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I rewatched this movie a few days ago and found myself weirdly focused on the idea of a Catholic-funded organization dedicated to researching, tracking, and exterminating paranormal threats to humanity. I would love to run a game about a late-19th Century Delta Green. I figure it'd be set up to function as something somewhere between a knightly and monastic order, but I'm struggling with what that would look like and how such a thing would be organized, hierarchically and at the local level. Do you guys have any ideas?
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The Iscariot Organization
Why bayonets though?
Because Hirano is fat nerd obsessed with guns, so even blade weapons have to be gun-adjacent.
WoD kinda has this in the Society of Leopold, though they're a lot more retarded and it's WoD so the combat sucks.
Bayonets are some of the few mass-produced bladed weapons aside from knives, thanks to them being part of industrialized warfare. They were produced in production runs of ten of thousands, so if you want a lot of cheap, decent-quality weapons, bayonets are not a bad choice.

And Father Anderson goes through about a thousand in every fight.
>I would love to run a game about a late-19th Century Delta Green. I figure it'd be set up to function as something somewhere between a knightly and monastic order, but I'm struggling with what that would look like and how such a thing would be organized, hierarchically and at the local level.
It's such banal non-problem, even a "wing it all" is a solid answer.
It doesn't even fucking matter for the game you will be running (implying you will be running anything at all)
Not OP, but probably equally autistic, because I like hierarchies and understanding how organizations function.
>I figure it'd be set up to function as something somewhere between a knightly and monastic order, but I'm struggling with what that would look like and how such a thing would be organized, hierarchically and at the local level. Do you guys have any ideas?
Just a religious knightly order, probably, answering directly to in-the-loop clergy who report up the chain to the Pope. Big focus on research/intelligence with a small, surgical pointy end recruited, I imagine, from inside the Church herself. Preferably as young as possible so that you own their loyalty thoroughly.

Considering that the Church denies the devil has any powers of his own, an organization bent on eliminating supernatural threats probably wants to keep it on the down low. Kill enough and, God willing, the official line will also be true. I imagine you'd have chapter houses in major European nations, with some having had to go to ground or leave following Catholic persecution. So France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Poland, and maybe one hidden in Ireland to watch over Britain when possible?
easy, just ask how old you think it should be, where and how it originated and the rest should flow from that. just look at your examples, they all derive their structure from their historical context. or just use the templars' organization they're already what you're looking for and well documented
Jesuits but with guns and homemade bombs.
Let's go with the classic, then
This is great stuff, thank you! I appreciate it.
This is also good! Thanks so much.
>a second noah-level event approaches
>PCs have to kill god
I could see a structure like this
Monks that research the supernatural through texts and legends
For cases when the monsters can still be saved. Includes exorcists
The actual hunters. Plate armor optional, trench coat mandatory
Heeding to pagan superstition might just save your life. More of a branch for the other creeds
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>Plate armor optional, trench coat mandatory
The Templars has Knights (nobles), Sergeants (non-nobles), and Chaplains (ordained priests). Can we do something with this? Like, Knights are higher-ranking members who lead a squad of Sergeants, assisted by a Chaplain? Or would knights be more elite troops, similar to special forces, with sergeants doing most of the heavy lifting?

Don't the Knights Hospitalier still form the official government of Malta?

Anyway expand your questions. What do you mean 'look like' you mean uniforms? Probably similar to most secular organizations but with some extra flourishes and crosses. Organized? Do you mean who would lead, what subdivisions would there be, what?
I would keep it simple as a ranking system:
>0th degree: children are initiated into the Order at 7 years old, where they begin their education and martial training as a page.
>1st degree: at 14 years old, pages demonstrating the required mental and martial achivement can become squires, continuing their training under the tutelage of a Knight or Chaplain.
>2nd degree: at 21 years old, and after proving themselves worthy, a squire can be granted the title of sergeant and become a fully-fledged member of the Order.
>3rd degree: after serving as a sergeant until age 28, members of the Order can be considered for elevation to either knighthood or chaplaincy depending upon their particular skillsets. Knights lead teams of sergeants into battle against dark forces, whereas chaplains administer to the Order's spiritual needs.

Page -> Squire -> Sergeant -> Knight=Chaplain.

Those would be the basic ranks. You could look to additional knightly or Masonic rankings for further roles. Maybe the leader of one of your groups could be called the Warden?
Why start at zero?
I like the idea of having the players as member of a monster hunting organization, but I always struggle actually implement it because it just feels like I'll be giving orders to the players and I prefer when the players choose their own things to do.
I got you, man.

Freemasonry has three ranks, and I thought it made sense.

You could pull a Fable and have their Lodge destroyed, cutting the players off from a local support network.
>You could pull a Fable and have their Lodge destroyed, cutting the players off from a local support network.
Oh, that's actually perfect! I don't know how I never thought about that. Have them start under orders, then cut them off, giving them the freedom I'm more used to.
Happy to help, anon! Good hunting!
just have their standing orders be broad, and give them the freedom to look for their own leads and all that. being part of an organization doesn't mean they're inherently just grunts that get pointed in a direction and told to kill.
This works, too. No reason the organization has to be particularly militant in structure. It could function more as a hunting lodge, where members are largely more autonomous.
Vampire: the Masquerade and its Dark Ages spinoff line have books ("The Inquisition," and "Dark Ages: Inquisitor") that detail a secret society of monster hunters funded by the Catholic Church, wielding a mix of technology (mostly in the modern day), tactics, and faith as their weapons. Also actual weapons, though those tend to be less impressive against the supernatural.
If nothing else, you can use bits of the organization as inspiration for your own project.
Do you have any pdf links? I'd love to read through that.
Players get their quests from a knight or a monk.
Look for the World of Darkness general. There's some MEGA links on the OP
Thanks kindly!
Youngling, Padawan, Jedi, Master.
I've downloaded the four books that have the word "Inquisition" in the title and am reading through them. Thanks kindly! I'm also researching the Society of Leopold online.

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