sloppy feeders, etc.
Hi Azr43l, sorry about your pain. I've never met nosferatu in person before. What's the best way for me to not come off as rude to Nosferatu in-person? I don't want to accidentally offend anyone. The nossies here all seem pretty cool
first off, a nosferatu is gonna look monstrous, think count Orlok from the black and white movie, also the temperament will vary from person to person and they might reek of sewage depending on where they live as we use the sewers to move around, there's a lot more nuanced stuff but just don't be a complete dick and you'll be fine
I've always been more of a comic book guy desu

My Sire taught me a few other disciplines but for the most part, I just manage her alchemy lab. Well... I guess I used to manage her alchemy lab

Is the coterie stuff a full time job or is it like being in the mob where you can do things when there's no task at hand?
You have free time. This isn't a job, coteries do things when there are things to do, or when one member can convince the others to help them out with something they have concocted.
More like a low level gang, you're in the 'hanger on' stage here. This is a chance for you to show some grit, get the rank stentch of nerd off of you and see if you can handle a little off the leash action without hanging yourself.

Hang out with your bosses friend's kids and do a good job and in a few years you'll get the invite to be considered a pledge or whatever for the actual entry level gang. Then you can keep crawling your way up the fucking fag rungs of the fag ladder that is the camarilla. Try to make some friends along the way, they're better for you then most things vamps can give you.
>So I imagine you may be essentially rented out to them.
I wonder how much she makes pimping out licks like him

>my childers needs a sorcerer for his coterie
>I gotchu senpai, take this retard thinnie
There might be an issue with the siring permissions but the prince might also be in on the action.
No fucking way, I got to try!

You seen Red up there? Apparently she is/going to be in space

You getting bamboozle!

Had a bowl of women eyes not long ago. Ate them like popcorn. I like your taste!

Get a sip from another kindred, quickly and sneakily
Don’t forget to empty your drink ;)
>Renting tremere to people
Seems like we got a Red situation
You want to get a vessel, a bowl or good sized cup, mine was a hubcap, then you get your new friends to bleed into it, you too, then you guys do some chanting and hell with it some dancing, to glory of caine or house whoever or whatever, you wanna do this somewhere where your bosses won't hear it, it'll bother them.
Then you guys pass the vessel around, drinking it, think of it like a communion.
As a thin blood they will probably look down on you, however if you show you are competent at certain things you should win over their respect.
Do I have to tell them I'm a thinblood or can I keep that to myself?
now that's just hurtful :(
If they don't ask, don't tell them
>Using presence to make someone fall in love with you instead of confessing it the normal way.
biggest red flag i've ever seen. avoid her like you avoid the sun
>And considering that being a thinblood is rather like being a jew in a room full of beings informed by 15century morality
Just lie about it.
As a member of the Camarilla, do not do what >>93429849 suggests. They are suggesting vaulderie, which is a Sabbat tradition. Suggesting it would go over very poorly.
So, anybody know the name Beckett? He's a guy my Primogen knows and contacted him for help; had a chat with him recently about my condition and he's given some advice, namely with trying out the new disciplines and using the memories I acquired,
I know my sire called him an idiot once. He's something of a Kindred scholar, gets around a lot, tries to stay amicable with every faction. He's a Noddist skeptic, which is interesting because he was integral to assembling the modern Book of Nod.

He's probably just using this as an opportunity to observe you for his own research.
How do you guys go about choosing your ghouls? I'm a little stuck on where to even start looking for a suitable candidate.
In my experience, there are far too many unknown factors at play to know not just how someone will fare when under blood bond, but also how the particulars of your clan's curse (or lack thereof) and social position may impact that.

He's famous for his part in putting together the modern version of the Book of Nod (in some ways better and in some ways worse than the Erciyes Fragment, a photocopy of which from UMich was the only version I had access to for a long time).

In truth I have not kept much track of his activities, nor am I much familiar with him beyond what I have read in the version of the Book of Nod that he helped make.

Just hope that you got the real deal and some sort of impostor.
A guise like 'wandering noddist scholar' is among the best ones for those looking to fly under the radar in another domain without raising too many suspicions.
Gonna try to use some of the disciplines the vamp had, any advice?
Don't kill anyone.
None. Good luck.
Absolutely. IIRC Az ate an old ass Lick and accessed his memories, odds are really good he's trying to get at those, though he might also be keeping a good thing going with the Nossies. Out here only knowledge and vitae are life and the Nossies are good at knowledge.
Choosing a ghoul is much the same as choosing any subordinate. You need to tailor your specifics to what you intend on using them for. For example, say you need a bodyguard. You need someone physically impressive, but more important than even that is bravery. They shouldn't be too clever and certainly not ambitious, but they should be smart enough to execute your orders competently and have enough drive so they do not become lax in their duties.

As a general rule, choose someone that has good self control and a lack of ambition, competent in the field you need them for. You are looking for a henchman, and the ambitious will almost certainly buck against your control. This is especially important as you have no disciplines to make them easier to control, you are relying entirely on the blood bond and your own charisma or force of will. Also, if they have any history of substance abuse, discard them immediately, since you are essentially addicting them to the most potent narcotic on the planet.
Treat it fairly similarly to hiring a professional specialist for a career position.

>They need to be capable of doing the specific job you need them for, and doing it well.
>They also need to be able to take satisfaction in making a career out of doing that job; a doctor trying to climb up through the hospital's leadership is not the same as a doctor that lives and breathes for healing the sick and injured, etc.
>They cannot have a history of substance abuse or vice; anyone that get their kicks from having lots of sex, gambling away their paycheck, getting into fights for the adrenaline rush, et cetera, are people who can be controlled by access to those things. If it's a handle you can hold on them, it can be held by your enemies too.
>No mental illnesses, hard stop. Anything that can make a human unbalanced will likely become much more prominent and problematic in a ghoul.
I did that ritual to access the memories, I got a juicy piece of info, gonna use it soon.

as for disciplines, it's kinda fun testing them out, so far I have only used whatever the Lasombra call their shadow ability.

Got a question though, how are disciplines created?
Look for potential. You won't find the perfect candidate right away, but you can find somebody who can put the gift of immortality to use to become as great as they can be.
Good luck!
You ever read Dracula, by Bram Stoker? Look at Renfield. Really look at him. Any time you think of a candidate and he reminds you of Renfield, discard that candidate.
I say this as someone who cheered when I read him grab ahold of Dracula's mist form to keep him from accosting Mina and hate the fact that's one of the moments that never makes it into any on screen adaptions.
>Got a question though, how are disciplines created?
For thirteen of them? They were less created and more "discovered" by our primordial Progenitor; Caine under the tutelage of Lilith.
However. These are only the disciplines of the Camarilla however.
Nobody really knows how the Sabbat clans created/discovered their own signature Disciplines of Vicissitude and Otenebration, I'd say they're quite happy to keep it that way.
You have heroine fangs and cocaine blood, it won't matter. You'll occasionally find someone who can at least keep up the pretense of not being a play thing afterwards but the best you can get away with is a murderer or a kiss ass.
Heroin Fangs is a sick band name.
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How do these books compare to the VtBM story? I'd like to read something in the setting, if it isn't too generic. VtBM story felt like some ancient greek play.
That’s “Vampire the Bloodline: Masquerades” right? I have no idea how Black Dog Entertainment and Roika Games managed to publish that without triggering a violent response from the camarilla. Some upstart lick(I’m betting it was a Torrie or a Vent) probably thought they could outdo Dracula’s flagrant masquerade breach from centuries ago.

A Nozzie friend told me the novels were alright but they all told one gigantic interwoven story. If you enjoy reading about vampire political intrigue and dark tales of the night, you’ll probably like it.

I can’t imagine why you would want to read them though unless you spend most of your nights doing nothing. Most neonates rarely have time to read for leisure and most elders aren’t very interested in contemporary lit.

There’s also already more than enough scheming and backstabbing in real (un)life to sate my appetite for plans within plans
Pick someone who isn't a power hungry retard who wants to lock you up and drain you of all of your blood to get a lifetime supply of immortal superpowers and share it with his friends and to fuck his oneitis. Fuck you Carl, i hope you are rotting in hell for making me count the seeds and untying the knots
Kept waking up in the middle of the morning today. I wanna go back to sleep but I don't know if we can ruin our sleep schedules. What do?
We don't have a biological circadian rhythm at all. You're fine to stay up as long as you can, unless you have some sort of supernatural affliction, you will feel the call of torpor come the next morning.

If anything, consider it a blessing that you have been granted a chance to operate during the day. It takes tremendous will and dedication to stay conscious while the sun is up for long periods of time. Trust me, I know.
Cool! I'll just spend the night in!
>chance to operate during the day
I definitely don't wake up feeling full of energy, if that's what you're imagining.
Fucking Thinbloods.
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I'm not thinblooded, I'm gen 13!
What the hell did you post?
Even still, there are things you can do during the day to be productive. Even just establishing activity during the day can do quite a bit to protect your own personal masquerade. Not to mention you can use it for low-effort "busywork".
>Even just establishing activity during the day can do quite a bit to protect your own personal masquerade
Hey, that's a good idea! Maybe I'll turn the vacuum cleaner on for a few minutes next time. I hope I don't fall asleep before I remember to turn it off again.
Have none of you had trouble sleeping before? It's not like I'm having trouble falling asleep, but a couple times a night I woke up with a start. Not sure what it is, it's a first for me. I don't remember doing any dreaming, and I don't think anybody's in my apartment or trying to bother me.
So far I seem to have gained The Lasombra shadows, celerity, auspex, fortitude... might have more but those are the only ones I've figured out how to use. Also I am unashamed to admit I accidentally launched myself into a wall because I underestimated how fast celerity made me
Pretty severe, huh? Lol
First night I was on my own as a vampire, I took a kick scooter to a road on a steep hill and tried to scoot as fast as I could. It pretty much disintegrated on me at a certain speed, I was just rolling down the road with parts of a disassembled scooter. Never did anything that stupid again, not only because road rash hurts like hell but because if anybody saw me they probably would have called an ambulance.
What this?
I occasionally have dreams during the day that shake me awake, i usually need some time to calm down before i go back to sleep.
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Yo mama
No Anon
Oh, cool, so it doesn't mean something scary is gonna happen.
What is this schizoid shit? Where the hell did you even get these?
Just Accept it. I stole them out of your 'game designer' friends mind. Dox info available, reasonable prices.
>Currently accepting
>Childhood Memories
>First Borns
>Anything capable of True Artistry
>The taste of Crystal Pepsi.
The only time I was rudely awoken during the day was when my haven was being assaulted. I have however experimented with seeing how long and effectively I can resist daysleep.
Some vamps seem to have the knack for it, but we don't sleep. Our dead bodies are inanimate during the day. I guess you would have to mark it down to some individual mutation in the curse.
I know we don't sleep in a clinical sense, but the little torpor we enter during the day is called daysleep by pretty much everyone I have ever met, as a way to distinguish it from true torpor.
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I don't know what that means. I'm not even sure you do.
Well whatever it is, I really hate when it's interrupted.
You guys would not fucking believe this thing my sire just taught me.
I don't really understand it yet but it's basically like an interdimensional trashcan. He called it obstination. Lol. Anyway
Rats? Open up a hole. No more rats
Bird shitting all over the window sill? Hole.
Mormons at the door? Hole.

You'd not believe the amount of problems you can solve with a big hole. I wonder where they go..
You have such a modern distaste for Plato,
The youth of your blood is fully on show.
Every prince to knave knows we lurk outside the cave.
But your trendy materialism limits what you know.
>Some fucking fae gets its mits on an iphone
>The entirety of the internet is at its fingertips, all the accumulated knowledge of mankind within its grasp
>It shitposts on schrecknet
Checks out.
I think you are speaking of obtenebration ie shadow play as some call it are you a lasombra?

I never advocated for materialism. I simply belief that his ideas are the progenitor of postmodern nothing is real thought. That and the featherless bipeds thing is stupid.
Aristotle is materialism's great prelude.
So nihilism to him you should include.
Though the ancients are lacking, the dwarfs are always stacking.
And I find Plato helps us better understand our food.
Plato's problem is that he's not as smart as he thinks he is. He's the ancient midwit, to use a very modern term. He occasionally creates a good allegory, which I will happily use. On the other hand, The Republic is just bad political theory.

Also is the rhyming thing a supernatural compulsion, or just your gimmick?
For you i dont know depends on your clan. For me the third eye reveals many things, both great and terrible.
Is vicissitude a particularly difficult discipline? I'm surprised I don't see more tzimisce licks with built in vitae/blood dispensers that turn food into blood and then blood into vitae. I don't think I've seen this even among the sabbat freaks
Again, invaluable council. Come dusk I'll begin my search anew. A few places came to mind.

Soft tissue is easy enough to coax into a new shape, as it's flexible by nature. Bone on other hand needs to be made to bend first, which to me atleast is something much more difficult.

What you're suggesting sounds rather hard to bring about for a fledgeling like me at least. Aside from the fact that it'd only be a detriment to achieving Azhi Dahaka.
Isn't aza Dahaki about achieving transcendence or something? This would free you from needing to feed on kindred and kine
Update: I reached the chicken farm Crimson Pinstripe Suit told me about earlier this week. These chickens are... weird. They're big, and even the hens are pretty aggressive, but I can get them to calm down easy enough with animalism. Haven't heard from Crimson in, well, as long as any of you have though. I've tried reaching him directly, but to no avail. I feel bad just abandoning them, but I feel like they survived well enough on their own devices before I got here. Probably gonna leave tomorrow if I don't hear anything from him. The rooster especially is very bitey (pecky?), and I'm sure he'd have gotten some of my blood if I didn't have fortitude.

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