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I love vampires so much, I wish I could be one. Any tips for playing one and manifesting that kind of brooding, romantic angsty gothic quality without monopolising the session? I'm not worried about "overdoing" it theme-wise because my group are all friendly and supportive + love these themes too (NB: :3) but obviously I want to let them shine too (NB: I love them so much :33)

Also, how do I become Lestat IRL?
You can't win lottery if you don't buy any tickets.
Take good care of yourself, keep healthy and clean and start taking walks at night, just roam the streets, parks, or even scary abandoned parts of the town if you have the courage. With a bit of luck you will catch somebody's attention eventually ;)
I tried lighting candles in a graveyard and reading Edgar Allen Poe out loud but it's not like the movies, nobody shows up with dramatic timing :(

I am thin and cute but the only creatures of the night I ever encounter are homeless people
>homeless people
you mean the local nozzies?
You're overdoing it, don't be so melodramatic, just take long strolls and try to look approachable.
I think i prefer the satanic panic wannabe vampires to whatever the fuck this cringy shit this is.
Don't talk or do too much and don't talk about being a vampire for the brooding mysterious air, and make your food excursions interesting, accidentally kill someone and need the group to help cover up or sit a party member down and explain why you need to suck their blood specifically or the like, not too sure tho but hope it helps
>Also, how do I become Lestat IRL?

Move to France and suck fifty cocks an hour like every character from those books, and like French people do in real life.
Wanting to be a vampire completely undermines any possibility of angst. Any character you make will therefore miss the mark.

I suggest abandoning your preconceptions about vampires, then re-engaging with the source material with an eye toward what vampires have lost (notably, the ability to feel emotion in any human sense, and the possibility of not burning in hell forever after their eventual destruction/the possibility of ever having closeness to God).

Once you reach a point where you no longer want to be a vampire or, even better, the idea of playing a vampire makes you uncomfortable, you might be ready to roleplay a vampire.

Also -- if you were confused by my references to God in relation to vampires, you don't understand what vampires represent in fiction. Vampires make no sense without reference to Christianity or some kind of Christianity stand-in that posits the existence of the soul and the possibility of damnation for that soul.
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You can have vampires as purely science-fictional concept divorced from any faith or folklore. Not saying it's a good idea, but it can be done.
Won't scratch the TTRPG itch, but play V Rising if you really like vampires.
Wait just play Vampire: The Masquerade for the ttrpg vampire game, it's a video game too if you want to try old games out
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>lighting candles in a graveyard and reading Edgar Allen Poe out loud
>thin and cute
>Vampires make no sense without reference to Christianity
>Vampires, a monster that is part of every culture on the planet and have myths older than christianity
Stop trying to claim shit that isn't yours anon.
What does this topic have to do with TTRPGs?
The only kind of vampire anyone cares about are the ones from Christian cultures. Only redditors care about gay ass jumping Chinese zombies.

Generally the best way to play a reserved character is to...just be reserved. Make occasional gloomy observations about a situation. Don't fish for attention if other PCs ignore your nocturnal habits. Find a good reason to be cooperative with the group, but you don't have to be super friendly with their characters. Just don't be pointlessly hostile or uncooperative, that's annoying.
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Jiangshi is fine too.
I dont like how this tag is stolen by lolis.
There's still versions where the vamp is stacked.
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I don't get the point of the talisman on most jiangshi, I know it's part of the iconic look like with the Chinese clothes, but isn't the point of the talisman to allow a Taoist priest or necromancer to control the jiangshi in the first place? From the Hong Kong movies, they can act independently without the talisman.
>Wanting to be a vampire completely undermines any possibility of angst. Any character you make will therefore miss the mark.
Vampire don't have to be about faux LARPer nihilism. Shit Wolf and all their derivatives exist for that. And Shit Wolf has 0 to do with Christianity let alone Gothic tradition.
It's there in most manga because manga authors are retarded and unwilling to research what they're writing about.
>gay ass jumping Chinese zombies
>Doesn't know about any other vampire myths from the south america, africa, the middle east, or even just from eastern fucking europe.
Get out of this discussion anon, you clearly aren't qualified to be here.
Nobody cares about any of those except snowflakes that want to feel special.
so why exactly does a vampire lose a soul?
This isn't common at all in TTRPGs, D&D, VtM, and WFRP vampires all have souls. Hearsay of its origin is silver supposedly reflecting a person's soul due to its purity and the fact that a vampire's reflection doesn't show is evidence of vampires being soulless. The second source of this comes from the Dracula novel:
>When he again lifted the lid off Lucy's coffin we all looked, Arthur trembling like an aspen, and saw that the corpse lay there in all its death beauty. But there was no love in my own heart, nothing but loathing for the foul Thing which had taken Lucy's shape without her soul. I could see even Arthur's face grow hard as he looked. Presently he said to Van Helsing, "Is this really Lucy's body, or only a demon in her shape?"
>"It is her body, and yet not it. But wait a while, and you shall see her as she was, and is."
However a later line in the same chapter suggests she isn't soulless per say, but that her soul is held in her corrupted undead body and would be freed upon given a true death:
>But if she die in truth, then all cease. The tiny wounds of the throats disappear, and they go back to their play unknowing ever of what has been. But of the most blessed of all, when this now Un-Dead be made to rest as true dead, then the soul of the poor lady whom we love shall again be free. Instead of working wickedness by night and growing more debased in the assimilating of it by day, she shall take her place with the other Angels.
Dracula and his brood are a weird case though since he wasn't a normal vampire, but a vampire sorcerer trained and possibly turned by the Devil himself. The last source of the "soulless" vampire thing is probably Buffy which was somewhat popular in the late 90s and early 00s.
Huh, I appreciate the write up.
Top notch, well-researched post, anon.
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How do we all feel about the vampire loli trope?
they should be sparsely used
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I just like dangerous and sexy goth ladies who literally suck you off
I see the requirement of being at least 12 years old rule is still not enforced on /tg/.
The characters or the posters?
How do you make vampire weaknesses outside of the standard holy/cross weakness make sense instead of seeming just tacked on? Like the whole idea that vampires have OCD and need to count shit, what's up with that?
It's part of the curse you know, the reason why you DON'T want to be a vampire, it shouldn't be power up. Only bad dudes like Dracula can shrug off the downsides
Most mangaka just think it looks cool, like Jesus
>Also, how do I become Lestat IRL?
suck dick and be pedo.
Okay, but why those 'specific' weaknesses I mean.
No one is referencing that weird severed head with organs attached monster from Indonesian folklore when they say vampire.

Also unironically read Dracula. It slaps.
Nta, I know about those, I just don't care about them. Try talking to anyone about them and see if that's what they were thinking of when they last heard 'vampire'.
In Dracula it doesn't. The soul remains as a prisoner in the body while the vampire mind runs things. Killing a vampire is explicitly an act of Christian charity because it frees the soul to be with Jesus.
NTA but stfu, no one cares about if they're talking about your type of vampire or not, if you also want to claim shit, I claim you can talk to anyone and they just won't give a shit about any christian shit related to vampires, people only give a shit because they're hot and cool cuz they're like evil and stuff
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It's really ironic dismissing any vampiric monsters outside of christian folklore because "no one cares or thinks about them when they imagine a vampire" when the discussion started by an anon denouncing how vampires have deviated from the christian ties for decades now. Which is shit, I hate agnostic and scientific vampires but you guys are silly
Dracula and Nosferatu are from eastern fucking europe
>I hate agnostic and scientific vampires
Why exactly do you hate them?
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Damn vampire bats, sucking adult men.
Stake correction is needed.
Is that supposed to be Van Richten?
I expressed myself badly, I don't really hate them but I don't like it whenever the identity of a mythology gets stripped away, even if you use an entirely fictional mythology in your fantasy setting. Also I like the paranormal to be paranormal, not science
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Yes, and Merilee Markuza is the vampire running away.
Kender vampire unrelated.
NTA but it's reddit as fuck. In any other context it would be called cultural appropriation but they're uncomfortable with western mythology *without* stripping it of its context.
>I want to fill my fiction with supernatural stuff because I never grew up
>*repels vampire with cross*
>no wait not that kind of supernatural! Help me Dawkins I'm going insaaane
Just make your character gay or disabled, thats basically what you want anyways right?
>Merilee Markuza is a villainous NPC presented in the game accessory Darklords, though she herself is the only character profiled in that source to not be a darklord. She is unique in that she is a vampire but trapped in the body of a young child. Because she is physically weak, she has focused on developing her mental abilities.
Canon cute and funny, why does no one talk about her unlike the brown lolipope from Eberron?
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Humanity was supposed to be your real hit points.
How you Christian bros could make a vampire "good" from a Christian point of view?
>But vampires are evil and-!
Yeah, I know. But what if the vampire is trying to be good? That's what I'm asking. In a Christian sense not some lame general goodness. Disadvantages allowed.
I prefer vampire shotas.
Had a concept for a Priest turned vampire for a VtM game that never manifested. Basically after reading Vampire literature and discovering that Cain was in fact a real figure he took it as undeniable proof that God was real and the existence of Vampires was proof of it which reinforced his faith further. Then he would just recontextualize everything Vampires experience as the same kind of temptations of the flesh a human would experience.
>Kender vampire
jesus christ how horrifying
I was thinking something similar, but on the ein of original sin.
Do you like your vampires specced more towards mystical power, physical might, or a combination thereof?
I think vampires should be the "face" of the greater undead. They can pass for human, and they have innate abilities that grant them domination and control. Moreover, their need for blood incentivizes them to dominate rather than to destroy.

I think they should have a notable increase to their raw physicality and increased mystical sensitivity, and individual vampires grow in different ways. A vampire should feel superior in all regards to the human to make up for their crippling (and sometimes abundance of) weaknesses. The weaknesses are what gives you a hope against this creature of darkest night, who seeks to own you, control you, and drain you until you are spent.
Either or. You could have physically minded vampires or mage focused vampires or anything inbetween. They're cool either way.
Vamps are unnatural abominations
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A good Christian vampire accepts his damnation as part of Gods plan and embraces his given role as predator so that through his actions the fear of the Lord might be put back into the flock.
They don't suck blood, they just steal it.
They must act like incredibly crotchety grandmas.

Genevieve's grandsire in Warhammer Fantasy is a blast.
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Vampire fascism is best fascism, and vampire Gestapo is best Gestapo.
Not a trope, you fucking retard.
Can you actually imagine vampires using this overdesigned garbage? The designer should've stopped halfway through and the artist should've been fired.
Werewolf Gestapo
Vampire Mossad
New vampires only get physical might benefits, but older vampires get more magical powers as they age
"I was just borrowing it for a while!"
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That's already sort of a philosophy in VtM. You have the golcondites who view vampirism as temptation and reward turned up to 11, seeking some sort of perfect apotheosis. And on the more fucked up end you have some Noddists that believe the vampire's role is to terrorize the mortals as a test of faith and bravery. After all, if you kill a good person, they go to heaven don't they?
Definitely is
Yeah I learned about Golcanda after I had wrote that all up and my would be Storyteller had mentioned that I'd probably be at least on the first step towards it even if he wouldn't have realized it IC. Would have been interesting to play out whether I succeeded or failed.
How does one become a vampire in your setting? Because I always hated the whole idea that just being bitten is enough to turn someone.
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I don't know who your faggot twink is but vampires should be megalomaniacal monsters that desire to be at the very top of society at any and all costs.
>A good Christian vampire
...kills himself immediately.
A garbage aesthetic for shit taste weebs since over 95% of the time their being a vampire is largely inconsequential and they're just ojous with super powers.
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Vampires should rape
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But suicide is a sin, isn't it? Also options are rather limited since (usually) poison, hanging, guns and falling down are not able to end you if you are a vampire. And while sunlight and fire (usually) do kill you they sound rather painful ways to go (and least in the case of VtM/VtR they also cause intense feral fear in vampires who usually escape in animalistic terror).
I usually prefer "drinking vampire blood while dying", like in VtM/VtR since the vampire is able to control who is turned into a vampire.
But zombie-style infection through bite can be an interesting plot point since it can cause a vampire apocalypse scenario but that would be totally other kind of horror genre than your usual gothic horror vampire story.
Also, in relation to the subject of turning; I don't think that I have seen this anywhere else but in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Kain used pieces of his own soul to raise corpses (all who had been killed 500 years before his own mortal birth) into his vampire primarchs and apparently (the story isn't too clear about the subject) these second-generation kainites also created new vampires through "soul-sharing" and could raise old corpses into vampires. The only other time I have seen already dead corpses changed into vampires was in JJBA:Phantom Blood with those two medieval knights so it is rather rare to see non-living humans turned into bloodsuckers.
>But suicide is a sin, isn't it?
Undeniably. Your best "clean" way out is heroically facing danger in the name of the Lord, eg. as a crusader of missionary in hostile territory. That's selfless sacrifice (and depending on circumstanced possibly even martyrdom) rather than suicide.

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