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Let's say there is a certain rogue chapter of the Raven Guard that lacked its own gene-seed and supplies from Terra to replenish its numbers. So one day, they decided to hunt the Night Lords, whose gene-seed is similar enough to theirs and rarely tainted by the Warp, in order to extract their progenoids and use them for themselves. The problem of numbers was indeed solved, and for many centuries, the chapter has faithfully served the Imperium. However, part of its Astartes are the children of Curze.

How quickly would the Inquisition discover this heresy and accuse the chapter of Hereticus Diabolus Extremis?
Anything between instantly or never.
Depends on the story you want to tell, so >>93411168 is right
As long as they have enough DA geneseed left to meet each tithe (or cook their books convincingly enough) then they should get away with it forever
>and rarely tainted by the Warp
They're chaos worshipers. All legions in the chaos space marine codex are chaos worshipers.
>How quickly would the Inquisition discover this heresy
As long as they can make sure the tithe is only RG seed, theoretically they might never find out.
>accuse the chapter of Hereticus Diabolus Extremis?
Instantly. Kill them all.
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They would be exterminated, each chapter has to send a tithe of gene-seed, the tithe is reviewed and if any serious defects are found, it is reported to the high lords of Terra and they send the minotaurs to eliminate them.

If that chapter does not send the tithe, it will be declared a heretic or traitor chapter and will be eliminated, taxes are a serious matter in the empire.
It won't be mutated or corrupted. Average normal geneseed. Just from the wrong Primarch.
Chaos worshipers geneseed, totally corrupted.
The use of traitor gene-seed is prohibited (unless you are Guilliman or a high lord of Terra)
I mean, there are a lot of chapters of an unknown line. Seems like the imperial tech could identify mutations but not the geneseed origin.
Ah yes, the Minotaurs...an Iron Warrior derived chapter
Plus, there are most likely a certain number of loyal astartes from the traitor legions who nowadays serve withing the loyalist legions. The presence of the Iron Warriors withing the Ultramarines and the Emperor's Children withing the Iron Fists is almost confirmed.
> and rarely tainted by the Warp
Good joke
>How quickly would the Inquisition discover this heresy
The Dark Angels got away with secretly murdering Inquisitors for 10,000 years and the Space Wolves got away with openly murdering them, but the Celestial Lions got wiped out for filing a complaint ticket about the Inquisition, it's all arbitrary and random like everything else in 40k government
In fact, they have the technology to identify the gene-seed, those unknown gene-seed chapters were created to satisfy the demand of space marine, they were created with traitor gene-seed or chimera gene-seed, but only by order of the high lords of Terra and Guilliman, only they know and they keep it hidden so as not to have problems with the inquisition.
any other chapter that uses traitor gene-seed without the knowledge of guilliman or the high lords of Terra is legally traitor.
oh anon, i think you know too much...knowledge is dangerous.
They don't care which primarch the geneseed comes from, as long as it remains pure from the more malignant mutations, there's tons of chapters that can't trace ther genesead to any primarch, loyal or traitor alike

There's some Geneseed descended from 'Nurgle is my Sugar Daddy' Mortarion that's pure as the driven snow and uncorrupted, because it descends through former Death Guard who broke with their legion to stay loyal to the Emperor. There's also Geneseed around descending from 'Spiritual Liege' Guiliman himself that's been warped to all hell because a Sucessor Chapter fell to Chaos and that lineage has been passed between chaotic servants ever since.
As long as it’s reasonably stable and the chapter doesn’t have above average rates of members turning to Chaos, they might be able to fly under the radar indefinitely.
Night Lords have chaos corrupted geneseed.
In fact, NL geneseed is among the cleanest and most stable of ALL the modern Astartes.
Night Lords do have corrupted geneseed, but if part of your lore was that the RG keep digging the hole deeper by sending more of their dwindling pure geneseed back to make the tithe look right, forcing them to hunt yet more night lords to make up the difference, with less and less scrutiny as they get more desperate, I think that would be interesting.
>The gene-seed of the Night Lords seems surprisingly pure, bearing the least evidence of mutation. Before their fall to Chaos, the only notable physical abnormality was their jet black eyes and pale skin, which became even more prevalent with the introduction of the genetic material of the dour people of Nostramo.

>Surprisingly, of all the Traitor Legions, the Night Lords seem to bear the least evidence of mutation. This is perhaps due to an unusually stable gene-seed stock, or perhaps due to the fact that they rarely associate themselves with a particular Chaos power for any length of time.

>However, the real legacy of their mad Primarch may have been psychological, as there was a tendency for paranoia and self-destructive behaviour displayed by many within the Night Lords. They thrive in the use of psychological warfare and fear tactics, merely for the sheer, sick joy of it.
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The more interesting question is whether the presence of the sons of Curze can have any impact on the overall atmosphere within the Chapter. Without Corax's principles, the Raven Guard are literally identical to the Night Lords - the same grim and cruel bastards. It's likely that with a unique culture within the Chapter and the recruitment of neophytes from primitive worlds at a young age, as the Red Scorpions do, no one would even be able to tell which Astartes belongs to which lineage. Btw, it would be especially amusing if only the Chapter Master and the Apothecarion knew about the use of the gene-seed of the traitor legion. I think no one within the Chapter would even notice the deception (and sudden abilities to foresee events in some Astartes could be attributed to an acceptable mutation or something).
Except for the ones that don't wear big horns and spikes and chaos stars and worship demons and summon demons, right?
Noncanon WD fluff. They have corrupted geneseeds because they worship chaos.
Except, they not (most of them).
>They're chaos worshipers. All legions in the chaos space marine codex are chaos worshipers.
Go read the 8th edition CSM codex and the section on Night Lords specifically.
>8th edition
Go read the bible and find out how to not be so gay.
Seethe. Sneed. Feed.
depends if people like the faction

The lore is open about this sort of stuff and the galaxy is fucking huge. Basically the amount of heresy you can get away with depends on your luck and how powerful you are.
Not my straight-edge Iron Warriors.
this is not proven + exception

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