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You know what to do.
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I lost/deleted my folder for such apparently so this is the best I got.
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dON'T MInD if I DOo!
You forgot something.
... context?
Shouldn't the filename be "overchaged" them?
I will now play your homebrew
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File: running older editions.png (279 KB, 435x467)
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Fool. A "player Bio vs player actions" would have been far more accurate.
You left out a critical letter anon so we just can't know what you mean. Make sure you're reading what the file name says because while my spell checker doesn't know the word, its meaning is understandable.
Likely a joke on Diabolic Tutor filenames, of which that pic is the original.

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Eh, still would...
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I know it won't matter to most and is OT but did you know that the wanderer has a green mantle which is hard to see since it looks almost black in most online pictures. When you stand in front of the actual painting it is actually quite bright in the museum light.
>romantic subplot.png
You said "underchanged", he means "overcharged". Both right in concept, both mean slightly different things. One paying the listed price for an overly expensive thing, yours meaning they paid the listed price too much but didn't get back the extra they gave the cashier.
Also image for the thread.
>You said "underchanged", he means "overcharged".
I didn't upload the image so no I didn't and since he left out an important letter which could be r or n you're probably right but you don't know if he meant overcharged or coined the new word overchanged.
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Glukoza - Moths

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File: Warhammer: Age Of Slam.png (1.84 MB, 980x1515)
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>you do not ring doorbells in 2023
...then why the fuck do you have a doorbell?
I'm not fucking around
Why do you have autism?
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File: DiabolicTutor.jpg (284 KB, 1960x1300)
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