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Why did they do it? When will it be reversed?
>Why did they do it?
Money and buisness strategy
>When will it be reversed?
It wont
According to James Hewitt, who was a junior designer at the time, the basic idea was to remove all the awkward geography that made global events involving every army awkward. Because it was hard to find excuses for less well travelled armies like Chaos dwarves and Wood elves to show up.
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>James Hewitt
This guy?
>Why did they do it?
Bean counter shittery.
>When will it be reversed?
Probably another ten years or so, once they start making 'What if' campaign scenarios for TOW.
1. Fantasy getting completely mogged by 40k. Remember, the Tactical Squad box outsold every single WHFB kit
2. Create with a new setting ripe for trademark whoring
dumb goyim didn't consume enough
Maybe? I read an interview, I don't know what he looks like.
>it won't
Wouldn't be the first time they retcon those events.
. Poor sales
. Square base rank and flank being a shit format and rules bloat
. The writers were bored with the setting
. There was little to no room to grow existing factions and it was becoming difficult to add new models to existing ranges that made sense or didn't piss of fans
. There was little to no room to expand the setting as a whole as there was no logical way to introduce exciting new factions to the game that weren't derivate historical offshoots or, I don't know fishmen
>whfb got outsold by 40k and so they killed it
>fast forward to tow release
>now whfb is outselling aos, the thing they replaced fantasy with
Will they kill AoS or is the sunk cost too strong?

aos is unfortunately here to stay. And then total war warhammer ruined the old world anyway by making it look like fucking warcraft
The poor sales were a direct result of the sales strategy, not of the setting.
Gw decided to write rules with the explicit purpose of getting more models on the table, and it reached a critical mass where the cost of one usable _unit_ was equal to the price of the starter box or more. The barrier for entry had all but eliminated the interest of new starters, and that meant the only people buying the rulebooks were people who _already_ had large collections.

They cpuld have easily introduced a skirmish version of fantasy, but decided to kill two birds with one stone by starting again with trademarkable names.
>They cpuld have easily introduced a skirmish version of fantasy
Exactly. They could've switched to round bases and fewer models but didn't because of the reasons I stated.
>>now whfb is outselling aos
Lol, lmao.
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I wish they didn't kill off WHFB I miss the low fantasy, realistic, limited magic, mundane, historical feeling setting
>low fantasy, realistic, limited magic, mundane, historical feeling setting

Reminder that total war warhammer ruined the old world's setting by making it seem more like fucking warcraft in the public consciousness. Not to mention the lack of ditches in total war games being immersion breaking
Makes sense, and yet it removed all the charme of having a consistent world. Now it's just some random slop of "realms" in which everything is possible.

They should have just accepted the fact that not every faction has to fight in every conflict/event and dealt with it by having two or more focus conflicts/events at the same time, on different continents.
40k suffers from the same thing, but ofc with space it's easier to justify why eldar and necrons have to be there too. Still it would be better to have more smaller conflict zones in parallel instead of squeezing every faction into every event.
It was reversed. Just go play The Old World.
They just needed to release plastic versions of the minis and market the game to new people. They didn't need staff on it; it could've been put on life support except for modeling. Unlike 40k there was no need to keep rewriting the history of Fantasy, or if they really wanted to do something different they could've had more campaigns like THrone of Chaos.
>uh sorry your army isn't included in this years campaign
>since we do only two armies per conflict we estimate you'll get a new narrative to take part in about 10 years
That'd be good worldbuilding if we were talking about RPG splatbooks or novels but moronic for a wargame. Secondaries seem utterly incapable of grasping that warhammer is first and foremost a wargame and the fluff is a side effect rather than a produt.
This. Changing the rules/game system is one thing. Changing the setting is something else entirely.
I could have sworn it was the direction from 6e onward that did that.

>charme of having a consistent world.
anon, please. Fantasy was anything but consistent,
That's why I said they could/should do more smaller events, in parallel. Have dark elves Vs lizards and at the same time the orks and undead fight elsewhere etc.
Great, and when you own a lizard army and your buddy owns an undead army now you both can't participate. They do these big mash up battles for a reason.
That's what matched play is for.
The clashes between Lustrian Lizardmen and the undead of the Vampire Coast meant the fight concerned could be between direct neighbours.
That isn't a workable attitude when you're trying to engage large numbers of players in events or sell campaign books to large numbers of players
That doesn't matter for this hypothetical GW narrative campaign between lizards and dark elves
>now whfb is outselling aos
>not every faction has to fight in every conflict/event
Rather defeats the purpose of mass participation events to prevent a bunch of people from participating.
>40k suffers from the same thing
Not really. Other than the Tau every faction is already everywhere. Specific chapters, craftworlds, etc might be in particular places but players can handwave that or choose not to participate.
>Just keep remaking old models and hope people rebuy them
Anon spitting facts.
>Why did they do it?
Because WHFB had become a disgusting, bloated mess of a game with giant units and giant models and GW had already, stupidly, given up on Warmaster which was what WHFB should have been since it's at the proper scale.
>When will it be reversed?
Likely never. GW aren't know for admitting their mistakes. But if you insist on playing WHFB then play it, or Old World.
Matched play players deserve to fucking die and every single competitive tournament needs to be blown the fuck up. Go fuck yourself and go back to CCG, retarded waacfag.
Exactly, friend: 28mm is a horrible scale for any kind of mass battle wargame and GW should've just switched to 8mm and reserved 28mm scale for skirmish games. But GW paypigs won't allow it. They all need to die. Every single one of them.
GW is a miniatures company. Letting game design dictate miniature design would be idiotic.
It resulted in the only time warhammer was ever good (video games) so I don't care.
>why did they do it
to them fantasy was dying so they wanted to get rid of it and restart with shit like age of sigmar so they bum rushed it with the end times
>when will it be reversed
honestly with the old world taking place a few hundred years earlier and them still popping out sigmar shit I doubt gw will reverse any time soon if ever
Yeah, 28mm mass battle rank n' flank is just a bad plan. A Warmaster table ends up conveying a sense of epic news, a WHFB table just looks like a cluttered shitshow.
>now whfb is outselling aos, the thing they replaced fantasy with

Lol not even close.

Casual players need to fucking die and stop being scrubs.

> Wood Elves
Can teleport between forests

> Chaos Dwarfs
Have one of the strongest navies in the world and a need for foreign slaves

As long as your nation has a forest and a coastline, you will never be safe from either.

> Morrslieb hangs low in the sky
> Every destruction faction goes apeshit, every order faction mobilizes against them

Oh wow suddenly everyone is involved in this campaign
Well, that makes sense. Maybe they could have done a better excuse for having them in the conflicts without doing a "end of the world" thing.

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