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Enforced Estradiol Edition


Previous thread: >>93393581

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Are your games kitchen sink or focused on a niche?

So what is your favorite class out of the remasters? .. Really looking forward to try out a swashbuckler
Fighter, with all the new feats to poach
The fact that there making a starfinder 2e pisses me off to no end. I'm 100% sure SF2e fags will come from reddit and ruin this general.
yes all new stuff sucks, old stuff is da best
We're already here, Anon.
I think overall a 2nd edition will be healthier for Starfinder but I do wish it wasn’t coupled so hard to PF2e, but as it is it’s shackled to PF1e a bit too much as well. Trying to do combat maneuvers as a class that isn’t designed around them is virtually impossible and my friend playing an Envoy got incredibly mad when he realized that all he can literally do in combat is just Get ‘em! and a couple other Envoy actions without being able to mix it up too much, and seeing how this is a 3.5e based game, combat is a major focus, like it or not. A -8 to hit on top of not being built for fighting by default is just not ever feasible so the frustration is understandable and PF2e, at least, does fix this issue by making maneuvers and athletics check rather than an absurd penalty.
Having never played starfinder, an Envoy does not sound like something that should be stuck in combat, lol
swash is really looking great, you now just have so much shit to do due to all the bravado actions
Envoy is basically Bard but instead of magic you’re just really witty and skilled.
i don't give a shit starfinder should be banned from this general anyways. I barely tolerate Pathfinder 2e as it is
>Paizo games general
>no SF1e or SF2e
>no PF2e
>no PF1e either, while we’re at it
Alright fellas, what’re your favorite 3.5e Paizo modules?
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Goddamn you've got to go back, you chucklefucks are in every fucking thread demanding they make a new thread just because you don't like a game in the franchise. Suck my fucking nuts and post a game you like instead of demanding jannies make a new subreddit for your super speshul gameshi faggot
Soldier -> Fighter/Monk/Barbarian
Operative -> Rogue
Envoy -> Bard (Non-magical)
Mystic -> Cleric/Druid
Technomancer -> Wizard
Mechanic -> Inventor??
Biohacker -> ???
Vanguard -> Monk+Fighter but not really?
Witchwarper -> Sort of Sorcerer
Great to have all the options on what to do! gonna be tumbling around, tripping and yelling and throwing stuff around
Oh wait Alchemist for Biohacker, I suppose.
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Should I buy up all of the old starfinder minis at my LGS since they've been sitting there nearly 3 years unpainted? I think it was a Human Mechanic, some Vesk, and some Skittermander. I thought the lil guys looked cute at least.
burn them instead starfinder is a cancer on paizo
Vesk and Skittermanders are based, do it. I never even knew they sold minis.
I'm sorry anon Paizo already burnt that money on hookers and blackjack years ago by now.
Yes, through the WizKids Deepcut line.
if they ever do another rule revision do you think they will nerf the wizard even more? it's still technically playable, that cannot be right.
wouldn't worry about that

nobody cares about starfinder
Huh, neat!
tangentially related but are those minis up to the right scale? nolzurs are like 50% bigger than they shoul. If 1 inch in the tabletop is 5ft it makes no sense because I have humans and halfelves that are 1.5+ inches making them 7.5+ ft tall, I have 6.2 ft dwarves, etc
I believe they are slightly too big in the same exact way nolzurs and the pathfinder battles deep cuts are.
It's a 3 slot caster now. Make it's one niche on witch disapear completely.
I'm planning to make a dragon cult of green kobolds a significant faction in my campaign. Have you guys ever used kobolds in a more in-depth way in your games? How did it go?

They are warring with a tribe of jungle goblins for control of a forested mountain they consider newly sacred because of a dragon whose brand new lair is at the peak.
my kobolds are actually rock fairies and have nothing to do with dragons. they don't even have the same statblocks as base kobolds.
just felt like telling you this.
>Mortars are a weapon in one of the Paizo modules
>DM won't let me play as a full military man in a world with Wizards
He's right for denying me but I call bullshit.
That's only a burn when it isn't currently objectively true. Have you seen have you seen the recent Movies, TV, Video Games, and TTRPGs? They're 90% sequel/prequel/reboot/etc that are categorically worse than their predecessors by orders of magnitude.
PF2e is okay, it's a shining beacon compared to the mountains of shit created in current year, but compared to earlier giants it's just okay.
>Verification not required.
Maybe there should be a thread split for PF1e/SF1e and PF2e/SF2e when SF2e is released. The threads are a mess as is.
You just reminded me that the Artillerist archetype exists. Admittedly it's kind of neat that Paizo made it but even when I was looking through the archetypes for the very first time, I saw the feat list and instinctively thought
>in what kind of campaign would this ever be worth taking?
>Have you seen have you seen the
How the fuck are AI getting through the captcha filters and why is it shit-posting it's opinions on a hungarian basket weaving forum?
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Book 1: This one can be thought of as the audition; the PCs meet with the director and have to prove that they are the heroes they are by doing a sort of staged "escape room" style challenge (that of course goes bad at one point), after which the director makes official their role as consultants for the opera and they attend a big gala intended to start building up hype and to try to secure the Kintargo Opera House as the venue.

The first one-third of the Adventure Path themed around producing a play appears to be a dungeon crawl regardless.

Paizo keeps getting away with it.
>still pretending SF2e isn't just a content drop for PF2e instead of its own system
>implying SF2e will have its own fans
How We Playtest

The easiest way to playtest is to explore the material, cooperate with other players, and report back using our surveys! There will be four surveys: the Class Survey asks specific questions about your character choices and experiences, the Class Open Response Survey that allows for more freeform feedback about each of our six classes, the Game Feedback Survey that lets you provide feedback about any other material in the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, and the Adventure Feedback Survey where you can share your experiences and feedback about our playtest adventures!

You can find the playtest and all supplementary information at StarfinderPlaytest.com

When We Playtest

The Starfinder Playtest Second Edition Rulebook, our first two playtest adventures, and the playtest surveys go live on August 1 at 10 a.m. EST. The Playtest Rulebook PDF is free and the necessary rules from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core can be found online with our partners at Archives of Nethys. The playtesting period lasts until December 31, 2024, when the surveys officially close. You can go back and modify your survey at any nd Starfinder Playtest Scenario #4: Rescue at Shimmerstone Mineby est Adventure:
>but I do wish it wasn’t coupled so hard to PF2e

I'm of a split opinion about that, I think it could be cool to see what kind of scenarios and settings could be built with that coupled background in mind (I think a post-apocalypse kind of Mad Max setting would work well with this), but at the same time I feel like its going to be ignored 90% of the time, if it's even utilized at all.
Are there any archetypes that are particularly good for swashbuckler besides acrobat? Now that the core thing I took it for has been folded into the base chassis of swash, I've been thinking of swapping my free archetype for something else, but nothing really stands out as being better or more interesting. Duelist would be more thematic for my character but honestly it seems pretty mediocre
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The new Devise a Stratagem is somewhat awkward in that its effectiveness is heavily dependent on how lenient the GM is with "You can Devise a Stratagem as a free action if you’re aware that creature could help answer the question at the heart of one of your active investigations." Where would you personally draw the line?

Does the investigator have to be 100% certain that the creature knows the answer and could offer it up, or can the investigator merely suspect that the creature could know the answer and could offer it up?

Yes, I am aware that Person of Interest is a good 2nd-level feat, but it still costs an action to set up, and I am wondering how GM leniency could make it less necessary.
>Where would you personally draw the line?
If it's a dungeon/fight related to the main quest it's a free action, if it's a sidequest it's a normal action.
I see zero reason to micromanage each individual fight besides wanting to be an ass about a subpar class being good.
If you have a lot of free actions Beastmaster is powerful on every class. So is spellcasting archetypes. Blessed One/Soulforger/Marshal are generically strong options for any martial.

It's gonna depend on you swashbuckler style, stats array, weapon and group composition. Bellflower Tiller is incredibly strong but only if you play One For All/Wit Swashbuckler for exemple.
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when will they replace this awful art, imagine seeing this as your first introduction to these classes.
It is a little odd to me how reluctant Paizo is to make more art of the iconics. PC2 has a unique character for each archetype and I'm pretty sure they're all new... but the main classes are still using that same fucking art.
I'm playing a fencer, if that matters. We're almost level 8 at this point so I've also been debating not changing out my archetype, but branching out into a different once one we level up.
>PC2 has a unique character for each archetype and I'm pretty sure they're all new
They are all from advanced players guide.
I don't mind reusing artwork you already paid for, for what's basically a giant errata of the same book. If it was a new book I would be mad.
Doesn't Swash want to be investing in CHA? If so you might look into Marshal. Their auras are an Easy leveled DC now and cover 15ft, so you could grab Assurance and just have it on all the time. It also let's you grab Reactive Strike, and Back to Back is a handy utility skill if you're usually nearby another frontliner.
2e question. I want to crib an ability from an enemy to make sure I'm getting the terminology right but I've yet to find an enemy with such an ability. I want an enemy that moves from A to B and deals damage in an area either during their movement, or on arrival.

I tried coming up with it myself:
Enemy makes one fly action. All enemies in a 20 foot emanation around the enemy must make a Reflex save (DC 32) or suffer 15d6 Flame Damage. This ability has a 1d4 round cooldown.

But it feels a bit off and I wondered if there was someone elses homework to copy?
I do think that Duelist is pretty middling. It's very fitting but that is kind of the problem, everything it does, Swashbuckler can mostly already do so it just feels like you're wasting your chance to expand.

Fencer means you have a bit of charisma so you could angle toward those archetypes. Marshal is particularly good for Swashies in my opinion if that interests you in any way. All three stances are equally relevant. Otherwise the Gladiator archetype into Provocator at 10 could perhaps interest you. The boring but optimal choice here is probably just Champion. Swashbuckler is not particularly tight on it's reactions and Champion has a whole lot of feat worth taking (Especially after the Remaster). If you want a low level archetype that specifically synergises with Swashbuckler, you could grab Scout for a bit. The dedication is good and it has some novelty but you are only here for Scout's Charge. It's Stride + Feint + Strike for 2 actions which is a good action compressor for the Fencer (It also lets you use stealth if somehow that is higher than your deception.)
Lightning Dash [two-actions] [Overflow]
Source Rage of Elements pg. 24

For an instant, you transform yourself into a being of pure lightning and fly forward, shocking anyone in your way. You propel yourself forward in a 30-foot line. You can move through creatures during this movement, and this movement doesn't trigger reactions that are triggered by movement. Each creature you move through takes 2d12 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. You return to your normal form in the final square of the line. If you're in the air, you fall unless you have a fly Speed.
Thanks very much anon, hadn't considered looking at PC feats.

Our GM is making us defend a small territory from a superior military force. I would like ideas if you have any to turn this into Vietnam. I want to traumatize some soldiers.

8th level Wizard if that helps. We have a Kineticist and a Rogue as well. Anything I can do to wear down the invading army's manpower and resources as they march through and break their spirits.
How would you construct a wolf lycanthrope PC? Excluding just using the template on a PC. What I've gathered is:
Weretouched Shifter: but picking wolf as an aspect is shooting yourself on the foot and past level 4 the class gives basically nothing.
Mooncursed Barbarian: probably the best option but you can only transform while raging.
Jezelda divine boon: comes online way too late.
Being a wolf skinwalker: while transformed you're only partially a lycanthrope.
Lunar oracle with the wolfscarred face curse: not really a lycanthrope.
If you know their routes you can ask about glyph of warding them with aoe spells. GM might say that since it likely wouldn't kill anyone if they're not level 1 mooks, but he might say they move slower through the region to avoid them after hitting them or sometimes encounters will start with the enemy already hurt or something like that.
I think Glyph of Warding got removed in the Remaster and the Foundry update. But I could ask I guess.
I just thought of something
Swashbucklers new bravado trait, now as long as you don't critically fail your check, you gain panache, right? But crit failing is still a risk, especially against higher PL+ enemies.
Enter the Tengu, with their ancestry feat "squawk"
Squawk allows you, as a reaction, to upgrade the result of any diplomacy, deception, or intimidation check from a crit fail to a regular fail. This was already pretty useful on swashbuckler before, as actions such as feint and bon mot have penalties to yourself on a failure (and also because crit failing such checks out of combat could lead to negative consequences). Now though, with the new bravado trait, this reaction can be used as insurance to make sure that even if you roll poorly enough to crit fail, you can still gain panache.
Only caveat is any creature that sees you do it is immune for 24 hours, making it basically a once per encounter ability, and it doesn't work on anything with the tengu trait.
Could invest in some snares and traps, or siege engines, but as far as specific spells there isn't anything in particular I can think of.
The new Red Mantis Assassin archetype can take Gang Up (which was upgraded in the remaster) as an 8th-level feat and Opportune Backstab as a 10th-level feat.

This means that the best user of the archetype is a Strength melee fighter or, more likely, a barbarian. Somewhat strange to consider.
it was replaced by rune trap, a ritual
Herbalist is fucking worthless now, jesus. Take this archetype to get LESS healing per day than the guy who splashed Champion for lay on hands (and two skills, and free heavy armor, and the best reaction in the game). No you can't craft Numbings. No you can't hand out antidotes to your 5-man team at the start of the day. Hm? You're making your daily preparations in a city? enjoy your TWO healing items cuck
Monkbros, when will we get our revenge...
go back to D&D 4e when monk was actually good at something (attacking several enemies in melee with a single action and having high defenses/saves)
God I fucking wish they revised rituals, it's so fucking dumb and has so much potential with only a few tweaks to make it not an ass to deal with.
You technically did when they nerfed archetype flurry, but that wasn't what even monk players I knew wanted to happen so fuckin' hell man.
>PF1 Amiri actually looks healthy
>PF2 Amiri looks like a tweaker
Am I reading things wrong or does Soothing Tonic just make you literally unkillable for a full minute?
Nah. Fast healing isn't regeneration.
for what it's worth i actually like the pf2 art for amiri
Thoughts on the Werecreature archetype? Is Thaumaturge the best class to try and make use of it?

I'm making a lvl 1 dwarf. So far I played bladebound magus, draconic druid, inquisitor/shadowdancer, eldritch archer magus.
I loved magus but dont want to repeat it again.
Any good class ideas for a dorf? I enjoy being able to do several things even if it means being mediocre.
Low fantasy btw.
It is still Bard. Giving everyone an extra 30% chance of success is fun.
I'm actually excited to look at playing a barbarian instead of a fighter, for once.
Fighter is still frontloaded in the early levels, and I think its selection of level 10 feats put it ahead again, but the gap in efficacy feels way smaller now that it's a free action on initiative, the AC penalty is gone, and you can rage again if you get dropped.

I was pretty permissive with it the one time I had an investigator player (she had a miserable time anyways), before the remaster change. How I'd treat it now in a good-faith attempt to follow the new guideline would probably be even more permissive than how I ran it back then.
Say you're investigating a gang's activities, maybe their activity has been on the rise and it's resulted in some deaths. Rather than premaster applying it to just the leader of the gang, I think now you could apply it to most/all of the gang's members, even if you don't ask them any questions. I allowed this in my premaster game, as the gang members were directly tied to the subject of the investigation.
This is more of a stretch (but I'd allow it per the new wording) and beyond the purview of how I ran it in the past, but IMO you could apply it to NPCs who are related in a more indirect fashion, e.g. the proprietor of an illicit tavern and his bouncers, provided the party is there because they heard the tavern had dealings with the gang in the past.

Backstab has a lot to compete with at 10th level for fighter. I'm trying to think about whether I would value it more than Tactical Reflexes. Obviously with Free Archetype it's more of a no-brainer to just pick up both.

I'm actually pretty upset they didn't really buff the monk, just nerfed MCA Flurry.
It feels like it's missing a dozen feats and several of the ones it does have are 4-6 levels higher than they deserve to be, the silver weakness and especially beastkin resiliance feat are absolutely fucking insultingly shit and beastkin is already kind of garbage outside a few mid-late feats.

I'm mildly unclear on what hybrid form actually gets, I would assume it gets everything animal form would get? But then animal fleetness specifies only animal shape gets a speed boost? While Feral Senses is both?
>Beastkin gets one use per day of Speak with animals at level 9 by taking animal magic
>Druid gets empathy at level 1, Ranger at 2, Beastmaster at 4
My biggest pet peeve
Realizing I didn't directly answer a more specific secondary question, sorry.
>Does the investigator have to be 100% certain that the creature knows the answer and could offer it up, or can the investigator merely suspect that the creature could know the answer and could offer it up?
I think the creature doesn't actually have to know the answer. The wording is "could help answer," so even something that points you further in the direct of "the plot" would qualify. This reasoning is present in my initial answer.
As far as the investigator "knowing," I think the PC doesn't have to know 100%, but should have good/sound reasoning. An unambiguous case would be if the GM furnished that information as part of the plotline, likely via NPCs. Anything based directly on the successful result of a Recall Knowledge check would also qualify.
If the suspicion is driven by inductive reasoning rather than deductive, I'm much more likely to scrutinize it harshly. Case-by-case basis and it's probably pretty subjective.
I'm not sure how one should handle the investigator being incorrect due to obtaining false information, but I'd personally err on the side of allowing free-action Devise, both because I tend to be permissive and because it prevents metagaming ("My character's mojo isn't working. We must be going down the wrong path!").
>Person of Interest
It's still a major boon to investigator, but I'm wary of it because it disincentivizes focus fire. Like ranger's Hunt Prey, you get the most value out of it if you target enemies that aren't already being attacked by allies, which means the enemies get more actions to kill you with.
Genuine question here, why haven't you killed yourself yet and why did you even bother to change that shitty discord bio? Nobody is ever going to believe you're going to make even the barest attempt to improve.
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Calm down anon, he's just autistic.
getting away with what exactly, anon?
I want to have nonstop creampie breeding baby making 24/7 sex with the sorcerer
I recognize that stinky witch. Dedicated waifufag got like 20 commissions of her.
What’s a good idea for team doctor assuming my current Cloistered Cleric with Medic dedication dies and I don’t want to make the same character again?
Can try Chirugeon Alchemist, since they got strong heals and fun ways to administer them. Healing Bombs, Life Shots, etc.
Envoy is supposed to be the Princess Leia class, pretty much.
Are you so mad over the /r/pathfinder2e mods not banning Edna that you're stalking them on 4chan now?
What is the best class/archtype for a throwing weapon build ?
So monk got its cute but bad new capstone stolen by Wrestler, but did Champion get its actually genuinely really cool and good action compression for sword and board style stolen by anything? Surely Shield Warden or something stole it, that seems like Paizo's style.
It's not lost on me that out of /tg/, r/pathfinder_rpg, and r/pathfinder2e, the one that signals it's anti-ableist the loudest was the only one that had a massive thread shitting on an autist for phrasing something in a neutral but easily-misunderstood way.
I expect no self-reflection to come from this event.

Not as far as I'm aware, but it's low-level enough to poach it off the MCA. No clue whether they'll fix the orphaned Champion's Reaction MCA feat, but even if they don't you can still poach Lay on Hands off of it AFAIK, so it's still a pretty strong 3-feat dip for a shield build (especially in FA).
Yea, I was mostly trying to figure out if there was anything that might help sparkling targe magus out since that's something I hear people say struggles a lot (outside of niche weirdos on other forums who claim it's one of the best things in the game). I guess it only makes sense paizo's Cha bias would continue though.
Honestly, even if Targe magus could get it cheap, I don't know how much good it would do. It's a 2-action activity, so it conflicts with Spellstrike, and you Raise a Shield, so it doesn't synergize well with Shielding Strike. What Targe needs is probably something closer to a 1st- or 2nd-level feat that lets it Raise a Shield as a free action after Casting a Spell or using Spellstrike.
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Yea, true, it doesn't exactly help with magus's fuckawful economy surrounding Cascade either. God, what a frustrating class, I get the impression they made it this way on purpose just because Spellstrike lets you nova really hard, which kinda blows when I want to enjoy the rest of the class too. It'd help if it either had a good 1 action movement and/or strike cantrip, or if entering arcane cascade at least had the decency to include a stride.
Magus has the unfortunate reality of being released before Dark Archive and paizo actually understanding what the fuck they were doing.
I find the whole backlash bizarre. A cursed belt of gender swap is bad, but because the elixir of gender transformation vaguely resembles real-world HRT, it's so inherently morally good that nobody is allowed to even comment on the cursed-belt-of-gender-swap resembling problem with its mechanics? What the fuck.
is there anything that stops me from having multiple animated weapons out and attacking an enemy, swarming them?
Cascade including a Stride sounds like the ideal to me. I've seen people call for it to be a free action, and that would fix it, but it's probably too inelegant/unconditional for Paizo. A Stride seems like a good middle ground, where it's something you'll be doing anyways, but at least it still "costs" something.
Who knows, though; a free action is less hassle in copyfit and remaster barbarian and swashbuckler are eating surprisingly well. Could still go the way of remaster monk or ranger, but I'm less pessimistic about Paizo's balance fixes than I was a month ago.

The insane thing is that wasn't even really the intent there, from my understanding. 2hu was posting it just because it was an interesting mechanical interaction, same as the other half-dozen posts about mechanical interactions and changes in PC2.
But yes, the people on that subreddit are incredibly estranged from normal people's views and need to touch grass.
I'll just go back to huffing my copium that surely this next errata pass will fix the stuff I actually care about, rather than just buff more stuff that was already good.
It's because commenting that the mechanics allow it is transphobia, because dogwhistle, because it vaguely resembles HRT and transphobes like to push memes about basedburgers turning people gay and whatever.

Of course, jumping to the transphobia connection there in the first place requires being so media illiterate that you don't understand games are written by people who are responsible for the content in them.
The 1e thread would just die. They wouldn't have enough activity to not get bumped off.
paizo still in fact does not understand what the fuck they are doing
900 post argument across three threads on whether or not lesbians can fuck, with a 200 post aside on whether or not male rangers can have a pet
Why is the monk's symbol two ghostly lungs?
I used Donjon to generate a dungeon for me but it’s calling for a shitload of locked doors and Lockpicking in 2e is fucking annoying, should I include a key ring on an enemy’s corpse or just get rid of some of the locked doors or what? Obviously I’m gonna keep some of them but idk if it’s worth keeping all of them
Because they use special breathing techniques to gain superpowers just like in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency
Yeah the icons are pretty weird, investigator's being an scorpion lifting a planet is so weird too
Only use the Pick a Lock action when there's some actual time pressure, a need to leave no traces, or a high enough lock DC to have an actual chance of damaging their toolkit (which also only matters if there's time pressure or nobody in the party with Crafting). Otherwise just take the average result and say that it takes however many rounds to open.
Isn’t that effectively the same as just removing the lock from the map outright
Nah don't do that. Keep them, just keep track of the time it takes the player to get through them. Key ring isn't a bad idea though, but it shouldn't have a key to everything. PF2e is one of the rare modern games to actually have time be a big thing, almost all shit you do in exploration mode takes about 10 minutes. And this is all assuming they're going into a place that is relevant to their level.

I know some people got it up their ass to ignore the idea of verisimilitude, but it doesn't make sense for all the doors to be unlocked. Take a keep for example, 90% of that shit is going to be locked up.

Now if you've got some Level 10 PCs coming through a standard-ass keep controlled by the Local Lord. Have them auto-succeed... but still keep track of the time.
If it's a low-DC lock, yes.

Which is perfectly realistic. Real locks aren't there to make it impossible to get into places; they're there to slow a lockpicker down enough for a witness to say "what the fuck, is he picking that lock?".

But the context you're missing here is that dungeons should usually have some kind of time pressure, in the form of wandering monsters, guards on patrol, groups attracted to the noise of battle, etc. It's not a videogame. Don't let PCs just sit around forever doing whatever by staying out of aggro range.
You both make good points, thanks. Tonight is my first time running a proper dungeon so I just want it to be decent and fun for everyone and not feel like a slog
>but as it is it’s shackled to PF1e a bit too much as well
>Future space bard turns out to suck
Yeah, in PF1e, bards actually made a difference in combat
Envoy is actually pretty effective at buffing and social skill effects, the issue is my friend wanted to do more than spend his turns buffing and sometimes firing a pistol. So when he ended up in melee he wanted to try doing a Dirty Trick, and I warned him it’d be almost impossible and our DM even told him he wasn’t hitting that outside of a crit.
> I am a Druid, i speak for the trees and for some fucking reason they are speaking Chelaxianese.
You could try to find powerful nature beings and persuade them to be hostile to the army.
Most niche spells should be rituals and like you said it could of been done so easily.
If Paizo built it now or atleast the designer who remade Sorc then the class would probably give you cascade for free after casting a spell or spellstriking.
I'll also recommend giving them the option of just kicking the door in. This could take less time than picking the lock, in fact I'd recommend it. But it's gonna be very loud.
I got a reddit warning not a pf2e sub warning and actual reddit warning for harassment for pointing out that releasing non-resistable HRT as an item you could technically poison someone with in an rpg was a really dumb idea and has undesirable real life connotations which goes against the obvious virtue signalling that having this item in a core rulebook was to create.
Because thats what your lungs are gonna look like after i muda! muda! muda! them.
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Why does the god of assassins give a shit about racism/transphobia/misogyny?
Because the game is made for and by Troons. Next stupid question.
Stonelord paladin archetype is pretty fun if you want flavor and want abit of a challenge to build.
Be sure you party has someone that can replace your loot or they'll get pissy you smashed it to pieces.
He wants you to kill all kinds of people instead of focusing on exterminating orcs. It's not really divine punishment if you are picky about the targets.
If you ask me the sorceress being a thread and a needle seems pretty sexist
What if you still killed everybody indiscriminately but had a slur ready for each target?
If you do it no matter the race I guess I wouldn't call it being fixated, so treat yourself.
How often do you actually see or interact with troons within the hobby? 50% of the people I play tabletop with are some sort of LGBT and most of them are quite insufferable about it. Is this a skill issue or is the hobby really that infested?
Only on here and on Reddit, none of my friends are (at least openly) LGBT so I am at least lucky on that front.
What you do about people you aren't going to assassinate shouldn't matter to him at all though
It's the autism, which has high comorbidity with LGBT so they're just going to pop up more often.
My highschool group had our bard troon out and become insufferable. He was always kind of a gawky dork but then we all were. When he transitioned in college he lost all semblance of volume control and personal space. My 5e group has a gay furry but he's alright desu; he really likes sergals but he can keep a lid on his power level and likes to banter. My PF2e group is waaay further left than I am and a bunch of horny bastards besides, so that's taken some getting used to. Luckily the guy who would unironically post pride bullshit dropped the game, even if I have to see him being mentally disabled in chat occasionally. I wish our Russian player hadn't gotten roped into the war because it was nice having a second stick in the mud to rein everyone else in.
TTRPGs have always been the hobby of outsiders and NEETs. These categories used to be predominantly filled with nerdy straight white guys but with the advent of the mainstream internet every "marginalized" group claims they are an outsider too and are far more louder about it. To add on top of this the open bigotry towards white straight men in our culture, HRT has hit the nerdy white guy community like crack did to inner city blacks in the 70s.

To answer your initial question, it seems like every online space i interact with for pf2e is filled to the brim with them and they are usually quite obnoxious about it and its very clear Paizo has a preference for who they write for. In real life i just play the game with friends that i know and are all to my knowledge straight, even the women.
I'm one of the good ones, bros, you'd never even be able to tell.
>Only PF1e because that’s the only Paizo game worth a shit
>Just don’t call it the Paizo general
Whoa holy shit I solved it.
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>trying to build a character with a class companion
>the nice-to-have flavor/utility feats are all on the same tiers as my mandatory companion feats
There's got to be a better design option than making the companion subclasses just one, massive list of exclusionary feats that kill your utility options. I understand that having a pet is a big bonus but c'mon.

Even just replacing two of them for each class with baked in growth by level would help a lot.
Genuinely the best way to go about it, assuming you’re talking about a 2e Ranger, is to hope you’re playing a FA game and go Beast Master for a flat out better companion and have your class slots free. Otherwise, yeah, bit of a mess.
I actually built a Ranger Cavalier as a backup character not too long ago for a similar reason. Kind of a ranged dragoon style dude. He seems like he'll be fun to play if I ever get the chance.

In this case I was looking at Construct Inventor which at once seems pretty strong since you get Lock On and the construct can take Unstable actions, but also like it would play exactly the same literally every time. There are just so many feats eaten up by the companion.
Ruffian Rogue or Fighter, assuming I want to use a Khopesh to trip people with and be a dirty fighter going for legs and looking to kill? My party could use either or so I’m coinflipping and both classes fit the idea I have.
Nevermind the Khopesh if I go Rogue, I forgot Ruffian doesn’t allow D8 martial weapons. Still, if I want to be a dirty fighter focusing on tripping people but either be a Rogue or a Fighter.
Slayer with an Urgrosh
Why? Entering shadowdancer from inquisitor looks horrible
What are some good multiclass dedications for an ancient elf, either barbarian or swashbuckler?
Are there any off-combat spells to protect an area?
like alarm but more proactive
man, investigator got no love in remaster
makes me sad
Go create a PF1e general bro.
I'm sure it's gonna survive 20 posts this time.
lol why would they get lore?
Gonna play a small adventure at 12th level.
This level is very interesting, since martials and casters are expert at striking, and casters are expert at spellcasting.
Is there any decent meme build I can cook up with a caster that goes 2A spell + strike?
I'm gay and trans.
Build a Summoner or take the archetype.
Summoner would be perfect for you
You're still gonna be 1 behind because martials will be at 20 STR/DEX. Warpriest or any caster with Bespell Strikes is probably what you're looking for.
Magus also has expert in casting by that level if you want to play with that. It also has Haste in it's studios spells.
It would still be focusing on the target's gender or race at some point during either your preparations or a subconscious checklist when actually killing them. Even if you are treating them equally you aren't supposed to think about outside of edge cases like "my catfolk target goes to a catfolk bar, I should disguise as a catfolk"
Where the fuck are all these people who are claiming monk was already super good and strong coming from, I feel like a fucking crazy person. Wasn't the line for years that monk, ranger, and barbarian were all at about the same power level? Why are these reading comprehension deficient monkeys praising barbarian gigabuffs and monk not getting any actually notable buffs?
Barbarian was always somewhat better than the other two. Monks were always liquid shit.
That's cool. Bespell with one of the spellhearts could do a decent chunk.
monk had way better ac and action economy than both ranger and barbarian
Yeah, if you pick a jolt coil it's gonna be 2d6 extra damage. You can even pick a Conducting rune for an extra 1d8, and 1d8 persistent on a crit.
Because fighter was such a problematic class compared to everyone else people had worse things to complain about. You are correct, Monk and Ranger should of gotten some buffs to keep up with the rest and just seem to have been completely forgotten. Hunt Prey now seems incredibly clunky compared to barb getting free rage and monk just feels mid now. I would probably make hunt prey a free action to switch to another target and give ranger scaling survival. Monk needs more inbuilt features and maybe an upgraded flurry of blows that lowers Map.
High AC is pretty meh in 2e as a whole unless you go full champion and Monk has barely anything to do with that last action other than move away which makes their AC buff pointless.
>way better ac
barely better, completely worthless
>action economy
yeah being +3 over a raging barbarian means nothign right
The raging barbarian gets more use out of being 3 AC under than the monk does with +3 AC.
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>try out a 3pp AP
>Read the first 2 pages
>Eyes start to glaze over
Holy fuck Paizo writers look like Shakespeare compared to this shit. How do you make an idea like "Island full of pirate cultists gorillas" so fucking dry to read.
Is that before or after remaster anon? Because if its before then oh boy.
before now it's +2, unless it's a giant instinct barbarian that before was +4 and now is +3
>conversation was about how it was close before the remaster
>>Is that before or after remaster
any way to have d20pfsrd offline? they appeared to have a site download years ago but have wiped it
Are there any limits of the number of healing potions you can chug per day? I can't find any rules on it.
I don't believe so. Would be sort of pointless since you can treat wounds until the cows come home anyway.
No, no limit. You can chug jug as many as you got. You might be confusing it with the OLLLLLD playtest rules with Resonance, where there was a limit on every magical item usage.
Anyone know if there's a cut and dry ruling on how Quickened and such interact with Companions? The minion rules say a minion can't ever use more than two actions, and call out animal companions specifically, but animal companions can be commanded to have three actions, and there's a Poppet ancestry feat that just applies Quickened to a minion for a turn.

I've tried digging around myself but I haven't found anything from, say, a dev on the issue.
Have any of your players raised a monstrous mount before? One of my players stole a hippogriff egg and wants desperately to be able to raise the creature throughout the campaign. Is this feasible? Note that we're tracking individual days due to it being a hexcrawl with travel time.
>max fuckoff medic healing (1 class feat, 3 skill increases, 2 skill feats and your party needs to take godless healing)
+20 per regular attempt * 4-5 party members * 4-5 encounters (godless healing) + 74 from extra regular attempts * 4-5 encounters = 760

>max fuckoff blessed one / champion healing (2-3 class feats)
60 * 3 focus points * 4-5 encounters = 810

>max fuckoff remastered herbalist healing (3 class feats, assuming full soothing benefit)
100 (soothings) * 8 = 800 (500 if you use elixirs of life)

Clarified with the FAQs:
>Pages 301 and 634 (Clarification): Can a minion be quickened or slowed?
>Yes. This can be a bit unclear because those conditions apply “at the start of your turn” and a minion can’t typically act until you use an action. Apply these conditions and any other effects that alter a minion’s number of actions when the minion gains its actions, using 2 actions and 0 reactions as the minion’s starting number. Though a minion can’t normally act when it’s not your turn, abilities that specifically grant a minion a reaction provide an exception to this (such as the Ferocious Beasts orc ancestry feat, Advanced Players Guide page 19).

Minions get 2 actions, that does not mean minions can ONLY use 2 actions ever. Think you misread something.
I checked again and it looks like I was on the Legacy version of the page. The new description clarifies the issue and I just didn't think to check.

>A creature with this trait can use only 2 actions per turn, doesn't have reactions, and can't act when it's not your turn.
>A minion has only 2 actions and 0 reactions per turn, though certain conditions (such as slowed or quickened) or abilities might give them a reaction that they can use. Alterations to a minion's actions occur when they gain their actions for the round. A minion can't control other creatures.

Thanks for the find anon.
>Have any of your players raised a monstrous mount before?
Yeah, one of my players tamed a mimic and then used it as a mount (that had 10ft land speed, but hey, adhersive meant he could not fall off).
>One of my players stole a hippogriff egg and wants desperately to be able to raise the creature throughout the campaign
>tracking individual days
I would rather go with baby hippogriff familiar or some shit in this case. I think it read somewhere that hippogriff takes years to mature.
About to run the "troubles in Otari", and in the first chapter, they can get a "base of operation".

How do you handle this, when it comes to furnitures and all that stuff that is needed to have a home?
>Where the fuck are all these people who are claiming monk was already super good and strong coming from
they're just retards coping. the entire reason monk archetype got nerfed is because otherwise it was just worse than a real martial poaching flurry. . They weren't completely cucked like Ranger was, my first character in 2e was a wolf stance monk in age of ashes and he was pretty fun, but the reality is N O T H I N G from being an actual full Monk is worth it when the entire class is poachable.

Honestly monk stances should have been monk exclusive. if fucking Rogue Rackets are 1000% niche-protection safe and not even goddamn Swashbuckler is allowed to have Dex to Damage because "REEEE THAT'S THIEF'S THING!" it's absolutely retarded I can just play a fighter or barbarian with martial artist and yoink them.
In the case of pathfinder this is pretty much objectively true. 2E is completely soulless and the writers are seemingly in a contest with WoTC to see who can be more woke.
Everything you just said is now invalid
>not even goddamn Swashbuckler is allowed to have Dex to Damage because "REEEE THAT'S THIEF'S THING!"
I genuinely forgot that they didn't do that for the remaster. I guess that's far less a thing they need now that they just have +2 damage on all their agile strikes and the overall feat buffs, but it is kind of odd they kept to their guns on that.
Personally, I always felt that Monk was great, a solid A-tier martial that just have a weird design in general. It just sort of the end result of saying Monks are not the best punchers in the game, that they have a different direction for them. But we never really see it.
Great defenses but no way to abuse it.
Fantastic feats but all too poachable.
Flurry of Blows is a great action compressor but they didn't give them a 3rd action, either for a core routine or just something fun to do.

I don't think Monks need a buff in the traditional sense. Even with the fantastic Barbarian and Swashbuckler changes, I would still say Monk is on-par with them, you really have to try for them to be bad. They just need focus, though, something that makes them stand out on their own 2 feet. A strong defensive reaction like Champion or Guardian, ways to pivot after a save, more interaction with Flurry of Blows, ability to use stances for free, Monk weapons under d6 damage equaling your fist die boost...
Brawler Class Archetype so we don't have to play Fighter to be the best puncher....

TL;DR: They need better branding, not necessarily more power. Either making them better Skirmishers or better Defenders.
I’m honestly expecting them to do that anyway, one of the players has a habit of punching doors into a million pieces
Can someone please explain why you'd ever play Magus?
My next campaign is based around the characters being on a boat to an island in the middle of a lake and finding it overrun with ...soemthing. What's a good exotic thing to use that's in one of the Pathfinder bestiaries? Not formians, I've already used those too recently. Maybe drow and their slave goblinoids but I'd prefer something else that comes from underground or the sky and would be a good threat that would take over a mining village on an island in a large lake.
>prefer something else that comes from underground or the sky and would be a good threat that would take over a mining village on an island in a large lake.

What about the Troglodytes? Ooga booga cave lizard men
I think your third action is supposed to be a stance, as dumb as that sounds.

I think they have a focus. Like you said, they're the defender / skirmisher. They don't do either particularly well, which is almost always bad, but you can build to focus on one over the other or switch at a moment's notice. Defender and Skirmisher aren't a natural combination, but still. You have Tangled Forest and Stand Still, you can make enemies stand next to you.
cause its FUN, Anon!
I don't defend 2e Magus in terms of power or piloting, there is far more powerful and easier classes around and I'm hoping the errata in the Fall would help them out, at least until 2025 (maybe the Tian Xia Character Guide will give them something nasty...). But I like Magus in terms of how varied you can make their turn. Once you realize that Conflux Spells recharging Spellstrikes AREN'T an optimal play for most situations, you really open up the playbook in terms what you can do with.
Got grappled as Laughing Shadow? Dimensional Assault, teleport behind them and make them regret it!
Two foes JUUUST out of reach from one another? Twisting Tree gets a funky flurry of blows with Reach!
Shooting Star can pop people from cover!

You don't have to be so beholden to your core class and subclass features to feel like a magus. They feel like combo extensions to one another, and you get the benefit of spellcasting to experiment with the battlefield and Spellstrike as your big ass hail mary finisher button. The class definitely has problems, but it really does naturally push you towards making the most of every tool in the system for maximum benefit. Stuff like the old Swashbuckler or Oracle felt more like you were stuck with their shitty ideas and there's no vertical or horizontal progression to make them feel more like the reasons you picked the class. Magus however feels like it can use everything 2e has to offer to connect its disparate pieces into one collective whole.

It's not a great idea, but it is a fun one, least to me
If I've been playing 1e since it came out and have extensive houserules and 3pp, is it worth looking at 2e? Has it matured enough as a system to gain a good amount of content yet?
If 2E ever reaches the sheer amount of content available for 3.5/PF1e-compatible products it's going to be a long, long time. It's been out for a while now and has a lot of support, but I don't know if anything except maybe the OSR diaspora can even come close to touching the amount of content available for 1E. There's enough APs that my group will never complete all of them, and enough splats that I can dig through Archives of Nethys whenever I'm feeling bored and do some build theorycrafting like I did in 1E, but I don't think there's a real comparison in terms of sheer volume. If you're just asking if there's stuff "there" yet, then yes there is, but I want to set expectations here lol.
No. 2E is garbo and they had to change a bunch of stuff just to avoid being sued over names.
Content, yeah, I would argue such. Even just playing with core rulebooks only, you get plenty of options, classes, archetypes, and rules to play around with everything. There's a healthy 3pp industry going about it nowadays (even if the Remaster have some awkwardness with that now...) and you can easily homebrew anything you feel your heart wants once you understand the rules and meta, which is very easy to do.

But I will say that 1e fans might not really click with it if you don't want to change your mindset going in. It will be more restrictive, it will be more balanced, you will feel more constrained in how wide you can build any given character. You have to understand that 2e is NOT an extension or advancement of 1e's ideas at all. You have to understand that the people that will like 2e are those that feel burnt in some fashion by 1e's oddities and can handle 2e's own far better. This even applies to the devs, it's pretty clear Jason Bulhman and co. have changed in the 15 years since 1e's first launch, and probably not for the better...
If you are willing to do that, then yeah, you will have fun!
>Magus however feels like it can use everything 2e has to offer to connect its disparate pieces into one collective whole
That's actually something I've noticed getting one to level 8. I use basically everything martials and casters have.
seconding for xulgaths. if your players recently played extinction curse they might be a bit sick of them though.
Alright, I'll likely stick with 1e then. At this point I should probably just say fuck it and comb through all the 3pp and 3.5 stuff and start compiling a database of the actually worthwhile bits and bobs somewhere.
One of my favorite lines from the old 1d4chan page on them is, to paraphrase it, "You don't play Magus like a Fighter with spells or a Wizard with weapons. You play magus LIKE A MAGUS."
You build Magus around their ideas and parts. It's why I am cautious about people trying to buff Spellstrike or smooth out Arcane Cascade. I don't necessarily want Magus to have a basic rotation that slides them into one set playstyle, I want them to feel like a big magical toolbox or Lego kit you are clicking together.
That said, I do think they should get some buffs, even to the ideas. Stuff like...
>Return the Slide Casting benefit from the playtest, some way for Magus to reposition before or after Spellstrike/Arcane Cascade.
>Give them Thaumaturge's Intensify Investiture, give them more innate reasons to experiment with magic items.
>No Reactive Strike on Spellstrike.
>Increase their slots from 4 to 6 per day. Studious Spells can stay as they are.
>Let them choose any tradition or have interesting ways to poach spells. If you don't really want them to be INT-focused nowadays, might as well go all in on them being the spellblade for every magic class, not just Wizard.
>Improve Iron and Tar(d)ge Magus, they don't feel nearly as impactful as the others. Iron needs a focus spell that actually uses its strength and Targe just needs more than just action compression, especially with Defensive Assault existing now.
>More benefits with Arcane Cascade as a whole. More than just damage or defense.
>Remove the Stance trait from Cascade, its goofy and makes fist Magi harder to play.

Again, I don't think you need to connect the 3 cores of Magus --Spellstrike, Arcane Cascade, Conflux Spells-- together, least not so directly. But Magus definitely needs some buffs to its core abilities.
Honestly my only problem with magus is that their feats are garbage and I just spend everything on archetypes. Everything you described besides more slots and stance can be fixed by giving them better feats.
No matter how much of a 2efag I'll be, I'll never quite understand why Paizo brushed off the 1e ones so hard. Perhaps a 1.5e wouldn't ever be profitable and cleaning up the "longterm damage" of D&D3.5e would require extreme decisions to be made, but I do believe it is still reasonable to imagine what a Pathfinder 2 that didn't throw out almost everything that 1efags enjoy would be like. At least it would be good food for thought.

Good feats are great but some of their issues are just too core to really justify making them feat purchases. We want to avoid feat taxes if we can and save their feats for interesting abilities and empowerments, things that let them be more powerful and sell that Magus is more than Fighter + Wizard.
I'd rather have feat taxes than something so shit I'd rather pick other classes feats at later levels.
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Funnily enough the Magus+ homebrew does a lot of that shit.
>I don't necessarily want Magus to have a basic rotation that slides them into one set playstyle
I would argue that's where it's at right, but my bigger issue is the class has fuckall reason to use Int. Raw spell attacks blow ass even for fullcasters so "use magic as a ranged backup" is a total farce when both its spell and class DC suck balls, I'm baffled there wasn't a subclass/feat for getting a basic bitch "ranged elemental unarmed strike that acts as a cantrip for activating cascade" and/or subclass about using Int as a main stat and getting it as a strike attack roll replacer or something. Let it have tools it can properly use, since it's not gonna be making anything fail any DCs.

Like the other anon said too, they just have dogshit feats, stuff like spirit sheath is cool but just kind of bad. It reminds me that someone complained "why does nobody take magus archetype" and the answer is with the 1 minute cooldown on spellstrike there's nothing to actually get?
Magus+ and a lot of Team+ content are really good examples of 2e's 3pp content. They have some odd ideas and they can feel more like people being a bit too attached to 2e's ideas (the remaster and how heavily they redid classes got to have pissed them off) but it's fun stuff. I didn't have the space to put their Gun Magus/Reload + Spellstrike or dual-weapon ideas up there but it is good to callout and recognize how much they give content to them.

I'm also a fan of one homebrew content not made by them that lets you combine Witch stuff with Magus. Neat thing to combine with the Witch+ and new 2e Patrons.
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You can't even rape and enslave people anymore... because of woke.
Unironically yes. They removed all mentions of slavery. Eagle Knights are pointless now lol
>2 feats for something that should be free, or barring that, 1 feat
>a lot of Team+ content are really good examples of 2e's 3pp
I checked out their Clerics+ release (post-remaster edition) because I heard they made a version of war priest that was a bounded caster with full martial proficiency.
They reintroduced level to damage in one focus spell, and the war priest option (the paragon) can stack two Strides, self-casting Heroism, activating an ability that gives it +2d4 damage per die, and two Strikes all in one turn.
They're not terrible and they have interesting ideas but I would not call them particularly good. I suppose the bar is under the floor though considering I've seen some 3pp penned by active Paizo employees with even worse balance and copyedit.
I've got a Mirror Thaumaturge taking the Marshal dedication to make use of the double emanation and get AoOs. Just took the dedication. I'm thinking I might want to take Inspiring Stance, but someone's playing an Oracle with a Bard dedication and it doesn't stack. Cunning Stance seems really appealing. I can trip with my reach weapon, and the Rogue and Kineticist seem interested in grappling. May just end up getting both, eventually.
But how does that affect your everyday life?
Their Inventor+ book looked neat but I couldn't get my GM to agree to the Unstable change because he didn't want to keep track of it. The changes they made to Explode and Overdrive to be a bit more thematic and versatile were cool though, and a mass Demoralize on Unstables is a neat idea.
Because I like the feeling of weaving swords and spells.
When I first started planning my monk, I thought three feats (Prevailing Position, Stance Savant, Master of Many Styles) were worth taking for AC shenanigans with Drakeheart Mutagen and the Warding Statuette, but now that I think about it we only ever do PL+4 so the most this does is prevent crits.
Does anyone have a screenshot of all the Dragonblood Heritage Feats? Thanks much in advance.
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resolution kinda ass but I got you homie, they're pretty good, I wonder if Nephilim will get an errata buff to match them more
>dragonblood ratfolk with tits

yes, when you max Dex
>I would probably make hunt prey a free action to switch to another target and give ranger scaling survival. Monk needs more inbuilt features and maybe an upgraded flurry of blows that lowers Map.
Now that sounds good, maybe Rangers can identify creatures & their weaknesses with Survival
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any news about Starfinder 2? Does it have mech rules? are they any good?
Playtest drops on August 1st.
No vehicle or ship rules will be in the playtest.
Mechs seems like a post-launch thing.
Yea the art blows, but that's pretty normal, especially for versatile heritages. I'm kinda interested in maybe making a funny dragonblooded monk dude with the scaly hide feat, hopefully that doesn't get nerfed into dirt between now and when I finally get the chance
It's essentially just dragon disciple dedication and I already got one of those in a kingmaker game.
He's doing well. Very hard to land criticals on him.
Yea, not needing to spend archetype feats on it will be nice, I'm mostly just worried that the reddit and paizo forums will screech about "LEVEL ONE MONK SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO GET CAPPED DEX SO EARLY WTF???" so hard paizo actually listens. Hopefully not, but day 1 errata can be a bitch.
>that mauler change
I'm gonna run a nodachi magus. Now the question becomes weather its going to be inexorable iron or if the sword beam magus in the new book is any good.
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There is little chance there's overlap between Nioh players and PF players, but damn if you didn't just describe this bastard anon.
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>can't have dragon breath AND a 1d6 teeth weapon, that'd be too good
>also making the dragon breath good requires three of your four feats
Aaaaaah I hate how Paizo divvies shit up.
Would they invade the mining town and kill everyone?
simply beg your GM to run with Ancestry Paragon anon, surely your GM runs with that right? :^)

God I fucking hate how often the answer to "I can't fully fulfill this concept" is "fuck you, beg for optional rules (that may or may not actually help)"
>There is little chance there's overlap between Nioh players and PF players
My entire group has played Nioh.
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It'd be one thing if the dragon breath just scaled on its own. You'd dump a level 5 feat for some flavor and call it a day, but scaling the teeth requires the 5th level feat, so maybe you'd dump the 9th level feat on that but then you don't scale your breath weapon...

I don't even think Ancestry Paragon is the solution. Paizo just needs to take feat tracks out back and shoot them. If the final form of an ability is too strong at level 1 just let the feat scale itself and put something else in the filler slot you stuck at level 15. Of course if they commit to that then they have to figure out what to do with Companions and I'm sure some designer will have a heart attack at the thought of an Inventor with a companion AND access to gadgets, because far be it from the Inventor to actually tinker and make stuff.
Yea, it sucks, I fucking hate it here. Everything requires 2-5 times as many feats as it should for what feels like half the effect it deserves to be.
Question with the remastered swap action. Could you stow one item and them two hand your weapon? Or are you only able to stow and grab a new weapon?
Anyone else thinks it feels bad to take heritage feats like droomar or Nephilim, and then also having to spend the ancenstry feat to get something from that heritage.
Kinda dont wanna make a half-orc or "tiefling"
Monster Hunter feat line should be
>Monster Hunter: Survival (autoscaling) to RK on any creature
>Monster Warden: Bonuses to attack and defenses on crit
>Master MH: Bonuses on success, can spread to allies
>Legendary MH: Increased bonuses
Can anything worthwhile be done with the Broad Study magus arcana?
I thought of Magus6/Cleric14 but it seems really bad.
As someone who has only played dnd, sell me on pathfinder and its character making options.
figure it out yourself faggot

you won't make it far in marketing that way.
1e builds on 3.5 rules and its main strenght is all the character options you have
If you've only played 5e repent or pretend I didn't reply
1e or 2e?
Builds off of 3.5e and pretends to be slightly more balanced (it’s not but it’s 3.5e based, it will never be balanced), has a million different ways you can build an absurd character that specializes in something. Due to the nature of 3.pf games, specializing in something means you can do that one thing absurdly well, but just that one thing.
A far more balanced game than 5e in just about every respect, the existence of archetypes and feats being built into the core of the game rather than being balanced around them being optional allows for a wide plethora of feats and using them as a building block system for a unique character so that no two are quite the same. Due to 2e’s focus on balance, some options aren’t as strong as you’d like, but they’re never that bad outside a couple options. Every class is viable, unlike 5e where, for example, everything a Rogue can do Bard can do better.
I'm sorry there aren't enough genderfluid apes in it for you, anon. Anything produced by FGG will always be leagues better than the slop Paizo puts out.
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Anon, it's because that's literally just the Kobold Breath feat-line that they ripped out of Kobold.
I don't see what exactly that has to do with my criticism. It would be/is dumb on kobolds too.
Which Recall Knowledge skill would you choose to have a permanent +1 bonus to if you could?
i genuinely think that even without FA, beastmaster is enough to make a decent animal companion ranger. Just have your ranger use Guisarme for trips and reach with precision and you're already set.
>character making options.
If by DND you mean 5e, then it's a system with a lot more options and ways to customize a character or express a concept.
If by DND you mean 3.5e, then you won't be impressed by the options themselves, but the basic system and how the numbers stack up might interest you.
I mean it is, it’s just a little funny that you’re just getting a flat out better companion and a second companion, assuming you took companion as your first level feat, with Beastmaster as your archetype.
PF2: Is AC 20 viable for lvl 1 or should I use a shield to get higher?
AC20 is very good for level 1, how did you get that?
Yes that is plenty at level 1, and not something many can get to
Neck yourself.
An option could be that they are a dex with +4 dex and crane stance.
Or maybe someone with access to heavy armor
Fist edition
Can anyone hook me up with a good shadowdancer build? I'm leaning towards fighter5 as the entry point.
But it’s not ackshually possible to have heavy armor at level one because all heavy armor is level 2+ items!!!!
But yeah true.
Good enough base idea for Paizo NPC standards. Just replace those filler feats with something useful and grab some fighter archetype that hits your fancy
I'm with you when it comes to flavour crap like natural weapons, but a scaling animal companion is worth a lot more than one level 1 feat. either you have to suck it up and pay regular feat tax, or it comes out of the core class feature budget.
Well you can still use items of higher level, just not craft them. And they might not be available to you, depending on where you are.
I suppose the most optimized build would be using a reach weapon + cornugon smash + spring attack/circling moongoose with high STR and mid CHA and DEX
Move in, stealth, skewer a motherfucker two times, move away, stealth again
Dragonblooded Monk with Dex +3
Raises Shield and Crane Stance would give another +3
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Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
hello, I'm playing pathfinder 1e for the second time as a player and I'm making a human fighter
I'm not very experienced with the system & selecting feats yet, but I'd like to know if picking power attack, improved intiative and shield focus as my starting feats is a good idea. I don't want my character to be too strong, but I don't want to be a liability in combat.
the other players in the group have recommended that I take cleave at 2nd level, which seems really strong
>I'm making a human fighter
Why would you do this to yourself?
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If it's necessary to pay a four class feat tax just for your main thing to keep up with accuracy or else shit breaks then there's a breakdown in the design somewhere. Obviously companions are nice but the fact that they are so absolutely build warping is a massive pain in the ass when they're competing against things like Gadget Specialist or Overdrive Ally which are super modest utility buffs (granted Gadget Specialist does get pretty strong in a 5min, combat only adventuring day). It's especially annoying on Inventor where you're already locking off loads of class feats at character creation just by picking your innovation. You're really going to make me pick between the mandatory companion upgrade that it would be completely non-functional without or the ability to use two Unstable actions per combat? Why? Is Explode really so good that I have to choose between a working class feature or Exploding twice?

desu I don't even really disagree with you. At least not completely. There's just so much of this shit all over the system. Fighter/Mauler taking Slam Down at level 4 so they can get the skill they actually want at 10, or Marshal taking a situational and usually bad skill in Cadence Call at 6 so you can get the actually useful version of it at 14, especially when their level 8 feats have actual competing options between Back to Back and Reactive Strike. You could just move one of those to 6, have the tier be useful for something, and leave Cadence Call's good version at 14 if it was too good for level 6.

It annoys me most with Companions because they're just so feat hungry but it gets under my skin in other places too.
so I can learn the system properly
I played a human cleric last time & he wasn't very useful because I picked the wrong feats and the wrong spells
it turns out being able to make food and water is great until you need to fight monsters
Fighter is not a strong class. In PF1E its towards the lower end in fact. You should start by choosing your archetype since that's where the biggest power differential is for the class. Weapon Focus is a far better feat than power attack. Improved initiative is feasible later since it takes a while for rocket tag to get catastrophically bad in 1E. AC is serviceable at lower levels but Shield Focus rapidly goes out of usefulness when the To-Hit creep rapidly outpaces AC.
I didn't know fighter had archetypes, but I'd like to keep it simple for now. I know clerics could be an ecclesitheurge which sounded cool but it just made it so my guy couldn't wear armor in exchange for more spells. I was going to pick weapon focus but I figured it'd be better to wait a bit in case the party finds a cool magic weapon and so I can use a variety of weapons depending on the situation until then
I'm glad I was more or less on the right track with improved initiative and shield focus, though. I'm not used to having feats, it's pretty cool so far though
Power attack is mandatory, improved initiative is good but you usually find the space to pick it later on and shield focus is a filler feat unless you need it early to meet a prerequisite.
Cleave is a good feat in the 1-5 level range but it falls off at 6+ because it is not compatible with iterative attacks, the best course of action is to take it as a fighter bonus feat like you're doing at level 2 and retrain it later on into something else since you can do it for free as a fighter.
From your post it seems you want to build a sword and board fighter, which is perfectly fine, but if you want to use your shield for something more than a simple +2 to ac it requires building around certain feats. I can explain how that would go down if that's the kind of character you want to play.
lmao even
Fighter is a strong class if you know what feats to pick and use the right advanced armor and weapon training
yeah, a fighter that uses a one-handed weapon and a shield is what I was going for, a character who can protect the rest of the party & kill what needs killing
I know that there are shield spikes you can put on to make your shield a weapon, but that involved two-weapon fighting and seemed too complicated
a +2 bonus to AC is good enough for me for now though, but thank you anon
Alright, then just pick general good feats for a fighter like weapon focus, weapon specialization, their greater counterparts, step-up, combat reflexes and so on. Please don't forget to pick Advanced Armor Training and Advanced Weapon Training as options, they allow you to select from a cool list of abilities instead of selecting a second/third/etc. armor/weapon training group, they're very good and flavorful.
The build I mentioned involves using the shield to bash, slam, trip and do other cool shit with your shield between sword swings, it's not really that complicated but you do you.
>being stuck in early days pf1e
Fighter is pretty good class with AWT
Yeah people don't get how much weight they pull. And in any case while the fighter abilities might be basic beyond what feat chains you get into they're still the king of flat +X to hit bonus and damage.
thank you very much anon, I'll follow your advice
I'll be sure to come back and post about how the campaign went when it's done
If you want to actively defend your allies look into bodyguard + combat reflexes feats and the Vanguard Style -> Vanguard Ward -> Vanguard Hustle line.
shield and crane don't stack though albeit
When is PF2 going to get advanced armor
Construct Companions are a subclass feature and should scale automatically, weapon inventors don't need to pay class feats to make sure they get Expert/Master attacks with their weapon. For other classes and animal companions the feat tax is annoying but Paizo doesn't want everybody grabbing them for low investment I guess, they seem to have a fucking hateboner against how useful and popular Familiars and companions were in 1e (where you CAN get a full powered familiar for a single feat, and getting a full animal companion is also pretty easy).

Ranger should have a second subclass choice between getting a free animal companion or free warden spells for people who don't want to bother with them, the way Clerics pick warpriest/cloistered on top of their deity and domains
So it's going to be shield only. But I guess AC 22 isn't that bad.
>Ranger should have a second subclass choice.
But what if you dont want either? I agree that spending feats on your companion as an inventor is ass and ranger needs a buff however.
You're getting a big bag of hit points that can move and flank for you. It doesn't need a buff.
It actually does need a buff when you hit endgame as its math just doesnt keep up. Also classes who's feature is an AC shouldn't be using feats to keep it up to snuff otherwise all your getting for a class feature is a level 1 feat.
Try not to feel too inadequate while everyone else pulls your weight.
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>I'd like to know if picking power attack, improved intiative and shield focus as my starting feats is a good idea.
Afraid not. The only good Fighter is an archer build.
>But what if you dont want either?
Then you can kick rocks or not fucking use them, what a dumb question, it's like saying "What if a Paladin doesn't want Lay on Hands?" don't fucking use it, it's a free unconditional buff to a class that currently has no reason to exist since you're just a shittier fighter or rogue
>Ranger should have a second subclass choice between getting a free animal companion or free warden spells for people who don't want to bother with them
Honestly picking two subclasses, with outwit being a valid choice for either subclass choice, would go a long way for Ranger actually, wouldn't it. If I had the option of stacking Precision and Outwit I might consider Ranger instead of just kicking rocks and going back to Fighter or Rogue.
No, it doesn't need a buff. It doesn't need to "keep up", whatever the fuck you think that means. What you get for free is:

>the ability to occupy/block an additional square on the map (or four squares)
>the ability to be in two places at once, scout, whatever
>free mobile cover (or a literal wall)
>free flanking
>a mount
>the ability to explode from range
>(potentially) a shitload of skills including demoralize
>(potentially) a bunch of senses or movement options
>(potentially) an extra set of hands
And if you invest exactly one feat at level 4 (or whenever the fuck you want) you get a shitton of upgrades.
If im spending 4 feats on this animal companion then it better have the same comparable level of strength up until endgame. What kind of retard logic is going on in your brain to reason that this shouldn't be the case?
Oh, it was butthurt 2e fag. Carry on then.
>4 feats
I just told you what you get with 0-1 feats. You don't have to fucking spend 4 feats. If you do, you get a whole bunch of other benefits like additional skills and strong MAPless strikes. Not as the entire reason you took the companion, but in ADDITION to the huge list I already presented.
Calm down bitch boy. We literally went through this discussion in 1e and thats why a non magical, non pet archetype for ranger and class was born. Alot of people want the Strider fantasy without all the bullshit spells and AC. Maybe add a third choice that focuses on being more of a survival man.
Their to-hit math falls off lategame since they don't benefit from weapon runes, although Inventor's not as badly since they get Lock On at level 10 (although it also costs an action so idk). In a PWL situation they might fare better though since the GM doesn't need to treadmill the party so hard.

You've got me curious now so I'm going through the Inventor feats to see what options open up with an automatically progressed construct.

>Level 4
It opens up Gadget Specialist and Megaton Strike. The latter can be used by the Construct innovation but I don't know how useful it would be as a pick up at level 6; I could see a case for using it with Lock On, but at level 6 you're competing with Megavolt which is just pretty nice.

>Level 8
You can get moar gadgets, Overdrive Ally, or Manifold Modificiations (although the intro mods on Construct are mostly meh besides the Tremorsense one). Mostly flavor stuff. Gigaton Strike exists at this level too I guess.

>level 10
I would call Lock On mandatory but it's not competing with anything great. Helpful Tinkering is neat but it's a hard DC so good luck applying it regularly. You could take Distracting Explosion I guess.

>level 14
The only other thing Construct Inventor can even take on this tier is Unstable Redundancies.

So it looks like the only real power spike you'd get is eating some of Alchemist's lunch as the party vending machine, but actually gadgets and alchemicals don't compete much and most gadgets recipes you can pick up from the feats are pretty situational. They don't even get automatic formula progression like alchemists do now.
>already projecting
Never design for games you anti-logic retard.
It would be a huge power spike. If you have a bunch of mediocre feats at levels 4/8/10/14, you know what you do? You take an archetype or two.
It doesn't make sense that a full-investment animal companion gets LESS accurate as you level up. It's the same retardation as spell attacks being most useful at level 1. The scaling is simply fucked and needs to be fixed so it's more even
Shut up and let the humans do the thinking.
Others are pointing out your retardation. ACs being mathematically worse as you level up even when investing multiple feats is bad design. Accept the L.
Most things in this game get "worse" when you level up if you look at them in a vacuum. Almost everyone's AC gets worse over time. HP generally increases faster than damage, so the damage you do relative to a monster's HP goes down. It's not just spell attack rolls. You're not supposed to look at it in a vacuum. You're supposed to realize that, e.g., the caster now has Synesthesia, Heroism, and Haste going at all times.
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How do you handle characters exploring a place like this? ..
Like if one characters goes to B2 and says they a looking at it, triggering an encounter - While the other characters might be somewhere else, or have not had a chance to move yet
>or four squares
Large companions are usually bad because five foot halls/doors. Shit, my group has two normal sized frontliners and things already feel super cramped unless we're outside.
>the ability to be in two places at once, scout, whatever
Entirely GM dependent. Usually the companion can't take complex actions by itself. Inventor even has a modification for stuff like that, which you mention later.
>free mobile cover (or a literal wall)
Half cover is a decent point but you're crazy if you actually take the wall modification on Construct.
>free flanking
It's helpful but see point 1. Also it's not free because it either costs actions to get the companion in place or a feat to let them act independently for one action a turn.
>a mount
That's case-by-case. The Construct isn't faster than most Ancestries unless you spend a mod on it.
>the ability to explode from range
That part is nice
>(potentially) a shitload of skills including demoralize
>(potentially) a bunch of senses or movement options
>(potentially) an extra set of hands
Those are all mutually exclusive to each other and also the construct sucks at non-physical skill checks even with Miracle Gears because the INT mod only goes up to -2, it has a flat CHA mod, it can't benefit from item bonuses, and to get it there you have to give up every single other mod.
If they are retarded enough to explore shit individually, they should be punished.
Ask them for their moves beforehand and then perform them all simultaneously. If something happens, allow skill checks to retroactively change what they did. e.g. someone moving triggered an encounter, everyone makes perception checks to know if they heard the cry for help and stopped going where they were going so they could help.
What's the best archetype for an INT Psychic in P2E? Distant Grasp, specifically. I'd like to do necromancy stuff if possible.
There's Undead Master, or you can just pick Witch for another tradition and more spells.
Whichever character set off the encounter gets put into that encounter.
The other players aren't in initiative and don't get to take turns unless they're alerted somehow or the encounter runs ten or so rounds; the minute it would take to ask 'where's Dingus??' and go look for him.
If the player who split off then decides to fight the encounter alone and gets mulched then it's a valuable lesson.
>you know what you do if your class is bad?
>get another one
Wow, thanks. But we're talking about Inventor.
Honestly a lot of those tiers aren't even terrible, they just have stuff for Armor or Weapon Innovations that the Construct Inventor can't take anyway.
Even if we pare it down to
>the ability to occupy/block an additional square on the map
>free mobile cover
>cheap flanking (free with a feat)
>the ability to explode from range
>one of: 2-4 (with a feat) legendary skills to Aid you with; a bunch of senses and movement options you can use if you mount it; or an extra set of hands
That's still pretty good.

Your class isn't "bad" because it has bad feats at a few levels. The power can be elsewhere. Like the class features, including the fucking free scaling companion you're proposing.
It can't get all of those you dumb retard because Gears is it's own upgrade path that is mutually exclusive to everything else. As well, the minion is always making those checks at a severe deficit even at legendary. Who the fuck cares if it's legendary in Society; it's making those checks at like -9 on level since it's got garbage mental stats and no item bonuses.

I'm not even the one proposing a free-scaling companion, I just went through and looked at what the Inventor actually would gain from it and the answer is that it wouldn't even make them much stronger because the biggest boost would be the Gadget feat line which isn't anything amazing.

Also the innovation mods don't do anything for it as a mount besides the speed boost. You're thinking of another feat.
Well, minor addendum. You could use it as a flying mount at 15. But I've yet to be in a combat where flying wouldn't just result in getting shot out of the sky so YMMV.
It can't get all of those you dumb retard because Gears is it's own upgrade path that is mutually exclusive to everything else. As well, the minion is always making those checks at a severe deficit even at legendary. Who the fuck cares if it's legendary in Society; it's making those checks at like -9 on level since it's got garbage mental stats and no item bonuses.
For the love of god dude read the line again
>ONE OF: 2-4 (with a feat) legendary skills TO AID YOU WITH

>it wouldn't even make them much stronger
You could pick up a full fucking spellcasting archetype with the feats you save. Or a bunch of Fighter feats. How does that not make them much stronger? Why would anyone ever pick armor or weapon innovations?
>they would get stronger because they could poach other class feats onto their garbage chassis and actually contribute for once
Wow. Stop the fucking presses.
then the other characters roll perception and if they roll well they start the encounter but further away. Those are 5ft squares, even if they're at B1 they should see/hear what happens in B2 once the combat starts unless they're all legally blind and deaf. Now if they're in B11 or B17 yeah chances are they won't hear shit unless B2 encounter is against a chimera or something that roars like a storm
>How we playtest
Not a single game is actually played
And you wonder why this game is shit
I was thinking Witch, especially the Decay Witch. Does Cackle and the Psychic Focus Spells play nice together? It's a little confusing, because Focus spells were currently reworked but it doesn't seem like Psychic's language was updated to reflect that.
>I actually hate my character feeling powerful and effective. Everyone and everything should be as lame as I am in real life.
What produces this kind of person? And why is it so common lately?
breastplate + armored skirt is a neato trick I learned a while back for characters that desire heavy armor at level one
GM Notes Lore
I'm actually good at the game, so I always feel powerful. You feel weak because you're bad at the game. I don't want anyone catering to players who are bad and want to feel as strong as a good player.
Okay now type this without crying
Accession concepted.
Ah. Someone who's severely under socialized and just wants to argue and "win" on 4chan. I see now.
name one game where being a summoner or having a companion is actually good
Pathfinder the first edition. I love Cavalier
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Free Archetype games
Summoner is great in this game. High-tier class. Great skillmonkey, great switch-hitter, versatile.
Is that true or are you punking me? I feel like I never hear anyone talk about Summoner.
>name one game where being a summoner or having a companion is actually good
Uh, every single other edition of Dungeons & Dragons AND the previous edition of Pathfinder. Hirelings and companions were a core class feature even for martials in AD&D. Leadership is the single most powerful feat in 3.5 and it was specifically made as that edition's equivalent of 2E men at arms. CoDZilla dominated 3.X in large part because they could get a pounce beast companion with multiple attacks to ensure success at low levels and scale into divine metamagic abusing demigods single handedly defining the battlefield, not to mention all the companion-specific buffs and spells and feats. In 5e summons are stupidly powerful even if you only use them "as intended" and don't cheese bounded accuracy by summoning a dozen wolves to rape enemies with pack tactics, and just use the nerfed template-based Tasha's Summons that make a single creature. Summoning rules in Mage the Awakening and you can easily make a character who simply solves all his problems by getting a random relevant spirit to solve it for him. Ghouled familiars are stupidly strong in VTM, you can give Potence to a Housecat and it will disembowel non-combat-specialist vampires since bonus successes on attack rolls convert to damage and cats have a fuckton of dex. Sidekicks and Summons are super good in Mutants And Masterminds and you can play a character whose claim to fame is just being a fucking mob boss with a lot of goons like Kingpin and spend all your power points on henchmen if you want.
probably the same guy claiming monks are good
It's true, but it's more of a companion class than a summon class. Your eidolon shares your skill proficiencies and item bonuses and can even get a few skill feats so you can make some insane skill builds with it. Eidolons can do basically anything with very little investment thanks to Evolution Surge. I always thought DEX dragon or construct would be really fun chassis to take Loremaster or Bard archetypes on, end up with two characters with Expert in every lore that can Aid each other to get +2 to both of their recall knowledges.

Otherwise you're a spellcaster and the eidolon is the "auto-scaling companion" everyone's talking about so you really don't need to invest to be passable in combat. You can kind of do whatever. You get 1 free action per turn and 1-2 extra move actions thanks to Tandem Movement so you always have good options in combat. Great skirmisher / switch-hitter.
>check to see how other places are taking monk news
>see one guy screeching that everyone is delusional and the dragonblooded unarmored AC feat will totally ruin the game's careful balance
Monk gets one tiny W and it's a bad thing yet a cascade of barbarian buffs has cheering
It's ok anon, I think barbarians and swashes got overbuffed, barbs in particular
Ironically, some of the worst Barbarian subclasses were basically ignored. Fury Barbarian has nothing going for them now and they had one redundant feat replaced with a worse version of Cringe. Otherwise they're just as irrelevant as they already were.
When you think about it, the best way to assassinate someone is to just run up to them and chop them in half
Is fighter still the best, or is barbarian as good as it now?
The best class is friendship
Any game where it exists because action economy is a thing
is it better to draw a card, or discard a card
any good non-focus spells in core 2
any good focus spells in core 1
I think the QoL of being able to rage at any time, and not needing to see an enemy, was really good and necessary, as it meant they could make use of their utility abilities basically ever, but it was really weird to see them get all those other buffs too. I like the buffs, but I also think the floor of a lot of classes really needs to go up.

Arguments can be made that Barbarian now actually gives Fighter strong competition, now that it's been buffed and had old flaws removed and QoL added.
>other places
To be fair, reddit can't do math. Every subreddit for any game just somehow is unable to do any kind of math necessary to theorize about or discuss the game. Also, if you say ninja or samurai on the PF2 reddit you get banned for racism? Apparently it's NOT racist to homogenize Tian Xia, I heard this from posters who aren't allowed to Go Back when I tell them to.
Paizo forums are droolers, useful idiots, and paid actors.
All of them think wizards aren't strictly worse in every way than literally every other full spellcaster.
So no, there's absolutely no other place for discussing PF2 with unbiased humans above 90IQ. You're forced to endure a handful of trolls that frequent this thread just to interact with anyone besides retards and paizo sockpuppets
>reddit can't do math.
Or they will construct ridiculous white room scenarios to argue some inane point that anyone who has actually played the game will tell you wouldnt work. I remember some retard saying a caster can be better DPS than a martial then proceeded to list the most nogame scenario possible and ruleslawyer put it in his video.

In my opinion, the exact level at which a Player Core 2 barbarian becomes comfortably on par with a fighter is 6th, simply because 6th-level fighter feats are not particularly good, whereas 6th-level barbarian feats are fantastic and offer up Reactive Strike.
Even if that were true, caster's shit defenses and perception don't make up for going even in damage with a martial. The unquestioning defense of every Paizo decision is so bizarre to me.
monks getting literally +1 AC from a permanently locked-in heritage feat that becomes useless the moment they hit 10th level and get native +5 Dex anyways being something this dogshit game's community considers unfathomably overpowered is probably the funniest thing I've seen all week. It reminds me of all the people who ardently defended the cantrip nerds as necessary, because GOD FORBID the minimum damage of a level 1 caster's spells be 5 instead of 1 or 2, meanwhile at level 10+ the difference is virtually irrelevant and you aren't using them anyways in favor of casting Slow for the tenth time in a row. Yeah man, rusty shanktown new players not literally wasting their entire turn being told "okay, the enemy made their save, so your spell's damage is halved from two to one, congrats anon, are you enjoying Pathfinder 2e's wonderful three action economy as you accomplish nothing but striding and casting a spell to do 1 damage?" is what's really killing the game.

God imagine every monk in the world not putting upgrades into only Str/Dex/Con/Wis, wouldn't that be funny? God I fucking hate these people, mountain stance sucks, yea I agree one versatile heritage having monopoly on this is dumb but that means monk should have gotten it as a NATIVE CLASS FEAT INSTEAD, or at the very least MORE THAN ONE HERITAGE SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO THIS.
this is especially funny because
1. that's literally what every full plate fighter relying on Bulwark has been doing since day fucking 1
2. since monks don't get plate or bulwark and are largely flurrying with agile/finesse strikes or ranged attacks to begin with, they're still fucking gonna end up boosting DEX at 5 and 10 for their saving throws anyways, plus likely they're attacks since barely any Stances aren't Finesse.

like okay cool a dragon-stance monk can now start with 18 strength and 16 dex and not be straight up worse than somebody going Wolf stance with 18 Dex and 16 strength, and this is very bad because........? Especially since Wolf Stance is a fucking better option than Dragon or Gorilla anyways. There's a reason that every fucking stance in the game is poachable via Martial Artist already and yet classes with strength-based options like fighters and rangers still don't bother grabbing Gorilla stance, they're not fucking worth it. Meanwhile Wolf Stance gets poached all the time for Wolf Drag, if you're a Rogue it's a fucking D8 agile finesse weapon with backstabber and Fatal D12. That's better than an Aldori Dueling Sword and you can get a better Knockdown while being purely Dex based as a thief with 10 STR normally barres from athletic maneuvers.

But yeah, a monk having +1 AC at level 1-9 is what's truly breaking the game.
have you considered posting your monk, wizard, and crossbow opinions somewhere where the writers will actually see them, instead of a vietnamese shotacon forum
We know for a fact Paizo staff do browse /tg/ and even used to post here, so them seeing it (which is irrelevant to discussion) is already possible. Posting actual constructive criticism and feedback on the hugbox boards or fucking reddit is useless since the only individuals using either are fully drunk on the Kool-Aid and act like a fucking cult. I'm not a bitter 50 year old alcoholic so I'm not gonna fucking use RPGnet.
I stop reading a post when they start crying about muh poaching. It's on the same level as crying about Longstrider wand.
I have to fess up, I picked Wolf Stance for my monk, yeah
That said, I did it without reading any of the child feats, only because Yamcha is cool.
The problem is when a class has no actual fucking class features of its own. Nobody gives a shit that you can poach literally every major Fighter feat, plus Attack of Opportunity, plus most of the best Archetypes in the game like Dual-Weapon Warrior and Mauler are LITERALLY just a fucking laundry list of Fighter feats you can now steal for yourself, because even if you smear lipstick on your face and shave your chest hair and tell yourself "I'M A REAL FIGHTER NOW! LOOK, I HAVE KNOCKDOWN AND ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY!" everybody can still see you're a fucking Ranger bitch who's missing that almighty +2 to hit.

Niche protection is handled incredibly haphazardly in 2e. Nobody can ever ever ever get a Witch hex cantrips even though they mostly suck and are weaker than Bard composition cantrips. But EVERY bard composition cantrips can be completely obtained by anyone, and you can even get a full 100% undiluted Bard subclass via Multifarious Muse, when Witch subclasses are completely off-limits. The Summoner Archetype is straight up ivory tower design and a horrible trap option, you can never use Tandem actions which means no Tandem Movement and you never get Act Together, it's virtually suicide to try using that eidolon in combat. Meanwhile animal companions can be gotten by anyone with Cavalier or Beastmaster and are better than actual ranger animal companion feats on a ranger.

This shouldn't SURPRISE anyone, since Archetypes are really just rehashed Variant Multiclassing from Pathfinder Unchained in 1e, and they were also fucking dogshit and horribly implemented with retarded and arbitrary differences in feature availability there, too. It's just people were more forgiving since regular multiclassing still existed, so you could just ignore the pants on head retarded VMC options. But you can't do that in 2e
Typing WITH capslock every OTHER word just makes your POST look like it's FROM reDDIT.
This guy is BIG MAD we're criticizing 2e
I like 2e BUT the poaching ISSUE is pretty SCUFFED. ESPECIALLY with casters. It SEEMS like their level 10+ feats are SUPPOSED to be the ones to be protected, but THAT DOESN'T really make any SENSE. Most are pretty SHIT.
What’s a fun archetype for a sword and shield fighter that’s going to be going for tripping people in order to help the Paladin and Barbarian and Flurry Ranger get even more hits in.
Having a meltdown won't change reality bro.
I genuinely don't know what you're talking about. I don't think I'm whoever you meant to reply to. I just like to make fun of people who are too bitch made to directly reply to posts that upset them. It's the most beta reddit shit imaginable. The 4chan equivalent of mumbling at your shoes instead of being a man and looking someone in the eye when you're speaking to them.

If that's you, grow some balls. If it's not, you have no reason to be offended.
Well hardcore 2e defenders are mostly beta males from reddit so...
he was talking about you bro
I'm not the beta who made these posts. That was (you).
but youre the one that is bitch made and didnt reply to anyone here >>93438214
To make fun of you. Yeah. Anyway, I'm very proud of you for looking me in the eye this time and not mumbling at your feet. Must have taken a lot of courage on YOUR part.

If you want some more practice growing some balls, feel free to reply. Can't guarantee I'll respond though. Hey! Maybe one day you'll have enough test to not need to defend 2e all day every day on 4chan you fucking pathetic loser!

I doubt it though.
but i never stopped replying to you? are you ok?
Wait, but if he's mad, you're whining, and I'm just random shitposter, then who's driving the thread?!
Anon, he's clearly just some retard schizo. There's a reason his initial posts never have replies: he's just fishing.
Reddit spacing poster REALLY mad he didn't get (You)s LOL
You think they aren't there? This is some of the same complaints that have been shitposted about since the system started.
Wizard-shitting rhetoric isn't exactly uncommon on reddit either.
>I'm not a bitter 50 year old
You sure type like one.
You couldn't give summoner archetype any buffs without it being absurdly broken on Rogue and Investigator.

>yes hello I'll take my 3x skill effectiveness multiplier thank you :)
It's already stupid as-is without adding
>yes it does give me free flanking every turn why do you ask??

I find archetype power level way more annoying. Look what they just did to Champion. Like you said, nobody will ever claim to be a Champion just because they have heavy armor and lay on hands and the reaction, but why the fuck does that archetype give so much crazy shit when most other archetypes are like YEAH LOL AT LEVEL 16 YOU CAN GET ONE EXTRA LEVEL 4 SPELL
What do you think about this? It'd be nice to see in the Tian Xia character guide.

>Qi Spell: Vanishing Trick, Focus 1
>Requirements: You must be trained in Stealth.
>Uncommon, Focus, Illusion, Subtle, Manipulate
>Cast: ◆
>Duration: 1 minute
>You harness your body's energy to bend light around yourself. You becoming invisible and gain a +1 status bonus to Stealth checks you make to Hide or Sneak. You must Sustain this spell to maintain its effects, but each time you do as well as when you first cast the spell, you can also Sneak.

>If you use a hostile action, your form becomes partially visible and you become concealed instead of hidden after the hostile action is completed. Each time you Sustain the spell, you become hidden again if you weren't already.

>Heightened (4th) The spell can be sustained for up to 10 minutes.
Is there a ruling with how Time Paradoxes work? I was thinking of doing a thing where the BBEG is trying to pull a FF1 and trying to end the world via Time Paradox. So the players fight her as the first boss, and then do a bunch of time travel stuff, eventually reaching hear as she is about to commit the time paradox as a CR 25 Devouerer. And I just wanna know, if you can actually collapse the universe via Time Paradox
Unlikely, but you certainly can get your face eaten by Hounds of Tindalos by doing anything related to time.
Ya, probably will include them at some point in the game, hounding both the PCs and BBEG, but if there is not specific rule about Time Paradoxes, it wouldnt be unreasonable to have it be a ruling that doing so would collapse the Universe, right.
>>yes it does give me free flanking every turn why do you ask??
It's not free at all, that's why summoner archetype is literally unplayable and suicide in combat. You fucking share health, meaning you can't just use it as a disposable Flanking bot like an animal companion or summon or familiar (nevermind that flat-footed is absurdly easy to get with 100% uptime in pretty much every party as a melee character, so MUH FLANKING isn't even a major power boost).
More than sharing health, you also get skullfucked by AoEs and need to roll twice and take the worse, so it's definitely not free. But even worse, any attack that is an AoE but works by targeting multiple creatures just straight up 100% kills you from full health because you take double damage from it. Then you also need to permanently split your 3 actions between two bodies to move them because it never gets an Independent action and you can't Command it for 1 action to get 2 actions to move and strike. You have 3 actions between the two of you to cover all movement and attacks which means it's a vulnerable tumor that gets you killed and never contributes.
It's absolutely unplayable and not """""""free"""""""" flanking in the slightest. You know what IS free flanking forever? Taking a fucking Thaumaturge Archetype and just grabbing Mirror you stupid faggot, which can't even be killed or interacted with in any way and is also unlimited short range teleportation you stupid Paizo cockmongler. I genuinely can't believe somebody is defending the state of Summoner Archetype so I hope you're just trolling
Ninjas are very problematic and so is Japan. We need to focus our book on shithole SEA countries instead of the cool successful ones that everyone loves, you bigot.
Cool idea and you can do whatever the fuck you want. Its your game.
I stop reading a post when they start crying about muh poaching. It's on the same level as crying about Longstrider wand.


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