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>40k 10e hemorrhaging players
>AoS 4e flopped
>TOW mismanaged mess
>HH barely alive
>LOTR on life support
>Side games quietly disappearing
>No future Warhammer+ animations announced

GWbros....is it over?
The future belongs to the secondaries. Only merch, books and vidya from now on.
>Space Marine 2 is a live service destiny clone
>Rogue Trader released to middling reviews before being forgotten
>Every other game is indie or AA shovelware
Vidya secondary bros....
>Horus heresy series ending
>No other big book series left
Lore secondary bros...
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It’s over GW retards infinity and other table top games are coming back bitches.
I’m glad GW is suffering but I will never touch infinity it’s spic shit I’ll instead play older editions and read old untainted lore
>40k 10e hemorrhaging players
Oinko oinko, pige. Keep on engaging with the 40k slop like that.
This thread was made by a GW fanboy who will never touch other war games and cries when actual competition happens.
>I hate GW!
>I will continue to push the GW monopoly

Why are these doomer threads the same? You guys don’t try other wargames and only care for GW so you even care about wargaming as a hobby?
True. If you haven't dropped those games by now, you're in for life.
Their hobby is GW. Not wargaming.
I mean the guys a Warhammer fan for life at this point he will cry about the current trend but never leave.
the blackpill is that in a way Kirby was right about The Games Workshop Hobby™
they are not wargamers they are Games Workshop Hobbyists
Stop hijacking my thread infinity retards. GW is in trouble and we need to talk about why it’s in trouble. I’m not a GW fanboy or a shill your derailing my thread fuck you
But are we wrong? Do you play other wargames? Do you plan on playing other wargames? 3d printing Warhammer and pirating rules still gives GW power.
The problem is they keep trying to appeal to tourists by having all their rules informed by card game design
>very simply core rules with thousands of tiny little FAQs about strange and vague interactions
>every unit has several keywords and a special ability, just like a MTG card
>the game isn't won by out maneuvering your opponent or mastery of the core rules
>the game is won by having a great "build" and knowing how to "pilot" it (actual terms used in 40k spaces now, once alien to it)
It isn't a wargame now, and it hasn't been in quite some time.

Gimme a citation on GW being in trouble lol
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So you guys gonna play other war games guys right?
Yeah, this time it's really over, unlike every day over the past 20 years when /tg/ has prophesied GW's death. The whole company will crash any minute now. Aaaany minute now...
It'll survive off of reshuffling the rules every few months causing massive spending sprees from WAACfags trying to get the new meta list

Yeah that's a serious issue. Legions Imperialis and Blood Bowl are still wargames in that sense though.

Blood Bowl, the "sports" game, is a better wargame than 40k now. Let that sink in.
I wonder how long Legions Imperialis has left before it is quietly removed from shelves. Nobody even posts battle reports once the shill check cleared
Stop derailing the thread shit on nu 40k please
Is this one of those YouTube text to speech content farm threads?
>>Space Marine 2 is a live service destiny clone
If you saw the leaked gameplay of SM2 then you'd know this is just plain wrong.
It's more akin to God of War 2018 in terms of gameplay and style. Or if you want a more 40k inspired comparison, it's basically SM1.
Space marine 2 will be the shot 10th edition and GW need

People are playing it where I'm at, so I dunno. We're just not youtuber types.

New stock seems to sell quite well for how much they produce. Batreps are not an indicator of success; youtubers are probably too smoothbrained to handle the game desu.
>converting into vidya
It doesn’t matter as long as the IP is popular besides /v/ talk about Warhammer just fine in the regular sm2 threads
>It doesn’t matter as long as the IP is popular
Yes, the secondaries will eat. But the few remaining wargamers will not.
>90% of the what they've talked about has been the 6v6 multiplayer modes and the 3 player coop strikes- erm I mean missions
>this isn't a destiny clone
I'm sure left clicking on hordes of hormagaunts will be super engaging for hours on end!
Insider here can confirm GW is liquidating soon and selling all of its IPs to Amazon. My advice is to get out now and sell everything... oh wait, you're a larping secondary with no models, never mind.
I almost forgot how the whole GW-amazon show fell apart behind the scenes. Embarrassing
Destiny is menus, not parkour
>Everyone rolls Phobos marine
>Phobos marines suck
Calling it now.
>Two more weeks
I hate 40k and even I find this "40k is dead bros" posting annoying
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It must suck playing a game that isn't entering its best edition to date and continues to grow with amazing new models all the time
>Someone likes 40k
>Suggest Infinity which is nothing like 40k whatsoever
Bolt Action would be a better suggestion for most 40k fans than Infinity.
>best edition to date
>look inside
>battle tactics
>>90% of the what they've talked about has been the 6v6 multiplayer modes and the 3 player coop strikes- erm I mean missions
>>this isn't a destiny clone
Anon, you can play the game single player if you want.
You can play up to with 3 people only.
Don't be retarded.
I stopped playing and buying models due to the combination of the rules becoming utter shit and the plastic dudemen getting too fucking expensive to justify buying.
pic unrelated
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GW is turning into super duper overpriced slop real fast, the model quality isn't even that great anymore and the rules basically encourage you to constantly buy models if you don't want to be a filthy casual. The age of coping that you can still have fun with your bros is over, GW deserves to die out at this point.
I get you want to shit on GW which is fair, but can you at least try to back up your statements with some evidence
I could single-handedly save 40k. It involves a first person 40k mmofps with realistic physics. The elaborately modeled anatomy and photorealistic graphics lead to photorealistic gore. This is so extreme that the very footage would lead to a perma ban from youtube. The tyranid healing mechanism would involve eating their enemies, and when they fight against necrons they would have to consume screaming human civilians out of necessity, which again is modeled in impeccable detail. The emasculated corporate mess that is GW would freak out when they find out the thing is not kid friendly. However, I would create a new kind of hosting system that involves every warhammer fan channeling a small fraction of their upload capacity to host the game collectively so the game could not be shut down. The development process also would be a massive decentralized effort involving millions of players each modeling an asset or part of the physics engine. The game would be so traumatizing that every social media platform would frantically attempt to ban the very mention of it, which is so intriguing to people that even non warhammer fans would be drawn to it. Entire new videogame physics technologies would spawn from this monstrosity, as well as generations of kids with PTSD, half of which would end up committing suicide, which would only fuel the fire of intrigue and interest.
jesus christ I hate this dude.
Came here to post this. GW has higher profits than Hasbro right now.
Isn't Hasbro in the red on everything but WotC?
did you and OP just time travel here from 2002 or something? you have any thoughts that are younger than the average university student?
>Space Marine 2 is a live service destiny clone
It's literally nothing alike, in any way whatsoever. Space Marine 1 and 2 are generic cinematic, linear 3rd person action games to beat in 10 hours and then delete and forget about. That's not to mention that they aren't looters shooters.
>90% of the what they've talked about has been the 6v6 multiplayer modes and the 3 player coop strikes- erm I mean missions
This is plain wrong. Both are late additions to the game, originally it was meant to not have multiplayer pvp mode AT ALL, which was a source of complaints. It was meant to have singleplayer campaign, later revealed to be beatable in coop and that's it.
>No future Warhammer+ animations announced
They really hired that guy who made those badass Space Marine videos only to remove his content from YouTube, edit them to be WORSE, and then never allow him to make anything cool again. Bravo, GW. Bravo. Truly a despicable and scummy company.
i truly cannot wait for the day that 40k dies. i hate GW and i hate that slop-slurping tards that keep the company on life support.
That post cracked me up. I feel like it happens once someone has been in the hobby for 4 or 5 years and haven't realized it's always been this way
yeah but the lore sucks and most people don't even understand the ending
none of that describes what makes a game fun
Dios mios, mucho texto autismo
Yes, bringing up Hasbro which has strangled itself and is now strangling D&D as some kind of "win" is just misinformed.
It's all fixable (I don't buy any GW and I sold what I have, I play other games for disclosure's sake.

>PVC minis in windowed blisters and boxes a-la Battletech and Reaper to lower cost and modelling time as a complementary to their advacnced model kits
>strengthening their board games as entry points to bigger games
>making media/socials/rules free
>promoting the craft side of the hobby
>promoting narrative play and rules for such as an alternative to tourneys
>playtesting their games and allocating more resources so that editions become stable
>providing updated unit cards with models like World of Tanks
>no culture war, left or right, just promote the individual hobbyist
>get rid of the "that's not canon/official/non GW" psychosis. There is a reverse effect of making Warhammer the hobby. Stop being terrified of promoting a small rival or displaying some other mini in shot. Foster the relationship as an ecosystem again
>instead of just shedding material in warehouses, why not exercise Corporate Responsibility and gieve it to charity drives etc

Anything else?
Bolt action is as far away from 40k as infinity. Stop repeating this silly claim that it's 40k, Just in WW2.
Bolt Action is made by the guys who made 3rd edition 40k and that shows. It has literally nothing to do with modern 40k.
The only 40k Players that would get nostalgic memories from BA are the old boomers that played 3rd edition when they were teens.
Someone who grew up with a newer edition of 40k will Not find anything in BA that reminds him of 40k
considering 40k has done nothing but go downhill since 4th gamers with good taste would surely like BA
No argument there, BA is a solid game. It's just not like 40k for a long time by now.
Will 2025 finally be the year of Warmachine?
Didn't Privateer Press sell it off?
If so, maybe.
I'm a bit deep in my cups and I meant to say GW gamers with good taste but honestly even though my tastes for historicals are different I don't bear any of the BA mob ill will
It's kind of ironic that GW ended up like the Imperium - crushed all rivals that could encourage them to develop and innovate, hashed out the same things over and over suffering a sort of intellectual inbreeding and degradation, only to stagnate and collapse in on themselves.

The question is, can they attract new players? Because that's the real question. Without fresh interest they'll shrivel away to nothing.
All fucking retarded. What they need to do is.
>Change the ruleset where it doesn’t become pay-to-win with model creep
>Take a look at what made forgeworld models cools and make that the standard for your new releases instead doing dumbed down shit they’ve been caught doing recently
>Give all models rules, enable bigger variety
>Lean into the 3D printing market
>Provide more hobby inspiration like they used to do
>Hire some autistic spreadsheet manager who can balance rules vs costs
>License a Wargame/Steel Division/WarNo 40k/30k game with all it entails
I've been reading about Car Wars. Now *there's* a game.
>3d printing Warhammer and pirating rules still gives GW power

Okay, I am NOT a GW fan - I played Mordheim for one afternoon, I have a passing interest in the side games they quickly abandon, but I own absolutely no models or paints and 40K has to be the single most boring, frustrating and pointless game I've ever played that wasn't a variant of Monopoly - but this is an extremely bad take.

GW want a monopoly. As in, sole control of a market. They want that because, like all evil corpo scum, they see you as a parasite attached to "their" property - your money. And they don't just want SOME of your money, fuck no, they want every fucking penny. They want to bleed you dry and discard the husk, just to move on to the next victim like a fucking vampire.

Every time someone prints out proxies or "unauthorised" scans, every time someone downloads GW content instead of paying it - hell, every time someone keeps an old, discarded, side game alive instead of paying more money to GW - that starves GW of money. It deprives them of power. It teaches rando punters that there are options outside shitty Warhammer stores. It shows them that they don't have to accept getting fistfucked.

I would compare it to Operation Clambake, the movement to create "open source Scientology". It still has problems - auditing is a quick way to make mentally ill people completely certifiable - but it undermines the monolith and all the harm it does in favour of a grass roots, decentralised and free resource.

The only way you could think this approach is a bad thing would be if you think any encouragement of even the IP involved is some sort of culture war cause. In which case, we can safely file your opinion in the dumpster. You obviously don't understand the value in eroding a corporation's control, so you aren't qualified to comment.

I printed out a copy of the Car Wars Compendium at a local copy shop, bought a bunch of Hot Wheels cars for minis and I'm looking forward to my gaming group going mental all over a dining table. I've been lurking in the terrain threads, getting ideas on how to pull off small miracles with cardboard and glue.

I thought briefly about getting 6th Edition but it was produced via that kickstarter pre-order nonsense... aint no way you can get a copy for less than $160 plus postage, and that's just the base game. Expansion decks of cards are $60, and a box of just six unpainted plastic cars is a fucking C note ($100)... and all those prices keep going up.
There are other good games by GW. They just happen to be all the little side games released between editions of WH and 40K.

Man O War, for instance. You can just glue bits of wood together to make little boats, put them on a sheet of blue wrapping paper and have a nautical battle. ...just don't include flying units, that completely breaks the game balance.
Yeah, I never understood why you insist on hanging around when you clearly aren't welcome. Why don't you play one of the many decent WW2 wargames made in Europe? You could pick your favourite fascists and have fun painting swastikas on things until your hand cramps up, and no one will complain when you rock up to the table with your collection of Vichy French troops or Afrika Korps or whatever. Show some initiative man!
It happens all the time. I'm still pissed we never got a third Conan the Barbarian movie, and that was late 80's. "Development Hell", they call it. Heaps of shit just shrivels on the vine.

It could be worse. Imagine if they did make the show, then immediately shitcanned it as a tax write-off. Imagine only ever seeing screencaps and ten second clips of Cavill in Space Marine armour, forever wondering what could have been...
Sweetie, I used to read White Dwarf magazine in '94. Believe me when I say, those complaints you have are something that has been a problem in GW products for at least 30 years, possibly more.
Congratulations, you have achieved enlightenment. You are now in the Golconda-like state where the evils of GW can no longer hurt you. You have all you need, so it doesn't matter what happens to the company or the IP.

The wiser people in this thread should envy you.
Have youever heard of this concept in vidya called "free-to-play"? You're what they call mackerel, a small fish that rarely pays anything directly, but is still an important part of the economy as it enables the big spenders called dolphins and whales.
I dunno OP I spent most of 2023 going "yeah Warhammer lore is kinda fun and the models are neat, Kill Team actually looks pretty fun and also affordable"

Then I moved to a new city and had the time and money to start getting into it, just joined a huge KT narrative campaign with dozens of people playing in it. I'm having the time of my life and loving every minute, no idea how the rest of the GW games are doing but I feel like KT is thriving and has a really good community, at least in my area. A bunch of folks I know went to the Tacoma Open and a few did really well, everyone seemed to have a great time.
To expand on your first point, having reasonably priced, pocket-money blisters was absolutely the thing that kept me and my friends invested in gw when we were young and poor. We couldn't afford the boxed games, but we _could_ afford a blister pack of a few models once every week or two.

Gw have sacrificed the trawler nets full of small fish for the whales. And sure, they aren't going to go out of business, but the health of the hobby is quite poor at the minute. The shops themselves are absolutely fucking dead. Getting more people into the stored is absolutely paramount for the longevity of their business
You're retarded. People who've never bought a player's handbook but play D&D every week still benefit Hasbro the same way someone 3D printing or buying secondhand Warhammer minis to play 40k benefits GW. Even if you're not directly paying them cash you're providing even greater benefit via word of mouth, literally physically advertising their game in LGS, and providing players for other 40k players to play against and support the entire brand and ecosystem. In fact, somebody who 3D prints his minis but plays in person at an LGS is doing more to support GW than some no games secondary who just buys the occasional audiobook and only cares about black library slop. YOU ARE SUPPORTING AND UPHOLDING GAMES WORKSHOP'S MARKET DOMINANCE AND CULTURAL MONOPOLY ON WARGAMING EVEN IF YOU 3D PRINT YOUR SPACE MARINES.

"Ugh, I hate Wizards of the Coast but I'm still gonna play 5e and never learn another system" fags and you are idiots in the same bucket together.
Oh a thread relevant to my recent thoughts. I'm actually for the first time in a long while thinking about dumping out of all my GW shit laying about. I'm just not having fun. I'll hold on to my metal sisters, munda, and probably my 30k, but 40k, aos, and tow can get shoveled. Where's the best place to actually dump lots? Bookface?
I don't have internals but my sample size of 1 (me) says something is rotten in Denmark. Ever since 10th came down the pipe I've had to filter to avoid playing some WAAC fag who's list is wombo combos running flavor of the month armies.

9E wasn't perfect but it had more soul where your subfaction could be pretty unique and your army was Your army. It felt like if you experimented and tried out things you wouldn't get punished by being tabled on turn 3 even against shit like DA plasma spam. For whatever reason it felt like faux pas to drop Abbadon or Gorillaman on the table. Now? You try to play a casual 1000 pt game and some dork is dropping three greater demons on the table with chaff for taking OP. And this is before getting into the unpainted armies because the meta churns so quickly people are buying armies the minute the errata drops.

The big issue that a lot of people have with 10E imo is that 9E was a fully functional system which GW torpedoed so everyone could buy their codex again and didn't fix what it said it was going to.

>cutting down on rerolls (lol)
>less strategems (lol)
>points costs constantly revised down
>force org charts removed "Uh these are dickslinger terminators and these are urethral terminators and these are prolapse terminators so my army is valid mmmkay?"
>war gear going away
>wtf happened to psychic

Just a bunch of moves designed so that it's easy for Timmy to have 0 investment in His Dudes and jump from meta to meta. My alternate army was Eldar and now I've got to hard take Eldrad just to get access to useful things? Nah.

And this is why I play 9E and only with friends who aren't going to run goofball lists they pulled off the internet.
Here's how to save GW
>Get rid of the current 40k sculptors and replace them with people who know what they're doing
>Rip off the band aid and reboot 41k as AoS in space like GW clearly wants to do
>Turn Horus Heresy into 4th Edition 2: Grimdark Boogaloo with remade Marine kits and maybe other squatted things like Wartrakks & Pariahs
*Mk7 Marine
9th ed was far more rocket tag than 10th is. 10th is deadly, but a tank or monster can actually stand out in the open and expect to live a turn, unless there's an extreme amount dedicated anti-tank direct against it. Actually tanky units can be expected to survive a full round against pretty much the entire enemy army and stagger along. In 9th ed, you could stack defensive abilities to ludicrous levels, like deathwing terminators, and STILL lose entire units every round because it got so absurdly deadly. Anything less than that just got deleted out in the open.
GWs don't even run events anymore. I used to live near one of the bigger stores with space for 6 tables and they never ran fucking events. Place has been dead since 2018
They need to remake the tabletop entirely

nobody is interested in joining something perceived as a smelly fat nerd game that takes 20 minutes per turn

they need to update it to adhd standards, make turns fast and engaging, and simplify the game massively.
Only if they get better models, or bring back some of the cooler factions. I miss Retribution and Menoth.
The hobby is doing quite well, it's just GW are pricing most people out of their patch of it. Living costs are too high for people to countenance another GW price rise. Most games cost one third to half what GW does
>GWbros....is it over?
It's been "over" for two decades now. You'd think you'd learn that you're just a whiny bitch whose constantly wrong about the severity of things.
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AoS seethe threads got boring for you, huh?
I think there's a bit of hyperbole here but yes, 9E felt deadly because it was deadly, and you had to use LOS or maneuver or whatever to get where you needed to be. I didn't think that was terrible because every army had functions to ensure that yeah, you could perform that.

10E is no less deadly on infantry, but unless you're packing heavy weapon exclusive squads it's a race between tanks/monsters/whatever wiping out whatever anti armor you have versus your AA grinding through 15 wounds and a 3+ armor save. Infantry has a lot less utility in 10E than it did in 9E.
It's not enough until every last hobby store goes bankrupt as punishment for 40k becoming liberal. We can end it for all time
GW is a publicly traded company, and like every publicly traded company engaged in creative endeavours their investors cause them to make decisions that ultimately kill off fan interest in their product, with the investors selling the stock to the greater fool as it declines and leaving the company and its IP destroyed for ever.
10e is uninspiring but not sure about haemorrhaging players. There's been rough editions before and GW just rolls through it and reboots. Would be nice if they'd give good editions another year or so, this "season" type shit (pariah nexus) is annoying.
> Primaris Marines
> Perturabo the Daemon Lord
> Sexchange being a thing outside of Tzeentch and Slaanesh's influence
> Space Dorfs not having beards sculpted into their power armors.
> Creed gone

> Lizardfolk extinct, now Slaan memories.

Look, all imma say is that Totalwar: Warhammer 3 is not Totalwar: Age of Sigmar, and only borrows AoS shit that makes sense in their respective factions.
every edition since 5th you dumbasses are saying the game is dead how do you not get tired obsessing over this
Can we just get a fucking Warhammer board for you retards to stop shitting
Me when I get all my lore from Reddit summaries and assmad Twitter posters
>Can we just get a fucking Warhammer board for you retards to stop shitting
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh bro?
I know you’re obsessed with Warhammer but I promise you you’ll be happier when you look out the window and see other traditional games
>No other big book series left
Unification Wars. But you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll focus on the Gilded Dildo that is Constantin Valdor and shoehorn a way into namedropping all your favourite Primarchs and HH named characters in somehow.
>its a serious game for serious people!! Look…. PTSD!!! Isn’t that so serious?! Ummmm……. Le gore!!!
>bro wh40k is very serious, like the ultramarines and the iron hands.
I really genuinely despise faggots like you. If anything you manchildren single handedly ruined 40k by acting like it’s deeper than it actually is.
My favorite part about 40k being axed is all the retarded slop eaters sitting on dozens of books and hundreds of models and not knowing what to do with them now that GW isnt supporting the game.
Someone/s in the UK government is/are sucking GW dick hard.

The battletech mercenaries kickstarter hit a months long delay and MASSIVE shipping fee scandal for all UK customers.

Turns out, if you read the government wording , in order to protect GW from competition, they decided to charge VAT on everyone's kickstarters by the individual items MSRP.
So if you bought into the kickstarter for say 150 USD... THE UK government just tried to charge you VAT on the 1200 usd + of the individual post release costs of the total costs of each item added together.
So instead of your shipping being like 50... people started seeing 700 shipping.

Because the third party shipper company decided to just say nothing to anyone and try to pass the buck to the customers.

So CGL went mental at the UK, who have EXTORTED a bribe fee out of CGL to stop HOLDING UP ALL THE SHIPPING until the exhorbitant shipping was charged.

So now the UK has dropped that monstruous FUCK YOU to the kickstarter customers. this time.(since they got their bribes from cgl) with NOBPROMISE not to impose insane VAT fuckery or tariffs any other time.
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Except battletech now has actual models. That are cool. And sexy.
GW are fucking smoked.
>either less than or equal to half the price of GW fucktarded shit
CGL's turning into GW 2.0. Don't get your hopes up unless Topps steps in and tells CGL to stop being retards.
Cgl were already evil. Topps evil might force cgl to stop being kess retardedly evil.

Hell. Porchbux mcgee might actually be forced to pay back the 1.2 Million dollars he embezzled and arole from CGL if topps pay attention.
Theyll never admit it, theyll just call you a tourist or secondary for not paypigging up a new army for the reboot of 40k a la smegmar
Loren's wife runs CGL's "owner" and other members of his family are working cushy jobs at CGL/IMR. He won't be paying anything back, but hopefully those retards lose the license at the very least.
Amd Star Wars is still around too smuggy boy.
Its always the same cope, you must also bring up the Star Wars prequels when people call Disney Star Wars shit.
Yes cgl are retarded evil.
Is it? Is it? Really?
It is by the same definitions 40k is.
>star wars ttrpg back in print
>star wars legion just got a big rules update and has many model updates planned
>armada and xwing being picked up by the community
/tg/ side of star wars is doing great, the /tv/ side...not so much
I really hope not. I just got into the hobby last month and really like everything so far. Would be genuinely heartbroken if a new thing I found and immediately fell in love with died so soon after being introduced to it. :(
The wargaming hobby is larger than GW-consoomer -hobby
Pathetic I only just got into it or that I like 40k?
But I don’t care about wargaming as a hobby, I care specifically about painting 40k minis and playing the game with them. They look really cool and the lore is fun. That’s all I really give a shit about.
I'm neither of those anons, but remember this post when the disillusionment and resentment sets in. Give it about 1 year.

(he means "pathetic" as in 40k)

(you will discover other options and appreciate them more)

(40k could be great, but all of the creative people left long ago. GW ownership is shitty and evil, and their staff are retards)

(a couple of the old guard are still around, but they're just collecting paychecks)
These threads always pop up when someone's buttmad over a Codex or something.
>"GW gas been doing this since the 90's, and we just keep bending over and opening up our fat ass cheeks for GW to plow our colons and prolapse our assholes, and then we thank them for it buy giving them money."
The problem isn't GW, it's the customers. GW is just doing what you cucked faggots have let them do. Why should they change? You faggots have literally incentivized their practices.
>you will discover other options and appreciate them more
I really don’t see this happening as a lot of my enjoyment also comes from how much my nephew loves the game. If he doesn’t jump off the ship, I certainly am not and I may stay even if he goes.

>GW ownership is shitty and evil and their staff are retards
What little I know about them, yeah, definitely. But that just seems par for the course for any fucking company in this shitty day and age. I just try to get whatever enjoyment I can from things anymore, I can’t really give a shit about all the evil and shitty practices companies are doing at this point.
Has your nephew tried any other games?
If not, you're saying "My dog LOVES dog food!" because that's what you've put in front of him- but I assure you if you put a bunch of steak cutlets in a bowl and his dog food in another bowl...
The main difference with GW as a business is that it's a publicly-traded company. Anyways, let's talk again in a year.
GW isn't 'evil'. GW is doing exactly what has worked for decades, you can't even begin to fault them.
Everything 'Evil' about GW is 100% the fault of its spineless consoomers. If GW tripled the prices of models, these guys would put themselves into absolute poverty and pimp out their own wives and kids to afford the new space war toys. And they'd complain about the price afterward, but they'd be first in line for the next new product.
GW customers get exactly what they deserve, and everything wrong with the game is entirely their fault for not being man enough to just... not buy space war toys for a bit.
Haven’t shown him other war games specifically but he enjoys a lot of vidya as well as DND and card games. He gives just about anything a shot as long as it looks appealing. Hell, we only got into 40k because a picture of a space marine caught his eye. But no, to answer your question, I didn’t start showing him other games when he said he thought Warhammer was cool. We’re just now diving into it, if he gets bored but still wants miniature based games, we can look around but till then, I don’t see why we would do that. It’s still new and exciting to him.
Idk man, based on my limited knowledge of the situation, that entire no fan animations just because we said fuck you seems pretty evil and petty desu.
Turning? FASA was fucking people over and just not paying them in the old days. Loren Coleman is as much a product of FASA's business culture. The scumbaggery they do now was the sort of thing they did before.
>Haven't show him other war games specifically
At this point the only thing you could do that would be worse is just molest your fucking nephew
Play other games.
Better games.
Fuck's sake, dive into miniatures-agnostic games.
And if you're teaching someone a GW game that isn't Necromunda, you should be hauled off and shot directly in the asshole with a 12 gauge.
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You should be medicated and have a dedicated handler if you actually act like this over what plastic model games people play lol.
>GW sees popularity of fan animations
>Offers to buy that shit from creators
>Creators sell it
>Consoomers pay money to watch shit that's still free on youtube after being re-uploaded
You can't blame GW for knowing their customers. Fools and their wealth are easily parted, GW just figured out a way to be on the winning end of that.
After interacting with 40k groups on social media, I honestly think they genuinely deserve all of it. I hope GW finds more ways to make them cry while simultaneously making them clean out their bank accounts for a box of ten spaceman soldiers.
Openly turning. Two successful kickstarters made CGL and Loren think they're too big to fail.
Calm down, faggot. I'm sure your nephew is just blessed with spare chromosomes, and it's not just you being a dickless fanboy and using the "muh kids" to validate your own personal obsession.
This is why we need a Warhammer board separate from /tg/
You have some serious issues, my man.
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The lack of self awareness you have telling others to calm down while you angrily jump up and down on this thread, saying inflammatory shit, and sperg out for no reason lol. Have a good day, buddy. You need one badly.
Dude, I'll level with you: If I had a dollar for every overweight gooniebeard posting about how much he cares about Warhammer because of his kids or whatever- the GW price increase wouldn't irk me nearly as much.
Seriously, invoking "muh kids" isn't new. We've all seen it. You don't have to bring up children to use as an excuse for really liking 40k and being dedicated to it.
If that was 'inflammatory', then you must be a newfag.
/tg/ IS the warhammer 40k board, it was created FOR 40k, everything else is just bonus
>continues to grow
My LGS is now offering a “damaged box discount” in an effort to try and shift skaventide.
>no fan animations
Why is it then that I can go on youtube, type in "40k fan animation" and get a bunch of results back? The old stuff is still there and there is in fact new, more recent stuff. GW hasn't gone after any of these people. They just chose to hire all the people making any of the better stuff and put it on their service. Shit, getting paid to do this is even better for the creators.
>40kucks pay 60 dollars to nerf their own armies
Ignore the other anon’s meltie. If your nephew is on the younger side 3rd edition is a great ruleset to just pick up and get going without having to worry about more complex bookkeepy mechanics (oh and you won’t have to shout CP every 10 minutes to play it Kek)
We are all so impressed by your further reinforcement of your lack of social acumen. Ironically your autistic freak out probably did more to dissuade this guy from 40k than any opinions you had.
Tbf, I looked at the document everyone was talking about when I looked up why there was no new TTS videos, said “that’s pretty shitty” and left it at that. But from what I’ve seen other people say, didn’t they lock the new stuff behind a paywall and haven’t even made much if anything new on there?
That sounds like a good idea, anon, I’ll look into it. Thanks. :)
>Ironically your autistic freak out probably did more to dissuade this guy from 40k than any opinions you had.
No worries, I’m still very interested in 40k. If I let every insane freak out related to a hobby I enjoy keep from it, I wouldn’t have any hobbies at this point lol. (Don’t let that guy be the ambassador for this hobby though, seriously.”
>Your responses did more to dissuade this guy from 40k
I am a big huge 40k player, I play at all the places, and everyone is like me if they play 40k.
If you don't want to be around me or be like me, you should try other games instead of 40k.
Look, dude- we've all been there. No one wants to feel stupid after spending as much money as this hobby costs.
Give it time. You'll venture out. You'll be better for it.
>>Offers to buy that shit from creators
You mean "threatens to sue unless they give up their shows".
Let's be genuinely fair here- as much as I detest GW's catamites-
At the end of the day if you're making any kind of revenue off an IP you don't own (and 'donations' are considered revenue)- the owner of that IP can totally take that to court.
Not that I think any of this was hurting GW- but I think they genuinely saw all the shit out there on Youtube, had plans for some animations, and found a sketchy way to put the lime in the coconut to make a streaming service. This was just their way of consolidating assets- buy them outright, the work's already done, etc.
And that's just the way shit works- especially in a publicly traded company. If I own stock in a company, and they're leaving money on the table somewhere- my shareholder rep better be digging into their ass to capitalize on that.
Of course it was perfectly in their legal rights. But it was an absolute scumbag move. It wasn't hurting their IP at all, in fact it was only making it more famous, and they didn't have a competing offering anyway. The alternative was no shows at all.
They strongarmed the content creators into their paywalled service, which simply died.

It wasn't just a scumbag move it was just retarded.
P*treonoids should have no expectation of making money from fanfiction.
>mad other people actually get their creativity fostered by a community
So was it your dad that shit on you whenever you brought up things like the arts?
When’s the last time you actually were held by a woman, anon? Jesus.
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>In the grim dark future... miniatures cost 40,000 quids.
Marinefags would actually like this
>doooood, it's a miniature... but BIGGER!!! DOOOOOD!!!
Lol, also checked
Hey. I like Linkin Park
I also read it back then and no, it wasn't so prevalent.
>a larping secondary with no models, never mind.
I hate to break it to you, but in current year, there are far more fans of 40k as a fictional franchise who do not own a single model than those that do.

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