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/tg/ - Traditional Games

Thread archived.
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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

More threads:
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Looking for Shallow Graves, from ST Vault.
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Absolute Power (Silver Age Sentinels 2nd Edition) – Dark Empire
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) 4E - Ikaris
Thank you in advance
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Looking for the relatively new Capers: Cyberpunk and Cyberpunk Adventures

Requesting The Forge Collection - Encounter Zones for Genesys.
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Looking for Revs bang World and its sequel of possible to rip some synthesis and sports mechanics
Requesting Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint (ACKS II) Art-free PDF

SS /file/j58b9c
The MgT2 List

In late April 2024 Mongoose released an "Update Wave" that affected dozens of books (https://forum.mongoosepublishing.com/threads/the-great-apple-pdf-update.124644/).
Of these April Update versions, only the following have so far been liberated:
>Core Rulebook Update 2022, High Guard Update 2022, Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023, Companion Update 2024, Explorer's Edition
We're looking for any and all April Update versions not listed above.

In addition, updates to these specific books not affected by the "Update Wave" have been requested:

- The Fifth Frontier War, updated version
[updated 2024-04-11]

- Vehicle Handbook, updated version
[updated 2021-08-03 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

- Pirates of Drinax: Theev, updated version
[updated 2016-10-25 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

If you have donated files before, please check and see whether you can provide updated versions!
Thanks to everyone involved! If you notice any other issues with the currently shared files, please say so!
Looking for the books for Manhunter from Myrmidon Press? The core RPG book and Into the Bloodhood.

Checked the PDF lists, but couldn't find them and a post (from 2018) mentioned they were in the Palladium folder in their own folder, but didn't see it there either...
Looking for Palladium in DCA leads to two hits, of which one works, which in turn has a search bar, which solves at least half of your problem.
Has anyone got d100 Dungeon? Couldn't find it in the archive or the solo games.
Requesting Shadowrun The Mosaic Run by Jennifer Brozek epub. Please and Thank You.
It's not a Palladium book and it's mentioned he searched in the folder
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Looking for Cypher Manifestation for the Cypher System. Thanks in advance!
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Requesting BESM Retro Second Edition
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[REQ] Alterkine
Looking for L5R novels, the Daidoji Shin Mystery series by Josh Reynolds, books 3 and 4. Thanks!
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Kindly requesting Border Riding.
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Kindly requesting Tri-Stat Core Role-Playing Game System. Thanks!
Looking for Mythos Adventurers Edition Savage Worlds
>Tri-Stat Core Role-Playing Game System

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Jck heete Pantken, mijn lief Pampoeseken
Dat gheerne een croeseken
Licht met vruechden daert niet en gheeft
Ghy en saecht ten daghen noyt blijder droeseken,
Alst appelmoeseken
Sijn buycxken al vol gheten heeft
Jck mindse soe dat mijn herte beeft
Godt wilse vercnapen
Want alle de sorghe die in haer cleeft
Dats eten en slapen
(Men schreue niet in ses vellen van schapen)
Als ick haer wille een pintken schincken
Hoe vriendelijck dat haer ooghskens pincken.

(Ik wil ook een pintken aub)
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Looking for Moria for The One Ring (second edition).
The one in the publisher trove is the Alpha Draft (still missin a lot of interior art) even if it is not mentioned in the file name.
As far as I know the definitive version is available to bakers only on DrivethroughRPG.
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Looking for a pdf of Battlegroup Centag
Requesting Urban Shadows 2e, please, and, if possible, the Immortal pdf. Thanks in advance!
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Looking for Vergence which them folks say is Amber but better.
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Looking for OBSCURE:Found Footage Horror TTRPG.


Looking for Heroes & Hatchets
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Requesting the Stoa Mortis Adventure pack pdf from Archvillain Games.
It's out? I thought it was still in KS or announcement.
Does anyone have Cartograph Atlas Edition by The Ravensridge Press?
Reposting the Twilight 2k request because thread died
It's right there nonetheless. You're welcome.
Requesting Planestrider's Journal for Level Up A5E and D&D 5E. TIA
Does anyone have DC Adventures for Mutants and Masterminds 3e? The archive linked in the OP docs doesn't seem to have it.
>The archive linked in the OP docs doesn't seem to have it.
Do you mean the Superhero Repository? Check in the "DC Heroes" folders.
Well, that was embarrassing- I was scouring the M&M 3E section, literally squinting at the screen. Thanks for pointing things out!

Sent to NV (it had been uploaded there a few weeks ago)

Thank you!
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Requesting a PDF of "The Lady Afterwards"

Thank you all !

It is for our legalized drugs and tulip frendz.
Anybody got the Kings of War big red rulebook and clash of kings 2024 digital?
Before anybody asks the Mega download for KoW v3 seems dead now. I should have included that in the post.
Looking for Twilight: 2000 4th ed "The Black Madonna" and "Hostile Waters". The folder contains only the two core rulebooks. I would also appreciate PDFs of cards and maps from "Urban Operations" - I have the PDF itself so can share if someone wants it.
But...it doesn't make any sense when translated to non-tulip speak.
I refuse to believe that Europeans just babble nonsense at each other. There must be some meaning to it...?
As I stated a while back, I sent it to the cleaner for the second time after waiting two months and I have lost track of how long it has been now.

It's not in the Mega ones, it's in the Yandex one in its own folder under Myrmidon
If I want to add a trove do I just share it here?
You can post the link here.

To get it added to da curated, email dabastich at proton.
Thank you. Proton.me or protonmail.com?
Is there anyplace that has NPC Pack 3 - Riley's Rangers for the Fallout 2D20 RPG?
Pre-requesting Star Trek Adventures 2e + game toolkit

It comes out tomorrow and fingers crossed pdfs go out same day.
>It's not in the Mega ones
Don't lie.
Looking for Shrine of the Traitor God
Requesting mythic magazines 42 and 43
The Warhammer RPGs links are down.
Op here. Link is obviously dead in da archive ( thus the request)
To the PF2e After Jan 23 keeper, I made a trove for the Foundry stuff and I copied in it what was in yours.

As soon as as it is available in Da Curated, you can donate the v12 stuff you said you had (IIRC) and can delete your files
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Great job anon
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NAYRT (or any of the other previous anons)
The problem is that there are two products created by the publisher with the name Manhunter. There's a standalone game and a later Rifts supplement. The Rifts supplement is in the Mega trove listed in Da Curated Archive...while both versions are in the "Palladium Collection" listed in Da Archive.

Since the original requester also requested "Into the Bloodhood", it's reasonable to assume that they meant the original game. (Since that also predates the Rifts book.)
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Have another.
Thak you very much.
Looking for Essence 20 stuff I can't find in the trove (including Beginner Boxes for completion but I know they just came out)
G.I. JOE: Quartermaster's Guide to Gear
MLP: Story of the Seasons
World's Collide: Battle for the Multiverse
G.I JOE: Beginner Box Boot Camp
Transformers: Beginner Box Roll Out

Thank you for your help
I think I've killed baby jackalopes in this case.
I really am sorry, though it proved to just make things stronger. This thread is damn resilient, in a weaponized autistic way.
Requesting Mini Dungeon Tome II for 5e, please

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Sometimes it's hard to find a vergence when you need one
Requesting: Ted Bushman's "The Last Caravan"
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Requesting Thirteen Parsecs RPG
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Requesting Castle Elkenstone and Advanced Dungeon Goons.
>I would also appreciate
Well, good to hear you will appreciate the free handouts at some point.

>I have the PDF itself so can share if someone wants it.
Passive-aggressive trade offers are a currency without value here.
All you seek is on IRC. And despite naysayers of the platform, can be downloaded rn.
Eventually, they may filter back down to NV.
7 main books are in newvola rn
I miss the huge Runequest trove
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Requesting Coldheart Canyon
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Yeah. Too bad we only have this one with RQ from 1e, AH, etc all the way up to some of the current edition (before Chaosium went balls deep on takedowns).
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Requesting "The Takings" (Cypher System).

Humbly Requesting:

Everyday Heroes
-EGO Plots 1 thru 6
-EGO Assignments 1 thru 3
-The Agency Files: Part 3
-Evergreen Knights Part 3
I know my chances are slim, but someone can share any Pathfinder 2e Book in Brazilian Portuguese? Tia
>RQ from 1e, AH,
That's what I need, I managed to get a lot of RQG but stupidly didn't bother to get 1-3 stuff and old fanzines
>STEP 0:
><----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
>It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.
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requesting Bound to None
Stop making up excuses
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>powered by BRP
read op
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I guess I need an appropriate dark, brooding emoticon for that news.

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go back
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Humbly requesting The Solo Adventurers Ultimate Toolbox
The Solo Adventurers Toolbox Part I & II if you have separately.

I scoured the annex's and couldn't find it.
That's great news, thank you! I've moved the v12 stuff into my public trove until yours is fully sorted. Assuming you are using Mega as the host, you can just right click on the v12 folder and save it straight into your own trove. In the meantime you can just post the rebrand for your trove in here before waiting for Da Docs to be updated, as sometimes it can take a bit of time.

Have fun being a Trovekeeper, and once again thank you <3!
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>The Solo Adventurers Toolbox Part I & II


If only I had an Image Macro or the Ultimate version I wouldn't be so brooding and dark.
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You are awesome! And the Spelljammer book as a bonus.
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, the Pirate's Life for me...
Heave ho, hoist the colors...
Requesting the old Star Herobooks
What do you do with a drunken pirate....?
>old Star Hero

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This is a long shot, but does anyone happen to have rules scans of any of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes wargames by Tsukuda Hobby?
They seem interesting, but not necessarily $300 - $500 interesting.
feed the scans from the nip github through a machine translator
Humbling requesting for anyone got a copy of the Imperial Legiones: Devastation of Tallarn rulebook?
It's Middle Dutch anon, not the modern language. That's why your translation attempts won't work.
Over War: The Night Comes Down
Black Rainbow
Shadow Ops by Divine Madness Press
Raven - A Gothic Horror Roleplaying Game
Violent Delights
Dragon Fighters: Advanced Musha Shugyo
I can't find the address for the monthly gofile (vol 1). Is it in DA and I'm blind and retarded?
Done, thanks. Now that it is up to date I can share it.

Link for the PF2e Trove for Foundry files is: r3br@nd<dot>ly /PF2eFoundry
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Looking for Rivers and Lakes by wym lawson.
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Requesting bunch of Mothership RPG:
Player’s Survival Guide (1e)
Warden’s Operation Manual
Unconfirmed Contact Reports
Shipbreaker’s Toolkit
Another Bug Hunt Introductory Module
It's a famous Middle-dutch poem 'sotte amoureusheyt' ("madly in love")
There are some things missing in the SDL SotDL Trove for shadow of the demon lord. Anyone got the files?

SotDL Day of Drudge,
Journeys in Shadow,
Finduell Emporium
Forest of Hooks
Feast in Grünheide
Pare the Flesh

Also looking for not sotdl stuff:
The Monster Overhaul
The Tomb of Black Sand

Can't find those two so far
The modiphius 2d20 anonfiles link in the archive is dead. Is there an alternative that I might've missed? Looking for Infinity 2d20 stuff, to be exact.
Requesting Deathmatch Island
Kindly requesting Creatures of Near Kingdoms
Requesting The Wigmaker's Fingers
Requesting Stirring the Hornet's Nest at Het Thamsya
Requesting The Curse of Mizzling Grove
Long shot, but am looking for an out of print and license-expired adventure for Traveller:

'Gateway Domain Campaign Adventure 1: Homecoming'

By Avenger Enterprises. Not in /Traveller or in The Trove (unless I missed it).

Thanks in advance!
Was there any update on Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt? Anyone have newest one?
its not on the trove :(
I've been looking for a VTT map trove for a long long time if anyone has something similar I would be grateful, The ones in the archive are mostly PDFS
>KoW Red & CoK 2024
SS /filegroup/rG6BfZYLTk8zY6thEW4CGQ
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requesting Clash of Steel
>Coldheart Canyon
Thanks to the anon who put His Majesty the Worm up on NV.
Yo, would you happen to have the Lunar Way and the 2nd edition of the Glorantha Sourcebook? Would appreciate it if you do!
Anon delivers!
check the trove thats hostile
I feel like I definitely uploaded some of those to SDL but whatever isn't there I'll upload if it's put somewhere.
if you didn't know, It is pay what you want on DriveThru
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Requesting StokerVerse.
Actually, cancel that. Found it already.
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can someone help me find pic related?

time spend for search on internet!?! i guess 0 second... just google it...
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funky Retro Space Opera sounds like just the thing
What? Half the troves fit that description ....
Here's what I have. Enjoy.
Uf1l3<dot>io /f/49faf
Is there a trove for Gaia Complex? It doesn't seem to be in the cyberpunk one.
The pdf says "core rulebook, setting book, referee's screen, and a few more" but the only things in it are HOSTILE Core & Setting. Everything else is gone.
Requesting Geist the Sin Eater 2e non-advanced version.

Basically what I'd like is an erratad version with proper page numbers, no fake merits like Council of Faith, etc.
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...okay anons, I have a curious request related to Steve Jackson's Car Wars. I would be enormously grateful if anyone could share the following:
- CARnage .STL filepack
- Car Wars Arena Book (#SJG30-7131)

(please note that this is specifically Arena Book; not Car Wars Classic Arenas 1 or 2, or Car Wars Arenas (#SJG30-7155))

Thank you in advance. May your seed be fruitful in the belly of your woman. Oh, and before some extremely helpful soul suggests I look in the usual place; believe me, I have, and while it's a lovely little trove it could use some more fat on it's bones.
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Also, a massive THANK YOU to the guy, gal, or non-binary pal that shared the issues of Autoduel Quarterly last thread.

Who's awesome? You're awesome!
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Is there a still actives troves for the 100 Questen Gesellschaft E.V. rollengames?
There is already a red card to the license holdings for the German translations & publishers for the d100 products, which ceases at the ends of year 2024.
If you have a copy to the games, it is being greatly appreciative.
Thank you.
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Not really /tg/ but I'm looking for Gwelf: The survival guide and Into the Hinterlands by Larry Macdougall
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>Larry Macdougall
>Not really /tg/
Check out the Infinity General
Homecoming: https://ufile.io/0e4vfqq1
Looking for The Comae Engine and TREY
Wow, thank you! Could not find this anywhere - the trove keeper may also want to add it to the collection.

Much appreciated.
Glad you liked them!
I thought I had all of the Car Wars classic stuff, but I'm missing SJG30-7131 too, so if any kind anon has it, I'd be glad of a copy!
NTA Thank you. Any chance you have the out of Print book Project Steel? Same system, same publisher.
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Kindly request Triangle Agency 1.02. It was updated a week or so back.


Thanks in advance.
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Newbie retard here, what's NV? Reading the FAQ I don't see something that could stand in for that acronym, and I checked Da Archive just in case and didn't see anything that stood out there either. Am I just blind?
Looking for PF2e remastered PHB....not seeing it in the two PF2e troves I know.....any help?

Ummm...where do we keep Dungeons and Dragons 3ed stuff? Faq has osr up to 2, and 4 and 5, but...
Ah, didn't think to check for links in the previous thread, thanks anon!
Unfortunately not, sorry.
In the M-Space folder where all the Mythras stuff is.

Evidently, you never bothered to look.
The OP documents are more useful than a beggar waiting to be spoonfed. But hey, at least you got spoonfed. There's always someone almost as lazy as yourself if you wait long enough.
1) go to 4plebs
2) search for posts by a legend named "Mageguru"
3) ?????
>Grand Wizard Everyone Likes to Fuck
Savage Worlds - Science Fiction Companion for SWADE
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Is it possible to get ahold of Worldographer or Hexkit? I can't seem to find any of them.
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Couldn't find it in the troves so if anyone has the Nightfall games Terminator pdfs that's be great
Requesting The Black Hand: playing the Sabbat - the chained heart edition
You are awesome, but mage's repo doesn't work for me anymore: "The "documentType" parameter for the config object is invalid. Please correct it." pops up every time I try to download anything.
Y0u(r) fll3
>The Comae Engine and TREY

ss /filegroup
That's because there is no such thing. The title of the revised book for players is Player Core.
aww... I missed Gimboid.

I feel so tongue-tied.

(should have posted an Ace Rimmer pic, file was corrupted)
Looking for the various pdfs from the Infiniverse Exchange https://www.drivethrurpg.com/cc/15/Infiniverse
Theyre not in the Torg troves.
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>It comes out tomorrow and fingers crossed pdfs go out same day.
my understanding is that's pdfs going out to those who pre-ordered the physical book, and that a general pdf release is Aug 1. Seconding
Is O-S-Rchive down for anybody else?
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requesting FTL Nomad
Yup. Down for me.
Both from the link I had bookmarked and a new link in their doc.
Anyone have the most recent Heavy Gear 2E pdfs? They remastered them.


Good place to check for most things sci-fi.
I'm pretty sure there's some people with the Starfinder 2e Playtest (I seen a few mentions of people having it in the discord) so its appreciated if someone shares it.

Also the Tian Xia Character Guide too.
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Requesting the four against darkness collection

The link in the annex has expired and the link in the solo rpg thread leads to a defunct site
>Check IRC.
>every time I try to download anything
Every time that you try to *click* anything. Use the check boxes to the left of what you want to download and then "... Actions" -> " Download" in the toolbar at the top of the page.
much thanks
Ugh, I'm getting the same error. It's not just you. Let me try something else ...3rd edition, you say? ...okay hacker, crack the code.

Does anyone have the Metacreator Realms of Power Divine expansion for Ars Magica 5th Edition? I've been able to find all the rest of the ArM5 Metacreator stuff but not this one, not even available for purchase anymore
looking for Scion 2e God pdf
>Scion 2e God

Requesting Wilderfeast from Horrible Guild please. Tanks !
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Does anyone happen to have these Federation Commander reference books?

Tactics Manual
Briefing #2
Scenario Log #2

I haven’t been able to find them in any collection so far.
That worked, thanks so much for your help and wisdom! And thank you for correcting my terminology.

Wow! That worked too - thank you very much. I'm a super hacker now.
You're welcome. Remember - if they expect hi-tech, go crude; if they expect crude, go hi-tech.
The two new Star Trek books in the newvola aren't the new 2e. Could we please get the 2e and game masters kit uploaded instead.
Request Hunter the Reckoning H5 Storyteller Screen

Requesting Heinrich's Call of Cthulhu Guide to Character Creation
Anyone have any of the shadow of the weird wizard adventures?
Seconding this.
>mage's repo doesn't work
Worked for me just now.
Worked for me just now.

These nextcloud services are not perfect, between server updates, high traffic, many such things etc can effect whether you get in or not.
tldr Maybe wait a bit on these things before panicking.
Request Tyranny of Dragons: Reloaded

Thanks anon
Both of my guesses turned up empty, was there ever anything there?
Ji-rai under the publisher
You're Welcome

I wish I could get the OSR trove to load, it gets to the landing page OK — then it only goes to page not found.
It would be nice to get Coldheart Canyon.

captcha: XSXXS
It's slow and times out during peak hours, especially when Bytee uploads new stuff because a few dozen people try to dl the whole thing, every time. Give it a try when most of us Murikens are sleeping.
Looking for Cortical NPC or Sundered Isles.
Where do I find NV?
The friends you made along the way.
Maybe...it's really impossible to tell. The thing about file.io is that it takes "temporary" file hosting to the extreme. They delete the file after the first successful download.
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99 KB
I'll do that.

Even though it was doing the same thing late last night when most of us were sleeping.

Sometimes I feel about as unlucky/unlikely as an AI trying to make a good portrait of the Three Stooges.
Nyuk...Nyuk...Nyuk — Coitenly.
I have a pdf copy of vermis II.
If someone has vermin I, i'm willing to share.
bumping this with a cool image of vermis
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70 KB
>The friends you made along the way.
Cool, now I'm having a Shrek musical interlude... : )

>They delete the file after the first successful download.
Well, that's one way of slowing down filesharing.
And now I'm having a Groucho Marx musical interlude... : )

>Nyuk...Nyuk...Nyuk — Coitenly.
That was using the prompt of Larry, Moe, and Curly (sorry, no Shemp or Curly Joe). I'm almost afraid to try the Marx Brothers now, thinking they might come out as strange mutant clones of someone completely unexpected.

Though Sylvester Stallone as Jon Pertwee's elegant Dr Who turned out as a pleasant surprise.
>worked for me
You don't have good reading comprehension, do you anon?
One of those altered how it works at some point in the last 6 months, and the other is always twitchy.
Maybe read with a bit more comprehension before answering.
Please please please stop inflicting your AI garbage on us.
And try to stay on-topic.

you can upload requests and CLEANED files at /newVolaDrop

they will appear in /newVola after a few hours

these are rebrand links

if you upload many files at once, please put them in a zip

If you find a dirty file, please upload a txt file with the relevant info and I will remove it as soon as possible

Looking for another rarity, probably as rare as "Beaumains" : the first issue of the "HellRider" Fanzine dedicated to Amber DRPG (i bought and scanned the two other issues a couple of decades ago, but never got the chance to put my hands on the first one).
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Can you please post Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Settler's Guide Book. and
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Wanderer's Guide Book
Fistful of Lead Reloaded,
and Fantasy Collection for the same system.
>always twitchy
To be fair, /o-s-rchive was twitchy in the beginning, then was fine, and only recently it's twitchy again. In all that time, I've kept the warning on the landing page just in case, so people don't freak when they get time-outs. What's that about reading comprehension?
Regardless, I fired off another email to support. It loaded fine a few minutes after that. Than timed out just before I typed this. So, all this is to say its probably related to how many people are there and how much they're trying to grab.
If the Rchive is ever going to be down indefinitely, you can be sure I will post here about it.
No reason to complain about it, make reports, or get your knickers in a twist.
Thanks anon!
Definitely gonna give this a read and try this out. If I like it I'll buy the physical books.
Thanks. Wouldn't have thought to check the scifi trove for it.
Look, man: you are a titan here.
But OSRchive is absolutely well-known for its twitchiness, so much so that you yourself have to compensate for it in multiple ways.
To prove my point, OSRchive failed for you, the owner, right after you 'fixed' it...
I do feel for you. You are contributing hugely to this thing of ours. Your archive is second to none in historical value: it is precious beyond belief, the living link to the very beginnings of our beloved hobby, full of long-lost forgotten treasures that must never ever fall to oblivion.
We understand.
We are with you.
It's quite possible that some OSR kluge is fucking with your shit in a fit of impotent rage, constantly downloading everything. It's quite possible that the entire OSR scene is full of fagets who can't be assed to respect your trove.

We know you take a lot of needless abuse. Hell, you're paying real money to suffer the abuse. That's what makes you great!

Please remember, tho: anyone in here who is actually reading your posts is probably not part of the problem: they were simply pointing out and confirming the problem.
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it just came out a couple days ago, but anyone buy His Majesty, the Worm yet?
Requesting a copy of Deep Reaver Con, which went out to Brindlewood Bay kickstarter backers this month.
It's on NewVola
hell yeah thank you
Thanks, anon. Will do.
Requesting a bunch of stuff from MonkeyDM. Tried ctrl+F in the repo but nothing came up
>Northern Lights Compendium
>secrets of gravity magic
>tome of vile corruption
>horrors of the blighted woods
>tome of twilight
>guide to the abyssal depths
>steinhardt's guide to the eldritch hunt
Most up to date version, not fully released yet but I know it's floating around somewhere
If you'd bothered to read the OP, you'd have seen this:
>>STEP 0:
>><----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
>>It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

So, yeah....we know.
Anyone able to point me to where I can find the Whitehack books? I tried searching the osr archive directory but did not get any matches.
Anon, NV is not in Da FAQ, and isn't listed in Da Documents, you have to CTRL-F the thread for NewVola
Thanks !!!
>isn't listed in Da Documents
NTA. Don't lie, and don't respond.
Hey, anyone have or know of where I can get any of the Paizo Dungeon Magazine pdfs? I'm missing issues from 2003-2006. I know there are scans, not looking for those.
Are you sure those even exist as OEFs, ie. "not scans"? Post a source.
They were once sold on Paizo's site as pdfs, so they exist, it's just whether or not anyone bought them or has them to put up.
>sold on Paizo's site as pdfs
As OEF PDFs or as OCRd scans? Post a source.
As OEFs. I've bought a couple from them in the past, before they stopped selling them.
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Requesting Return of the Tripods by Abbynormalmedia

It's osr adjacent. Having read the OP you'll know where to find that trove.
What issues are you looking for?
>Da Documents
Anon, there are 3 documents, you can CTRL-F them to find the one with NewVola very, very easily.
Specifically? 104-121, 123, 131, 132, 136, 137 and 139.
>As OEFs
Post a source. A forum post, anything. Everything I see points to OCRd scans.
How can I do that, when the only information I have is their site and the few direct pdfs I've bought from them myself? Going on the information of the like, five I bought, which are OEFs, I'd assume all of the others they offered were the same, not crappy scans.
Thanks for finally letting us know not to waste our time.
That's a shitty response. Do you want me to upload the ones I have somewhere so you "can see yourself"? What? Not like I can give you a link or anything outside of what I've presented.
Does anyone have Band of Blades sheets that are fillable?
Why, anon? Why must you so blatantly lie?
Did you want everyone to know that you didn't actually bother to read da documents?
Because we all know.....

Oh, lookee here.....>>93434510
erm, don't respond to trolls who don't know shit. Is this your first day?
Here are the Dungeon magazines you're looking for: https://gofile.io/d/6PP70J
Fallout RPG - Map Pack 02 - Wasteland Locales. Only just dropped for PDF today, putting it on the radar.
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Physical copy of The Hunt has arrived.

I'll scan it over the weekend.
Awesome. I wait with anticipation.
sorry newfag, where am I going with this?
Sadly the Talisman Adventures link has expired.
Does anyone by chance have the books?
You as in the letter not the word before the file like in the list of sites in the document attached at the first post of the thread. The Your is just wordplay and obfuscation. I just like wordplay
>Talisman Adventures

SS /filegroup/qpuMF9K0GcBiZx2s3Vb%2FWs2kk1uS%2FzsX%2FF2ztoeynHKqBHxazOLmXvslgH4iDziftSA%2Bs9zWXIdGTLU76XxbFBpqTZILBAhtmnfXHIxqzJTfASUBhC7dDA
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I have this. I also have a flatbed scanner. I've never uploaded a scan of anything before, so walk me through the process (preferred resolution, etc.). If nothing else, I can send high-resolution images in whatever format is preferred to someone who can turn them into a nice pdf.

I don't have any other issues of Hellrider, unfortunately; any chance you could post your scans at some point? IIRC, there was another fanzine that ran for six or so issues as well (not Amberzine). "Trump Call" maybe, or something similar. Would love to get hold of those too.
Different anon here, any chance you could toss a zip of everything you've got on gofile? I'd like to compare them to the archive.org versions.
Holy crap! Thank you so very much! I'd honestly given up hope, and posting here was my last ditch effort, really.
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Question: how does one CLEAN a file?

Because I'll do it for mine.
Hate asking, but did they make a OEF of #138 as well?
c >>93407050 and following replies
Anyone got Interface RED volume 2?
$0vl3t 5puTn1k
Aw man. Boomer code. Respect.
Issues 91, 138, and 140-150 are also in need of OEF updating, thank you
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1.19 MB GIF
I genuinely thought "sovietsputnik" was a fucking website. cheers.
From what I understand, #139 was the last of the Paizo OEF pdfs.
Looking for Frog God's "Heart of St. Bathus". Either OSE or 5E, doesn't much matter, I can do the conversions myself.
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Requesting the following. Even if you only have one of them it helps! Sorry for the little dump incoming.
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2.35 MB PNG
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1.85 MB PNG
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1.13 MB PNG
Combine them in MSpaint Dummkopf
Sorry. I'll do better next time.
"Trump Call" indeed.was an american zine.
Hellrider was England originated IIRC.
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Requesting Flying Circus, primary books.


Also f me its been a while since i've done this.
Well, fuck me, they seem trustworthy.

Let's try again


btw, my "dynamic" ip from local provider was somehow banned on 4chan in 2020(!), any way to mitigate this?
You can go on IRC and appeal the ban. If your ISP uses dynamic IPs it should be a pretty straightforward thing to get an old permaban removed
Irfanview allows you to paste images "to the side" of other images, which makes for good looking collages of titles.
Also, resize, rotate, crop.
It's a highly useful free program.

Learn It!
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14 KB
The intertubes must be full of raccoons again.

They get into everything.
I have a masters degree in photoshop, I just didn't give a fuck.

You're a moron.
Working on my end...
that's weird
all I get is the 404 message
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Looking for Tendencies: Spirits and Glamour with playbooks.


Thanks in advance.
Does anyone have Trinity Continuum: Aether yet?

Hey. I've uploaded the two others HellRider issues this morning in NV (they are already available).

I'd happily post-process your scans to generate the .PDF, if you can just upload somewhere the images, it would be appreciated.

Regarding the scanning options, a few recommandations (YMMV) :
- save with a non-destructive format (.TIFF, .PNG, ...) and not in .JPG (to allow post-processing, if needed)
- scan with higher resolution, like >= 300dpi (i'm using 600dpi)
- adjust, if possible, the black/white points in your scanner software settings (for white areas to be pure white and black area to be real dark, once scanned)
- better results are obtained when the source is clean (= be sure the glass of the scanner is clean before the 1st scan, try to have pages "correctly oriented", ...)
- for something like Hellrider, switch to "grayscale" scan (no need for color)
- if you scanner software is too akward (sometimes, they are...) "VueScan" can be an option as an alternative (commercial software, but easily foundable)
- don't activate too much options (like descreen, Sharpen, Grain Reduction, ...) / or make a couple of tests before in order to be sure the results are adequate (with VueScan i just keep "Flatten : Auto", most of the time, for ex.)

(don't be scared by the list... HellRider pages should anyway be easy to scan, being clean B&W pages)

I'd also love to be able to read the "Trump Calls" zine, also dedicated to Amber DRPG. There was also "Shadow Eclipse".
All this is damn hard to find, even on ebay over the years...
note - most of the generic stuff (post AH, before the current version) is in the HQ folder - the Guide, AAA, KoS, G.Sourcebook (old version), Voices, etc.
I'll see if I can get to a scanner.
I think I should still have a couple Trump Call somewhere (and normally -had completely forgottent it- an issue of Shadow Eclipse -not sure if there had been more-).
Where can I find /Ji-Ral?
Kindly Requesting Your Life: Random Fantasy Character Backgrounds,thanks in advance

It would also be definitely appreciated, regarding Trump Call / Shadow Eclipse ;)

As far as i know, three issues of "Shadow Eclipse" have been published at the time

I've sent a small .PDF (13 pages) about this to NV, but not sure if there is something more complete than this one
Humbly requesting the STA 2e material.
Requesting Anthology of Heroes, by Taron Pounds, please.


This didn't work for me. What am I missing?
Folder appears to be missing now. Must be past the expiration date. gofile only keeps uploads available for a short period if you're not a premium user.
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Looking for Alice is Missing's expansion Silent Falls.
Requesting Over War: The Night Comes Down - MONARCH EDITION
I'd add to that:
Put a matt-black piece of card behind each page as you scan it - it will give you cleaner scans, stop back-shadowing, & make post-work easier.
Requesting L5R THIRD EDITION Emerald Empire.


The stupid is strong in this one.
took the leet speek out of the rebrand link, put in yours at the end, 404. Did i do something wrong?
For the Nu-OSR (Nutana), what's the decryption key? it doesn't say anywhere in the FAQ
Make sure that you typed in the redirect exactly as written. There is a subtle spelling change which you may have skipped unconsciously.

Use the redirect, moron.
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1.32 MB PNG

Also, as there are some exchanges about Amber today, there is now in NV the "Black Road" first issue.
OSR is down?
It's not loading
Anyone have Company of the Dragon for Runequest?
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Anybody got a copy of the newest Heavy Gear 4e rulebook (from June?)
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Here are a few examples.

(cant post them because the system thinks my post is spam. why even live)

I've tried several variations. Removing ly and putting in com. Sometimes i get the rebrand site, page not found.

Maybe i just suck. Sorry to keep asking for help.
Not him, but piss off, tourist.
Reread the posts you've responded to again.
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I must have been mistyping something, because it just worked. Thank you!

-Wipeout of Reasons
Hellrider_01 anon here;

No worries re: details, I've been scanning stuff since the 90's, I just wanted to make sure I got it right for an archival pdf that will hopefully be circulated indefinitely (I've been away from rpgs for over 20 years, so this will be my first rpg-related scan).

Small complication: The scanner I'm currently using is decent enough, but it was originally only supposed to work with Windows XP. I could never get working under W10, but it's worked with Linux/SANE just fine for several years. Unfortunately, the cooling fan on the Linux laptop I'm using just died. Fortunately, pulling the fan and cleaning it usually works, but if it doesn't, I've got a couple of spares.

tldr: I won't be able to scan the zine tonight, but I should be able to do it over the weekend. Apologies for the delay.
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Wow, you guys are all doing it right!
The Anon Brigade rocks!

Buh bye Awesome Thred!
Hellrider_01 anon here:

Yep, I've got a bunch of cards I used to use to "tune" cameras for B&W/infrared work when film photography was still a thing that I've repurposed.

For workflow, I was thinking tiff, 1200 dpi (could go up to 3000 if wanted for some reason), and I'll compare plain B&W (2bit) vs 16 & 256 grayscale to see which looks best.

Also, since this thread is about to expire, I'll definitely be lurking in upcoming threads & post my follow-ups there.
Humbly requesting Transformers Enigma of Combination, if it's available. I tried checking the two anime rpg troves for it but they both appear to have been taken down. Thank you in advance for whoever helps. Have a lovely day one and all~

Uploaded in NV (but it was there some weeks ago)
90 g37 ur flI3
Check /Essence20
Isn't that a rebrandly link, anon?
anyone have the new star trek 2.0 and gamemaster PDF's? The ones in NewV are 1.0 :(
You may be having a good time, but you just posted gobbledygook that few will understand.
That doesn't help us or really accomplish what we're trying to do in this thread.
Are you trying to be helpful, or trying to be a troll?
was it supposed to be like this?
compared to what? This:
Go get your file is pretty easy to guess.
You guessed it but don't post the link unless you want the file to disappear again due to takedown, leave it so others who want it can find it too.
Requesting “Magisk Tjej“ for Mork Borg. Thank ye
>pretty easy to guess
It's adorable that you think so, newfriend.
Sadly, that is not in fact the case in the real world.

I'm surprised you haven't noticed the general level of retardation out there, desu. Especially given all of the flak you keep getting. I guess you like learning in your own time...
Looking for Songs of Our Ancestors by Zombiesmith games.
They did not. :(
Thanks Posterbro, really enjoying these.

You Rock.
I've posted it a few times already.
I can do it again.
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There's still more. Stay tuned.
But the end is coming soon.
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Requesting Starfinder #46: The Perfect Storm
>how to scan good
NTA. Thanks for this.
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>But the end is coming soon.

I don't want to miss the end.
Yeah just post those links openly, do the work for the copyright bots!
gofile is temporary, dumb ass.
I haven't been able to load the O-S-Rchive for a good while now. Tried multiple times over several weeks, no luck.
It is temporary but for maybe as long as it's up maybe leave it so people can get it in case many people come in looking for the same thing. So it doesn't have to be uploaded and shared again at least for a while. It's like the old wisdom Be kind, rewind.

If you can't get it to load, it's usually because there are a lot of people all trying to do the same. Change up the times you attempt to access it.
How long do Gofile Ufile and Sendspace usually keep a file up now?
I usually post/repost something when it's requested in a new thread (in case they don't look in the thread archive, or the link normally expires).

If you use a service, it behooves you to understand that service yourself.

I think I'm seeing your problem, gofileanon.

Files uploaded to SendSpace expire thirty (30) days after their most recent download. So if a file has been up for 29 days and gets downloaded, it stays up for another 30 days, and so on, and so on.

(from Kobold Press):

-Book of Hexcrawl: Part One
-Book of Hexcrawl: Part 2
-Book of Hexcrawl: Part 3: Mapping
-Book of Hexcrawl Part 4: Factions
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Requesting Milano/Milan By Night.
Thank you.
I remember there used to be a trove for general magazines like KODT, but I'm dumb and can't find it anywhere in the archives. Any help?
Have you checked those listed in the Share Thread documents?
Have you checked IRC?
Are you aware that repositories aren't set up for years-long archiving and we are all lucky when they do last a while?
JFC insufferable stupidity. Do you really require your Mom to mark your shoes with "TGIF" to remind you that Toes Go In First?
But the moment has been prepared for.

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