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Break it down for me /tg/. How much money did GW actually lose on this heap of shit?
There is a LGS in my sister's city that is still selling one for a 10% discount. Do you think they would notice if I just took it?
every fucking new GW release if it sells out instantly its all outrage about scalpers and FOMO and GW not allocating enough if it doesn't it's over ded gaem x is dying blah blah
get out and play some fucking wargames
don't like GW fair enough, be less of a faggot and you might find a club
this drama addiction is a bitch hobby to have
ask like the 5 other aos threads
We don't know the exact number, but we do know that the amount of money they lost is a negative number.
IE they made money
All we know is that they claimed that it was the best-selling fantasy launch. Some people cope by talking about GW mentioning a YT video even though it was in addition to their other comments about how well it did. So ultimately; its about whether you trust GW's investor report or not.
>All we know is that they claimed that it was the best-selling fantasy launch.
That's a very low bar to reach based on how much growth GWs audience has seen since fantasy was shitcanned and how GW now engages in actual marketing. It's also worth noting that it's irrelevant to GWs bottom line if retailers end up sitting on huge piles of dominion box sets that don't ever sell, GW still sold those units. The only problem for GW is the non-miniature contents of however many residual boxes they have left over that can't be reboxed now that edition is over.

It appears to have been a net success, even if it didn't meet expectations.
Seriously, how are you so fucking mindbroken by a plastic soldier game that you keep spamming these threads?
What was wrong with it? I don't play AOS but that seems like a shit ton of models, and a rule book and some cards on top of it.
Like, MESBG amount of models.
People didn't like the new orcs, and SCE are divisive at best. Simple as.
>What was wrong with it?
It is Age of Sigmar.
aos just doesnt sell. stores stock 50/50 40k and aos but aos only makes up like 25% of sales
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The SCE aren't the Space marine sales equivalent? I always figured they'd have the most players.
Who is the #1 if it isn't Sigmarines?
The Dominion box set specifically was a notorious debacle from a retail point of view. They produced huge amounts of it because the 40k equivalent box set that launched before it sold huge numbers of units at the start of pandemic lockdowns when people weren't allowed to go to work and governments were giving out free money. They assumed that the AoS box set would perform similarly while ignoring that the specific conditions were not the same, that AoS is not as popular as 40k, that unlike space marines stormcast aren't particularly popular as an AoS army, and that nobody was asking for thin orcs that don't aesthetically match the other orcs already in the game.

GW produced huge amounts of it and independent retailers ordered it in massive quantities based on faulty assessments on how well it would sell and ended up with massive quantities of overstock that they could not sell through even with large discounts. It's not really a problem for GW who can just repackage all of their stock, but independent retailers who bought into the hype completely ate shit.

Also the edition launched in a weak state, and the units in the box set were basically all undesirable as game pieces, so there wasn't any incentive for anyone to buy it for the sake of gameplay.
>the only GW product ever to be put on sale on their own website
>sigmartoids still trying to gaslight everyone into thinking it was financially successful
It's wild how several AoS armies have organically become successful and GW just chooses to ignore that. Maybe it's because they are the more WHFB inspired armies? Cities of Sigmar, Slaves to Darkness, Soulblight Gravelords and Lumineth Realmlords all have big fanbases and a box set featuring any of them would probably do very well.

They haven't even thrown a second wave of model releases to Idoneth despite there being a huge number of possible concepts, and instead gave a bunch of creature feature models to Sylvaneth.

Cities of Sigmar vs. Skaven would even have been a better launch set for 4th, directly playing into the events launching the edition with the massive Skaven invasion of Aqshy destroying several cities. They really need to get over trying to make Stormcast the new Space Marines. I don't even dislike Stormcast and it's never going to happen.
They are #1, just not by the same retarded margin SM dominate 40k. Stomcast oscilate between 10-20% of the game, Loyalist Space Marine comfortably exceed 50%
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>Three threads dedicated solely to seething about Age of Sigmar
Get a life, loser
Anon's finding out ToW has about as much online traffic as Warhammer Underworlds nowdays mindbroke some faggot last week
>My chosen corposlop isn't notoriously garbage and unpopular, it's one guy seething!
>it’s another “TOWtranny seethes at AOSchads” thread

You love to see it.
>it's a smeggy thinks the lads laughing at a failed GW product no one wants is a grand conspiracy reply
If people can't shut up about it, then that is people seething about something's popularity. Nobody seethes about forgotten shit.
Remember these are plastic models that cost pennys to make and they sell for hundreds, the profit margin must be crazy
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You now remember the >selling fast! meme
>10% discount
hate the cretins running shops lol, my own flgs has literally a shelf full of games workshop books they can't get rid of but only priced them down 20% from regular price
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GW also inundated the lgs with copies which was pretty funny
poor mig has to be next to marvel and age of marvel slop! sad!
It breaks my heart it truly does, especially considering how high in quality and great in value those historical models can be
How many times are you going to post this?
Gw made money with it. It costs them pennies to make a sprue and they sold tons of those boxes to all the independent retailers all over the world. They made their money back dozens of times. Why would they care if another store sits on already paid product.

Did it sell as well as they hoped: certainly not, but since their margin is that insanely high, it's almost impossible for them to loose money.
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Americans return more products in a year than your entire countries GDP and most of those returns are worth scrap material at best once they're opened

Anon stop jerking something you would never interact with off
I enjoy that hobby vicariously through Night Shift because I have no space for tank models in the scale I'd like
it has been explained, GW thinks they need an easy to paint good guy faction in the starters. It's Space Marines in 40k, it's Stormcast in AoS. Stormcast were literally created from the ground up to be the babby's first model faction
It lost 999 Billion Dollars and GW will discontiune AoS tomorrow
I don't know, neither do you, neither does anyone posting here. GW does not publish sales stats by product line, just the bottom line aggregate for everything. The only people who could tell you are the top sales people at GW who have access to that kind of data.

But then again, I don't think you care about the real answer. Your real interest is in spamming the board with garbage seethe threads about a game you don't play.
You weren't worried about any of that when you were spamming 'whfb sold less than paints' you wretched cocksucker. Now your smegma game isn't doing better than 40k, isn't lighting the world on fire and it kills you.
>You weren't worried about any of that when you were spamming 'whfb sold less than paints'
I didn't spam that shit so take your frustration out on someone else.

> Now your smegma game isn't doing better than 40k
I don't play AoS or TOW. I just want these garbage threads to go away.
>how dare GW send stores product they ordered and paid for
>you will buy 500 copies of Dominion we know you won't even sell half of or we close your account with us and you lose the 40k bux
Fuck off, retard!
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>yes, store owners willingly bought 600 copies of dominion and would happily do so again. my source? I saw it in a dream
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High quality posting right here ladies and gentlemen. Truly emblematic of these kinds of threads
>All we know is that they claimed that it was the best-selling fantasy launch.
>buy the fucking product
>no I don't care if it doesn't sell I need to offload this stock asap goy
Every LGS owner I talk to complains about GW not sending them enough stuff to sell, never about too much
Maybe they don't carry Dominion kek
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I totally believe they sold a ton of those boxes, but not Indomitus numbers.
>to be put on sale on their own website
Given how much they already inflate their prices to start with, that's still not really indicative of them taking a loss on it
They could sell it for 25% of their own silly MSRP and still make a healthy profit from each box.
True, but the fact they only ever did it on one box says something.
Sure, it says that they overproduced it by a lot (which was obvious), and having stock in a warehouse not moving is always a bad thing so they wanted it gone.

For them it was probably a choice between two bad things (offering a discount vs having unmoving boxes), but neither implies it did actually cost them money. (it might have in 1-2 years, if they still had thousands of boxes occupying warehouse space)

So instead of making 100% of their predicted profit from Dominion they only made 70%-ish profit
Realistically even with vastly under-performing sales I doubt they lost anything on it. With the one-time cost of producing the molds and the literal pennies it is to inject the plastic and make the miniatures, they probably made a pretty comfortable profit, especially considering they seem to have dumped the bulk of the storage costs on LGS's like we see in so many pictures like >>93412281
Exactly. Every box that still sits in an LGS is pure profit for GW, because they sold it already to that store.
And if that store will go bankrupt because of it, its even better for GW, because now people have to go to a GW store instead.
None, simply because the amount of mark up is so high they don't need to sell many to make it back
last time I saw something they were in the middle of the pack, not at the top but I can't remember the top one.
As shown by the seething in this thread; it doesn't matter if GW admit that AoS is doing well. People addicted to the outrage machine or culture war bullshit will still claim that Smegmar is dying 24/7.
Why are the orks using crossbows?
Why wouldn't the Orcs use crossbows? If you were an skinny Orc you would be using a crossbow to.

If they had gone all in on the iconic Chaos Warrior design with a villain protagonist the game would have been better. Suits are bad at understanding this kind of thing tho.
Lots of coppies available here at a 50% discount. It is al.ost worth buying soon
Way to out yourself when I was just making an observation.
>It's wild how several AoS armies have organically become successful and GW just chooses to ignore that.

GW is so big it's basically run like the Soviet Union lol. It's just this behemoth that does dumb shit.

I would like to get into AOS because it seems like it's a better *game* than 40k but the way things are priced, presented, arranged on the sprue, and explained have me reticent to do so. Those factions could keep being refined and the setting better brought to life but they're always making greedy missteps.

Same as the Old World which I loved way back in the 4th edition era. There is just minimal supply of armies but a lot of very old skellingtons about.
Crossbow is a lower training overhead than the bow and has good range and stopping power.
Spergs tend to tie their personality to their game/system of choice, so any insults directed at their game is an insult to them personally which makes them furious (see /v/ as a whole). WHFB being take out behind the shed irrevocably damaged the brains of a group of people who were not mentally stable to begin with by hoisting upon them the ultimate insult. It's not even about a my team is doing better than your team thing, because that would imply these people still have or ever had a Warhammer army to being with. Hell GW even gave them The Old World yet they find every excuse not to play it. What they truly want is compensation for the insult, for daddy Games Workshop to say they are sorry and to break the toys of Age of Sigmar players like GW broke theirs. This of course will never happen, GW fucks up all the time and is never sorry, and if Age of Sigmar ever does get squatted it won't be to please them specifically, so we're likely to see AGE OF SMEGMAR IS DYING FOR REAL OH NO NO NO SIGSISTERS style threads until Hiroshimoot pulls the plug on 4chan.
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The swampy-looking orcs are a cool fusion of new-GW and 80's era GW aesthetics.

Not an AOS player but it's really rare to see Sigmarine armies actually fielded at my LGS. Which is weird since they're presented as the default good guys and all. And then they went and pulled a Primaris on them after only like 8 years? lol
Not that anon, but I'd love to know more about this.

I've come to really love ToW because its flop of a launch and the tepid fan reaction shut up the faggots here that were posting about AoS being dead in the water and how ToW would recapture the fantasy war game market.
>until Hiroshimoot pulls the plug on 4chan
With the way the place is these days, that can't happen soon enough. I'd finally be free.
>shut up the faggots here that were posting about AoS being dead in the water and how ToW would recapture the fantasy war game market
Could have fooled me considering you're currently posting in a thread made by one of them.
I mistyped meant to say "shut up some of the faggots"
Regardless, there do seem to be less blatant AoS is DEAD style posts and threads, and I'd love to brighten my day by reading about a sperg or two having a classic schizo meltdown on /tg/ about plastic army men.
Please explain how GW forced independent retailers to buy something from them. Did they kidnap their families? Or perhaps they had their death squad show up hold them at gunpoint? Maybe it was mind control? Also please provide evidence to back up whichever cone you want to go with since you seem concerned about sources.
I don't know the ins and outs, but I'm fairly sure they can be strong armed into carrying stock they might not necessarily want. Like if you want X, you must also carry Y on your shelves, as part of their contract
It is known, though the worst products are campaign books like Pariah Nexus or Arks of Omen, nobody buy those.
Its because you dont get dick for discounts unless you buy packages from GW that include a million books that people dont buy. Same thing happens with guns, some stores dont have a lot of a brand and the next will have a whole cabinet of meme guns from that compant.
>Did they kidnap their families?
Yes. GW has a team specifically for this job.
Last we heard Stormies are like #6-#7th in popularity despite forcing them into every single army set to general annoyance.

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