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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Oy tg, from where do you get the most inspiration for your games? Books, mangas, videogames, history?
I mainly take it from real history from my country, folklore, fantasy books and some games (specially Dominions, Morrowind and even stakler) but what do you do?
Nothing in aprticular unless I'm aiming for something specific. Whenever something in media catches my interest as having potential I take a mental note, when there's enough of them I mash some of them together and see what kind of session might come up. Several ideas are rather system agnostic so you can work out the details later to have it fit the setting better.
Anything can work, history, books, movies, manga series...
>I mainly take it from real history from my country, folklore, fantasy books and some games (specially Dominions, Morrowind and even stakler
Can you give a few examples?
Of course, if I want to make an adventure, I can lookt at some of the pesky folklore monsters of my country. A fey than makes trouble for the local yeoman, some one has been cursed (like an eternal hunter). I don't know what make a part of the setting do than doesn't have anything to do with the pc? Look at some interesting bit of history and steal it while changing names, like when an x lord wanted to be a kind of chivalric paragone and got an entire entourage of other knights doing silly stuff and the pc hear of it so it seems the setting is more alive (and plant some seeds for adventures in the future).
Dominion is specially useful because you can graft it to a lot of not-x countries and have a whole lore to take inspiration from. Morrowind whole vibe for the weirder parts of the setting, and Stalker opresive ambience and the anomalies is something I use a lot for inspiration for my "dungeons".
From where I get all of my inspiration from, cryptid symbolism in my dreams
My main inspirations for my current campaign are the Niebelungenlied, Van den vos Reinaerde and the Thorgal comics.

Also this >>93416357
Tolstoi War and Peace.
What fragments? If I recall well it was a novel about human relationships during the napoleon wars in russia.

>Drawing inspiration from history will create derivative art.
>However drawing inspiration from anything BUT history will create art infinitely more derivative but also gay.
Russian involvement in said war, specifically the battle of Borodino. It made me build a russian napoleonic army, research battles and campaigns and wargame them extensively.
I wouldn’t say I got one main inspiration, it switches around a lot.
Walter Moers books usually for the theme, dune for the conflicts, morrowind for metaphysics, final fantasy tactics advance for the races, EverQuest for some of the vibes, some specific historical events and peoples like Scythians in general and the Yugoslav war,
Recently I just like to poach entire factions of dominions for bad guys
I do the very same about dominions kek.
It’s great tho you gotta do some work to mix it in with your regular setting.
I had a telkhine once who shapeshifted into a human and posed as the king of a barbarian tribe.
The barbarians in question got the ability to ride their chariots on water from him so we had some hilarious battles where the party was in a boat chasing after Bronze Age dudes on a chariot who were much more maneuverable
Recently I ripped off early age Hinnom for a Dungeon.
I like to mix hard and soft worldbuilding,
The hard worldbuilding is usually stuff like what factions and towns exist, how they are related to one another’s, what history happened, basically stuff the party will want to be consistent .
And then I throw in stuff like
„Gleaming Enlil is the nephew of a witch so he’s in league with the divine storks, they will warn them if you try to sneak up on him, but if you harm them you will be cursed to have your child murder you“
Honestly there’s a lot of implications in that throwaway encounter but I’m just running with it.
Anyway I’m on a tangent, I stole Hinnom but made it already destroyed, all the avvim were forced underground by the settings Jesus figure and now they fester there, becoming even more cannibalistic and unhinged.
To the point where the humans actually invented a method to create hominculi to replace all the people the rephaim eat to keep their „society“ from going even more extinct.
Now theres no actual humans left, the avvim are degenerate cannibals and all worship the rephaim who never leave their golden abode where all but the temple priestesses are forbidden.
However they no longer bear children.
The joke is oh course is that the rephaim are all dead, killed by Conan Jesus but nobody knows that and the priestesses won’t tell
Dominions is kino as fuck, nice taste. My current campaign is a mashup of early Byzantium, Demons Souls, and LA Gath
I really like the conan jesus, my "mythical ancestor" for lots of the setting is a mix fo Alexander the Great and budha/christ like figure (said to came again in a pegassi/white horses etc), and lots of his companions are very conan like (like Jaun the Bear).
I myself use a lot of Agartha, Abisia and Pangea, while mixing not-x factions with they equivalents. Lots less giants tough.
Never played Demon souls, do you use the feel of it? Or some of the monsters.
>do you use the feel of it? Or some of the monsters.
I've stolen dungeon ideas (old cave full of slugs that give off magical slime, leading to the tomb of an ancient giant warrior), magic items, and some general concepts.
Cool, I will have too look into, fun dungeons are hard to find and magical slugs sounds fun.
Where do you get your ideas from?
Tolstoi's One Piece
Anything I encounter really, any media or real life events.
I was sailing once, the sky was gray with a few sun rays getting through the clouds. The sea looked like it was made of silver and glittered with gold. It gave me the idea for an area with a potential treasure hunt scenario at the bottom of the ocean at first, and then I based an entire universe around that single image.
Currently reading vermis, and the idea of it it's basically to be just inspiration. It's literally an art-book.
Anyways, what's the point of the sequel? Does anyone know?
Like, how do you make a sequel to a game manual? Is it the manual of the sequel of the first game?
Most of my inspiration usually comes from games, movies, anime, etc that impressed me, and then whatever inspired those things.

Right now my campaign is heavily built around Trigun, Xenogears, N64 Zeldas, Chrono Trigger, and Demon's Souls, and therefore also built around existential philosophy, jungian psychology, gnosticism, esotericism, and more. Usually once I identify some overlaps between two stories/settings I impulsively start thinking about merging and developing the two.

For example, Both Trigun and Xenogears have a human space ship being destroyed from the inside by a main antagonist who crash lands it on a desert planet. Humanity builds civilization out of that disaster, where they use "ancient" technology to survive. Humanity overall isn't aware of this, but there are a few enclaves of very knowledgeable humans who live in floating cities far removed from the land. However, humanity permitted existence is just being used to further the antagonist's goals, and it's up to the protagonist to redeem humanity from their state of unknowing servitude.

Meanwhile, Demon's Souls is all about perception of reality, the fog of confusion, and the repeating corruption of the pursuit of power. The world is covered by an impenetrable and demon-spawning fog that erases existence of whatever it consumes. The shattered lands are connected by archstones, which are the only way to travel between lands. My world has all of these properties as well, but instead of many lands, I have one land separated by time. My archstones transport attuned people (the players) throughout time to experience the history of the world. The goal of the Old One/Lavos is to consume the world, and it'll be up to the players to save humanity from that fate.
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Real world history.
I use Arameans, Armenians, and Assyrians for elves to justify unconditional hatred against Ottoman Turkey and Azerbaijan-inspired genocidally evil races with historical analogies. The best part? Nobody can accuse you of anything without exposing their lack of intel on the matter.
'That guy', without fail, is an avid elf hater. Gatekeeping has become an art.
It's just like Vermis but another manual for another game, yes. This one's focused on themes of glass, mist and mirrors.

I find browsing fantasy RPG books of any kind to be very inspirational as long as they have some nice pictures.
I really like the early armenians (and stuff like haitians) tough I use them for my humans cultures mostly, the bronze age is heaveli underused.
Luv the Precursors humans living in castels in the sky, one of mine do the same (the other live in hyperborean icebergs guarding the knownladge of the ages in they ice homes or in the equivalent of the underworld).

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