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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Goliath, Scorpion edition

Last Thread: >>93401692

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I’m starting to suspect Nicholas Kerensky was crazy
Are there any explicitly American mercenary groups in the setting?
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I don't like the new Goliath.
They should've kept the weird lanky legs
As a filthy casual who likes the Battletech cartoon and just thinks "yeah, Davion should have golden yellow Mechs, Kurita...hmmm...black..."

>are plastic tanks coming any time soon?
>wotabout artillery and trucks

I just feel like I'd be more into it if it made a little room for some attached combined arms. But in an easy to order kinda way. Any alternatives?

Is the full game ofarmoured combat hardback worthwhile?

Do you listen to lore while you paint? If so, what?

Might be worth it for you to check out Heavy Gear, it's a bit more friendly to combined arms.
Oh for goodness' sake, I am asking about Battletech. I already have a bunch of stuff painted up for it.
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Plastic tanks were just released in mercenary kickstarter, more coming
the rules for them are broken
>artillery and trucks
some of those in the merc kickstarter too

Combined arms are a thing in 3025, and become extremely common in later eras, even in elite units

>Is the full game ofarmoured combat hardback worthwhile?
Just get total warfare

>Do you listen to lore while you paint? If so, what?
Yes, or music or random podcasts, grokking battletech is good
No. America as a polity and culture has been dead for about 800 years, and good riddance to a terrorist state.
Thank you friend
The Mercs kickstarter had tanks in addition to new mech models. No idea when the boxes become available in stores, though, as backers are only just starting to receive them. One of the packs also does include the Long Tom artillery piece, though artillery rules are pretty complicated and not part of the standard (TW) rules. Aerospace isn't as complicated as people often think, at least as long as only one side has them and only uses them for ground attack, but is effectively its own subsystem of rules and requires either a fuckhuge map, a separate mapsheet for tracking their movement outside the BT map, or use of the simplified aerospace rules from Strategic Operations which have a side-effect of screwing with initiative.
TW is necessary if you want to use non-mech units, and does have some other stuff not found in the Battlemech Manual, but is more of a rules reference book than a typical rulebook and infamously badly laid out.
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Reposting from the duplicate thread

Tukayyid. May, 3052. Robyn's Crossing. Jade Falcon against ComStar.
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The battle opened with both sides moving onto the field. The Falcon Summoner and Uller(proxied by a Fire Moth) were barely able to cross the bridge before the ComGuards blew the charges, while the Night Gyr crossed the pontoon chain and the Viper and Mist Lynx jumped the river.

A special rule was in play: The Falcons were allowed to issue challenges, and received a -1 bonus to hit any target that refused a challenge for "The Falcon's Wrath", but after three challenges were issued, they declared the entire ComGuard force Dezgra. The Flashman refused two separate challenges in the first turn, the Mongoose refused one. The ComGuards also brought a Crab, Sentinel, Thunder Hawk, and Highlander.
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The first casualty of the game was the Flashman, suffering from a combined -2 to incoming shots from the Falcon's wrath. It had been shot in the first round, and in the second round the Night Gyr's PPCs and pulse lasers shredded its armor, forcing its engine into a shutdown, though the Night Gyr's Ultra AC10 did jam at the same time, because that 1/36 chance happened every game.

Then we saw something special happen.
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The Night Gyr had taken damage to its left leg, so the ComGuard Sentinel tried to rush to its left flank, hoping to crit the leg with its gauss rifle. The Jade Falcon Uller saw an opportunity. Against the advice of its star mates, the Uller pilot decided that he would live up to his Clan's totem. He would be Jade Falcon.

He went for a Death From Above.
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The Mongoose and Crab both rushed to the Sentinel's aid, trying to shoot the Uller out of the air, but they only connected with 13 damage.

The Uller rolled an 11 and connected with the Death From Above.

Knocking the Sentinel into the Steep Cliff hex directly behind it. As it turns out, merely entering a Steep Cliff hex requires a +5 PSR to avoid falling, and that was on top of the one for getting DFA'd. The Sentinel failed both.

If you fall in a Steep Hil hex, you slide down...
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The Sentinel was DFA'd directly off the cliff, plunging into the raging rapids of Robyn's crossing below, where the current slammed it into the pontoon bridge. Unsure how else to handle it, we decided to resolve this as an accidental ram from skidding.

The Uller pilot actually landed on his feet after the DFA, and loudly declared to all present - "I AM JADE FALCON"

The Sentinel, miraculously, took only minor damage and then rolled the 11 it needed to stand up in the raging rapids, managing to haul itself up onto the pontoons in the next turn, but it was left badly out of position for the rest of the game.
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The rest of the battle ended up being sort of a rout. The ComGuards' objective was to defend their HQ building, but the falcon Viper was able to deliver a squad of battle armor there, while the Mist Lynx did the same to their hidden artillery after locating it with an active probe. The ComGuard Thunder Hawk was apparently cursed, only scoring a few hits with any of its three gauss rifles the entire game, and the Summoner essentially spent the whole game bullying its rear armor until its gyro was destroyed, and then the Elementals who'd cleared out the HQ jumped on it and tore its arm off, leaving it unable to prop itself up to fire. The Crab's pilot was rushing to the defense of the artillery when a machine gun round in the back of the cockpit from the viper knocked him out. The Uller managed to fight off both the Sentinel and Mongoose, destroying the Mongoose's engine with a pulse laser shot, and then critting the Sentinel's gauss rifle, the resulting explosion knocking it right back into the river, though it shot off the Uller's leg in the same turn. The Highlander, almost untouched, realized that "there can be only one" isn't a good plan against an entire Clan star, and we called it there on turn 9, an unambiguous Jade Falcon victory.

I need to actually get an Uller model now. And maybe have that pilot go through a Trial of Bloodright.
why doesn't davion have gold/yellow color scheme? i thought their whole shtick is yellow after seeimg how their territory is colored
i think they really should have posed the legs in a way they get all placed inside the base somehow
The klans technically are because SLDF is America.
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Davions are the only faction who didn't usually have a notable "posterboy" regiment who matches their map color. The Dawn Guards seem to be an attempt to redress this. They're technically an RAF regiment, but are drawn from volunteers with ties to the FedSuns and serve with the FedSuns military. In 3151, they're given the option to return to the Republic, but since it had already fallen, most decided to permanently stay with the Davions. They get a lot of focus in Dominions Divided.
My reasoning for picking the Assaults I did was that the Battlemaster and the Awesome have good armor, don't have any hole punchers. The Victor and Cyclops have bad armor, but the AC/20s can punch holes, which hopefully balances them out. The Victor is the only one that can't engage outside 9 hexes, but it can jump to get into position better.

I'm looking at what I have for unpainted mechs and the only option for replacing the rifleman is a Marauder or Orion, which are both a bit heavier than the others.

I went through and actually checked the BVs and it does seem like Davion is a bit behind.

Liao: 4,569BV
LCT-1E - 553BV
VND-1R - 1,024BV
CPLT-C1 - 1,399BV
AWS-8T - 1,593BV

Kurita: 4,459BV
PNT-9R - 769BV
PXH-1K - 1,073BV
DRG-1G - 1,300BV
CP-10-Z - 1,317 BV

Steiner: 4,424BV
COM-2D - 541BV
HBK-4G - 1,041BV
TDR-5SS - 1,335BV
BLR-1S - 1,507BV

Davion: 4,199BV
VLK-QA - 723BV
ENF-4R - 1,032BV
RFL-3C - 1,066BV
VTR-9B - 1,378BV
damn, that'll be a pain in the ass to paint
>PPCs aren't hole punchers
I think you need to learn how to play first.
Which PPCs are you talking about?
Classic PPCs, being 10 damage guns, are hole punchers. If you don't agree, don't bother telling me, because I don't value your opinion.
speaking of cyclops, how is cp-10-q? 90t mech kicking and punching with 17t wall of the armor while spraying some misslies seems a bit better than the original. but still shit?
There's only four PPCs in this list. On the Vindicator, Panther, Grand Dragon, and Thunderbolt.
The 10Z is an overweight Hunchback. The 10Q is a slightly overweight Archer with better armor.
It's a Whitworth that gained 50tons but they only added armor, some heatsinks, and an SRM4. I've played with it before, and it has just enough ammo that you get nervous about being TAC'd.
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Currently working on Instant Action with the MW4: Mercs soundtrack to set the mood. Wondering if I should bother integrating it with the Chaos Campaign system. Have a cat in the meantime.
not him but i also misread and assumed the awesome and battlemaster were the stock versions

AC20 also makes a lot of heat, maybe replace the rifleman with a marauder or Orion, the 2 large laser marauder if you want a good one
>Wondering if I should bother integrating it with the Chaos Campaign system.

That would be great. One thing I like about the chaos campaign scenarios is how they are set up BV wise like

>attacker has 200% of defenders force or whatever
all of instant action assume equal forces

Maybe you could include a mission (there may be a similar one already) where you have to take out a enemy commander (who starts with say, 30 damage taken randomly in clusters of 5) before they can leave the board
The problem with making scenarios around killing a specific target is there's basically zero ways to actually protect something in Battletech. Hiding it behind walls, trees, and using Ghost Targets are basically it. So it ends up pretty non-interactive and unfun. This inspired me to make "Take Intact", a scenario where you have to kill all the enemy's units EXCEPT the one you want to salvage intact.
You could use the rules for that Old guard scenario in Ilclan where mechs standing next to/infront of the target can block fire
the take intact is cool though if you want to capture the enemy vip and adds an element of trying to take out his allies while avoiding fire from the guy you can't risk killing
Could do that. "Kill this guy specifically" would be a Confront scenario, so I'll keep that in my back pocket in case I need a new one.

I'm now on the Hold vs Salvage scenario. I'm not at all satisfied with the one in V3. I think it might change to one where the Hold player is defending a whole bunch of scrap, and the Salvage player is trying to scan the scrap to find the crucial piece of salvage and escape with it.
Good batrep anon, that Uller pilot deserves some recognition for his actions.
Regarding the pontoon impact, iirc you should treat it like an impact from a skid.
>One Man’s Trash
>Hold vs Salvage
>[lore blurb here]
>First, the Hold player sets up the battlefield. The Hold player then places six Scrap markers on the board, at least three hexes from any map edge and from each other. The Salvage player then chooses their home map edge, and the Hold player takes the opposite map edge.
>One of the Scrap tokens contains the data core, and the Salvage player’s objective is to capture the data core. To identify the data core, the Salvage player must Scan each Scrap token. After each one has been scanned, roll a d6 - on a 6, the data core was in that token. Otherwise, remove it. If only one scrap token is on the board, it contains the data core. Once the data core has been identified, remove all remaining scrap tokens and place an objective in the data core’s hex.
>The Hold player’s forces start the game set up within four hexes of their map edge. The Salvage player’s forces move onto the board during the first turn. The Hold player’s forces use Forced Withdrawal.
>The game ends at the end of turn 8. The Salvage player wins if one of their units is holding the data core at the end of the game. Otherwise, the Hold player wins.

This is a fun scenario concept but I don't like how luck based it is, since it can be an easy win for Salvage if you come up 6 with the first one, or a near unwinnable slog if you have to check all 6. Any thoughts?
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This might be a bit better

>One of the scrap tokens contains the data core, and the Salvage player’s objective is to capture the data core. To identify the data core, the Salvage player must Scan scrap tokens. After a scrap token ahs been Scanned, remove it. After three scrap tokens have been scanned, randomly determine which of the other three has the data core. Once the data core has been identified, remove all remaining scrap tokens and place an objective in the data core’s hex.

This way you get to narrow your options and, as scrap is removed, both the Salvage and Hold player start moving for the remaining possibilities...

Yeah, I'm really proud of him. Probably gonna paint an Uller up in JF colors for just that moment.
I was thinking an ON1-VA, it has an autocannon and good armor.
Getting the starter box in the mail today. It comes with eight minis. I assume there's standard factions/color schemes that best fit the included minis, but I could be completely wrong. It seems like they could be a truly random spread of 'mechs, and any faction could realistically use any combination of 'mechs present in the set. What would two factions would you paint them as, and how would you divide the 'mechs between them? Or is that sort of info already in the set?
Everyone in the game has reasonable access to all eight of those mechs. They're all generic, except the Commando is kind of Steiner themed, but even then other people use it.
All is reasonably useable by all BUT

Commando = steiner
Catapult = Capellan
Awesome = marik

I would paint up half in one faction and half in another but its up to you
This one was more an update than a rewrite, but it's still going to be buck wild every time.

>Scout Clash
>Recon vs Recon
>[Lore Blurb]
>Players roll off and the winner sets up the battlefield. Place a Data Node in the center of the map. Then, starting with the loser of the roll off, players take turns placing data nodes in other hexes, at least 4 hexes from any map edge and from each other, until six have been placed, numbered one through six.
>Neither player has a home edge in this scenario. Instead, two scouting forces under emissions control have wandered into each other in the night. After placing all data nodes, both players secretly write down the hexes their units start in, choosing any hex at least 2 hexes away from a data node. Players then reveal their choices simultaneously. If two players chose identical hexes, the unit belonging to the player who won the initial roll off is displaced into an adjacent hex. Afterwards, the battle begins.
>The data nodes can be scanned. Whenever a unit scans a data node, note down the number of the data node it scanned. Units that have scanned at least one data node can retreat off any map edge.
>The game ends at the end of turn 6. Once the game ends, both players note down which units they own which either retreated or are still on the map and able to move at least two hexes per turn. For each unique data node scanned among these units, players receive one victory point. For example, if a player had two units, one had scanned node 1, and one had scanned node 1, 2, and 3, they would receive 3 victory points, as duplicates of the same node aren’t valuable. The player with the most victory points wins, and the game is a draw in case of a tie.

Unfortunately now I have to attend to adult responsibilities like lawn care instead of game rule writing. But we're at 10/15 on Instant Action's new scenarios!
It's mostly common mechs used by everybody, so they could easily be painted any color. However, Commando is heavily associated with the Lyrans (it's their premiere light mech and only produced by them) and the Awesome with the Free Worlds League (others use it as well but it's their favorite assault mech). Catapult is rare but widespread (it's in the box for the same reason why it showed up in a lot of videogames; for legal reasons they couldn't at the time use the design of the Archer, the by far most common missileboat mech and it's pretty close in terms of weight and armament), but somewhat more common with the Capellans.
i am a very, very stupid man.

not only did i just by the clan star with uller and cougar in it.

i just bought a whole tray of clan salvage blind boxes.

FUCK. i have become a plastic crack gambler. GACHA has nothing on the addiction to plastic crack.
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sexy like a jet fighter
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Is a light mech trothkin, da. because light mech means 2cerppc and targeting computer.
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armour? what is even that?
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oi, izzat a sneaky lil GR here in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
Last 5 posts sound like nuln
I love the Adder but I hate so much that it can’t even fire both PPCs at a standstill without heating up. Did we really need a targeting computer instead of heat sinks here?
Self centered and incoherent. Be kind to the mentally disabled.
how much does it heat up? If its only 0-5 its fine
not really. it already spends BV for a 3/4 clanner pilot. tc is just salt in the wound.
8 heat if it stands still.
TCs are great, they are cheaper than upgrading the pilot
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meanwhile your off topic shitposting is SO cogent and engrossing.

here is a cute little kitty to cheer you up from your relentless fucking negativity and retarded hate
okay thats kind of mid, use the adder A. Clan ERPPCS kinda suck on lighter designs imo, way too expensive BV wise (literally price of a whole locust once you take pilot skills tax into account)
except with clanners you already have to upgrade the pilot anyway.

there is always the utterly vicious adder T (t? model) that has 2 is plasma rifles.
Have you learner new words using one of those word a day calendars? It sounds like you have
I think this is one of the few redesigns CGL made that I don't hate.
seethe more, loser.
Every time I see the Cougar, that one song flows into my head.
Actually you don't, the AVERAGE clan pilot is a 3/4, there's nothing in the rules requiring you to upgrade a pilot ever outside of scenarios and TW has multiple methods for determining pilot skills
Very cogent of you
and pilots come at 4/5. you need to multiply the bv for clanmechs by 1.33 to upgrade to 3/4. is why they are soooo fucking expensive. not only are they costly already bv wise, but the 33% increase for the standard 3/4 clanner makes them even more punishing to your bv limit.
The guys I play with are nearing the end of their campaign across a planet, and I'm trying to decide how best to end it: Either with a showdown with a force on equal footing, or against a single Lance of 2/2 Assaults. Any suggestions?
Who are they fighting? Equal force sounds more fun as the enemy can provide more excitement and threats that aren't just having lots of armor and plodding up the board.
The Free Worlds League. They're taking the role of Mercenaries in 3159, tasked by outside forces of helping them to claim the world of Obrenovac. They've had some stiff resistance, though have only come across an assault mech s few times. Right now they're approaching the last hold out of a military installation after a bombing run from Small Craft.
3159 or 3059?
3159 is beyond the established timeline
So, anyone still waiting for his Merc KS stuff? Dr. Banzai got a ISBA box from Amazon, and made an unboxing video. Someone from QML is sending shit to Amazon?
But you don’t HAVE to upgrade the pilot. Average of 3/4 does not mean everyone is a 3/4, you’re allowed to take budget pilots if you want.
Yeah, and? We're just playing around, running a what-if scenario.
That Goliath has a Highlander head, thunderbolt gun and King Crab antennae
AWS-11M, AWS-11H, AWS-9Q, AWS-10KM. All sitting behind a minefield.
Each player has a lance of about 8-9K, we allow some wiggle room of between 500 and 1K. All together the three of them have a combined lot of around 24K. I'm thinking that, if we go the Boss Route with the Assault Lance, they each bring one or two of their best to take on the four Assaults. I'd be working with about 14K. To make it a little more balanced if that's the choice, the assaults will have weathered the bombardment of their base before engaging.
Yes. t. Everyone in the UK.
Too bad, too many white males living there (acording to Rem). Also europoors (acording to Shiimmy). Keep waiting, maybe in 2026 you will get you r stuff. Or just buy from Amazon.

the Magistracy of Canopus was also lacking a color regiment until they got the Magistracy Lancers in the dark age.

I always kinda figured the Deneb Light Cavalry were kinda the Davion mooks with their tan or Khaki.
what about going the other direction. 30 - 40 k of vees and turrets and bunkers? a command enemy lance of cool mechs but not too much bv? see if the players bought enough ammo to carry the day
Aha haha, please no. If this is "too white" I don't want to see what "properly diverse" is.
Jokes aside, from what I've heard we are meant to get our stuff by late September, which when translated from cgl time means mid October - late November at the earliest.

Yep it's Nuln, rather like the other shitposters and trolls his posting style is identifiable, and the only possible person to mistake him for is tmnt anon, another shitposter.

2nd 2nd line Star, so far I'm looking at a Marauder 2c, Hussar, Exterminator, and maybe a Crusader and/or Archer. Anyone have suggestions for the last two
I have a battletech game lined up for this sunday, one for the Sunday after, and possibly another later in August, and one in September. All with different people. Truly this is my golden age.
See the fall of the Roman Empire for reference on that Anon.

As per the KS, my euro contacts are fucking furious, and knowing CGL, you will have better luck gettingyour stuff from Amazon than from CGL.
may you be blessed to avoid a noshow
If a mech is displaced to a lower level and fails the PSR, is that a one level fall or two?
>how would you divide the 'mechs between them?
Really you can just pick one of each weight class for each lance. There are some considerations, like the Wolverine is generally better than the Shadow Hawk at just about everything, and a COM-2D is going to be a lot more effective in most cases than a LCT-1V, though there are other variants. Pretty much any combination should be balanced enough.

>What would two factions would you paint them as
Whatever you want. If you want it to be thematic, go with houses that border each other (Steiner/Kurita, Liao/Davion, etc.) Maybe your preferred faction and a rival faction for an Op for, if your intention is to play with a friend.
Congrats anon. I am still trying to arrange a 10K BV game for next Saturday...
I think 80% are great. There's a few they missed the point on, but largely they did right by a lot of fugly mecha designs.
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i'm working on a Mechwarrior RPG game for a few of my friends in my RPG circle, and I was debating adding lams into it (As an excuse to print and paint some). I remember people mentioning there were two separate rule sets, an old and somewhat powerful set, and a new nerfed into the ground set, and I Don't know where to look for either, or if anyone with experience playing with them had a recommendation for which to use.
also I remember there was that lamfag guy, did he make a ruleset/errata or something? I remember him mentioning something like that, but I feel like I haven't seen him in a while.
and make their victory THAT much sweeter
>See the fall of the Roman Empire for reference on that Anon.
Hahaha. No. God's no.
>As per the KS, my euro contacts are fucking furious, and knowing CGL, you will have better luck gettingyour stuff from Amazon than from CGL
Yeah, it's been a mess. Delayed release dates, "everything is ready to go, in the regional warehouses", then the absurd "domestic" postage fees, more delays, and now "tee hee, actually everything is in America and we are prioritising American babackers, you might get your stuff in 3-5 months time, after retail release, if your lucky" without a hint of apology.
Hence, another reason why I'm largely avoiding cgl minis at the moment. I would rather shell out for metals. They feel nicer anyway, and I've come to like the classic looks.
12k BV is like 2 lances in 3067, right?
Alternate Eras has the most up to date rules for LAM's. As for power level, depends on your era and pilot ability. I have used 3 Wasp's and a Pixie to utterly ruin the day of a friends Assault/Heavy Clan lineup.
See I understand where you're coming from but I think >>93413021 is right. I want them to have a good fight, but a tough one. I'm even thinking of having a few squads of infantry provide support with LRMs or maybe a field gun that survived bombardment.
>. I would rather shell out for metals. They feel nicer anyway, and I've come to like the classic looks.
Watchout for incoming shills and Shimmy fat enjoyers. "People can only enjoy the new plastic crack. No IWM metals, no old minis, and NO 3D PRINTS!"

Personally, i prefer not to give CGL a dime, pirate any book, and 3D print any mini...
maybe a cowardly lion fight then.

the big bad has a really fast (ish) mech and runs from them.. through supporting forces like a lance of vees, a lance of bunkers, a lance of turrets etc as the players try and chase the little fucker down to deliver the comeuppance.
a benny hill sketch. with stompy robots.

The Vakytie is a good little mech. The VLK-QD1 is a good upgrade over the original.
depends on pilots and clan vs non clan.

12k BV of 4/5 pilots is about 10 IS mechs
12k bv of clan omnis that are 3/4 is 4 or 5 mechs

Precentor Berith is about 10k by himself
not a big fan of it. It's ok but the single medium laser is kind of annoying, not enough to matter up close and if you are jumping around thats going to make it hard to hit anything. I'd rather take a thorn for a fair bit less BV
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It took a bit, but my buddy got some time to paint up the Landsknecht mini I'd made, I'll always be amazed at the details he can get into a paint job.
There is an Elvis-themed merchenary company, but I guess the context and the historic distance makes them the future Wagner group.
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And you can now actually buy the LND-5KT Landsknecht if you want, you'll get nine different variants for your money.
Tell your friend to never stop painting.
>I remember people mentioning there were two separate rule sets, an old and somewhat powerful set, and a new nerfed into the ground set
There's an old, somewhat reasonable one that was ignored by cheaters and a new one that mainly made it impossible to hit something while in Land-Air-Mode because the devs didn't like things.
TacOps has the Shielding Movment optional rule, allowing a unit to apply to hit modifiers to units in an adjacent hex and soaking the hit if it misses by the modifier.
Looks like that scenario is using the TacOps rule, minus the limitation on the protecting units movement and making them prevent the immobile target modifier if the the protected unit is unconscious.
One option is to make the target of the roll be equal to or greater than the remaining number of scrap tokens. This doesn't solve the easy win if the first roll is a 6, but it reduces the chance of having to check all 6 from ~40% to ~1%.
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Played BTCC 2024 rules, with no fraction allegations, only 3 to 6 units according to tournament recordsheets list http://masterunitlist.info/Unit/Filter?Books=526&Books=540&Books=527&Books=528&Books=529&Books=531&Books=532&Books=500&Books=510&Books=511&Books=425&Books=426&Books=431&Books=432&Books=433&Books=434&Books=442&Books=438&Books=453&Books=454&Books=455&Books=456&Books=471&Books=472&Books=473&Books=474&Books=475&Books=476&Books=489&Books=490&Books=491&Books=492&Books=493&Books=494&Books=515&Books=516&Books=518&Books=519&Books=520&Books=521&Books=522&Books=523&Books=543

Warhammer IIC 3 5/5
Carrion Crow C 4/5
Wraith TR-5 4/5
Rifleman C 4/5
Skimmer 4/3

Firemoth P 4/5
Locust C 3/5
Wasp C 3/5
Pouncer X 3/5
Thunderbolt 8M 3/4
Urbanmech R-60 4/5

We almost disintegrated each other. Nice ruleset for matched play without all that eras factions fuckery rules levels etc
>tournament fags
>unpainted models
This >>93412036 version sounds much better, imo. Both teams know that the first x scrap tokens will always come up empty, so the game turns into something very positional - if defender sets up around scrap too early (say Salvage player feints like they’re going for the ones at the opposite side of the board) they can get their nearby nodes (the ones guaranteed to not have scrap) sniped out from under them and be left out of position for the rest of the game. So the defender ends up trying to predict the first few scans and set up for the latter half, and Salvage is trying to control exactly when and which nodes get knocked off first instead of just crossing their fingers and rushing in.

I like it.
To be fair, in a light/bug fight a Medium Laser is a big hitter, 5 points of damage will strip a lot of armour off of most sub-40 tonners. 3025 with 120 tons to play with really makes you appreciate this.

The current devs also hate LAM's too, and are open about it. Personally I make them work to spite said devs.

Cgl have bled fan and customer faith and confidence these past two years, I am curious as to whether they realise this or have plans to reverse it.
Buy an ad asshole.
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2 medium lasers is the sweet spot even in 3025, a single medium is just OK. You can get the locust IE which is pretty fast and has 2ml and 2smalls , the aforementioned thorn has 2ml
Mechwarriors fear the Savanna Master.
>Cgl have bled fan and customer faith and confidence these past two years, I am curious as to whether they realise this or have plans to reverse it.

Their biggest problem is being TOO successful, i don't think they are sweating atm, they are simply selling too much too fast, not the worst position to be in
they really need to hire more people and stop acting like a five guys in a shed company
>Cgl have bled fan and customer faith and confidence these past two years
Yet this thread is still full of jackass shills throwing fistfuls of money at them.
It's hard to tell but it looks like the "unpainted" miniatures aren't actually unpainted. They'd be the same color as the basing material on them if they weren't
Not over here they are not. Battletech stuff is largely sold out and it's not been resupplied in forever. I'm still looking for a copy of Campaign Ops.

One is enough to hurt in bug fights, and the Valk has 10 LRM tubes too, letting it play the ranged game. Still, I get what you mean.
Mostly new friends I think. They are fresh in and don't know any better. And to be fair, cgl was doing alright 3 years back.
Valkyries shouldn't be in light fights. They have enough armor to take a LL or 2x ML hits, but they can't consistently get that +2 walk or +3 run TMMs.
I think a Valk with an MML in place of the lrm would work well.
at least 3 are absolutely unpainted
lights with lrms are best done by clans or with xl engines

tbf thats how a lot of businesses screw up by overhiring or spending money in the good times and then things take a turn for the worse and they go bankrupt
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If I recall correctly:
>Old LAM rules
Airmech mode is treated as a jumping battlemech, and an airmech mode LAM triples it's jump distance- so most old LAMs were literally always at a +4 to +5 to hit at all times. Fuel wasn't considered. Max tonnage of 55, could still use all construction techs while having the standard 10% weight penalty for conversion equipment. Crits and their end results remained the same. Had additional negatives if they landed in wooded hexes, mostly requiring additional MP or needing to walk out.

>New Rules
LAMs in Airmech mode are now treated as WiGE vehicles- so they have serious penalties to flak and their movement isn't considered a jump, but just standard movement. Cannot enter wooded hexes, to the tier where at one point an Airmech that did so was automatically destroyed (now patched in errata). Can float in mid air, and can build altitude. Have to move minimum 4 hexes to stay airborne. Can only go to aerofighter mode if spending a turn in Airmech mode to gain altitude. LAMs also now have rules for how much damage they take destroying control surfaces and jamming them in specific modes.

TLDR;Old rules meant LAM pilots were really poor shots but were nearly unable to be hit and would pogo around the map. New LAM rules however fucked them hard to the degree of being unusable- now HAGs invalidate them almost entirely, and LAMs can be stuck in movement modes despite only taking a hit or two from something like a LB-5.
>now HAGs invalidate them almost entirely, and LAMs can be stuck in movement modes despite only taking a hit or two from something like a LB-5.

weird ass complaints, not like those weapons are super common
Painted in three military colors, bases are based. You are fag
>Have to move minimum 4 hexes to stay airborne.
They can actually hover, they just have to spend 5 MP to do it. It's pretty much not an issue even for a theoretically slow LAM like the urbanmech one since each jump jet gives you three MP. Basically it just means if you're down to one single jet, you'll have to go maximum speed to stay in the air.
You need your eyes checked if someone as blind as me can make out the minute paint differences. The Pouncer has black cockpit glass and gunmetal and the actuator on the Warhammer IIC's leg is a different color to the armor plating. The only one I can't tell is the Carrion Crow, if that's what the middle lower left one is, because of how similar the grey is to the plastic
that mech near the bottom with the dice next to it is clearly unpainted
No it is painted. It is painted in snow camo
Does anyone else always have the impression that they don't have enough mechs of a certain weight class?
Having used it recently against clanners, the 10Q still suffers from being 4/6/0. I was attempting to kick a Warhammer IIC with it and despite being a 4/6 as well he evaded me for two turns and many CERPPC + CMPL shots. It did not go well for the Cyclops

Maybe you could bully a 4/6/0 medium with it, but you paid 1500+ BV for this. Yes it brings 272 armor (the reason I brought it) but it isn't going to do any damage unless your opponent allows it. The Orion I brought did everything I hoped my Cyclops would do but better.
Are there any vehicles that carry demi-lances? I wanted to make something for a scenario that would only carry two mechs at a time.
the force packs dont have enough lights or nearly enough wasps and stingers, i find i myself gravitate towards assaults but i try not to take too many now in games.

i recently played with a malice and mad cat ii enhanced and hte optimal move half of my turns was just stand still behind partial cover or turn in place which is a little boring
I'm curious, how did you guys pick your first faction to start painting and collecting, and how satisfying was that choice? What do you think is the best reason?
>You like the lore of the faction
>You like the lore of that faction's units
>You know the faction won't go lore-irrelevant
>You like an era where the faction was lore-relevant
>You like the colors
>You pick the most appropriate OpFor for a friend
>You like their iconic mechs
>You like their design philosophies
>You like a unique non-mech option (unique tanks, BA, etc).

Which do you think makes people happiest in the long run?
Is the RFL-8D fun to use (by rifleman standards)? I'm going to be bringing 2-3 Riflemans to my next game, civil war era.
Yes. Lights and, to a slightly lesser extent, mediums. Gm'ing means you need lots of the buggers, and I like to run lore accurate formations too.

New LAM rules also preclude torso twisting and add a +1 penalty if you use airmech movement. It could be worse, but it does make them harder to use. I usually give mine 3/3 pilots or better. Did a 4/5 once and got cocky in the first turn, failed a skid check, and watched as my LAM drifted off the edge of the map and off into the desert.
Also, LAM's can never benefit from multi location components or materials, precluding the use of a lot of weight saving measures. I'm honestly surprised the devs didn't prohibit them from using DHS whilst he was at it.

Flak ac ammo also invalidates them, but you rarely see it used
Faction lore>all. I'm a Jade Falcon player because I really enjoyed Thurston's books.
This is cheesy behavior and I do not respect you for it. I will only accept 4/5 clan pilots if they're dark caste or society.
Played as the Falcons in MW2, took the Stiener route in MW4 Mercs, liked Canopian lore, and then decided to have at least one company for each Great House, but went for unusual/less picked units.
Besides the Victor, what assaults are most associated with House Davion, bamsters?
connor rhys monroe is that you? Yeah it's a beast, just be careful to not get shot in the back, IS XL and 6 tons of ammo
desu clans face an uphill battle when balancing by BV even without mandating pilot upgrade, let alone zell

Atlas III

lore, easily
Thing is, they have hired more people, but for the wrong reasons. All while they keep acting like 5 guys in a shed....helping Coleman to build his new porch.
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>balancing by BV with unequal unit counts
Clan mechs are amazing though. The damage output and range bonuses are amazing. I've taken a medium and light against a 2 medium/2 heavy lance and thrashed my opponent. Protomechs and battle armour make it even more fun.
>Also, LAM's can never benefit from multi location components or materials, precluding the use of a lot of weight saving measures. I'm honestly surprised the devs didn't prohibit them from using DHS whilst he was at it.
And then people going "Oh so you just have to put all the Light ferro or endo-composite in one spot then?" And then he had to rewrite it again lol
Yeah, I forgot about the additional +1 on them too. Just, why? Whats the point?
It's painted in white snow camo despite clearly walking on the blackest black snow known to man?
Planetlifter? One up to 50 tons 'Mech in the main cargo bay, the other up to 70 tons strapped below the plane.
This preference is also reflected in BT media, like MWO. The number of people playing with heavies or assaults will often be greater than the number of people playing with lights and mediums combined.
Everyone likes the big mech with 15 tons of armor and 30 tons of firepower more than the itty bitty mechs that vaporize from a couple large laser shots.
completely unrelated to anything i've said
And? There's no requirement for my posts to only pull from something you've said. I can feed new material into your conversation. This is a public forum after all.
>clans struggle when balancing by BATTLE VALUE
yeah but this one time I took a MEDIUM and a LIGHT and beat 2 MEDIUMS and 2 HEAVIES

that's tonnage
Lore reasons. I know they don't exist in the current timeline but I like the Aurigans Coalition. Outside of that, I like the Federated Suns, the Free Worlds, the Lyrans, and from the Clans the Ghost Bears and Cloud Cobras. A mix of lore there, and color schemes.
I like my fat mediums and heavies on the tabletop, but by FAR my favorite weight class in MWO is lights. The only reason I climbed to the top of Tier 1 is by spamming laservomit clan lights, you can get so much damage for free if you pick good spots and don’t just YOLO into the enemy firing line.
The dumb part is that they explicitly allow stuff like TSM as long as all the crits go in one spot. So they're not even consistent with the "fix".
It was a bv balanced match. If you cannot into the advantages of range, hitting power, and mobility, then I don't know what to say.

He hates them. He genuinely seethes at the existence of LAM's to the point that he had the Nova Cats smash the one of the last remaining LAM factory's, broadcast themselves smashing every last mould, machining tool, and data chip, then go on a crusade across the IS to wipe out every last LAM and LAM production site ever.
No, I am, sadly, not joking.
Yes, MWO makes lights far deadlier than in TT and players who play them are still usually the smallest group of the four weight classes.
Look to the former Terran Hegemony and even SLDF units, since they were largely the America of the setting. Eridani Light Horse, Sirian Lancers, etc
you absolutely can win with the clans there's just a mild advantage in the favor of IS typically since armor is under costed and clan weapons are expensive.

but i hate arguging about this stuff since people just start talking about weird hypotheticals like umm well that loses to artillery and that loses to 100 squads of infantry or me kiting away on 20 mapsheets
I'm going to be honest, getting to tier 1 is way too easy, no offense. Pretty much anyone that can form images in their mind can make it to tier 1 just by playing anything that isn't some horrible meme build.
I wish I wasn't in tier 1, but I'd need to actively throw to lose points. I need to get like 300 damage and lose in an assault to lose PSR.
I hate how predictable and boring total mech customization makes builds. I wish MWO only let people select a weight class, then gave them a random stock variant in that weight class.
for me it was the mad dog H with 2 lrm 20 and 4 HML
I'm getting the impression that this force is TOO davion, like a parody of a davion unit. I'm taking 2 blackjacks, 2 Enforcers, 2 riflemans, a valkyrie, and a Victor. What's another four mechs I can bring to water this company down a bit?
>Why would you hurt yourself like this?
Phrasing was kind of bad in my first post I suppose, I did not necessarily intend to wind up there, just that when I played other stuff, my performance was less consistent and my rank would drop. I play more lights, I get more kills/damage/components, have more fun, and incidentally climb rank. If I continued to fuck around with other weight classes instead of doing what I knew gave me the best individual performance, I’d probably still hover lower.

It was not terribly difficult, no. Just that I am far less consistent with other weight classes. I do enjoy the stormcrow and linebacker and even sometimes the Ebon jaguar, but while those have games where I absolutely thrash the enemy, I have just as many where I die having done much less than I would do in one of my lights. And with the lights I can do well every game.
Have you considered a few Javelin or possibly some Jaegermechs?
Yeah too davion. Anything ubiquitous.
Some solid IS Generals like a Stalker, a Wolverine, a Griffin, and maybe a salvaged Jenner to spice it up or an Archer for the company CO.
Captured Cataphract and Raven. The best introtech variants of those mechs are in fact built in factories that the Davionmen took from the Chicoms.
three screamers and a rifleman III
how about some salvaged mechs, like a dragon and an awesome, then something ubiquitous, like a wasp and a stinger
Needs at least one Battlemaster
>t5 player accusing t1 of hacking
Like clockwork.
Commandos, Javelins, Mercuries, or Crabs.
I don't. I'm t1 and I haven't seen many actual cheaters at all, but it's always funny when t5ers whine about hacks.
IIRC when I looked at the 2019 Kickstarter lance packs it's an even distribution between the weight classes, which does skew a little heavy from the fluff. But yes, I have a small pile of unpainted assaults and in constantly short on lights/mediums. I'm trying to put together a lore accurate company for each house and not give them all more than a couple assaults.

CGL doesn't really give us great options for people who want lots of bugs and mediums. If you want a couple Locusts you gotta buy AGoAC or Alpha Strike, which come with a ton of mechs. If you want Wasps and Stingers you end up with more Marauders, Archers, Riflemen and Warhammers than you know what to do with. Your next option is buying singles on eBay which cost twice as much per mech, in which case you might as well buy 3D prints from Etsy for less. It's no wonder so many people just print their own. I'm about to get into printing and start giving bugmechs to anyone who plays with me.
I'm going to add a pixie, Wolverine, raven, and commando.
>watch early unboxings on youtube
>all of the cunts doing them don't know their mechs for shit
>they either outright have no idea what they are looking at or make dumb mistakes like confusing a quickdraw with a grasshopper
Goddamn, why are amerishart boomers so dumb? Like ffs you paid premium for a kickstarter, shouldn't you know this battletech thing of yours?
they are consoomers
Buy minis from IWM if you want more minis, or single from places like Aries Games. Or just send all of them to Hell and buy 3D printed minis from Etsy, or print your own.
They are coomsomer whales. They only know of the product, and that it need to be coomsumed, but nothing else.
>Oh, hey! Looks like a garbage can! A Thumper... or something!
Who was the mofo that said that?
And unfortunately the Bug Company Box they have "planned" is too little too late
ngl i have no idea what that is meant to be unless its an urbanmech

that does not look like an jaegarmech im familiar with, but he should know WHAT a jaegermech is and that it's a heavy
Shimmy has certainly made some bewildering adaptations of some mechs, but his jagermech still looks enough like a jagermech.
I mean they've tried their best to replicate Ral Partha Jagemech, hard to not instantly get what that is.
im not a boomer
I did leave out IWM. I was mostly talking about what options CGL has. For the price you pay for single CGL minis you might as well get IWM.

I'm one of those guys pushing for a bug box, but I'd rather have a lance than a company personally. It's just enough to fill out a 2 or 3 lances instead of a whole recon company. Either way, I'd buy it. The fact that they have an Urbie company and no bug box is retarded and insulting.
Yeah, Shims Jag actually looks like a Jag should, unlike the version from the Introductory Box Set.
I'm assuming that anyone who got their kickstarter box (and doesn't live in Florida) is some type of influencer that CGL fed a box to explicitly so they could make an unboxing video and get more non-players into the game.

Not surprised they don't know their mechs.
To be fair, the MWO jager and the real jager aren't even close to resembling each other
>Checks this guy channel
>Full of unboxing and WWII shit
>No Battletech

Yeah, a tourist coomsomer showing his small KS shit. It explains his ignorance of the Jaegermech.
Shimmy's jagermech looks like it was childproofed and alex's jagermech looks like it fell into a hydraulic press
Eh, the boomer doing the unboxing should know, and even MWO Jag has the telltale roof spoiler.
I think the anon above has the right idea about it being part of the marketing, dude from the video has fuck all BT content on his channel to boot. Weird they didn't give anything to DFA or Guerrilla Miniature Games though.
>The fact that they have an Urbie company and no bug box is retarded
The fact that they have that faggot ZOMG HECKING CHONKERINO URBIERINO +100 UPDOOTS box and we don't have something like an Orion IIC or a Sunder really grinds my gears.
Special ammunition worth it? Why would I pick, say, a Follow-the-Leader LRM load instead of a standard set of missiles?
FTL is trash but some like precision autocannon ammo is an autoinclude if your mech has a decent amount of ammo, same with tandem srms
I always thought it would end up being something like Locust, Stinger, Wasp, Phoenix Hawk. I'd pay $25 for that, but I'd buy a company with 4 of each bug too. I'll take a medium lance while we're at it.

I guess the Urbie company explanation makes sense from a business perspective. Honestly a bug box might not be as profitable as I think it would.

I decided to check this, all my mechs are from CGL boxes/force packs. I have:
Lights: 13
Mediums: 15
Heavies: 12
Assaults: 9
Look man I know they're annoying but for your own sake chill. Getting your blood pressure up over consoomers just ain't worth it.
sorry but urbies are officially lame now, as well as ghost bears, taurians and canopus
How do you guys keep your models in different eras, your home made unit or whatever? Do you just change the variants back to more lore-friendly types?
Can confirm, the hip new fad factions are Fronc, Goliath Scorps, and Raven Alliance.
I've been itching to get back into printing myself and the restless numbercrunching tells me that once my printer gets here, I might be looking at a resin lance every few hours once things are dialed in. The setup for resin has been looking more involved than filament what with the fumes and the UVs and all, but I'm eager to see how it goes.
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>What 30 days and a lot of bad publicity gets you
The Terran Hegemony was more the Canadians of the setting.
Any drop ships out there that can hold sixteen mechs?
To my understanding Vivas runs one of the popular community Discords or something and had gripes with CGL as many people do, and his Kickstarter order got cancelled by CGL last month. Publicity shitstorm goes through it's thing.
clan version of some is thing iirc union c
So they've cancelled his KS order over some wrongthink? That's pretty bold.
Vivas is also a card carrying culture warrior with the likability of an overripe grapefruit, and his Discord is a hellscape of similarly internet-poisoned smoothbrains

the thing is, they were upfront that the reason they made it is because UrbanMech shit sells like gangbusters

on some level, you have to concede they're a company with a vested interest in, y'know, making money
I don't think Mercs could land a Clan Drop ship. Got anything IS, or will one of the lances have to sit out?
You know I fucking doubt people are buying some joke product for a niche wargame in droves. More like it's a meme marketing product that draws "people" in.
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I'm as much of a sucker for savings as a Jade Falcon Banker, so I'm wondering, are there any Jade Falcon schemes that are also close to IS schemes so I can double-dip mechs?

In particularly, I know the Cappies like green and jade, and I have some friends who play FWL, so having mechs that could mix as second-line JF or Cappie would be convenient. Especially since, IIRC, both the Cappies and JF use the beloved Thunderbolt.
Canonically it's fairly straightforward to convert storage cubes of one kind to another, so you need 16 total Mech+ASF cubes, or the equivalent with vehicle bays (1.5 heavy vehicle bays per Mech, or 3 light vehicles).

Union is 12 Mechs + 2 ASFs. You can convert the ASFs to Mech bays, but you're still 2 short, and the Union doesn't have enough cargo space to eat, so you need to drop weapons, armor, or fuel.

A Fortress, which carries 12 Mechs and 12 heavy vehicles, would be easy enough to convert to carry 16 Mechs...but that's kind of a lot.

A Seeker carries 64 light vehicles, which should be easy enough to convert.

Bigger than that and smaller than an Overlord are things like the Lion and Titan that are Star League designs barely in use in the "modern" IS.
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Fronc, ironically, is basically "I'm too embarrassed to be Taurian anymore."

Or at least that's what you say, I've never seen a real Fronc player in the wild, ever. At most I've seen a Canopian player who does the Marshalls and tepidly supports Fronc over Canopus.
I was never a Taurian and picked Fronc several years ago because I liked their retarded pirate war and lone marshal aesthetic.

I don't know JF, but for cappies, a few warrior houses mix green and ivory, and MAC has a regiment with green and white. Plus the Dracons have grey and green.

Specifically for Jade, the Syn's hussars and 2nd St. Ives calvary include it on top of a darker green.

I'd need a JF expert to see if that matches.

But you could also look at the Canopians, who mix green with gold or black.
>I'm honestly surprised the devs didn't prohibit them from using DHS whilst he was at it.
Herb was going to, and the entire playtesters team actually revolted.

The original conditions for the LAM rewrite play test were basically this:
>No technology of any kind beyond 3025, whether weapons or equipment or structural components
>Cannot fire any weapons at all in Airmech mode, or make any physical attacks, or complete any sort of scenario objective
>Airmechs are shot at like aerospace fighters; their only defensive bonus is their angle of attack and they don't add any sort of modifier for how fast they're going at all. This means that, if shooting at them from the back they have a TMM of +0.
>PSRs to avoid skidding have a modifier equal to the number of hexes moved so far in the turn
>Airmechs must make a PSR to avoid skidding to make any turns whatsoever, regardless of MP type spent
>Any damage suffered in Airmech mode bypasses armor and go straight to internal structure
>Similar to dropships, LAMs have a BV multiplier applied at the end of construction of x5. So if you calculate LAM BV of a Wasp LAM to be 1200, the actual BV cost before piloting still modifiers is 6000.
>Similar to dropships, LAMs have a cost multiplier (works like the BV modifier). Their mod was x30. It also applied to any LAM specific repair components.
>Any Technical work performed on an LAM has an inherent +5 penalty, and taking extra time cannot be used to reduce repair penalties.
>Having your LAM destroyed represents an automatic scenario loss inside of a campaign.
Is the Star League in the center?

Who plays Star League?
Dire Wolf, 2 Mad Cats, and. Shogun.
Since the other points are websites, I can't help but read the bottom left as Grogs/OnlyFans.
That does jive with Nasty K being down there.
Then you shouldn't be here
>Marians are OPFOR for Canopian gf
At least one jade falcon galaxy just looks like generic camo, and malivas falcons are all black iirc
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12k BV 3067 fight coming up, I'm fluffing this as a Davion unit that're veterans of the clan invasion. Did I go too heavy on pilot skills and too light on mechs? I wanted to stick to full lances and I couldn't squeeze 12 mechs into 12k with 4/5 pilots. (I don't have enough lights.)
Gamma is 'theater appropriate camo'; 9th Talon Cluster has blue trim, all others green. It's what my Falcons are.
Look at him go!
if you purely want to win I wouldn't bother upgrading the piloting of your lighter mechs, definitely not that much, the main reason to do so is for 20 damage in a turn PSRS

This list looks like it would get run over by 3 or 4 clan omni mechs (which to be fair would probably cost 9k bv at least). You need some gauss rifles brudda and some heavier firepower, you only have a single unit stronger than a medium and its a rifleman, and that's the unit that you should be upgrading its gunnery. Also if you are new this will take ages to play, disregard if you aren't.

Why the hell are you paying 1500 BV for a raven, all its weapons are in the arms or torso, which have 10 armor each, one ERPPC or lpl and its going to be in bad shape.

This absolutely needs some heavier mechs and assaults. You dont need to break the bank. 1.6k can buy you are decent assault, 4/5.
If they are veterans of the clan invasion they probably have some clantech salvage?
You better pray to god your opponent doesn't have a lot of pulse lasers, or gauss, or erppcs almost nothing here can take a hit.
My 2 cents, upgrade the piloting but not the gunnery, a successful kick forces a PSR, Kicking also gives those lights a reliable way to do a semi-decent chunk of damage and leg damage tends to add up.
I don't have any clan mechs.

I was mostly figuring the pilots in the oldest machines, seeing that they survived the Clan Invasion, would be the most experienced. The guys who showed up in shiny new mechs are the green replacements.
They're certainly an incredibly overused meme.
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yeah I think this is a better list, its nearly 25% heavier. the 9s will do well but i'm a fan of the 10s, and that's a good one to upgrade piloting on
They said they're thinking about Bug Company box (Specifically referred to as an "idea" not a confirmed product) with Wasps x4, Stingers x4. and Locusts x4
This is a joke right? Nobody would actually advance rules that insanely biased against a unit.
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Fronc Reaches is mostly for people who don't like the whole "feudal knights IN SPACE" aspect of the setting and would prefer if it was more of a military sci-fi setting.
>reading a book with early malvina in it
>defeated enemy asks for quarter
"you wish", and then she crushes their head her talons. She was evil as fuck even early on lol, killing tens of thousands and making pyramid skulls of them, crushing childrens skulls underfoot
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The one guy was talking about how the person he plays regularly with just kept using a force of a whole bunch of Arrow IV and Tag for spotting. That the guy had 8 mechs dedicated to firing Arrow IV and the rest for spotting. So we can probably assume that these are at least 12v12 matches. Well, we then found this out. Poor guy.

If you expand to mercs, the 15th Dracon have pretty much an identical paint scheme to Sigma Galaxy. Better yet, Dracon is known for hoarding Star League equipment. Don't just think Thunderbolts - think Flashman.

Both are dead post Jihad, but who plays that anyways?
Also Fronc Reaches appeals to people who want to play an American faction.
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Where do Hell's Horses lie on this autism chart?

Also, for those of you who use boxes of death, do you have one for each mech in your force or are they more generalized?
This is the type of guy who posts in btg threads about how x unit sucks because he would just spam artillery or some other weird cheesy strategy nobody actually plays against

or the type of guy who took clan invasion lights against IS and balanced by tonnage. I would just refuse to play against that guy ever again assuming he isn't some totally new player who didn't know any better
Yeah, if you play against someone like this more than once, it's on you.
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I've never used one before but I set these up for tomorrows game

Hell's horses are contrarian and reasonably popular, probably nearish steel vipers or in the middle. Their warrior over machine thing doesnt really appeal to onions redditors who are insecure
It's for people who like cowboys in space. One Colonial Marshal and a posse of local boys vs pirates is the most common type of fight in Fronc from the Jihad into the mid dark age.
I've been warned against a player at my local club ive yet to play against or seen play.

The person telling me was trying to be polite about it but he sounded like an autistic retard who might actually be a cheater too. The guy who gets extremely mad when he rolls badly, fudges movement and one thing i was told is he doesn't use movement dice and expects you to remember how far he moved, seems like a cheating angle

my first time playing he was arranged to be my appointment but no showed, no doubt nobody else there wants to play against him
ice hellions are cool

Yeah I've never really seen many actual horse players, more people just theorycrafting their shit.

Which implies autism.

But they'd count as "some other homeworld clan".
There's NO reason to not use movement dice except to cheat.
>Actual retail for the force packs and items will start releasing at earliest in September through regular distribution but have a release schedule spread over 6 months, so patience for your favorite goodies from retailers. I recommend not going crazy on Ebay folks...$115 for a Savannah Master mini is just not right.
damn, 6 months?

Retarded Clans are more fun than the "smart clans".

Jade Falcons, Blood Spirits, Fire Mandrills and Ice Hellions are all stupid and all far more respectable than the "sensible" Warden clans, or the smarter Crusaders. You don't play clans to be smart.
September is 2 months away, I expect the first thing they release will be the Merc box through large retailers.
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I'd have to go back and dig up *very* old docs to look, but yes, that seems pretty much correct. There is one small bit of context to one of those entries that's missing. The playtest wasn't that, "AirMechs couldn't shoot", it was that, "AirMechs didn't have any defensive modifiers except for ASF Angle of Attack, and the only way they could get any was to use ASF Evasive Movement. ASF Evasive Movement prohibits firing any weapons."

So in practice, the idea was that AirMechs would be using evasive movement at all times, because otherwise they had no defense whatsoever and all damage would go directly to Internal Structure. Therefore, AirMechs would be *functionally* unable to ever fire any weapons without committing suicide. It was an attempt to back-door them being unable to fire weapons without actually literally writing that prohibition into the rules.

But other than that, without checking notes, everything else listed appears to be *more or less* in line with what I recall from the extremely early days of the LAM rewrite playtest. I'll also say that the "3025 weapons/equipment prohibition" went away instantly, because the entire point was to rewrite the rules so that the WOB could use high-tech LAMs during the Battle of Terra in the Jihad, and preventing them from using modern weapons didn't work in that context.

Finally, never forget that the *other* purpose of the rewrite was to make rules so absurdly terrible that nobody would ever voluntarily field or want to field a LAM in a game ever again, without actually outright banning the unit. That was an outright stated goal, straight-up.
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>mfw I am both a contrarian and rarely play because I haven't had the time lately, hopefully that will change soon.

I accept my fate. God I love combined arms and also dying like a retard because I chose Iota Galaxy.
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Well he apparently hasn't played BT in a long time and we're all starting to understand why now. All it takes is 1 WAAC player to ruin a game for someone.
>my first time playing he was arranged to be my appointment but no showed
Someone agrees to meet you for a game like that and then no shows without any warning, then they're done. Never plan a game with that person again. A person like that wouldn't be fun to play with anyway.
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Had a mech dream for the first time in a long time last night and I finally get it. Mechs really are just about making infantry the dominant force on the battlefield again, by making them bigger, stronger, and better than vehicles. In a mech you never feel helpless when a tank rolls around the corner, because you're a walking tank yourself.
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I play Star League
speaking of the highlander, how do you use the highlander in introtech? for some reason it feels fragile and lacks firepower
Sniper/last mech standing, he ends up with way more armor by the end of the match than anything the other player will have
If you play Star League Era then it's not introtech
How to Fix Chaos Campaign?
The 733? You hang out in cover at 7-10 hexes until you've used up most of your LRM and AC/10 ammo and then you wade in to mop up.
Any good later era manticore variants or should I stick with the base version?
Because they were broken once in a very old version of the rules and a player who fielded a LAM called Herb a poopyhead this one time, so he swore vengeance against the entire unit type.
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>tfw no Lyran MILF uses me as her favorite butler and calls me her "Kleiner Hund"
>wants a GILF with a brother-obsession

I'll stick with my angry abusive clanner women thank you very much.
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Obviously it's canon now because it's on the card, but was there any evidence before that kerensky was this good a mechwarrior? I don't know why but I always thought he was a good pilot but his real strength was strategy, the leader also being the best fighter is a bit 40k for my liking.

Also, Preston anon was too scared to turn up this evening. Where is my batchal you coward?!
With all the core worlds repeatedly nuking and gassing and killing the populations of their own planets, why don't people simply pack up and go colonize outside of the Inner Sphere? This was always the trouble with any scifi franchise where FTL travel is commonplace: People would just scatter. Only it doesn't happen in this universe, because uhhhhhh reasons.
Why are there TWO important characters named Morgan!?
I actually hate how every single leader in this game is also the bestest best mechwarrior pilot ever. I get they want to push their product, but come on dude. When was the last time a world leader also drove a tank?
There is a RAC version that has a targeting computer I think is pretty decent. If the goal is just to use the model you can also look at Patton variants.
They do. Battletech focuses on the Inner Sphere, little attention is paid to those who leave it.

Alpha Strike is the 40kification of battletech, I just ignore it.
Gods, I knew it was bad, but not *this* bad. The man genuinely had an unrelenting, seething, hateboner against them didnt he?

The man seethed at the existence of LAM's. Thats not an exaggeration or a joke, he genuinely hated them to an unhealthy degree. IIRC one reason was that they were "too anime".
Kerensky got that Orion and some other mechs shot out from under him a lot. He was on the frontlines fighting a lot, but I don't remember anything saying he was exceptional at it. I'd put him at something like 3/4 or 3/3. Better than average through pure veterancy, but not special.
>Alpha Strike is the 40kification of battletech, I just ignore it.
As much as I agree, it is still canon
Were there any infantry scale hex maps for the Mechwarrior RPGs ever released in a pdf or some other printable format?
>1 hex = 5 meters
I think LAMS are 'too anime' as well, but that's just exceedingly petty.
XIN SHENG DID ruin the Cappies.

Id say he was a fair pilot, certainly not green behind the controls. Access to the best of a generation of soldiers. 3/3 seems realistic.
So funny story, I was at my LGS this weekend playing battletech with a buddy and over the course of the next few hours three people wandered over to see what we were up to. One was a staff member, one was a short balding dude who hadn't played Battltech since the 90s but came over to talk to us for about 25 minutes about how the clans ruined the game and that the HBS battletech game finally balanced autocannons properly. The third was a tranny who came over to tell us that they watched a lot of battletech videos on youtube, and wanted to know if either of us was playing the "catgirl army".
He's cracked it.
Will you please come with me.
Was Kerensky a gunslinger graduate?
Forgot to mention the 2nd dude complained about being banned from the official forums because of his politics. He did not elaborate and we didn't ask.
The setting attracts all kinds of people.
I mean they literally ARE from anime
This doesn't say he's the best mechwarrior ever just a good leader, also there are counter examples like Yori Kurita, Hanse davion, Tsun Tsu liao and daoshen were both average at best
He's not on the notable members list from Sarna.
So are Battlemechs.
but that's not AS card
It shouldn't, and undesirables shouldn't be allowed to play games at all. Tabletop gaming isn't for people who can't socially fit in to normal society.

Yeah sounds about right.
It literally says that he is a 1/1 pilot. It's not the best ever but it's a lot better than I expected him to be. I was expecting 3/4 maybe 2/3 but with the leadership and tactical SPAs
Small price to pay for the Hellstar, Cygnus is cool too
Okay yeah 1/1 is retarded, that's like top 20 mechwarriors to ever live territory, it's been inflated recently, 3/3 at best
I always thought he was at most a 4/4 or a 3/4, dipping into 3/3 briefly when he was fighting on Terra before returning to his previous.
If Mega Mek is 20 years old, why do the starting scenarios not have any coding to let you win, when you complete the required objectives?

Why isn't there even a little text pop up to open and give you context?
Pilot skill inflation is a real thing, and it's being done deliberately. Our local demo is one of the guys who writes the pilot cards. Basically, CGL listened to the people who want the game to play faster. Since AS is not palatable to the people who like Battletech, they are deliberately normalizing better skill ratings. The plan is, during the next rulebook after Total Warfare, to set the base G/P ratings to 3/4 permanently, and to make running pilots at 1/2 and 2/3 into something that's not especially notable. It's the only way they feel they can speed up the game without significant rules changes and without losing rules fidelity. A 1/1 pilot is just an elite pilot who is especially good at piloting now, not "top 20 ever" territory.

Top 20 ever pilots are going to be 0/0s with multiple SPAs.
Thing is, several other notable pilots were on those cards and nowhere near as good. From memory Aaron DeChavilier is only a 3/3 or thereabouts.
Also, I can 100% believe what you're saying and I hate it
He didn't design it, he just set out the specifications
If a mech takes a knee behind partial cover you take a +3 to shooting and it can shoot everything back except leg mounted weapons, right?
would clans then be 2/3?
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Grey with red accents can double as both JF Vau Galaxy and The Legion of Vega as well as some other IS units i think.
what tac ops bs is this
that's also one of the hell's horses galaxies and WOB shadow divisions
They're supposed to be that anyway. Basically every front line formation is veteran or elite rated. The average skill in a front line clan formation is therefore 1/2, and for every pilot who is 3/4, you need multiple 0/0 pilots to make up for it. 3/4 Clan pilots may be "regular" by BV costs, but they are actually hugely uncommon and are limited pretty much only to people just out of training as when you look at the actual canon material.

However this fact makes a lot of people the very Big Mad. Mostly because they don't care about the fluff, they only care about BV optimization.
Hull Down rules, TacOps:AR p19
I mean, they are from anime designs, as >>93416884 says. But then again so are pretty much all the classic designs, the 55 ton Trio, Scorpion, Goliath, Thunderbolt, and Beamer all come from Dougram, the Locust is from Crusher Joe, and the Stinger, Wasp, Ostscout, Pixie, Pixie IIC, Marauder, Marauder II, arguably Marauder IIC, Warhammer, arguably Warhammer IIC, Ostroc, Ostsol, Rifleman, arguably Rifleman IIC, Longbow, and Behemoth, all come from Super Dimensional Fortress Macross. Oh, and the Horned Owl is quite literally a near perfect 1/1 Death Army from G Gundam. Theres also tons of references to characters and units from those shows.
This entire game is based around classic Mecha anime, it was built to play classic Mecha anime designs and pit them against each other. The Inner Sphere politics, the Clans, pirates, and the Periphery, are all drawn from themes and ideas in those anime. You may claim to be "anti-weeb" or "anti anime" but you are quite literally playing an anime game. You better start liking anime, your in one.

Fuck off Manic
My bad just read the part about the Cappis. Warrior house Ma-Tsu-Kai and JF Delta galaxy have a similar scheme
>Also, I can 100% believe what you're saying and I hate it
The game must be played faster. How else would you make that happen, without changing any rules? And obviously without using Alpha strike because Alpha strike is a failed product for failed people who don't have the patience or brainpower to play the actual game.
you can't get better than 0 gunnery 1 piloting per random determination on page 273 of total warfare even for clans in elite rated units. For said units the average is not 1/2, that needs a roll of 4 or 5 on 1d6, with a roll of 1 giving you a 3/4, 2 or 3 giving 2/3 and 6 0/1.

But yes the average skill for something like a keshik of alpha galaxy should be like 2/2 or something, I reserve 0/1s for people like Malvina Hazen or Berith. Devlin stone is probably a 2/2 or something, true legends like Kai Allard and Natasha K + Jaimie Wolf are 0/0
I'm a noob and I can get a lance vs lance done in 3 and a half hours
I've only read the blood of kerensky trilogy for clan lore, but my impression was always that the clan way of life meant they had a large number of above average pilots but very few exceptional pilots, because they lived such short lives compared to the IS they didn't build up enough experience before dying or being considered too old to be a pilot anymore.
Hence why Natasha was such a surprise to them because a 40 year old should be on garrison duty, and it seemed to highlight that being in the inner sphere allowed her to gain experience above and beyond normal clan training. She was also suggested to be an exceptional pilot even by clanner standards so 0/0 or even 1/1 can't be that common for them.
Random determination is random determination. You can't assume that each faction only fields twelve different kinds of mech of the same weight class just because the RAT uses 2d6.

Campaign ops says the average pilot in any elite formation is 0-1, the clans just don't field regular rated formations.
>The game must be played faster.
The only people saying that are the people who don't care enough about the game to actually dedicate time or attention to playing it and catering for them will just make the game worse for the people who do enjoy it.
The game takes like 15 hours unless you have a tiny number of Mechs, or you play on MegaMek and have it do everything for you.
Natasha was pushing 70 by the time the clans came back. She just looked about 40 because of great genes and lots of surgery.
I've finished games with 14 units a side in 4 hours and I've only been playing a few years, and we play with extra rules
the average being 0/1 when the best possible is 0/0 is a bit retarded no?
>Most liked factions are:
>Jade Falcons
>have a soft spot for RWR
What does that make me?
Having a hard time finding First Strike for some reason.
The average of the best rated units being slightly worse than the best possible rating is reasonable to me. "hero" units are better handled in the RPG system or with lots of custom quirks, you can only do so much with what is basically a 5 point scale.
gay and autistic.
can you guys recommend me some capellan-affiliated mechs that came out before 3023? like, before the raven, cataphract and such.
>average skill for something like a keshik of alpha galaxy should be like 2/2 or something
Again, though, that's literally wrong.
Super nervous for my first campaign game tonight. Wish me luck anons.
>>>93417282 #
>the average being 0/1 when the best possible is 0/0 is a bit retarded no?
Doesn't matter if it's retarded. That's what the rules are. You have to abide by them.
The best possible is 0/0 with fancy SPAs. Most of those 0/1s either have no abilities at all or only generic weak ones.
I'm looking through tac ops right now, there's some really interesting stuff. What optional rules do you guys usually play with?
most obvious motte and bailey ever, even if that were true it only applies for campaign games

Vindicator (the number 1), catapult and shitty big mechs , Koschei
Ah, my mistake. I stand by the rest of what I said though as it was definitely a point I remember the books making

Lambda Galaxy has such a generic paintscheme, its got to be shared by something in the IS, right?
Basically none, I can't even get people to agree to floating TACS.

Retractable blade buff is a good one
Am I to understand that you and your buddies scrupulously follow the random force generation rules from the back of total warfare for all your pick up games and also your understanding of what the unit ratings mean?
we choose skill ratings but try and base them close to what it says there depending on what unit we are playing
Floating TAC should be a core rule imo
Careful stand means that a damaged gyro doesn't instantly put you out of the game
Pilot skill rolls to run backwards, walk backwards up or down elevations, and to flip arms and torso twist are all good and easy to implement
ECCM rules
Comms equipment giving an initiative bonus is one I enjoy, it's not as overpowered as it sounds and can add a tactical layer to a game where you try to destroy their mobile HQ or protect your own
We sometimes use ghost targets for ECM
Active probes removing a level of terrain for shooting
There may be a few others I missed, but our club generally uses those, and most stuff from advanced equipment or even alternate eras is okay provided you make it clear before people pick their forces.
>most obvious motte and bailey ever, even if that were true it only applies for campaign games
>t.rules shouldn't apply to me
>it only applies for campaign games
ie, the only games which matter

If all you do is "lol BV era agnostic pickup games", then you might as well go back to 40k with the other undesirables. Campaign play is and has always been the only valid way to approach this franchise.
Yeah that one surprised me, but it is in the rules. Doing one or the other is fine but to do both is a pilot skill check and an advanced rule
So just like the rest of this board

Yes exactly
1) Namefag. Get out.
2) You're calling that anon Manic. The infamous manic that a particular anon can never stop going on about how awful the person is and which I'm assured is always here but I've yet to ever actually see a post from... is that person?
Yeah, okay. Thanks for confirming that there is no "Manic anon". There has never been a manic anon and it's just what idiots call other anons when they get upset that they're not agreed with.
>Thanks for confirming that there is no "Manic anon". There has never been a manic anon
Fuck off, Manic
No, but I'm also not going "here is the one and only Natasha "Nasty" Kerensky in the flesh, fighting the actual factual Devlin Stone himself over the empty junction between Grasslands #3 and Desert #2 with a couple of additional hill tiles scattered around."
Manic is NiceDaemonette without a name. He's very easy to spot and has decades of internet history across multiple sites and names.
Holy fuck, this retarded newfag sees manic in person and still thinks manic doesn't exist.
>Snow Raven not even on the chart

Not sure if I should be relieved or dejected that nobody pays attention to them.
>Active probes removing a level of terrain for shooting

Is that in TacOps or a house rule? I kinda like it, gives active probe some use without needing to play with hidden units.
It's in tac ops.
The only people who pay attention to Snow Ravens are Davionmen
There are other factions that are not on the chart?
>Everyone in the UK.
The Tuesday Newsday interview with Mike answered what has happened with UK and EU Kickstarter fulfillment.

Basically, your problem is VAT. EU demanded that VAT be charged on the full retail value of everything in each individual shipment. So if you paid 50 euro for your pledge, and the total retail value of everything in the box was 600 euro, the EU was going to charge you VAT on a 600 euro purchase. So they held the shipping until they had resolved this. It's been resolved as of late last week.

The UK simply said they would not allow the importation of the materials at all, because they were not made in the UK and they "directly compete" with a similar product that is made in the UK (read, GW). They worked past this, and now there is evidently an exemption form and a fee/bribe that CGL has to pay in order to bypass this, and then CGL has to figure out what the UK is going to charge them for VAT and if it's going to work like the EU situation again.

So basically, you aren't getting your Kickstarter stuff because you live in places that are shitty to try and import into. You voted for governments who support those policies, so you have nobody to blame but yourself.
I want an entire battalion of Jarnfolk infantry.
Quite a few clans and some absolute nobodies in the periphery and deep periphery.
I'd call you manic before the other guy.
Have you listened to yourself? You sound like a stalker.
Yeah, and if that guy is manic, then manic never meant anything at all. All I see is typical 4chan bantz and a bunch of butthurt autists.

They're all clumped under "homeworld clans".

Like sure, Ravens and Horses show up post-Jihad but that's post-Jihad.
Then not only are you a newfag to the general, you're new to the site, stupid and blind.
Fuck off ND. No one believes you.
Jihad, post-jihad, it's all non-FASA non-canon.
>manic is just like you or I
>that's why the mods have been personally hunting down his posts and posts with pictures of his posts and deleting them for months
>absolutely nothing about the way he speaks or what he says is out of the ordinary or annoying
Janitors newfag, this isn't reddit.
But like your predditor mods, janitors are troons and fags.
Them having a vendetta for an anon is big points toward that anon being good people.
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do you think reddit invented the term "moderator" or is the only website to have them?
Lurk moar newfag.
Better yet, go back.
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You are one stupid motherfucker and you're trying too hard to fit in.
I don't give a fuck about your queer pictures, get with the local program or fuck off.
The local program is hating manic.
Only if you're a cocksucking fudgepacker, and any enemy of corrupt degens is a good guy.
Dumbass, janitors can only delete posts on a single board and do it for free. Mods can ban you and go wherever they please, and do it as an actual job. Don't pretend you know shit when something this basic eludes you.
Those are his beliefs.
Christ, you are loudmouthed for knowing fuckall about anything in /btg/.
Huh, so anon was right. The problem was vat and import issues. I guess it wasn't CGLs fault after all.

Goddammit, I liked being able to be mad at CGL for this.
Just keep doubling down on being a mouth breathing idiot.
I know enough. Whatever I say or like is right, and whatever anyone else says is wrong. And if they say they're right, then they're the degenerate who needs to fuck off.
>wasn't CGLs fault after all.
Missed the bit where you still have to pay the outrageous shipping they should be dealing with out of pocket?
fuck, you're retarded as all hell.
Any shipping cost is outrageous. All shipping and handling should be free.
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other than this fella, which mech would have zeon-vibe look with its cockpit painted like mono-eye?
The unseen Horned Owl, obv

Stewart Dragoons, and tons of Merc groups, but no Cappies that I can recall - unless one of those merc groups worked for them.

Sucks Peregrine Galaxy got Refused, cool name and scheme.
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Vapor Eagle, Cyclops...

>Missed the bit where you still have to pay the outrageous shipping they should be dealing with out of pocket?

With what money? The KS bucks are mostly gone by now...
if you take some putty to fill in the gaps then the ice ferret is a good candidate. Vapor eagle has a mono eye built in. The novacat is another one with a good visor type cockpit panel. same with the night gyr, king crab and linebacker. but yeah basically anything with a good visor type cockpit will work well enough.
Another day with no email from qml, but i did get an email about an upcoming battletech tournament. And that got me wondering what y'all would bring to an alpha strike tournament. 375 points. bonus points for thematic unit.
I wouldn't go to an alpha strike tournament.
The 733 is literally just an Orion with a movement profile that is bad outside of cities and broken terrain. The only truly useful addition is that you have a few more heat sinks.

If you're playing with BV it sucks. 1800 BV is far too many points for the armament you're getting.
Highlander has upgraded weaponry and can dish out more damage then the Orion as well as tank it.

Just saying it just has two additional heat sinks is just out right lying.
Wow you have an LRM20 instead of an LRM15.
And the SRM6 is an upgrade on 2SRM4? Don't make me laugh by saying you were talking about the worst Orion.
how much lrm15 worth on the orion? because i'm kinda torn between on1-k and on1-va
I like the 733 because it really feels like it's a downgrade of a good Mech, rather than being a good Mech in its own right (not like the 732 is that great anyway).
This is the correct answer.
Nigger they had us pay VAT ourselves, what the fuck are they talking about?
It gives you something to do while you advance and with two tons of ammo can easily be loaded with smoke.
Alternatively, the VA actually has enough SHS that you can fire your entire brawling loadout without carrying heat, unless you ran.
Yeah, I won't play Alpha Strike. Period.
The notable thing about Vivas having his order cancelled was that he was being "careful not to say anything that could get it cancelled". He did have a public laugh at Bryan Young being told by Stackpole that Focht is a guy and some people mentioned that might have been what made it gets cancelled but it was also done sneakily and, very likely, by someone who has beef with him.
I knew it'd turn out like that. What hammered it in was hearing about a few European stores getting their retail packs alongside that guy getting the IS Battle Armor from Amazon. Good thing I went only went ham on the dice since it looks like I'll just be able to buy what I want cheaper and with less fucky shipping charges
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Maps presented in MW adventures have always been squares.
I'm reading First Strike off Scrib or whatever, and damn does it have details on mostly the hell expensive light mechs.

Did the Urbie, Locust, Javelin, and so on not exist in fourth edition?
how much of devlin stone's deathbed confession is true?
>kind of strange to see right where i live appear in the story
What did it entail?
It was put out as an introductory product right after the Unseen lawsuit. They steered clear of any of the contested designs, so Bugs were out, and kept to an abbreviated list of designs to keep it simple for new players.
I just saw a lot of light mechs so expensive, I had never heard of them before.

Were the BUG mechs all Robotech/Macross designs? They look familiar.
>Were the BUG mechs all Robotech/Macross designs? They look familiar.

Wasp and Stinger are from Macross, Locust is from Crusher Joe.

Note that all three of the OG LAMs (those two and the Penis Hawk) were from Macross, which makes sense considering.
The Bugs are the original 20-ton scout lights. Wasp and Stinger are derived from Macross veritech art, and the Locust is from Crusher Joe.
There are other bug-named 'mechs but they aren't usually referred as such. The Hornet and Flea are both 20 tons and had art and minis that date back to the BattleDroids era, but weren't included in the original box games or have formal stats until later. The Spider and Cicada are not included because they're bigger, and the Firebee is another BattleDroids relic that didn't get canonized until recently. Hornet and Firebee both were originally more veritech derivations but got revised art later on.
The Phoenix Hawk and Valkyrie are also derived from veritech art as well, but other than the Pixie being fluffed in-universe as being based on a reinforced Stinger chassis, neither is a bug 'mech.
him made by wob, somehow wob pulled the blackout, he invited the clan wolf and chose alaric over malvina regarding which one to take terra and stuffs
Mega retarded.
Devlin Stone got smothered by a pillow because he got into Alariks head.
Is the wraith a good Medium?
>“No, the Blackout was caused by a deep-cover Word of Blake sleeper cell. I suppose it was some kind of last fail-safe, apparently planned to go off once I was out of the picture. I guess if they couldn’t bring the Inner Sphere together, they would make damn sure it would tear itself apart.”
kind of contradicts with what actual WoB guy says tho
if you want to make a combined arms lance, how many tanks/vehicles roughly equate to one mech? like, suppose when you want to go 3 mechs + x tanks and such
The blakists have like ten different ideologies that are explained in great detail and a bunch more the let them have a motivation for whatever the plot needs them to do at the time.
For me I go three tanks per mech. Air assets are two per mech. Infantry about six to ten, depending on the mech.
The Davions are the Canadians of the setting.
>“The truth is, near as I can recall, that I was a nobody, some ignorant grunt captured by the Word of Blake. They tortured me, used me for experiments, and purged most of my memories. There were three of us they tried this on, and I’m the only one that made it out with half his brain intact. Who am I?” Stone shrugged weakly. “I honestly don’t know, and the records are long gone. I kind of remember serving with the Federated Suns, but even now, those memories are fuzzy. Doesn’t matter anymore anyway."
>“The Wobbies remade me. They created a new persona, one they called Devlin Stone. They planned to make me their ideal weapon of war, a perfect general to lead them to victory. Their wonderful technology imprinted my brain with everything I’d need to know about military and political strategy and tactics. I was given a body of knowledge it would normally take lifetimes to achieve, squeezed into every nook and cranny in my brain. The process was agonizing—it almost drove me insane—but they didn’t care. They just thought I would be a great leader for their cause, a valuable tool, another weapon against the corrupt powers of the Inner Sphere."
wonder why the clans aren't doing something like this to make the ultimate genghis kerensky khan reborn
Vehicles usually do the same job as mechs of the same weight but slightly worse, so it all depends on what vehicles are replacing what mechs. It would be nonsense to say you need two LRM carriers to equal the contribution of a Valkyrie. In universe people sometimes make a demi company of 4 mechs and 2 vehicles that tries to hunt individual lances or clan stars.
...there are a lot of 60t mechs that would do worse than a lrm carrier imo
Go with Augmented Lances. 4 mechs plus 2 vees/battle armour. There's also 4 vees and two mechs or 4 vees and 4 battle armor
Stone being a Blakist sleeper has been proposed basically since Stone was introduced as a character

Him choosing Alaric because he thought it was better than Malvina is only slightly retarded.
>is a mech that easily generates +4 TMM while carrying a suite of weapons that all get -2 a good Medium?
Na it's shit mate
>wonder why the clans aren't doing something like this to make the ultimate genghis kerensky khan reborn
Here's the funny thing about the clan genetics program: all of the phenotypes shorten your lifespan dramatically. And for the mere Trueborns, there's no actual statistical proof that they produce better mechwarriors than Freeborns, on average.

Much like real life eugenics, it's one big farce.
>the clans? hypocritical and deluded? no way
I wish I could play Megamek on my phone.
This is what Jordan was afraid of.
What drives the lifespan reduction is as much ideology as technology: if the program works, then the next generation is necessarily superior to the previous. Logically then, for best results the generational change must be as rapid as possible. A trueborn warrior is like a generation of a single-task ai: you make a thousand of them, see which ones perform the best according to a narrow set of criteria, and make the next generation out of those ones, then repeat until ultimate warrior.
why not just clone someone like natasha kerensky at that point then
They do, and then put the natasha clones through an absurd training regime that kills half of them before they turn 16 and pretend the problem is the genes and not the training methods.
1. Guided recombination may make an even better warrior
2. I may be entirely wrong but even the Clans recognize that she's a bit of a retard. Lacks "Kerensky vision" and whatnot
>like Dog Breeding has shown, humans are actually really shit at picking what is and isn't good.

That is highly debatable. We bred a large number of very different breeds who are highly effective in the roles we bred them for. There are trade offs, but to say that dog breeding has been a failure is absurd.
elementals are an example, perhaps the sole example, of the clan eugenics program succeeding wildly. it can work when applied to things you can actually effectively improve with eugenics
It would be actual transhumanism if it worked, which it clearly doesn't if after three centuries there's no major difference in performance between trueborn and freeborn warriors, or even between trueborn warriors and inner sphere soldiers with similar amounts of experience.
His special ability should be 'withdraw instantly from a game'.
>It doesn't help that "purebreeding" has required a LOT of Habsburger level inbreeding, which only degrades your genepool.

Not true.

There are several thousand trueborns in each Clan, Clans regularly share genetic material, and Scientists are implied in a few places to regularly use freeborn Warriors in crossings. Even just about 100 people is enough to avoid inbreeding problems if you're smart about it.
It's has produced stable breeds of dogs which are efficacious in the roles we intended them to be useful for. Yes, it means that a number of the pups are born with issues, but that's a cost that breeders can deal with. Just purge the defective pups. You breed more that are healthy than defective and win out overall.
The funny part about Elementals is that they still can't be honest with themselves about the reason it worked.
>are ape genetics part of Kerensky's vision?
>Namefag. Get out.
No. Because seeing my name eternally makes you seethe and mald.

Names on because I want to do what I can for this community, this thread. I want to pull us back together and back to our 2012-2020 goodness. Not sure how yet.
my mortar and pestle finally arrived.

spent all afternoon muddling glow powder.

I have no idea if this is actually making the glow powder any finer since I've never used one of these things before. But I know for a fact doing the grind is worse than scratching nails on chalkboards.

this better fucking work to pass this shit through an airbrush.
It doesn't matter how you think battletech works, your headcanon is irrelevant.
thinking about making a capellan deserters turned pirate force, with vnd-1r, cgr-1a5, (and maybe jvn-10n). the rest will be vehicles. what vehicles should i look into, with that them being former cappies+current pirates+complement those mechs? oh, no airplanes or infantry
>pirate force
>no infantry
You do realise 'Mech are really shitty at the whole "looting" thing, right? At least give them some transport vehicles, even if they're just some shitty Quikscell APCs or Packrats, with the crew required to use them.
What's the process for printing my own decals? I'm too hopped up on caffeine and amphetamines all the time to hold my hand steady and freehand letters on bases.
They're not capable of doing intelligent selection because their basic assumptions of what makes an effective warrior are wrong, and because while that may be the stated goal of their ideology, the practical goal is to control the warrior caste via the only rewards the warriors are conditioned to pursue.
Get some packrats, generic transports, and something with a lift hoist, and for the love of Blake choose 'mechs that have a pair of fucking hands if you want to steal shit.
Except it is how it works, otherwise we wouldn't have viable dog breeds that we've been able to breed and have stable populations of for centuries. We've clearly been successful.
Some Bulldogs or Goblins, maybe a demolisher. If it's after the 4th succession war you could do Pos and Zhukovs.
Kill yourself Manic
It's not just about the containers. Not everything valuable will be out in the open or in warehouses that are big enough for a 'Mech to walk in either. In fact, the most valuable cargo should be neither.
well, partially it's because i have those mech models in spare and wanted to use them for something new (for me), but i try to think them as 'fire team' that fights against any planetary defense force or mercs and actual looting teams with lifters, trucks and etc are behind (and unseen), waiting for those guys getting rid of the opposition
BT Piracy is more about capitalizing on the lag time a house has to defend its holdings.

They basically just extort colonies with a show of force until the provincial government finally gets rid of them.

Which is why the marian hegemony became a 'proper' power. Much like all the houses.

Pirates don't swoop down from the heavens on a core world, blow shit up, and fly away with valuable tech and shit. They land on a periphery planet, milk the population while negotiating an exfil, or setting up a bulwark to facilitate a piracy logistics lane.
farm equipment, agrimechs, small arms, and raw resources are the most commonly trafficked assets pirates take. I don't know how common slavery is but I wouldn't be surprised. Battlemechs are so rare and mech techs in such short supply they're frequently frankenmechs making landfall barely functioning with compromised armor/engines from the start.

Also, some people are considered pirates but are more likely mercenaries with privateer permits from a neighboring house.
Nearly every "core" system planet has a regiment of mechanised infantry with some battalion of tanks and/or artillery, and the logistic capabilities to move them around their planet. Some (like Tikonov with its 80 planetary militia regiments as of 3025) have way more.

And it's not like the pirates have no lag either - jumps into a system are easily detectable from nearly everywhere in the system, and even "pirate" jump points are some hours away from landfall.
Successful pirates nearly always either have a JumpShip or maintain a business relationship with someone who operates one.
Easy, sell them to the Goliath Scorpions.
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This is what a D/F List Federated Commonwealth light Lance looks like. Ouch.
Also can someone explain to me why the Hetzer is described as bad, when it's 40 tons and 855 BV?

Also why is the supposedly cheap, gun car so powerful?
Jumpships are pretty a-political. Involving themselves in local politics would be bad for business. I'm sure they're aware of what's going on but as long as the paperwork is in order, there's no reason to question who is submitting it.

There's no way to know some force is a pirate just because they entered the system. Pirates will almost always have the initiative. At least until planetfall. They could very well enter the system on false pretense and make planetfall claiming to be a bolstering force to support defending against an incursion. The literal 'we're with the band' ploy. Then by the time someone notices you're covered in tattoos and hair is out of regs while your locust is leaking piss bottles from its knees, the handful of non-drug addled sappers are in place to undermine defenses.

Obviously planets with a bustling organized crime presence are particularly susceptible. There's no reason for a pirate gang to lay siege to a hard target when there's plenty of populations barely getting supported. Swoop in, offer protection the fed suns aren't providing. Fabricate self-defense scenarios. Get people growing space opium and fold the local government into the syndicate with threat of force.
No, mercenaries operate within the bounds of what passes for international law in the Inner Sphere, and are perfectly capable of using commercial JumpShips.
>getting product to buyers
Fences exist. There's a vast network of traders looking for margins most honest folk can't see. Hell, there's tons of uninhabited land throughout the galaxy to house contraband.
what's scallyeag? can't find it in megamek or sarna but for some reason it's in roguetech wiki
It's almost as if RogueTech, the mod about having fun with random shit and making every run wildly different, isn't canonical.
It's because its range is ass and it falls apart if a 'mech glances in its direction with mild disapproval.
Hetzer does only one thing: Apply AC20 to enemy. It's got 6 tons of armor, which is okay ish, but its 4/6 movement profile and use of wheeled movement mean enemies will be able to control the range against it and it can't take advantage of important terrain for the ambusher role. Plus, its lack of a turret means it has to spend some of its limited MP pointing its gun at the enemy.

Its not really a bad unit, but it's limited.
the hetzer has a single short range weapon with not much ammo or armor or mobility. It's only really good in an ambush. You are never getting in range with 4/6 vee movement which is going to turn into like 2/3 or 0 after it gets hit once
Vees are kind of shit using the vanilla rules and outside some edge cases, you have to use double MP to go up and down terrain and they get crit constantly having the crew stunned and so on. An ac20 urbie is more durable, cheaper and probably actually more mobile in practice.

The best tanks are long range ones that don't care if they get immobilized much, something like a vedette or scorpion
It has 10% of it's own weight in ammo and there is almost no scenario where it will get to use it all. The AC/10 version is even worse.
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So you're all telling me I'm going to be just fine as the defender and I don't need like an infantry squad with a laser or rockets to make things even?
Considering the amount of times people have gone spastic and mis-called
>reeeee it r manic reee
I have to say that's bullshit.
You should win this easily.
This. There's no such poster as Manic, and you will never convince anyone otherwise.
truly the only fucking solution is to DELETE londonistan.
/btg/ has zealous hate mods. they hate /btg/
New thread! >>93420849
i love it when the jannies and mods just come and prove me right. constantly. fucking tinpot dictator losers
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Spiders aren’t bugs though, they’re arachnids.
"Bug" is a laymans term that applies to all crawlies, you're thinking of "Insect" spiders are indeed, bugs, just like worms are.
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>what y'all would bring to an alpha strike tournament

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