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Is it ethical to bring children in adventures provided they are absurdly powerful
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Of course!
Child characters are annoying as fuck and everyone I've ever seen play one has been a weird fucking creeper or an annoying That Guy. Your mileage may vary, but I just flat-out don't allow players to play child characters anymore. Not worth the headache.
Definitely more ethical than shitposting on hobby boards
The One Piece!
I guess if we are talkin Baby Yoda
Or Wesley Crusher taking the geneseed
Just crushing that shit down and becoming hench
And strangling his bitch mom for Khorne
I don't have issues, you have issues
The diapers aren't in game anon
It's a comfort thing
I fucking hate the absurdly powerful child trope in asian media. It breaks my suspension of disbelief even more than powerful women and instantly tells me there's zero reason to actually take any of this shit seriously.
It'd be unethical not to.
>tells me there's zero reason to actually take any of this shit seriously
Wow so close and yet so far.
I'm sorry you have shit taste and feel the need to defend lolsorandumb tier nonsense because it's japanese or w/e.
>Is it ethical to bring children in adventures
Sure, whatever.
>provided they are absurdly powerful
Why would that matter?
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I feel like there's a world of difference between "actual child" and "makes her/himself look like a child," assuming the loss of rational decision making isn't that great when taking on a child-like form (especially if OP magic is part of the equation) than the lower caloric/material requirements probably more than make up for it. Larger bodies tend to wear out faster so that's an efficiency question too.
Children are too young
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This. I wish I could say otherwise, but my experience matches up in that everyone I've ever seen wanting to play child characters has been some terminally-anime weirdo who's wayyy too into little girls. Usually with a bunch of other red flags warning me to avoid them too.
>ugh, this wacky cartoon has a child with a big hammer? Thanks for letting me know not to take it seriously!
This is you, this is what you sound like.
Imagine being retarded enough to think you were ever supposed to take children's cartoons seriously.
I mean I'm partial to agreeing, to a degree, but we're not talking about "asian media" here. We're talking about your own games, where no trope is in fact a trope, and can be as major of an outlier as you want it to be.

I would probably allow some kind of child character, and I could see myself having a child be a relevant NPC, and so on, but it would still be an actual child, not some lolsrandumb bullshit, and if there are powers involved there would have to be some kind of outstanding explanation or logic in play.
>"I fucking hate that cartoon things happen in cartoons for children!"
Ethical ? No
Profitable? Yes
your rap sucks
>GURPS has had rules to simulate the drawbacks of being too young, female in a culture that infantilizes you, and various physical (dwarfism, missing limbs, etc.) and mental disorders (including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc) since the 70s.

Sorry to hear about your retardation.
You are not running anything other than your faggot mouth.
is your shit game anime based?
answer to yourself
You are LITERALLY the one who was complaining. The rest of us are just here to laugh at you.
I said to try with LESS projection this time. The assignment really wasn't that hard.

Also by what feat of mental gymnastics do you construe me calling you as a retard as me sharing in your retarded complaints about your shit game of choice?
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>bitching about anime
>on 4chan
It's not even ethical to bring children into life
Supreme dialectics
It is NEVER convincing to me, in any and every case I've ever seen regarding this shit. It just comes off as another annoying form of Mary Sue character.
D&D and retardation go hand in hand. Between the dumpster fire of a fanbase and shitlord owners that are WotC, you can't really blame most of /tg/ for automatically making the association.
I am pretty sure D&D has nothing to do with how retarded you and your posts are.

I did have one who played a 16 yo dnd character like an obnoxious 16 yo teenaged boy. Does that count as a "child"?
moot quit
"Absurdly Powerful" does not equate to "psychologically robust". So long as you can keep your charges insulated from psychologically damaging stuff, such as, killing something when they didn't mean to, or seeing a lot of killed or murdered things, and anything else they're not psychologically mature enough to handle, sure. But that sure is a big limit on your options.
nothing wrong with emergency rations
I think it's important to define exactly what you mean by a "child character". If you're starting at level 1 in D&D or a D&D clone and mathematically it's quite possible for your characters to get mailed to death by a couple housecats, playing as a 16 year old farmboy is less immersion breaking than somebody showing up with a grizzled 30s or 40s veteran soldier who's supposedly fought in at least one war yet is as exactly as competent as everyone else starting right out of the gate, including potentially being just as good with swinging a sword as an 18 year old sorcerer whose only claim to power is his grandad fucked a dragon.

Is it a capeshit game? Teen angst is par for the course, somebody wanting to be Raven or Robin or Cyborg isn't super surprising, and while capeshit is full of plenty of literal child characters they're often treated basically the same as adults, even Peter Parker was originally a high school student.

If they're not even post pubescent, I.E you want to literally play a ten year old that not even dystopian mahou shoujo child soldiers would consider old enough to fight, then no I don't think you should be playing child characters. Save that for your knockoff Pokemon ttrpg where parents find it acceptable to throw elementary school students into the woods to fist-fight dragons
Define "children". Conan was 13 years old during his earliest known adventure in Howard's original canon, when he took part in the Sack of Venarium. He's at most like 14 or 15 in "The Frost-Giant's Daughter" and is still young enough in "The Tower of the Elephant" that the narrative actually refers to him as a "youth", so like late teens at the oldest.

If it's good enough for Conan, it's good enough for me.
Heck in 3.5 D&D if you randomly determined your age, then as a human your base age was 15 and you only added 1d4, 1d6, or 2d6 years depending on class choice. RAW you could absolutely have been playing a 16-year-old rogue or paladin, or a 17 year old druid or wizard.
Yes, specially if they would be in a worse condition/odds if left alone.
Luminia is practically a newborn, currently being fostered in the house of a wise and good king. She lives in human form, appearing as a girl about 7 years of age. Visitors and members of the household are quite taken aback when they address her as a child and find themselves confronting the formidable intellect of a gold wyrmling! Despite her youth, she has full access to the king as well as his most trusted and sagacious advisers. She frequently rides with a paladin attached to the king’s house, an exemplary woman named Nhalia (LG female human Pal8). She is allowed to assume her normal form only once each day, for no more than 1 hour. She uses this time to practice flying.
Would you a dragon loli? She may look like a 7yo human girl but she's under 5
Unlike the typical "1000 year old dragon but looks like a 10 year old girl" situation, she's actually younger than she looks. But she also seems to be considerably more intelligent than a human of her actual or apparent age. So fuck if I know. What's the dragon age of consent anyway?
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Only if you want your players to play on easy mode.
>Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14,
Wis 15, Cha 14
She has the typical ability scores of her species which makes her significantly more mentally capable than a typical human. But in human form she would have human loli Strength
>What's the dragon age of consent anyway?
Dragons become fertile at 50yo if that's something you want to go by

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