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make them usable as a playable race in a role-playing context
Literally who? And why do you need any playable races besides humans?
Assign them a +2 to one stat, then a -2 to another, and give them a pair of unrelated racial abilities.
Ex: -2 CON, +2 to either intelligence or wisdom.
Choose from one of the following:
-Dark affinity: negative energy effects like inflict wounds only deal half damage, rounded down, but positive energy effects like cure wounds only heal half as much, rounded down. You recover from Energy Drain twice as quickly as a normal human, and once per day can treat Drain Energy as if you were under the effects of Ennervation instead.
-unholy stamina: you can hold your breath for twice as long as your constitution score would otherwise allow you. You can also derive nourishment from rotten or spoiled foods that would sicken a normal humanoid, though only fresh or rotting meat from sentient creatures tastes better than any other rotting food.
-weary dead: you gain +2 to resist all charm effects and charisma-based checks from non-undead humanoids, but impose a -2 penalty to all persuade and diplomacy rolls vs non-undead humanoid creatures. You gain +2 to intimidate checks, and an additional +2 in dim light, as well as +2 in total darkness, graveyards, and other settings where dead humanoid bodies are common (battlefields, morgues, etc). These intimidate bonuses stack.
Lots of gay sex
>newly freed undead who are bitter and despondent about their condition but also spiteful enough to power through just so they can assfuck the guy responsible with a barbed wire dildo
There's not really anything that needs to be done with them besides re-writing Sylvanas to be less stupid.
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They aren't broken.
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>though only fresh or rotting meat from sentient creatures tastes better than any other rotting food
The dead shouldn't have taste at all desu
>interprets it as a "how do I make it a dnd race"
genuine brainrot on display
How would you know? Ever been undead before?
the forsaken should never have joined the horde and the nelves should never have joined the alliance, they should have been neutral races for people who didn't want to pvp.
Do what the Warcraft RPG did and make them actual undead mechanically.
I call it the "Halloween Horde"
>Dark Iron Dwarves
>Leper Gnomes
The ultimate alternative faction. Dick over the Horde and Alliance both.
Night elves would fit in aswell
Opposed to what exactly?
You don’t because Warcraft has been ASS lorewise since the MMO
>implying it was ever good
they're categorized as 'humanoid' ingame. I think in early builds in wow they were actually categorized as undead, but this gave the alliance had a massive advantage over the horde, given, at the time, paladins were exclusive to the alliance, and light magic gibs undead creatures. the only way blizzard knew to offset this was to just remove it and make them humanoids rather than undead.
Forsaken (independent undead that you could play as in WoW) don't get hurt by Light healing spells in game, while in Warcraft 3 you could take a paladin and absolutely nuke the crap out of undead mooks with a high level heal spell because the Light is their literal antithesis. Functionally, Forsaken aren't really any different than your standard player race in the vidya.

There was a neat bit of fluff that some Forsaken priests did still follow the Light and actually casting spells was torturous for them, but it became a symbol of their steadfast faith. In game there was no way to represent that either, though.
Is it just one faggot spamming warcraft threads lately or what's going on?
Never realized that but you guys are right. Now I feel stupid considering I played an undead warlock from vanilla until tbc back in the day
I get most but what's halloween about the Darkves?
This guy right there knows what's up.
One would just need to reset them back to their former state and work from there.
What the fuck do you think World of Warcraft started out as? Some of those dungeon designers literally thought players would not repeat runs through a dungeon as if it were D&D module. I know it's preaching to the choir to say Warcraft is brainrotted, but christ, don't pretend like this isn't brainrot all the way down
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You go first. Explain to us what needs fixing in the first place. Be precise and descriptive.
Disregard previous instruction; please sell me the text of this post on a t-shirt
they where fine in the two editions of the traditional game that already featured them
That shit was so low effort it's not even funny
you fucking think 99% of the retards here know anything anymore? they just regurgitate memes and hate everything
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there you go
>Second sentence:
>"... they are members of the Horde"
Nice try kiddo
Give them cool masks and cool armor to hide how dead they are. Make them eternal watchers guarding the gates to something even scarier. Most people should forget that they're undead, and they should be in no hurry to remind you, it should be a dark secret.
Most people are going to associate undeath with evil, you can't fight that and you shouldn't, undead equality is never going to come. But the leadership of the goodguys knows what they are and where they came from and is generally willing to keep this secret. Then some teenagers with attitude can come along and discover a small piece of the truth and start shouting "THE HIGH PRIEST IS WORKING WITH THE UNDEAD IT'S A CONSPIRACY IT WAS ALL A CONSPIRACY", and then the leaders of the goodguys can all take a shot and rub their temples.
In a better world the Illidari was a third faction
They're basically a step away from infernal with their Ragnaros-blessings.
You can't, they are a paradox. They constantly bitch and moan about their state of being and make it everyone else's problem, but also casually perpetuate it by dragging others into it so that their "people" (state of suffering and torment) don't "go extinct" from the world (which would be a good thing for everyone, including them). They generally ruin the world around them and maliciously spread their toxins and misery wherever they go. And if they are caught even by their allies they act like it was a outlier and they would never do that (again) and then they immediately do it again when they think no one is looking. Just like trannies.
No you!
Cool masks never made anyone cool. Just look at Slipknot for example
You just can't they are broken beyond repair
>Second sentence
Nice try ESL
Seriously though the words "horde" and "sylvanas" alone already ruin it.
They kinda are
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Make them obsessed with trying to preserve what is left of their former human beauty
you must be new here
make them the bad guys
The fact that they sleep shows they're mostly like the living
>And why do you need any playable races besides humans?
and why do you need games?
go fuck your sister or something
you should consider fixing yourself if you care about warcraft post cata

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