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It's the Character Art Thread!
Post all your favorite pictures of cool awesome characters.
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern - post them all!
Know some cool spots to find awesome art? Share it! We need to build a nice trove of good art that we can share here in the OP.
And be excellent as always!

Thread theme: Dungeon Delving
Last Thread: >>93365224
There's already an AIslop thread up, anon. That's where character art gets posted now.
Last thread reached 150 image replies
We prefer real art here.
Not all bad art is AI made, anon. And Fröhlich is very much a human
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The guy in the OP was drawing like this back in 2020, so no, it's just the classic plastic doll gloss, not AI. I actually feel bad for people doing the whole "shiny photorealistic faces on half-traced everything else" artstyle that got popular circa late 10s. Because that's the default the AI is generating when not doing anime, while their reception went from "ok, this is uncanny" to "REEEE! AI!"
It should be assumed that ALL art is AI unless it can be conclusively proven that it is not.
Stop arguing and post art
Like I've said, guy's been active and made bunch of live streams long before AI art. Not defending, just pointing how paranoid everyone got over the past year (thanks, Obama)
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Sure, why not
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... and let's conclude with a classic
Just use your eyes and don't be retarded. Non-spastics can tell at a glance that OP isn't AI
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i wonder if this is a earlier version of pic related that got repainted?
Must be - he did a lot of repaints.
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I just like Frostgrave art so much.
AI art isn't that good yet. The vast majority of them can be recognized from a glance. I've seen enough slop to even be able to hazard which program it was genned from.
I can see where people might've initially gotten AI vibes from OP pic, because of how sharply rendered the face is compared to the rest of the body and background, which often happens when people apply AI face filters to drawn character images. But you can very easily see that the brushstrokes were made "by hand", as opposed to how AI simulates brushstrokes.
luv me magic grans
luv me aging men with swords
simple as
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Requesting character art of guys with monkey pets/familiars
Couldn't find any in my collection, sorry man.
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can i have a few assassin elves?
Is this a Souls boss?
I know this was recently shared, but it's about the closest I got.
Yes, the Nameless King.
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Here's a half-elf one
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You don't think she's kind of cute?
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>Nameless King
>has the name Nameless King
he didn't really think that one through, did he
It's more of a sobriquet, really.
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Can I have some character art with these vibes?
I've having a bitch of a time finding good art to represent my shortfolk. I merged ratmen and halflings. Trying to find something not super animal heavy, but still noticeable. Anything helps.
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Is he good at lute?
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Anyone have something roughly equivalent (monk or monk-like) for a warhammer ogre/ogryn?
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