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Goblin bullying needs to stop.
Goblins are the BEST shitty low level fodder

Kobolds are too tricky and annoying

Gnolls are boring

Skeletons usually have someone that isn't fodder making and controlling them

But a tribe of goblins? Get swinging!
Goblin bulling is the essence of Goblin greatness. and unbullied Gobo is a lame gobo.
That goblin looks very SAD.
>I want to play an oppressed race to prove the oppressors wrong UwU
>So a Goblin?
>No, it has to look good and have magic powers! And don't try to have NPCs react badly to my character!
He should try light therapy.
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The only good goblin is a dead goblin. So let's make all goblins good.
Is that terrible goblins comic still going?
Haven't seen anything about it in a while.
I recognize these eyes ...
>Is that terrible goblins comic still going?
The page is still up and the author is still breathing, if that answers your question.
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People like goblins now.
Kobolds are kind of cute, goblins are ugly
I'd rather have a cute kobold slave, do they come in pink? I want a pink one
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Goblins make for a flavourful servant race honestly.
Tell me it isn't peak atmosphere to have a little green thing carry your sword for you.
I have a theory on goblin girl enthusiasts......
Go on...
mogged by funny cats
I've come to realize that many Players have come to self-identify as Goblins.

This is clearly a cry for help.
It's barely updating. But what actually gets me is the animated show that was funded, and according to themselves they even finished but also won't release because they want Netflix to pick it up.
Anyway it's been 2 years since they said that
>porngobbo honeypot scheme
I can see it.
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Sure are a lot of goblin barmaids lately. Which is strange because you think they'd be shit at it because they can't reach the table.
We must overcome the rising tide of anti-goblinism, my fellow humanoids!
The only comic this dude has made that's gotten a laugh out of me.
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Goblins are only good for getting hard things inserted in them.
Of course it's Sweden!
whats the point of drawing a sexy goblin if you are going to draw a generic anime face anyway?
Post the ones with the cute goblin following around girl Don Quixote.
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>Why draw a sexy goblin if you're just gonna draw a sexy goblin?

Not sure I understand the question.
Why was the OP's picture deleted?
It wasn't lewd or anything.
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Don't make me tap the sign.
Because some spammer(s?) are trying to force it, very likely the author of the comics themselves. He spams them on /v/ on a near daily basis, and the "jokes" are largely just "lukewarm fantasy racism plus a poorly drawn exaggerated face," all with little to no effort made in even pretending to be /v/-related.

This thread is really nothing more than a lazy leak from the constant drip happening in /v/.
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Isn't that what baalbuddy did and everyone loved it
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Tails or no tails?
with tails they are just green trolls
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I agree, generally I don't like tails.
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>do they come in pink?
>Grip strength of 120 kg
Impressive, but isn't this a case where pounds actually would make more sense since you're measuring the force of a grip and not 'mass of the grip'?
Goblins are not for lusting after you retarded coomers
Times change grandpa.
We already know Tiefling players are cringe.
And yes I know you're talking about Tieflings.
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how about some goblins that you're not meant to fuck
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I'm glad the artist took the time to draw the boar's dick.
>everyone loved it
You mean himself samefagging every thread? It was quite obvious, since he would get extremely defensive about it.
Willem Dafoe?
Go back, yiffnigger. Or better yet, kill yourself.
well, he's not Dafriend, I can tell you that much
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d'aww, someone thinks it's 2008 again.
SA lost. Lowtax killed himself and the site got taken over by psychotic SJWs.
E621 won.

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