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Still Standing Edition

>Agents of The Imperium Codex Coming Soon:

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon:

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question
I like the new model.
Provided link will steal your discord account information
I hope the imperial navy gets expanded in the most retarded ways, like an improperly scaled strike cruiser model that takes up the entire board and just kills half the enemy army every turn
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>Still Standing Edition


This game was shit, but I will always retain the experience of playing a vidya as an Ork.
If you can't accept that 40k is a skirmish game that makes 0 sense in the setting (2 small armies fighting over a pointless piece of land with 0 artillery, air, or space support) then it's not for you.
No, you don't
If a multiplayer shooter with good devs existed 40k table top is cooked
If Leman Russ is a king disguised as a beast, then Lion El'jonson is a beast disguised as a king?
Not the way I play it!
Nah, you can't really replicate the magic of a tabletop game, even the tabletop simulator can only get so much right. Nobody wants to be stuck in some 5v5 meta nightmare.
dunno, go ask /homo heresy general/
Game would be dead after a month.
Only would appear popular as the CODoftheMonth club cycles through it.
You GWfanboys are so tiring the table top game is not god at the end of the day
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Is it just me or are these new battleforces all kinda terrible?
Stating the obvious doesn't make me a GW fanboy. You have no rebuttal cause you know I'm right. TripleA multiplayer games have shorter lifespans than goldfish these days.
Speed Freaks is going to be a fun distraction
Nothing like getting 300 points for the low low cost of $200
It's far more likely for the tabletop to get balanced than for 40k to have a multiplayer shooter with good devs, and either way I'd still collect my toys.

Maybe you want /v/ instead of /tg/
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Now that the dust has settled can we admit that this model is pvre sovl yet?
I've only been in the hobby since COVID and even I noticed a steady decline in box quality.
I don't even think it's Warhammer fanboyism, it's more that tabletop gaming is fun in itself and you can't really replace it with video games the same way you can't replace video games with tabletop wargames.
mods ban this thread the discord is back
>t's far more likely for the tabletop to get balanced than for 40k
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That was his way of saying a good multiplayer shooter in 40k world is a pipedream
No, everything about it is cringe. Even the psychicken just looks like some dumb seagull loitering around the pier to snatch some fries from a fatass. The cyberhead tries to look like a hawk hood but it's just 'Derpy the extrachromosomic bird'.
Minus five stars
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Post games. The Cron did great but these Nundams are mean.
But the tabletop is a strategy game, that's a whole different market
I like how the current edition is so fucked up you need different types of mortal wounds and now you need different multiple different movement rules so people can't desperately wring out extra inches from thin air. Remember guys, scatter dice and templates were just too difficult to balance, just impossible.
Just entered this server BE CAREFUL, it's a scam, they'll datamine your information
>skorpekh lord hiding like a bitch while CHADnomancer single handedly holds off the enemy assault
destroyer cult bros....
Horus heresy chads keep winning lmao who knew the apparent flavorless marine vs marine game had more flavor than modern 40k.
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Man I can't even type straight today
That's the thing about pre-8th warhammer, the core rules has tons of complexity and completely optional rules to make a truly dynamic game. Now all the dynamic rules are locked within faction books, so much so that every game has both players effectively playing solitaire with their "builds" and just blowing away any unit they see
How is this thread still up?
Go back to the discord or hhg faggots there is nothing wrong with 10th and Horus heresy killed 40k
>Optional Rules

Yeah like the guy using a template and then arguing to remove the most important model of the squad lol
It was made first and it's not filled with the PAKi samefagging in impotent rage?
The Pak fag hates the discord btw
I think you can really only get away with that if you're using a sniper type weapon, I haven't had anyone argue for picking a model in that way.
Post your objective markers
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I’m bored. Post about /yourdudes/
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I would but they have company logos on them.
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Fuck is this shit?
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How do we fix them?
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Its pvre ass is what it is.
just go with 30k models.
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We use clear circles. Helps them fit in a bit better than a solid black circle with a logo on it.
add the plastic 30k models
make them stronger and increase the point costs
His pose is so bizarre
He looks like he'd have to waddle around like a toddler if he tried to move
40k has never, at any point in time, been a good game. It's always been a game of stupid rules designed by idiots with buck teeth and clockwork livers. That being said, sliding your models around the table and imagining them doing whatever it is that you're having them do IS fun, so it balances out.
trying to proxy a tau army so I can play for a more reasonable cost, anyone have suggestions for patreons or other storefronts that have good crisis/stealth suit proxies? also looking for more alien breachers/fire warriors since I dont think 'just blue guys' is a very interesting theme
I wish this was our timeline.
Yeah but it got reactions in return, which are dogshit.
Adding the 30k models would fill out everything that needs to be filled out. Also they need to fucking stop with the asinine faction design.
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>there is nothing wrong with 10th
The Warlord of my CSM Warband went on a pilgrimage through the Realms of Chaos to reach a better understanding of the Chaos Gods and Chaos Undivided. In the process he
>Found the soul of a close member of his Command Squad cursed by Khorne, and bound it to a set of Terminator Armor to kill for the Warband once more
>Broached Tzeentch's realm with extreme caution, and even then lost a fair number of Marines while extracting an artifact from it
>Lost several more to Nurgle's Realm, ultimately unable to go far into it and concluding that Grandfather's gifts are best suited for others to receive
>Was lead through Slaanesh's realm by another former member of his Command Squad who had reached Apotheosis (which the Warlord had helped him attain), and discovered a Chaos-aligned Craftworld where he learned much regarding the Fall of the Eldar and Slaanesh's birth (or at least, a distorted view of it)
Why does this general retread the same fucking opinions we get it you hate primarchs and blah blah mystery just stop being angry already go to the gym or something
They just wanna circle jerk like its reddit over their opinions. I used to be a primarch hater until the I read the white scar books and I learned trying to fit in here was a fools game.

Not like its worth it to fit in here LMAO
Is there ever a situation where I would run 25 Heavy Intercessors?
Already own 20, from the Imperial Fists/Boarding Patrol. But a fren from flgs offered to sell me his Strike Force August box for cheap.
The most I've ever used in a match tho is 10 with Feiros cause it looked fun.
Fuck off white scar faggot you and your discord are whats truly killing the general fucking faggot.

Someone post Korsarro letting a marine die and him being nice to tau
he's fucking shit, the sculptor should get fired
I don't like marines and marinefags
I don't like marines^2 and marinefags^2
If you don't unit them in squads of 10 exclusively you're a faggot and should kill yourself.
>25 Heavies
Unlikely, but it will look cool as hell
I think at this point its mainly newfags that are looking for a single reason why 40k is shit now. When really, its just because the people that started 40k aren't working on it anymore, and the people that are making it want the broadest appeal possible.
Pretty cool, why did he feel he had to get closer to his gods?
Because putting the apex supermen on the tabletop gives them a statline and a quantifiable power-level and removes all the mystique from them and invalidates a lot of their lore as sheer propaganda.
Completely unnecessary to breing them back for 40K, I could maybe be persuaded for 30K though.

Anyway, that's it, there's your Primarch. Thats the absolute peak specimen than the Imperium will ever be able to field on the tabletop without making some abominable ret-cons to existing lore. Say thanks to GW.
Priestly is in charge of everything and made primaris
Because it objectively cheapens the setting and ruins the game. Now you have sleeper picks that you are almost always expected to take.
Thats your argument? The never true to canon table top gives them stats and thats how we judge them from there?
>The Pak fag hates the discord btw
WSnig, spamming the discord link here is against the rules.
Just gonna remind you of that.
Yes, in my opinion tabletop > lore, and anything that deviates from it is just in-universe propaganda.
>Because putting the apex supermen on the tabletop gives them a statline and a quantifiable power-level and removes all the mystique from them and invalidates a lot of their lore as sheer propaganda.
I never cared.
"Oh no... G-man died to some grot..."
The tabletop is pure fanfiction, anything that happens on it is literally made up by the players themselves.
Tabletop was always nothing but an abstraction, it was never accurate to the fluff and neither was the fluff accurate to the game.
That has never been GW's goal at 40k.
Lore is what matters, not the tabletop.
Tabletop gets changed more than the fucking fluff, it's even more dogshit and inconsistent when you compare the 2.
You're a dumbass.
>why don’t you like what I like? You should have the exact same opinion as me!
Fucking prequelfags should just stay on reddit and /tv/
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reminder that primaris are 8 feet tall
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and that firstborn are 7 feet tall

anything other than this is wrong
Because they are secondaries.
Secondaries live off the retarded power level wank and off of "muh mysteries", so they are mad at GW because GW didn't make their super marines as powerful as they are in their headcanon.
Also the "muh mystery" shit is just them getting mad at GW because they aren't conforming to their specific brand of headcanon.
Also they are the type of fags that think the Lost Primarchs are peak literary material, even though none of the original creators wrote anything for them, there's nothing, no history, name, no titles, no achievements.
Which is just prime for terrible headcanon fanfiction shit.
Best I can do is d3 Mortal Wounds on a 2+.
>space marines are
That only means firstborn, firstborn are 8ft tall.
Primaris are 9-10ft tall.
I think centurions are starting to grow on me. I think I just really like heavy war suits like terminator armor. I never got the hate for them.
total primarch death
He seeks a better understand of Chaod Undivided as a whole and believed that by learning more about the Gods themselves it would bring him closer to understanding the nature of Chaos.
PAKfag, this bait is really stale, even for you.
that looks like a claymation space marine
I’m not the PAKfag, I am starting a red scorpion army and I think they would look cool next to my terminators.
>invalidates a lot of their lore as sheer propaganda.
That's cool tho. It makes the whole universe more interesting knowing that the imperium as a whole has been lying to their population. Propaganda and hearsay has always been part of the fun in 40k because it makes the imperium seem more desperate to maintain some semblance of order
So he seeks gold hood for himself? Was he once a loyalist or has he always been a chaos marine?
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>6th Company, The Embershields:
The Embershields possess an extreme love of fire even for the descendants of Vulkan. With branding and fire related rituals common within the company. Formerly the Falling Stars, the company name changed following their intervention on the world of San Tlacala in 227.M40 Invaded by a tiny splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Behemoth, its defenders soon found themselves overwhelmed and unable to contain the tyranid beachheads. The tyranid fleet had become weak from travel and immediately descended onto the world and begun turning its beautiful mountain forests into biomass. Facing little resistance in orbit the 6th made planetfall via drop pod and began systematically burning down the ancient forests the tyranid bioships had descended into before backing off to let the raging inferno serve as a shield. Leaving behind mines and specialized auspex sensors to watch for burrowing organisms. Over a 2 year campaign they were able to contain and eventually eradicate the tyranid infestation. The firewall made from the never ending forest fire they used to cordon off the tyranids giving them their new name.
>I’m not the PAKfag, I am starting a red scorpion
Wow, not just a PAKfag but a FWnigger too.
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>The 6th has served alongside the Black Templars on a number of campaigns in the Ghoul Stars region. Adopting similar traditions and working together amiably despite their differencs in terms of faith.

>During the drop at Kydov they were scattered through the city’s industrial district which had been turned into a grotesque drug production facility on a colossal scale. The 6th company spent much of the battle being assaulted by waves of industrial workers and chemical abominations. Eventually the cataclysmic violence inadvertently triggered a chain reaction destroying the entire district and killing most of the company. Badly damaged after New Kydov they have since been largely rebuilt. They are now led by brevet captain B’o’fa Diaz, a lieutenant at the time of New Kydov. They have heartily embraced the Gravis armour recently made available by the chapter’s forces. Squads of Flamestorm aggressors bearing the sigil of the 6th being a common sight in the new combined company forces the chapter has adopted since the great rift. They received a number of greyshield reinforcements from the torchbearer fleet that saved the chapter from total destruction.
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>buy matt spray varnish
>shake it real good
>still comes out glossy
I've been burned too many times, I'm going brush on only
Mucho texto poor grammaro
I am looking for low floor, high ceiling army. What makes your army easy to learn, but difficult to master?
>That only means firstborn
The video is all about a primaris marine and you can see the firstborn being depicted as 7' tall

>inb4 the lifesized 1:1 artwork is wrong!
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no don't say it!
>The video is all about a primaris marine
Space marine only means firstborn.
Primaris are 9-10ft tall.
First born are only 8ft tall.
>>inb4 the lifesized 1:1 artwork is wrong!
It is clearly, you retard.
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>Still seething about primaris

lol, lmao even
Lol true. Techno Chad held them back while the Lord "attended to the back field"
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>Space marine only means firstborn.
cry more
He's a Word Bearer, he holds Chaos Undivided in the highest regard and seeks to understand the nature behind it. Sided with the Traitors the first moment he could and actively threw himself into Chaos worship, bringing most of his Command Squad into the fold as well.
Emperor would never seethe over primaris.
He literally championed the idea of technological innovation.
>>Space marine only means firstborn.
It does.
It's the reason why GW came up with "primaris marines", they are a different thing.
Primaris marines aren't space marines.
>Space marine only means firstborn
why is there always a primaris at the center of space marines codex now?
Why is the video for a primaris marine then? >>93413234
>why is there always a primaris at the center of space marines codex now?
To tell firstborn players that their armies will be replaced by primaris.
>hates the discord
Not according to the archives that have the link in the pakg threads too. Ben you suck.
Because primaris are the face of 40k now.
Also it's twitter, it's manned by some retard intern who knows nothing about the setting anyway.
Evidenced by the "there were always female custodes" tweet.
>Evidenced by the "there were always female custodes" twee
Rent free + YWNBM + cope + seethe
Looks like the ben you started 7 years poster got a new gimmick
Surely everyone you don't like is the same person
>GW releases shitty new model
>First time fanbase agrees on anything it's so bad
>People buy 3 copies of it and spend hours "fixing" it
>Sold out
>YouTube full of "buy this model and do this!" Videos
Ill never
Do space marines still make new first born or are all new recruits implanted as primaris from the start now that the die has been cast?
If you have an airbrush MiG Ultra Matt Lucky Varnish goes on beautifully.
nah, firstborn are 7', primaris are 8' and this fitsborn here >>93413557 is less than 6"
There aint no fixing that shit.
I would hope we don't have multiple idiots here having meltdowns whenever someone shits on the latest 40k DEI initiatives
All chapters can decide on their own on how and at what pace accept the primaris

All chapters just coincidentally all decided to stop making first born and make only primaris, since they're superior in every way and all old first born crossed the rubicon too
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Emperor's Children are pretty much guaranteed to be the last codex of the edition. But they'll at least get a planned-compatible-for-next-edition codex right? They certainly won't do indexhammer two editions in a row.
fixing it involves not touching that shit even with a 10 foot pole and buying a copy of the previous one instead, the new miniature has no redeeming quality at all
10th edition was ruined a few days into it, they HAVE to make a new complete overhaul.
I don't think I've ever even met anyone who played Emperors Children in about 20 years of playing 40K.
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I'm sorry you don't like the official lore. If it bothers you so much you could always write your own game with no black people or women to trigger your snowflake ass lmao
Okay and? You've played with maybe 2-3 people in your life what is the take away here?
How did your last game go 40kg? Did you win? Did you have fun?
How tall are a firstborn marine and a primaris marine again? Or is the official lore only official when it comes to DEI matters?
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Why do Orks always look good in stalhelms?
You tell us.
Well obviously not if I've been playing in my city for 20 years anon? I just literally cannot think of a single person who collects them, or even having seen then at any tournament I've been at?
Stalhelms, aren't those the things chudsters like? You should be careful there is a crusader here who will say YWNBAM if you post slightly upsetting stuff.
The Inquisitor looks like a big baby in a Golden Romper Suit.
That bird will have a broken wing after colliding with that metal frame. Totally lame.
Was this done by a new DEI recruit?
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Uwu wots dis?
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I won and had fun my last few. Though the very last one I feel kinda bad. It was the new servo skulls mission, buddy rocked up with 6 armigers and I killed 4 of them first turn. Then I popped both his big knights the next turn and he conceded.
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There are a few of us. Just few and far between.
Because orks always look good
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My guard army is an irregularly supplies army that is meant to look like a scruffy mob.
To reflect this I have to buy resin bits from third party stores and the costs add up to near GW prices.
>pic related
>literally me seeing all the bits add up in price

I'm currently going to settle on just making a veteran guard kill team of the guys and be content there.
My last game was against Tau, there's a pic here >>93413022. I lost pretty badly due to a bunch of failed charges during my Waaagh! turn. I was in bad positions afterwards and the Tau cleaned house pretty easily.
I did have fun. The guy is a joy to play against and I fought hard until the bitter end.
Did anyone play it in 9th?
Was it fun?
How do you play?
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We're painting terrain today bois
I’ve played it a bit. You have to houserule a lot but it’s very fun. Elites are a huge deal, Lychguard, genestealers, Aggressors all fuck in it. Though the muster restrictions are a tad frustrating.
Probably because they received no support. I knew no sisters of battle players until they got their refresh.
>multiple entries in the New York Times bestsellers list in you're path
It kinda tickles my taint that Gav Thorpe is considered a New York Times best seller because he was featured in a collection of HH short stories that made the list
Isnt that just Zone Mortalis from Necromunda, or whatever the fuck you call it in Kill Team?
They get banned from the family-friendly store for bringing in six-tittied demons.
>MiG Ultra Matt Lucky Varnish goes on beautifully
Do you have experience with MiG AMMO paints? I'm trying to break out of the Citadel paints ecosystem, and AMMO also has acrylic washes. Are those like Citadel washes?
>I knew no sisters of battle players until they got their refresh.
I did
It was a ton of fun in 9th. Like a better version of Kill-Team and a way to play small scale games without any risk of vehicle skew. Some things are a bit unintuitive at first, like how doors and deployment worked, but after you get the hang of it we really had a blast as a weekend game you could get multiple games in on a single gathering.

I will say 10th screwed the pooch though. The free conversion/update PDF was half assed and about half the factions don't function right with their Arks of Omen rules and the leader system feels terrible when they aren't allowed to join with units except in certain phases and only by using a strategem.
It's redundant to make taller space marines in the first place so both firstborn and primaris should be 235cm tall so about 7.7 glazed donuts in burger units. Actually firstborn shouldn't exist because they look like shit so basically primaris should be called space marines and space marines in general are 235cm tall. It's also pretty dumb if primarchs are like 20 meters tall so the overall cap for human height should be around 250cm. Excessively large shoulderpads are also dumb so Guilliman should look like a slightly taller space marine. These guidelines can be considered objective and adhered to by Chads.
Why is one guy pushing this discord so hard? If you want to talk to the people here just come here.
Last game was a crushing victory over Custodes with my Dark Eldar. He clearly was surprised that my trash units didn't just fold in melee and hit back harder than he could handle. He was clearly the walk forward and kill stuff type though, because he had basically given up on objective play by the end of turn 2.
firstborn are 7' tall >>93413240
primaris are 8' tall >>93413234
Their insistence on pushing smaller scale game modes will never cease to baffle me. As if anybody wants 30 different reskins of the same 2 unit 1 character game style.
>had basically given up on objective play
This is where a lot of custodes armies fail cause they have such low unit counts
>Their insistence on pushing smaller scale game modes will never cease to baffle me
It shouldn't baffle you; smaller games being dogshit is one of 40k's biggest gaping flaws
>AMMO also has acrylic washes. Are those like Citadel washes?
No, not at all, they're aimed at more deliberate application and can be reactivated once dry with just water to adjust or remove the layer. Definitely wouldn't take to having a water based varnish put on top for example.
Well, he probably already lost in lost building because he didn't bring and Sisters and clearly didn't want any. Those Caladius Tanks are fucking nasty though.
that's another 7' tall firstborn, can you count?
I wonder if some suit declared that the modern generation is too ADHD to paint an army over 10 models and play a game longer than 20 minutes.
its funny that there's another primarisharter in the other general that was created unnecessarily screeching about only codex is canon and there's another one here posting images of PR twitter posts saying, 'look canon'
Anon no one paints their fucking armies, ADHD or no. 75% of the player base probably only primes their army and calls it quit after that.
Boarding actions with 4 people may end up being fun.
I also posted an image from GW's own website >>93413240 and one drawn by Jes Goodwin >>93413355

I'm far from a primarisharter, the point is that canon says firstborn are 7' tall and primaris are 8' tall, and anyone arguing otherwise has got a problem
Thanks I guess it is ArmyPainter washes for me.
AK made some acrylic washes but they went their own way and I think they messed up when doing that.
There's a reason why the Citadel shade paints are so popular and it is partly because those specific shades of colours are well selected for making shadows in the recess details of miniatures.
Yeesh, don't hear many stories like that anymore. Always feels bad when they happen though. I remember in 9th edition I popped Magnus and a big knight on turn 1 after the guy overextended and I was in waaagh range. Half of his army was just gone and I felt awful the rest of the game.
It happens though. Best you can do is be a good sport about it
The Hereticus one is probably okay if you're the sort of male feminist cuck who actually collects female miniatures.
Yeah. I rolled a bit hot with my melta guns and it was all ogre. He killed some scouts, a single unit of aggressors, and an Impulsor + its cargo so it wasn’t totally one sided but he left my big guns alive and I’m within 12 inches. I think I did 31 damage to one of them. Of the 5 melta shots that went through I rolled 3 6s and a 5 all within 9 inches. Fucker just went poof, he made 8 FnP’s but that wasn’t enough. I’ve got a tourney in a few weeks I’ve decided to go to that’ll humble me I’m sure.
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I'm also working on some terrain.
That's a big pile of rocks.
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Any recommendations for snowy terrain, gents? I made some desert terrain for the LGS, which turned out fine, but now I want to do some for the snow mat they have. Not sure what to do.
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Rock on.
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I made a snow table last year. Pine trees covered in snow does the job well enough if you don't wanna go all out. In my experience vallhallan blizzard is the best looking snow paste on the market since its a bit transperant so you can have some more melted parts. Its completely insane to use it for a whole table though. The best option is probably to buy vallejo or aks ready made paste or buy powder snow from woodland scenics or something.
First born is small, primaris big. Simple as
>is the official lore only official when it comes to DEI matters
Almost like different people have different opinions
two tiered board: top side of the board is the frozen surface of a lake, use snow effects, transparent plastic and water effect and cracking texture

the lower part of the board is the emptied basin of the lake, you can have huge stalagmites and stalactites, as well as the lair of an ice kraken (imported from fenris)

you can have an imperial research facility connecting the two tiers with a huge elevator (which additionally serves to support the whole board), plus perhaps an opening for aircrafts and/or a part of the frozen surface that has cracked open

or just do the top tier and have fun with modelling things frozen in the ice or swimming under the lake
a fallen titan or ship could also be cool
>two tiered board: top side of the board is the frozen surface of a lake, use snow effects, transparent plastic and water effect and cracking texture
>the lower part of the board is the emptied basin of the lake, you can have huge stalagmites and stalactites, as well as the lair of an ice kraken (imported from fenris
This would be unplayable you nogames freak
Nobody cares about canon, especially when it's made by a company as incompetent, basedish and sterile as GW. Common sense dictates that the size difference between the faction warriors cannot be too great since it makes no sense aesthetically, especially when some races such as the eldar are supposed to be lithe. Therefore the optimal space marine height is only slightly taller than eldar (235cm).
Just because it's not your symmetrical standard loadout it doesn't mean it's unplayable

the elevators would offer big things up to the size of knights to move up and down as well
>Therefore the optimal space marine height is only slightly taller than eldar (235cm).
that primaris
firstborn are 7' tall, like an eldar
Looks amazing but actually playing on it must be rough
Interesting concept that would look dope as hell but that would be a fucking nightmare to set up and store at the LGS. I'm just looking for stuff to set on top of the snowy mat my store has.
Seen this board a few times from you, it always looks so fucking cool. I guess I can do some really dense carniferous woods to be the LoS blockers because those look great.
How'd you make those rocks?
>Gorgeous game board
>Grey legion leman russ
Come on anon....
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I didn’t. But foam board, pva, mod podge. Or so the owner said.
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Why must cool looking terrain be such as to actually play on?
Why must good boards for fair and fun play look like such ass?
Range is the problem.
Because models need a fairly flat area for them to stand on otherwise they tip over, whereas the best looking tables have lots of altitude changes and different textured surfaces that don't hold up over time to gamers sliding models on it and bouncing dice across them
>Rolling dice on the table near your models and not in a tray
this is one of my favorite pages from the rulebook
This looks so fucking ugly dude. I'd rather play with no terrain than that shit
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It's not grey though, it's purple?
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Yeah it's more of a display board but smaller games work fine on it.
Happy you like it. Go for dense woods and some rocks maybe for starters. Looking forward to seeing your project.
I hate those stupid helmets.
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>noooo you have to roll your dice in my heckin dice towerino or it doesn't count
Virtual tabletop fags deserve the rope
You don't need a reddit tower but ffs don't roll them on the gameboard
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>I said roll your dice again or else
>the dice roll is invalid if it leaves my reddit tray
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I feel attacked.
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>paintlet projection and cope
Speak for yourself paintlet
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I wonder if Karamazarabob will get squatted.
>cba to paint your snow the same way across both tiles
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how many 10th ed codexes have resin stuff still?
Primaris orks when
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you mean nobz?
I'm pretty sure either kyria or greyfax are resin
Who's the most overrated primarch and why is it Sanguinius?
neither is
I am an ork
people like to shit on the smurfs but Guilliman is definitely the greatest Primarch. No one else, not even the mutant vampire faggot BAfags like to suck off, could have done as well holding the Imperium together, both after the Heresy and Post-Fall of Cadia.
Model is objectively shit but you still have to go back
Which color iz best?
how oilled up are you
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>not even the mutant vampire faggot BAfags like to suck off, could have done as well holding the Imperium together
Should probably spend some more days getting your duolingo streak up before dropping such retarded opinions sweet ESLkun
It'z GREEN ya git. Blue iz secund best.
wrong, green iz da best
Siege of Vraks - Announcement Trailer: Siege of Vraks Fan Animation Trailer If the Emperor is with me we will have part 1 at the end of 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz0K9_Gurfk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tM9SoJ-MpU&t=1629s
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It's clear to me that the assassins are getting remade, seeing as they have been disappeared for a long while and the minis are almost 10 years old.
But... Has anyone asked for this? I mean, I only have a vindicare but all the 4 minis look pretty good already.
Let's see where this goes, maybe there's a legion of people that hated the kits and I haven't noticed.

Also, if someone can tell me, was the culexus the least popular one? If they are purging the assassins stock to make new ones it would make sense to plop the least popular one into a BF
Never mind you've got nowhere to go, you should go lay down on your closest set of train tracks and spare the world from your existence
I figured it wasn't worth stating the obvious.
Release the thing instead of a trailer.
If only I had a penny for every animation trailer or suit-up that was followed by jack shit
>he doesn't paint his minis with tumblr nose
Horrendous taste detected
>t. asshurt mutant vampire faggot
This guy likes DKoK maybe a little too much, i wouldn't be surprised if he summoned a DKoK tulpa
>my heckin grimbork shovelrinoos
Fan animation fags are somehow even worse than loretuber slop consumers
The assassins are modern plastic, doubt they're getting an update
What a DKoK tulpa?
nah krieg is overrated as fuck
Dis grot ain't talkkin like an ork. Mefinks he ain't wut he sayz.
Blue Orkz iz best Orkz, git.
I have read Sister of Nurgle and now feel oddly inspired to get Death Guard... but only if I could it in sisters into it. Would they make good proxies for something DG uses?
>trying to paint female faces for generic unmasked grunts
>End up looking up makeup tutorials so that my dudes aren't one shade flesh gorillas
It turns out there is a lot of drama in the makeup community on YouTube
>Blue Orkz iz best Orkz, git
You're wrong but you are entitled to your own shit taste
>see comment section
>see a happy gasmask noise comment
Good lord it sucks being a guard player associated with such living stereotypes.
But you know how schizophrenic gw is when deciding what to update.
Just look at the fucking inquisitor they've just announced
>women finding reasons to hate each other
>this is surprising for some reason
Dunno why you would self report that you don't spend any time around females
Is there a reason for choosing chaos corrupted Sisters of Battle and not regular Traitor Guard that isn't coomer related?
Shut the fuck up faggot
Aww, dis runt sayz I'z "entitulled" to m'own finkin. Can't evun standup fr'imself.
Wunder wut dis runt finks iz secund best. Iz bettin' he'z an evil sunz grot.
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Why? It's incredibly convenient and nice to be able to play with my friends when we are unable to meet up in person.
I'd think of it as more of a nice addition to your toolkit rather than a replacement for actually playing obviously, since the primary enjoyment of the hobby comes from painting.
(If you have no models and just play as a waacfag on TTS you probably deserve the rope tho)
>le ebin cadia broke before the guard did
>my heckin rambos
>le epic death korps with yellow coats
>le happy Russian noises
All you guardfags are the same, don't be pretending you're any better lmao
Uh oh virgin melty kek
I'm also a guardfag and I honestly sometimes forget that the kriegers are supposed to be playing the same faction as me. They might as well just be their own sealed off little bubble within the wider 40k playerbase.
Larping is reddit drama class faggot coded
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It just needs a small update
Ben, you’re 30 and have never even kissed a girl.
I wish the British would realize they don't know what humor is and stick to colonizing browns
what's that a reference to?
Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other.
but anon thats the irish
That's Irish though
I wish he had a mechanic where he could do mortal wounds with charges or something.
Like telefragging somebody by materializing a bunch of boyz.
He could at least have deep strike. Say that shokk tek on his back is a personal shokk tunneller.
Same thing
What would be a good helmet for this, or alt head?
Would be okay for a generic inquisitor
The head isn't the only problem with that sculpt the whole thing is dog ass
It's the same thing.
>All you guardfags are the same
Care to list off the bad traits so that some guard players like myself can be better?
That's a good point really. I think the biggest draw of the Kriegers is their grimdark look. They are apparently the "good" guys of the Imperium if one sees the Imperium as a necessary evil anti hero of a character, and yet the Stahlhelm designed helmet screams "bad guy" in our subconsciousness so in a way they embody the old grimdark nature of the "good guys" looking evil. Maybe that is the appeal of them that made them so popular.
Along with the Siege of Vraks books apparently being well written. I think nostalgiafags have raised my expectations too high though and I'm bound to be disappointed if I actually sit my ass down and read my Vraks PDF though.
At least the ForgeWorld photographs are pure kino.
I think this lore revelation got glossed over.
When the Death Guard armada invaded the T'au's Startide, a portion of their fleet entered the wormhole.
The Death Guard ships were pulled from the Warp into the Greater Good Goddess' subrealm. She didn't destroy them. She imprisoned them with her.
There are hundreds possibly thousands of Death Guard marines imprisoned by the T'au'Va goddess. What is she going to do with them?

Is GW finally going to create T'au Empire marines using this new lore?
Are these Death Guard marines heresy era or plague marines?
Heresy era.
The DG Sorceror even warns the DG Lord that he foretells that they are going replay what happened to them in the HH if they make the crossing.

The DG Lords is driven insane when he realizes what happened to him and his men and he sees the goddess.
the greater good goddess makes zero sense though, the tau are barely psychic which means the goddess is purely the result of belief from the tau auxiliaries. Ok thats all well and good but what about the fact that the Imperium is a thousand times larger than the tau empire and its people have been believing in and worshiping the emperor of mankind and the various Imperial Saints for thousands of years before the tau even existed? Doesn't this mean there should be Imperial Saints with stronger abilities than the Goddess of the Greater Good?
Only way you could be better is by choosing a less autistic faction
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>mfw Heresy era.
We might just get a written scenario where traitor legion descended loyalists face off against their chaos corrupted cousins in modern 40k.
It will be Death Guard vs Death guard and both sides know who the father is.
I think this idea is kino but I feel like BL authors just have the innate ability to screw up any good idea no matter what.
The Goddess is a Warp entity.
Imperial Faith doesn't resonate in the Warp.
Know the difference.
>give up the guard
Nah, I aint doing that.
No they're going to do nothing with the marines. Tau shit is side character garbage and any lore developments are left open ended and never solved because noone cares about them
Then you're cursed to be an intolerable sperg for the rest of your time on earth
They resolved Farsight's mysteries and the mystery of what happened to the Death Guard. The next warzone focus is on the Chalneth Expanse where the T'au are the main enemy/protagonist.
Living saints are warp entities though, so too is the Emperor for that matter
If you see a Knightfag there, expect a dozen armigiers and maybe one big one because of that XD
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"so be it"
Living Saints are Faith-based entities. Faith is not the Warp. The Emperor can combat the Chaos Gods because he ie powered by Faith, not the Warp itself.
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Picture related.
They just released a novel about the new Sisters character vs a Night Lord warlord called the Killer of Saints.
We got more info that Faithh Powers =/= Warp Powers.
where is this from?
Then how the fuck did the Tau auxiliaries spawn a warp entity by believing in a fucking ideology? By that retarded logic there should have been an Imperial Turth Goddess floating around in the warp during the Great Crusade era
The Shadowsun novel by Phil Kelly
so does that mean "Living Saints are just Imperial Greater Daemons" is no longer true then?
Living Saints are 40K's version of Stormcast Eternals.
Because the Tau fucking suck and GW was trying desperately to make them relevant somehow. It's like the Ynnari. Nobody really cares so the plotline never actually goes anywhere.
where do the models im playing with go?
Do not spread this forbidden knowledge.
Cadian pylons wiped out the Legion of the Damned and depowered Celestine just like warp entities so this is just GW not being able to maintain consistency and making cool shit up as they go.
Tau greater good goddess is not relevant in this discussion because there will never be tabletop units for it.
UK mutts always trying to tell people there's supposed to be some sort of difference between there 4 little shit islands
>Tau auxiliaries spawn a warp entity by believing in a fucking ideology?
Because Gue'vesa and other races missed the point of the Greater Good and started treating it as a religion. The T'au let it happen, ignorant of the consequences.
The 30K Imperium would have stamped out any form of religious expression.
Why can't us WW1 enjoyers just play Krieg in piece. Why did all the faggot memes have to ruin us! I try to make others feel my pain by saying Yvrainne take's Ultra-cock but there aren't any Yvrainne fans to actually bully
>Tau greater good goddess is not relevant in this discussion because there will never be tabletop units for it.
Says who? We saw humans and aliens manifesting miracles of the goddess. This will be represented eventually in the TT.
Anon, the people who like Yvraine do so BECAUSE of the memes about her fucking Guilliman.
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>between there 4 little shit islands
hey there ESL-anon
How are the BL writers going to kill this meme of Yvraine being Guilliman's cumdumpster?
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by making more art like this
The Solitaire's
>are you seeing this shit?
look never fails to amuse
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why didn't speed freeks get a rule like this
who cares about fall back and shoot
Go through 40k literature and make a list of stuff that is not on tabletop some day.
>next warzone focus is on the Chalneth Expanse where the T'au are the main enemy/protagonist
Kek as if but keep ripping those copium bong tokes
>inquisitor they've just announced
Coteaz? Who's current model is ancient and in failcast? Yeah no assassins are getting updates. Reboxed at max for new agents branding.
But it looks like shit, so for me is just a showcase of how retarded they are.
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How do you paint this, cause its kinda awesome
Any idea when the TS codes is coming out?
what is the LAMEST army to collect?
IG. I honestly will never understand why would you pick a regular army faction in a sci fi setting
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because it feels cool to be a regular dude vs a space monster
(you)'r army
Custodes/Stormcast Eternals
Now post the models
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Must be pretty painful being such a brainlet you dislike the most kino aesthetics 40k has to offer.
Guess we wouldn't know.
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Your point?
The Space yiffs, Space vampires, Space faggots, and Space smurfs. Other space marine chapters are tolerable, as are /yourdudes/, but those four suck
>gay elf faction
>entire fluff is they're eternally cucked because they had sex
>entire army is fineshit
Yeah you're definitely the lamest faction lmao
>Space faggots
that could be anyone
>pink, blue and white elves
You just know
That Farseer appears to have no neck
Iybraesil is the femdom craftworld so it wouldn't be that surprising.
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Okay here's the family photo
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I admire the effort but they totally made it worse
>cucked because they had sex
Outting yourself as a secondary
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Im just preparing for eldar models, currently practising lenses and scratches on these firstborns
Nice firstborn
Any chapter in particular or just practice?
-10 vp
erm, actually, that's clearly official Citadel™ Oelves™ Buttripper Grey™ paint
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i gave myself a challange of painting 20 different chapters, might post a group photo when im done
also another one
I just want to state for the record that I hate this term and anyone who mindlessly uses it.
Nobody asked
So how are they called then?
Space marines.
Or just reclaim the term manlet. It holds no power as an insult. I proudly own manlets.
Would you prefer Second Sons?
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But i like the eldar aesthetics
>Accepting pakfag terminology
I'd rather use the term they invented when they plopped primaris out of their asshole than call marines manlets.
At least it has dignity and remind who came first
More like never sons at this point huh GRRM lolgotem
That is because you are mentally weak
Which Primarchs would you have purged if you were the Emperor and which ones would you have kept?
If I were the Emperor, which i am not, I would have definitely purged VIII, IX, XII, and XVII.
I would have kept I, VI, VII, X, XIII, XV, XVIII, XIX, and XX
III, IV, V, XIV, and XVI would be up in the air though.

Baby Marines
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Eldar hips for days
dunno, ask /hhg/
>Common sense dictates that the size difference between the faction warriors cannot be too great since it makes no sense aesthetically, especially when some races such as the eldar are supposed to be lithe.
Most alien threats in the galaxy are around 7 feet tall on average. Like average ork boy is around that height, same with eldar of all kinds, also same with necrons.

Marines (talking firstborn) being taller at 8ft would be advantageus because it gives them longer reach while in melee because they have proportionally longer arms, also height advantage gives you a better vantage point as well on the battlefield.
Also being big means you are usually stronger too (kinda moot on marines since they have superhuman strength anyway)because you have more to carry around. This also allows you to use larger weapons as well and use their leverage easier which increases the damage output.
Also it gives you an advantage during grapples since you're harder to pin down

That's one of the reasons why in the past, specifically during the medieval era and before that large soldiers like knights, were sought after, being big allows you to to out-range your opponent in a close quarters combat.
Which is what marines regularly engage in.

Then Cawl going on and making primaris just builds on that, making them taller also makes them better fighting against CSM.
Which makes sense, since Horus Heresy was the catalyst as to why Guilliman asked Cawl to create the primaris in the first place, they were specifically created to better than firstborn, which what all CSM are pretty much.
Also firstborn and primaris being bigger is fine even from a human perspective because you are not sending marines to fight normal humans, like cultists or rebelling citizens or traitor guard.
You send them specifically against aliens, like orks, eldar and tyranids.
Which are bigger and more stronger than regular humans.
Reminder that Eldar have no body fat. Those boobs and thighs are wraithbone padding, because Eldar are grotesquely thin and spindly. Basically tall and anorexic.
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sometimes I think protoss had the right idea with making their aliens' faces as featureless as the helmets

but then again the nordic aliens is one staple that we should cover, I guess
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Put on some flock. Gonna do a second layer on the base but then my 2E inspired rocky hill will be done.
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how do you do fellow mammals
>But... Has anyone asked for this?
The current assassin models do look very dated though.
GW will just update them so they'll look good among rest of the models and don't stick out like a sore thumb.
Tried to do something similar to these ones
>Faith is not the Warp.
That is a retcon.
Eldar aren't mammals. They have no mammary glands.
>Reminder that Eldar have no body fat.
Xenology isn't cannon.
If they can't get shit like tau having hooves correct or that orks have red blood correct, then it is plain wrong.
read better, the eldar that got analysed was male, starved and the consideration about the lack of fat and similar structures for storing energy are a matter of what the imperial examining the specimen could or couldn't discern.
an analogue of fat might have been present but not noticed or distinguished from the other tissues.
>eldarfag jerks off to disney porn
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I jerk off to everything, there's bound to be some kind of overlap
You're right anon, I want my suzerain skitarii, they should be here eventually.
Begone Mary Sue fag
bitch its an old THROOD thread being repurposed so THROODERS dont once again make a million threads
>mutant love and appreciation thread
fuck off heretic
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Like everything Blizzard does, they stole that.

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