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Shill skeleton miniatures.

>pic related
Infernal Skeletons by Diehardminiatures.
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Why do you hate the Chinese?
too much skin
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Begone skeleton!
What is he holding?
A holy symbol. You need one to turn undead.
Why would you need a holy symbol to turn undead?
Because setting lore. Also for game balance. Can't have a shield, and mace and srill turn undead.
Skeletons are fun to paint.
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>the day the party cleric lost his arm
It's like showing a crucifix to dracula
A crucifix doesn't turn you into dracula though
assuming you aren't trolling, Turn Undead is a D&Dogshit feature where clerics can turn undead away from them, like make them run away in fear, not turn into undead
Ohhhh I see ...
What's your skeleton painting process?
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Cool, I love flaming skeletons
A fidget spinner on a stick
>assuming you aren't trolling
Why would you assume that?
Good thing he has a big chainmail
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The bones are speedpaint 2.0 aged bone over white primer. About 2-3 coats of speed paint even though it's supposed to be 1 and done but I want them darker color.
The weapons/shields are a mix of acrylics, metalic, speed paint and washes.
True copper for the first coat with a dark brown wash to darken it followed by hydra skin acrylic (thinned out to the point it's a wash), after that I hit it with a dark green wash.
I'm not fully happy with the weapons and armor (the hydra skin was too thick and the green wash too thin) but I think the shields came out best.
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Any idea what this is from, anon? This sculpt is awesome.
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Heroes of Might and Magic III boardgame
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look at all those homos lol
Please put a spoiler on ai slop like that next time.
Or even better: don't post it here in the first place.
Gonna cry?
He might.
That's a lovely lich, I want it without having to nab the entire HoMM box. Maybe I'll try converting a skele.
Based skeleMonkey, skeleChad!
At least someone's posting new skeleArt instead of the same, amazing looking, 20 pieces from 1920
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also, that image "Leave The Shame Behind" by Chris Peters was made in 2007, same reused, nice looking, image for over 17 years. Not helping your case, man
I used to be ambivalent towards AI but fags like you have soured my opinion of it purely by force of your constant redditoresque behavior
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stop being such a faggot erectus or whatever you homos call yourselves these days
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Unless you stick it to your shield or mace
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Go back to your containment thread Rajesh. Everyone outside your a.i. bubble dosen't want to see it.
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Sick. Do characters like Sandro have pieces too?
Welcome to 4chan, you're going to love it here.
Sadly not that i know of

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