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In other news, it seems Corvus Belli will launch a TV series even before GW. Thoughts, /tg/?
Here's the trailer:
That looks dope as fuck even with mystery meet stronk woman mc.
Infinity bros are we coming back to finally take down the 40k monopoly on online table top discussion?
It's over. Get ready for hordes of fake fans who only care about infinity for the "lore" and clickbait videos about how CB has "gone woke". Just like what happened to helldivers when the second game blew up.
The WAAC nature of infinity as a table top game filters Warhammer babies already. Besides the infinity community never really allowed the trash like Warhammer memers to fester.

GW wanna go mainstream but they never cleaned out the community until recently
Warhammer issue infinity never had a right winger problem like Warhammer did
Looks like an Arcane knockoff. Which isn't to say it looks bad, but that's the first impression that hits me. Pretty cool that they chose to ground the story in Haqq instead of PO, Nomads, or Ariadna. I wouldn't have guessed that.
Arent they fighting nomads?
>Thoughts, /tg/?
Doesn't make any sense to me. Who gives a shit about Infinity? With no appreciable inbuilt fanbase they as well just make a generic sci-fi show.

Now specifically from what I've seen from that trailer it appears to be pure slop.
>Female main character
>Stilted dialogue
>Poorly mixed sound effects
>From the guys who saw Arcane art style
>"Paradise Lost" sounds both pretentious, and hackneyed and lazy.

It's oozes Rebel Moon. At least it does appear to be animated, unlike the - at times grotesque - slides shows made for Warhammer Plus.
Nourkias and company
Oh mercenary shitters, haqq has always been CBs favorite and I bet they did it because of dunes popularity now especially with mentioning silk.

Ariadna is not that popular anymore, and I’m very sure pan o will show up
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>infinity got a full budget tv show before kekhammer
Small family business please understand
Infinity is too anti 40k to ever attract 40k fans lore wise. It’s not that grimdark but it’s also not as edgy. The average civilian of most nations in infinity live in luxury, working a job is a choice, and that’s most factions. Ariadna is the only faction that ever appealed to 40k fags but they aren’t pushed much anymore.
It will either be a masterpiece or a flop. No in between.
I've known of infinity but never had interest in it. Maybe this show will get me interested in it? I wouldn't know.
I'm jaded and I feel that this show might end up being slop, but I'm a sucker for animation in all forms so I'll probably pirate it if it is good.
Infinity also treats religion with the kid gloves it’s used a political tool and less as justification to genocide
Yep, infinity is just too clean for 40kids and the lack of violence and just the general feel of it id non existent
It will get all the Cyberpunk anime zoomers
+Dune millenials
>a political tool
Given it's Haqqislam a bit of an assassination tool too but you are not wrong.
I mean religion in general because pano with Catholicism but in the idea that it was western and we should keep it alive for political purposes.
Shoulda had it star nomads then if they wanted cyberpunk
What's the tosh in Warhammer+ like that it doesn't count? Granted I've never watched any of that shit.
And they should have gotten an anime studio to do it, I’m interested in the show but infinity with the newer releases feels like they forgot it’s anime inspired roots sometimes
I guess it wouldn't stand out enough atm. Need to establish the setting among the normies with something more exotic.
Even then I’d honestly pick ariadna for being exotic but ehhh
Too cheekybreeky for the current political climate. Even MENA in space is more safe.
My LGS can't get rid of their infinity stuff. So much to the point where they were selling that shit 50-80% in the bargain bin and it STILL isn't moving. Maybe now's the time to swoop some of that shit up and see if the player base round these parts increases at all
Are the only ariadnans left the Kazaks? I dropped out when the SKU purges were happening left and right.
US Ariadna still has most of those line available and the French recently got new models but everything is kinda trickling into Kosmoflot. The ironic part is the actual kazak side barely gets shit.
No (afaik their newest shit is the space force), but it would be really strange to make a show about Ariadna and not include them.
CB have started to scale back and realize armies with an army inside them is not possible to support. 3 sectorial per faction each with at least 2-3 dedicated infantry specifically for that sectorial was bloating everything
>before GW.

Chadhammer is already the face of wargaming. Everybody who knows the slightest thing about miniatures knows about 40k. We don't need shitty advertising stunts like a TV show. Only dead games like Infinicuck needs to do that kinda shit. And guess? The marketing ploy won't work. Infinicuck might get a minor bump in sales but will continue to flop,
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The French even got new minis lately.
I am still mad over Tohaa
It's literally little 1-2 minute animations made by youtubers, not an actual show.
This shitpost would work if GW didn't already try to start their own streaming service that flopped
Hon hon hon!
>What's the tosh in Warhammer+ like that it doesn't count?
Those are not full budget, they are animations made by fans who GW threatened to sue decided to publish.
Lol. And people actually subscribed that?
Infinity needs new fans not Warhammer refugees who will go crawling back to 40k you always do.

Remember the influx when GW was struggling? Then 8th edition happened and all the self proclaimed GW haters suddenly were back
Yup, but only after GW tied a subscription to their official army builder app. If you don't subscribe you can only have one army list at a time.
You still can play them at least
The fuck.
Wew. Guess they're not called paypiggies for nothing.
Nothing will convince GWdrones to stop sucking GW cock
We're not interested about buckbroken GWfans, we're after fresh meat.
I hate GW lol they are going woke but I’d rather play older editions of Warhammer than touch infinity
And this is why I hate gwdrones the inability to never touch anything not Warhammer war gaming wise utterly kills the hobby and empowers GW more than you think
That wasn't a marketing ploy though. That was only done because online (((content creators))) were trying to make money by piggy backing off GW's IP and GW provided them a way to continue their work without stepping on GW's toes. Completely different situation
>I hate GW so much!
Gwdrones are brain damaged
GW games are the only mini games worth playing or collecting and objectively has the best lore and aesthetics out of all fantasy or scifi mini games. If you want to compete with us maybe you should stop being so boring
1/5, laying it too thick.
The Warhammer fanboys are scared right now
I can imagine their pain

They spend thousands of dollars a month on GW models, paints, flash animations, basic hobby supplies, etc. and GW never made a cool show for them.
Ok go ahead and name me some scifi or fantasy wargamers with an aesthetic or lore better than 40k. The hottest new trend wargame I've seen lately is Trench Crusade and that's purely because they blatantly rip off 40ks aesthetic
Infinity, a game and setting so good it got a full budget animated TV series. Keep enjoying your youtube shorts, maybe after another couple thousand dollars you will get another one!

Your garbage show looks like slop
even the good 40k animations are what? It’s constant imperium wanking of either space marines or imperial guard killing stuff.

This infinity show seems to at least try to tell a story and not be bolter porn
>game so shallow he must shill the aesthethics instead
>Muh thousands of dollars

What is this delusional nonsense where infinicucks try to pretend Warhammer too expensive and Infinicuck is some cheap alternative. They're literally selling 9 models for 90 dollars on their website. The prices are even worse than GWs
Infinity's rules are even worse
Gw will sell 1 infantry sized model for $50, sounds like a worse deal than 9 for $90
Especially when you need several dozen models for even a small game of warhammer
That's because 40k is a very bland setting, it's just humans shooting at humanoids wearing spiky clothes.
This, the most popular 40k cartoon is Astartes and it’s mostly a marine stomp. 40k tards would cry if the marines were blue but they aren’t
Nah, even fucking Monopoly has better rules than modern 40k. Yet you dogs whimper back to your master like good bitches you are.
The funniest part of Astartes is the animator teasted at the end Marines vs actual factions that may pose at threat, and GW bought the animator out and flushed anything he was working on KEK
So brave yet so true. 40k cartoons are parodies or action slop constantly with loud noises because it’s “lore accurate”
"We want the Arcane audience."
Most Infinity games are played with fewer than 15 minis per side.
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I will wait and see how it goes, but surprised that it exists, given that I really doubt Corvus Belli has the bucks for it
Carlos won 50 million euros at the lottery last Thursday.
You mean they worked over weekend?
Let's not get crazy now.
They took out a massive loan to fund it. Literally everything rides on the shows success leading to a bump in sales. They figured their game is already flopping it's either go all in or nothing. Obviously it's not gonna work and realistically you will see corvus belli go bankrupt within 2 months of the shows release
>two more months
Superior game is getting a full-blown TV series
How will 40kiddies ever recover?

Nah there are plenty of right-wingers who play Infinity they're just either Eurotrash or LDS.

Gutier likes Haqqislam (Assassin's specifically) and Nomads. You can tell from the design.
Space Marine 2 is out in a month so lol good luck infinitards

Trannies regularly play infinity at my lgs they smugly say it’s less toxic than 40k
>Space Marine 2
>a TV series
lol wut
>Space Marine 2 is out in a month so lol good luck infinitards
Yes, be a good bitch and consoom the buggy, unplayable AAA-slop

>How will 40kiddies ever recover?
Never since there will never be a proper 40K TV series animated or otherwise. GW fumbled hard years ago by not taking advantage of the overlap of 40K fans and Anime and getting Japs to throw some noodles at the wall.
>40k tards unironically jumping for joy, frothing at the mouth for their live service destiny clone

Depends on the meta. Warsaw has a super toxic meta, SLS has a trash meta, the Australian Infinity players are bleating sheepfucking retards, but everyone else is pretty cool. Hell, people in Panama City even play it, they're chill af.
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I don't care how good your cartoon is, I'm still not buying your minis until you make multipart plastics!
Here's your warhammer animated series, bro
Please enjoy our LORE, that would be 7$ per month btw
>cleaned out the community
star Wars and Marvel seem to have successfully cleaned out their communities. To bad there seems to be no one left. Funny that.
40k fans don’t like AoS dumb spic
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>fake fans
oh fuck off. you morons cant seem to comprehend that maybe the backlash for aesthetics changes due to modern contemporary political corporate culture sensibilities are from actual fans. that people who have genuine love for these IP's dont seem to like the 'woke' shit

I'm sick of criticizing femstodes, then being called a 'fake fan' as though my bookshelf of black library and shelves of painted minis doesnt qualify me. Nope, in order to be a 'true fan' apparently i have to onionface whenever a decades old already beloved franchise gets 'modernized'

you anti-anti-woke shitheads are so fucking tiring
We don’t need your kind in infinity
Infinity was woke before it was cool
>my bookshelf of black library and shelves of painted minis doesnt qualify me
Your fault for dumping thousands of dollars into a GW slop
Infinity is woke in a cool and based way, like David Bowie
Speaking as a Battletech fan gatekeep the Warhammer player right now.

/btg/ is utterly unusable due to 40k rejects
i remember a Sororita with PTSD series that was ok... but is the only one i saw
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>see non-warhammer thread
>look inside
fake news at it maximun
They really think everyone revolves around their addiction.
Finally, I can go back to pre-Varuna N3. Now THAT was Infinity.
they are both huge properties that made the mistake of trusting J. J. Abrams with anything and "the woke" is what was bad about star wars. make everyone a straight white dude and nothing else and the movies still blow chunks.
It was a desire to drive out straight white men that led to the stories and themes being such confused messes in the first place. If the core message of your story is
>Everything in the previous movies SUCKED, watch all the characters die embarrassing deaths at their lowest and most pathetic, all their effort undone despite their best efforts
While also saying
Your story won't really work.
Superior according to who? The gaggle of weebs and trannies that encompasses the entire Infinicuck playerbase?

That's you're fault though for constantly trying to shit on GW. You came at the king and didn't expect any resistance? That's arrogance
>It was a desire to drive out straight white men
>while writers and directors are straight white men
I dunno, something seems off in this theory of yours...
lmao keep them coming
>J.J Abrams
weebs and trannies are objectively better than nazis and shitbros, yes
The art style is kinda like if that clone wars tv show was cgi (which I'm not really into) However I like the setting and I like that it is animated.

Warhammer 40K should be cgi.
Bro, you are a 40k player, your "heckin based" lore is literally written by SMM interns on twitter.
Nuhammer is filled to the brim with strong black womxn, pride-themed minis are featured in WD, GW openly hates you and they are one corporate decision away from female space marines.
Get your head out of your ass, 40k is pozzed to the max.
>woke in a cool and based way
That's an oxymoron.
>Everything in the previous movies SUCKED, watch all the characters die embarrassing deaths at their lowest and most pathetic, all their effort undone despite their best efforts
it really doesn't do that at all. Everyone gets some "epic" send off. the problem is doesn't like the prequels because its popular to dislike them. The original trilogy is holy. Even the burning of the new jedi temple isn't a new idea as it happens a billion times in the expanded universe (noncanon)

>but its bigger this time! and m-my movies suck so I'll fix them!
its a cucked movie not because its trying to please "the woke" its trying to please star wars fans instead of making a good product. Same shit happened and is happening with the disney+ star wars shows.
he's a honky i don't care if his grampa was named ishmell or whatever the fuck
Trips of truth. Make criticals as played by CB testers (autohit but no autowound, no faggy extra hits like in N4) and most cost problems magically solve themselves too.
Infinity is not a based utopia for us either
>beat *ngland at football
>conquer Wimbledon with Alcaraz
>now, beat GW at making pozzed tabletopslop
Anglos can't stop getting Ls from asspain or what?
>it's bad because it tried TOO HARD to please star wars fans
Just shut the fuck up, undoing everything that happened in the originals and giving all the OG cast legitimately embarrassing deaths isn't pandering
>Han Solo killed by his own son who then goes on to lose against some randoms
>Luke and Leia both shit themselves and die
>wakes up
>thinks about cucks and trannies
Why so obsessed? Are you Russian or something?
Don't hurt yourself when moving those goalposts
>Are you Russian or something?
russians fucking love Infinity, though
Feels like a big gamble, hope it pays off for them
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>JoyToy collab
>fantasy game
>now an animated series
What's next? Infinity: the theme park? Infinity live-action movie?
>Han Solo killed by his own son who then goes on to lose against some randoms
i'll give you han solo because it should have been luke mirroring obi-wan kylo ren died after fighting the main character then saving her
>Luke and Leia both shit themselves and die
oh i'm falling for bait lol
They wanted the elusive modern audience and told their old audience to fuck off which they did and are now dead franchises.

No, it portrayed Luke as a loser, a false hero, who needed to be replaced by Rey because he wasn't as inherently worthy as her. More of Kathleen Kennedy's self-insert bullshit.
Space Program
You infinity tards always get cocky during apparent attempts to dethrone 40k but does it ever work?
>What is this delusional nonsense

Standard game price comparison:

Infinity at 300pts: $150 in models

40k at 2k points: $900+
Are we gonna the constant power creep boxes? The fact some armies don’t have everything they can use for purchase?
>the space arabs are brown
The only way I'll be interested in this show is if they use it as an excuse to revert Morats back to their N3 perfection.
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It's hard to tell if you're talking about CB or GW, as these have been problems for years with both. However, one company stands behind their players using proxies for units. I'll give you a hint: they describe themselves as a game company, they sponsor events, and they're getting themselves an animated series.
>it’s used a political tool and less as justification to genocide
Which is perfectly in-character with the "cold war glow ops" nature of the setting, open genocide isn't exactly something any faction wants to brag about. Even the EI shies away from total genocide when it can help it since it makes it harder to nonviolently assimilate more cultures/species if they think they're going to get wiped out. Hell, even the most genocide-deserving species in the setting somehow managed to dodge such a fate despite pissing off literally everyone.
Go back to painting your silver star prime
Infinitys fanbase always kinda turned me off with the Warhammer derangement syndrome to be honest
Torchlight brigade are not overpowered
Torchlight brigade are fine stop crying you clearly know something about infinity why are you attacking him? Corvus are the better company.
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Nah, I'm not much for the police. I could proxy my Taskmaster as one if I wanted to.
Don't look at me, I just say the rules aren't very good and Tyranids/some Necromunda models are cool.
Speaking as a player who got into infinity I personally find it’s bullshit I can’t get models I want especially for USARF.

>but you can proxy it bro

Expect I like the sculpts of desperados, I want my wolf to have a shotgun, and let’s not get started on loadout sculpts being event exclusive
I'd say give Infinity a try and let the recently detached fans blow off steam, they've got years worth of frustration to blow off. We notice that new players enter a period where GW vitriol is expelled for a while and then stops. With so many new players, it's hard to not notice the steam.
It's not like you've got Dynamos, but I do hear what you're saying. With recent OOP factions being tossed a bone this year inbetween Warcrow, I would expect something soon. Even if it is just a happy days reprint.
Infinity players don’t care for sculpts or design they are mostly rules focused. It’s like when it comes to infantry. Each army typically has a light grunt unit and a heavy elite unit. It’s 7/10 times better to stack the light grunt unit than to even use the heavier one. Rules are king and lost building is very waac.
Really felt this in JSA where it’s much better to use Keisotsus over domarus
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I just want to see Infinity catgirls, skinsuit cyberbitches and those cute little loli robotniks.
Yeah but I went to eBay and got the remaining USARF models I wanted from Italy. My only other complaint is I wish they sold blister packs of weapons because if I want two shotguns I’d need to buy 2 boxes of the same unit.
Infinity is not a cheese cake game anymore bro
I'm actually kinda surprised there isn't a bits kit or something along those lines like how they were in the old specops blisters
I never liked the proxy excuses especially if you like the design of a specific sculpt. Its even worse when the gencon stuff is overpriced online now too.
Why? What happened? Where my waifus at, bro?!?
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Dei money funded the show
So what’s the show about I’m sick that 40k vs infinity showed its ugly head here.
So far all we know is that the CA is now involved in the silk trade on Bourak, which is a new development as far as I'm aware. The Haqqislam shown are from the Hassassins Bahram. Given their presence, the Combined Army is pulling some shit ever since they forced their way into having a seat at the O-12. We'll know more once Comicon comes around.
What is it that people hate about 40k fans? I'm an outsider to all of this that is interested in Infinity. I don't have a horse in the race -- I think it's great how 40k is so exaggerated and over-the-top, I just really like the idea of sci-fi special forces that infinity brings.
Go watch arabian TV and tell me how many mystery gay white girls are leads and we can compare notes. You'll note, my pinheaded friend, that my comment was positive, making the case that this was due to the lore which makes sense and I approve of that. I'm looking forward to the show, it looks slick, perhaps you find some enjoyment in it as well instead of whatever drivel that passes for
You just said she was a mystery meat mutt. Make up your mind, bro.
Every other miniature wargame is absurdly jealous of our success so they seethe at us even in threads that aren't even about our games. There's also the seething hatred TOWtrannies harbored towards APSchads
The major overlap in reasons why people don't generally like 40k fans is that many of the loud ones are young and say dumb shit. Plenty of fine people play 40k, but with any fandom the loud ones just suck. Same with any fandom, but these come with a side of gothic and racial purity.
Infinity was always diverse tho
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I fucking love the lore for these ladies. "We wanted cheap young girls we could exploit and manipulate for our cheerleading squad, so we rounded a bunch of the most agile, most athletic ganger bitches from underfunded shithole communities and tooled them up with expensive, experimental wetware and cyberware. Then one of the corpos essential to our operation got caught by his wife in bed with, like, six of them, and they plus their managers got kicked the fuck out with no chance of further work in the industry. So... we mercenaries now."
>Literal cheerleader cosplay on your spec-ops girls
>But one of them was painted too dark so IT'S WOKE LOOK WHAT THEY STOLE FROM US WE MVST RETVRN
Noooo is that a person with African skin tone in the faction comprising heaps of African and South America ex-prisoners? Help me Trump!
The willfully ignorant
Hilarious "exotic" accents but still speak in English.
The references to "Silk" always sound like they wanted to use "Spice" but... y'know... Dune.
Doesn't look as stupid as most shit on the Golden Showers streaming platforms.
>dumb fucker just outed himself as the fake fan he is seething about
I hope it does well enough that CB realises there is some value to Infinity ancillary media and has more graphic novels made.
It's almost like it's the future where implants translates spoken language directly to your brain allowing you to understand everyone. Don't be so stuck in the present. Silk is also established as a synthetic material necessary for production of Lhosts, or recipient vessels for Cubes (Cubes are devices that store your memories, personality, essentially you).
> Spainish nationals meekly complaini.g about drunken rowdy British routinely trashing their country on their vacation
> City Spanish priced out of their homes by foreigners
I don't know bro sure Spain wins at sports but Brits just seem to be slapping you around with their cocks

They work from Tuguska, which is mostly Slavs, but they're open to anyone as long as they're competent and can keep their mouth shut.
This trailer has more views than just about every infinity related video in the last decade combined

That would be an amazing call, but I doubt it.

N3 Morats were fucking amazing. THe N4 ones are mostly misses. The fucking Bultrak gets absolutely mogged by the Raich
None of them was put on IGN, tho
Limey cope
I know nothing about Infinity but desu the trailer worked im actually interested now

Not an argument. I'm right.

They also emasculated Finn in the 2nd movie to avoid threatening Johnson's fragile white boi masculinity.
You have a blog or something for these?
I didn't know the lazy spaniards had the money.

Again, still not an argument. You just dickride the rat.
If they make Nourkias into something other than an alien mall ninja I'm gonna be pissed.
They released a few novels recently, they are pretty good.
>american studio
>makes show about IRGC in space
>during USA-Israel-UAE negotiations
I detached myself feom Star Wars years ago, but I still find your schizoid ramblings funny. Is that so wrong?
Geeee I wonder who could be behind this show
Also, they should've cast Jeniffer Hale as protag VA
>inb4 EU/Spanish/Galician gibs
Going to saudis sounds like work.
Well it's either then or Larry Fink. And we already seen what happens when you ask Larry for money (see GW).
CB is immune to culture wars shenanigans (they are protected by Allah). A reminder that they had the name of Allah on the Haqqislam logo for years (which is apparently fairly blasphemous) and nothing ever happened, they just changed it recently.
The nomads also have a subfaction made of basically crazy radical feminists who may or may not be very anti-trannies and again nobody ever got pissy.
Nomads turned man into woman one time as a joke
Move over, nerds. The REAL wargame animation is here!
Brutally mogged by:
Ok but when are they going to actually start working on the game itself again? I really never gave a fuck about the lore of it, game ain't in good state.
The game is literally in the best state it's ever been in.
50% of profiles hasn't seen a light of day since early fucking N3 ( conservatively), everything revolves around how new your sectorial of choice is, and list building is for the most part fixed as every army that is actually ever seen on the table has its own equivalents of bears/sujian; hellblazers/cenobites/tankos and taighas/ghazis/shaolins (rest you fill with garbage and objective clickers). Every new profile in the past few years is broadly same fucking combination of NWI+shockimm, mimetism and MA/dodge.
Game is, without shred of irony, so boring compared even to late N3, there's zero effort to balance it on regular basis at all, and they've been evidently out of ideas for it for a while now, and only one in a while was shitty reinforcement format that they immediately gave up on.
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The actual Rules have never ever been sharper, more precise and tournament ready. If you want to go back an dplay N3 or N2 you would relaise of how much has been done with this game.

The aspect of the game that you are complaining about is not Rules, it's all about Profiles.
I know you think you sound smart, but I'd wager profiles are part of the game, integral one at that. And I don't remember complaining specifically about muh rulez, but game in general. Though they did kill a lot of cool equipment rules like nimbus or fire when they were transitioning to N4.
If rules were the only thing important here everyone would be playing C1. Nobody does. The criticism still stands, CB hasn't had the faintest idea what to do with Infinity since they switched numbers after N.
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>If rules were the only thing important everyone here would be playing C1
Silk was in the lore 20 years ago...
nah, they often die because english dont know how to use balconies.
thas was N3 before Tunguska arrived
RIP all those cool lads plummeting to their deaths while trying to hit the pool
How much does it cost to hire an animation studio from commiefornia anyway?
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I don't think CB itself was like financing this TV Animated series themselves. They do not have the muscle to do so. This must be some kind of deal.
Probably they are going to anounce the aquisition of the company by some chinese clusterfuck.
Getting money before the sale? Seems pretty sweet. You know how to contact these chinese clusterfucks?
Could just be licensing the property out to a studio that was interested in making a story in their setting
Fucking yawn. I would literally rather watch paint dry.
And Dune dates back to 1965
But it's not a bad idea to attract attention by hearkening back to it considering there was a recent movie release
nah, the director love the game
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I don't know how much of a bearing the recent movies had with it, and obviously the original lore references are there in relation to the novels.
But delving deeper into the widespread production and use of Silk is going to be interesting. Especially with the rise of the CA and the terrifying prospect that anyone with a Cube is going to be vulnerable to Sepsitors with such high profile cases like Ko-Dali.
And Hassassin Bahram are the perfect lense to try and contextualise this conflict as being both a subfaction of the most prolific Silk producing civilisation, while also being wary enough that a good proportion of their forces are Cubeless.
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Lmao apparently she show’s producer/animations director was a huge Infinity fan and actually pitched the idea of a show to CB, not the opposite. God truly smiles on these Spaniards.
Lucky bastards
oh, surprise. A good game with a nice fanbase got pretty things because people are not afraid to enter the comunity
I don't play INfinity, but I thought the models are cool. Does anyone remember the model name for the cute robot girls with screen-faces? I saw it posted once in a random thread and never saved it.
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i don't think warmachine fans are bro enough to even be called bros
Boyega was the Jar Jar/C3PO figure from the start, and everyone knows C3PO had no balls to begin with.
Where IS the "anime" in this thing ?
Sure, and cavill had been played custodes for most than 10 years.......people can be so gullible
Why would they lie?
4chan and reddit have brainpoisoned a ton of nerds into earnestly believing that non-nerds will pretend to like nerd things for social clout. Somehow, nerdy hobbies are simultaneously hated and despised by everyone, but faking interest in them is a legitimate path to popularity.

It’s a surreal series of assumptions and leaps in logic that all ultimately boils down into reinforcing any preexisting sense of isolation: the things you like are unpopular, and if someone else says they like them too, they’re actually lying and are only trying to seem quirky. You suffered socially for years and now all these outsiders who don’t care about you or your interests want to exploit you. Never trust anyone acting nice. Only trust similarly bitter and isolated people you find online.
>non-nerds will pretend to like nerd things for social clout

It's not just for social clout, it's for money. Granted I have no reason to believe that's the case in this particular situation but corpo ass holes love to get their fingers into a popular franchise that they think will print them money. I remember a while back reading about a bunch of corporate douchebags who were put in charge of marketing Star Wars Battlefront 2, but none of them had ever watched SW and actually bragged that they weren't dweeby pathetic nerds so they never cared about it, yet they were still put in charge of something related to the SW franchise
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>Californian filmmakers are pretending to like Infinity because they think it's hot property
Next you're saying there are hot singles in my are.
Cool to see hassassins I guess.
>Jeniffer Hale
Overrated as fuck. Femshep was mid
thanks anon
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>Battletech AND Infinity got TV shows before 40k
wtf is Cavill doing
Don't forget Aristeia 2E somehow. I wonder if they'll copy some of the newer mechanics from the video game.
Probably fistfighting with the other producers how to make 40k normie proof without sanitizing it too much.
GW loves shooting itself in the foot, I'm betting right now the entire show is held up because Cavill recommended having an action scene where a space marine loses and the execs are shitting their pants
Space Marines can lose if:
1. It happens off-screen
2. They're not Ultramarines
3.It's the result of Betrayal or other similiar narrative
Metal > plastic
Sorry lil bro, you got filtered
You see anon, that theory would make sense of Infinity was a hot and extremely popular thing instead of a semi-obscure tabletop skirmish game with an rpg spin-off, I mean it is known, but not as well known as 40K or even Battletech
So what platform you think this will be on?
>inb4 DVD
great, one less toxic player
>Femshep was mid
I was thinking more about Ashe or June-like performance
VHS duh
>looks a bit like arcane
>not-dune hans zimmer wailing
>couldn't produce a more generic looking scifi if I tried
I mean good for you I guess
As Allah intended
>calls bulgarian folk music elements "hanz zimmer wailing"
Zoom zoom.
I am sorry your national wailing is too irrelevant to be recognized
It's common knowledge among non-plebs, pleb.
only for bulgarians, not the rest of the entire world
They gave Odin to the world.
Just because you didn't know it doesn't mean it's not common knowledge, especially among people who are interested about film soundtracks and such because it's so common element in those.
then is not a common knowledge, you must be part of the niche of soundtrack fans
>>couldn't produce a more generic looking scifi if I tried
Good thing. Sci-fi had enough of subverting expectations.
>common knowledge is not common knowledge, because you need some interest in the subject to know it!
Holy cope
>until recently
40k is still a shithole of edgy memes, xeno hate and chuds, now you just have a small group of progs constantly bitching about needing FSM, the lore "glorifying fascism" and painting there Ultramarines in pride flag colours.
Trench Crusade is better than both infinislop, age of sigslop oldslop and 40kslop,

Ill be interested when trench crusade gets a show, other than that fuck off back to /co/ with this corporate slop shill shit
Least toxic trenchcrusade fan
Because the " looks he is one of us " effect?
For a small group of nerds?
Let me guess. A popular girl in school told you she like you, but it was a prank.
>trenchslop fan
Opinion discarded.
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>The WAAC nature of infinity as a table top game filters Warhammer babies already.
>The WAAC nature of infinity

oh boy. Infinity is not a WAAC game, outside of Warhammer Underworlds Rivals format, Infinity is the most "skill" dependent wargame on the market. If you are good, you can win with pretty much any army using just the "essentials"

There is a player in New Zealand who is fucking GOOD and for some god forsaken reason, probably for pride, plays Imperial Service in all major tournament.

To give some context for people who don't know. Imperial Service is a sectorial army for Yu-Jing. it was created WAAAAAY back in late N2 (2nd edition) over the years the game has evolved and changed. Imperial Service has gotten the bare minimum of updates. Literally the only updates were the changes to the fireteam rules. No new units. Nothing

This motherfucker is consistently finishing top 3... so, in short. Infinity is not WAAC. however, skill discrepancies will be noticeable and will weed tourist out before they affect the game
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>checks thread
>infinite gets a show
>expect infinite discussion
>get seething about 40k
pure slave morality, you know things that are content and settled onto its own talk about itself and not its perceived "betters", keep fuming though, kinda fun
So when 40kids start asking question from the only reference frame they know of, we should stay silent?
I hope there is a cure for your autism.
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oof, NTA but
>So when 40kids start asking question from the only reference frame they know of,
>the only reference frame they know of,
This is autism. there are things outside of 40k and if they do not know that... yikes
>"Hey anon! Do you wanna play Catan?"
>"is that like Cadia?"

>"I hope there is a cure for your autism."
That is not how this statement works
>implying 40kids know anything besides 40k and whatever trade they have in real life(if any)
I've honestly been craving some classic/generic sci-fi space opera something fierce. It's been a dead genre across nearly all entertainment mediums for over a decade now.
We're posting on a forum for adults that like to play pretend with toys, if there was a cure there'd be no board.
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Honestly, I know nothing of Infinity so I hope this will be a good introduction.
And then there's this thing as well:
Oh god I wanted to play IA because YJ is my favorite and I love HI armies...don't do this to me, I thought only MO was tough to play
All of them are tough to play.
Except *insert your least favourite faction*, of course.
I don't know a single thing about the infinity setting, though I own one box of minis that I bought to represent jedi for my star wars rpg campaign (it's some robed armored gal with a double bladed lightsaber; can't tell the name cause I threw the box away ages ago.)

can I get /tg/'s opinion of the setting?
It's space opera. You like your alien babes?
I love alien babes!
I'd argue that 40k fans hate 40k fans more than Infinity fans do. If you're old enough to have see the old Portent forums, they made porn arguments on /b/ look tame for shit flinging.

But to answer your question, a lot of Infinity players tend to be old 40k players that were bitter with the game and found refuge in cheecake rumps and more complex rules. There's some old spite lingering and 40k being the entry drug for tabletop has a younger audience core which is prone to responding to bait.
>wastes years to make agreement with Amazon
>oi m8 you got loicense for dat animation? better work for us ya bloody wanker
>probably still sobber after Euro 2024
>Carlos, mi amigo from da Mexico offers AAA cartoon series about Infinity
>my book shelf full of black library books
You really think this is something to brag about? Holy fuck.
>you're a fake fan if you don't buy the product so you can't criticize it!
>what, you bought the product? lol! Now stop criticizing the product!
The two-pronged attack of the shills.
Do you have some version of Joan of Arc maybe?
The setting is kind of a mish-mash of whatever the lead CB guy was into. It used to be a homebrew RPG setting and it's pretty clear where he just lifted what he liked and added it to the game. I think compared to 40k it wears it's influences and inspiration closer to the surface, but the end result is a decent enough setting and varied enough that you can probably find a faction to get behind if you ever consider getting into the game.


The RPG books in the mega are a good source of lore if you ever feel like some light reading.
Witnessed. Quads of truth.
>I'm a real fan because I buy secondary material!
>The RPG books in the mega are a good source of lore if you ever feel like some light reading.
Cool, thanks anon. Which book would be best to start with for someone who just wants to read the lore?
This one is the core rulebook. It has the broadest lore. After that if a faction catches your eye you can go to their specific splatbook.
Oh boy sure do love me some 3d slop animation
Why the fuck didn’t they hire an actual anime studio to do this given the style is heavily influenced by it?
So it will become like 40K then?
You think CB has the money to hire a studio?
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If anything this thread proves HRT has absolutely devastated the geek community
This and also /co/
Name of the store?
The Venezuelan players were complete psychos the last time I was in the global/“big tourney” Infinity community — they were that particular brand of Catholic trad fascist who argue that their particular shade of brown skin “counts” as white but every shade darker were Jewish negro mongols

The Military Orders in particular are basically catered to appeal to fascist 40K refugees
>woman leader
Don't think so
>implying 40k had real fans to begin with

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