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I know there are still 1e, 2e, and 3.5e players out there, but does anyone still play 4e?
Alright. Thread adjourned. See you all next time.
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I can understand still playing 4e more than I can 2e
4e at least has its own distinct identity
2e is an awkward midpoint between the streamlined dungeon crawling basic/expert set and the character building/physics simulation of 3.5
I've heard lots of people praise 2e modules and settings but never heard anyone say a kind word about the rules
2e's where I got into the game, so I have a lot of nostalgia putting rose tinted goggles on me about the rules. I never played anything before it, never cared enough about 3.x and Assfinder to git gud and plan out a build like it's some fucking MMO where I need the meta build to be able to do anything.

I really liked 4e but I don't play it anymore. I wish we'd gotten a video game based off of it. Other editions had games. 4e deserved one. It could've been Icewind Dale 3. An X-Com style turn based game would've rocked.

5e's just . . . y'know, it's there. I'd rather play 2e or 4e than 5e, but I'd rather do 5e than 3.x or Assfinder.
I think 4e is an ok game, but it was just memed to oblivion
"this game is WoW but ttrpg"
2e has, by far, the best Setting Books.
There's a small pocket here who play, or at least sing the praises of, 4e.
I don't like D&D, any edition of it in fact, but I still say good on them. It's nice to hear about something other than 5e once in a while.
>never cared enough about 3.x and Assfinder to git gud and plan out a build like it's some fucking MMO where I need the meta build to be able to do anything.
Unlike 4e and PF2e it doesn't have the sort of math-checks to make it mandatory. The buildfaggotry is about being good near-enough everywhere or thoroughly evaporating a given area, preferably both, but you'll function well enough with very modest non-tard behavior.
And the worst adventures
I have been reading some in order to convert them to other systems but they're all so fucking lame. Admittedly with how long its run was, there's a shitton of material but almost nothing useful
I am currently 8 sessions in DMing a low-level campaign with 3 PCs.
Shit's pretty cool with mature players, with balance between role- and roll-play.
I never understood who those were published for when it came to 2E.
My group is probably a week or three from wrapping up a 4e campaign that has been going on for roughly a year. It's been a lot of fun. I've been playing very mobile striker in a party that's 3 strikers and a controller which has resulted in fights not getting too bogged down. We've tried playing before with less aggressive parties and I certainly found that it could become a slog to get through fights but this has been working.
This is untrue and you can easily blow up a build with innocuous choices.
I'd love to try 4e one of these days.
My favorite is, and probably will always be, 3.5e (my beloved) but 4e sounds like a fun, if different, experience.
I'd also like to try Shadow of the Demon Lord (or the wizard version) and World without Numbers.
Who know, maybe someday.
I still play it. My Eladrin Warlord Sir Pulerios just turned level 8 last month.
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I'm gearing up for a fresh 4e game with my group after not playing it for a few years and I'm excited.
I love the system, but a mixture of age and popularity is bad for accessibility and because it's a system popular with cultured men and women of taste instead of boomers and impressionable hipsters, its presence in the tabletop roleplaying scene will always be muted no matter what as the people who play it will be playing it and not looking for validation online.
Are you stupid? You couldn't google it?
I found 4e a bit gruelling, felt like things had a lot of HP and abilities that tended to slow the game down quite a bit.
That is absolutely true. The hit points on a lot of early monsters were really too high and needed to be lower. I'm told some of the later monsters had better numbers, but I don't know how true that is.
My favorite ruleset to use is 4e for combat and skills, osr for everything else.
I change a lot about how magic items and rituals work though.
4e is the best edition of DnD, so we've never stopped.
The answer is always "yes" there are people out there playing ANYTHING, and have a dedicated group towards it.

Is there any significant number of people playing 4e? No. There really isnt't.
Even here on the chan you see a 4e general thread once every... 2-3 weeks. Usually lasts a 5-7 days Rarely reaches bump limit, then fades. New thread doesn't appear for another 2-3 weeks. Sometimes a full month, but not often.

5e? Gets x2 a week. Or more sometimes!
OSR, 2e, 1e. Similiar they have multiple threads.
Pathfinder&Piazo? Also twice a week, but less common than the others. more like once every 6-7 days, but a new one continuously.
We even have a separate fucking 3.5e thread? usually bumps once every 1.5 week thread, but rarely is there ever not an active one.
4e objectively has fewer players right now than 5e. Nobody with any amount of sanity is disputing that. But trying to predict greater industry trends by guessing at the activity of this has-been shitpost-infested backwater website is genuinely deluded. This place hasn't been relevant in a very, very long time.
I never got deep into it, but the most common complaint I've seen about high level long term play is that optimized builds end up with reactions to reactions to reactions to reactions to reactions to reactions to... etc.
That's wrong and you need to stop lying to people.
Other only is 3/.5 a game with deliberately bad choices added in to punish players (Timmy choices were a deliberate design decision), and not only is it a game where individual class features are stronger than other classes, it was also the game that really started minmaxing as a phenomenon.
Yes. I love it
Yeah, some classes are worse for it - defenders in particular seem to run off of reactions.
I probably shouldn't post here because I haven't ACTUALLY played 4e in like 8 years, but I love using it for weird homebrews and I've never really stopped, I've used it for Zelda in the past and I plan on doing TMNT in the near future.
Raph is a defender who leans towards controller, he's the best at sweeping large groups of weak enemies in close formation, but he's also the best anvil who can take a hit from a strong enemy and possibly debuff that enemy.
Leo is a striker leaning towards leader, he has the highest peak damage when he's fully committed and he can also buff the whole party for an all-out assault, but his general role is more of a support role with accuracy and mobility.
Don is a leader leading towards defender, he's mostly a support character and it's his job (along with Leo) to focus on the macro-game and make sure the party functions, but his secondary role is to control and defend the zone around him with reach-attacks and staff-spinning-defense moves.
Mike is a controller leaning towards striker, he has the highest mobility and is the main objective-getter (save an innocent, grab a mcguffin, push a hard-to-reach button), but he has a secondary role of high-risk attacks which might let him kill or debuff a powerful enemy. Either way he needs the other turtles for support, and that's the idea, everyone has to worry about Mikey.
I love it, good luck with your game
Sounds like fun!
Charops even by that name started with 3.0e so you don't know what you're talking about.

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