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Too Old For This Shit Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What's your favorite part of the Warhammer 40K lore?
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Primaris, for they are King.
I prefer the discord thread to this gay shit. At least come up with a more precise TQ next time you prancing homo.
Im slurping up all the cheap deathwatch on ebay. Drinking the tears of squatted armies.
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No King rules forever.
i like the 40k lore best
Ive seen images of the new space marine 2 game, primaris aren't that big, in fact they're barely above of SM height compared to the first game
why do you want shitty looking firstborn sloppa? They are almost as bad as blood angel minis.
>implying they're king to begin with
In a few years they'll be flipped for profit as nostalgia comes screaming back.
Stop deadnaming them! They're Agents of the Imperium now!
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The orkz technology.
The third party models
>tfw trying to make a war horde army and have fucked it up

Supposed to be 1500 points but the app doesn't allow for it. Any recommendations, ork bros? I've got a lot of nobz too so I could run bully boyz if need be
The name of the tellyporta in french is hilarious, roughly translates to: "You'z 'ere, you'z not 'ere"
why are orks so cool bros
I'd say it's because they're over the top, even for 40k standards.
A bolter is over the top.
A storm bolter is 40k/10
Orks? Slap a rotary canon on top of a makeshift deathray, slap a rocket launcher under it.

Also they're funny in a grim way, looking at the shokk attack gun and squig bombs rn.
Video games aren't canon and don't matter.
>video games aren't canon
Is that actually true?
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blood ravens
They have index astartes and got made canon through that.
Primaris are not even that much bigger, just a bit higher
Stop being PAKfag
GW reviews and has to approve a lot of lore and plot for games that use their license because they are every protective of their IP. Owlcat gave a lot of discussion on the subject of their Rogue Trader game and how much back and forth they had to go through with GW.
>Primaris are not even that much bigger
They are.
Marinelets are 7-8ft tall, primaris are 9-10ft tall.
>GW reviews and has to approve a lot of lore
Still not canon.
It's a 3rd party shit made by 3rd party retards with no actual grasp of the setting.
Darktide is similarly super hampered by GWs lore approval autism process. Meanwhile Relic got to write their own homebrew thousand sons loyalist chapter and make a dope farseer.
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I prefer to use this reference image, it is not official, but it is a good reference for heights.
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And a Khornate sorcerer.
Let's not forget they had their own fuckups.
But at least the good old games gave us plenty of fun. /tg/ was built on DoW memes.
wrong, written and collaborated with by primary writers for the setting
Into the trash it goes.
It is not needed.
>wrong, written and collaborated with
Still not canon.
BL isn't canon either and never will be. Only codex lore matters.
hilarious cope
Hipsters are so fucking annoying. Why don't you trip so I can filter your posts?
>nooo, you can't say whatever you want
>you have to agree with me on everything reeeeeeeeeee
Go back to r*dd*t, that's a soft enough place for you, game journo.
This, the rampant sperg running to the jannie IRC like he's winning GBP and gold stars is the most homosexual shit I've seen since browsing /soc/.
That's awesome.
I want to make a glossary of every ork terms, including ones from translation.

Is there a website like that already made? No way nobody ever thought of making an Ork translator or something
How to accomplish this?
3d printing
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I like the fall of the eldar quite a bit, probably the second most important event in 40k.
youre entitled to your opinion, your posts are just of an incredibly low quality. I can also listen to a chimpanzee explain why eating poop is a fun and interesting hobby, and its entitled to that opinion, doesn't mean I want to hear it. That's you, you're a shit eating monkey.
Dont waste your breath, blood ravens are cool and anyone who isn't mentally a 13 year old realizes its okay to like cool things. Also, they are literally canon and have been in codexes, have tons of books and short stories, and gotten official rules via white dwarf in multiple editions.
Battle of Macragge really got me into the setting. It was the first 40k battle I ever read about and I loved how desperate things got for the ultramarines. The tyrannic veterans were also pretty cool because they leaned a bit into the tacticool shit but still had the grimdark element.
>nooo, you have the terrible taste!
>you are a shit eating monkey reeeeeeeeeeee
Don't bring your scat fetish into an argument just because you start losing.
anon, don't feed the trolls. Ignoring them is the only way to win. Just discuss 40k and pretend the mentally ill don't exist. We know the board is dying, the jannies prefer discord to /tg/, and anon doesn't actually play the game. Chances are you are just a better person, why waste your time on trash? How about you post some models instead of flaming schizophrenics?
That is a dope model.
>too old for this shit
>has a head between his legs to give blowjobs

Poor old Dante...
Fuck off. We had generals for decades without TQ shit. Stop trying to transplant shit from outsider generals
dis stupid nigga think phobos looks good and talking about sloppa!
You're the outsider, you nogame samefag.
this board hasn't been around for decades
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Design/name six character classes for a PvP arena shooter for your favorite faction.
Video games are for secondaries go paint your models tourist
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Your a sharp one, kiddo
neat, orks the best
The rarest ork colour ever seen.
Coping this hard dosent change the reality btw
>tfw still can't do a decent rust effect

What paints do you boys use for your rust effects and how do you do it?
Don’t you just use agrax earthshade?
The first part of believeable rusting is making sure it streaks
for surfaces covered with a lot of rust i do:
>leadbelcher base
>typhus corrosion
>a very light ryza rust drybrush
>leadbelcher stiple
>leadbelcher edge highlight
for recesses i do
>rhinox hide
>1:2 mournfang brown/ryza rust
>ryza rust in spots
streaks are optional
Sneaky gits they are
Trying to get a strong looking rust effect, agrax won't cut it

Will work on that

I'll give this a try anon, appreciate it. I should have all of those paints too
>ryza rust in spots
meant troll slayer orange
I would head to YouTube. I just use the simple agrax and bronze.
The correct response.
They need an ork with some trinket or weapon of all the colours and he’s some kind of super kommando.
Acolyte Hybrid for general purposes
Purestrain for fast, squishy melee
Magus for buffing/special attacks
Saboteur for funni boom boom haha
Sanctus for sniper or sneaky melee
Abominant for meat shield tank
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All the psychic mumbo jumbo the colors give them on one ork could be cool to explore.
Why is emp 14 feet tall as a natural born human
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would these look out of place on primaris models
he isn't, blanks see him as a normal ripped 6 foot tall guy
it's to be expected from country grown vegetables
Swooping Hawk
Striking Scorpion
Warp Spider
Dark Reaper

That's what I said
No, that'd be salt.
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You be the judge, they're your models.
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Autarchs (and Exarchs) would be OP.
The bulwark is basically an ancient though so it plays a little fast and loose anyway
Liking 40k is the closest thing to experiencing racism that isn't racism
What's the appeal?
Sometimes you want to drink just a small beer to keep the buzz going while on a bender.
>small beer
Just put a skirt on and admit the truth at that point
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Isn't tau government so authoritarian their secret agent kill you to get you out of the way
I would if I could read the ZOGGIN’ fing.

You could just use it as a reference and clear it up with your opponent.
they don't need to, they have race-wide mind control via the ethereal spooks
People who mindlessly larp as a member of their faction should be rounded up in a hole and buried with hot asphalt
Phoneposter spotted
remove the m in the link
Battle sister
Celestian Sacresant
Sister Dominion
Not that I know of, but there should be.
That suits him just fine.
Rank and file Guardsman
Heavy Weapons Specialist
Regimental Stormtrooper
Pathfinder - snipers
Breacher - cqb and shotguns
Fire Warrior - standard soldier
Earth Caste - Engineer buffing
XV15 - Stealth
Kroot melee, I guess?
>Swooping Hawk - Assault
>warp spider -sniper
Can't believe I had to post this in both threads, you guys are retarded
this guy phoneposts
>their secret agent kill you to get you out of the way
This describes every faction
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Rip my beloved, gone but not forgotten
Yes, I have the ability to get up and move from my computer chair so I do so whenever possible
this looks so much better than the weird fallguys stealth suits they have now
Just print them
Is this fucker dead yet?
show me a good sculpt and I would
I'll get around to it, I just wish James hadn't discontinued them
Any day now!
he is neither alive nor dead, and that will always be the case
Reminder that Eldar have no body fat.
Banshees have flat chests and spindly thighs.
Eldar women canonically look androgynous and unfeminine.
Provide visual examples
He's gonna wake up soon, my uncle who works at the Manufactorum says the Emperor will get up and save everyone in M41.000002027.
>Reminder that Eldar have no body fat.
The Drukhari 5th ed codex says they do
>Eldar women
Are canonically blindingly attractive to humans.
There is shortage of lore that says so.
Macha is too cute for this
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Speaking of the Aeldari.
Lelith is now canonically in a whole lesbian relationship with her childhood friend. And she isn't ashamed to reveal this fact to the whole of the Dark City. She loves her. Not in a lustful way but she loves her for her. Genuine love the kind that disgusts Vect because he could never understand it.
Are you happy for her?
I'm happy for me, lesbian elves are hot
Dire Avenger
>Generalist (tactical)
Howling Banshee
>Melee (assault)
Striking Scorpions
>infiltrate (vanguard)
Stormguardian with shimmershield
>Tank (bulwark)
Fire dragons and dark reapers
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Aeldari starve themselves to deny Slaanesh a tasty meal when they die!

Only the most confident or dumbass elves risk being plump!
Sniper class in SM2 has a cloak thing
I guess Ranger if you want to focus on the sniper part
That's not true according to Gladius. It has lore that says that Aeldari cooking is without equal. It's so simulating that it heals and sustains both body and soul.
What's day to day like on a craftworld? What do civilian Eldar wear while just walking around?
>expanding on civilian life
>in 40K
Yeah not happening
I headcanon they wear plugsuits
Civilian clothes so robes and typical elvish garments.
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Sounds like a regular woman.
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Then they must have to eat a lot to cope with being so shitty
>Only 50p
What a steal!
probably something like crewmen do
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whoops forgot pic
Eldar would totally become the most played faction in an instant if they became the 90's hair metal faction
Damn I love that far right guy with the poncho
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Agent of the Imperium
>Arbite - breacher/fragger
>Mystic - intel
>Desperado - roamer
>Interrogator - buffer/debuffer
>Crusader - melee/crowd control
>Gun servitor - ranged/crowd control
Would make a good addition to the 40k cowboy lineup.
Fun fact you can still see remnants of that aesthetic on stuff like the falcon pilot. It's that old.
Guessing they printed a clear resin model, then painted over the arm, or just printed the model without the arm and glued them together
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Update on my GUO. Highlights have gone well I think. This is what I'm planning to do next:
>thousand little things, every time I look at it I find another boil and pustule
>nurglings need proper painting
>gonna redo the horns almost entirely, not happy with them
>metals need highlighting but I'm out of a bright silver so that has to wait until I go to the hobby shop next
same joke again, ben
it's cool but they should have gone with the trope of painting at least half the model down the middle
painting just the arm is a lazy cop out
Mike Brooks long ago joined the 40k authors that can be safely ignored, like C.S Goto.
>they should've just done what my favorite eceleb did when they painted cloaking tech
truly brainless
nobody mentioned that, you're mentally ill
my old weapon platform crew had that look. They Vyper crew still kinda have that vibe too
Anon just wanted a bit more paint, calm down
I tried reading his lion book. He wrote the Lion and the fallen like a bunch on teenagers
>thinks marines don’t suffer from arrested development

About that agents of the Imperium reveal am I right fellas?
Heh, you sure are anon
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Which ones? these? I'd totally build a blades of khaine kill team if there was leather jacket bodies to poach
why didn't they let C.S. Goto write any Horus Heresy novels? Just imagine what we could have got if C.S. Goto wrote Master of Mankind instead of ADB.
You can tell she's happy because her tail is wagging
I like blanks. It just seems like an interesting concept that some people straight up don't have souls.
It's a buttplug, like the stilts guy
What are you on about you retard
It was ass what else is there to talk about. Only plus side is deathwatch and grey knights getting squatted
No, retard, it's a tail. It's used so she can have an extra arm.
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Paint the other eye
I love the idea as an army, fonally a way to play inquisition or weird human non marine factions like rouge traders
Playing a game on TTS of Deathwatch as a last hurrah, let's hope they don't remove Blackspear Taskforce.
it is painted, just shadowed in the picture
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Or even Imperium aligned xenos.
Looks better than cortez at least
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I don't know what sortve gay fanfiction narrative you're trying to push here, but your faggot head canon doesn't apply to tangible IRL items
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I wish gw could remove you secondary queers from my hobby
post your models with a timestamp :)
After you secondarykun, I'm not the one larping as a hobbyist
>tts tranny trying the post models meme
This is not a fight you should be starting lmao
>no models
I accept your concession
I kinda want to paint my world eaters to be black, you have to admit it fits
anyone ever seen a black person play 40k or does it just not exist?
Mork and Gork
It would look good with the brass trim but they'll look like black legion cosplayers then
seen one back in circa 2010, he was French, played Eldar, and was frequently getting the rules wrong
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I've starred at this model so much now it's starting to grow on me with how bad it is
that's probably the feeling the artist had that made him release it
That's how they get you every time man
No. The Tau have been flanderized beyond any comparison. In reality, the Tau are no more tyrannical that your average human dictatorship. The most heinous thing you can accuse them of doing, re-education camps, are currently being operated by many modern countries, like China and "israel". They are tyrannical by whinging british liberal standards, but in all honesty are no more evil than your average modern surveillance state.
i mean, im not gonna buy it, that's not possible, id kit bash my own from some stormcast first
>that's probably the feeling the artist had that made him release it
Unironically yes. It's a combination of exhaustion after sculpting for so long, sunk cost, toxic positivity and ego
he look like those old propaganda caricatures of untermensch, the sub-human
>I've starred at this model so much now it's starting to grow on me with how bad it is
Never happens to me
I actually like the game Warhammer 40000, and I play it.
I don't believe you
>Genuine love the kind that disgusts Vect because he could never understand it.
Why would he never understand it? All Eldar experience emotions/sensations far more intensely than humans, including love. Why would a centuries old genius belonging to this race not understand that?
Because Vect and the rest of the Dark Eldar have been flanderized into being whipping boys for the enlightened Ynnari femme fatales.
>Emperor is almost 15 feet tall.
Height is one of the dumbest things in 40k when it comes to their lore. Even if this is unofficial it shows how fucking ridiculous some of the scale is.
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>two thinly veiled racism posts within 1 min
You reckon any Gue'vesa tech priests bless Tau weapons to the Omnissiah? The tau religious freedom schtick probably extends to the cult mechanicus, but would the enginseers left behind on surrendered worlds be okay with xenos tech in their situation or would they still consider it tech heresy?
I mean the other one isnt really racist, unless you want to call observations racist.
Me too but unlike you I'm not ignoring the more important part of the hobby
>Gue'vesa tech priests
This isn't a thing
>X is more important than Y, so X is more biggerer
It's deeply retarded.
they're supposed to be olive skinned, they're roman gladiators with lobotomies
so why was the agents box with sisters a better box for sisters compared to the actual sisters battle force.
There's no Mechanicus guys on tau captured worlds or they execute them?
play a different setting if you don't like the best aspect of this one then
He's not though, it's a psychic glamour. He's actually like 6ft
It isn't, not even remotely
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idk anon, I think its at the very least in the same ballpark.
This is one of the worst aspects. Imperium having massive doors and streets is because of war engines, tanks, and other titan level armor, some even lost from the DAoT.
Not because the Emperor might hit his head.
Space marines/Primaris shouldn't be bigger than 7 feet. Primarchs and Custodes should be around the same height 7-8 feet typically, with Vulkan being the exception at 9.
The Emperor can be somewhere in the middle of them. He doesn't have to be the fucking tallest, even if >>93416981 is the reason.
This isn't invader-fucking-zim.
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I fucked up a lot, I was going for speed
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If we got Shaq to cosplay as a firstborn it'd be perfect scale
Why do all the non-codex-compliant chapters get to be special little snowflakes but the compliant chapters have to suffer. This goes for CSM too.
>There's no Mechanicus guys on tau captured worlds or they execute them
It's not mentioned anywhere, and therefore doesn't exist
>he doesn't think codex compliant chapters cant be snowflakes
You're the only one holding you back.
The Ultramarines are the biggest snowflakes and they're also the most codex compliant. It's all up to how you make your guys.
nobody cares about your fanfic, faggot
blood angels*
There's a nullifying field around the button, so the Ork can find it when it's ready to un-stealth. Otherwise, the button could be lost, and then the Ork would literally never be seen again.
>Space marines/Primaris shouldn't be bigger than 7 feet
>Primarchs and Custodes should be around the same height 7-8 feet
>The Emperor can be somewhere in the middle of them
It doesn't matter what you think things should be like, we already have recorded heights for everything. Your head canon is irrelevant
Ethereal mind control is very limited and it's not complete. it's limited in range and It can be resisted.
Honestly depending on their forgeworld, they might be overjoyed to get their hands on some xenotech. Stygies priests would be having a whale of a time hanging out with the Earth Caste
>I fucked up a lot, I was going for speed
Both of these are believable based on the image you posted
It's not a headcanon or a fanfic, just a statement.
I get you like your men so tall their cock lines up with your face but it doesn't make it less stupid.
this, how can he claim to be a true warhammer enjoyer when he has never had the satisfaction of carefully opening the boxes that the sprues come in and then slowly sniffing up the smooth aroma of stale plastic inside
looks nice
no point in going overboard on terrain anyways, not to sound rude but people won't look very closely at it 99% of the time
Some more radical sects of the Cult Mechanicus consider all tech to be gifts from the Omnissiah, if left behind they'd have free reign to pursue that kind of worship and I don't see any reason their tau overseers wouldn't let them bless Gue'vesa weapons
It's a statement with no grounding in reality which makes it fanfic. I'm sorry you don't like the lore, but you can always cover your eyes and imagine it to be like your headcanon if you like
/mine/ do.
It helps their mercenaries work for a friendly rogue trader without stirring up as much shit. Sure it LOOKS like xenotech, but look there’s the skulls, inscribed prayers, and purity seals right there. Don’t worry about why you never see the pilots of the vehicles or the faces of squad leaders.
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it's not good at all:
custodes aren't taller than primaris and primaris are 1 foot taller than the 7 foot tall normal marine.
primarchs and the emperor aren't that tall either.
he's right
Vect understands lustful love, intense but brief and meaningless.
What is beyond Vect is true love which is transcendent but makes one vulnerable. Vect refuses to open his heart to others in the same way Lelith opened her heart to Morghana because he sees it as a weakness.
I do find humanity running the same government as the Irkens from Invader Zim to be pretty amusing
no, (you) aren't
go on, try to incorrectly claim they're mary sues for the 50th time while you're at it
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>it LOOKS like xenotech, but look there’s the skulls, inscribed prayers, and purity seals right there
Wish we got more official DW stuff with looted xenos weapons
Given the size of a craftworld and the house structure they probably have regional wear for both family heraldry and the path they are on/were on. Plus climate since the craftworlds can stimulate any environment. Given they are space elves it's most likely ropes, dresses, and multiple layers of thin underwear/body wear. Saim-Hann being both closer to pre-fall eldar and more Savage will likely wear pants since historical barbarians and nomads wore pants. Zero sexuality. Nothing anyone wears would be close to the shit some modern day fashion is.
>I have no argument so I'll project my homosexuality onto others instead
embarrassing, re-evaluate your life fag
I meant in terms of special shit. Dark angels said “yeah, let’s take these three compliant chapters and do their shit better.”

They have better bikes, better terminators, better melee infantry, it fucking sucks

I don’t mean lore snowflakes, I mean gameplay snowflakes
he might think they're mary sues but I just think the blood angels and their primarch are overrated faggot vampire mutants
I already made my argument. There's no point in saying the same thing over and over.
He gets it.
This is a greebled mess
well everyone knows that.
is there anyway to mix demons and sisters into one army?
>primarchs and the emperor aren't that tall either
cope, every primarch model shows them being nearly twice as tall as firstborn marines
>Wish we got more official DW stuff with looted xenos weapons

That would require a new mold, GW ain’t paying for that
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Yeah it was just the first example I had, here's some art
>somehow I feel validated
Th-thanks anon
No but you can probably mix deathwatch with genestealer cults now.
These aren't any better
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>the emperor aren't that tall either
this part is true though since we know the Emperor can change His height whenever He wants to. He has also apparently taken up female guises before according to TEATD.
The Irken Empire copied the Empire of Man.
kek, I love how part of the process of sanctifying tau tech is adding a bayonet
are Primaris actually uncorruptable lore wise?
How's this?
no, that was a noncanon blogpost GW put out to excuse why no primaris CSM when the refresh first came out
there's a whole fleet of them that get insta-corrupted when angron reappears in realspace
Afaik there hasn't been one corrupted yet. Not quite the same as Grey Knights (who boast none of them have ever fallen to chaos) but who knows. Fabius is trying to crack their geneseed.
I like it. the blade at least, I dont care for firstborn, but I will compliment your painting skills.
Worse, now there's a gay manlet involved
No. AoO: Angron had thousands of Primaris fall to Khorne.
And the latest EC novel has a corrupted Primaris, I believe.
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For a primaris the minimum height is 8 feet, but they vary in size and can be higher, depending on the potential of the recruit.
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Why is he so big? Jesus
>no, that was a noncanon blogpost GW put out
>proceeds to just make things up
Lmao even
Depends adds another foot.
>proceeds to just make things up
read Arks of Omen: Angron faggot
He's lorge and in chorge
Thanks but it's not mine. I'd be remiss if I took credit for someone else's work
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>there are going to be people buying into agent's of the imperium, knowing full well the "army" is going to get squatted in probably an edition or 2
AOO: Angron doesn't have anything about corrupting primaris, you're just out here writing nonsense and hoping people believe you
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>not even a full 1/3 taller than an 8 feet primaris
>clearly they must be twice the height of a 7 feet tall firstborn!
nah the entire range minus sisters is probably going to get a update, then 2 editions they will squat em. With that being said I would buy into lost and the damned No matter the context,
>the minimum
No, it's the average, not the minimum, half of them are shorter
and half of firstborn are shorter than 7 feet
Minis aren't canon
We might not know who it is but he's sure reading all those comments calling him a retard however
>it's the average, not the minimum
If it is the average, then it is the minimum, moron.
>gets proven wrong on his own metric of choice
>moves the goalpost
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I'm going to buy the codex, but none of the boxes. My Inquisition kitbash stuff is a side project to my Nurgle stuff.
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Stop being stupid.
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Anon, check your eyes, that's a primaris.
he corrupts an entire fleet that specifically mentions having primaris elements in it, tertiary
I'm convinced it's AI at this point. Who the fuck puts a bird on a tactical beam?
They wouldn't do that again just to make players who buy in buy more models to flesh out a squatted army would they? That doesn't sound like GW at all
angron is twice as tall as the marines he's killing in his heresy model and he's canonically one of the shortest primarchs
Why would you buy a codex that's going to be invalidated before you even get it into your possession
You can make up whatever you want for your headcanon that doesn't make it true touristkun
pathetic samefag
Why would I run arbites or henchmen as sisters? They give nothing for me. The priest is shit too. Inquisitior? Ok I guess but SoB already have plenty of amazing characters
Is that a meme model or is it real?
Why does he have that stupid legs?
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Just finished a game of Dread Mob vs black templars at 1k points. I took a list that was definitely not good, even using Shoota Boyz. I didn't expect to win.
And I did not. Had 1 model left by turn 3 and was tabled afterwards, scoring 24-86 in Templars' favor. Fun game though. Dude is always a good sport.
It's real.
>Buttplug's a joke tho
>I haven't read it so it doesn't exist! Also I'm not the tourist, YOU are!!!
I accept your concession
I have read it, it doesn't say anything about primaris being corrupted, you're just making up nonsense for some reason
God I wish the new Big Mek wasn't absolute shit ruleswise

he needs to give sustained hits 1 or +1 BS or full rerolls to his unit to even be decent
Indeed. I didn't even get to do anything with him lol. Helbrecht just raped him turn 1 because I overextended
GG man, I appreciate you not getting salty during the game, I hope you had a good time even though it went like that
speedreading isn't reading and you're walking proof of that
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Think, anon, how can a primarch be twice the height of a firstborn and not even reach 11' of height?
You've got schizophrenia
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Hey shit happens. I even know that dread mob isn't good, especially at 1k, so I can't really be salty about losing. I just enjoy playing.
>makes joke argument
nobody's falling for it
Then open it to page 47 and read Fall of Quatus
they can and have fallen to chaos
Maybe you forgot to read it the first time:
You've got schizophrenia
Shriven didn't have any Primaris elements. The Custodes killed them before they were delivered
I opened it up to that page and it just has your dad's phone number and a kiss mark in red lipstick, what the heck anon this doesn't prove your point at all
>The Shriven are the first known former Space Marine Chapter whose Primaris Space Marine reinforcements also turned against the Imperium and went Renegade.
dreadmob is objectively the most fun ork detachment
Primarch expand like dong when have excitement
Big red always full mast. Why called Magnus Dong
Yeah it's fun as fuck, I love gambling for my guns with all the hazardous buffs. I do wish deff dreads were better units overall though.
According to the wiki? The source book doesn't say that.
This just reads like impotent tard rage because his autism got triggered.
Emperor being a 15ft giant "nornally" remember he can change his size at will works perfectly fine. He is supposed to be a superhuman god, a greatest man to ever exist.
Him being some frail old fuck like the SoS supposedly "see" him as is fucking lame and stupid, nevermind that you're just remaking Malcador yet again with that, since he is also a frail old man.

You sound like someone who'd benefit from painting a model.
Go do that and calm your nerves.
>quoting a wiki instead of the relative short story it references
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That image is not appropriate for comparing heights, both of you should be standing straight and firm to be properly measured.
It's not a great model, but it's far from unsalvageable. Just covering the diaper with a tabard is a night and day difference, the only real issue is the head looking more like Coteaz' stunt double (which might even be fixable if you're a decent painter, who knows).
I have them all.
None of them say the Primaris joined the traitors.
>This just reads like impotent tard rage
You're the one projecting because your power fantasy headcanon doesn't align with canon.
art and fluff
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>Same thing as before but bigger!!! Woweee!!!!!
>the wiki sources are always correct everyone knows that
Less chaos corrupted than the night lords
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What kind of BT was he running?
you mean the Custodes started butchering the Primaris with them because they thought they might go traitor as well
I have them all, they do say that
>the sources that link directly to canon stories aren't correct
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How much taller do you think they're going to be? 4 extra feet?
>I have them all, they do say that
Page? Because I can screenie the images
>less chaos corrupted than the night lords
so, extremely corrupted, like every first founding legion turned traitor?
>the wiki has never ever been wrong
You can edit your head canon into the wiki all day long, it doesn't make it real
Oh you're gonna get some replies for this one
the sisters codex isn't in the OP link
I can't edit the canon links that it has in the sources :)
I hope the faggot who wrote the admech cordex knows that I fucking hate his retarded guts
Let them seethe, all csm-bound legions are corrupted no matter what some donut steel IWfag or ALfag or NLfag says
feel free to quote what the wiki says from that source, go ahead, try.
I checked the lexicanum article on the Shriven and it just says the Custodes killed all the Greyshields reinforcements they had on hand and says nothing about the Brazen Drakes actually having Primaris with them when they went traitor
just like blood angels.
feel free to continue to cope
don't bust out your regular cope of non-codex fluff being non-canon
Damn those orks are sharp, wish I could paint that good
>You're the one projecting because your power fantasy headcanon
Anon, you're doing that yourself.
You're throwing a tantrum in this>>93417004 because you're mad that some people like to think that marines and Emperor are bigger than you believe they are.
Don't throw rocks inside a glass house.
And this is the final (You) will get because I know better than to feed the ego of random dolts on an anynomous siberian lego forum.

Go paint some models.
Did you walk in on your father having sex with a Blood Angel, anon?
ignore the exoditefag, he's still just crying about not getting models for his joke faction
He was running richeous crusaders
>height autist gets mad
>starts posting jaks
I can tell the way you type that you're less than 175cm in height.
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>whole thread of headcanon faggots writing fanfiction
I can't tell if this is a summer thing or the video game dragging all the tourists out
I have real life models though. I just also play on TTS.
>some people have a pathological need to think that marines and Emperor are bigger than they canonically and visibly actually are.
you're pathetic lmao
>i-i have models
>y-you just can't see them because
>j-just because okay
It's retards getting mad at other retards because the other retards like to think their supermen are bigger.
It is a text book case of pure autism.

Don't engage them, just call them faggots and move on.
>Don't engage them
But it's funny watching them spin their tires
I'm not the one throwing a tantrum because he discovered his space daddies are 10 feet tall instead of 15 feet tall.
Do you even know how big space marine shits are
Nah, it's scrawny little fucks like yourself that obsess over height. You desperately need to imagine yourself as le gigantic spaceman.
no, you're just the one having a schizophrenic meltdown because nobody agreed with your dogshit take that the emperor is supposed to be 6 feet tall
There's a novel detailing the fist sized lumps that they produce and then ritualistically feed to their new aspirants.
In other instances the armour recycles everything and feeds it back to them.
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What armies do actually diagnosed Schizophrenics play?
Paranoid, Catatonic, Disorganized, or Undifferentiated?
you mean the canonical true vision of the emperor that the sos have? I didn't mention that, but it's the official lore.

I wonder why you have the need to ignore it.
>no u
This is low, but I shouldn't expect a tall order from a manlet.
There's the guy who posts absolute incoherent schizo-babble about striking scorpions
>you mean the canonical true vision of the emperor that the sos have?
SoS don't have any "canonical true vision", they are just clueless as the rest of them.
slaanesh, night lords, dark eldar.
slaanesh, vampires, dark elves.
that includes liking blood angels for their tangential vampiric edgyness and liking arbiters for their soft bdsm elements.
It's a canonical true vision because they see the emperor without all of the psychic auras and glamours that surround him. it is the canonical true vision by any possible definition of the terms.
I'm the guy who posted the emperor is 6ft tall and I haven't made another post ITT other than this one. I got that from a Horus Heresy novel where Corvus Corax is able to pierce the glamour and see a 6ft tall guy with olive skin wearing a plain robe. I don't understand why this thread exploded into such a shitstorm.
I feel like a particular poster feels really called out right now
Probably eldar
>Paranoid, Catatonic, Disorganized, or Undifferentiated
Had no idea there was so many flavors of schizo, and given you know all 52 flavors I'm changing my answer to whatever army you play
...although perhaps not; just as likely you're a doughy tub of shit, pathetically trying to cope with his utterly pathetic physical form. The truth is right there in the mirror, buddy. : )
My friend is exactly this. He's not a schizo, actually has his life in great order, but I definitely get the vibe he wants to get femdommed
>your father having sex with a Blood Angel
you're not helping the Blood Angels image anon
>doesn't deny it
oh no no no
Do you ever sleep?
actual schizo here, disorganized, play DG
Wait, what does bdsm have to do with being schizo? I'm surprised you didn't pick out Sisters, since they talk to God and believe in magic/miracles AND have light bdsm elements.
Pretty on-brand desu
>Nova Terra, formerly known as Constantinium, is an Imperial world in the Segmentum Pacificus.[2b]
Wow I wonder what historical event this is subtly alluding to
go look up the rate of transgenders in schizophrenics
What's troons got to do with bdsm?
Oh, tranny derangement syndrome. I'm sorry.
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How can the art be so based, but the model be so cringe?
the internalisation of desire for self abuse
Imagine the smell at your lgs
The art is old.
The model is new.

Old good, new bad.
Looks like the schizo got triggered.
We told you to shower but you wouldn't listen. "Authentic Deathguard experience" my ass!
>I was just pretending
>everyone who calls me retarded is the same guy
You may wish for that to be the case but alas it is not
I didn't say that, do you think the truth is not enough to trigger these things?
Warhammer 40k?
No, not today
get rid of blood angels and maybe.
Sorry, can't stop thinking about those DIGUSTING trannies with their cool armies and cute clothes and friendly attitudes. Makes sick!
You could always make up your own game with retarded factions like dinosaur elves rather than seethe at something you don't enjoy all day long lmao
Please stay away from cuildren
What did anon mean by this? What is he barking at exactly?
not spoonfeeding
read the reply chain retard
Pedo projection, how delicious
Who said it was sexual? Just stay away from them. You smell. And are projecting your pedo thoughts
What reply chain? It's like two or three separate arguments.
Hey remember that time Sanguinius died like a bitch, or more accurately, got beaten to death by Horus' anti-mutant stick like a dog?
That doesn't answer the question.
ask the retard seething about blood angels in reply to a bunch of unrelated posts
>no u
Pathetic. I'll tell the kids at the LGS hi for you (I won't, kill yourself pedophile.)
no, I remember the time sanguinius beat normal horus and horus got so mad he had to beg the chaos gods for more power so he could win
You seem awfully upset about psychic vampire buzz lightyears lmao
You must be retarded then I can't help you, and I doubt anyone else can
it was nice.
He can't afford rent and is desperately looking for some headspace to occupy before his sense of self gets evicted.
>Primaris, for they are King.
No, there is only one Primaris Marine. He is just very good at illusion.
Even one is too many.
uh oh manlet melty
Primaris is the name of the tallest marine
Just thought id ask here since i recently started, bought the biosantic brood(the battleforce) but what heroes would you guys recommend? i got gifted the reductus saboteur, but was planning on getting the nexos and clamavus next in terms of heroes with possibly buying the old combat patrol, appreciate the help! and thanks in advance
nah, the ones I got when I started in 2nd
watch this dude for genestealer cult info.
double troon
These stink dude
It means, say I say I like oranges.
If you reply "You know who else likes oranges? Trannies!" then they live rent free in your head, as the discussion had nothing to do with them.
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>publicly admitting to watching vtubers
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I wish they had stuck with the more alien designs of old Eldar.
Anon, where do you think we are?
Not on /vt/.
>/tg/ - Tuber General
The old combat's greatest strength is in it's price, the magus that comes with it has some pretty shit rules, even if the sculpt is amazing. I'd say get a pat, or a broodlord if you don't want the primus and magus that come with the gsc version, also although you already have an action monkey in the reductus, you might want another with the kelermorph
>Tuber General
I love potatoes
Why does he have the high voltage warning on his robe lol.
Because he's going to do lightning magic?
These rule, if I could find a decent stl scan I'd probably print a bunch.
anon... this is the japanese cartoon porn website.
Really? Go ahead and post some japanese cartoon porn then.
>american hours
>thread goes to shit
like clockwork
This general's been shit for a while now, barely any models/games posted at all. 10th is a goddamn disaster.
got it do appreciate the guidance a bit regarding GSC! did get their codex recently so looking to read it once i get my hands on them
better focus on painting for now, the codex is unanimously considered horribly underpowered, we'll probably get big points cuts in about two or three months.
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I mean a couple days ago people were posting games and models. I think the drought of 40K news and the unimpressive agents of the imperium announcement has quieted the place down a bit. Nature will heal, or it won’t. Either way.
I’ve been busy myself and haven’t done any painting so I’ve been coping by looking at older vs new models.
People have been posting models and some games to frequently, you're probably a tourist who came to bitch about the new model and codex
i did get the battleforce codex and some heroes for like 200 tax included so def gonna be busy assembling and painting
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Are those games and models in the thread with us right now?
That's one smug bear
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>jet thrusters powerful enough to lift a tank's worth of power armor
>don't disturb the trail of smoke coming up from the helmet
What the fuck is this amateur hour shit?!
Why? He sucks
>tanks worth of armour
>not coming in with a thud
You may bust be a secondary anon
>me jumping away from that steaming pile of shit shartmaris muhreen
uh oh stinky
Look at the direction of the cloth. He is not coming down.
It's 10:14. Americans are close to going to bed here.
He's not using the jump pack, he's just doing a Toyota Jump
>jump lord is a literal figment of primaris imagination
No, because people have been turning over the thread every 4 hours to complain about the new inquisitor model. Last 2 threads had battle reports posted.
a new thread

Any day now. I mean, there's 2 months left of summer still. But I'm sure they'll have a new roadmap long before September.
You may have to much selected on the battle wagon.
They do. Its better if you put mkIII pauldrons on, but mkIII is such a cohesive and different look the helmet is very out of place unless you have the rest of the armour.
It is the Third Ed Demonhunters codex cover. Literally OLD = GOOD
No, you can mix and match all official and 3rd party marine bits with no care for armor autism.
No but the game definitely is.
>xenos servitors
surprised this isn't more of a thing

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